Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Dec 1878, p. 7

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t r *&» dhrlstma#--ah Christmas! that mipait wort «b»t cheereth all nations wherever 'tis heard; Hw joy . f {bp f-at'O), a frJeild of m^nHnd, heavenly sound that floats on the wind. J <ih« height little cherubs that romp on the floor-- •(be poor little outcast that weeps at the door-- J|ll laugh when they hear that sweet, merry sound, And count every hour as each day travel* Tound. The poor widow striving to gain " daily bread M-- Die bright little orphans that, too, must be fed-- Will bless the good day--the kind giver, too-- i£ some one should leave them a turkey, or so. ^ B»e greetings, the meetings, the words of " good • s cheer," ffom ocean to ocean, that pass once a yssr, to heaven of eaith, at least for a speQ>-- , thanks to the Giver--tia well, it Is HDL c, - : . Arm BoMn|l> »• •! ! THESE is only one other worse thing .• to plant on a farm than Canada thistles f -^quack grass and that class of noxious | v iieeds, It is a mortgage. Once soo- I aeesfully planted it will soon absorb the %, ,£nB* ' • : u IF horses are raised for sale, and those •, 1 ipe raised thatt are hard to dispose of at 4 years old at from $60 to $100, when, . /with $15 or $20 additional expense, those can be raised that will sell rapidly ; tor from $125 to $150, there is a leak on ' fliat farm that it will pay to stop. I> v' ' • ; COBN OK WHEAT FOR POULTRY.--That f corn does not provide sufficient fat or albumen for the requirements of a lay* iBg hen, while wheat supplies these nec­ essaries in abundance, is incorrect as to corn, for corn contains five times as much fat as wheat, and more than three- f . fourths as much albuminoids. In fact, oorn is a richer food for hens than j|heat. Also, that " corn-fed hens do not lay, while wheat-fed ones do," is a mistake. But a change from corn to wheat is healthful and advisable, not , that corn is not sufficiently nutritious, bat that a variety of food is good for all , animals. * J ** "WATERING PLANTS.--Plants set against Walls and piazzas frequently suffer from Want of water, even when ground near tbem is qv ite wet. Draw away the soil around each plant so as to form a basin; fill it with a bucketful of water^ allow­ ing it time to soak gradually away, and, when the surface has dried a little, draw t' t* loosely the soil over it, and it will do without water for some weeks. This W*pplies to all plants wanting water through the season. If water is merely poured on the surface, it is made more * impact by the weight of water, and the harder the soil becomes the easier It dries, and, the result is, the more • pater you give the more is wanted.-- ""Gardener's Monthly. ' " vGna AS FUSL .--The American Ag­ riculturist says: "Some journals, whose 5 - conductors know very little about eorn- - growing and other things in the West, • make their annual outcry in regard to the extensive consumption of corn for 4 ' fuel, which they consider a great and inexcusable waste. Suppose the Ne­ braska or Minnesota farmers were to " aell two tons of corn for $6, and buy ft half ton of coal for the money, and £jj}e corn was at once takentoa distillery and turned into whisky, would this be any better? The farmer would prob­ ably have to make two journeys of ten to twenty miles each with his loads, and be out bf pocket at least $6 by his trade. *Che fact is, corn is an excellent fuel, •ad, although it may seem at first sight to be wrong to burn up an article of food, yet it is but a mere sentiment %hich overlooks the fact that to warm one's self by a fire, and to do the same by the consumption of food, are in the end precisely similar in effect. If more •warmth can be procured by consuming a stove $1 worth of corn than $1 worth of coal, it is a legitimate use for the corn." FARMERS SHOULD THINK.