Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1878, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY,NOV. 27tU. 1873* J. VAN 8LYKE, BdUor. 'The Geneva Lake Herald says: Hon. F. K. Granger, of Mcllenry, will probably be the uext Speaker of the Illinois Assembly. He is a very suita- able man for the plaoe ani} as he isoor- respondiugly popular, will without doubt be elected. t * V . tut a little while ago and A«$\ 3tewart towered among his fellow men, and was honored as one of the money kings of the earth. Now his bones are Jostled about In a bag rudely tossed by profane hands, aud hidden away in the dartt dens of thieves. It Is a repulsive reflection, indeed, but at the same time it is a stern comrtwnt upon the vanity of wealth and earthly honors. ^' 18r£ Welsh engineer has tainted an engine of warfare which consists of a cannon so arranged as to discharge a sharp sword blade crosswise in the direction of the enemy, the knife be­ ing so poised in its course through the air as to cover the whole space in a longitudinal direction described by the blade Itself. An 8-inch ball would carry a sword 14 feet in length 600 yards, mowing down every obstacle life path. * x Robert Banner has purchased fbr 816,000 the trotter Is&win Forest, of C. B. Green. At Hartford last sum­ mer he trotted A half mile in 1:03 and a quarter mile Ha 30 seconds. Edw in Forest is a bay, sixteeit hMds high- grand in action, with hwpfwell up-- and a square trot. He 18 now seven years old. Up to four years old he had never trotted, being a natural racker.-4> He waa converted into a trotter shoeing with one pound shoes in fleet and twelve ounce toe weights. fSSTHop. P. T.^ iBdrnum, of Bridge­ port, Conn., has again beeu called to .take a seat in the Connecticut House of Representatives. In many minds lir. Barnum's name is associated only with the show business and trickery In general, but by those of his own State, who know him as he is, he is univer­ sally icOugiiiiOu ao a Sinn O* liiiuieiil« ished character, great public spirit, an incorruptable legislator, wfio has been always found the unflinching advocate of loyalty, temperance and good gov- •ftimept. * %arGrave robbing Is getting-t» be strangely prevalent of late, aczordinfe to newspaper reports. The Burlington Hawkeye suggests as a remedy that •^ery grave robbed of a corpse, be filled with a medical student, which wonld Unquestionably be effectual. Our neighboring city of Elgin had a sensa­ tion last week, caused by the robbing of the grave of Mrs. Schroeder. The ghouls were tracked to Chicago, arrest­ ed and brought back to Elgin and held in bonds for trial. The body was also returned tof El^in and re-interred. The ghouls prove to be Frank Brown son of Dr. S. P. Brown, of Elgin, and a colored man by the name of Frank Johnson. It seems that they were after the body of a yonng man who had committed suicide, but made a mistake •ltd got the remains of a wonaan,4bat had been dead somo time. It is hbped that the grave robbers will get their ftili legal deserts. Fna tlM New York Tribune, TBS ISPtlftUCAHS IK lSSOk There are certain Democrats'and as- Blatant Democrats who insist that the prospect for Democratic victory In 188Q Is excellent, because the Democratic and Greenback vote combined exceeds the Republican vote in New York, Ohio. Michigan, Illinois and Pennsyl­ vania. On the other hand, there are certain Republicans who profess to be­ lieve that the party cau uow elect any­ body with ease, and need not take any further trouble to educate public opin­ ion on the qnestfons of currency and public faith. Both are palpably in the wrong. The Republican party has not won the battle of 1880, but it has dis­ covered how to win it. It has the van- tage-ground of aclear and houest pur­ pose, In which It Is sustained not only by impregnable reasoning, but by the conscience, the common sense and all the material interests of the country. It can be assailed with success only by a hearty