i . r - v , - ' * • - • ; * • " * ' " V - • • .•V +\ - ? w « ' , r . . v * ; K ' < r * - V . T v • A - ? Y - * * - . ; • / / • : : * ^ > . y - v = Vr- i- rv." *?•• ?*• «-*•!• » f 't*'.'-!'? ' . , -X,, ' ' 4 V \ i " ^ ' • 1 ' " * • . • * * • * • ? - . • V i " ** p 1 • i- > iT 1 >. '* -f V ""i *• ' Vi» k a#"-4 ! ..*C_ >/* * * 4 >'.'•• ' ~ .WW* «~v S » ' s >* ** ? ¥"<S» *"* ' • ~ ~ rr~ „ ,, r ~r ^ 7 rr <, s 1 x '/-**• ' ;:>««• • -i wrnuM AND HOME, 1item Making*. BIANKET your horse when the hitching-post, "while the driver is in some warm place doing business, for "tks SISIcifSl m»n rpganieill the life of his beast* DuRiNCbijMH^al fosor years the farm ing interest has extended itself over 22,286,000 acres of land in the United States. This is indicative of genuine na tional prosperity. FROSTING.--White of an egg, six heap ing table-spoonfuls powdered sugar, one teaspooiiftil lemon-juice; beat one spoonful of sugar with white three min utes; then another, and so on; lastly, add lemon-juice, and beat until the froth stands up stiff, and can be cut with a knife. A KEMBKR of the Western New York Farmers' Club says; he did not plant Early Rose potatoes till the fore part of June, repelled the beetle by one eprink- n wat ling of Paris-green water on such hills as were infested (about one-twentieth of ajl), and, notwithstanding tte *%en- eral failure.. of this jcrgj^^Pt^ted at the rate of over 200 JfewMe'fe of-' sound tubers to the acre, j Another member reported Brownell's Beauty as giving double tho yield of Snowflake. A BRITISH agriculturist says he ex tracts the honey from his combs in the fall, returns them to the hive and feeds the bees on a sirup made by boiling for a few minutes two pounds loaf sugar in each pint of water, "thus replacing for 7 penoe three pounds of honey;" and he thinks the sirup forms "as good, whole some food as honey." The perpetual mead trickles out slowly from an in verted. quart glass bottle through two or more pinholes in a thin stopper of vulcanite or tin. * A WRITER sends to the Elmira Farm ers' dub the following cure for galls on the shoulders of draught animals, which he says is the best he ever used: Dis solve six drachms of iodine in half a pint of alchool, and apply it on the sore with a feather as soon as the collar is removed, and, when at rest, twice a day, morning and evening. The article should be in the stable of every farmer, as it is an excellent application on horses whejfe the skin is broken by kicks or other accidents, and is a sure cure for splints, if used in a* proper manner. PROF. §. W. CLARK, of Parma, told the Western New York Farmers' Club that his family "prefer rather small- sized potatoes for their own use," and have a novel way of cooking them: " They keep a kettle for the purpose, in which they keep beef suet, and, after paring the potatoes and wiping them dry, they drop them into the boiling suet and fry them as they do <^ough- nuts. In the ordinary way of boiling, much of the nutritious properties fit the potato escape into the water, but when fried in hot suet the external pores are closed at onee, and all of the properties retained." AT the Missouri Agricultural Col lege, out of sixty-one varieties of wheat sown the experimenter says in those varieties yielding twenty or more bush els per acre the amount of straw per bushel varied from 96.4 pounds in the Clawson to £04.0 pounds in the Bussian No. 5--a difference of 108.2 in favor of the Clawson. A bushel of Clawson wheat requires for its growth 103 pounds of soda and potash; a bushel of the Russian No. 5 requires 173 pounds of the same elements, or, in other words, a crop of thirty-five bushels of ClawBon is no more exhaustive to the soil than is a crop of twenty bushels,of Bussian wheat. * ^ EXCESSIVE SALIVATION OF HORSES.-- Some cavalry horses at Vernon were affected with an excessive salivation; the veterinary surgeon traced the cause to some musty oats. Change of dietary arrested the excessive secretions. Wild thyme, when present in large quantities in fodder, has, in the neighborhood of Chartres, produced a similar disorder} and aftermath clover, having spots on the leaves, recalling those of the potato disease--a mushroom affection--caused, according to M. Thierry, horses to se crete as much as five quarts of saliva per hour. No medicine could check the malady, which disappeared, however when the diet was altered.