--There is no business with which I am acquainted •yhich affords greater scope for thought, f «r which is more provocative of reflec­ tion, than farming. The careful farmer ^|aust be daily meeting "with subjects ( which challenge thought and require the most profound study. Farmers ought to be the most thoughtful class of ^people in •he country. The balancing of cause and effect in a business wherein a thousand causes are operating de- ' Stands more thought and a more phil­ osophical mind than any other business i lihatever. It is possible for farmers to ,j get into the ruts, and go in the beaten track year after year, without thought; .. but such farmers are not successful^and each year are becoming lesq/M). Wheli\ Over a farmer gets out of the ruts-- ceases to do things because it has al­ ways been the practice--he necessarily hi" to think. It is pretty safe to say that such farmers will be sure to want all the agricultural books and papers ikey can get. And, as thinking men Ultimately must always supplant those Who do not think, the problem how fanning is to be made successful and the farmer more honored, will be set­ tled, as so many like problems have been, by the Darwinian law--" the sur- vival of than*#*-"--Country Gentle- . . ' DomSsHe Economy. Aft Christmas be merry and thankful withal, feast thy poor neighbors, the great with the It#- !v : ; r 74'-£ POOH MAN'S PUDDING.--Three caps of $ flour, one cup of molasses, one cup of milk, one cup of suet, one cup of taisins, one teaspoonful of soda, spice to taste; boil two horns; eat with sauce. LEMON BUTTER.--Six lemons, twelve eggs, two pounds of sugar, one-quarter pound of butter; grate the rinds, add the juice, beat the eggs; simmer over a alow fire fifteen minutes, stirring all the while. BREAKFAST CAKE.--Two eggs, two Cups sugar, two dessert-spoonfuls but­ ter; beat well; add one cup sweet milk, four teaspoonfuls cream tartar and two teaspoonfuls soda mixed with five cups flour, and salt. LEMON CAKE.--Three cups of rolled white sugar, one cup of butter, one cup of sweet milk, five eggs; beat butter and sugar to a cream; dissolve one-half tea- spoonful of soda in milk: sift four cups of flour and add by degrees; add juice and rind of one lemon TAPIOCA PUDDING.--Cover a cup of ioca with water for se veral hours; add the yelks of three eggs, a cup of sugar, half a teaspoonful of salt and a quart of milk; mix well together, and bake in a quick oven half an hour; then lay the whites of the eggs beaten to a froth on the top; to be eaten cold with flavored cream. CRANBERRY SAUCE.--Wash thorough­ ly and remove any imperfect fruit; pour boiling water over the berries and let them stand ten minutes, then pour off the water, and to each pound of fruit add three-quarters of a pound of sugar and a half pint of water; cook in porce­ lain over a moderate fire for fifteen minutes, or until soft; keep the dish well covered snd do not stir the fruit, but occasionally shake; turn into a deep dish and set aside to cool. BAKED APPLE DUMPLISGS.--These we think very nice and superior to those boiled or steamed. Boll thin any nice puff paste and cut into Bquare pieces. Pare and remove the cores from nice stewing apples and roll an apple in each Siece of paste; put them into a baking ish, brush them with the white of an egg beaten stiff and sift sugar over them Bake about three-quarters of an hour and serve with wine sauce or milk and sugar, flavored with vanilla. POTTED BEEF.--Take a piece of lean beef weighing five pounds, and free it from the skin and gristle; put in a covered stone jar with a half teacupful of water, and stand the jar into a kettle of boiling water to boil from five to six houip; ace that the water does not boil into the jar. When done, take it up and cut into shreds; then pound in a mortar with a seasoning of pepper, salt and ground cloves. When smooth and like paste, mix with ten ounces of clari­ fied butter; press into little jars, pour butter over the top and tie down for use. PLAYING DtCTECTIVX. Old S lived in the city of D , the proprietor of a well-known tavern. He was von Deutscher. Seldom was he beaten by a dead-head, and he made his brags accordingly--that few men ever gpt a square meal at his place for nothing. One day, however, a gentle­ man, whom we will call D----, made a bet that he would dine upon