Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1878, p. 4

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{<;. <y\f>> * v 'v ' ,/f ' • ,^' V. ' •v, ur " ?--*) • •£ ay*. ' '* ~* ' JSC# %»1 . , man* •*>;. 5 flMil: kfritw ^mkirnW**m tlH k '***& •#MK» ,* T *:-. ta-i» irw>i»wwtw>,^iewM«B» #KD2fESifAY, OCT. *3d, 18T8. VA^ SLYttIC, Editor. Mfcl VAKB NOTICK. WftOtiMI, fltt Mtfcv WW. Ate Henry Tdthr RepubHra* voter* of tirld Ijtikt CkninHtXy r«;. the nQprslgn«<! liiieea for Wf- the *>^*«l£«ed Republican ,',Anominees for He legislature, raspeotfull.r ask that the Republican vtjtere of Mctteitry County ; cast their three votes for P. R. Granger, and thai the Rfpoblican vt>tere of Lake County OMt t^elr vole# for W. A. Jfcroes. * ' Ft-A,m K. GKAKont, »< r' ' WltMAlfA. J AUKS. ! . ;JWT There is no mystery about the r=*.-feof*s of fiie iK»,D,r! in New Or­ leans,- If the investigations of the •'Garbage Com m I ssi on" continM to develop such facts as that repine (It o- day--viz: That over 4,000 loads of kitchen refuse, dead (logs and carcas­ ses of all kinds have been found in one street alone; That would breed a pes­ tilence*, «*** in a New England cli­ mate. • . t0rThe Providence Pnt* mjutt*- rises the result of the recent election very accurs tely> when it says: "The Republicans take Ohio and Iowa, the Democrats Indiana and West Virginia; the Greeiibackers pre-empt a small section near the headwaters of Salt River. The latter can all bocomc rich on an irredeemable currency, is lie styled, "The Salt River Greenback." and The . gsy~W»r hut ween "Enirland Afghanistan seems imminent, concentration ef 75,000 men at Pesha- tnur, the torder town between India and Afghanistan* indicates trouble, and that very soon. The British ex­ pect severe resistance and should they suier the sligbast repulse they are prepared to find the border tribes flying to arms and harrassing them with 105,00** men. % t^*The Waukegsn Qwtbtte say*: •'Price, Dennis, Lyon ©* Gage? One happy man and three hearts to be broken, let Republicans stick to their colors and allow Ms quartette of <fls- consolates to attend to their own kniti ting. None of the number would vote for a Republican Senator next winter If elected. Let ft not be said that the Republicans of Lake county by their negligence or carelessness elected S Democratic Senator from Illinois.1* fl#~Yfce British credit hM-Jboefi •hocked by another failure almost as severe as that ot the Glasgow Bank. Heugh, Balfour & Co., a large Manches­ ter house in the India trade, with lia­ bilities of from ^>,000,000 to #10^000,000,- closed its doors last Friday, much to the astonishment of speculators gener­ ally, Things indeed, look gloomy for (lie^oundness of British trade, when tretl conducted Aims la the Salt t)cli$ trade foil. - t .... , it A FIAT FARM. •>fsd -i One «f^General Garfield's spt lftf^s' trattons to show tlie foil? of the fiat money theory is that of a deed to a farm of MO aeres. The farmer who holds the deed strikes ent the word 100 ajpd ioserta £w<* hundred, b«t finds him self no richer than before. The land lias not been increase da single- acre by inflating the paper which repre­ sents it, Just so with the paper cur­ rency. The country Would not be any ^T8~oft®6 firm were subsequently arfestetr I SHKRtfP StKDMAN'S STAfEStKHT. On the first page of this paper can be ftunt) a statement from Sheriff Sted­ man, In reply to the malicious mis­ statements and falsehoods aow being