Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1878, p. 5

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t'.-i *V«; ssxm ft- 1 -.'l? • 1l , • Vs-' ? '. . . - • > V " H * * * , , •7,' '-HHH/' .r- . - - *- . r 4 * J"* **-• * §i ^ i . - . U> • 7>X* -*»»-.?#• '<vL, •' , 2 f J* '\<-' * "V; ' ** 'Y rJ ,' v* * ,v*y* *?*'• j" }«.< . .'-'Tu&tez I f. "X j WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4j?h, 1«78. ^'3 Railroad Time fable. OOlNtt MVtll. • ""•ifteneva Lake n«er...;..........T:* A. *. ».."v fitnm Lake Freight ...... ~ - • OOINO HOSTS. & fieu^a Lake Freischl «. 1 ©enova Lake Passon*er . . .1 :16 r. k. ...10:00A. X. 7:08*. M GF L ' I? HOLIDAY Goods for old and voting, at felake's. -ia LOVERS of the Drama should not fi '4»il to go to Riverside Hall to-morrow j**«ni»g *od hew MKlp Van Winkle." y ' MTB are under obligations to Hon. • ' $eo. H. Harlow, Secretary of State, {IT?,tor a COM of bis Annual Report to the ^ ©overnorK* % 1 .. QUITE a number of oar CITIZENS are In Chicago this week, attending the *"• .Fat Stock Show, which is mow taking " place at the Exposition buildings, In that city. V : THE Steamer "Excelsior has - gone i^wto '"winter quarters."" ani we under- Wan d will be enlarged and greatly im­ proved before navigation opens next Spring. _j . . / OUR merchants have commenced to receive their Holiday Goods. If you would bnv to advantage, consult the • Sidvertiaing columns oiT the ^PtAIN- I>EALRR before purchasing. Caw "the oldest inhabitant" remem­ ber when we had better and more . pleasant weather for the time of year than we have been enjoying for the past month? * OUR Richmond, Xunda, and Algon­ quin correspondents have failed to • come to time this week. We mistrust 'that the "war on Turkev". on last was too much for them. Largest stock of Millinery. Cloa"ks; ifiJloakings and trimmings In the conn- '•\fjy at Mrs. S. Searles" and Cash will |juy them at bottom prices for the . ||ext twenty days. ^ F; UL CA?FT aflord to advertise. It costs y$po much I". Of coui^e you can't; but you cat.' afford to let your goods Ho on '**ljhe slielf until you are obliged to do a lot of advertising to sell them "at coety IT Is now the season of the year tor business men to get their supply of printed stationary^such as Bill Head*. Statements, Letter and Note Heads, Envelope*, &c, We print them in the liest of style and at bed-rock prices. Call and see our samples and learn our prices. THE Prizp* awarded at the clrfoe of Jprof. Barker's Writing Class were as '"fbllows: First Premium, for best Writing, Miss rtattleSuilth. Second premium, for most improvement. Aluion Granger. Prof. Barker will -Commence anotiier Class this Wednes­ day eveuiug. IN another «TKITM CAN be< fnnliri a tew advertisement of John B. Biaket 'ho has just filled hl« store with one #f the largest stocks ot Holiday Goods over brought to this town. His stock Is complete, and his prices as low as the lowest. If In search of Presents for either old or young, do not fail to pall artd examine his stock. AFTKK many experiments, i AM*tain and speedy remedy for burdocks has been discovered in kerosene oil. A •mall quantity poured into tfee, heart r of the plants, directly after cutting, leaves no trace of their existance save a small hole In the earth where they •tood. Refined or crude oil will accom­ plish the' ptirposo equally as well. Jnst received « new Stock of Millin­ ery fn all the stylish shades in every grades of Straw. Pelt, Velvet. Bea­ vers In Hats and Bonnets. Every­ thing in Plush Velvet, Satins, JSHke, Plumes, Wings, Ornaments Ac., at iMrs. S. Searles, and will be sold at the Tery Lowest figures for Caah, for the next twenty days. THE enterprising little city of Elgin lias treated herself to the luxury of a Street Railway. We' have long no- ^ttced that for enterprise and go-aheadl- •tiveness Elgin was far ahead of all other cities of her size in the North­ west. It only has to be demonstrated . that a thing is practicable and useful, •ndher citizens take hold of it at once. Success to their ne« Street Railway. THE American Young Folks, pub- tshed by Hudson & Ewing, at Topeka, ansas. comes to us for December beautifully illustrated and filled with entertaining