Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Dec 1878, p. 8

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T' Y - * • •• ' V.' ' r * ' , '^ 'r 1 .V w.l", •N-UNDENIABLE TRUTH. , J£®u deserve to suffer, and If you H(W a miserable, unsatisfactory life In tMkH (Mnttftfitliworld, it is entirely your ft,W ftwttt Ittdtherc Is only one excuse for unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thoas- nftrts, 1VrPon;tl knouiodffo nu«l com- •Jjlion sense reasoning will soon show •you that Green's August Flower will Ottre you of Liver Complaint, or Dysf pepsia, with all its miserable effects, Mich as wick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomaehe, habitual co»- tlvenen, dizziness of the head, nerv- •w prostration, low spirits, etc. Its ftftlet now reach every town on the Wofttern Continent and not a Druggist Mmtmn tell you of its wonderful cures. YpHfRan buy a Sample Bottle for 10 •fait. Three doses will relieve you. Vortal* by Colby Bro's, -T-'-'-i-iSf- 'A," 1" ^OTICE TO WOOL GROWERS. .» ^Thc subscribers would say that If yon wish to clothe your family you can ao so by bringing or sending your wool *«d exchange the same for good desir­ able goods. Will give you for un­ washed front 25 to 28 cts., for washed , on the sheep 35 to 37| cts., and for tub washed 45 cts., and sell you goods SO p«r cent less than last year. 4, * , > - r. A. WiiEKLKR * CO, " . . . North Main St., Jancsville, Wif •v /ellow fever epidemic created laiense excitement throughout the country, yet every community has a greater foe to human life, which stalks abroad unheeded. Yellow fever has •lain its thousands, but neglected colds Its tens of thousands. The practice of lotting a cold cure Itself is fraught with suffering, sorrow and with death. There is no remedy more valuable than Ellen's Extract of Tar and Wild Cher- those that use it know its worth, and will not be without it, for It surely and quickly cures Colds. Coughs, Croup, Catarrh, Bronchial and Pulmonary Complaints. Sold by all Druggists. Mother when your dear baby suffers la teething, use Dr. Wlnchell's Teeth­ ing Syrup, it regulates the bowels, soothes the pain and brings natural bleep. Sold by Druggists at 25 centra bottle. ^or information concerning the treat Went of chronic diseases with Electric- ify, send for a pamphlet on Electrid Treatment-, which will be sent fre«.on application to the Mcintosh Electric Belt and Battery Co IpekBoa St., Chicago, 111, 192 andjl94 s. ' is**^ ht- *:-s • U-mc- FORSALE. 310 Acres of land in Section 12, all 'Mmoed. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and barn thereon, with tim­ ber and water in abundance, in Section St. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lfike and Nunds road. Good new ( house, barn and other outbuildings.--' jjApply to John Flusky. Peevish children have worms. Dr. JaqueFs German Worm Cakes will de­ stroy the woriu and make the children happy. Why be distressed with headache, , Itfw spirits and nervousness when Kllert's Daylight Liver Pills are sold by all Druggists. Preparatory to meetirg winter's ChilllS ng blasts Call at Fitzii rontons & ItVanson'rf and buy a suit ot their SO cent underwear. It can't be beat. \ $ ' V "\*iA ^ h I * • '*%< ~ * f #m»t FINB OLOTH- Co to F. C. Mayes. you want GOOD CLOTH- Qo to F. C. Mayes. yoo *»ut the BEST • :, ,,jQo to P.: C. IHayea. you waut CHEAP CLOTH- ; ? ^;;; jCo to F* C. Mayes. * " U vs• • • " fftu want CUTTING DONE 6«toF. 6. Mayes. " ,ji' >•«•<'• • "* - ' Tyou^Want anything MADE TO ORDER *s v "A.-. • W-, fio toF. G. Mayes. enry, Nov, 27th, 1878. JOHNSEtURCH ",«S Martin. Ms. - •. ; JjENRY MILLER, * --DEALER IN-- American anil Foreign Marl. . Monuments, Headstones* ETC., ETC., ETC. '_f\ American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand Shop Two miles North of• Mc- Henry, 111. Johnslnvrgh, An?. 20th, 1877 1878. 