„ _ 1 .. . IlL " X • „ -. ejfeBfy plai ...; gWEDtfESDAY, OCT. 16th 1878. Jf? irj^s si-yke; kaito^. 4lS 2.-.., , n •• '- 1 ' 111 1 .1 ' 1 . - •'"•'*%£^Thv *var cloud is again gather ing in the E«Pt» and it now looks prob- ahle that several of the Foreign pow er* will get mixed in, and that. proba- My ore many months the gale from the '"East will bring to our enrs •he of rewinding artns. Let tlie dng.« of war and w* on.thissWle of the water will move on in the even tenor of our »H>- __ Onr friend oi the Oreenbacker •firms: ;. 'J'. * Whoever "Brick" hast® say lie 'says It in a way that can be understood by ' all. Yes, that's so. When lie .prayed In his LaCrosse Democrat for the hand Strong1 enough and the heart bold enough to pliiuge the dagge* p6 the henrt of the great and good l^ineoln, all understood him. Nor does any one misunderstand the fact that lie is now the apostle of the greenba^ker^-- Kochetle Register. " V,' f^Thre Democratic Convention, -? Held at-Elgin on Thursday of last week, nominated as their canditate for Con gress the demagogue and office-seeking fosil, J. C. 8 tough ton. It'was a bitter pill for some of the Democracy,-. |>ut the Willy Stouglttou had set his pins well, and captured the Convention without a struggle* But there is thunder all along the line, and this old political weather-cock will -find .(hat it will be hard to gather his forces in November. Stoughton, tjje sore-head Republican, Prohibition, Greenback, • n& a Democratic candidate for "Con gress is rich indeed. lie has in turn abused them all, and now asks them to forget and forgive, and come out and give him their vot&. Will thevdo it? It will be necessary that some more "gentle chiding" be brought to bear if the Aurora correspondent to the Rochelle Register doesn't stop talking this way about Bro. Stougli- , As a preacher no one has ever abused the Catholics mote than lie, as an ultra temperance man no one has hurled vil er epithets at the Germans, as mi aris tocrat no one has held the laboring nail in greater contempt, as a chap- lain uo one ever did less service for the pay, mul as a politician no one has ,fc*er shown more cheek or given a fi lter exhibition of the "political weath- «r cock" than he. Of one thing your readers can rest assured, he is* most respected where he is least known. fSsTlt would be hard for a stranger to find the spots whereon some of the most flourishing of the Pennsylvania oil towns once stood. Scarcely a trace is left of Petroleum Centre, which ten years ago had a population of 4,000, " -with banks, big hotels, machine shops, stores and churches. Pi thole City is nearly gone. When C. B. Duncan, who died in Glasgow years ago, made his will, hele^t to a church of Pitliole 825,- 000. Dimng the litigation that follow ed a committee was sent to find the church. They returned saying that no such chUreh was to be found. The fact was when Mr. Duncan was ift Pi thole " the church was in a flourishing condi tion, bnt both church and congregation had ,disappeared before Mr. Duncan had made his will. / After all of their effort to rftise< * furore in behalf of flat,money at the October elections the result shows that $he people still retain the'ir senses antl the desperate leaders are left almost without a following. In Ohio, where two weeks ago, the Cleveland Herald prophesied a greenback vote of at-leust 125,000, the returns show about 30.000. In Indiana where efforts of the strong est character were made to eleet a Na- tioual Legislature, there 13 one poor lonesome Senator and four members pf the lower house. In Iowa the Green- backers vote was lighter thar» even op ponents predicted, so that the head ings of the Tribune and Times on Wed nesday morning, "The Fiat Funeral?' and-'The Brats' Burial," seem entirely appropriate. Verily the mountain has labored and brought forth a mouse. t®T John C. Sherwin, the lie publican candidate for Congress iti this^Dijs- tricf, and Parson Stoughtou, Green- backer and Prohibitionist, had their joiut discussion in the court room iti Sycamore,•Monday night. Oct, 7 th.