--Paris letter to Neu> England Farmer. IktmeaUe JBw wiwy. CRULLERS.--One pint sour buttermilk, nearly the same white sugar, half pint butter and lard mixed, three eggs, one teaspoonful soda, flour to make a light ough; warm ingredients. WHIGS.--Half pound of butter, two pounds of flour, one pint of Hjilk, six eggs, three' table-spoonfuls of yeast; if liked sweet, half p»und of sugar, stirred in when they rise; a little salt. Bake in patty-pans. * SILVER CAKE.--Two cups sugar, one- half cup butter, one cup water, whites of four eggs; after they are all well com- ined, stir in three cupe of flour, and o teaspoon foils baking powder, one nful vanilla. Motes Pa.-- Five Boston of sugar, two cups of water, half a cup of melted butter, half a cup of vinegar, One cup of chopped raif ins, cloves, cin namon, pepper, salt, and one nutmeg. PUMPXIK PIE.--Boil and strain (through colander) your pumpkin; then, to two quarts of pumpkin, two quart* of milk, four eggs,fiie teaspoonfuls vanilla, three of cinnamon, one of allspice, half- teaspoonful ginger, half teaspoonful of mace, half a nutmeg; the spices must all be fine; add sugar and salt to taste. Bake with only under crust. To KEEP RIPE PEACHES.--A corre spondent of the American Grocer says; "Ripe peaches may be prevented from decaying for many hours by covering them well in fresh cold water. I saved two crates in this way one night last autumn, which were fully ripe. The water will not extract the flavor from the fruit. Excluding the tor from them is, of course, what saves them." ROASTING BEEF.--I do nofc'thmk the oven is the best place to sroaafc a piece of beef. I think the beet way is to roast it in a stew-kettle on top of the stove; season it, and put just enough water to cook; add more water as it boils away ; have just enough for gravy when done. If you once cook your bee! in this way you will never want to dry it up in the oven again.--Letter to SL Paul Pio neer-Press. STAIR CARPETS.--Stair carpets should always have a strip of paper put under them, at and over the edge of every stair, which is the part where they first wear out, in order to lessen the friction of the carpet against the boards be neath. The strips should be within an inch or two as long as the carpet is wide, and about four or five inches in breadth, so as to be a distance 'from each itair.-- Ohio Farmer. CARVING A ROAST JOINT.--The Coun try Gentleman says that a roast of beef may be held firmly on the platter while carving'9 it by inserting two forks in stead of one, two or three inches apart, and grasping the handles in the left hand while the carving-knife is wielded in the right, thus securing perfect Con trol of the roast, preventing its slicing about, and enabling the slices to be neatly and as thin as may be desired OLLA'POI>RIDA. A GENTLEMAN in New Orleans was agreeably surprised to find a plump turkey served up for his dinner, and in quired of his servant how it was ob tained. " Why, sir," replied Sambo, " dat turkey has been roosting on our fence tree nights, so dis morning I seise him for de rent of de fence." Like to some tall, majestic oak be stood, Towering among the poets of bis time; Hi* thought was pleasing, and soft and Fell the benediction of his fruitful rhyme. And, though he loved to roam amid the snow-clad peaks And lofty summits in the world of thought, He knew the language that the valley speaks; And oft, when some rare flower his fancy caught, He would forsake his mountain-field and com* Down with a placid smile of sweet relief, To pluck the flower from its lowly home / And bind it tender in his ripened sheaf. Deep was his musings, fresh the songs he sung, And with him tongue-tied nature fojwd her tongue. WOODSTOCK, Dl. • --(Uto. A. COQOTLUTT. PLUTARCH was a disciple of Pythago ras in regard to food. He says: " Yon asked me for what reason Pythagoras abstained from eating the flesh of brutes; for