published Weekly in tJiQ Woodstock JMtnorrat The facts and figures pub­ lished by Mr. Stedman are taken from the official records and certified to by County Clerk Vfc hitney, and are correct lli every particular, while those In the Democrat ot last Saturday tell osiiy one side of th^etor^ **4-.were meant to deceive. , "T^' '^';u , It is certainly a we&lt cstitte that de­ mands such wholesale lfi«« as that done by the Democrat. |l» their paper Of Oct. 5th they stated that Badge*** expense to the county- was only $201,- 08. In their'iWirt Mllf ioiv'they made !t«0$&U3$ng over #400, and ill fjjjjr last they state the amount to be #o83, We presume that before tlieir next is­ sue some on# wiltteii them they had it a little too low aHd titey Will make another raise, and perhaps after a while may blunder In sad tell the truth. It i« evident that the writer of these articles against Mr. Stedman and in the Interest of Van Cureu expects to carry his point by deceiving the voters They do not wish a true statement, as that would not answer the ends for which they are aiming. la proof of this we are informed that they weat to the Treasurer's Books, and after drawing oil what would answer their purpose, (it being the same that ap­ peared iu the DemocrcU of Saturday last,) asked the Treasurer t# certify to It as correct. This Mr. Nish refused to do, telling them It was not correct, and that if tliey wanted a correct copy he would make It for theui And certify to is. Ii« iiifoi-utcd tUttm that the figures certified to by County Clerk Whitney, (which can be found in the first page of this papei?,) were correct andcouid not be gainsaid. And yet in the'face of all this they put forth « statement to the voters of the county which they know to he false, hoping to gain a few jf^tef! b/ It. But Iti this they will fail. The people are too In­ telligent to be deceived,and seciiig.the true inwardness of this tirade will, by their votes, bury the author and. -their l candidate In merited oblivion, r ' { Mcllenry County never had a motre honest and capable or economical offi­ cer than Sherift Stedman, and the vo­ ters of Mcllenry county should see to it that lie Is re-elected by a larger ma. jority than ever before. Tutors of Mcllenry, read the figures certified to by the County Clerk carefully. They are facts which the Democrat dure not publish. They would not fit the cause of their pet candidate. As we said before, Stedman's record Is clear, and we predict hi* re-election by a handsome majority. / ^ J richer than it is now were it doubled In volume. Not a dollar . ef added wealth would be put la the pockets of tl»e people= "i il&) [ * & :<tib 1" 9BF Hon. Carl Schnrtz, at •peaking of the prevalent financial de­ lusion, bad the following to say in Re­ gard t« "fiat poney." 'There Is nothing more ridicxtieuf than to have these flat money doctors pretend to have made a great original discovery, and to parade it before us as the most progressive Idea of the age. Why. It is a story a thousand years old. They had sucb money in Chiiui In tlte ninth century! of this era. They bad it in Persia, toward the close of the thirteenth century. They had it In the Amerioan Colonies in the seventeenth centiiry in the shape of bead and clam shell Currency. They had if. iu Jfcfttoe fit. beginnlng of the eighteenth century, under the management ef tile great progressive Scotch financier, John Law. They |iad it Ui Kranoe dur|pg the great Revolt)- tioi.,Vii