-- Mr. iSJiervnn spoke an hour, the Parson an hour, and then each had a half hour's fcalk in the same order. Mr. Sherwin weut Into Stoughton's speeches like a good housewife does iato a Thanksgiv ing turkey, and the result was about' the same. The glaring fallacies of fiat Ittoueyism weri» torn piece-meal by Mr. Sherwin, and landed high and dry by his masterly .arguments. Tho« Who have been lukewarm toward hiui heretofore.,w}th unanimity declared liltna most fitting person to represejft n^lris district in Congress. The /on- iviest portion of Parson Stougtifeti's eas wan. ids a lvocacs^M^^jj^uible rency with gold, wneii, not two w*eke ago. In a speech there, lie blew his trump in theJifghetticey fop a cur rency that .was inconvertible. TUB GRKENhACKF.KS AND NATIONAL II,INKS. The sharpest attacks of the Green- backers are directed against the Na tional Banks. AH corrupted with the inflation mania go in for the destruc tion of the National Banking system. The mere mention of "National Banks" to an irredeemable currency advocate is like slinking a red flag in the face of a mad bull. The Greenbaeker is bp- posed to our present system of banking, for the simple reason that he believes that its destruction would result in enormous issues of legal-tender notes aiid get tip a larger circulation Of currency. In 1374, the same class of financiers were clamoring for more money and then went for **free banking," because they thought that It would jfrTxdt ice a Urge bank-note inflation. JCnythiug to call more currency into existence is their cry. ; Now, Willsome of thirnpw party tell us liow "free banking'^ or wiping out the National Banks will in any way in-' prease th«» volume of currency? You may substitute Greenbacks for Nation al Bank Notes, but how are you going to increase the currency by any such means. Legal-tender notes can only be got into circulation by being paid out by the Government for something, for public expenditures. We take it that the wildest Greenback lunatics do not seriously expect that the Govern ment would print these leg^l-tenders for free distribution, to be given away or lent to bankrupt tramps without security.^ In fact the Greenbacks would only be paid out as they were needed to defray the expenditures of the Government and how would substi tuting them for bank uotes at all in crease the volume of the currency. On tin; other hand the present National Banking System furnishes .the safest, most elastic aii<l convenient currency imaginable. The bank is. the place where the lender and borrower meet. You must have it for the convenience of business. The National system makes the bill of any National bank safe and : good in any section of the country. Of the 2,QOO or more National banks in the country, every one is so restricted by the Government with con ditions, that ample protection is^iven to the depositor and note-holder. Every bank must have a reserve of legal-tender money against deposits. The Government substantially gtiahui. tees the payment of all National Bafik notes apd in turn takes from these banks ample collateral security.