1878. LAUEH i BE:KER, "M' •%! J y I/1 0 -ROCK BOTTOM! x-: v". r#51:" A',X ATTACHMENT^. f O . W . O W E N ) WouldreaooctfaiUv inform the n.tVHc that he has in ftcx*k «J1 the toailinir <KW[X<; j(A/ CHIXK XBKOT.Bjf ami VTT.VmiMKNT# Which lie!» setlingat Lo.Wfilt PRrOKS than any otiuir Uou^eia ilclleury county. first Class Needles for 2et ; And all other Attachments in Pro- .portion. This is a legitimate" part of iy bupfne#s, Mu>ep none but Fii+t- "V»' Goo*K and WILL NOT BE nERS&LjK' .. ,5«y. <fc Wi OWBSf. .. Sear the Depot' MclHE^RY, - ILLINOIS Have just rcceJvcrt thulr Fall an.1 "Winter Stock of B«a<ly-Maile Clothing, Hata, Gaps, and Gents' furnishing Good* We Will Not Be Undersold Give as a. call. i*AUER & BECKER. McHenry, 111,, Aug. 48th, I81U r , RING'S AMBROSIA] BESTOBES GEAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR.I RING'S AMBROSIAI ERADICATES DANDRUFF, I Cures Humeri, A8D Itching of the Scalp. I WIG'S AMBROSIA Prevents Baldness, [And frequently causes Hair to nrow on Bald places. mmW SOLD BY DRUGGISTS And MERCHANTS Everywhere' Price dee Dollar per Bottle. LE.M.TUBBS&COIJ Pronrietoi-g Sold by COLBY BROTHERS 111; Tt*^ FARMERS V r rrv l am SolHiig 'Wi r.1 I11 the market. Among them are the Moline, Peril, Grand Detour. Furst & Bradley, J. I. Case and Norwegian, al I best made and at ' * " • y<-*' feV't" " *' : r- v'T' ^ ^ ^ •* >*7 T* f § * * | 'jm.. !&' UaTl anu giv€hlihem a be convinced. . . J I am also St •isrs "« ; I-, .'1 i j -v ^ i ? v 1 ̂ <«"> -v i' **] Mi : * mx:i t .. J- UiM . v'v GOODS •. 4 '• /- a* 'h * <t*. • • V,- Mi Racine Fail Ml, At'reduced prices. For a " Boss " PLATFORM SPRING WAGON, . 1 hfive the "Courtland Improved Gear," which can't be beat, either in Price or Quality, and is tne only A &o. 1 wagon 111 tbe market. CARRIAGES. CARRIAGES. I can sell you a First-class Top Carriage for $80, and Warrant it for One Year. Who can afford to, ride in an open buggy when a CABRIAG1S can be bought for those figures. Be sure and call, as we KNOW we can make it to your interest to do so. |?f Everythi ng sold . on its Merits. ' Uemember the Old Stand, op­ posite the Mill. lis not easily onmcxl ih thea«L times, hut it can bemndoin tliree^ months by any one of either s«\- in finy part of the country Who is willing to work steadiI v ji t the employment that vre furnish.-- <i<> per week in your own to\rn. You need not be awnvfroni home over night. You can s,'ive our whole time to the work, or onlv your aiiare moments. Wo have atrents who are making over *20 per day. All M ho engage at once can make money fast. At the present lime money cannot be made so oasilv and rai>- ill) ut ftny other biisinesn. It coats no thi»i,r' to try. the business. Terms and s?r> On ttit tree MaVn^i ®"ce'H* Co,.l'ofrjl?^4 Grace's Celelrated SalTB. A SCI?!•: HKLIEF FOR THE SUFFERER. FRErARED Br 8*m.W. FOWLK * SONS, V 8iMABSI505T AVENUE, POSTON, MASS. i • • 'i $ •>*•?.* / . •" ^ ' % f You will Eave money by examining our Stock of Grooda before ' f'•1 x '< piirchasmg elsewhere. • s; 1 '• f I -* , '* " ' Prints, Bleached & B^OWtL Cottons, CottonadeSi Tick­ ings Denims, Shirtings and Ginghams. 4" f f - - Silks, Cashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and White Goods of all kinds. In Ready- Made Clothings Boots and Shoes, we will not be un­ dersold, quality,, of Goods considered. 1 Gloves and Hosiery a.Specialty. Fine .Venetian,^tuorrain dud Oil Clotli Carpetingg. , ' Also a MB sf ramiljr (JfccoricS. PERRY & MARTIN Mclienry, May lgt, 1878. ' * T ^ J • L ^ " 5 McHETVBFi ILL. DEALERS Cutlery Scissors* Shears, Table and $pade&t| Bhowehif Forks, Corn Knivesr, Axes. Grindstones. Window Glass, CRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J STCRY & SON. C. COLBY. HENRY COLBY. Manufactured by h : MARCUS PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND • •: *&•' Ci(a'AR9-^ . . • Woodstock, I||| < v ^W& MglBBBCE SAW HtlWfryr : ? RIP£N8. There is a curious story about some native wnes which are extensively advertised nowa­ days, and have only recently been put upon the market. Dr. Underhill, the well-known grape-grower of Croton Point, died in 1871. borne of his heirs entertained temperance views of such extreme kind, that they were unwilling to allow the stock of wines then on hand to be sold or any more to be made. The graces have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. It is only now that the other heirs Have succeeded in arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale of the wines on Among these is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a " Sweet Union Port" but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more than any other European wine, and being wholly unlike any other wine of American growth. Its purity, age and mellowness ate remarkable, and both jphysiciaris an9 wine- fancicrs have a special interest in it as the oldest native wine now accessible in any con­ siderable quantity. The whole stock is in the «*nds of tho wcIMcqowq wholesale sroctrv house of the Thurbers.