ir«I>|fK8P4^,pCT. 23d, 1878. mps mummrtrne Table. gsa« •CTH. .T* A. M. .1:1* V. M. | REPUBLICAN BAU&Ji' •< V " ••.•.•: ~ - n- .• V. ipiiiWiK, --Airb- HTJBtBOT, . 4<)dreM' the VOWr*' of Mc- Hmi7 and vicinity* - n Ifii |icttenrx,;;;: %t) 'i fuU ttf **. If* On FrMay •*•«* Oomet 9t5ttt ('. « " "'••'<• ' i i"ri»{ f t I . „ ; ' 1 '"S^et ^r^ry votAr tmfe • awt- •«<* ' lie*r tli®"4«csfidm' of" 'the' honestly and fairly dti&iiMed. Brum. . , . J J f t W l ' F ' v s T O I- viiltini tils parents fh thli Till Jljelvjd*re, age. Is Call ahdsee the ndW sdbck of Mil* ^ Goods at Mrs.Searles*. . • • ' ' • ' , „ ' ' 1 • r • - - * * ' 1*188 MAT Su«8cix, «F OwattMi, Mlnh., iHace of the B<Htor<of till* paper, ia. visiting here. one of hla ebll- --««<• MM er than any o 0OTL«M BOLRT LMT cimn iwi ovtio loam another Is dangerously sick. H the latest styles of Fall and Winter Millinery, Just received at Mrs. Hmw' at Mrs, Morey's old stand. " Ihb "Rag Baby" wU? eoo« yield «p l«a flickering breath. I* grew too fast t6 lie healthy or strong; '•"<»'-r- ^ - >8*« notice ot property In Jolim- iMNgh for Bale. Exchange Of Rent,by P. Gieseler, to be found in another Column* ; V |j ' 1 ' ' • • '* i* • • i A fourt^en-legged worm la e^idty be detouring the grapes in ibis section./; A two-legged boy cpuld probalify, com pete with him successfully. ,4 j Coukty Treasurer . ;<3NW^: it.. Sherwood, Of the Wave fly House, Woodstock, and a friend, went up to the Lakes on Monday*/of f fqw ^ajs fish and hunt, -• ' f- '• ii:r •icr- If youhavfc|f6t*n Aid1 Sewing MA chine youthlnk is worn out, take It to 0. W. Owen and he will make it rtta as good as new. We have tried him. While la Woodstock, the City Bakery is the MM place t6 *•* Oys ters, either by the Can or Di*h, cheap- place In town. €Hreenback Clufr will etlngs e»ery Saturday evening It Oflbliift's Hall, near the Depot, McHenry 111, Doors open alt 7:30 p. m. Afl are invited to attend. By order Of Committee. I * --•* '" " f1*1!*}-** "--11 •; t % Ovm in Massachusetts they cook meals lor traaspa#»g!»d trim the plates with parsley. AfMr the meal they take the guesto over the garden, and cram their pockets with fruit. The walking between here and Massachusetts wa* never in better condition* .• Jacob Mi tint's team wa||^d off rather wnoerernoiiiously from In froas of O. W. Owen's store on Monday are* nlng, not walling for a, driver, and weM fssnd somi «ffeM* K» a tangled up condition on tha aast side of the river. Damage to harnest ullgh^ ^ OrR rwade rs sltuuUl »»»• fiilf't the RepuMfttiti Marty, «t» frldny evening of tlii" the Mllii a; whl«'h lima John 0.tifctf*iK twrt IMHIiii A* linrlbut will ad«lr«N Ilia tt«l ill, Inn* •IHftlw ff ^UHl1! PWf nh» ah«4 lt»»f tlif M Hi kiiHitlly Mitf Mvly HMritoiij. f 'fmi u a puittr liiHiiiiii* ileftVifiiS rnr MHL Ml &W i«|t, urn** ' • l l ( I Wkf mm ® iH • §!••• nf l »#e>r w im •«<! i i fw»n ibat ktHiw li»w M«it| ili|»l« tire In a glrtM nf ttitlMf, m lUMHl del p «nnw»ii Tbk regular meeting of the tfed Bibbou Club will be held at the Uiil- versalist Church on Thursday evaasing. next. All members of the are earnestly requested to be present. •Who U this Lathrop?" That is ifiii question asked by ofie t»/ sW' oW residents on seel ng a Poster advertis ing a meeting to be, addressed by Hon. Wm. liatlirop. Ask Abraham., ' • • '. ' litikCHiNE Needles, Oil, ^^heck Spring* Thread Cutters, Rubber Rings for Spooler, also a Urge assortiaant of Zephyrs, just received at Mm. Salis bury's next door to Mrs. Seariea Wk hear new and Mien the squall ot a greenliacker, and may