-- Hence it is a safe and convenient sys tem. for the-bllls of the National Bank of Woodstock are perfectly current and g<j>od in Texas or Nebraska. The banking laws of this country moreover absolutely require the bank officials to make public ft sworn statement of the condition of National Banks. These 8taiem?ut5 are., frequent and give all details necessary to keep the public posted and customers can keep a con stant watch over them'. By refer ence to other columns in this paper the reader will see one of these state ments by the National Bank of Wood stock. Also, the Government keeps up a constant and careful series of exam inations by expe.rts of the conditions of all its Narional^Htouijts. Indeed, we can hot see .how Mie pVojiosed plan of the new school flfifnciers iTto be brought IJIto actual, vvorking existence could better the^Vresent Nation^l sys- tem. Under it the note-holder" is projected by 'a sufficient deposit of bonds by the bank with the Govern ment and also is the New York Times has it, "in the prior It*iti .possessed by the note-holders on all the assets of the banks; i:i the personal liability of t he shareholders to an amount equal to the value of their capital; ill th* 5 per ceift. reserve always on dejrtisit with tlie Treasury; in the complete guaran tee of the Government for instant redemption. Yhe completeness of this security has ufever^ been surpassed fit iias been strikingly demonstrated in the recent past by the . fact that the notes of insolvent banks have1 actually commanded a slight premium." It is an easy matter, especially when public opinion is unsettled and sensi tive, for men tO' organize and blow about bloated bondholders and about the monopoly ofk XatioW Banks and although there may be no reason in tlieij-111 on things, they may win tome converts and in places temporarily succeed, but common fense will ulti mately triupiph. Demagogues may cry uionoply, but intelligent people will inquire what monopoly, and how can you better our bank system? We believe in the present National Bank ing System because of its safety to note-holders and depositors, and be- ^ational bank notes are at par 'State and hence are convenient, •f&r holders of them. The notes ate as fod the Government, aud good y where. THK NATION'S FINANCK8. The prt eise figures which represent the reduction of the public debt for the month of September are, $3,196,534. During the three months ending w4th September the reduction of the public debt was nearly ten minibus, or about ?1,300,000 more than the corresponding, period in 18^7, The coin balance4 in 'the Treasury is equal to twjo-tliirds of the Demount of outstanding legal ten ders, and after deducting the amount held to redeem coin certificates, called bonds, aud other coin obligations, the actual coin baiauce on bai^l, against which there are no demands, is more than 50 per-cent, of the entire legal tender liability. The a^tpal condi tion of things is that the Government- lias nearly $100,000,000 in legal tenders under control^jf the Treasury, *-Vp|f\i ^ coin reserve of over 0176,000,000. N Administrator's Notice. STATU of Horace I.ong derenscd. The J luid-ersljjncfl Juiving been appointed Ad- ,in.iiiistr;itor ol the Ksnite of Hura< e Loug lute of the Count y of MeHenry, and State of Ill inois, deceased, hereby fiivcs notice that he will appear before the County Court of' Mc- Henry County, at the Court House, in Woo i- stock, at Hie Decernbei* Term, on the ..Third Monday ii^Decomber next, at which time all person Shaving cluiniB against saki Estate, arejiotiiied and req-wested t«» attend for the purpose of having the aame adjusted. /\1 persons indebted lo sal(| Kslate are request to make.immediate .payment to the ivtidt signed. Dated 2(Hh day Of Sept. A. D. jS7H.y KI)W 1N JM. O \V EN, Admm4»tsa tor. «^-We are to vote at tlffe next elee- tioq on au amendment to the state constitution authorizing thelpassage of it lAw for a system of drainage. We think our peopleJiad better vote for it. '>ome law is needed on this subject.