Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1878, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, !>®C. 4th, 1878. wismim •mm - t- »- : IfYouknewYc -WV. . ....SviSi If you want IN G F. Q. Mayes. • L " .y i, .rv^A-'- * ». r 'rr%-> v VifJT•;•. ,T. VAN SLYKE, Hklitox*. »#*We present •thr readers this Week with the President'* Me«*ag«, In the form of a Supplement, aad have %ie gratification of knowing that the ffLAiKDKALEB 1« the first paper In the Vtrmnty to lay this Important document fkofore its readers. We have not had ft me to peruse It carefully, but shall <(o to and speak more at l«og$^ Jf f- latlon to It next week. -!- t9»Stati3tics of the yellow fever being made up. The total number «f deaths has been about 13,000. In •\ X«»w Orleans, the deaths were a little f |e*s than 4,000, the total number of ip»ses a little more than 13,000. That „> te, about thirty per cent of the cases . *ere fatal. Allowing the same pro­ portion throughout the South, the V« Whole number of case* most have been : abont 48,000. j;_. • ' =•- •' i/"> §9"The Supreme Court have con- irmed the decision of the Circuit Court in the case of Peter Davison, of ! . t„ake County, who was tried and con­ victed for the murder of one Robinson, Jiear Lake Zurich, something over a SfT, |rear ago, Davison will now be taken to the Penitentiary to serve out his Sentence of fourteen years. He is an 4>ld and feeble mail, and by allowing passions to overcome his judgment. . ^ lie committed an act that will undoubt­ edly oblige him to end his life within &he walls of a gloomy prison. a&-Farmers, as usual, are complaln- Ing of uhard times," oats and pork be­ ing fearfully low; yet. most of them liave seen pork a great deal lower than •~V---|ti8 new, and hauled it 75 or 80 miles Ito market, getting their pay in money *hev dared not keep over night. Bat V\, ithey have been much better off during ; the hard times than the manufacturing . classes, who mainly, so to speak, live aS'frwn hand to mouth." There are In­ dications all over the country of neg- cctcd industries starting up. a certain precursor of better):! mes. When the t>etter)fc blocked wheels^&flabor begin to move we can soon expect a revival of busi­ ness In all departments. THKNOBLKRKbltflUff AT UO The proud and noble red man ptctur ed by Cooper and the dirty Govern- tnent pauper lounging about oil his res­ ervation are beings considerably wide apart. A correspondent of the Trib­ une has recently made a visit to the latter species, and a very readable let­ ter Is the result. We quote his sion: Poets'have'made oufthte lion to be the king of wild beasts, a noble ani­ mal, stmtept&ble of gratitude and ten- rl«r « motions, and all that sort of thing; but naturalists say he has neither courage nor affection; that he Is sim­ ply alow-lived sneaking beast of prey. There's a similar difference in the Ideal Indian of the poet, gaudy In red stuffs and Impressively reticent, and the real Indian of the border--sullen, filthy and furtive, without gratitude or mer­ cy. W hen you are as far of! as Boston it is easy t® think of these people as lingering survivors of a once happy people, remnants of a proud and heroic ra<», victims of the white man's rapa­ city and cruelty, and all that. One may sit in a library on Massachusetts Bay, and feel a vast outstretching sympathy for these children of the forest, whom civilization is crowding out of their hunting grounds. Eight here in fclielrP, eamp they are simply Government^ paupers; the be»t fed, best cared forX, laziest, and most ungrateful a set or81 paupers that ever ate the corn of idle ly ness and cursed their benefactors foi£e not shelling it. ^ m tgRffTKWART GRAVE ROBBERY. ter The search for the despoilers of| Stewart's grave is at a complete stand still. The detectives have not th< least lnform<ttiou as who commute the deed or where the body now is.