Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Oct 1878, p. 3

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WKbtfRSftAY. OCT. m 1878. v 1 -U"5' - • •• i t ' •••• - • .', J. VAN 8LYICE, Editor. ji----l1-'.' ' 1 , •ST Or Tuesday next the State and filtnfrefeatoiiRl elections will be held in Hi*1 Sfate* of fnw'a, Indiana, and Ohio. iifd tlm*e States are now full" of' po-, WWl'*" • excitement. . ... ;|SirTiie Democratic Comity Con - H^ntion, which wa» held on Wednesday llM, nonnimited • Si. Van CotM», of 1frood«tock, for Sheriff, Dr. B. T, Anderson, of McHenry. for Coroner, fHid instructed their Delegates to the <jt>iigm**ioital and Repregetittttire -Convention to vote for none but ftlmon pure democrats to <111 said offices. 'A heartless pencil .won­ der* if the South would trade the ytilow lever for Den nit? Kearney. A man who utatild suggest the pilling ot relion on Ossa to that extent would whistle Yankee Doodle at his inother- lit-law's funer;il. The press iu some Mictions of the country is becoming Tery heartless and unfeeling. J^Xews from the South reports t^e Yellow Fever still spreading and {lie number of deaths daily increasing. The weather is oporevslvelf warm there and the suffering in the plague stricken cities terrible. On Tuesday the deaths reported in New Organs 54. Number of new cases 231. When this scourge will end God only knows. The Southern cities are certainly in a 4feplonable condition, ' • i Bpf-Nenriy all the long lists of ca­ lamities that have occurred iu Eng­ land or on English waters within the list thirty years or more, might have been avoided by proper vigilance.-- The lives lost count up into the thous­ ands, many of whiph might have bqpn saved. The carelessness should be traced to its source, when possible, pnd the guilty ones punished that the lesson would be Weded. ' » SQTJohn C, Sherwin is a man of no mean ability; he will not disgrace the fourth District. He has the gift of «loqneocc; he has the higlvest sense- of honor; he is intelligent in a high de /gree,nnd Is carefuly well-read student of law and history. Coupled to all these desirable qualities, is a high- toned, honorable ambition, which will be a potent faetor in working out a place for him in futnre history.--<S£. (Iharle# Review. THK OUTCOME OF IT Att As a rule, your life-long politician does not give utterance to such plain, straight-fonvardtrat.h as may be found fh this extract from a letter written ex-Governor Seymour to tfne of his 1|9»tern friends: ; vuIn relation to political matters fjiere is great confusion now. 1 do not think any harm will come out of this •iate of things. The American people have gone into a committee of the it hole on the state of the Union where Ifivery man can have Ids say, and where erveryone can bring out his plaus. These will knock each other in the bead, atid when we get throngh all will Co back to the rules of common sense. The (Uen who work will thrive. Those Who are idle will starve. There is no fear that God's wise and kind law that Men must earn their bread by the preat of their brow will be set aside." The Sage of Deerfteld has hit the the case exactly, and It^happy phrase. A national "Committee of the Whole" tan do no serious damage, and may ac- ^ntiinplish good. It may confuse ttattera somewhat and people may ^row uncertain of political association, doubtful of even their own faith. But |here are certain varltiea, and they are ultimately accepted as such when com­ post sense has sway. The Divine ^JEeonomy remains and will remain un- ^vhanged. Work Is the priee of reward. Idienesi means loss. True Workers if ill win. If they Wisely direct their efforts, aud patieutly keep It up. The |Wle must go hungry, as