the fthape of the asslgnats.. They M itj iu this country, i^gain during tlie War of Independence in the shipe of the Continental moue y. Al­ ways in all essential features virtually/ the same---a paper inpney based In some ind«fiiUte way,upon at> indefinite aomethtHg, in some cues without It, in cascs isf?ufeti under the utresa' <of tn Rome tamp -of fiaan- |nl at ion j ^nd. wheiievWr ah lit- pap^ nwwey was either a Of the silicon* or furced by lie-- cesSity. the fin si- result wax always the Kame--()^preclHrion of the money, that ide frer\at|on l^jadl ng ne*- issues, the new issues bringing forth m«re depre­ el at iortfi and ro on-- everybody believ­ ing liimself rich for a time,until finally the whole airy fabric broke down in general confusion and ruin. ; **'• ; 1 ̂ JOHN c. MUKKWttV, ; , i ;•; \ Hr«t t f • w _ Republican candidate for Congress in thlF Di«riv!t, is makipg a tiioroiigh canvass of every county In the District and wherever lie goes Is making him­ self popular with the people. His speeciies lnive the ring Of the true metaU aud the fallacies of the dema­ gogue Stoughton are shown up in tiielr true light by tills -young cham­ pion and standard bearer of the Re­ publican cause. Let every voter in this section turn out and fiear hltn, at Riverside Hall, in this vill;ige,on Fri­ day evening next. He is aa sure to represent the Fourth District in Con gress after March 4th. next, as the sun !s to rise on. the morrow. Ills majori­ ty will not be loep than $.000, t the charge of fraud, and held to bail in the m of $80,000 each to answer. The Washington Star of the 15th >a tains a statement to the eilect that a letter ittea by Ati'y-Gen. Deveas would shortly sent to the District Attorneys of Alabama, juieiana aud South Carolina, directing them enforce the United States Election laws, lis letter bad been written after such facts id been laid before the President as clearly oved to him that, under existing clrcum- ances, no fair election could be held in ose States. The Star says the President ntemplated no change in his Southern pol- j, and that he regarded the enforcement of e laws as hariqg no political aspeet what- er. A courier arrived at Natchez, Miss., the 15th, from Waterproof, La., and re- rted that 2,500 armed negroes had sur- mded the latter place, and threatened to :k and burn the town. A sail for armed Stance was made on Natehes, and 100 men >uld be sent, if needed. A Bombay telegram of the 16th says e Ameer of Afghanistan was endeavoring to cite a religious war against England. To s end he had sent emissaries to the Mo- fll <!»«(«! t.l, IQrSald a delegate t6 the last ^ TMKKK VOTKS JTOK F. K. OKANQVIt. By a card published elsewhere tp- this piiper, It, will ^"seeu that the Republican nominees diis l^irttridt, lion. F. K. Granger a,nd Col. W, A,. James, have united iu a request to the voters of each of the ooitntiea to cast their three votes for the candidate from their own ' county. Iu speaking of t^is matter tfce, W,aul^gap saiys: ' -•/: -i i . -. v.;W ,;jr .. In other years the tickets have been Srioted votes" for each of the This year it is proposed Uiat they shall be printed "3 votes" for but one. The reasons glveu for this are that there many candidates in the field this year that the efleet of the Democrats and Greenbackers "plurop- iugrt for their own fellows In any par­ ticular locality might perhaps be to alarm Republicans aud lead them HitO the idea that this plaA was