- The whole aflalr Is apparently an un­ fathomable mystery. Every trail dii covered has been followed, and resul­ ted in nothing. It Is now hinted thai the body may have been shipped to] Europe. Judge Hilton has now offered a new reward. The offer is #50,000 for the ar­ rest of all the thieves connected with the robbery or S10,000 for the arrest of any one of them, or $40,000 to any one who will betray the other four. This new reward is to give notice that not a dollar will be given for th<s recovery of the body but that every, means will beemployed to get the guilty parties. As a commercial speculation, we are glad to understaud, tne despoiling of the Stewart grave Is not to' be a suc­ cess to the robbers themselves. tfyou waiit GOOD CI<0m Co to P. C. Mayes. want the,VS BEST in * pay print aj viva! of the story of Bhrke and Haw crime I have not seen it. Sinco M Alexander killed "Stuttering Jack," Bridgeport, Ct., a few weeks ago, to m his body, it has been stated that this the first woman ever indicted for i an offense. Thisisnotthe case. Willi* Burke was indicted in 1828, atEdii burgh, with Helen McDougal--tb names all Scotch, as is Mrs. Alexander --for pressing to death, while shewailj^Q-* intoxicated, the body of Mary Patter ̂ son; also the bodies of Mary McGone gal and James Wilson. Burke was < r ̂ scavenger in the employ of the poUce^-^^^L ̂ Hare was a laborer. In Mrs. McGone ̂ gal's case both Burke and Helen Mo iGO tO Ft G. Mayes. Dougal lay across the poor womaxr * holding her orifices of breath. Wilsoi if you Want CHEAP CLOTH- was knocked down, grappled with anc strangled. In each case the motive wa< to sell the bodies to dissectors. It wai J , just half a century ago. Five ponndf apiece were paid for the bodies. Fii teen persons were killed by these mie creants, several of them women, anc in one case, both a poor woman and he son. Two women were privy to thea deeds. Burke confessed. Mrs. Mc Dougal was found by the jury "no proven" a principal. Burke was at tended to the gallows by Catholic priests The original temptation to these ap palling crimes was the death of a pex son in Hare's house, and the offer o money from certain private surgeonf for the body of a subject. Body-snatching has been humorously treated by Mr. Dickens in his "Tale ol Two Cities." It has been followed evel since medical ficienqe was emharrajoaA# Co to P. C. Mayes. IfyoH want CUTTING DONE fio to F. 6. Mayes. X - * ' 1 ki I ness of '78 and *79, and are offering such inducements that readers^, ••.. • of the can't ^ordj^-pass them by. J ust raad a * > i jirioee as an appetizer and mmgo and see for yourself. ' ' / t 1 f ^ ' Stores' Are Uoth i«ay Tor the Fall WtutOT ftrtSt h inducements them by. Just Bes Be 8 i rtnts rints... If y TOO want anything HADE DEE Co to F. G. Mayes. McHenry, Nor. 27 th, 1878. Spool Cot ton..... 86 inch Cotton 86 inch Cotton best ......... «• " " MeAcliert.'. " " •* bleached best.. «' " Cashmere.v.: Black Alpena... Good Corsets No 1 Corsets ...; Ladies Furs all prices......... Buffalo Robes all prioes;.. Cotton Flannel. All wool Flannel, Good.. Womens and Misses Shoes Boots Boys Boots.... . i ; - .v-. ^ * ijl. Hew Furniture Store. "i He Couldn'I* Swear.--A driver of .a ooal-wagpn u(|> In A. would, on small ^provocation, swear furiously. One day some boys in the place saw him with a |full load of coal driving slowly along ,-rv the street. As they were out for mis- W\ chief, and knew him well, one of the ^ < ^urchins stole cautiously behind the 5^V' team and let down the tail-board.-- J Then they ran to a respectful distance ^ and waited with eager expectation for X. the volley they knew would come.