and useful reading. It IP really a common sense paper that • parents need not hesitate to place in the hands of their children. It con­ tains 16 pages and Is sent one year to *ny address for 60 ceiits. The pub­ lishers ofler to send a sample PROF. HCRLBUBT, sample copy free. HOT alum water is the best insect destroyer known. Put the alum into hot water aud let it boil till It is all dissolved; then apply the solution hot with a brush to all cracks, closets, bed - steads, and other places, ^here any insects are found. Ants, bedbugs, cockroaches, and creeping things are killed by it; while there is no danger of poisauiug &e family or iujuring prop­ erty. THE attention of our readers is di­ rected to the advertisement lu another column, of a new Furniture, Store, which has just been opened in Lansing's Block by Wm. Sires. Those wishing to buy Furniture should not fall to give hits a call, He Is s good work­ man, and those having Repairing to do will always find him ready to do It in the best of manner |nd at low rates. Read his advertisement and do not fail to call and see hint. the celebrated llorse Trainer, gave exhibitions of his fkill on our streets on Friday and Sat­ urday last, and succeeded in forming quite a large class to which he taught Jiis system of bundling the horse. He fertainly'had some very fine trained -Worses, and if lie could teach as well as ius horses performed, we haye no doubt his class would feel well fwtis- ifled. We have not heard from any of s class how well OUR citizens had the pleasure, en Friday and Saturday evenings last, of witnessing the work!tig of the much talked of . Phonograph, and all who saw it and heard it talk pronounce it a wonderful machine. It talks, sings, whistles, and in fact will repeat any kiud of a noise or sound that can be made by man. It is indeed one of the vvonders of the age, and those who failed to hear it inissed a treat. Prof. Xadkl was also present and gave some of his choicest Readings. • PROF. BARKER, at the earnest solici­ tation of many, has decided to open another Writing School In this village, and the first lesson of the series will be given at the Public School House this Wednesday evening. During this term he will teach 'Lady's correspon­ dent, Business and the American Standard, and respectfully Invites all who wish a thorough course Pen­ manship to begin with the term.-- Prof Barker is one of the best Teachers In the country, and we hoj>e to see him open with a larger class than ever this evening. - ^ THE "boys" went up last week and dedicated the new McIIenry Club House; Report says they had a good time. Recruiting Sargent Abbott, of Elgin, delivered the Address. Subject-- MThek Trials of a Rectuitiug Officer while taking in crippled Soldiet$." All agree that he doue the sutyectju*- tice! He was followed by Private Holmes, who recited that touching Poem entitled "up in that Loft boys," which is said to have brought tears to the eyes of the boys who were Mup there." Other engagements prevented our attendance, or .we would have had a more fuH report*; „ AN exchange say*: •• A« o.Ul caea.of what might be called spontaneous in­ cubation has lately come to light. A number of farm hands heard for two or three days the cry of young chickens and searched for them iu vain, until at last it was found thut the noise pro­ ceeded from a heap of litter which had been thrown from the horse stable aome time before. On opening this they Yound at a distance of about two feet from the surface., and closely covered by the warm fermenting mass a brood^ofeleven healthy chickens. A nest of eggs had been inadvertently, covered In throwing out the litter, and the heat of fermentation had hatched them.*' BREYER'S Comedy Company 0 are billed to appear at Riverside Hall, in this village, on Thursday, (to-morrow) evening, at which time they will pre­ sent that "Greatest Sensation of the day," "Rip Van Winkle, or the Sleep of Twenty Years." This is one of the finest Drama's uow on the Stage, and this Company come highly recommend­ ed as first class. Those of our readers who have uever Witnessed this beauti­ ful Play should not fail to do so on this fail to se« Bryer In eiality of "Rip Van Nellie Drury in her of "Gretcheii.'