re«t assured it comes from the *"yopH of some party wio, during the war, cried "rags" of oar paper money. We cannot believe of mch is the kingdom of- *, , ,%H|S Post office- baa been tnQvwd em door North, and can now be M^nd In the stove lately oocnpled l%y M. In A Dow Post Offlw. ^ yy;"/HKi "' "t 1 T '>r ' ; u W* leam-Hmt the Srosuback and tiemocratlc candidates for ftherlH "/wed" oit Saturday night last. That ia. thay ware doinped together in a *rmt I olio wing mm enehantte la a good reminder te# some who we night namr; "Km you sold yoar olfctt, or yemr buttfr, or your choese, or yonf--yotir--wlmt was It yno was hold ing onto that as soon as yon sold yon q*aa going U> pay us. Somehow It was along tlBM ago. hut time does slip along so. Well, we think you have sold it, and forgot to come around. Will yon accept this tts a hint, and couid iiowf . we don't like to have you erwis ov^t to the other side of the atreet for fear yoa may meet us." Mi»s ErHKL Ltnn, will give a Ltter*- •ry Entortatnasent M »hs fDnlversali«t •4rah«wch, ih tt»is village, on Thursday, (to-morrow) evening, at which time will be presented some choice Read ings, Recitations, Vocal and Instru- menta: Mualc. Ac. Miss Lynn comes highly recommended as a talented and pleasing Reader,and we hope w aee the Church well filled on that Occasion. It is ^1, entertainment that will not only be pleasing but instructive, and should be attended by old and youug. Gv;o. L. Shbbwood, mine host Of the •Waverly House, Woodstock, passed threnghliere on Monday, and judglug from appearan«*s he must have tweu out on aii electioneering tonr. as tin had his Baud of tnttqp f along with him and gave the people along the route otgcaslomtl «*mim /ofVfljfl Grimes," uOid Dog Trayn and other familiar modern tmiea. Weli we know -George" Is oue of the best landlords, and beeps oue o/ (be best Hoteli in McHenry county, but what tills musical? freak means we are unaMe to say. Wa ex- mtHTKMb^ Glass Ball Shoot at Ctarry DunniU's on Saturday... Miss Lyna will Read at the Universallst Chwrch on Thorsdftr eveMifjg. Jack frost tniide himseir^fieft" on Saturday*#orn- lug last. .Wo hear of a feflow that is going to Chicago to "heave up" Jim says he wont go with liia;.*n^. "About what time to-night?'1 MQh. 8 o'clock." Yum! Yum!..... ..... The season is now tazmingof^r a new leaf --or a number of leaves,'. . .... .What is the matter with that crosswalk? Has the novelty wo*e oA .......The point of a splinter sometlttd pierces deeper than it Is Intended........AH of tha young folks Jn town arc crying for a Co til lion party. Who will "dry those tears F\...... .That "switch" switched some one out of sight. Ehf "You siialir* ^Tou shan't!" Sh! Sh! there now! -don't eontradfrt: leva each other like good little ©hikkere......... Paiftur ou i>u« fuOi ? No, «0 ; pit her1 under the chin. [There, just like that. ....Ww.That now walk is most too near the woodpile for a datk night..... Hunters are no# plenty at the Lakes. The Steamer £9 prepared to make trips on short notice --Don't bother the brakemkn,- makes the Conductor mad. Selak t Elec- oue week from nest Tuesday........ J." Are you It^gigtereftf j J KXPCMTiei AT ROMK. Cfi lisliop, the enterprisliig (Hiltural Dealer, has lately put luto his Warehouse an Eight-Hone Power XlMlkmary Knglna, to which he haa at* IMHed Shaft and belts, and can now •at It! motion every machine in his WarMliutisa at tlie same time. During Ilia day can now be seen running there Ckirn Hliellers. Straw Cutters, GMrns, flrimtdnuM, Dog Powers, Ao., sill at the lame time* and one ^is reminded On entering of the Agricultural de partment at the exposition Building. The Engine is one of the handsomest and smoothest working machines we tver saw He Intends to so arrange it so that Mowerp,Beapers, &c., can be also be run. No one who comes tp town should fall to call ati his Ware house. It Is a sight worth seeing. That umbrella fellow has broke out again, and in answer to our note, say ing we would call around and borrow it. he writes: Van:--O&f Bon'--AH right, come " »uZ ~ «•" Kngeln, Gun Smith, now occupy ihjB sw»«»' rT"r^: pect fie will call and explaip on !*sij ' his sand pit between here and Johusburgh* Who says these fellows won't eat dirt '• iiefw? " " * ' . ^ /!;/ ; :i Tub Board ol Registry wilt wcet oti. TbeHday neltt, Oct. »th« for the pur pose of completing the Registry of vo ters for thl* Town. If there are any whose names do not appear ou ^tie Register they should not fail tq, Jitte«'J »«it on that day. . i, ^ fTsn grading, for tlie addltlotl tOj.^ie lee Houses of Shedd< A Co^in this vll- Irtfe, Is p^ogressiiigand the building wiil be pushed Tapl^y forward. When l^jtmpleted it will make a building 300 ffet square, with ten opartmientf.-- Ti"ts ice business promises tu be a large lliasiiiess here ia the future. • :jO • ^ ... ..{Chju. Cobb employed at the >«Joe House, in this vlHage, met wlth a *e< Mrv and almost fata! acuidant on Fri day last, by being caught betaraen two freight cattvW'hllemiwltchlnj. lie was badly gqueexed. but for^uiiHtely no itmea were broken, and ,aA thftimeof alrltinghe is Irsported aa getting -I':*- M; SJKO*Mtlua,rnmorad ^bjfcf ? ' fftiop on£ doof' SilH (Wm ftta.-< f< _ Jocatloii, In the Store 4ormtetff ^eeu- the'Post office.. faMd *rWh a fUie.f8|o#t. of "Guiie,, fife •'^•ngilfadsle, Am»unltio«, Ac., to mmm\ v 4btlite"«il ioay give ihim.. a will** fun* re pal red on ahort notiee aud 'in ie best of manner. Call it'%% Jils nevv Quarters and examine* his stofck and leirn pflcea. and borrow it. I ve got the "Yellow •Jaek" and will get revenge in that way But before you come peruse the follow ing pitiful line? and pause ere you take ronr life In your hands, for any one that can perpetrate <mch a ditty la dangerous to a Grauge'r Editor: .« ! ««' 'Twai on that dark, wet raiay atgkt, ^ ID August, ieventy-six, ^ | * The Irtmps gare out k «H«mal tight; i ifhat found m» in a fix x h; » ; for I was faraway from homo,' ' j Soni j sixty miles or more, ' **• * Xl»e "i«pr Mash" was almost I started for the door. • } "ifh«ro beautiful and bright they stM^ Af hound to ride the storm," f TjwM looked so good A oover for my form. As I was flr«t I had my pick, The best I quickly sought. And left the house as though "O&t Ifis|' My heels had lately bought. | ua -ii Su ixy -f.MI. i! 4 m aoocatiivR coyrwuuieK. The Annual session of the Rock River Conference, of the M. E. Church, held at Mt. Carrol, closed on Wednesday. Following are the app#in§ments for iftft Insuing year In tlileeMnity. CsliCA<k>'District.--W. C. Willing. FH»rfd|ftr Elder. Chicago.dark stwet. M.IfrPwkhnrst; Wabaish avsaae, A. W Pattern; Trinity, W. V. Grafts; Michigan avenue. John WUUamson; LahgMy anretiuc, T. C. ClaiM>o»H»iug. Htater^trecti E. M. Berlm^ Griiiie, It. D. Sbspnrtl; Grant ptaoa,JL P**i Cleve- laadrOent#tmry. H. W, 'rhomaa; Ada siraot^&H, Adamii 1?ark avenue, S. M^CIteiisey,; Western ^uue. J. M, CaNweOiFulton ibeeet. W. H. Holmes tt. Paurs, T. P. MArshj; Halsteaa street rm. Craven; sQpsoft, J. It. Ailing; Winter street, Clewrjje Chase; lGngle- wood, F. M. Bristol^ Grand Ctteshig, J. W; Richards; tta%feW<#6od, P, Hoi ton; Evanston. First, M, IfatfleM^f Liborty- vllle, S. T. Show; Volo and Centennial; A. Youker; Watikegan, L. Meredith; Park Ridge, C. W. Thornton; Arling ton Heights, C. R. Field ; Pftlatiije, W. Thst'**?: finrriR^f on. John Hitchcock * Austin. IK M. ToiMkins; Oak Park, T. R. $robrldge; Wheaton, R, Congden; er, W, P. Gray; Geneva, Joseph veil; Batava, A. Gnrney;5t. Charles. S^. Q. Freeman; DoWner's Grove, J. O. Foster. • ^ Rockfohi> District.