-- Jim got down from his seat, looked at '\.i the boys a moment, then at their work then again at them, and calmly ref I,; , marked, "Boys, I--I can't do this thing jnsttae; go home P v US Pi Si' hrnf^,- WSfA Washington dispatch com. pares the cost of collecting Govern­ ment revenues in this country with the expense of such collections els^here, as follows: The receipts from internal revenue last year were $110,581,024, while the cost of collection was $2,525,- 367. The receipts from customs were #131,858.851, while the cost of collection was$5,828,974, or4 1-10 percent, of the amount collected. The reduction made by Secretary Sherman last year la the cost of oollectlng customs was 1^ , , $730,836, which was made without the ,y' * aid of Congress. The cast of collect- Ing customs in Great Britian last year was 4 9-10 per cent. In France, 6 1-1 A; in Germany, 5 6-7 per cent. --' t ' & ,/'V' m m.. I^On the 21st ult.. the United States paid to Great Britain the sum tff $S.GOb,OOQ In gold, the award of the Halifax fisheries commission^. The payment wns tendered, under instruc­ tions. by Minister Welsh, with a com­ munication stating that it was "made uppn the ground that the government of the United States desires to place tlM maintenance of good faith in treaties and the security and value of arbitration between nations above all question." and that uthe government of the United States can not accept the result of the Halifax commission as furnishing any just measure of the value of the participation by our citl- zens tn the shore fisheries In the Brit- Isb -possessions. , vuew in r, tbalf Ion, beat ( Vi How to Vfttch Cold. MIt is an undeniable fact,** says the Albany Express, "and every one must remark it. that a favorite article of Winter clothing for children is a com­ forter swathed around the neck. This is agreat error; the feet and wrists are the proper members to keep warm the face and throat will narden into a healthy indifterence to cold, and that muffler exchanged for an extra pair of thick socks and knitted gloves would keep a boy or girl really warm and well Bronchitis and sore throat have de­ clined 50 per cent, sinc^Athe absurd use of high collars &tuf twine-around neckerchiefs went out Vf fashion; and if the poor would take better care of their children's feet, half the infantile morality would disappear. It only costs a trifle to put a piece of thick felt or cork into the bottom of a boot or shoe, but tiie diflerence is often con­ siderable between tiiat and a doctor's bill, with perhaps the undertaker's be­ sides." X ' ' opened under signed having BED-ROCK BOTTOM! -ON- Mil 1 THE DEPOT, M c H e n r y - - - - - I l l i n o i s Would respectfully inform the public that lie hars filled his store with a full stock, to which he invites tho attention of the piibllc, confident that he cpa pleuse them botp in quality and price. REPAIRING Of all kinds promptly attended to. Old Chairs re-bottomed aa^oado ft^ sroo<l as new. Give me a call. WM. 8IEBS. Postal Matters. In round numbers we have now thir­ ty thousand post offices, and they are increasing at the rate of about two thousand a year. Third Assistant Postmaster-General Haxard reports that 802,000,000 letters were mailed iu the United States and received from foreign countries tiie last fiscal year. The government failed to deliver one in every 389. The annual report of tho Superin­ tendent of Foreign Mails shows that the total cost of the ocean mail service for the past year was #197.276, a re­ duction oi #10,310 from the preceding year. There was an increase of 1,396, ounces In weight of mail matter sent to the postal union of :foreign countries during the year. 10*A girl in llillsboro, N. C.. poi­ soned a younjr man because he refused to make love/to her. Young men run a fearful ris% in refusing to make love to young women. But, per contra, we read in