Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1878, p. 8

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i*i;j «#y v,!£>' I -, <;v « v-^......t.: i.......,.;:;^ *' * . ̂ *•" ^*'5 ,1 ^ ,'w. ic Supreme Court of the State Of Illinois has recently rendered a de­ cision in a case--that of General Aaa- hel Gridley vs. The City of Blooming- ton--which nearly touches every cltl- 4«b who has a sidewalk running past ftSs.f&mt door. Qoncrul Gridley had beMt ined #3 by the city authorities for aUt^ing snow to remain on the side walk of certain premises owned by him, contrary to the provisions of ii certain city ordinance. The case was appealed, and the judgment of the court below reversed. Judge Scott who rendered the opinion of Ihe Su­ preme Court, said: Keeping streets and sidewalks In re- dr and free from obstructions that jM§*v»ve! or render it dangerous fa referable to the same pewer as for ooMtraeflng new improvements. The aidewalk. as was declared in the case «lte<l,l* as much a public highway, free •o the me of ail, as the street Itself, and upon principle it follows the citi­ zen cannot be laid under obligation, under our laws, to keep it free from obstructions In front of his property, •Mils own expense, any more than the •trsat itseJf either by the exercise of the police power or by 9nee and penal­ ties imposed by the ordinance or by direct legislative action. Our conclu­ sion is, the ordinance in question is Invalid, anil the judgment must be ijiversed and the case demanded.--" reversed." ' mo ; AN" UNDENIABLE TRUTH. . -*Toti deserve to suffer, and If you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beaatifM world, it is entirely your ow® fault and there is only one excuse tor you.---your unreasonable prejudice •od skepticism, which has killed thous- Sds. Personal knowledge and com-MI sense reasoning will soon show TOit that Green's August Flower will OOre you of Liver Complaint, or Dys- jpemlft, with all its miserable effects, Main as sick headache, palpitation of heart, sour stomache, habitual cos­ tive ne as, dizziness of the head, nerv- OlaS' prostration, low spirits, etc, Its sues now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist but win tell you of its wonderful cures. Ton can buy a Sample Bottle for 10 •ents. Three doses "will relieve you. For sal® by Colby Bro's, t Preparatory to meetirg winter'* lililiug blasts Call at Fitznimmons & vansonV and buy a suit ot their 60 etut underwear. It can't be beat. WMit BINErCLOTH- Coto F- C. Mayes. > IJf you want GOOD CLOTH­ ING Co to F. Q. Mayes. If you Wftfit the BEST k CLOTHING Co toFiPC. Mayes. on vrmt CHEAP CLOTH- :; Co to F. C. Mayes* v'- *• ' If you want CUTTING DONE Go to F.G. Mayes. If yon waat anything MADE TOORDEE • • jBotoF.G.'Mayes. ,K«T. nth, 1878. ,, ?: BEDROCK BOTTOM t • ' ; * f e JOHNSBM^H ttth Selling all the • > mm Plows HENRY MILLER, --DEALER IN-- Aiericai anil Foreip Marble. In the market. Among them are the Moline, Peru, Grand Detour.. Furst & Bradley, J. I. Case and Norwegian, all acknowledged the best made and at ' 45* •;JL c? # C9 i *|sr •J ® ^ ^ GOODS AND i'i ,.'V i m ss IsM r>' > ' <. ' * & LOWER PRICES Monuments, Headstones, American ^ Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand Shop Two miles North of Mc- Henry, 111. Johnsburgh, Aug. *90tb, 1878. 1878. BECKER, G;. NOTICE to WOOL GROWERS. 4 ' The subscribers would say that if ' wish to clotlic your family you can ftofo by bringing or sending your wool and exchange the same for good desir- ab|e goods. Will give you for un- wsthad from 26 to 28 cts., for washed On the sheep 35 to 37} cts.. and for tub waahed 45 cts., and eel! you goods 20 per cent lest than last year. '•I - F- A- WHEELEtt ft CO, •*',. » iir * Worth Main St., Janewille, Wi® FOR SALE. Acres of land in Section 13, all ?:1Wheed. A!*o 80 acres of land, with a {©od house and barn thereon, with tim­er and water in abundance, in Section SS. j Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new house, barn and other outbuildings.-- APPLY TO JOHN FLU SKY. Near the Depot MCHENRY; • ILLINOIS. Have just received their Fall an.1 Winter Stock of Readv-Mads Clothing, Hats* Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Good* We Will Not Be Undersold* %i#<iaaa call. • J LAUEB McHenry, 111., Aug. 28tb, 18/8. RINQ'S AMBROSIA BE8TOBBS GRAY HA1B TO 1TB ORIGINAL COLOR. RING'S AMBROSIA ERADICATES DANDRUFF, Curat Humor*, •KD Itohlnsr of the Scalp. RINQ'S AMBROSIA Prevents Baldness, md frw)u«nlly OMSM New Hair to grew oa Bald plaoat. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS And KICRCHANT8 Everywhere Price w Dollar w Bottle. E.M.TUBBS&CO. Proraietorg ^C|fESt€^ Call and them a trial to be couviuceU. v . ; > also Selling ^ '• , Ball's Racine Fanning HI, At reduced prices. Fo^a^4Bo«»M |UPP SPRIM poll, " j ^ave. the. ; "Courtland Improved Gear," which can't be beat, either in Price or Quality, and is tne only A Ko^ l wagon in the mark#! j CARRIAGES. CARRIAGES "l •' " , • I cftfl ^ell you a First-class Top Carriage fer $80, and Warrant it for One Year. W ho can afford to ride in an open buggy when a CARRIAGE can be bought for those figures. Be sure and call, as we KNOW we can make it to your interest to do so. ^ Everything sold on Merits. Remember the Old Stands posite the Mil|i MCHENRY, 111., July 22. Sold BROTHERS lenry, 111. GERMAN O. WoaMrespectfully inform the jv.bUc that be ha* in stock All the leadinr SKWIXfi MA- riHNB NBEIH.KS and ATTACHMENTS, Which he i* MclUni? at LOWKtt PKTCK3 (litt •ny other House in McHenry county. first Class Needles for 2c. And all other Attachments in Pro­ portion. TltiMsa legitimate part of my busings*. I k«ou none but Flr^fc? wMD""1 ma MOT BB ^ Maniifectured by f. MARCUS m wmwi«! CltiABS Woodstockf lif; The be«t Tonic i» tb* Wjtfld. Up to ITIDONART BAIUMI -.".-RF Piift and <juart Bottle#* F4WIARCUS, •&> 1s not easily earned in' tltsse tinier, but it can lie made in tlivee months by any one of either hq.\, in any (part of thO^onntry who is willing to work rttcndilv at the cinploytnent that we furnish.~ i»6 per week in your own town. Yon need not be awayfrom hoineover night. Yon run i,rive your whole time to the work, or onlv yonf'spate moments. We have ajurems who are rnakine over ?-.i0 per day. All who <>nea^e at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easilv and rap. \ily at any other business. It costs nothing V try the business. Terms and *5 On ttl r. freJ address at once. U. HALLKTT & Co, .Portland Maine- Grace's Celebratei Sato. A SURE BELIEF FOR THE SUFFERS^ •/• " PBEFAREn Br 8KTH W. FOWLK ft MIIAASISON AVKNUB. ̂Kn mi *:J\"1 »OSTON, MASS.. ui ' i ' i" miLimiiHCESAvnfiwninurt There is a curious story about some native wines which are extensively advertised nowa­ days, and have only recently been put upon the market. Dr. Underhill, the well-known grape-grower of Croton Point, died in 1871. Some of his heirs entertained temperance views of such extreme kind, that they were unwilling to allow the stock of wines then on hand to be sold or any more to be made. The giupeis liavt suuaetiuies becu »ent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. It is only now that the other heirs have succeeded in arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale of the wines on hand. Among these is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a " Sweet Union Port," but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more ~ " id : wine of A 'y. age 1 remarkable, and both pi than any other European wine, am 'ly unlike any oth< growth. Its purit wholly being unlike any other wine of American and mellowness are th physi cians and wine- ciaf interest in it as the fanciers have a specia oldest native wine now accessible in any COIH siderable Quantity. The whole stock is in the hands of tne well-known wholesale grocery house of the Thurbers.--iV. Y. Ttihme, Nov. zg, iSfj. The above speaks tor ltsel( but we woold add (hat this is the pure juice of the grape, neither drugged, liquored nor "watered; that it has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes it is | unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of the leading Druggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from the undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, fctt of charge, on application* ̂ ? Respectfully, etc., " * H. K. 4 F. B. THURBER & GO. t and - '4 Ycrti will C9vhb moaey l>y exawinin? ow Stock, ef Good, . i : purchasing elsewhere. ^ ^ ' " Prints, Bleached & Brown Cottons, Cottonades^ ings Denims. Shirtings and • - / ' j f r * r 1 J !