tUey Vooghi to ilo'tfldle from choice. -tj/m ,i Pi l«" •"III 1r«T r-.'i - < > : - whi in m Why li it, asks the Burlington Hawk- t^at p^ople are so "tired d|UM by a ifr-minu^e sermon,, and so "'refreshed* by a two hour society drama, a little lp»4t '>di - t l iHi / . / r i t*-1 Z - i t . : ft}**!' Wftb ©*rt§ MlWW, 111 inks ^e h as »tt«tSp^er^' and firmly pelieves that the animal would go ^Hke" tli# wind if lie were "Jet out ?" That nofcody ever thiuks of sittitg sti miner-house? • • •• -n hunting partler from the city Always ki»| so many more prairie chickens than they bring in? , , That so many more watch chains •'Oru than watches? T'.iat in ne matter what direction a |aan!fpt*rte a pin the point8 always tiltf- ' ^ his fore-finger? ^5 1 Uat,mo in an thinks any otjjer wfp knows how te buttd a fti* ? That ererjr living man who smokes Jffects to be a connoisseur in cigars? % That bankeie «e«r hate any money •||o loan? , That pom 4k»v, never goes Jfttrthef thau the ̂ ue*t ^Borttcr,1* Is ac- |jiiira^ejy informed whe# he returns on •flatters that transpired at the river, |3^u»U«aaway? v . ' ' FACE THE FACTS A?T»r FIQtJKBJy Thc*deiniigbgiie, SdtU CaHr, 1hf his speeches around the poultry, has made a great handle In comparing (fie finan­ cial system of Fraure with the United States, and his moutl? pieces all along the line are daily howling it on the street corner. The following from the Geheva Lake Herald^ shows facts and figures, and explains how the willy Cary misleads his followers: .* "The averaige Green backer will not proceed very ̂ |r In his arguments be­ fore he will say: "Look at France ar>d her money system/' and his Opponent having no authorities |o consult and not knowing how the monetary affairs of France are regulated, can only be silent. But let us -look at France'» and set right a few wrong notions pro­ pounded by such blatherskites as Cary, Pomerdy and others. General Cary says first in hia speeches everywhere that the circulation of France, per capita, is 058; while that of the United States islese than £13. Now what are the facts of the case: The population of the two countries Is neariy the same and are as follows, by the census of I870:~France, 38,192.064. United States (including territories) 38.925,568; and the paper money of the two countries Is as follows: France, Aug. 1878. $459,- 484.111, United States, July, 1878, *688.- 597.365. showing that the Matter had #229,113.164. more than France, or Near­ ly one-third more. ThiS gives the per capita of France at #11, and that or the United States at nearly #16. Ger.ei'al Cary has divided the clrcujatiou of France, expressed In francs, by the pop­ ulation a«d called the answer dollars. Whether he did it to mislead, or wheth­ er he made the mistake himself is a question that will be variously an­ swered according as the uature of the mau is known. The circulation of France expressed in frnhes is 2,297.420,- 5§5, which being divided by the num­ ber of people gives nearly his figures in francs, not dollar*. Again, he says that Francs^ With .so much money per capita has been so prosperous that she has nearly paid off her late w%r debt. Let us see how that is. In 1870, before the war. her total debt was 11,710.971,166 francs, and it now is 19,853,099,633 francs. Does this look as if she had paid off her war debt ? it will take about sixteen hundred mil­ lion dollars to do it yet. But the most astounding part of the investigation Into French affairs is that it shovvsthat not a dollar of pa­ per money is issued by the govern­ ment. hut that the Bank of France is- mtmall the paper money of the nation and it is limited fu Its Issue to$600,000,- 000 or #88,597,275 less than we now have. , ^ ' Not a dollar