--B, L. Martin, Presiding Rider, Roekfora.Centennial, W. A. Spencer; Winnebago street, R. S. Can tine; Winnebago, J. Adanb; Byron and Westfleld, W. C. Wire; Belvldere, W. ». Ilamtigton; Roscoe, J.M. Clendcnning; wwkton, B. 1. Smith; Ronnd Prairie, G. k =S. Stuff; Bigftkrt, R. Beaty; Riolfmoiul, P. C. St Ire; RlNgwood. W, A. Adson; Nuuda, O. E. Burch; Dundee, N, Criohett; Woodstock. S. Earttanr; Elgin, W. II. Bums; Marengo, J, A. Reeves; Clierry Vnllev,G. C.Clark; Charter Oak, W. F, DeWd *, New llilford, W. II. llaight; Harlem, S. Cates; Burrett, J. W, I', JordoH. ^ t^A t a meotinf ol an Knglidi ag» ricultural society last month a number of new Implements und machines were exhibited which excited admiration there,and are equally tieeded here; among them an improved water ram costing under throe pounds (#15),and capable of raising a constant stream of watei two hundred feet; also a steam jet pump for raising or heating water, or any liquid, at one operation. These cost twenty dollars. The most aston ishing exhibit of all. however, i» the Alpha patent portable gaa making apparatus, by whith gas of the best quality it made without coal or fuel of any kind. This new gat ami the readiness with which tt is pro duced, excites the greatest wonder. • ' 1L ILL J-LL ! '• About the only opposition Mr, Sherwln has In the Fomth District Is one Stoughton , priest Without a parish, a clergyman without a Hock, a politician without a principle." and whose only claims on the Democratic party is that, he got day tor stumping Indiana for Tllden and Hen- dricks. A rtguiar old S to ugh ton bot tle.--Chiaigo Tribune a nobby suit, go hear Hie Depot. 10 Chroittoe, for 3$ ceatgva S.' ! j i». - il'iit i fi Rev.L.W NrecoMis is now In this village canvassing for tl« book entit led "Th^ Royal Path of Life*' or "Alms and Aid* t° Success and tlapplne Tho work comprises a series of essays Mnmvsnch orautical and sutccestive top- lbs ai "Occupations*Luck and Pluck," ^Manners,'* "Matrtmony," "Debt," "Associates,1* "Jloms," and Wndred themes. A hasty perusal of tlpese es says reveals the fact that tha author had seen much of life and had taken ifcojtfi of events to a purpose. Not only ate tije essays well wrltter. and reada ble but they abound |n practical thoughts and suggestions which cannot fall to Interest and profit the attentive re&fier. Thn illustrations are simply elegant, while iu typographical appear ance it stands in the foremost, rank of the Art , Mo one sliould fail to egain- In* - tMa valuable work, when Mr. Kiccolls ca»s, and we are smets if they do so he will meet a ready sate. It is oertaiuiy a volume that ahoulct be If* avory-family. 