-- As it nbw stands the owner of a single acre of land may prevent the drainage of a whole township if it should be nec essary for |he drain to go through his acre and hei should crabbedly oppose ^it. The p/ssage of this amendment does not make any law but increfy gives our legislature a right, which our supreme court decides that it does not now have, to pass such a law;-- When such a law is passed it must be carefully guarded so as to avoid any trespass on individual rights. The following is the amendment: . Resolved by the Hume of Represen tatives, the tScnale concuriag. That there shall be submitted to. the voters of this Stat*', at the next election lor members of the general.<assembly^ proposition to so amend the thirty- first section of tlie fourth article of the constitution 0/ this State that the same may read as follows: "The general assembly may ptiss laws permitting the owners ot lands to construct drains, ditches, and levees for agricultural, sanitary or mining purposes, across the Winds of others, and to provide lor the organization ol drainage districts and vest the corpor ate authority thereof with power to construct and maiuia'.u levees, drains sind ditches heretofore ^constructed un der the laws of ll|U ,State, by special assessments upon t&e property bene fitted therby." A circular sent to us says: - The adoption of this amendment will require •* majority of all the votes cast at the election; therefore, the owners of swamp lands are anxious tliat the matter be brought to the at tention of voters in every precinct in the State. It will be observed that there if 110 burden imposed upoif Jiuy citizen except the-owners of landte ben efitted by the proposed impt'ovetmsi^it. We have no law, at present, und<?r which the owners of lands ot this char acter can proceed for their reclamation so that It become*a'.mutter of vital Im portance to parties Interested that the above amendment should be adopt,-' eil. It is the especial object of this circular to request Pthe Central Com mittees of the difterent political par ties to have printed oti the tickets to be used at tiie coming election the words FOtt THE AMENDMENT TO T^E CONSTITU TION. There can be wo objection to the proposed amendment, while on th« other hand the taxable property of the state will be increased, as near as can be estimated, 840,000,000. Your co operation in'bringing this matter be fore the people, as indicated above. ,ls most earnestly and respectfully quested. Try th£ W. Seltz & Co. Boots 1878. LAUER UECZEB,' ISP m ^ ii Cents would! to the >ou go f : * k-j <i ? -.Tr0: _ .«•»*£ t 1 ,j ifiil;Aha v, hitt » - J - i ' I K. V.^. * ,l? ru . Ifrjt! I' i lt%* .... ' -M- . i f t .jVi-'-'P REPORT OF THE C O N D I T I O N -OF- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, . -- Al dose of Business Oct I, '78: RESOURCES Loans awl Discounts ....... Overdrafts,., 1 U. S. I)oh<l4 to secure circulation.. tT. S. lS(3int8 on haiul ..... Due front approved Hoserve Agta, lliiu from other N.-vtional Itankx, Real oHtate, furniture and iixtures Current expeutes and taxes p:iid-. 'Checks ami other Cash Items .. . ... Bills of other National Banks, , Krac.t'1 currency, (Inclnd'^ nickels) Specie, (incluain^ gold Treasury" Cert i f icates . ) Legal Tinder Xotes,-. KGdemptiiin FiukI with U.S. Treas urer (S percent, ot oirouUtiun) $213.271.1)5 MAllIHTIgg Capital Stock paid in i. 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 4<),(KK),<H» Uiniiyided prolits 3,l()!).5l National Rank notes Ontstaniling. 45,00Pi()(y IndivHiual De|tosits subject 4o check 75,10144 #1«» iss7,!w; 0Q,(NKI.O() a.744,Sl is. sa 1,it 10. (Hi '27,41! 1.552.W ,9,000.00 2,2.-)0.00 Total STATE OF ILLINOIf*. W13,471.95 ^SS JK^Stoughton-bottle arises in the morninjy; and chantg the following hymn, as he draws the comb through his thin and scrawny locks: . Great i^ the Stoughtou-bottle of tbe -^*K>hibitioni8ts» MFe looketh 1^1 ndly upon the Demo cratic n< mi', nation. He thicket!) flreenbacbers (votes)al- tojret lie lively. He »*ven closes the eyes of the Tem- |>ei»r:e, that they see not the ease with which lie abamlonet.lj them. Yea. verily, great is Stoughton-bot- Uc ot the I'rohibiUouUtb^ County of McIIenry I, JOHN J. MUKPfrY, Cashier of the above named llttnk, do solemnly swear that .the above statement is true to the best of inv knowledge and belief. JOHX J. MtTItPIIY, Cash lei. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th DAY ofOctj,.1*78 c. H. DONNELLY, N. p. CORRECT--Attest: JOHN J. M t'Ri'iiY. l W. 11. STBWART, J Director*. B. A. MI 'HI'HV, • ,« ----' i.'"f hi 'Want EID. 20,000 pounds extra choice Butter for which will pay thft highest market in goodK at "hard pan" prices. TITZSIMMOXS & EVAXSON. Buy the Walkey Boot. Every pair warranted. For Sale by Fitzsimmons & Evatusoui Near the Depot Mchenry , - Illinois. Have just received their Fall an.1 Winter Stock of Ready*Matlp Clothing. Hats; Caps, and Gents' FurnisiiinB Good^ We Will Not Bs llMdersold* CHve ns # LAUER & BECKER; Mc,Henry, I1U, Aug. JHtli, 18/8. 1 1 1 1 , ' ' 11. \ 1 ' ' JS Bay the M. S 3ltz &. Co. Bootl mil iittniERd sum «m m n inm There is a curious story about some native Wines which are extensively advertised nowa days, and have only recently been put upon the market. Dr. Underhill, the well-known crape-grower of Croton Point, died in 1871. Some of his heirs entertained temperance views of such extreme kind, that thev were unwilling to allow the stock of wines then on hand to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. It is only now that the other heirs " have succeeded in arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale of the wines on band. Among these is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a " Sweet Union Port," but suggesting jthe Imperial Tokay more id " than any other European wine, and being other wine of American r, age and mellowness are wholly unlike any other wine of American th. Its purity, remarkable, and both" physicians and wine- growth. Its remarkable, : fanciers have a speciaf interest in it as the oldest native wine now accessible in any con siderable quantity. The whole stock is in the hands of tne well-known wholesale grocery house of the Thurbers.--AT, Y. Triton*, Nov. 19, i&ft. The above speaks for Itself, bat we would add (hat this is the pure juice of the grape, neither drugged, liquored nor toattrtd; that it has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes it is unsurpassed. It can be Obtained from most of the leading Druggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from the undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free of charge, on application. • Respectfully, etc., H. K. & F. B. THURBER A CO. Wtst Brtxtdway, Jteade and Unborn NEW-YORK. • K»tal)liwhnd ISOfS, (ilLMORK & (JO., Attorneys at Law, flii«t'eNw»n lo 4'lii{tinmi, II outlier 4k Co. 629 F Street, Washington,' D. C. American and Foreign Patents. Patt'ius proctiri'd in all coiiiiiries. No F**8 IH advance. No clKirgt* iml-'ss the patent A granted. N<> fni-s fur ii(;U<msr pivliim>niry exanti*( n;ii.ioii.<. N«> additional fit*# lor obiaiaiutr und ccndurtiii;; a relwaruj^;. Spt'cinl MitHiitiou >riven to liuei t'iM fiicp tictoro the P.-itvnt ORlce Ext^tiKioas lii»for»- < liifiiue»>ine>u Suits iu <Iilleit'iit mid :iU liii^aiiuit :ip|».*rt.;iin- int? 10 In \ «*ii lion* or I*:• ifiii.-. ,Sfc.Ni> STAMFFOM VAMrill.K'l' «»••• MXT\ I'AllkS, United States Courts and Departments. Ctaitn.M )if(is<*ciiifd in tin-Sii|>if>tne ('ourt of th* I'lifted St a tes, {'our t tit' < M:i ini.s, Court ol'( 'oimnta- siouers of Aiiiiuiniu. (.llaiuiK, Hsjuilifru claims ('(vtiiinl^Nioit, :i 11 <| .-ill c 1.1.;of/war claims befor» ilif Kxfciuit.' |)"|mi Mi<«<iii« Arrears of Pay and Bounty, Ofl'ieicitN, st»f t»iKiiv.und K A I I .OIIS of Ihe lltl* war, wr tlieir lM'ir». .ir« in tiMity riiws <^11 titled to niouey l'lntii llU'titiieruitieiii. of viliicti lliey lirtve no km'wleilyi', W i ite tnU liisioiy of service, and dial 1' a 111011111 ot |.:iy and OOMIII v received. HtH clo.