*-- "uealth, uut your uiit may you live occasion. his unriv Winkle," aiv favorite cli "Here's to your families go**.* ha long uut brospe You might nearly as welt forget your churches, your academies and school houses, as to forget your local paper. It speaks to ten times the au­ dience that your local minister does.-- It is read eagerly each day and week from beginning to end. It reaches you all, and as it has a lower spirit and less wisdom than a sermon, it has a thousand times better chance at you. Lying as it d«es, on every tablo in al­ most every house, you owe to your­ selves to liberally add to its support, and exact from it as heightened a character as you do from an educator in your midst. It is In no sense be­ neath notice and care--unless you your­ self are beneath notice and care--for it is your representative. Indeed, in its character, it is the. sublimation of the importance. interest and wel­ fare of all. It is the aggregate of your owu jeonsequeuce, and you cannot iguore it without miserably deprecia­ ting yourself.--Ex. CASH! CASH! CASH! WIlfT buy Millinery for the at cost, at Mrs Searing r . ' OVERCOATS. "T Agreat Te duction Goods at Fitzsimm uext >*«- FARS A farm of abo Banrevllle School. EDITOR PLANDEALER Please in­ sert the following report of my spelling class. I take this method to let the people know what progress Che class is making. This is our first two weeks, aud we expect to" make considerable progress before the eud of the term. I ask the hearty support of all the pa­ rents in my endeavors to make the School pleasant aud profitable to all who may coiue. Let the children see that you take an interest in their,, studies; ask them about what they have learned at school; iu the eveuiug assist them to prepare their less<?us for the uext day, aud you will be surprised at the progress they will make. In tiJs report the numerator shows the number of words missed, the denomina­ tor the number of wq§ ds pronounced. AH pupils marked with the "300 words" have been perfect in spelling and at­ tendance. Lottie Sheparrd, 7-200; Mary Munch, 3-200; Lena Munch, 2-180; Mary Skinner, o-200; Ella Wiliard, 200 words, Ida Cornwall, 1-300; Fred Colby, 4-300; ileury Shales, 2-180; Orson Smiley 37-300; Thomas Stewart 31-180; Henry Skinner, 20 wortl*. ALKxGAKDNEB,Teaeker. ifArsb'a Valley School. The following is a correct import of my school for this two week- ending Nov. 29cii. J J Number In attendance 22^, f Averag« attendance 19. Report of spelling classes: 1st Class Written, Kitty Lumly, 280; Flora Harsh, 1-250; Ruth Sherburne, 1-5150. 1st Class Orally, Robert Sherburne, 1-250; Fred Sherbhrne. 125; George Simmons, 125; Vincent Lumly. 250; 2d Class, Nellie Merchant, 200;Abble Whiting, 200; Olive Hay ford. 1-200; Lizzie Walkington, 2-200; Eddie Lum- U'.JP0. W. J.,' ' f , Lt8T OF JUKOK& The following are the names of Gr&ml and Petit Jurors, drawn for tkg January term of the Circuit Court: ^ ORAKO JURORS. N.*Brot tman , 'a, .. Ttios l'or'wr Win, E<1 ward* I M. L. 141 librklg* I*. Brainrtr l...... Siiml. It ic I in r(t8i»Q. v... /......... Wm. Mootly...... J. V........... Elias tilawfj....... AiKlrew IIO.M! ti. W. Goodrich H. K. Barlh<»li»mew*.....,.,.f ..... •JafTics Williamu........ K. B.iliiwin..., Barney Unk...........; ........ O. Garrison.?......,,, llarU'v Benedict;... Oc>: McCunncl UuiTman...,. .Joha ll;vl.sioii Geo. A. Bui,klln...»ii Wm, If. Harrisoa"..7V; ..Xtindii An son T lioni paon.. ..ALG<»I<juir Jolm Sears ........Aljonquiu « VsTlT Il'IOBS. ^.G."9trottf .........Creenwoftd E. H. Mnrwhy.. .j*4v-ti"een\v<K»l I . B r u s h . . . . . . . ^ . . v . . , J l e l t m n 1 troll broil ......Riley ...Mavengb ...Miirenuo .. Harvard ..Cliemung Alden Allen Hiirilaiul ...........Seneca Cornl Grafton l>orr Mv..Oreoiiwool ITeliron ... ... Richmond I'. Burton Mi* Henry M«-Henry nda Daniel DenMw ....... .v<.........Jle Jylm Imvsoa fred Kppel.... ...... A. L. B >omor iv» John Sumner.. A. W. Andrew#......,.. Austin Cutter ....... .. Geo. Bn-kin ... John Hatch I. H, M:ison G. R. Durkoe Peter M. O'Connor Benj. Ciry M, B. lioger* W. C. I.HIIIpeon A. Foster J. C»rnue Daniel Kim tall.. --. A. H\ Anderson A. Oady X. Clupp ^initli Wickaon John l*. Smith ..... K. A. Buckland J. W. Ulack n. Brink .Burton Hnrtland ... *•>....Al^oniuin Itirhmoiul ....t ..... Richmond ,...y... ...Chemung Dunham Cornl Co rul Alden Ch«m u njt4-TT-r.she Chemtrfinf ............. .Nunda . .t..........Diuiham i,.............Gi'uJtiin :. ...... ....