TTT :1 V * • r^ ;* * ^ f ' v* '„; ^ .Arc ?>•*'»•; ."*»»«is«^-'y*>"»^V-A;A; I "'» * r " * „( m ^ iJVJSk- i * * i r>Va. >. , ^ r . 4..^, .... J rs • « ' d&9z <*** ,r' *v >-s * K i., ".- > r,'/• * 1 ^ * . »* MlilW • .H.-j m CHICAQO * X01TH.VUT11I UItV|| Embraces under one management the Great Line* of (be Wj£as< hi ill i3n GOODS! S^#»3^ and, w„n u. Branches and connections, fnaiUl and quickest root* between Chicago points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern gan, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, 0«lUb and the Western Teriitories. Its jt am Selling .11 tW n-:$#x L SMW Omaha anci California Uno lsthC shortest ant? best route between Cbirt Australia. 6. KOtod «l» ta«fc la Srif-MtaM. M«J.8wB.^.:,iil^te;firy buay for warding tchemea for Southern relief. The Mitfor always waa sympathetic, £ood-li«arted,jBrentle, and a believer In the doctrine ®f a fair division of com-* forts, aa the few stivlvors of the gtA4 lant company he led In 1801-2 can tea* tlfy. . One of the boys brooght a lamb Into camp once upon a time, a fact which the Major, then a captain, was not long, in discovering. "Carter," said he, "how did you come into possession of that lamb P "I killed It. 0»pta!a,w was the un hesitating reply. "I presume you did, sir.* rejelMd Mm Capialsi t-jt doo't jw know It •it vMatlon ef orders to sSeatabe property of the peopled This seemed! for a moment; to pose the lover of fresh mutton, but fur a moment only, for, after scratching his lie ad, he retorted: "Captain I didn't Steal it. T^e con founded beast chasea me all arohnd a forty acre field, and £ had to kill it In Sfllf jflfftngft; If- wnnlrS hjm been 3. shame leave it thsre for bosz&rds, and so I saved the meat for my mess.--* I will send yon a quarter of„ ;lfr after dark. • A good manvCofficers » would have doubted the soldier's statement and confiscated the meat, but Capt. Held took It all in, and remarking, "DonPt let it happen again," made for hisr headquarters satisfied with tbaeor- rectness of Carte re statement. HENRY MILLER, V . ' ? Moxramenta, Headstones*. ETC., ®T<V ETC. American fc cotch Granite, Constantly on Hend. Two miles North of Mo- Henry, 111. PT TO MAKE IT SAJMrr Says the American Monthly: A gen- tleman who resides nea^Boydton, Va., has aipired to a new science--that of | controlling the clouds in order to cause it to rain at will. With the view of attaining this end he built a "rain tower,** which novel structure is said to be thirty feet in diameter at the • base, which size it attains to the height of forty feet. To this height it con tains four flues, each seven feet in di ameter. The number of flues Is then -v reduced to two, which run up twenty i |set higher, the top of the structure V reaching an altitude of sixty feet.-- The whole concern was erected at a jjU-'eoat of about 91,000. The method of causing rain to fall is as follows: The floes are filled with dry pine wood, which Is set on fire, and which is kept up until the desired effect Is produced on the elements. His theory is that a the great heat produced in the air . ' jkHma {ha "{.ftwsj" wil | raniA th« dmida to ooncontrate over, when plenty of rain will fell in that vicinity. The originator of this novel idea is said to be a firm believer in the practibiltty and utility of his Invention, notwith- S;/ standing that.after repeated trials, t during which he consumed hundreds of cords of wood, his tower failed to produce the desired effe#fc on the un- propitious heavens, he having been a great sufierer from drought during the entire soring and summer. Johnsburgh, Ang. 90th, 1S7T > W*r- Tha Place whereyotican tmjr alio. l brand new ' •' «. j,. AMERICAN OR H0W| ( 16TWe hope there is no truth in the reports that the Treasury is going to make another attempt to retire the #1 and $2 bills, in order to make a demand for the silver dollars, ff the uses of these bills were simply to pass from hand to hand, their withdrawal from circulation would cause no other dis comfort than that occasioned by car rying the bulky silver coins, but they are extensively employed in making small remittances by mail, and espec ially In forwarding subscription money, to newspapers. Many millions of dol lars are annually received by newspa per publishers In 91 and 93 notes. If theso notes are retired, a serious in jury will be inflicted on the newspaper rOB^ALK* " ^ fifty bead of full blood Merino Rams at prices to suit the times. Gao. W. Hdht. Post Offlce Greenwood. 