a certain day at S 's expense, $5 being the sum at stake. Mr. D went to the tavern at the appointed time, and, in a very excited manner, informed mine host that he was a detective officer in quest of an individual who had stolen $10,000 from a bank. He had received information that the thief would dide there that day. Mr. D said he would step in at dinner time, and, if the individual was there, would seat himself at the table, but he preferred not to ar­ rest him in the house. His plan was to let him eat, then foUow him out and make the arrest. The so-called detect­ ive eat down to a sumptuous meal, ey­ ing * stranger who sat at his right hand. The unsuspicious stranger finished his meal and took his departure, followed by D and the landlord. D---- told mine host to call the man, and he would go and get the help of a brother officer down the street. Deutscher hailed the stranger, who suddenly stopped. " I was just about to return and pay my bill. How much do I owe you?" "Forty cents," said S . " Here is your money, sir, and my advice to you is, never follow me again, you old. Sour Kraut!" " You scoundrel!" said the landlord. " I will have you under ar­ rest! " And -the two men almost came blows. D , who was some dis- ee off, looking on the scene, was con­ vulsed with -laughter. The boisterous mirtq of D---- reached the landlord's ears, and immediately, like a flash, he smelt a mouse. Turning on his heel, he started for home, with the curses of the stranger ringing in his ears. For once he owned he was sold. - Chicago Ledger. 1 AT a Coroner's inquest in California a Chinese;, physician of high repute among his countrymen testified that a man has seven lungs. 0 The heart, he •aid, usually has five holes in it, and its principal use is " to catch air in." A RESIDENT of North Troy, Vt., has been held in $1,000 bail for drawing caricatures of prominent citizens. Something for the New Tear. The world-renowned success of Hoetetter'S Bitters, and their continued popularity for a quarter of a century as a stomachic, IS scarcely more wontlorfnJ. THAN the V.•!<•(<>,*< that GREET* the annual appearance of Hoetetter's Almanac. This VALNAHLN MEDICAL treatise IS published by Hustetter A bmitu, Pittsburgh, Pa., under their own immediate supervision, employing 80 hands in that department Ten cylinder printing pro--eg, 8 folding machines, 5 job presses, Ac., are running about eleven months in the year on this work, and the ISSUE of S&mo for 1879 will not be less than ten millions, printed in the EN» glish, German, Flrench, Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish lan­ guages. liefer to a copy of it for valuable and iutereethig reading concerning health, AND nu­ merous testimonials as to the efficacy of Hoa- tetter'S Bitters, amusement, varied information, astronomical calculations and chronological items, &A, which can be depended on for cor­ rectness. The Almanac for 1879 can be obtained free of cost from druggists and general country dealers in all parts of the country. " WL»at AK YOU Going to Do About It?** Because the penalties of physiological laws are not executed speedily, some fancy they are void. But when the SYSTEM breaks down, and almost hopeless complications arise, which the family physician, by reason of his limited expe­ rience, fails to relieve, the pertinency of the above inquiry is apparent Many remedies ft * search " ie required, and the title earefuilv examined, so invalids should carefully investi­ gate the claim* of any physician offering to treat chronic diseases. Dr. Piercs'a F&mily Medi­ cines are well known, and have effected many cures where eminent physicians have failed, yet to accommodate surgical and complicated cases, and those desirous of being restored speedily, Dr. Pierce has erected an elegant sanitarium, at a cost of nearly half A million dohars. No in­ stitution in the world offers advantages superior to those found in this establishment. Half a score of physicians are in attendance, several of whom have been prominently connected with leading American and European Hospitals. Every improved facility for hastening a cure that a liberal expenditure of money could se­ cure can here be fouucL Before fufly deciding where to go, address Invalids' and Tourists' Ho­ tel, for circular. CAN you any longer doubt when We eriugyou such positive testimony as that Dr. Graves' HEAltr REGULATOR is a cure for Heart Disease: Mr, In galls .