my part, I am astonished to think what appetite first induced man to taste j of a dead carcass, or what motive could suggest the notion of nourishing him self with the loathsome flesh of dead animals." --1 „ BttTGHST STARS ARE FALLING. AgeB roll with ceaseless measure, Bounds the dying poet's line; life was short and brief was pleasure, Though the sunt wore huts sublima. Ought decay to rob the builders Of ambition's rising domes? Ought the star of hope that wanders (Lose its luster as it roams? Boldly dash the mighty breakers *Gainst the rudder of tho soul, - But the Pilot guides us upward . Where the beacon lights unfold; To an JEgean sea of martyrs, Who have sailed away from earth, leaving 'neath the lids of justice Noble deeds, intrinsic worth. Fleeting, fading are life's shadow*, Though the mirror hangs <ftt high; Stars arise above the billows, Setting in immortal sky. LTON», Ohio. J. S. Musok. '• LOG-ROLLING." When the election of Judges by t1 Legislatures of the States became ti accepted theory of American statesm: ship, the appointment of many othe officers was vested in the some bodies! Here was a wide field for combinations J for exchanges of votes and influence. This system has given rise to the ex pressive term "log-rolling," as applica ble to that and to other forms of legislative action. It comes from the customs of the early settlers in clearing the trees from the soil which they in tended to cultivate. When the trees were all felled and cut into logs from ten to twenty feet long, they were gathered into large piles and burned up to get them out of the way. This piling business required more force than was at the command of one farmer, and so it became the custom, as it did in house-raising, corn-husking and other similar matters, that when the setfler was ready for the performance^ his neighbors came and, putting their joint forces together, the logs ready for the fire. He each neighbor when need these neighborhood meetings came to be called "log-rollings."/ It is>ptly expressive of the combination of forces THE power of reproduction in insects is one of the most wonderful parts of their economy. On beheading a slug, a new head, with all its complex appur tenances, will grow again ; so will the feet of a salamander and the claws of lobsters. The end of a worm split pro duces two perfect heads, and if cut into three pieces the middle reproduces a perfect head and tail. MY BABY. Who claps his little hands and crows, And wakes me from my morning doip By pulling very hard my nose? My baby. Who beams as brightty as the sun, His face so sparkling, full of fun, foth wonder at what he has done? My baby. i Who makte me thankful for his birth, \lt is so joyous to my hearth, ace he has .filled the place with mirth? My baby. ^*ho, when my heart is very sad, id with do«pair I'm almost mad, , oks to my face and makes me glad? My baby. i makes m? dreams so very bright, 1 gilds each vision in my sight, \ lifts from (ft my soul the blight? My baby. Who do I call mj precious dove, And think of ourtarigbt home above, Where I will meett^o one I love? My baby. Sr. Lo^a, Mo. their heads; and, among other nations, the mothers, in a similar way, maltreat the noses of their offspring. PROF. JT^hn T. ORDWAT tells the New England /C otton Manufacturers' Asso ciation tli at much of the oil used for lubricating machinery is dangerous,1 because when heated to a sufficient de gree it throws off an inflammable vapor. In this respect it is claimed that some of the animal and vegetable oils are even more hazardous than those par tially mixed with earth oilB^ and that the higher price of an oil Is by no means a guarantee of its safety. A DUBLIN critio reviews a book, and then says in a postscript: "Passages that I consider to be unsuitable for the perusal of little boys and girls are to be found in pages 61, 63, 64,138,147,148, l&l, 156, 221, 223, 242, 243, 314 and 343." This will probably have a similar effect to that produced by the sign which says, " Dont read the other side." THE Michigan Supreme Court has de* cided that a married woman who has lent money to a firm of which her hus band is a