of the paper money of France is legal tender, but every dol­ lar is redeemable by the Bank iu coin, on d'-maud. These are official state­ ments and cannot bo controverted by such lying demagogue* as Cary or Poineroy. Hereafter, when a Green- backer wants to know "how about France,"* he had better get hold of a good work on political economy iu*d digest a few figures/' A good as8ortiiieMt of .Splints fpuj 4 at Wake's^ cheap. ekaeh UTKO.UUV MA1SKKTS. : Naw York. Sept,», !mTh?re are In storage in New York city some 200.000 boxes of chee*e. This forms a heavy drag which tends contin­ ually to pull down the market, it makes the future uncertain, Shippers do uot operate freely, but take only such goods as they have orders for. A considerable quantity of the stock now on ice in "ew York ha» been sent on commission, but there is euough be­ longing absolutely to the trade tnmake dealers extremely caution*. So fur as the advance Is concerned it affects only the best qualities, louver grades being purcliaseable almost at the buy­ ers' own figures. The season is now far enough advanced to make it evi­ dent •that there are to be no fancy pri­ ces for cheese tliisjrenr. Aud stock mnst be filie and choice in order to command even the low prices which are lik^f, ^ prevaiL T^ tup price is 9c, : Uilfx ». Y. Sept,». There wssrmore net ion on the mar- kot to-day than for several weeks past. The sales of the day w»*re as follow?; 181 boxes at 7c.; 1C3 at tjc.; 81". at 7|c,; 280 at 8c.: 230 at 8£c : | ̂85 at #4e.; 1,665 at 8|e.; 43 at 8^c.; 2.C42 at 6}c-; 2.609 at 9c., and 518 at p. t. • This amount* to 10.112 boxes, and- when we add to it 1,781 boxes put in i:6mmis<:Ion the en­ tire transactions foots up 12,212 boxes. Quotations for the day areExtremes #@96; average, 8|c.; leading factories 9c. Litti,* Fai ts N. Y. Sept. ». The cheese market is J of a cent bet­ ter than It was last week. Indeed early in the day salesmen hoped Mint 6c, Would be readied, and many held steadily lor Mils price. If any reached this figure it was in some private transaction and Was not reported on the market. At the corresponding date last ypar 3.782 boxes were at 12# 12Jc. Table of sales is as follows: 4,240 boxes at 8}c.; 181 at 8|c.; 4,104 at 8|„ 151 at 8|c.; 827 at Com., and 393 at p. t, Farm dairies sold at 7@Jc., mostly at Sc. About 90 tuba of butter sold at 18<@ 21c.; 30 It is the universal te^tiiuony that the Buffalo-Boots aud Shoe^. for which we are the sole agents in this village, are relatively the best and cheapest in the Kj^rket. Give them a trial. -f; ; OOI/BT BROS. -u. "• ' ltlverside Block Ail Old Fasliioiied Democratic Jamboree. % • ^ , y * ; - = • The Democratio Convention ftt ' the Riverside House on Tuesday, for the purpose of putting ir. nomination can­ didates for Representatives In this the 8th District, was a regular old fashion's, ed Democrat fight. The Convention was composed of 22 delegates frQirt' Mcifenry and 17 from Lake, and their views on the .policy to be pursued wan . as widfiy different as oil and watetv-- But the Lako County unterrified, al­ though in the minority, were plucky and of the real John Morrissey strlpp, and won the day by pure gen-? eralship. In the beginning all seemed; to be agreed that they should put but one candidate In the field, but When they came to compare notes 1>oth counties waUted the honor of . present­ ing that man. Aud here was where the fight commenced. Motions and counter motions were the order of the day. until one delegate from Lake county proposed to secede with his delegated unless their point > was al­ lowed. Considerable spread-eagle speaking was here Indulged In when they finally compromised by nominating two can­ didates, <and