and determined co-operation of three distinct elements--sincere hard-money Democrats like Bayard4 Democratic repudiators like Voorhees, and Republican Greenbackers like Butler. By what process can thege three elements be fused into one eff< tive party, if the Republicans do their duty? It is commonly said that the most serious difficulty will be with the hard- mqney Democrats. We have not yet so^mean an opinion of men of this n ^lasa as to suppose that they can be swallowed by any party which will satisfy the demands of the Greenback fanatics or the Voorhees-Pendleton Democrats. But there is one other difficulty. The Greenback then want a new party, in which they ean take front seats. The Voorhees Democrats Want an old party, In which they al­ ready have front seats. The Green- back^-ftation wants to swallow the mocrptic party, as Butler tried to swallow: Massachusetts Democracy.-- But the Demoeratic repudiators want to swMlow the Greenback party, as they iraarly did in Pennsylvania and Ohio. It Is not at all clear whlcli will succeed, but it is very certain that there are a great many men of Repub­ lican antecedents, who voted the Greenback ticket this year, but can never be dragged into any party lied and controlled bv the repudiating and rebel Democrats. . # It. fa olAflf Annucrh t.tiA RunnKIt x can party cannot afford to shirk Its dutyf^ff it palters with financial here­ sies or heretics, or merely fails to ex­ ert itself to arouse and Inform public opinion, it will have no easy task, and will deserve defeat, whether it escapes or not. AN UNDENIABLE TRUTH. You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beautiful world, it is entirely your own fault, and there is only one excuse for you.--your unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thous­ ands. Personal knowledge and com­ mon sense reasoning will soon show you that Green's August Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint, or Dys­ pepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomache, habitual cos- tiveness, dizziness of the head; nerv­ ous prostration, low spirits, etc. Its sales now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist but will tell you of its wonderful cures. You can buy a Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will relieve you. For sale by Colby Bro's, / BLAKE, If YonKn# wjfou oowld et a Cold Dollar fbr Ninety ILLfflOIS ftffVCWOOD • If want FINE CLOTH­ ING Co to F. C. Mayes. I . , If you want EfG CLOTH- Co to F. C. Mayes. If you want the BEST CLOTHING Co toF. G. Mayes. If you want CHEAP CLOTH­ ING Co to F. C. Mayes. If you want CUTTING DONE Go to F.,G. Mayes. If you want anything MADE TO-ORDER Go toF- G.Mayes. McHenry, H>y. 27th, 1878. I ' V i , *h THANKSGIVING PBOCLAXATIOX of XUinoi*--Executive Depart­ ment. I, SHELBY M. CULLOM, Governor f tho State of Illinois, do hereby ap int Thursday, the 28th day of No­ vember, a day of public Thanksgiving to Almighty God, when the people Way oease, as far as possible, from la­ bor and from business, and in a sulta Me jjffd becoming manner, give expres­ sion to their grateful sense of the Di­ ll ne favor; for. during the pa^t year; K Our lives have been spared; Our borders have been free from the ravages of the pestilence which has •o afflicted some portions of the land We have gathered bountiful crops iu and quiet; The trade and industry of the States which are, under Providence, the only fources of prosperity, have been utk* interrupted, and We continue to hold and ei\Joy a ' jfiree government founded on the school > <§!he church, and the family, to whose ' ffenign agency we owe so large a share $€our civilization. While we give thanks, we should not X , Ibrget to ask of God such guidance in ihe future as will enable us to transmit fo our posterity, unimpaired, the bles­ sings which we enjoy. • In witness whereof, I have hereunto fet my hand and caused the Great : ||eal of the State to be affixed. % Done at the City of Springfield, this . f th day of November, A. D. 1878. f t - . . 