---In 1862 I was troubled with a derange­ ment of my heart; was so I could do no work; took •kriovis remedies, with but little relief ; procured a bot- tk> of Dr. Gravt'S' H KART KKGULATOR, and one bottle did whet other leiuedies laiiod to do-removed the trouble; and since 1863 bava bad no return of tbe trouble. You are at liberty to use title if yen wish. Miss, w, Wxixs. Among the many forms of Heart Disease are Palpitation, Enlargement, Spasms of the Heart, Stoppage of the action of the Heart, Trembling ALL over and about the Heart, Ossification or Bony Formation of the Heart, Rheumatism, General Debility and Sinking of the Spirits. Send your name to F. E. INGAKLS, Concord, N. H., for a pamphlot containing a list of testimo­ nials of cures, A c. Dr. Graves' HEART REGULATOR is for mle by druggists at 50 cents and $1 per bottle. No FAILURES ARE BECORDED of the famoitB outward specific, HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE. IT is invariably successful in healing sores, curing eruptions, REMOVING PROUD flesh, and overcoming suppuration and inflammation. These sanative results it accomplishes -without leaving any scar or discoloration of the akin. AS a locfcl application for chronic Rheumatism, sore throat and tightness of the chest, it is also highly spoken of. Sold by all Druggists. A •WONDERFUL discovery. Freckles, Pimples, Moth, Sallowness, Tan, Black Heads, Blotches, ltough Skin, etc.'positively cured by Mrs. Shaw's Moth and freckle Lotion. By druggists, $1. Particulars free. Address Mrs. Dr. L K. Shaw, 140 E. 38th ST N. Y. Mrs. Shaw's liver Pill--best in the world. FOB upward of SO years SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for children with never-failing success. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhea, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well-tried remedv. 25 cts. A bottle. CHEW The Celebrated "MATCHXBSS" Wood Tag Plug TOBACBO. TO PEOKEBB TOBACCO COMPACT. _ New York, Boston and Ohfoaga NEGLECTED COUGHS AND COLDS.-- Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or "Common Cold" iu its first stage; th t which in the beginning would yield to "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES," if neglected, often works upon the lungs. . To PARTIALLY atone for our many sins during the year now closing, we wish to expose a fraud. We refer to the LARGE packs of horse and cattle powders now sold. Sheridan's are absolutely pure and immensely valuable. This statement is true. VALUABLE information--Johnson's Anodyuv Liniment w ill positively prevent diph iipl: idfi family I the Anodyne in the house. MASON & HAMLIN Cabinet Organs are furnished, for cash, from $54 each, upward; everyone being of the same highest excellence. OBW Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobaooa IMPORTANT NOTIUB.--Farmers, Fami­ lies AND Others OAC purchase no remedy «quil to Dr. TOBIAS' VBNKTXAN LINIMENT, foi the cure of Oitolera. Mwi-acea, DjrMOtatr, Oroup, Colio smdSM, sJcksBse, takera Internally (it U perfectly harmiees; »m oft til setsoaiuaayinK each bottle) and externally tot Cbroolc Rheumatism, Headache, Toothache, tjore Throat. Cute, Bums. Swelltoga, Brniar*. Moaqoito Bites. Old Sores, Pains in Ltntbs. Back Mid Uhcst The VENETIAN LINIMliNT waa introduced in 1847, and iso one who hat usee! St bat continues to do BO, MAAJ stating if it was IVn EMlara a Bottle they would not be without it. Thousands of Certificates can be seen at Depot, speaking of its wonderful curative proper­ ties. Sold by the DrusKiat* at 40 eta. Depot, 42 Mnrrar (Sew Vork WASTING DISEASES, BITCH AB CMniBiptlnn, Asf1tmn. (Jcnrral Debility. Brain Kx ii:iu«tlon. Chronic t'on- atl|> atiuit, ('hi'ouic nisirrhesi, Dyatpepalu, •riom ol XEBYOI'S I*O\vi:K. An- positively and Rpeediijr cured