Win. Price of Lake, and John B. Lyon. of Mcllenry county were the lucky, (or unlucky) men who re­ ceived that honor. Of the former we know nothing, more than he Is said to a simou pure democrat, of the unadulterated kiud, and of the hard money persuasion, but the latter, John B. Lyon, is a sore-head Republican, who left th4* Republican party a few yearse ago because they would not give him office, and has been dodging around ever since, ready to join his fortune with any party who would give hjm a nomination for office. Where he will go after his certain de­ feat in Noyember is a question yet to be solved. ' ,, After the nominutioae the Conven­ tion adopted as resolutions a part of the Declaration of Independence and a portion of the Greenback Platform, and then adjourned to meet at the fu­ neral of their candidates in November. The action of the Lake County dele­ gates in throwing overboard their present Member, Hoif. E. M. Dennis, will cost them a good many Votes.-- Dennis made a good Member, and was justly popular among his constituents, and it was only by the most consumate trickery that he was defeated. His friends are Justly indignant thereat, which will uot help to heal the' bWfitfh already apparent in the party. . tion we ctin get I^aevvasabpnfc forty, years old at the time aliuded to by the poet, and we thiiitt was a pretty old child and we have k "notion" that the opponents of John O. Bherwln wlH flfid htjn ft pretty old youth to beat. ,, /the anterrlfied havc had their ccfflK vention and decided by resolution to support no One who is not now, ever hte been and always v^lll be a demo­ crat, Well we think' Jeff Davis just that sort of a man--a$ j^e tU ^pw, a?- ways been and p^abljf always will be a democrat. 7V Onr Circuit Court adjourned on Thursday until Monday, when it will again he in session fOr business before the court only, ai the Jury was dis­ charged for the term. Judge Upton is very j>opular with all classes. He pre, sides with Dignity, promptness, and ability, and has a way pleasing to all. Ametig the events of the week Which should not be overlooked was the marriage _ of John Hayner #and Miss Alice Chollal*;--and Jhonny seems to wear the collar with a grace befitting the happy pair, and niay he never find the yoke burdensome, and she ? Well .every body wishes her well, and we need net say any more about it. Tolee aud Dennifon have taken their machinery from Phrenix Mills, their lease having expired. So Woodstock is again without a Mill. They offered Mr. Session's #2500 for the building, which if he had accepted won'ui have given us a mill as a fixture.* Pitty for the town that Mr. Session had not ac­ cepted, and it is the opinion of the community, quite freely expressed, that he will wait a long time before he will get another as good pffer. Try the M. Seltz & Co. Boots. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. The democratic, voters of the counties com- posing the fourth coinKrossion;il <listrict Of Illinois, are requested t<> sen<l rloleoratea to 4 democratic (U-xtrict convention, to l>e Held at Elgin, on the 10th day of October, A. D. 1878, at oi>e o'clock t>. m., for the purpose of notrti- natinjfa cmi'lidate for the lower house of congress, to he supported at the general election in November next, and for the trans­ action of such other business as shall come before said convention. Said counties are re­ spectfully entitled to the number of delegates as indicated below: Kane. ' rT7^7>mri'. 18 Winnebago 'U McJfenry IT;'\"\J^!V/T?.X" 9 Boone i Av ........ 