member is entitled to recover from the firm, even though the indebt edness was contracted by her husband acting in the firm name and Without the knowledge of his partners. Fue to Face with DiieaM How often it happens that, although we have Witnessed the ravages of disease in the case of others, we disregard his warning signals in our Own. It is only when we find him face to face with us that w<* roally perceive how grim he is. Then, perchance, when it is too late, medicinal aid is sought His avant courier, his forerun ner, is physical weakness. Fortify tho system, aud you are armed against him. The finest tonic for this purpose is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which renders digestion easy and com plete, nourishes the system, improves the ap petite, gives strength-yielding sleep, counter acts biliousness, and keeps the bowels in first- rate order. Leanness, and unnatural wanuess and solknvness of the face, are obviated by it, and bo genial and beneficial tire its effects that not only is tho body invigorated and regulated by its use, but despondency bauiahod from tha Inind. To Our Readers! The attention of all onr readers is called to tho attractive advertisement of J. L Patten ft Co., 47 Barclay Street, New York, who gener ously offer to send a beautiful Cliromo Motto, 6x17 inches in size, to all who send 25 cents for a three months' sdoecriptlon to their new illus trated magazine. Pimples, Freckles, Etc. The most wonderful discovenr yet known, and Freckl* VOUNG MEN • month. IrerT iindnta|i>tnntMd»p>^og eltn-i mrantwd a paying uitx itkm. AdUliM XL Vukmttae, Maiiagar, JanahY.lfe, W)a, MASON &HAMUN CABINET ORGANS WREU^SKXPO^TUIN8 TOR TWELVE YE/N'T jt*>: At Parts, IW57: Vwiw*, 1878; F.MSTlAttO, 187b nuui)F.i.nn; PARIS, una ;»nd Grand siwKDmu G<U.f> Mi DAf,. IbiHi. Only Am uU an O^K'UiS uvri'.-.-wAi'dl- •d honor® nt wny «nch, Koirt for Rash or Install- BMWiva, liz,vwiR\TRT> OATALOaUES Circulars, with aew styles and pjians, east frss. Sl H aMLIk «»ROAN OO.. BOSTON. NKW YORK, or nmriAOO MOLLER'S T:.l-C0Q-Iivar0ii Is perfectly pare. Pronounced the best by the high- •st medical authorities in the world. Given highest award at 19 World's Expositions, and at Paris, 1878. Sold by DruxKiBts. W. H. 8chlefl%ltndcC«.,N.Y. tha Iniw" a TT who wl«h to t«k« up U.S. Ltart, worth lULMperwK, c an do m.ktkI K-llat that prion. H n l (1.60 for Clrcv !*•«. *<•. P. Tj»«hmp "M'th. Pwreyor. s*n t*k«. ITtsh T*. Blink Urdi ittaMMIn C1Altl> I'linters, b ; A (>>..Jl'fa, ] imricbom. Pa. 4 liK.N'iV; W A NTJKD--Btoc th» b**t «n«t MMtoll l\ inn Pictorial Books aad Bible* PricM rartMad SB p«re»nt. Addrmg NATIONAL Pl'R. OO . Ghtnaa SOMETHING NEWfor ABERTsî BMitedlnwwyillki*. Addis-- BCTT88.M«wT** J < v w / ' j ' * ""Vf -Vf» 5 nmVf W HABirWiSBTSMBME 11V111H Thousands cui*d. L.m--t Piluf. Daaat Ul I UflifaU towHUl Dr.F.CMawa.QttfawffJPah. BIG PAY--With Standi OuUita. Wuat «wti 4 ct«. kIIi rapidly for M ota. Oatalogna /m. 8. M. Smcut, 1U VMh's St, Bnatoe. Mul $350 A MONTH-AGENTS WANTED--3t BEST selling itrtlclea in the world; «m mmpftt Jrte. Addroaa Jap Broeaon, Datioit. Mtoh, U00ES3FUL FOLKS. Matthew Hale Soil's new tool 1,000 Prominent parsons--msn and women analysed- Steel rortralt* of A. T. C ' P V W A V T V A N O R K I i l L T , O J. JBj W AAl, BE.SNKTT, Ktc. Thu sensation of the season. Now in tbe time for ACCtlTQ 10*ecar«territory. Addmsa,for HWCII O circulars and terms, AJS Elt KCASf LISHI.VO <H>., '"hlcsiKO, VII. THE NEW YORK SUN. HAII.Y. 4 papss. Aft cts. » nionOa; a year. ' Kl'MJAY. ,#l» ft . WEB148.Y. § pages. ^ I ft. T U B S U N h9» tb« IiwmI ciro»]itloB ftiu) to cheapest aiui mod tateresttaff in tD« UnfUNl States. T H E WEKKIjY 8UN emphatically the pm& • fai-iily KSO|;AND PnMifhsr. N. Y. CHjr. CORED FREE I An infallible end unexcelled remedy i Fits, Epilepsy or Falllns Hickues* Warranfetl to effect Da. >1. G AGENTS, READ THIS! We will pay Agents a Salary of $tOO per month aad PTper.Res, or allow jirge commission, to eeil onr new lid wonderful In^pnlions. IV« nruH uhut «r« My. Svample fr<<e. Acidreae __SIU:R.1IAN JkCO., Msnkatl. mieh. YOUNC FOLKS' RURfti., Z ELL'S 11® M«rs« St.. CkleMs. Vol. C. " Be«t and €hcape«t Tsass People'* Paper hi Amerk-> t" K«duce4 to f-«>«<•« it, ItVor t Knrjcl (Mviiii ix tuo ueat* Two Met'als. Parig, I8» Ssllins better than ever. Ap'ts write to T. KU.WOOD Zkix, DAVIS .t Go., Ptrila. •The tireat S'timilf/ Wtekly. THE CHRISTIAN UNION. An tTissectsnan, Indepsndeut Journal. Devoted t.i Rellpfon, Morr.'s. Ksform, News, UtMA. ture, Hoaseboki -Mattttr.?, AKriouUure, ia «;{ pev umi-im, crt-pnlsl. A largo cas'i e immtssion to a^Rents. bend $<cca6 stHmp for oopy. Addres? THK iin:tsno union*. PI «>1 ANRNTPxure. '• A I'ree bottle *» of mj rpnowTK'd S|M»rifio itnd a vslr.