8. M. CULLOM. P By{ the Gov Him secretary of Stace, NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Nunda has now a night watch that tliew thieves will dread, In the person o^ van. Mc- Cluie. We expect to hear of no more burglaries. G. H.Clayson has returned from his Texas trip satisfied to remain at home and attend to his business. Eb. McMillln who accompanied ClaysonjSonth, Is stck with the fever in Texas. ' * Nunda Is a Temperance totrn. We would like to have the people under-, stsnd that and then judge from the performances we have almost daily how well the "City Dads" perform their duty. Not only one day but almost any day yon can see drunken men on our streets, and last Thursday night the thing came to a heati, or at least we hope it will go no farther. The facts as we learn them are these. M. F. Ellsworth and Bill. Stohd got into .difficulty which culminated in Stone hitting Ellsworth In the face. Ells­ worth retaliated by drawing a re vol ver and firing at Stone, the ball passing through the clothes and breaking the skin upon the abdomen of said Stone.-- Such drunken rows as end in an at­ tempt to t|jte life demand the atte tion of the peoples, for we knt?W'"f>ur Trustees will pay no attention. The fact is Nunda has never had a man serve as Trustee^ that had spunk enough to commence action against anv^a^tha4kepj^i saloon. They did once brace up and fine an old, inoflen slve man 75 dollars for selling whisky without a prescription, igphile there never has been a M'me when whisky could not be bought at other places, but they pitched upon him thinking £e would do them lio harm. While Miss Nellie Mallory was walk­ ing up to her Uncle's one night last week, a certain man, of our town, (or thing In shape of a man.) insulted her openly. We are sorry the old whip­ ping post law Is repealed, for we do think a good raw-hiding would do such fellows good. We learn that Homer Sheldon will play the violin for Gillett, the dancing Master, who has organized classes at McHeury, Richmond, Hebron and Wll- raof. We can^bespeak for the dancers good music. BED-ROCK BOTTOM! -ON- Seii ftiiiu ATTACHMENTS, o. w. OWEN; Would respectfully inform tfio in:blie that he hns in stork all the leading REWiNG"MA­ CHINE NEEDLES and ATTACHMENTS, which lie is selling at LOWEK PRICES nthan any other House in McHenry county. First Class Needles for 2c. And all other Attachments in Pro­ portion. This Is a legitimate part of my busdiirtss, I keep noiio--hut First- Cl^iss Goods, and WJlfL^NOT BE Ui^pERSOLD. ^ O. W. OWJBN. McHenry, Nov. 2«th, 1878. The subscriber would inform the gublW that he ienow prepared to furnish them with anything in his line from a common Farm WflKon to the nieeat Top Carriage, on short notice and at reasonable rates. Using nonet, but the best of timber and employing none but C. f. flWPi lSterei"irfe "bdtK may for the Pari' anfl %iuter 'wil SKILLED WORKMEN 1 ness of'78 and '79, and are offering such inducements that readers of the PLAIMDEALEB can't afford to pass them by. Just prices as an appetizer and then go and see for yourself. • . He Warrants his work to Rive satisfaction, and for pood pay will be as low as Can IHy be afforded. possij HE MAKES ixo rse Sli A SPECI mg R E f i A I B I N G Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and see for yourself. N- BLAKE. Ringwood, III., Oct. 20th, 1878. FRED. SCHNORR, MANUFACTURER OF New Store, near the Depot, McIIEINRY, ILLINOIS. Having removed to my new Store, I am now prepared to accommodate vnjf customers in any tiling in the line ot ^ Custotn4lade Boots and Shoes On short notice and warrant satisfaction.] Being a workman of many v^rs ex|»e rience I am conrtdent I ciwr -pteSae all who give me a call, and as I use none bu 11lie best of stock can guarantee as represented. Give me a call and I will try and please. aSTRemember the placn, new Block, one door West of Story'sllard ware Store. FRED- SCHNORR. Melleitry, Til., Oct. 30th, 1878. i Best Prints....... Best Print*............. Spool CottOh.......... 