^irafton .... . J..*v.Sene<-H .. ..,Seneca .Itilej Marwnjfo • Mr Henry Henry ... Dorr ...Dorr Buckwheat Wanted. At the Fox River Valley Mills, for which the Highest Market Price will be paid. B BISHOP. MeH«nry, Nov. 27th, 1878. Farm for Sale. The undersigned, wlnhiiig to fo West, oilers for Sale hie farm, situated one half mile West of Johusburgh, containing 55 Acres, 3fi under the Plow aud the balance Timber Land and Pasture. There is a good llouee, Barn and other outhouses on the premises, and in every respect it is a very desir­ able place. For further particulars imjuire on the premises. % Joflara FKBUXD. McBenry 111. Xov. 96th, 1878. CLOAK...*. At Cost, to close, at Flts&lmmons A Evansou's. I SPUHtKBS. The Holidays are nearly upou oB*.., He who lives to learn learns to Pass In your advertise ments feu tie men for the Holiday 'rado Breyer's Comedy Com­ pany at Htverside Hall td-morrow eve* II The Captain, first Mate and entire crew of the Steamer; "John S. Field," attended Church a Week ago last Sunday. Selahl Who said "Jim" set those shavings on flref ....We know a young man who has got ashamed to sit on his mother'a lap, and she says it looks a little suspicious Probably lie Is iu the busiuess himself --liolding somebody else. "Lend me a lantern, quick, Johnny la drowned," Bo»hoo-hoo-o-o«« People who eh op mince-meat lltould keep their fingers from uuder the cleaver. Some people are so dread fully sensitive that they become worse than seasick when they pick a thumb nail out of the mince meat. Recruiting officer Abbott took a trans­ port down the river on Monday. He said he beard there was a "soldier* waitipg f'»r him at Algonquin He got away from nie and I can't find him. 1 know lie is in the Race. Bo- hoo-hoo-ou-ott. i, .., .Mr. Col ton, from Woodstock, talks of starting a new Photograph Gallery In this village.... Writing School, by Prof. Barker, this evening........There was great commotion on Turtle Dove Avenue one night last week. We don't know what was the cause, but suspect--suspect that--well, we stuped In put­ ting up a stove pipe remember that the el bow was made to fit the oven door, aud that six blows .with an axe will knock thunder and lightning out of aiy joint ..That fellow has forsaken that new cross-walk, and a strange fellow Is now looking after that calicb. W hy Is this thus ?. Our River Reporter wishes us to cau­ tion that young man against chewing Black Wax on solemn occasions. If he commits the oflenee agaiikhe will be reported sure WhatHJiis wtorhl wriuts is not so much a flat paper cur­ rency Its a linen collar that witl not come unbuttoned behind........That fellow of bottle notoriety wauts to get up earlier in the morning or "pull down the blind." Red underclothes are a little airy for this weather.... ... .That fellow who was spying arotmd Turtle Dove Avenue the other night had better tic ware. We hear that war has been declared against him, aud there will be no chance to ward ofi the blow9 It is an extremely dan gerous practice for young ladies to put their frizzes in the oveu to curl theiu. One of our young ladies lost a flue set by so doing a few days since, but then, we" w^uT Qifanything about "It.. ... .It has been proved beyond succuis- ful contradiction tiiat that mall is curried by oxen. We expect that young mau will "go W est" soon........ Dime and Nickle Library, at the PLAINI.»EALKU News Room........The large pile of wood at the Depot Is beiiiif^awed up by horse power said she was "all tmacked out!" G-o-o-d JT-l-g-h-t! Oh! The Thanksgiving Party was attended by about fifty couples Nothing like keeping "solid with the old folks." "But I do hope Thanksgiving won't come again soou".Do not Call to call and see the Holiday Gooda at Blake's Read the advertisement of the new Furniture Store in anotiier column .That new cross walk has gone ami done it again. Old Elocution is his name, and--where Is ttjat fellow with the white hat?. Again we inquire, "who burned" those shavingsT" "Let us have Peace." CALL at Blake's and Holiday Goods. see his atocic of CASH! CASHU For the lowest Cash Prices on ill classes of Goods you will find the bot­ tom touched at Buckliu & Stevens.