--jV. YZ 'TrihrnL Nov. jg>, Z&jj. • ; Toni" in tin world, triat and ftnttlea. Put |*|> I* F* MARCUS. Patented The above speaks for itself; but we would add (hat this is the pure Juice of the grape, neither drugged, liquored nor watered; that it has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes it is unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of the leading Druggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from /the undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, fcee of charge, on application. > , . , Respectfully, etc., ? * .^1 H. K. i F. B. THURBER & C(£ f Witt Broadway, Rtade and Hudson Strttttf COLBY BROS., Having purchased the entire stock of Dry Gqpd^, Groceries, »<fec., ol Smith, Aklrich & Haythorn, have removed to the Store in Riverside Block, where they prepared to meet their customers and the public generally with ajarge and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries^ READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Ca,ps, Crockexy,, 0-l»ss-AV are, &;6.t Ac©. Which they will sell for Cash or ReaW-Pay as cheap as any other House in the Cmmty. Our Goods ate all fresh and have been bought with esnccial reference to the wants of the people of this community^ ana we - ̂ WILL NOT : HE IJTVDER SOLD. w Rincwood . ®; Illinois ^The subscriber would inform the publip Itet toe i»noyr prepared to famish them wish ii 'anything in his line from a common Farm Wa^on to the niesst Top Carriage, on short notice ami at reasonable rates. Using nose but the best of tinxher and employing none SKILLED WORKMEN I IS He Warrants his work to give satisfaction. biyH£raX!i^w,il : t HKMAKES Hoi- se ̂ hoeinjg' J1 a speoialw . HEPAIKIN& " Ofallkinfls promptly attended to. Call and see for yourself. ||. BLAKC* Ringwoot), IlL, Ont. Stth, MOTS, v3'| •. 1^,-• • -li* Thompson, M^JKEU. Shop oppoalte the Pafker McHenry, Illinois. Having purchased and taken possession of these well known Shops, I am-now prepared, with first class workmen and good materia I, to manufacture Wagons and Buggies on short notice and at qs Low Prices as a good article can be purchased elaewlierj*, , . -> I AJ.SO W#""1 General Blacksmithing Business, and will do your work* in the best of manner and with the least possible delay HORSE SHOEING A SPECIAL ITT. REPAIRING Of All kinds promptly attended t* OM1 and see for yourself. _ . ;|" R. TliompHon. McHtenry, 111*, A*rH 33d, 1878. ~5~ - ', , 1|,. To Magazine Club-Getters 3-But on Kid Sieves, KREXCIl Axr> K.S(;T.I«H CASHMERE anrt KlejtJiiil SILK. IMtKSS PATTEKXa. given in Premiums fof subscribers, at Club Milrt to Artliar's Home Magazine! 2li a Year, with a large It driotion for Olalm. Aperimen Xumbcr, 10c. tiT.Seiiil for Clnb-<jiettcr'$ Ciri-iilar, con­ taining full jHU'ticulars of this splendid offer. T- S.ARTHUR A SOIi. 217 S., sixth St., Philad rtphla We also keep p^r i|soial stock of , i^uuiv^UMj And as heretofore, will spare no pains to please our customers in this line. -• : CompounJed in a careful manner and by none hut experienced hands. Thankful for past favors, we solicit, and hope to merit a! con tin u- " ' ' f V1/ at^!e of the same. ^McH^mry, 1U., May Tth, 1878, . / •,/ " ; v • •; S i V if "*• i1 Al UlCllt (» IUI1UI1I COLBY ItlEOS. *$ 4 ̂ ' >r *>« s, v*. _ < " ' i\ * > * Fos River V^y jfiills. _ R. BISHOP, Proprietor. McHenif - » * « f1Unof8 FIBS FEED, OOVftTAXTLT OJf HAXD. CUSTOM rnnr«ntee4 Having j»st put is a new Feed Stone, capable 5»f grinding sixty bushels of Feed per hour. ] am prepared to do your grinding on short no tice. •fcf- McHenry Hl., ft#B. mh, 1877. To Consumptives! THE advertiser, having been pormaneHMy ruredofthat dread disease, Consump­ tion, by a simplo remedy, is an.\ions to make known to his fellow-sufferers Uio iriva&s of To all who desire it he will send acopy ?S 1ire^cri})tioii used, (free ofebarge,) wiSn the directions i'or preparing and using tho samep winch they will liml « sure cure fitr Consiiir.ptinn, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ac. Par- tiesewishing the prescription, will please ad. dress, E. A. Wilson, 194 Penn, St., Williams, bnrgh, X. V. K Errors of Youth. AGEXTLEMAJf who suffered for year from Xervons Debility, Premature Da ca.v, aml^ni the effects of yontlifu indisera tton will, for the sake of suffering hunianitr send f^ee to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to ' profit by the adviser's experience candosa lut Uliii Cm >.a .. « i W '.•«« *«•» TMt^l • » !•*""» "J *» ,v «»U» ICVI O 1-AJtV'l illJIC it* perfect conUdcmv ^?3|. „ fWOllN B. OGDEN 4S Codvr St., 3 L-iAt1:* A »• Na-'-

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