6 With all the latest impce* ranted. o and; war '^iv' :•< In the Biarkot. Among theiB are the Moline, Peru, Gr»nd Detour. Font A Bradley, J. I. Case and Norwegian, all acknowledged th<j beatmade andat LOWER Call and give them « trial to be c<Jnymc«& v V I am* also Selling M'f ",;. At reduced price** ft u Bom*' r PLATFORM SFR1M WAGON, I have the M Courttand Improved Bear," which can't be beatr either in Price or Quality, and is tbe only A No. 1 wagon in the market. CARRIAGES. best machine*: now In the market, and persons wishing to bay should avail themselves of this Kare Chance, Call at my store and examine the machines. 'A ** "'-j.v mbm> nL, wnMk, itm I' W. Owen. , ^v-asur. » /1 i v • JNanuftictured by . 7J . MARCUS .-f. Vvf'f ! ! f I f f PURE WINES, mm AMBROSIA AKID ftufMfiy (OLD BY OaUMltTt MPtCHANTiimywii ME |M <H gm EJH.TUBBS . ^ CARRIAGES. I can sell you a First-class Top Carriage for* $80, and Warrant it for One Year. Who can afford to ride in an open buggy when a CARRIAGE can be bought for those figures. Be sure and call, as we KNOW we can make it to your interest to do so. |3pr*Everything sold 09 M e r i t s . j a . : • Remember tha-OldtytiM. op posite the Mill* : 3E3. IML. Oweni McHENRY, 111., July 22. iron wdi p'jr^husmg elsewher®. Prints, Bleachied Jfc Brown Cottons, Cottonades, Tick ings Denims, Sh Ohleago* St. Paul A Mlnnsspslli Line. lathe short line between Ohieage aa4 alt points in Northern Wisconsin aatf MinnafottL and for Madison, St. Paul, BiiimmtT Inth, and ail point* In the 6r#^pMthwest. LaCi-OMe, Wiaaaa * St. Ittfer Xia« Is the best route between Chicago - and Qrosse, Winona, Rochester, Owatonn kato. 8t. Peter, l»ew tNm and all v Southern and Cen tral Minnesota. Its oofls oft ,* 'A "-i si«a», •>;' •, A t. I *• * ' ' V1 'V 4' " '.'>V ^ Silki, Cashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas ancj Wliite J3kx>ds of all kinds. ii In Made Clothi Shoes, we wi dersold, quality of Goods considers , Boots and not be un- lyGWes and Hosiery a id Oil Cloth Carpetings. • ii - «t « f: ' . , - * * - L* * < ' "i,M iVS- ̂ ^'11: :Jfi Groceries. ERRY A Is the only line between Chicago and JanM. ville, Watcrtowa, *©nduiacr Oshkoeh, pleton, Green Bay, Kscanaba, Kegans« Marquette, Houghton, Hancock and the ~ Superior Country. Its Srcen Bay & Harpifte Um an«M- Freeport & Dubuque Is the only route between Chicago and Rockford, Freeport and all points vl% F: port. Its Chicago & Milwaukee line la the old Lake Shore Route, and is the onj one passing between Chicago and Xvans Lake Forest, Highlnnd Park, Waukei Racine Kenosha and Milwaukee. - Puilnan Palace Br a wing Rstf) Cars are run on all thmugh tmtns oa tht* roadL This is the ONLY J IMK rnaning thaaa Mft# between Chicago and at. Pui and Minna apolis, Chicago and Milwaukee^ Galea go aaA Winona, or Chicago and Green Bay. Close connections are nutde at Chicago wltla the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Mick, lgan Central, Baltimore and Ohio, PilbMi. Ft. Wayne, & Chicago. Kankakee " ' Pan Handle Routes, for all points SOUTH-EAST, and withtheChlcai ton and Illinois Central for all poiL, Close connections are also raad^ Union Pacific R. R., atOinaha foralt lftfr West points. • Close'connections made at junction noinlia with trainsof all cross points. Tickets over this route are sold by all Ooiu pon tick% agents in the United Stataa aa« Canada. ^ Bemembei youask for your tickets via tfc* ChicagoNorthwestern Hallway and **%+ none others. New York Office. No. 416 Broadway; Bostoif Office, No, 5 State Street; Omaha Office, MB Farnham Street; 8an Francisco Office. IIS Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Offices. 62 Clark Street, under Sficnrmaa House; to Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzie Street --ot, corner W. Kinzia aad Canal S •» ^3 m '•••• Is not easily earned m these times, hut it can he made iif three months by any one of either sex, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-- per Week in your own town, You need not be awayfrom homeovernigiu- You can give /aur whole time to the work, or only your spare momenta. We have agents who are making over $30 per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the preaeat time money cannot be made so easily and rap. dly at any other tmaiaees. It costs no thing to try the buaiaeas. Terms and t& OutCt tree address at oaee, H. HALUETT