'jUi ^ ULAmS BALL AND PtOMO* MOOt. 1 Th^re will be a Glass Ball atid *nPf- geou Shoot, at Harry DuiineU'*,Nipper- iiuk Point, ou Saturday next, Oct. 26th, to which all shootists and their frioada are invited. The Shooting will be for a Sweepstake Purse. Come out and "Hate a littlp f*it| with boys.M member the day and date, gatuedaf next; Oct. IMb* eemmwtieiiig at 10 o'clock. ^ JO#f> BwenVBQ at Mra^aearW,^ nei« Btodk off^ll Sad Wt«te^ Mlileli- all the' latest ^tylei of I BMt» frieud and ira mot om. Two hearts that beat as one. t We stopped beaeath a sheltering tragi) to sea what we had iloaa. We tound that mum was bright a*A While his was--"Black and ;laB," j ,iJ Be staried off to see me iiiroitfll, • • He did It weli-Kh Vanl JUS now that Umbrella Sssi Pla-r,ld-ly fcjr my aide, ^ Ami If I'm put in Barnusi •akauii «4«H no ril spout it sure and slid*. | 4it If your feelings overcome you call on "Tip" and charge it to ids. I can't help it, 1 was born that way. "Dew DBOp^lb.-.A^t, <• Yours, 1:1 nos. WM. LjffilK^ and Jii%6 B. N. Suiiiti, wiii Muuiess the voters of Rich mond and vicioiyf;, this \Y1e4uesd4y evowfpg. • What Is the m;itt<# with the mtwk- ratal Oae of them attacked a peace able citizen on the street on Monday night. After a hard battle, the assail ant was placed hort du cotnbat. It is said these rats are traveling all over the|oountry% and are building no hguses for the winter, and are deserting the ponds because of Irck of water in them.--Sandwich Gazette. (pry. . ^ %j#r, ««idAt, tiluUMi. M wiiluh wiil be aiit the times. ' < • ill fl.WCSt'.Wll n'-.' te DtiWn J1 DHVe Dowitf! ! Aftd^eeiUa!! We wI1I,.|miAw you. ' HecHAiN A * : Tfee inest stock of Millinery Gooda There Is no end to the anxieties atid apprehenslous that are disturbing the minds uot only of the rulers but 01- the governed, across the water. What wiill the financial disasters and dis trestes in Great Britain and dangerous Socialistic controversy in Germany the revolutionary demonstrationsv i^ Russia, anil the geueral uneasiness which prevails af to the complications growing out of tlie treaty of San Step* hauo, there will be very little hopeful confidence Iu the future. And now the situation is aggravated by reports that the Russians are moving back to Adrln ©pie. On tha whole we have no rea son to envy our European oontempora ies. " ' . * ' 'j I'N imoiiiSp------•»--» : i • A^i,; of t'tje mt l^Ifiif v^4|;tl)i«; owwiel dun to his Jelluq^cnt patrons 1 "Dear Sir 4m very badly In need of mouey. hav* Aug obligations to meet Sept. 1st, that must be pjl^ and there 18 tio escape.-- It's money or hair, ff I don't pa; they.akin me. If you can't pay pay a-part of it,, or give your note, payable in 80 or 60>days, so that ! can money. It's a either got to f Ham. F. H Orsngeri j Will address Meetinga in .thig. Cottar ty as follows. MONDAY Evening, Oct. fl8th, at th« School House, Iu Coral Village. TUESDAY ft veiling, Oct. the Town House in .RUey. ; , Other Speakers will be pveseo|»> "r' • --wm - n't. ,*t 29th, at WOQDflTQCK. Editor PlaikocalkeThe differ ence between then and now. In war time, the South grayed for yellow Jack to s|4 in kiI)lj»g/ofl Un^on Sol diers.' Now they appeal to Union Soldiers and the North to deliver them from the awful scon rage this Plague hasbrought ttpon them--and it aston ishes human nature, to sse how'bounti fully the North responds to the cry tbr help. If the South were as ready to overlook the pas% diSerenoss, and would strive as earnestly to oversows all pr»Kent difficulties ns the North! there would soon begin a relgn of peatw between the two sections, out done only bv the love of Damon and Pythias. The North has done every thing honorably, possible to heal the, breach, She has "all the day lOtig! strot,died her hand across the "bloody chasm** and "all the day long" has the South as a people rejected the profter- eu token of brotherly io*e uniess wHfar It came the delivery of the