general,Jiu which event one of the Republican cab* didates might get nearly ail of the votes in one county and one-half qf those in the other, giving him a vastly Sargei number than is aeee^a?y; iti elect him,and leaving the other so few that with au even pull on the part •£ the Democrats the latter might,poftil-r bly elect two Representatives. That the opposition are putting forth every effort to defeat ene of the Re­ publican nominees Is a known fact. They are jp^iiig all fanner of means andare willing to fuse with auything to accomplish their ends. Bt^ if the Republican voters do their duty no fears need be entertained. There are ample votes and it only needs honest efforts to direct them In the right channel to accomplieh the desired re - suit. Let not any particular friend­ ship or hobby lead any Republican to give even a part of his vote for any other than the regular nominee. Cast vour three vote.s for Hon. V. K. Granger. Lake County, will take cure of Col. ind let the oppoiiticn elect; for the third man wlrtrni they chO«*f. It Is no fuuersi of ours. „; . '• r!f1; 1ST Advices from the ftlV SejiatoHul' District, comprising the entitles of Boone and Wtiinebago. Indicate the election of Cltaa. E. Fullet as Sta'ta Senator at the co.uing election. Thi* Is as it should be. The caftididate by right belongs, ahd before the Congref* siotoal Convention 'Was conceded' te Boone county, aud while a few of tlie Ring leaders went back on thei r pledges we believe a majority of the Voters \Vlll. sustain Fuller. We are aware that right does not always make might, but in this iusta:;ce it Is to be hoped that it may. As we understand It Fuller Is' Jaatly and honestly eutitled to tiie sup port of the Republicans of the 9tH District for the office of Senator^ and we do not believe the voters of Wftine- bago cau afford to cheat htm out of it. They sliould re member tW past aiid profit by the lesson. - 1 Try the M. 8eltz & Co. Boots. Administrator's Notice. X^STATE df H«nra^ Long deceased. The ea luiviafc beca ayp<>ln(«d Art- ace Long late State of III. ministrntor ot tho Estate of Honu. of the County <>i Mcllenry, aa^St inols, dcc eiise'l. hert'liy «iv« Mc« ar« notillo'l una reyuee piirpdse <if h!»rin)t the same iwl, periM>n» initebted to s*4d £U>tat«> «*a jreq to make immediate payment to the signed. If Y<m|Cnew,Ydu cduldeet a Cold Dollar lor Wm4 y<nmvtttn,p «.-.Befit* Woutcf yaii go to the • :t:w.X will appear before the Connty Court of Mc- Htiury Uounty, at the Court House, in Wood­ stock, at the December Term, on the Third Monday In Beuember next, at which time peroMi* hoviiiK uluimst^Riiinst are notilloil and requestea'to- at M\< tnte aw requ«nt< payment to the un Dated aith day of Sept. A. !>. UOBt Edwis M. Owew, AAininiatrasor, Hn ?> ti r at i «Mh r"iq ill J J v « * • • ' - 4 . : 1878*;. uuer & seem; WO" ttlli ii • • i M f . j i f t i i f l f t M i- sa in$. "'ilt' f|tn -«th % '"ftnivwin illia 'fa -v ?•: .,• ' . "" ; ' 'UU: tf'i hliui'1 .1 Xihi'iixMms'-mvr/ikwb vaH 'K.'jt duul , . ,i *'• tk-ii « w* • ton i i« i» tu b-hx Mil .SMSKJil s in# Mi rill MN j •i ,'tmw Hi SiU"- ». Hi,: or ivtil < • #<*r. • Svi 1 U*«*U ft- itmmy •*m »}'-«) Y'JrJat.'i KjP " CLOTHIERS, Kear ^e ̂ epot McHENRY^,,/ ILLINOIS. Hare jo at received their FaH'an.i Vlfinter * " ~ - -• -tfin*, rfSi Stock of Ready-Made Clot and Gents' FnmlMhhig Goodie ». Oapfc, Undersold-We Will Not Be -eiveaii* oa l.