36 inch Cotton.. 36 inch Cotton best ...I' " " " bleached........ . " " bleached best;. «• •« Cashmere................ Black Alpaca Good Corsets No 1 Corsets T.adies Furs all prices Jtufftilo Uobesall prices.......'. Cotton Flannel 08 All wool Flannel, Good.... 25 Womens and Misses Shoes ../. 1 00 Boots 86 to 3 75 Boys Boots .... ....v^<V...$l 75 to2 50 04 06 OQ 07 10 K5 25 35 50 Good Demiat..Av.UK Sugar.... ..8e,#c and » B e s t T e a . . . S O B e s t J a p a n T e a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0 5 ctti off on 5 tb lots ..i!.....j i...,... 5 tbs Coffee.. 1 00 15 lbs Currants.....-...;.,".,'...;,'"7..1 00 12 H>8 Rice 1 00 No 1 Baking Powaer....J 2& Saleratus ®8 S. G. Starch... 10 Axle Grease 98 Stove Polish.,.Oft Mens Suits cheap Boys Suits cheap........ Overcoats cheap 1 lb No 1 Fine Cut Tobacco.........I.... Drew Goods 8o^l My disposition this Fall is to sett cheaper tifln ever and I am pre­ pared to give all who are in want of merchandise a real benefit. "Goods well bought are half sold" and t&now I present to patrons as well bought stock and bought as low as Cash in h»nd would biiy it in any market. Clothing is one of my great specialities and i guarantee a saving of from $2 to $6 a suit. Stock always full and complete for all sizes. Trunks, valises, Hats and Caps in full as sortmeut. In fact in all classes of merchandise I am fully up to the times in goods and prices. I am bound to lead the trade if good goods and low prices will do it. In closing I will only say I want to see you. It will be of mutual benefit for I know ' you cau make money out of me. I have Stores well filled at Dundee and Rich­ mond, gentlemanly clerks in attendance and my numo is C . F . - - • -- * HALL, Chicago Office* RICHMOND, I^]u 122 FRANKLIN STRKVT. Ga HALL. DVHDXI, lit HDBBAH NRTII I0U])1Y3 M. Engeln -FOS- OOTSAND SHOES »tl Hi 213 !>(adl«»n St., BUEL, COOK A 8EIXA3, ManuTrs and Wholesale Dealers. 2«"J>oii't fail to examine Goods and Prices when in Chicago. Stock New md Bought for Cash. Great in­ ducements to Cash Buyers. U.K. Bi?Bk, Late with M. Selz ft Co. C. F. COOK, I Late ot Whitney, 1L I.. SKIXAS, | Cook «t Co., N. Y. 1878. 1878. LATTER & BECKER, •) % Next Door to the Post Office. Has just pnt In his store a large and well selected stock of Goods for the HOLIDAY TRADE, 1 . Jewelry, Masical Instruments, a fuli line of Notions, consisting of Pins, Needles, Sus­ penders, Handkerchiefs, Stockings, Ac. Also a lull line o f Pocket and Table Out- lery, Steel Violin Strings, (something new) Hunting and Fishing Tackle, Revolvers, Ac. These sroocis were all bought for cash ami will be sold lower than ever before effered In this tfouiity. "Quid Sales and Small Profits; iy motto. The choices stock of Tobacco and Cigars in town. Call and »<>e my goods and learn prices be­ fore purchasing. M. ENQ ELM. • , V " McHenry, Nov. 17th 1878. h A The Phonograph is the greatest in­ dention of the greatest inventor the rorld has ever known. , It will talk, recite, sing, play tunes, whistle and ijlnake fun, until yon are half dead with Ojausrhter, or eti uck dumb with •fWMt, it iUrtrtto Hall mxt _ amaze- Friday The Edison Phonograph, or Talking Machine, will address the people of Mcllenry, at Riverside Hall, next Fri­ day evening, Nov,29th. The announce­ ment that trie machine will be assisted by Prof. Nadal, whose powerful, rich voice, and rare genius as an Elocution­ ist, is well known through tiiis coiniuu- nity will be sufficient to guarantee a full attendance. The Phonograph will be operated by Mr. Barhydt. the gentle­ man who has been Mr. Edison's sole exhibitor in Chicago since Afca Jntro-0 auction. Admission 20 ceutt. School children 15 ceuts. Administrator's Notice. T^ST.YTE of'Horace Long deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Ad­ ministrator of the Estate of Horace Long late of the County of Mclleimry, and State of I^VssAjLake iiioinlvieceased. hereby gives notice that he fr"***™. will appear before the" County Court of Me- Henry County, at the Court House, in Wood­ stock, at the December Term, on the Third Monday in December next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate, are notitled and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make inimediate ^gned. Dated Ei> 3d i«th day inip*.