another town a young girl shot the top of a young man's head off be cause he persisted in making love to her. Therefore young men also run a risk In making love to a young wo­ man. The safest plan would be to start on an expedition to discover the North Polo. There" is no young wo­ men there. $6rIt is announced from Washing ton that the Secretary of the Treasury, In his annua! report, will renew h}s recommendation of last year, now bond of small deaominatlou ing less tban 4 per cent interest authorized, in order to enable persons of small means to accumulate sufficient sums to buy 4 per cent, bonds. The Secretary has determined to reeora- meud a #10 bond beating 3 65-100 per cent interest. He did not fix upon the rate otlnterest In his last reports The Secretary recommended that authority be gfanted to iiWjue certificayp for small deposits convertable into the 4 per cent bonds now authorized by law, the proceeds to be used solely for the ^redemption of bonds bearing a higher rateef Interest;, and redeemable at CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! Ladies Cloaks cheap at Bucklin A A Stevens. LIVER IS KINO. The Liver is the Imperial organ o the whole human system, as It control the life, health and happiness of man When it is disturbed in its proper ac tion, all kinds of ailiuents are the natural result. The digestion of food the mo§|gUji$ts of the heart and blood theijjjnfHp^f the, brain and nervous immediately connected wltl^Hpworkings of the Liver. It b&s beenlim'uepisfuHy prove<1 that Green's August. Flower is unequalled in curing all afflicted vHth Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, arid all the numerous symp­ toms that result froui~ an unhealthy coudition of the Tiiver and Stomach. Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Posi­ tively sold in all towns on the Western Continent. Three doses will that it is just what you waut. V "ATTACHMENTS. X • O . W . O W E N , ' Would respectfully inform the pr.blin that he hits in stwk nil the leinline SEWIXf? MA­ CHINE NEEDLES and ATTACHMENTS, whif h hois celling at LOWEU PKTCES than any other Rouse in McHenry county. First Class Needles for 2c. And all other Attachments in Pro­ portion. This is a legitimate part of my business, I keep none hut Firet- Class Goods, and hW|LL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. ; O. W. OWEN, . McHenry, WTO, My disposition thte Fftlt Is to sett cheaper thaii ever an# I am pre­ pared to give all who are in want of merchandise a real benefit. Goods well bought are half «old" and I ttnow I present to patrons is welt bought stock and bought as low as Cash in hand would buy it in any market. Clothing is one of my great specialities and I guarantee a saving of from $2 to $6 a suit. Stock always full and complete for all sizes. Trunks, valises, Hats and:Caps in full as sortment. In fact in all classes of merchandise I am fully up to the imes in goods and prices. Iam bound to lead the trade if good goods and low prices will do i^ In closing I will only say I want to see you. It will be of mutual benefit for I know you can make money put of me. I have Stores well filled at Dundee and Rich­ mond, gentlemanly clerks in attendance and iny name is TICK is hereto; the ttth day o that 'on Friday, eeinber, 1878. or as soon N° thereafter as my application can be heard, I shiU apply to Inn Excellency, Shelby M. Cullom, governor of Illinois, for my pardon from the Penitentiary, at Chester, III., where I am now confined nnder sentence of Circuit! Court, ot McHenry county, Illinois, at it«| January Torm, 1878, for attempt to commit larceny. THOMAS WILLIAMS. December 4th, 1878. « -- f -- HURRAH FORTHE HOLIDAYS thci Post Office. na» j (list put in his 9 to re a large and well selected stock of Good# Cor the HOLIDAY TRADE, Consistippr in part of Toys, Candies. Nnts, Jewelry, M.isical Instruments, a fuli line of Notions, consisting of fins. Noodles, Sus- pcii'lers, II and kerchiefs, Stockings, Ac. Also a till) line of Pocket and Table Cut­ lery, Steel Violin Strings, (something new) Uiintlhganii Fishing Tackle, Revolvers, &c„ prove MHlahlUhed (ilLMOlftj & (JO., Attorneys at Law, NsMNmn la t hipman, Noxiner 4 (!