• l( ml l*t~ "<•' 1 Jashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and White Goods of all kinds. In Ready- Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, we will not foe un­ dersold, quality of Goods considered. f3fPGloves and Hosiery a Specialty. and Oil Cloth Carpetings. " Also 9, PtiU Line o£ PERRY & MARTIN LEH^S^IFEYLST, 18T8. fine!Venetian, Ingrain Scissors ̂Btiearsy Ta l̂e arid Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, CArn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Window GUi8s« CRANITE-IROL AND TIIIWARE. J STCHIY& SON. ORA C. COLBT. COLBY HENRY OLBX. Having purchased the entire stoo^; of Diy Goods, Grocenej Smith, Aldridi & Uuytl/nn, li:iyc roiiioved to the Store 111 1 Block, where they are MOW pjptpared to meet their custom the public generally wah UyJtur^o a^id well, selected stock ot DryGM&oceri REAOT-MADE CLOTHINC, Boots and/sho$6, Hats ctud Caps, Crockei &C.f o! liverside ?rs and Which they House in thf bonght witjl communiti WI Wtit Broadway, Read* and Hudson SttMfc lasi®-T'Vrai*©» Aco.» Acc. sell fen* Cash or Ready-Pay as cheap as any otl .ouiity. Our Goods are all fresh and have be special reference to the wants of the people of t! " w e ^ NOT BE UIVDE'RSOL,: We also keep our usual stock of I is, Oils, k My m- J Andas heretofore, will spare no pains to please our customers in S thy line; ' v Prescriptions Compounded in a careful manner and by none but experienced hands Thankful for past favors, we solicit, and hope to merit a contimil ance of the same. CX)LBY BROS". McHenry, 111^ May 7th, 1878. WAGON r - ; RING WOOD • ILLINOIS : • "• - . • v ;The subscriber woald inform the pnhllo •• X that he is now prepared to fnrnfsh them with W-' - "tC •ny thing in his line from a common FaMl Wagon to the nieest Top Carriage, on aU(t aotinc and at reasonable rates. (Jsing but the best of timber and employing but rt\ SKILLED WORKMEN! ' He Warrants hie work to give satisfactlaB. »n.l for good pay will be as Bw -- -- -** and for good pay bly be afforded. - :jc-v j P <« .J >WM NN poeai, HB MAKES * ** ' Jx ^ £S -k r<t M H o r s e S l i o e i n ASPKOIALTf : i '1 :e/:; KEPAIBING Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and see for yourself. N. BLAKE. Ringwood. Ill., Oct. 20th, 1878. ' , * •» . Ii I 1 I '^if Tt,. Thompson, '•y^WW. ' Shap opposite the Parker TTottflo, "' McHenry, » * IlllnoUk liar in g pnrehased and taken posseMlen of these well known Shops, I am now prepared, with llrst class workmen and good material, to manufacture Wagons and Buggies on short notice and at as Low Prices as a good article c u t b e p o r e h M e d e l s e w b e r # ' ' f ' I- 4LSO DO'A " General Blacksmittilng Bmlness, and will do your work In the beet of manner and with the least possible delay HORSE S HOEING A SPECIALITY. E E P A I R I N O Oallan« B. Thompson*^ MfcHenry, II!., April Md, 1878. ' r • - ;• - '-Vftcyr- Of all kinds promptly Attended M see fdr yourself. To Magazine CM-GetteiS 3-Button Kid Gloves, FRENCH AND ENGLISH OA'HMERKand Elegant .«ILK DKKSS P,ATTEltNe, given in 1'rouiiuius fot̂ subscribers, at Club Hate* to. Artto's Home napM J ' /" •, ?TERM&: -->2.2fi a Year, with a larg#?liir duct ion for Clubs, Specimen Number, 10c. iSS'Send for CInb.Uotter's Circular, mu. taining full jtarliculars of this splendid offer. • T 8. ARTHUR A SON> fJ7 8.. eixth St., Philadelphia Fo? Rivit Valley MillSs R. BISHOP, Proprietor. McHenrj - . « . Illinois FLDIIR14 FEED, CONSTANTLY OH HAND. CUSTOM ^pp|iMN€l V T>onc Trmm-flhy, arKTSIiftSfSStfulfi guaranteed Having just iuit in a new Feed Stone, capable of grinding sixty buthcis of Feed per hour. I •in prepared to do your grinding on short no tice. : r " . " ; j ' - - - WThe .. . Milting Wheat. matSr* McHenry III., Oec. iith, 1877. v To ConsumptiWs. rpHKadverti«er, having been permantttfcr JL cured of that dread disease, Consump. tion, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferer* the means of ictire. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free ofcharge,) with the directions for preparing and using the imc, which they will liud a stfrt# cure for onsunr.ption, As'thnuL Bronchitis. Ac. Par. ^ics wishing tho presVrijJticn, will please Mi. .iitg. « v » • Donsunr.ption, Asthma, Broiichitl ;ies wishing the prescription, wl Iress, E. A. Wilson, 104 Pcnn. St.," Williams, jnrgh, N. Y. Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for year from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for the wake of sufl'eriiig humanity send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to nroiit by the adviser's experience can do so by addressing in perfect confldene JOHN B. OGDEX 4%®ed«r St., Kew Yftffc ~xXP i ' A :v. ^

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