**---- • •• ... f j l ^ A U f i R ̂ BECKEm^i Melienry, ill., Aug.'Athi ls/H. f "J Buy the M. Sdtz & Col Boots. miL iisimicx ratim wm mi it . unit',...1.'-, 'The®® Is y fibout wstivs Wines |which are exteaahrely advertised nowa- fdajrsi end have only.receatlv been put upoa the mprket Dr. Underiiill, the we!l-knowh srape-grower of CrOton Point, died in 187*. Some of his heirs entertained temperance 'views of such extreme ikind, that they were am willing to allow the ffpqk of wines then on hand to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decaf upoa the vines. It is oaljrnow that the ether heirs have succeeded in arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sue of the wines on hand. , Among these is a wine of thevMtage of 1864, described as a "Sweet Uritoa Port," but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more \tban any other European wine, and being #betty unlike any otner wine of American arowtb. Its purity, aee and mell< mellowness are arkablc, and both physicians and wine- iers have a special interest in it as die tddest native wine'now accessible in any con­ siderable "quantity. The whole stock is in the ' hands of the well-known wholesale house of the Tb ttbo. jp, zfrff. iurbers.--vV. Y. fSS. At the joint discussion/ttt Bjfejs- inore Monday evening, between J* C. Siierwin aud Parson Stotigliton, Sliqr- wlu got away with the I'arson 1)a*l. The Parson avoided the most esseptin) point in the argument; Never once touched upon the question of prohibi­ tion, not even giviug thai party t|ie honor of nominating him for cohgress. but claimed to be an independent cmii«- didate. Bherwin caught him ini?<^uot- lug , reading only part Of a sentence aud thus conveying the opposite liiean*- ing^ etc.. etc. The Reverend gentleman in answering SlierwlnV questionf:r.«$id tlie bonds must be paid in voir., that the iuterest must be phid in the same maimer, that he Was not la favor of art issue of greenbacks above the amoatH of coin on lifiid to redeepar tvith, and when he did talk to tire point madf a fair Republican speech. His Greenback friends did not seeif/to be well pleaied with liis remarks^/ Mr. Sherwin made iu * good, sound speech on tlie ftuatice oc question, and did not slop over likfc lrii aP opponent. He did much better than th when here, and those who heard him are satisfied that with a little practice he will be able to stanTl second to none as an orator in the halls of congress.-- ai\DeKaUt Newt. Tb*"1- ' • ' • ' ; "." *, " I St. * REPORT Of THI wGiO NDITIOS in" " -Of* She first national bank if At W0od«took, Illinois, - % " --AT- ' ! Close of Business Oct ^7$: v . jriie abov^ ^>eaks for Itself, but We wuuM •ndd Chat this is the pure juice of the gftqx, neither drugged, liquored nor watered; that It has been ripened and mellowed by age, and • fdr medicinal or sacramental purposes it is 1 unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of th* leading Druggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from the .'undersigned. Who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free of charge, on appUeadom , ' Respectfully, etc., B.L1F.B. THURBER & CO. Oi C. F.f Hall's Stores are botlj r«qdy fpr the Fall find Winter bnrf- ne$s t)f *7^ and '79, and are offering such inducements that ^readers of the dealer can't afford to pass them by. Just read a few i>rie«a m asriippe^v r'i " itJ» A;,, . ?i(f VUjjiuaJ ntll ^ Spool CottOrt.....i.'ii/.. (i.. Jji,05 'W inch ..... _ . _ .iA- G o t t e n . . . f . . i . . . as inch Cotton best .1.... -• hleafthed..;.; ...'1>.aw....w 07 ..i/y 33 - -- - Unohedb««t..i.iii.i. » »' Cashmero-- Black Alpaca ... '.J.CJI.;. flrtod Corsets.... .Ki.:; ii;. it iWi.. 1 .u Ho 1 Oorsets.i.... •***)• a.