-« M:IIIIp; mid ninlt i « i»ly, ali«i exaiiiiiiallOU, will l»^i£iveii j'«4i fiee. Peusions. AH OfKICKIIK, NOI.iltKli-, Mini hAII.OItS WOlltld rupiiued, or inju>'cd 111 itx- i;iu« war, howev slightly, ••.•Mt*s>lnaui ;i .neusioii, nimiy now recei in*c peiihioiiH lire cmitled m all liiirritHe. Send •iKtiip and in forma 1 ion will l>e fin uinlied tree. United States General Land Office. OoiiteMeil l.auil < !ti»i'.-«. I'iiv;iii' l.aud (Malma; .tlllliMH Hie fiupticii :• lt<I lloini'xlead < 'ilofW, pi'OSS- Cllted before rile l ii-iiei al l.iitid (iRtee mid llepart- ravi iKi i ' l i i e i i i i er iar . r - • > Old Bounty I^nd Warrants. The fa<*i liVpori ol ilm t'oiiiinix.sioiiMr of th* (ienenU I,a mi (Mlice ̂ Imiwis 'J.SMT.iiiMtaoresiol liolin- ty l>:niii'\V1t1 rain-oninamliiig These were is sued under a»-l of ISf,i. and <>ii«»f ads'. We pay audi tor (ilflll Semi ln re(:i.< eifil lelter Where as-sifiiiuriiit are. ini(iprie<-i we give instructions, to pei led them. l^acli departnienl of our tiuaiiieHt> iwcouducle^ ina separate Inue.iii. under the charge of exp»> rieiioed lawyers mid t'lerl<» . Hy reason ot errot or fraud muny attorneys are vilipended 11011) practice before ihe Pension and oi.iiet' oflices each year. Claimant?, whose attorneys have, i»een ilm* Miepeiided. will be (rranuiou>l.v (ui nisiieu unli fuli, iuforiuaiiou aud proper papers oil :i|iplicit.imu 10 U3. AM we-chaiire no fee unloev MicceKvful, Stamps for return pofiaye cliouUl he sent us, I.ilteml arian^<'taent» made with attorneys all ilaKset* of hiisiuei<s . Address aiLMORE & CO., P." O. Vox 44. Wtucliitiffton. D. O. W AMHif(H iON, 1>. <:., Stiv*Mb*r 24, 1876. * I t»ke pleasure h. expi eM-inj; my entire coafl- dence In the H1/ aud of the Law, Pin em md ('oilecnon House of GILMOM It Co, of Uii* vltj-. <1KO. 11. B. WHITE, (I Wi/'i utthr Xnti'imil Metropolitan Bank ) M. ENCELN. CJ-TJ >' - SiM X T 11* Scale Repairing, UrindinR and Pol ishing ll.izurs and Shears and Table Cutlery a spectall- ty. liepairing of kinds done in <g. 'Steel or Brass.- A11 work warrants lid. Also dealer in Guns, Revolver*. .Table a«<l FBe,k*»t Ciftlery, (>un untl Fwhmjr Material, Cipes, Cigurii, Toliacco. Violiii Strinps, Ac. Shop ami store near tlig fost Office, He- Henry,IU, 1 C. F. Hairs Stores are both ready for the Fall and Wi'nter bnsi- a ness of '78 and '7U, and are offering' such inducements that readers of the PLAINDEALER can't afford to pass them hy. Just read a few prices as an appetizer and then go and see for yourselIF * " " 1 ?: •' ifewl dl Best Prints...., Best Prints... spool Cotton... 88 inch Cotton. 30inchOottOn liest ......... " • " " bleached " " " - bleached best:., " " Cashmero.;.*..».i..1.... Black Alpaca.. .v , Good Corsets...........i N«rl Corsets.. I^adie.s Furs all prices.. Buffalo Uohe.sall prices... Ootton Flannel .. All wool Flannel, Good;... Womens and Misses Shoes Boots Boys Boots.. Ot ns::v:"',S * -• iV* j» . » r » • . 0 7 ^ v w 10 S \ 1 Ml ...#1 «5 to 3 75 . ..$175 to 2 50 Good .. - jjtf • J t i i f a r ^ . . . . 9 B , f c ' 1 1 1 1 ] W Bemt Tea.. S9 Best Japan Tea.TO 5 cts off on 5 H> lots.... ;"> lbs Coffee 1 'to..- 15 lbs Currants...1 on 12 1bs Rice 140 No 1 Baking Po\rder.„>... 2# Salcratus .... .... M S. (i. Starch... .....i.10 Axle Grease ...'.'