-ible Tr^atifo sent to nnv R'it"->rcr gcndfnfr me his Postofiioo and K*pre«s ad- OOT. 18.1 Pearl Street, New Yocfc Is tie Old R«li»ble Ccneentmted Ly« FOR FAMILY SOAP-MAKINP Directions nceompsnyinff each fan for making SsxC Soft and Toi;»t tk>u;> (tVU'Kl.V. I T J S F I L L W F I Q i r r A N D S T R B N G T B . Tho mnrket is flooded with (so-called) Concentratad Lye, which in adulUtrated with »alt and rosin, ami imsI wiuke--tap. SAVB jro.vjpr, nrr thk SAPONIFIER © MADE BY THE Pennsyhraoia Salt Maaufg Co l'llll.AI»EliPHIA. ' Mrs. Dr. L. K. Shaw's Moth le Lo tion. Maybe had of your druggist. PriceodW addrewH Mrs. Dr. L. K. Mrs. Z. Z. in a legislative body member or set of m< a particular . SPKINOS are litie things, but they are souroes of largt utreams; a helm is which one 1 a little thing, but w4 know its use and who have j power; nails and p«fs are little things, secures the aid of the matter, by pr matters in which ed. This log-roll fruitful theater of tive appointments soon transferred legislation, in whi constitutents hi interests, often general welfare.- the New York Bt accomplish, indifferent in to assist in thers are interest- system found a Operation in office, and waa other subjects of members or their local or individual variance with the ustice Miller, before r Association. K 9' ouGtf JL-coMnra. e mother of a bright 3 years old. The prevailed in their neigh- e mother became very st her boy would take Iked so much about it, ver it, thai she had in- d witli lier fears to such he would scarcely leave e night after the little fel- ^ " j pUt to bed and to sleep, a low had beeit . *? Iriven past the house, and, pposite, set up his he-h^w, tli a shriek the little fellow , screaming at the top of The whooping-cough is incinnati Comi*ercial. WHOOPINQ- A lady was little boy abo whooping-coug borhood, and tj much alarmed it. She had and worried jjfected the oh: an extent th her side. O jackass was when just { he-haw. was out of his voice: coming."--I ten, one cup of molasses, one cop I crow! A physic called upon "Doctor, I h{ in the hout tainly," said] threw open bony struct opeu-moutliej exdWeesd* * POOR. tells of a rustic who i one day, and remarked, that you have a'«kel|Ston May 1 : see it?1! *|Cer- ^he doctor, where^jpon he closet and revealed the The rustic gazed at it for a moment, and then Irfwd,- it's as po?r as a but they hold the padkfroia ing together; a word* frown, are kll little thi for good or evil. Th: mind the little things. tfTTLB B»KXIE UHl^Bennae, darlioK boj 1 ptjde and pspaN \i His meri> y*top. in accents b! Blngs throueh ^e house from little ro^nk, with tireless feet; With mischief he ie.quite replete; His sparkling eyes at* full of joy; Our Bennie is a happy boy! Little heart, so frs* froib can little face, ao smooth ank yir; His mind is purv, without^loj Oar Bennie is a noble boy | build- smile, a >werful this, and CKLXY. till Bigltt. $1.00. . For particulars, Shaw, 140 East 'JStli Btreot, New York. Bhaw's Liver Pill. Best in th© world. THE Rev. Henry Ward Beeclier, in his lecture on " Tho waatos and burdons of HO- ciety," claims "man's natural life to be 80 vears, and, a^ the average life is but years, thore must lio a waste of 47 years.