Govern-1 saent again into their liands together wtth the aokn©wie<1gfiiaent, that in the terrible struggle the Union savers, were in the Wrong atid the Union de-> stroycrs were In the t ight. It does seem as though the generous impulses of the North, in tlie magnanimous do nations, and almost unlimited eftorts to alleviate their differing woUKl tend to smooth tlie "ragged edge^ Of their hatred, and induce them to return toi" their "Fathers house, where there i» bread enougii and to spare." t w Jack Frost visited us in tlte powe^of might durlug the past w«ekk, Jt i« to be hoped that lie will grapple with Yellow Jack Iu the Fgver dfttrlcts and compel him to stay hia haftfl, knti is top his ravages. , We do believe that empty house near E. E. 11mmas' reeMenee is soon to beoccupied because the owner thereof has been seen tidying St «l> a* if preparing it for a home, a»d as It i« undoubtedly true, whether you believe It or not, that «wr John A. Parrisli is really married; We will close this mirngraph with....'the ooupilet from the' sacred songster,..' .. ..*• * "J _.„4". "While the lamp -ljotd%pu^ ft , = The rlleat sinner may ro.iufn." - Husking is atill tlie rage and we hear a fcreat many say thaa you ought to be more cnreftH in giving1 your statemenU* as (l|cy "cariiiot fliicl "either In " WhU- nq/'e certificate^ or "Jl. S. Stewart* ccmh 6ooJfc" »nv authority for asserting that one man: can husk one. hundred and forty five busltels of corn in oue day "between sun arid suh.n Gi,ir sclidol seems to be lb a healthy condition under the superintendence of Prof. Wllkle, and there arOiiaiiy indications that our Board of Educe* tion "bullded wiser than they knew" wh^,n they.secured hlf tervldes. ̂ We ^so hear favorable mention of his im mediate assistant Miss Anna granger. Tlie other assistants have been so w?ll and favorably known as Pupils ami then as successful Teachers In our school, that their well earued reputa tion is far more flattering to (hem than any mention we could make. We notion several additions to Mr Todd's •cliool. Onlv one. Carriage left. oniofFotH; teen two mouths ago, >t;E.^.0wen% At Colhy Biros, you can alw#yg th^. latest styles of Dress Goods, -i " Call and niake a selectiou eut' Fifty Plowed at E. Owen's. • • i< ' 'H : * --*i - ,< Examinf two .different CourtlainC Wagons at E. If. . Xirobid assortment of Sjtteta foutid at Blake's, Clteapi ! J1 '"4/ •1 «e»r®d. Owen'a '• A tloelot. of J5eph\ r and Card Boards, fuel received at J. B. Blakq's Furniture Storev'1* >•»»»«• t av.vii Dr. Jaques Gei*hi1tn Wrtm C*k|^ stand unrivaled a* a worm medlcloe.ft- Give them a trial'. Sold by a!! giats.. _ _ M"'" '"."J * GREAT RUmrcmoN r H f l t ' i I . . . . . . . • _ . . In the prices of theH Btiflulo'•! and Slioex. Don't fail taaee them bit* lu s i t f Mvere>i<fe Bloek V": i it*- School Books and Writing Paper &beap,it O.W, jQweru's. ? w iSVit. 6.w%n'8^ti<3Hed) ' Gearca Cortland Wag6n'. 11; !Vnole Sam*s Nerve and Ben# IV1 for 'man and beast and isa fwilih for every wonnd. Sold by all 0#ujigleta«.'! T«* Eureka Tree Digger. GaW at M. ope. Tl^e best th^g and ^l*Jc^eap, , , ah d Post Hole Oweifs and see In th.e marl *iot f?r:' V"'. Vt# ^ ? <-1 New Stortc of Cloths. Ready-Made Clothing, &C., for the* Pall trade Just received at Latter A Boelcer*«, near the Depot. . 19 W'ji ***»•{SMSJl Three or four Improyed rartna. JJi#" quire ofj, B. Perry for^particulars. , 71: "v"r :_r-;-*^pUMPs7 ^ •• ; " A.l»rgp ^topk of adatirv&ifttfetftA k-UO^ rwips, Af prlye*. aJt !i'- 'FDR'SALU. ' Half Interest itr a Bhflah^ Plttl, ten Horse rov^er^'"Threshing" Machine.