5 . A full delegetloua from c »cl» county is earn­ estly desir ed ;is matters of great importance will be liroupht 1 t-fore the convention for t!i«t¥6ttt48itfer&tton. •! "f '• A. H. Barrt „... J5rcuA*«i> Bisuor ' " "WlH. D. SWA rij, * - 1 II. P. HOIXANO, , , J. s. Waterman., Cljjtojpressloual Cen. Committee. WOODSTOCK, Editor Plaixdbaleu:--Our Pfir Is over,and notwithstanding, it rained all the second day, It has turned out t<? be one of the most successful Fai since tlie organization of our .Soc.U The crowds on -the third and fo/.^oU days were larg^. The compet it ion in all the departments were brisk and the exhibition clearly proves that there is no flagging of interest among our citi­ zens in the L'ioneer Agricultural Board which places onr grand and thriving County high in the scale among the first counties of the Nation. The speech of Geueral Eilpatriuk was listened to with intense interest, anil the perfect silence was interrupted only by the bursts of applauding en­ thusiasm at the frequent patriotic sen­ timents with which his address abound­ ed. His faith in the long long future of onr blessed Republic is as unbounded as his patriotism, and may he live yet many years to witness the fulfillment of his patriotic predictions, and may that. Ancestral Home to which he m happily alluded be handed down whith the Republic which his daHng heroism helped to preserve to Generations of Kilpatrick8 yet unborn. The many nice Turn outs with spirited steeds and gilded trappings imply prosperity, spme where, aud that tbo to no limited degree. We expect a crowd from all parts ofj the county to hear General Logauj next Saturday. It is for the best in­ terest of the country that the people, irrespective of party tlea, listen to the the great lights of the nation on t he all absorbing topics of the day. We may honestly disagree, but wecanpot excuse ourselves if we f*il to enlight­ en our understanding as to our Juty at the polls at our approaching election. The issues of this fall's campaign are of all importance to the people of this nation, iu re<rard to which th^ wisest honestly (li*.igr<i«. Let us not there­ fore fall to use every opportunity to frost ourselves that-we may discharge our duties faithfully at the polls next November. The wisest may learn something and the less iuformed much by listening to such men as Logan, con­ sequently all should hear him. There will be an opportunity too, to see and hear John 'J. Sherwin, the "youthful" candidate for Congress, who is gaining friends wherever he makes new ac­ quaintances. When we read of "youth- fulness" of a person nearly forty vears old we are remiuded of the seeue de­ scribed by the Poet, of Abraham lead­ ing Isaac forth as asacrifiee viz. "Isaac my only Son," the buy lo«fc«d up; 7th Dii Grundy Kendall-... Ln Salle Will 8th Dint- Ford. Iroquois i.. Kankakee*. Livingston Marshall' Woodford 9th Di»t. -- Fulton Knox • Peoria Btnrk 10th Dirt.-- Hancock......... i.. Henderson McDouongh •....... >j{« '•(! IttUi /J'fal*! Wit!'!Iff »!•*>+-. U ^ ^ ,1 ' trff'iui *( . . Mil ' i t f ;« 1 ,»ad I •0i$*0h v.'?#. i£*ii. ....% ....vfi ' . i., ,j' . i 'L- l l emergency. We 9haU continue to give you those -I." BARGAINS FOR CASH That no other selling on time ©on do. We bnv and sell move Boot# an^hdes than all oth'e'r^dealefitii Woodstock t9get|^4jt)iiy itoelp being so lar^e it is far better to choose from. x. I 'M'We ^ .and" Sell Tor Cash Exclusive. We would be pleased to compare quality of goods and prices with any other dealer in McHeury County. Do not buy a siugie doilar'd worth of Boots and Shoes, before examining our^ , ̂ . ' . IIIT" MAMMOTH STOCK; DWICHT & FORRES un Qoti Main Str&et and Public Square inMm fOsriy. i:i t>{!• Kill i|f iMiib: Woodstock 111., Sept. 24th, 187S. . 