..J', 0# Stove Polish.., I! Oft Mens Suits cheap....i . Boys Suits cheap *"** 0 v e rcoa t s c h eap 1 lb No 1 Fine Out Tobacco....go Dre^s Good8„^WMj^..... U» 10 My disposition this Fall i.4 TO SMBII ©liea^f thaii eirel^ t pared to ^ive all who are iii want of merchandise a real benefit. "Goods well bought are half «old" and I Know I present to. patrons as well bought stock and bought as low as Cash in hand would buv it in any market. Clothing is one of my great specialities and I <rtiarantec a saving of from $2 ty $(> a suit. Stock always full and complete for all sizes. Trunks, valises, Hats and Caps in full as *ortmerit. Jn fact in all <?las&es of merchandise I an} fully up to the times in goods and prices. I am bound to lead the trade if good goods and low prices will do it. In closing I will only say I want to see you. It will be of mutual benefit for I know you "can make money out of me. I have Stores well filled at Dundee and Kich- inond, gentlemanly clerk* in attendance and my name is C. F. HALL, R ICHMOND, I I I . Chicago Office, 122 FltAKKLlX SXBfiipf. C. F. HALL. DUNI>KK,ILL -FOB-' BOOTS AND SHOte Is now opening up, and DWIGHT & F-ORUEST are ready for the emergency. We shall continue to give you those • • , • BARGAINS FOR CASH That no otlier selling on time can do. We buy and sell more Boots and Shoes than all other dealers in Woodstock together. Our stock bei ng -so large it is far better to choose froiji. , We Buy and Sell For Cast Exclusive. We would lie planted to compurc nnality ofg^ds and prices with any other dealer in McIIenry County. Do not buy a single dollar's worth of Boots und Shoes, before examining our MAMMOTH STOCK. DWICHT & FORREST. Cor; Main Street aud PublicJ3quare Woodstock III., Sept. 24th, 1878. Grace's Celelrateil Salve. A SURE RELIEF FOB THE SUFFERER. •t---- rilKPAKKD I1V SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, 86 HARBISON AVKXUK, f BOSTON, MASS. House aud Lots for Sals. ^IMIE undersigned offers for sale his hone# A and two lots, situated in the \illage of There is a good house, barn, a good wel I of water, eistern, a line orchard, all kinds of tunall fruit, and in short is a very «le. tsirahle place. Will be sold on reas«n»M» terms if applied for soon. Apply to J.S. HXK£S McIIenry, ill., May 28th, 1878. ^ GRACE"* CELIJBBATEI) SALVE Is A VEOKTAULE PllEVA RATION iiWented in the 17th efenturv hy Dr. William (irn<"e, Surgeon in ifing James' army. Through its agency he cured thousands of the ntoi>t perioup sores and wounds tlutt hnlll- ed the skill of the most eminent tohi'Sieians of his day, lind wms reirarded by" all Who knew him'as a p blic. henefnetor. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. QRACE'S CELEBRATED 8ALV$ CURES Hands, B«rns, Cancers* Felons, Scalds, . Sores, y'l"er? Wounds, Stings, Shingles, Festers, - Wens, I Piles, • Access, Freckles, Bunionis, Sprains. Bo lis, Bites, cats. Whitlows, Warts. Blisters, Tan, PinipIeS)^ Corns, Scurvy, Itch, IiiffrowmnJfnils, Voftle'R»ih, Mosquito and FldTBltes, Spider Stings, And all eataneoustU^easeB Hud eruptions generally. - "\ For sale by all druggists, grocers, and at all oountrv stores throughout the United States and British Provinces. Price by mail 30 cts, 0 CO 3 o O < X o 2C X C0 o < o -FOR- BOOTS AND SHOES ail £: 31S Madison St., BUEL, COOK A SCIXAS, Manuf'rs and Wholesale Dealers. it/> I)on't fail to examine Goods and I'rit es when in Chicago Stock New .mil Bought tor Cash. Great in- lucements to Cash Buyers. U.K. Bi ki., Late with M, Sell & Co. <\ F. COOK, | I.ate- ot Whitney. 11.1.. SKIXAS, | Cook Jfc Co., N. Y. AN UNDENIABLE TRUTH. You deserve to suffer, iMid. if yoi* lead a miserable, unsati.sfaciory life in this beautiful world, it is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for you.--your unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thous-. Hnds. Personal knowledge and com mon sense reasoning will soon show you that Green's August Flower will cure you of Live* Complaint, or Dys pepsia, with all its miserable effects,, such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomaclie, habitual tiveness, di««iness ef the head, nenr<% ous prostration, low spirits, etc, Ita sales now reach every town On the Western Continent and not a Druggist but will tell you of its wonderful cures. You can buy a Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Three doses wiH relieve you* For sale by Colby Bro'a,