*. 029 F Street, Washington, D. C c Atterieaa aad Foreign Patents. P*i*nu> procured In,all coiinirifs. Mo reus nt advanck. No chat'KR unl.-us the patent it* grilled. N«> for inaUitii; pr»*tiniinnry exami- naiioiM. No iuliliiictiiil fcHH tor obimiKii^ and niluriliic a r»»liviiriii^ S|>pcj:ii :iiictnioii irtven u» linei'f»»i>»ni'e bclore (lie Patent (>ltic« ExttMisioiiH Coiikiwk, liifrinir^iiifiit Suits in ditleicui. St:ilew, mui :i!l liiitr:ii.ioit iipiKTCim- illfC U> 111 VCll tiOH* Ml' l\lllM!lJ«. SKNO S'l'AMr KOIt VAMI'III'KI OK MXTY I'AIJKh. United States Courts and Departments. t'laini.H in III* Supreme (!ouri of lh« IT ii i lt*«l Si:iies, t'ou r I of Claims, Court of Commis­ sioner* <>f AliiiKiiu.-i <'hiiiiiM, Soittiieru ('liiims ComiuisNiixi, :nnl nil clnitxes of war cliiimx before the Kxeciuive l>e|iai l iiieuis. Arrears of Pay and Bounty. Orrii'itiiK, snt.oiKtix, mill naii.oiin of Him late war, oi tbeir lu-iiv, are in inmiy ciu»ei» en tilled to money fioin Mie(ioveniiiieiii, or which ihey bare no knowledge. Write mil binlory of vervive, and unf' tunouni. of pt»,v nml Itoiimv received. Kn- close «iump, ami a full reply, afi#i examiuHUou, will ln> given you five. - rf Pensions. All orrtcieiiR, koi.iukAn, ;nul maii.ohs wounded ropiiire.l, or injured iu tb« iaie war, however frlijllilly, ciiu objiuu a |m'iihioii, ntnny now receiv­ ing j»eui«ii«nn are entitled to mi Inn-mtn. Send Mump and informaiion will )>A luniislii-d free. United States General Land Office. Coii I ex lei I Laud < in Private l.aml (Mahne, .dilui'C l're-eiii|iiu|ii ;iiul lioineKieud<'ttsttw, proae* culed Itofoi e i li<> ( Si-iimi iiI Laud Oilii'v ami W*4part- men I Of Ills' Illlel ioM' Old Bounty Land Warrants. The la»S |{e|iorl. of Hie Commissioner of the tleiieral Lauii t HI ice >liow» 'J,897,.100 ncres or lioliU- ly La ml VVarmnix oiit«iau<litiK l'linie were is- %n» d uuder act' of 1056 find jjiior act*. We pay Cai>h for itiem. Setid by re|ti.»'eret| .eiter Where a**ipniueiitf me ini|>«ilect we five inttructiou* tq |wiieci them. Each de|iariiueiit of our Imslliemf i» coinfltcled inn *eoarate iHirea.n. under the cbnige of expe- rieiived l:i wyern nntl clerk*. lly reaM»u of error or fraud many atiorneyn are Mi!-|H-ndi-d from practice tie fore the Pension nud oilier i.dices #-ach yi-ar. Claimant?, whowe niioriM*y« inive iM'en time MiKpeiided. will be gitiiiiiioitr.iyfurulslieii wiiii foil information and propi-r |•:» ji'-rs on ii|i|>lic*itinn io in A WW.- ciinrire no fw iml.^n PiiCcHHttful, itlimpf lyl>!feiurii inwnijie "lionld lie senilis. . l.ilii'iai artaii^ci:ii>i<tr> made wilb ailoroeye in all ila^ses of iiueintiSh. Addiess G-1U40RE be CO., P. O. Jttix 44. i W'UthinyttHi. />. (t, • W AMI I 1). t :., Xwembnr 24, lt!7C, ^ tube |dca«iir» k. expr«s»inR my entire con 11- deiK-e in ilif and jitelilfi of the 'Law. I':iieni .i(ni:Collfciion House olOtt.Noaa It CO, ol i litis iiii. {a . nilKO. 11. II. WHITE, 1«AmAf*r qfthi XiUivHal UelnrftvlUtm ) These ®%>'l s were all liouirht for cash and will be eiildy.o\ver tban ever before elite red in this sauut> (I Is mv motto. The choices stock of Tolmcco and (%nrs in town. Call and nee my iroods and learn prices be­ fore purchasing. M- EHCEL.N. Mcllenry, Nov. 17th 1878. o 6 5 iO uI CO ZD o X CO --FOR-- BOOTS AND SHOES %11 & 213 Madison .St., BUEL, COOK A SEIXAS, Manuf'rs and Wholesale Dealers. Don't, fail to examine Goods and Prices when in Chicago. 