'ili-r FROM } t 1871 - P > 268,661 202.360 708,793 506,960 305,113 705.518 420,653 655,040 247,371 337,108 549,973 447,02iJ 386,1*27 180,484 493.644 2«.79l 363.1102 (MIU 8973.893 8,678,326 16,8So,621 9JS7l,8o0 2,497,493 7,711.660 4,1^1,295 8,174,629 4,128.899 3£J 4,068 8,295,022 9,068,631 8.027.722 ^4,382,752 7 602,418 14 1 2.640,789 10 i 8,07li,S^7 16 : ^ in cofits •«. i 878. 15 00 16 60 18 00 ovi? 16 80 Ua> ̂ There'll - Money In itfbr YoU. ONLY ! CASH ONLY ! Oooas at UnlieaM oi LOW PKICES. Quality the Beat and everything as repre­ sented op Money ftefaudetL PO YOU SOY AT THE FOLLpWlIfQ" MHeist A' L & BICKER, -Tf ft mts Xotir the Depot MoHENRY, -.ILLINOIS. Have Jnst rccelvrd tht'ir Eall »n>1 Winter Stork or Hitady-Wado Olothinff, Hats, Cfebs, and Gents' i*ftr'ni«litn^ Go«ide> We Will Not Bd Undersolct* 'iiflUH'AMttfGilL' : : •' £ K ii / Ii&0ER ife'BECKER. N.^Henry. IU., Aiyg. iWth, W48, ^ Buy tN M. Seltz & Co. Boots. amiKicB suns wm m b KIPERI. There is a curious atory About soma native . yinw which are extensively advertised nowa* mjrs, arid have only rccentfy been put upoifc' (be market. Dr. underbill, the well-known; , Skpe-grower of Croton Point, died in 187c. me of his heirs entertained temperance views of such extreme kind, that they were"" Unwilling to allow .the stock of wines tnen on hand to be sold or any more to be madeL The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. It is only now that the other heirs have succeeded in arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale of the wines on' Itend. Among1 these is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a " Sweet Union Port,", but suggesting the Imperial' Tokay mora < than any other European wine, and being , wholly unlike any other wine of America™ growth. Its purity, age and mellowness are remarkable, and both physicians end wine- fanciers have a special interest in it as the oldest native wine now accessible in any con­ siderable auantitv. The whole stock is in the hands of the well-known wholesale grocery house of the Thurbers.--N, Y. Tribum,, Ufa*. 19, i&rr. A , "where is tlie laiub my father." O'Me tones, the sweet tlie thriling tones, HL K. & F. B. THURBER & COL a child; how it doth agonize at£ucti fftunhwu. JRtaeU a*d Hmbm Sttmth an hour. Now from the last iuforma- v«w.Yo«, the above speaks for itself, but w« would add that this is the pure juice of the grape, •either drugged, liquored nor tvattrtd; that it has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes it is, unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of the leading Druggists throughout die United States, and at wholesale from the undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free of charge, on application. Respectfully, etc., T5©M J^ripts, I*e*fPrints,.... .... ('twits' Cotton,t (;ood Corsutd,..........,v No. 1 ni:u;k Alanaea..... 1; AH wool Caslutieie--fix!tm Table I.iiK'ii, Lttilit'S Hose,..., Gents Hose, '. " it<1le8 Blaek Ties-- best,. eSlT^oys Pants--Good,;.....;. ,100111 Ifts Klce,.... .u ItC (W Rbts Vestsr--Godd,.... ..... , solxo. i Baking Powder. 4§ OS Hovs Goat;., J 60|3 tfts Tea, ' 100 3f> Mens Suit*,. 8'00'4 fl>» Tw»,, 100 25'Mei},s Sniif--Gofwl,yfB16 tft 7 00 Best Japan Tea,.... 70 '(irtiOvoralld, leather trimmed, i5i>,l5ost Youns Hyson Tea,... AO Uftl 10 lbs V. Suit1 r. ;. 100! llest Y. II. & Jap. for price, 00 0fi|U N<>. l Kaislii*, ... 1 00; Axle Greeee, W 0fi|M No. 1 OVirrents,....... 1 00,stove Polish, 0# 25jl51bs Dried Amilus, 1 00.Fine Cut Tohaoci Applet, 1 00,Fine c; 11 c Tonaccoj..^...... Wo'u shoes--cloth ft bull on 1 00,11 1bs liest Drltvl Apples,.. 1 OOjstove Polish, Tacks, Misses Shoes --11 to 2, 1 00!in lbs Best Ilnlfs Peaches,. » noiChoice Syrup, Good Bouts, 1 76,7 Taicd " 1 UU,& Si^UcouudCoffee,...