Jk Co, .Portland Bo\99Wt*t Shsarii Tabls and Popkct Cu Maine* Spades, Bhovek Forks, Corn Knivet, Axes, Gnndstonei, * * Window Olassi 1 T-. MENU 0B4C.C CQLMY w >• .A- Mop oppoatta lk« ftaritar Hons*, MeHenry, • •, Illinois Having purchased aiM taken bo»aesslm> of these well known Shops, I am ntnr prep with first class workmen and good prepared, material, Sold by COLBY BROTH1IH MoHenry, III. " •4 ̂ u. Woodstock, &KAC'K'H CELEBRATED SALVE IB A VEOBTABLK PRKfAHATIOH in the 17th century by Dr. William ^.rare, . Surgeon in King James' army. Through its agency ho cured thousands of the most serious sores and wounds that l»afll> ed the skill of the irost eminent uhysicians of his day, and was regarded bjr ail who knew him as a public benefactor. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. CELEBRATED SALVE CURES Flesh Wounds, Frozen Limbs, Salt Rheum, Chilblains, 8o»e Breast, Sore Llpa. Erysipelas, Ringworms, Calluses, Scald iioad, Chapped Hands, Barns, Cancers, Feioiis, • : Sores, Ulcers ; Rtings, Shingle|| Wens, llties, "^recklea# $oil«, liitlows, r. MAR !«•»« the ptions Bottles. nrvy, "*o8qnito to manufacture Wagons and Buggies on short I ALSO DO A General Blacksmlthing Businesa, and wlll do your work la the best of manner and with the least Itbaslbir delay HORSE SHOEING • SPECIALITY. B B » A.I BING Or all kinds mwmptly att«aded U, Oall and ourMpr. JR. Thompson. Having purthased the entire stock of Dry Goods, Smith, Aldnch & Hay thorn, have removed to the Block, wh^rc they are now prepared to meet th nerally with a large and well selecte see for yo EADY-MADE CLOT and Shots. Eati and G-lass-Ware, &ro. ev will sell for Cash or Ready-Pay the County. Our Goods are all I reference to the wants o; eriea, &c.t ot in Biverside customers and enes, •Z'W.ijr NCf the: in it with es lunity, am ecial we BE * < V ' ^ 0 » Jf \ r ' t , Grace's Celebrated Salya. A SURE RELIEF FOB THE SUFFEBXJt. ' " >-V'f A J ^ r I'KEPABBI> nr SKTH w. FOWLS * SONJ -^^-• .»|(iARRI80N AVENUIfefrf- SOSTOir. MASS. x 0'; ds line ret0f°r?J ̂ 8^G no to axis CkmjNnirided in a careful manner and by none but expose] Thankful for past favorB, we solicit, «nd hope to# ance of the same. McHenry, HI;, May 7th, 1874. i „***&•' ' : " \ V*- / ***"%, '•* ' ' 1 ̂ l'• '* SLWiy ' &. fiX's ' : . 1 cap aa any other h and have been people of this customers jui ed contiuu- BB also keep our usixal stock Depot, corner w. Jvir.z.a and Canal Streets; Wells Street Depot, corner W«IU *nH g|w<g Streets. For rates or information not attaiaaMa ftta> your home ticket agents, apply to MABVIHHUQHH* W. H. SXHTL QeneralSupt. Gen'I Passe^gari Fox River Vallw R. BISHOP, Prsprieiar. k* . ki •mm , DEALERS IN f I ~ 4 1 lMcl«enrr » * - » |IUnsi% fjOHSTANTLY U9| BAKDk Done nromptly. aaSaatlafaetlon gnarantaH Having last put in a aiw ra«d Stone, capable of grinding s}xty b«iilMla^ Feed per hour. I tcHenry ni., Dsc. 11th, 187?. a McHenry ft' Painted and Ittad n m P. we are now prepared to furnish oM ouetomers with Freeh and Salt Mea|i OFALLKIND8, # • •• - • Smoked Meats. 4i» THE "Lowest Liring Pkees. ^ Wa bay-tHM||but the best of Meats, aaS hartat sarraaTaar time in one of the ba*t Markets in Chicago* flatter ourselves that «• can oSCr aarcnatomers Meats in better ska* than afy other >b®P. in this aaotion. Thaanbl Ibr pnat fhrora wa * elicit a rontte usnoeof taiPAme, and wa will gumntaa|f« satisfy quality and 1 rum paice. WvettJScm ^. tfoHnrsr, |11., May mh, MS. To Cwsimptives. npHE advartlaar, having bean peraaam^r J. cured of that dread disea ~ disease, xioui the COBIWMJ iion, oy a simple remedy, is anxious known to (da rellow-suflarers cure. To all who desire it he will send aeowr of tfea prescription used, (free of charge,) wfta the directions for preparing and using tna same, which they will find a sure care for Consurrptidn, Asthuia, Bronchitis, Ac. Par- ties wishing the prescription, will please ado dress, £, A. Wilson, 194 Penn. St.. Wllliaiaa. burjrh, N. Y, ' a:. Errora of Youth. A GENTLEMAN Who suffered for yea*-from Nervous Debility, Premature Da* cay, and ail the effects of youthful indiscra- tior; will, for the snke of suffering humanity send free to all who need it, the recipe aaia direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing'ta out by the adviser's experience can do a# - tconfldeac Cadwr St., Maw Trn^e nront uy the adviser's e by addressing in perfect JOHN B. OUDEN ii C M (•SiSsiSl#- • * :