- M. O' payment to the under, day of Sept. A. P. 18TO. WKX, Administrator. To Magazine Club-Getters , 3-Button Kid Gloves, FHEKCH iVXD ENGLISH CA^HMERESBfl Elegant SILK DttKSS PATTERS3, given in Premiums for subscribers, at Club Mates to r -A AM Hong Majazine! BTTpR^iS s--#2.25 a Year, with a large re auction for Clubs. Specimen Number, lOc. H®"Send for Cluh-Uetter's Circular, cou taiaiajp particulars of this splendid offer. Near the Depot MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Have just receivc-d their Fall and Winter Stock of Heady-Made Clothing, Hats. Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Good* We Will Not Be Undersold. Give us a,Call. LAUER&J3ECKER. McHenrjf, 111., Aug. *Uh. W/H- $25 REWARD. The above reward will be paid to any one who will And one of our Buffa­ lo Boots In which there ia a counter, inner sole, sMp sole or piece of heeling that is not cast from a good, thick, niece of sole leather. COLBY BROS. v Riverside Bloek > FOR SALE. 40 Acres of land in Section 12, all fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and barn thereon, with tim­ ber and water in abundance, in Section 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal and Nunda road. Good new houTe^arn and othfer outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLUSKY. NOTICE TO WOOL GROWERS. The subscribers1 would say that if yo?i wish to clothe your family you can do so by bringing or sending your wool and exchange the same for good desir­ able goods. Will give you for un­ washed from 25 to 28 cts., for washed on the sheep 3o to 37^ cts., and for tub washed 45 cts., and sell you goods 20 per J&nt less than last year. Ill F. A. WHEELER A CO, ~ North Main 8t., Janesville, Wis -FOR-- BOOTS AND SHOES Is now opening up, and DWIGHT FORREST are ready for* the emergency. We shall continue to give you those BARGAINS FOR CASH * That no other selling on time can do. We buy and sell more Boots and Shoes than^all other dealers in Woodstock together. Our stock beins: so lanje it is far better to choose from. O O Ve Buy and Sell For Cash Exclusive. We woukl be pleased to^ctJffipare quality of goods and prices with ~~gnry County. Do not buy ft single dollar's any other dealer in McHi worth of Boots and Shoes before examining our MAMMOTH STOCK - w> ' # • DWICHT & FORREST. . Cor. Main Street and Pnblic Square Woodstock III., Sept. 24th, 1878. Try the Cash System --AT THE- One Price Cash. Store Farmers guard your Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs from the Distempers, Colds and Fevers so easily taken this time of year, and costing so much whe'n neglected, by mixing Uncle Sam's Condition Powder in their feed according to the directions. You can make no investments that will yield so great a profit to your piuse, aud com­ fort to your stock. Sold by all Drug­ gists. * We will make lowest bottom prices on any article purchased at our Store. We aro ready with a full line of Goods suitable lor Winter use, such as Ladies and Gents Underwear, Gloves and Mittens, Hats and Caps, Flannels, Waterproofs, Hosiery, Ladies ^ and Gents Ties, Cuffs and Collars, Nubias, Scarfs, Gents and Lar ̂ dies Cardyen Jackets, etc., etc. We offer extra INDUCEMENTS IN OVERCOATS. In Boots and Shoes we have as good Goods as money will buy, including a full line of Beloit Hand Sewed Shoes, each and every pair warranted. Call and see us and be convinced that our Goods are the best and our prices iower than any other house iu the county. FITZSIMMON8 & EVANSON.

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