^,.., ) f --1.' \ . , ' 4 c ' f . I* • ' > ^ I sell clipper than my neiarhbors hecawse iT>ny atil iay to any one coming to buy of ine, you will be more than satisfied. In „Clothing, Boots and Shoes and General Merchandise, my stock is three times what it has been in former years. My Bankrupt stock of Clothing* is now being sold at less rates than other dealers can buj. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises at much below regular prices. Am weekly 111 the market, buy for cash for two store**, and do secure bargains which I more than divide with my customers.-- Our interests are mutual, and my constant aim will be td sell you goods at such prices as will convince you that I am selling General Merchandise cheaper than any store in the korthwest. ( Come and see me and I will do* yon good, and in. this way yon e*n make money easier than you <3in earn it. C.F.HALL lilCIIMpN 1), I jU 2 Chicago Office, 122 Fkanklin Sirkct. C. r. HALL. Dvndsk, III. Grace's Celetiratefl use and Lots for Sale. <4 5URIC BELIEF ftUPFKRER. rpiiK undersigned offers for JL and two lots, situated in isle bis house the village of McIIenrv. , There is a >rood house, barn, a Kood well of water, cistern, m line orchard, all dkinris of small fruit, and in short is a very de. 'siruble place, will be sold on reasonable • terms if applied for soon. Apply to J. S. HINES %c®ei»r^, 111., May 3*h, *WL,;" .. 1 o:>»» (S l'RKFARKn BV W. FOWLE ft _ B llARRISqtf AVKKtr^0 BOSTON, MASS. " "** ; Gf^Acts bfe'LjitlBATBli S'AliVfS *;*' ' ilBA ^^Q^XItnE t'ltPfPAftATlOH , * invented in the 17rh c«>irttirv by Or. Willinm Grace, burgeon in Kin? Jaiucs' army. Through Its aiieney he cured thousands of tbe most serifitis sores ivnrt wounds that b:ira- M the skill of ' the most e'iMntmt (thysteians of his day, and was regarded by all *ho knew hiui as n public benefactor. PR1ICK 2S C-kNTS A BOX. FOB- BOOTS AND SHOES @11 Hi >13 Madison St., BUEL« COOK A SEIXAS, ManuCrs and Wholesale Dealers. *#"Don't fail to examine Goods and Prices when in Chicago. Stock New luul Bongbt tor Cash. Great in- Tdlieements to Cash Buvers. U.K. Bi'FX, Late with M. 8elc Sc Co. JO. K. 0"OK, I Late ot W httney W|u. 1.. SBIXA8, I Cook * Co., N. y. SALVE QRAGE'S CELEBRATED ouaiis Flesh Wounds, Frozen Limbs, Salt Rheum, Oliilblaiiis, Sei e Breast, Sore Liiis. Erysipeiaa, Ringworms, Caflusee, scald Head, Chapped llandci, Burns, Cancowj, HeloriS, 1 Snalds, Bores, .'Ulcer*' j. Wounds, StinKS, Shingly,» Festftfs, t Wens, Sties, Piles, f itbeess, Freckles, Kun ions, . Sprains, IJoils, Ititus, ' Whitlows, Warts, Blisters, Tan, is' Piaiplcs, Corns, Scurvy, Itch, Ingrowing N'lilt), Settle Risb, Mosqalto and Flea Hites, Spider Stiiiy?, And all cutaneous dtseases nnd eruptions fAne'Kaltjr. :- v •• • For sale by ail drug^i^ts, grocers, and at all eeuntrv stores througnotit the Unitefl State* Mid British Provinces. Price by mailSOcts, AN UNDENIABLE TRUTH. Ymi deserve to ettflfer, and If you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life In this beaHtiful world, it Is entirely your own fault and there is onlr one excuse for you.--your unreasonable prejudice and skjuuicism, which has killed though ands. ^'ersonal knowle<lge and com* inon gense reasoning wifi eoon show ,you thnt Green'a August Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint, or Dya-,. pe| sia, with nil it? miserable e#^ct#, such i\s sick headache, of the heart, somi" ftomache, hafrnuiffWi tivi'ii^^P, diz7.ine«8 of the head, ous prostration, low ppiritp, etc, Sffc| pales now reach every town on Western Continent and not a Druggfet' but will tell you of its wonderlMcuren. You can buy a Sample Bott)« ^»r 10 ceut.8. Three do»e» wtU- fbu. For tale by Colby Bro'e,

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