-- The beet Fifty Cent Tea in the market as good as lias usually been sold for ?5 cents. Five gallon " keg of splendid Syrup for $2.50. Five pounds of good Roasted Coffee for $1. These are a few of the prices. All other goods iu proportiou. Call and see. WOODCHOPFJKKS WNTKO. Eight or ten eood Wood choppers wauted immediately. Inquire of John \V. Smith. From now until the close of the sea­ son Bucklin A Stevens will sell at smaller profits than ever, giving the most goods for the least motiey of any house iu the county. Try them. MACHINE Needles, Oil, Check Springs Thread Cutters, Rubber Rings for Spooler, also a large assortment of, Zephyrs,just reoeived at Mrs. Salis­ bury's next door to Mrs. Searles Mo- Henry. BICHARD WILSON, has opened * Barber Shop in the rooms over O. W. Owen's Store, where he will be happy to see all who wish a clean and easy Shflv« nr Hair cut on thnrt .. fTfTf •• " • MISS KM1LY GAVIN. The friends of Misa Imily Gavin, in thlt and Laka counties will be glad to learn that she It meeting with un­ bounded success wherever she appears. She appeared in St. Louis a few eve­ nings since in the character of Lady Macbeth, with the celebrated actor McCullough as Macbeth, and this is what the St. Louis Uepublican says of her: "Miss Emily Gavin was the Lady Macbejth of the occasion. This lady still improved the impression prSductfd by her Queen Katherine of the Drevious evening and made friends with the audience at once, by her earnest and effective work in the letter scene, ller treatment of the role Is all womanly, attuned froth the key-note ot true wifely affection for Macbeth, and ambi­ tion for his advancement. Knowing hi« tender and pliabie nature, she does not storm him to her purpose in the masculine mood but adopts the im­ pulsive, pleading, afiectiouate method of women with her husband, while she is at tfie same time the cruel, iullexibie stuff of which she is made. Miss Gavin's Lady Ma betti shows a clear aud intelli­ gent insight in art and capacity to attain high results. In the murder scene she more than satisfied the gen- eml expectations of a second appear­ ance, and showed drttuiatic stuff of great promise. The whole scene ex­ hibited good professional work. In the baquet scene she was commanding and queenly, aud in her sleep-walking act her talijvvhi^e tigure was peculiarly efiective. Her pantomime anu move­ ment, and broken utterances were also up to the professional standard. In fact all that Miss Gavin does is stamped with goad seuse, great intelligence aud. a dramatic capacity which coutains the germ of great promise In the heavier roles of the drama." ' The latest styles of Fall and Winter Millinery, just received at Mrs. Howes' at Mrs, Morey's old stand. ~ '** Preparatory to meeting winters chillling blasts Call at Fitzsimnions A Evausou's aud buy a suit of their 5U lit lliif | i » T t n . i i t * ' ii» Kon> GREENWOOD. F*EDITORPLAINI>EAI.RR:--Not hivfttg seen anything from this place in a long time by way of a communication, we venture to drop you a few items which perhaps may hoof interest to tome of your readers. The Singing Class, under the efficient instructions of Prof. Tower, is now fully organized aud meet at. the Hall over the Post Offioe on Saturday even­ ing next. The Literary Association met on Friday evening last for the purpose of making arrangements for purchasing the new Library In connection with the school district. • Already a suffi* cient amount has been raised a*d .vo­ ted to purchase #160 worth of booksM On Friday evcntcf next a lecture will be given before the Association upon the subject of "Education and its Uses" by Prof. M. J. Wright, after which rh« election of officers for the ensuing year ivill take place. No admittance fee will be required. A full and extended invitation Is given to all Interested to attend. Our new Postmaster, D. W. So per, since hisiippointinent has been paint­ ing and refitting the office in a heat aud