>«•..,|;r.r« f. 80 Ladies Fnrs a4l prices. vrM,.. H Buffalo Holies all pHces):.*'#»..*./.w. A w. .'W Cotton Flannel.-. ..i........4i J.M \I1 wool Flannel, .2# Womenrt and Misses ^K"A"* Boot's ..t......... Boys Boots.iu r. :rvv*; it'w •1 75 r «> to S 76 fifto 2.AO (566(1 - j i i g a r . . . . . . « s , « b a n d 1 0 Best Tea AO ?et1 70 S Ifcs Cofltee.. ..t.... 1 00 15 1bs Currants .... 100 1? tba Riee..v.i,^.. Ko 1 Baking Powdfer. Saleratus OS S. G. Starch... 10 A x l e G r e a s e • § Stove Polish...... a • Oft Mens Suits chesp..'..^,-,i,,,.,j.... Boys Suits cheap Overcoat* rhe*p...; 11b Vo l Fino Cut Tehaooo..^.. .. M Dress Goods.... wu..« tots to 10 ioii tbis i^all is tp '^11 cheaper them ever and I all who are in want of merchaiKtise a rea /Mydis l»ared to /?t-ve '4Goods well bought are half «oW pre- real benefit, and 1 snow I present to patrons ts well bought stock arid botiprht as low as Cash in hand wonld buy it in any market. Clothing is one ot^my great specialities and I ruarantee a saving of from $2 to $0 a suit. Stock always full and oottipiete for all sizes. Trunks, valises, Hats'and Caps in full as <ortnu;nt. In, fact in all classes pf merchandise 1 am fully up to the times in goods and prices. I am bound to lead the trade if good «jroods and low priceb will do it.; In closing I will only say I want to See you. It will be of mutual benefit for I know you can make MKHieyoutofme. I have Stores well filled at Dundee and Rich- uwttcL, .gentlemanly dlerkfe id attendance*and my uame C.F.HALJL, ^ChicagoOffice, ! "^.C.F.HALi^ RICHMOND,ILL. • • 123 Fbanklin [l ' DCNDEK. tiL ' «»«•**;, t m t. ;.kw i " i'ntri) in! ti­ ls now opening up, anltlWV'WffT i tbe emergency. We shall continue to gtvfc you those » i s« Mi * RESOUBCBS ~ Loans and Discounts,.. - it greenback Convention, to us laiLweek, ,kl want to say to you that I ipgT^one with this greeuback paprtj. The Re­ publican party la iavon*bl« enough to the greenback to sfitlsfy ma, and it is led i>y Uteri whom I triiot and respect; but thjs greenback party Is not, Nothing ia worf certain than that Butler will be its next candidate for Presf«k?nt, and I won't uipport Butler. Chauncey Eli wood is Its candidate for Senator fiow. artd f Wotft fcdpport Chattnoey Kllwood. )i going to get rid of Aflame because lie |s respectable, and go for Stoughton because be if«'tt and I won't finpfKn t St ought 011. Hene- after 1 am a Republican;** Tli« sbbw set'ond t-iifiuglit of all sincere voters, must bring them trt this conclusion.-- Syc&nibre Republican. | Do not buy your Millinery until hav« p<aiulued the flue atock at Howe's. „ yo» Mrs. Overdrafts, .... IL s. Bondh to secure circulation.. U. S. Bonds on hand Due from approved Koterre Ajrt*. I>u« from other National Banks, Heal «->tate, furniture and ilxtures Current^pen^es and taxes paid..' Cli«'»k« aif«i other Cash Items OilU of other National Banks, Kract'l currency, (includ'fr nickel*) Specie, (including gold treasury^'>-ji Certificate*.) ., Legal Tender Notes " '4' Redemption Fund-With U.S. Treas- wrer (5 percent, ot cirealattoo) #0, • 1,800.00 , at7u.m 7.6'>!>.(!6 '* 4,200.00 .J,|43.7!> 19.32 '/IjBlO.IO '»tf- | 27,4S ip y>- „ . . uiBitntti Capitalisunk p*W in.- AnrfMns Fund.' Undivii rided profits Wationnl Bank notes Onts Indivi'inal Deposits «ns.27i.w ' 'Wkj M i*Sj00«.(>Q %m:u to * ' - • • ••tal,..iU*i.w,«;>-- STATE OV ILXl&OIg, \ t, !/ >SS W**' ' -I ' i,r'" Cohnty of Mf Heiiry S ) -s \<* „ | ' . . . J MlTHFHYi Oashtw Jf the abord named Hunk, do, solemnly sweaT tfeat the abo*o statemont is true to the bdst of My knowledge and bcl^f. • j. MUHPHV, qsstilef; Subscribed and swsrs Co 4««o)na me . tiisjth day of Oc t., H78 " c. II. D:>nkkllYt Jf . F. Corbkct--Attest: Johh j. MrnniY. W. H. stewaht, £. A. ML ui-HV, Directors. ' n ' M l , V ^ t « » # » t " " • ' • tilLMOUK & CO., Attorneys at Law, SH4*i*<>MNora to 4'lii|»ini»n, lloMincr A Oa» 6&9 F Street, Washington, D. G. Amerioan an4 Farsiga Patsats. f>»i4iiibs iiociiimI in nil coiuuries. No rcaS lit, AOVANck. iSd rli.-irj:e n11I.-kk tli«» patent iq granted. No («•« f>»r in.-ikin^ |Mvliinin<iry etatnli Million*. No rtdtlttivunl {>*•* lor <>bi;iiHiiij; and coiKiiii-iiug a, iflivaniiK Special atlt'niioii pive» lo tiii*>rl»>rt-ti(-«» C.mcs h»»loj* tl»« Patent Office I£*!crifiotiii ticlinf 1 ;«»iwivnk, iMfrmfewMit Suits hi "iilleiciu suuif*, iiiul all liiigiuion app.^rtiiia. ins lo IllVftilioiiKMr |»:i Iflil*. rtkXK .ST A Ml- KOH k-^MI'ltl.KT OK MX TV l**<JltS. Halted States Courts aad Departments. t^lHim* i»v<*«»oiii»«l In rhf Sii|<i>»h« (tourtof the Onitml swu*, 4 loiiri «»! • il.-iitHri, Oxti tolXJotninis^ liiMiiii's of A la liiiiiia ChtiuiH, Soiiilo'i n <Claims :mU all c{.t.«M<N of Wiw<-lntin» beforw KxOt'flUVMU^IIAI IIMftllth. ... Arrears of Pay and Boanty, (ImiKKH, Mii iiiwi's null KAii.mtH of the lata* war, el ilifir liciic, iir«< iM initiiy c:iwi'>< •Militied td. money Ik»m) iU<-i}ovi-iiiiimii, <»f wliii h ilicy liave ho kViowh>iijr»\ \A rii# lull liixioi y of 8«trvic«, and'1 uinoiMM «f i»a,v ami iieiiiii.y Km I'l^" >-*wikt;v. null a full if'i'ty, iil'i#r ttxamiiiaiion.., Will ie RiVfli Joii Til*#. " Pausiens, , All OrriCKHN, MM.KIKIt^, I(iu) ^AIMtltVi WOMdded I'lipniVed, «ii" Injiirt-d Iti i!»«. war, howt"vei Klijililly, van oliinm :» jh-iinioii, ni.-itiy now imiir* ion a u> cuiiLli'd iu mi hiririitn. Send stamp ^iiul Iiiforinuiioii will Im* lui-iiinlied fi*e. . Uaitad States Gsneral Land Office. QoMt**Mi*'d l.aiKl tiii^*, riivati* I.and (,'lalme, MiniKt; I'ri' tMiiiXicn mill II<him-*|i';i<I * pi'OM. Citlml M4iii'« ibi- UfiM-ml ImuiMHUi'hiiinI Imparl* iineniof <li«^ Inii-i ioi. Old Bounty Land Warrants. Tli« li^imi i <>f ih«. (Uuiiiui«t»ioii«r of the (leueial 1 .uml OIHcc slinvi m *J.8w:,WHin< i es of ]}i>un- ty lan'nd Wnriaiiin <Miitii(M>ilii>g 'I'li^tm were is* siu ci iimlt-r at-i wl 186f> nml iu:i>*. We pay |Catli liiriht'iH, Semi liv iriti^'fiMl leiwr. Where nKKiiiuiiK-ui^ nit' iiii|iefitH-i. wt> gtve inbiniciions lo (Hrtm iIikm. Km-li i n>«-ni »r ihii1 IiIwIhw l« cmiduewd in « M»iwnai». hiir«MMi nmler tlie elmi-ge «r «xpe> rMrnl liivyriv »iid «l(tfk». H>- u-ii^on «»f i-rror or friuid many aitocn^ys are Mi*pcii>l<.<l iroiu pnu tii-w h«fore die Pension' and oilier i>HI,eeK «avh ymr. Oktlmaiiin, who«e Ktioi'uev^ Imvf itveu i.luti- fiiKiifuded, iwill be grui iiIioiihIv riinii.-liHii wii.ta Toll Information and" proper pap<M'* <>n iipithctmrtn to us. As we <'Usii'i:(> n<> IVi- uniiw successful, stamps . for reuiru po^i:ij;Alioiild be went us. l.ilteral :n i:iiij:<'K!»