8tock New :unl Ilought for Cash. Great in- ilucements to Cash ituvers. U.K. lirm, l^ate with M. Selz A Co O. V. C<M»K, I I.ate ot Whitney, H. I-. Skixab, I Cook Co., N. Y HflL IBSTlIiEUCE SAVISft HUB TILL IT EffESS. There is a curious story about some native win^s which are extensively advertised nowa­ days, and have only recently been put upon the market. Dr. Underbill, the well-known grape-grower of Croton Point, died in 1871. Some of his heirs entertained temperance -"views of such extreme kind, that they were unwilling to allow the stock of wines then on hand to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. It is only now that the other heirs have succeeded in arranging for a settlement of the L'siaio arid the sale of the wines on hand. Among these is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a "Sweet Union Port," but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more than any other European wine, and being wholly unlike any other wine of American oldest native wine now accessible in any con­ siderable auantity. The whole stock is in the hands of the well-known wholesale grocery bouse ol' the Thurbets.^V. Y, Trtkm^ Nov. /p, i8ft. , T The above speaks for itself, but we would add that this is the pure juice of the grape, neither drugged, liquored nir watered/ that it has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes It la unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of the leading Dmggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from the undersigned, who Will forward descriptor pamphlet, free of charge, on application. Respectfully, etc., H. K. A F. B. TH0RBER 4 W*t Bnajmty, Smule and ffwcbm NSW-York. 04 00 05 06 X 07* 07 10 flfl SB 35 00 08 26 1 00 ......$1 85 to 3 78 #1 76 to » 60 8c, »c and Good Demina.... Sugar;.-.' Be«t To; Best Japan Tea........ Sets off on 5 ft lots.. 5 Tbs Coffee.. ...... 15 lbs Currants.... .-«»&.*'..... 12 tbs Ric.e ..v....... No 1 Baking Powder......'.;......... ftaleratus S . G . S t a r c h . . , . . . . . . . . . . Axle Grease . Stove Polish. Mens Suits ohoap..... <. Boys Suits cheap Overcoats cheap 1 tb No 1 Fine Cut Tobaceo>.*.....». Mum* 100 100 100 29 OS 10 0* 05 ... .. . W .Sots tote C. F. HALL, Bichuond; 111. Chicago Office, 122 Franklin Strevt. C. F. HALL. Dundee, III Fall anil Her -FOR-- BOOTS AND SHOES Is now-opening up* and DWIGIIT & FORREST are ready for tho emergency. We shall continue to give you those BARGAINS FOR CASH That no other selliug on time can do. A\re buy and sell more Boots and Shoes than all other dialers in Woodstock together. Our stock being so large it is far better to choose from. We Buy and Sell For Cash Exclusive. We would be pleased to compare quality of goods and prices with any other dealer in McHenry County. Do not buy a single dollar's worth of Boots and Shoes, before examining our MAMMOTH STOCK. DWICHT & FORREST. Cor. Main Street »nd Public Squire Woodstock III., Sept. 24th, 1878. Try the Cash System --AT THE- ne Price uash. Store --OF- x« a I I^oHENBY, ILL. V \ We will make lowest bottom prices on any article purehfwed at our Store. We are ready with a full line of Goo,ds suitable lot Winter use, such as Ladies and Gents Underwear, Gloves and Mittens, Hats and Caps, Flannels, Waterproofs, Hosiery, Ladie# and Gents Ties, Cuffs and Collars, Ifubias. Scarfs, Gents and La­ dies Cardyeu Jackets, etc., etc. We offer extra INDUCEMENTS IN OVERCO fa Boots and Shoes we have as <jood Goods as money includinsr a full line of Beloit Hand Sewed Shoes, each pair warranted. jll buy, and every Call and see us and be convinced that our Goods are the -best our prices lowerthm any otherhouae iu yi^oounty. and FITZSIMMONS SL EVANSON. 11 vv '-in," J ""'a" i . ' • • :£tk- i ..... '. '* *. J •W

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