tasty style, addit^g very much to Its appearance and beauty, dispelling that dark, gloomy, somber look that it has worn for the past few it a more cheerful aud fitting look for the position it occupies in the store of Ilewes, Morrison A Co. This new Arm are doing a splendid, lively business, and are all young men alive to their business. Their stock is all new and complete as can be found, having the advantage in this respect by running two stores, and their facil­ ities are such that but little delay is occasioned in obtaining any article they may not have iu stock that their eustomfers may want. I>. W. Soper, the junior member of the firm Is with­ out doubt n student of that "jolly jo­ ker" Ell Perkins. Call and see him you will get the worth of your money in goods b<*side4 piles of fun thrown in* • /. •* Toles A Son are doing a lively busi­ ness iu the feed grinding line. The Rev. Mr. Young has been en­ gaged to preach in the Baptist Ghun:h until Spring. ' \ The liev. Mr. Alden still presides it the Church'on the hill. '% Business Notice*. The finest stock of MiUlnery in town, at Mr*. Howe's. For the largest lines of Boots Shoes go to Buckliu A Steveus. For a nobby suit, go Mi Beckers, near the Depot. A full line of Rubber < lln A Stevens. Lrter . Slx8xlO Obromos, for 33 oenta, aft jF B Blake's. Onlv one Carriage left, out afFiWi* teen two months ago, at E. M. Owen's. A full Hue of Carpenterville and other Flannels at Bucklin A Stevens. Bargains ean be had at Bucklin A Stevens In • great variety of goods, 4 CalVand make a selection out '•# Fifty Plows, at K. M. Owen's. Examine two different arearfrdi Conrtland Wagons at K. II. Owen's A full line of GermAUtown, yarn and Zeyphrs,! to be found at FlseimmOna A Evanson's. Do not buy your Millinery uatll have examined the fine stock at Howe's. A good assortment of Splints found at Blake's, cheap. A fine lot of Zephyr and Card Boards, jnst received at /. i. Blake's Furs!tats Store. "Don't vIstrMdBtenry witftout calling to see the mammoth Stock of jreneral inerciiandise displayed by Vltssim- m.ons A Evanson. i Dr. Jaqnes German Worm CafcSS, stand unrivaled as a worm medleiue.-- Giye thotu a trial. Sold by all Drug­ gists. ' ' ©BEAT REDUCTION! Iii the prices of the Buffalo and Shoes. Don't fail to see them be­ fore making your selections. • COLBT BUOS. Riverside Block *%' i" 5 •/ WOODSTOCK. EiXtlltt PLAINDEALKRPoll! Poh!! Mr, Still, you arn't no where. What is "146 bnshels in 11 hours" compared with "164 bushels lull hours and 20 minutes?" No Mr. Still, we shall "bet" our "#25" ou"tother feller" so you must hunt some other chap to take your bet. But "honor bright," we meant no of­ fence and mean none now. We simply wrote out the substance of comments we heard, iu our. own language, sup­ posing ic would be taken in the same huuiorsome way It. was intended. We know Mr. Still well enough to believe tiiat when he looks at our comments ill the same light as intended he will t>e satisfied that they #rere uot designed to do htm any wrong. Upou the whole however we were rather pleased to see his rebuttal in last weeks PLAixuKAUrtt, because it proved at least that one of your many intelligent readers saw fit to notice our hastily written articles, even though he seemed to view them in a diftereut spirit than they were written. One of the events of the past weej^ was the funeral of Grandfather Heiv man. whose remains were followed to their last resting place by * a large con­ course of friends. Indeed^ our German population turned sul' emnssse, at did many of all countrymen, which proves better than words can describe the high esteem for the dead, and sympa­ thy for the mourning relatives. That young man who thinks it funny to run horses before a buggy around our streets, learned on Saturday, that a little more caution In turn lug corners would have saved him quite an exten­ sive bill for repairs, as well as the risk of breaking his own head as he went over. Our enterprising Townsman, L. H. S. Barrows, ever more alive tb the wants of our people than to his own financial Interest, has added , to the mauifold necessities of our town a Feed Mill, which our Citizens and neighboring farmers will find to be a great