™ There is much of truth in iliin »laU;iuont. If ft nvui be unfortunate in business, it is attributed to the violation of some wminwuil law. Now, if a person be taken off in the prime of jife, ought it not to be attributed to the violation of uomo physioloffical law? If poople only know better, thev would live better and longer ; but how can they profit by that which they know not of ? The only popular work that moots this groat want is Dr. Piorce's Common Seas'" Modioal Adviser. In it the great pr^bl^nis of disease and health are fully discussed. The work con tains over «00 pages and C"i0 colored plates aud wood-cuts. Trice $l.5.» (post-p iid). A kire.-w the author, R. V. Pierce, M. D., Ituffalo, N. If. GOD has given us medicine to cure ourselves when sick, but the kuowlwlgeof their i-ombiiiations is a mystery to most of us. That dreaded of all diseases, Heart disease, bas defied nearly all remedies, but wo are happy to be able to "iiit'orm you that in Dr. Graves' HEART ltEG ULATOlt you have a certain cure. Thousands of bottles have been sold, and peo ple are ready to testify to its beneficial results. Tbere are some really wouderful cases of re covery from what seemed immediate death, and they have gladly given these, testimonials, nop- ing they might be the means of benefiting others. Among the many forms of Heart disease are Palpitation, Enlargement, Spasms of the Heart, Stoppage or the Action of tlie Heart, Trembling all over and about the Heart, Ossification or Bo;>v Formation of the Heart, liheuiuatisni, Geueral Debilitv and Sinking of the Spirits. Send your nr.me* to F. E. INOALLS, Concord, N. II., for a pamphlet containing a list of testimo nials of cures, etc. The HEART REGULATOR is for sale by druggists at 50 conta and fl per bottle. IF you want the best fruit and flower paper, selid one dollar to the Fruit Recorder and Vottmje Gardener, Rochester, N. Y., now, for 1879, and you get last three months of 1878 or a beautiful fruit or flower chromo, 13 by 16 inches, free. Specimens free. liberal terms to club-agents. WE confidently refer our readers to the card of Dr. C. R. Sykes, in our issue of week before last Dr. Sykes is an old resident of Chicago, and res ,, _ rank in nis chosen specialty complications. beg readers to the advertisement of Horace Waters A Softs, of New York city. They are offering special inducements for the holidays. Their pianos and organs cannot be excelled for purity of tone and elasticity of touch. Catalogues ana prices will pe mailed free on application. LIST OF DISEASES ALWAYS CURABLE BY ITflINO ' MEXICAN '• MUST AN G iramEHT. OF I1VMAN FLESH. Rheumatism, Barni •» SmM«, Miii£>« Hixl llitea, Cutx and llrulaea, Npiaiiw A Mtltches, I'ONT RPCT^TI MUSCLES, KtiirJwlBi?*. lUekHrlK) . ^ Old Ulcers,'* Rauf;reaoul Neuralgl*) Goat, Eruption*, > Froat Bitea, Hip Dtaease. external diaeaaes. • 1' ft OF AMM.dVi . , Scratches, '. 8WM nud (•alls* Spavin, t iacka, ItiiiKbonr, Screw Worm, Rrab, Foot Rot. Hoof All* Hollow Horn, L«mriirs«, Swlniiy. Fouui«ri| Farcy, Poll UdL gpralHs. StralW^ • RUius; Halt) Sore 1'fiit, Stiiln«s«» and bvcry hurt or ancldent TEASI P>rk PUc. H, TT. t 'iU - ' • 1 t 1. * A - v? ' direct from the lira- _ . _ porter* at Hnlt nmiAl ex*. Beet plan rrn offered to Clab Aeonta and iargo buyers. ALL KXPUKS8 CHARGES PAID. New torins FREE. The Great American Tea Ccmpasy, p.q'Ajag v"'y Wr"'-J < , r : • NEWSPArEBS & MAGAZlSBS * (• ,1-• • at club rales. Tlme.ti<»b)e and cxpamtiaNd tarnb. ^ i*# • scriblns throtub tb« Rooky Moontain Sttbaoriptioa =. which rnraishca any paper (uoapt k>«al) pob> _;:V tbs United Klatm. Masioal Inatramanta, Bav. f|. Inn MacVlnesof all kinds,Chromoa,Fram««,SawtnKMa- , chine Nciedlea and Attachments at reduced prices. I s;p: will also furnish Books of all kinds at lowest prtoaa. ; Focky Mountain Stereoscopic Tiewi a cpeclalty. Dont fall to write at once tor onr l' ."V ^ u - <$, '• • • ' •' V A EfaiMbOnlBt ANDERSON & CO., MASONIC PUBLISHERS, 8 Rcnde KtrtM't, New York. AOKSTS WASTE#. Illnstrated History and Cyclo?»?diii of FroBinaaonw, •700 (n>K«s, HMO Illustrations, halt-Moroco, price |IA, 'l iia Mnsvinie T ken, lUnstrnit'd.full^rilt binding. True Mnoonic Chart. A universal AhlinsnlUinm. Illustt -rfvd. cloth, gilt, $1 Ml. Sold by ittbturiptlM . Sample copt«» itsnt lo n^ents on receipt oi the ( For terms, catolosues, Ac., address AVl>KJt^H>^ CO., Kluiionlc Pwbliahera. M Rande St.. New # < - ' / ' I % ' f ABKSE B&O'S 0088TOE rwlvnl ar ^ PARIS EXPOSITION, . a\rr all Aim rliHii r.xnprtlUvrn. Tb«lf FLKXIULK iill> COU8KT (lt» Bones) fit* with p«rf«ct aass, sad is «ta DAKTKD net to brssk down over the bias Tdv'r MKALTH OORBKT with lu nrovnl Bunt, isaew a rmtrrltial>»i; than ever. Their W DB6IKQ OOBBKT ti' !l!