-- Almost as good lis new. Will. be sold cheap. For particnlari lnqulre at this •officer: '• •«* i. "s '• -j ,1 •• ' 1 • 'j " i .s'« BOO TS A SHOES. , • It It a conceded fact, that thl"iwfti«7 10 Custom Made Boots and Shoes have no superior on the market. Selected stock. Warranted work»<>'For sale by Oolby Bresi, Riverside Block* » "Economy is the road to "wealth^" • fifty cent^^prth of IJ^de Sam's Har- nesa Oil gmlled. to.-. your, old harness, will make the leather J,poJc\ like ngw and keep 11 soft ai>(j[^lliibie. ; Have your Sewing'Ifabhlne Clftalned, Re-Adjiistr-d or Repaired awe»peri- enced machinist wbd will- vielt;; you* house o» iiotifyihg Ataktby pogtal card. All work warranted^; ^ AlMiJTIdTRATOR'S ̂ ALt,j Notice Is hereby given that on Thnrsday, Oct.24;h between the b«ntrs of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at the late resident of Horace Long, de ceased, the Personal Property of the said decedent, consisting of 1 Pair Mares, 1 COW, 3 Shoats, S Wagons, 1 set of Bobs, 4 Plows, 80 Fence Posts, a lot of Hay, Com and Potatfeg, 1 Chest of Tools, Bed and Bedding, 1 Stove, a lot of Household Furniture, and other articles, will be sold at Public Sale, In accordance with an order of the Coun ty Court of McHeury County. Tkbms of Sale.--All sums of |5 and under, Cash. Over that sum a credit of Eight months will be given on ap- prov$d notes et 8 pet cent interest. B. IF. Owkk, Atlmlnistrater. Id us. Bucklin A Stevens. V ws H the round h r * -J?"1 7 RUBBER BOOTS. • WA would call the attention of patrons to our extra quality rub' boot which is superior in every respect to any other boot in the market. We warrant evftry pair pf these goods aud will stand ready to back up what W f i y S a y . , ' ' f,.," jriTKSIMMOHS AEVAMOlr. 4 ft>R SA^fe OR EXCHANGE. Having moved on my farm t how offer my Store aud other property In Jehn^burgh for Sale, or will exchange. It for good Farm property. I# not sold twill Rent it to a responsible party oil reasonaUle terms, It Is a fine location for trade; Call on or Ad<)Fe% GlKSEnan, MoHenry. lll. « > ^ V . -- 1 f ' , " ' I ' s f , •• * -j „ - K -, WINTER STOCK, WINTER STOCK! We have filled our house foil of New Goods In every department that was can «etl cheaper tlian ever before^ (.Tome and see us.' ' - BT'CKMV A STBVSHS. :,jia^j(^^..4pp68lte.the: RlVe^ side House, sui tabk for a frilly. fsqnir»stilUi:oiBeLj.,:t, cids jtjpt iVAKSOST. N«w «h<4 StySish J}/rcj$ receiyed at ErragtM#^! Pott SAt»«i*a first-gMbe <JoaI Stoves Burns f<ift CfW. to warm a largp VMm' WlJl lie soif|;^pap. IjfOf quUsfcat this offien. GOODS! DRESS GOODS!! Just Received! Just Receivedflf At AUCTION ^ALE. Theundersigned, being about, to rent heV ftirm will sen at Public Auc tion, at her residence, four and a half miles East of Crystsl Lake Crossings and one mile South ijBprtou's Bridge, near Fox River, ou JlgMaday. Nov. 4th, 18T8, contmenclng at 10 o'clock a. ac. the following Property! t Good" <X»w*» most all la this Winter,'® two year old fl$l{^ ogling In this ^pring, A two yeagiOiA Siegra,Jl. twja year old Bull, f OalvMi 8ft ShM|l«AtLeffe Hogs, m Shoats,• mm food l|oek' Horses 1 span 4 yi," 1 Double 1 H ay Rake Cuitivatorg, atid T o o l s . • * . - - • • 1 • « ' > . -mn ' TerIis or SAt*.