conve­ nience, and It is to be hoped that it will be appreciated and made a mutual benefit to owner and patrons. WHILE in Woodstock, the City Bakery is the best place to get Oys­ ters, either by the pan or Dish, cbeap- »r than any other place in town. Fitzsimmons A Evanson lead the trade iti Boots and Shoes. They have a large stock, and sell at lower prices than any firm iu the ooanty. Call and be convinced. FOR SALE*" _ > Fifty bead of full bltm* Mertno at prices to suit the t'me*. GEO. W. HITMT. • Post Oilice Gryenurood. HI School Books And Writing Paper Cheap,at O.W.Owen's. Stop at E.M.Owen's and See new ds Geared Cortland Wagon. - New Stock of Clsths, Ready-Msd* Clothing, &c., for the Fsll trade just received atLauer A Booker's, near the ___• PUMPS. A larg* Stock of A dates celebratsd Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps aid 'j at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen*s. i%f> ji, : •«? Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Llnl- , ; ment is for man and beastftndIs* balin for every wound. Sold by all " XI Dr^fgists, _ , ^ TRADE DOLLARS. On and after date Trade Dollprt will be received for Goods at par' at Bucklin & Stevens, near the Depot. •"Economy is the road wesltkf \ fifty cents worth of Uncle Sam's Hft*> " ^ ne»V Oil applied to yonr old harness, ^ l will make the leather look like new 0^|ff.:i and keep it soft and pliable. , * Adam had no mother-ln«law, children have no worms that oil Jaques' German Worm Cakes, them. md 3 ^ Fitzsimmons A Evanson are making / „ grand display of Overcoats. Caps, ' Gloves and Mittens, Ladies aud Clill-^ drins Underwear, Flannels, Wat^r-1 « proofs, Nubliis and Scarfs Ao» Thslr ̂'J ̂ prices are lower than ever* „ " • JUST BKcetVEb at 'Mrs. Starts', tww Stock of Fall and Winter ery. Also .all the latest styles of Cloaks. Cloak Trimmings, Bsavsr Cloths. Ac., all of which will be soldstt drices to suit the times; BOOTS & SHOES. It is a conceded faot that the Bulla* lo Cnstom Made Boots and Shoes havs no superior on the market. Selected stock. Warranted work. For sale toy Colby Bros.. Riverside Block. Have your Sewing Maohlne Gl*ans4», Re-Adjcf tef! or Bepaiced bf an expert- enoed maciiinlst, wno will visit your house oir notifying him by postal card. All workwammtsd. B.M.TATLOa. ast • MeHearym K|s the universal testimony that tlia Bmmlo Boots and Shoes, for which wa are the sole agents In tills village, art relatively the best and cheapest In tha market. Give them a trial, COLBY BROS. Mvereid* Block Mothers when yonr little darling* are fretful they are always tick, Dr. Wlnchell's Teething Syrup Is a' cure for acidity of the stonu wind colic. It regulates the cures colds. Is harmless to tha 4$|Sld, and is an old and well tried. ' «•'„ Sold by all Drugists at only oenw a > ̂ bottJe. ' F; WAIT FOR THE WAGON. We are now offering one'of our o^lf* <. brated Lumber Wagons, with top Box, V Steel Spring »eat, Whirtfetrees. Neck Yoke and stay chains, all eamplete, for •50. Warranted fpr one year. y ? 3 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Having moved on my farm I offer my Store and other property hi Johnf>burgh for Sal@,«or will enbuhM it for good Farm property. If mtMl I will Rent it to a responsible parsyJMt reasonable terms' It is a fine lecatioa for trade. Call on or address P, GIESELER, Mcffenry. III. I - I 5 V ,i << , :l UNDERCLOTHES. . f eapest and best Stock "'di®'Un­ derclothes, Gloves and Mittens In the county can be found at L. Stoddard's.-- Call and see for yourself. Now that lift insurance ls s6 «l»oefv tainfyou.had bettei use Ellen's Day- light Liver Pills, good health must follow. The celebrated M. Seta A Go's.. Boots aud Shoes at very low prices at MARMIQD. SHOW LEK--If OUSHQLDKR--On •Miming. Nov. *th, 1S7S, at the roi the officiating olorjcy«sant (!»<« 4 Wis., by Rev. jr.-J. Dougiaes, Mr. Showier, of CRfwaag, to MUM lion s IK d<ier. of HOOWN. REW Aim The above reward will be J^ald t# any one who wii! find one of 01# k> Boots In whii'h there Is a jeottates. Inner sole, slip eolaor piec* at heeling that is not oast from a, gdM piece of sole leather. CoilT BROS. SiWrsi v „ . k . 4 "*

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