*iitji made with atlorneratti Sll t iitbMw of lnininess. t Address ttlLMORE & CO., V. O. Mox H, ^ Watkinyttm i>. O. ..... Waniiinuton. li. A'mmmW'M.IsM. I tnke pfeaioire k. exy-reoxing my entire confi­ dence ill ill* tenfiont,iIti/Up and UtieHtp of ihe Law, Piiient au«l Collection llouee of CliLMOBSf f, of this. city. «JUO. U. B. WHITE, ; ' j" Niiii'nuil Hrtruptiltiaik Hank ) 'nit . *"« »--"> r» <111.-- :--! -- M. ENCELN. TV - SM X r f thi' ti 'i ;' ,-WdaJ* BARGAINS FOR CASH That tit) (f»ther selling: on time can <lo. • Welitiynnd sell more Boots unil 6hoes than all other dealers in Woodstock together. 'dock lacing so lur^o it is fur better to chooso fieiu. i ,-.. . n.t S117 aad Sell For Casli Ezdnsivi. Scale Repairing, O.rinding an<i Pol*' i shin £ rta r,or« and Shears and Talilfl Outhsry a spoclali- ty. ltepairing of au kinds done itt •Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant, ed. * Also dealer ia Guns. Reyolver*. Table and I'ocktff Cutlery. (Juii and Fislnni? Material, Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Sliop and store near the Fost OAce, Mo- Henry, 111. < We would be pleaeed to compare nitHlityof^oods an4 prices with any other dealer in JVlcHenry County.1 Do not buy a Millie wH»r • worth of Boots and »hoes, before eJcamihing our * ! • MAMMOTH STOCK. DWICHT & FORREST. A . , - , : . ' ' ' • * . , , i Cotv Main Street and PublkJSquare Woodstock IU.yJ^ept. t^4th» 1878. Grace's Celebrated Salve. A SURE BELIEF FOR THE SUfFEBKR. 8ETH -9 S •* I > ' l'BEt'AKKI> 11V J W. FOWLEA 80N tS KARKISON AV«NUB,ii j .{ ' •' BOB TOW MASH... ol House and Lois for Sale. HPIIE undersigned offers tor sale his house JL and two lots, situated "In the village ©f MrHenry. There is a gooil house, barn, a SochI well of water, cistern, a fine orchard, all inds of small fruit, and in short le a very de. strahle place. Will be sold on r«Menabla terms if applied for soon. ' McHenry, 111., May SStll, 187S. Tt- OKAOK'<« CELEBItATKOSAVTE *- i) <; fa A *fBOKT*PUt PRM'ATUTIOir InTcnted in the 17th century by Dr. William Gra«'e, Surgeon in King .Jaines ,V"myi Through its agency he cured 'thousands m the most serious ertres and wounds that ua|j. ed the skill of the most wminont physjotaaa of his day, and was regarded by nil Who knew him 'as a p • blio benofactor. • ! , PRICE S»CENT8 A BOX. ORAQC'S CILSBRATW IfLVE ' CURES Flesh Wounds, Frown Limbs, Salt Rheum, Chilblains, Sole Breast, Sore Lhis. Errstpelaa, RUfitworni*, 0*11 uses, Scald Head, Chapped <i Haada, Buras, Cancers, JjfeUw.s, • Scalds, • - Sores, Ulcteys --jiasfr, : • Ite10"" Piles, « * '>'• ' AVeasSt .-•< Jhneckles, . .|Biteio#«.t«ti! ..jRlfalaa. fio'K , 'ItitCH, i , Cuts. .WhltlOWS, WaTts, " ' Ttlistors, iTan, ' rimples# Corns, Scurvy, . Molt, Ingrowing:Nails, Settle Rash, Mosquito . nnd Ffea Bites, Spjder Stints, And ail cutaneotti disuses 'aad • aruptloas generally. !•> - •ts/pSj1': j : (l> For sale by all druggists, grocers, and at all countrv stores throughout the United States and British Provinces, rrice by mail 80 cts, m Ul 8 k o x m < »FOK- REBOOTS and shoes til * MS MsdlwS at., B|IELf COOK * SCIXAI Mannfrfi and Wholesale Dealers. fail to examine Goods and Prices w hen in Chicago. Stock New «nd Bought for Cash. Great ln- rtweements to Cash Buyers. HLK. Bcki., I Ate with M. Sels k Co. C. F. COOK, I Late of Whitney, W H. I.. Seixas, I Cook * Co., N. T. GERM ANT i Manufietuml l>y F. M ARCUS :l s } : " ' i--DEALER IK-- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS .Woodstock, lit. The best Tonic in She world. Fat Blat and Quart Bottles. P. mmevM wmtmt MiB '•'4 . i'V,' -

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