--All earns of #10 and tinder, CMi. Over * that adjohh^ a credit of one year ^111 be. glyief prevod Notes at8 per f ( : . . Mmv. piasati i St'JLttalKWMixm, Awtummn t j asrM ml Children have health and Mothera rest When Dr. Winehell^u Teothin* Syrup is used. It produce* natural sleep, regulates the bowels, cures dys entery and dlarrltoKt arising from , teething or other causes. Sold by ||1 Druggists at 25 centa a Bottle, ( W he n you are de pressed and gygtem disordered take Eilerfs light Liver Pills.'they regulate the llVer and digestive organs and will quj^ly re store you to uealth. Sold by ut Drug- a giStS. • " ' ' It Is the Buffalo Boo are the sole agents taithie vi i?df the Ijeatiaitd obeai reiat ufarket testitDonylliat th» and Shoes, for Which wi are _ _ in the G t v e - t b e a a m Ui&L , . • WAIT rOR THE WAGON. We lire iiow offering one of our brated Lttrtitfttt- WstfeVie^ with top Steel SpVing »e«ti,; Whlffi»»tree8, Neck Yoke andstay uh^ine^ aiircompk ii for #9* Warrauted Jforoue y^ear. •1- " -j-- •ftie above reward will be paid to any one who will find one of our Brtflk- lo Boots iu which there is a counter. Inneraole, slip sole or piece of heeling that ia not cast- Irom a good, thick, piece of sole leather, Colby Bros. Riverside Block McHeury, 111. FOR SA Fifty he*d of full blood at pflceatoauit the Mmes. ;< . .*7Z GKO.W. HPNT _ * • '; • poat OBce Greenvrood. . Jog. WiewemA** «0jW.kpe|» Frang Falkfe MtLwaukee;Enport Rattled Beer whiuii is the finest »a%, put \m iu Patent Bottles, wd will keep fresh and &dee. Will be furnished by the doaep pottle. . " NOTICE TO WOOL GROWERS. .The subsoHben wbulijf sift that !ff you wish to olotug your ratnaly you c&n do so by brlngtutf pr sendlrtg your wOol * * fC^e kam^ft>r*go6d dtesiV- abl' Wlll jtive yon for u«- wgshed fmm & W » ©ts., for washed oiVtfte shv«V»»o^f cte.. and for tub w^ihed 44*<cis., and sell you goods W P4II«t»t lesatlwti lart year. ̂ ^ R , R ust iin *f U'--> <•;. f, A liPwt. , ,|^»tl|ifainSt., JanesvtlW, Wis " CUTN MDN Colds negleote d are. the cause of one-ltalf the deaths. C011- Mrmption MRKS' In every oougii, oft^u USU.G ASJISUFCKS, tlie NTDDY cheekVquiuk- eued piileer bnd sparkMoK ftyn ^ deebly piant* i ts dseaded d«M«lly sef fe» tf*syateub EVERJFLIOME shdtj Cherry which ptev^r 4f taken in tlp»$, CpWS. CongK sumptlo^ ANAA]I DOU'T wait ror this day TAKE home EXTRACT of Tar and ., „ ^ „ MAY save tlie LIFIROF a RfjSiWlWw, when delay would be death, Sold tiy aU Druggists. *f rry for It ; xr<rs#ff. Thousands of dollars are now beiny ^fkVed every year by progressive far- ttiers, who soon discover the great val ue of freely using Uncle Sam's Condi tion Powder iu the feed of their stock: |t restores the, sick, increases tbe beau ty. and usefulness and promotes the growth. Sold bv all Druggist*. FOR SALE. J good ho'use and barn thereon, lirlth tim ber and water iu abuhd4nc«r, la Sootlon 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal . Lake and Nunda toad. Good new * house, barn aud Other outbuildings.-- | Apply to .« John FLUSK& - 1 LIVEK1S KING. r ' ; : r The Liver is the imperial organ o the Whole human system, as It control, the life/health and happiness of man Whey it is disturbed in its proper ac tion, all kinds of ailments are the natural result. The digestion of food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and nervous ^litem, are alJ immediately connected %i^Biflie'w'Orkingsof the Liver. It has beenJgijlftessfnUy proved that Green's AhgeW'Slower is unequalled in curing al alteed with Bf^op^a or Liver 'QgMpl^iiii, uid all the numerous syrnp- tMQs thai result JSwj»i g«fe|inheahhy " Ion- of •• . pie bott4es AOf|W^jg|t^ PoeU it«is just what you waat. All tho Dally and Weekly Magazines, etc.. can be fouud Plaixuealek News Room ! '1* 'J- Mi&.v n,M:: OS - -