«dell)tl>tor»Tfry mothtr. ( f'-.r • • '<• by «JI Imiln r wrrrhsats. WARNEU BROS.. SSI Broa«V*I. X.T.J und ull For gen?ral use ia family, stable nnd stock yard it is THE BEST OF ALL • LINIMENTS A GREAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS!! We wHl dnrlns (he IltH.l BATS 1 l*IA\OM nnd OKOAX4 nt 1-Jxt»i»«»v«lii»:try iirliTu i'lirciiKli, 3£ n*f« oi* r«M?ii'ii .i »«*(•« u'il il KlltutS:IM^- mid C««M»K*r IS HO, t# aets S$»,l *t>t Mit. I aet . ,i> HSJtS. 7 Oct;,,,' Rt>«KWOi>» M.15IO* >' " H130, 7 l.:t <t<» WUA, warraulrii fter KIT vcaro. A6HXTM WASTKO. lllutmite l>»<itloitiica .Hailed. Btnale at hull* SSnlSACK WATERS <fe Mrtunft-s.® l>f»l«r», 4Q K. l*th Ht.. X. V. The Astldote to Alcobol Ifosnd at Latt. THE FATHER MATHEW ^ L • ? i ^ f v - _• 4 After a debsncli, or RByJlMMi pirate SfBskslaence. naincle leaip* remote all mental nnd pbyalcal «*t It also eurea every kind of FltTtR, DTsnUPttA and 1 i( I.IVEB. Hold hi alt drujrifistB. • i ' Aloohoi, iU Kflects on the I PIIHTY OF 'IH* . _ . Bottle. Pamphlet on man Bo " KATHK FACTURWO ;'.y. anil Intemperance as a Ptasasa/* sent Iron." « MATHEW TKMPKRANCK ABD MANU| « f i! FR1WO CO aft Bond St.. Wew York. , •£ *,JJ His playthings in confusion \ In many a spot; no use to thr \ To keep his things in order ra^«ei; For when Benny comes the seen* i^tihang Poll oft aside they've scarce been plated, When he appears, in eager haste, Xa search of aometklnsr--just look 1 Away 1a thrown all mamma's care! His marbles here, his books o*er there With kite and ball--his treasures ran; iiWhile, with merry call, he rushes oat fin answer to his playmate's shoot. f Then let onr merry little boy himself with book and toy-- , , Enjoy life's pleasures while he can, * For Benny will be a man! > fBSKPOBT, 111. Belue Hoimcxuio. THE ladies of Japan are said to gild their teeth, and those of the Indies to paint them red, while in Gnzerat the' test of beauty is to render them sable. In Greenland the women used to color their faces with blue and yellow. The Chinese must torture their feet into the smallest possible dimensions--a pr5of positive of their contracted understand ings. The ancient Peruvians, and some other Indian tribes, used tf FOB an irritated throat, cough or cold, u BrowiC* Bronchial Troches " are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy. They maintain the good reputation they have justly acquired. 25 cts. a box. AN Eastern paper says: " Every man who goes into the lumber woods this winter should take with him a supply of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment and Parsons' Purgative Pills. This little precaution may save months >f labor and much suffering." THE exposure of the utter worthless- :*s of the large packs of horee and cattle pow- ditw ha8 aav(,fi °ur people a vast sum. There is mly one kind now known that ace strictly purt, and these are Sheridan's. Don't throw away your money. FOK ipward of 30 years Mrs. WINSLOWS iTliiNG SYRUP has been used for children wifc i never-failing success. It corrects acidity of I ie stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the Wiwels, cures dysentery £&d diarrhea, whe %r arising from teething or other otmea. nA well-tried remedy. 25 eta a bottla tips-.' • -' •Tfift- iJl W CHEW 31M Celebrated •MATCHUBW" " ' • • % . Wood Tag Plug 'VV .TOBACCO. In TIOHPJIS 'TOBACOO OOKTAXT, He% York, Boston autl Chioagoi. To 0UUW£ «d Vhiten the teeth, to sweeten the breath; tun# Bxo'«m's Camphorated Sapona- Tnjenty-flve oents a bottla oeotw DeotUHoe. HON. A B. radically oxured Kidney Core. kyor of Rooheeter, wm x* Disease by 0r»ig'» oiverdty F1H^1I.I. FRANK LESLIE'S CHIMNEY CORNER Occupies a field that no other journal attempts to fill. It is essentially a paper for families. Avoiding all politics and questions of the day, it devotes its col umns to healthy fiction for the enter tainment of its readers, aud well-writ ten, agreeably-instructive articles for tho home circle, biographies of the good and great, anecdotes, art, invention, travels, curiosities of foreign life, the tastes of the day, tho marvelous in na ture and art, essays, attractive reading for the little ones at their mother's knee and for tUoseT of larger growth, combined 'with pictures that attract the eye and fix impressions vividly on the mind. It is issued every Monday, and can be hid at all news depots; price 10 cents. Annual subscription, $4. Three months, $1. Postpaid. Snbeerlbem tu remit direct," b* P. O. Order, Draft# on New York, or R«Ktoteted Letter, m* •»*«• ri*k. Those who find it more convenient to aubBoribe thruunh an agent can do BO at their own i-lwk, but should first assure tbemaelvex of the agent'a roBponai- bility. Addreea Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 58, 55 & 57 Park Place, Sew York. Established 1838. •viBROHANTO Gargling Oi! Liniment rapper for Animal Human l'">sh. ts GOOD ro* . V . : ^ No .ccHca or Grease, j O'.-ipjiH. Hands, ] FU sS Wonnds, KKItrayl INjisons, ji S.mJ Cracks, ;|oin'i < t ait kin^a, jSitf ist, Ringt»ne, ^ Poll Evil, jj Tumor*, H O jn Cows, ' Cr.Ycittti Teats, 'jC'ilious, Lan>ene*i, IHrn Distemper, ^ C Vowuscab, Qiiiitxr, grains and "Foot Rot in Sht'epi," Curi»o and Scalda, Sp« - Ci.i.olniif, Frost Bites,Striifliult, Wiiirijfali i l-'.'ml Ulcers, l" iircv. .'j A-sh of the Udi)e.f h >wi'iled JLes(*, U Turu&h, 1I«rrhant»« OarrHa* Oil Foundered Feet, Roup in Poultry^ 'a Cracked Heels, RpiMotic, Laisse Back, ..;f' Hemorrhoid# or Toothache, * ' Rheumatism, Spavins, Sweenr-j, ' Fistula, Mange, i Oked Breasts; ;.j. Sore Nipples, Curb, Ola Sores,. £ Corns, Whitlows,. .' •<s Cramps, Boils, Weakness of the Joints Contraction of Muwi is the st:»nrfui»l j f.i:iinjr;nt of tlie Uinift. ?*»te» Larue medium, 50c; small, asc. Stnaii »i».e i« r ! family usfc, 350. Manufactured 6t Lockpr»rt, N. V.. by Merchant's Gurgling Oil Cosap&ny; JOHS DODGE, Sw^y. STOVE POLISH - , ' L K '• f\^ "A '•J*- ' * ' ' ' S«r Bm«r of Palish f Sarlni ] rs, CaniM< if FAITH, Hone and Charity" Is a boant4fui illuminated Motto, iust published, and sent postpaid to every 3 months* sob* ecriber to leisure Hours at 45 cents jsei.rt .-aiver.stammu or curreney). This Motto, size 6x17 lncn« R, >- jtrinred in IS Oil Colors: the words are «.es«nH* e .twni.-n wtth CalU Ulies, Forget-me-nots. Lilies of the Vali«y, I'linsies, Wheat- heads, and Grasses, handsomely printed in Oil Colors, 1' full description of its beauty. This Motto is worthy to--, Cents - but the publishers, desirin* to introduce their new ksisiine, livlxiirt ,'LV »• ' 't'1. • *«'r> three- months' subscriber the ifotto FREE. Lilnire Bonn is the nsmeof changed from a 16-p»g© paper) tilled with illustrated articles of Pliices, Travel, BioKf jpoj, M.«»ies, Poetry, SS?Kth" ablest writ™1. STBia is the chwpest Ma*aaine, pahlishejtqualityw« ousn t:ty«=t sldsired, it Slaving 120 eqlunins, with handaoma ewer, each Hi};*:raff ry ptaea.' es. (IKS . me-nots. Lilies .. . lnted in (Ml Ooloie, rivallmr nature in their (reality; r.i-% i#« to *!»•» • mdorn any home, and will bo cc»nstd«iyd cheup ut n witu tiio choice quality of matter, rt'iid.-r S^elstire Hours groat favorite witii 111. * •tj 60 cents for sis wonths; 26 ifiita for three months; W0*nt« Per n^l»r. AKMitswsntjd tn 1 Pianos, Organs, liold find Silver Watches, Sbwiixk irfaohmes.etc., to the ftmount of • free to Apents, besides large commissions; com plete outfit 25 cents. Canada subscribers must fend Sets, extra for postage. Newsdealers rcli LEISUJtE HOVHS. State where you saw this. Address •» . PATTES «T CO., 47 BARCLAY ST.,New YorlL GIVEN AWAY! BOSTON TEiBSCEIPT, Daily &nd Weekly, Quarto, BOSTON, MASS. The Largest, Cheepest and Best Family Newspaper in Hew England. Edited with speciul reference to the raried tastes and requirements of the home clrvJ<J», AJU the foreign aad local news published promptly. Transcript,^ IO p«r annum in ad va^c*. " copies to ere srtdress, annum tu advance. PAMpx/w coyy. JSure relieT ifiipnwi BDOEMmii^EsrsSSS: ----ChartestowmlU--. AWNINGS! TENTS 1 Dally Transc; W^l, : f AN U FACTORY,