by Mm' Campound SYRUP OF HYP0PH0SPHITES. # It will displace or w.ish out taber. cnlous matter; «nd thus cure Geo- sumption. By increasing Nervous and Muscu­ lar Vigor, it will cure £>yspepeia, ieehle or interrupted action of the Heart and Palpitation, W»aktira» of to other reined ii l>^hth«rin Intellect caused by Kr'«f. woriy, over­ tax or imvulur habits, liniiM'hitia, Acutc or Usjronic, Congestion ol' the Lungs, even ia t&e moat iuaruiing It cores Acthmik, Losa of Voice, Neuralgia, 8t Vitus' Dance, Kpiiep- tic l'lU, Whooping Cough, Nervous­ ness, and is « most wonderful adjunct i in sustaining lite daring the process of not be deeeived by remediee bearing a similar name; TO preparation is a substitute for this under any circumstance*. Prlee, 4D1..W per Bottle, Sl» Tor Snlti FCY all l>rtujgitt*. J. N. Harris & , Western Agents. Cincinaatt, Ohiq $3300 A Y£AR. How to Make It. Item Aftnu W. CUE <£ YO.VGK, fit. 1-ouia, Mo. VIOLIN AID PIANO M ! !•:N L Kirr A IMMKNT. N.;./ B> St.i' WINNER. Sam- Sic sent on apnlicati«n to . M Modairt <t Co., Pubs., Phila. fmmmmmmmmrnmmmm dOOO SiVEri AWAY, -- receipt OF name and address, vhith will surprise, I. Sena MAM, before tfeeyare all gone. Don't waU.I boys ne«4apply. Addrsesl*.0. Bos 178, Cbicago.IlU haHaa a IN THE WHOLE r,.Ht of Medicine* i | that are eaaai to\, REKGBV forw.iL Brigbt's Disease, KM**. BL ; der and Urinary ComilMMita. HKTWS RENUPBIT cures Esc0»«ive Int General Debility, betes. Pain in tue! Loins, and all Diwam Kldnan, Bladder and Urinary Organs. Pbysicia ^ . WZIATXTH K£MI:UV. Send r«r pampfclet to '• WM. E. l/LAHKE, Providence,^, t lUuk AddrOM R* VikoUot, A UONTM--A6ENTS WANTED--MWDH TTi/B beat fool in' the world 'for invalids, and readily taken br tbe little folks WOOLWICH A CO. on every The Uifnt Famiiif Weekhf. THE 0HEISTIAN UNION. elMiV H AHI» liKKI'ilKR,! WW AN ABBOTT. { «««•». An Unsectaiian, Independent Journal Devnteu Ut R«iigioa, Slorals, Reform, K;»s, Litsn- tore. Household Matters, Agriculture, to. S3 per nmttitn. peatace prepnld. A lane cash commission paid to agenta. Send > eeat stamp for sample oopy. Address TH R CHRISTIAN UNION. ST Pat* PUee. N. Y. to Write. Dr What eoata < MbwBiXmi Dr. Craig's Kidney The great Speetfiofor failed In any dtaaase of tbe Kidneys fat i£t% Eft A HOim-ASENTS 1 •The AatMoceao Atcvhol rtuiat Lut. THE FATHER DATHEW REMEDY la a oertainand nitty cur* tor intemperance. It de­ stroys all appotita for a1 c " nervooci ' perate remavt . It also curoi «ven kind of Fivm, DYSPEPSIA and TOR- rrniTV OF Till LIVKB. Sold by all drugirisu. 01 per Bottle, Pamphlet on 4 Alcohol, ita Rffects on the Hu­ man Body, »nd Intemperance as a Dieeaeecent free. FATHER MATHEWTTKMPICRANOR AAD MANU­ FACTURING CO.. 36 Bond St.. New York. vk Pdoaainent oenons--men and women anslyred. Porlralte nf A. V. I ^QFLIGINR«I>M v AND KRBILT, I lOllilW ilAA» BKNNICTT,ETC. Ti» ^ | sensation of tbfc season. Now i* the time for 1^. / A CCUTQ to secure territory. Address, iot • Rvbll I w ageocjr, circular* and termc, ALIESFCAK PdBLUHISie CO., Chkitss, III. U00ES3FUL FOLKS, lattbev Hale Smitb's new book, •end nn outfit, with p»mi>hleta to advertise, by mail, poatpsii.l. This is a good opportunity tor agents to aw • to their income without risking one o--t. J BIOBAQH, PAY-Wlth BtencU Outflta" rapfcliy for » cte. Catalogna J~r»« eweata, lia Wmik'a Bt.. Boetyn, Masa i WANT A LIVE AGEHT la EACH TOWN loNFXL MY ARTICLE*. NO MONKV HF.QUIHKD till sales are mada. I wUl aid nn outfit, with PHI poatpsiid. This is • good tmMliini to their incoin Write tor partioulam to W. H. COMSTOCK, Merrlstewa, It Lawrease Os„ X«w Tsrk. lBB®TMy8 06SBm PARIS EXPOSITION, over all ASMricancomjMtitnnt. Their /LKZIBLK HIP 00B8BT (lis B»n«A its with p»rf»ct ease, AMI la MT- a*HTKD not to HRYFTKU®' 1 over tl>e lit P« Th*slr HEal.TH with ila IM­ proved B u n t , Isnnw « »R*a t r r f a v n i ITLMN r. v»r. Their N OH8IK<L C#RSKT T» 1SI« dalight of EVERY mother. FOR •« )• (IT a i H EMTINC marrhanta. WARNER MOB., 3&f Rreaiwaf, N.T. P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HISTORY WORLD It contains GTf fiae historical aTtgra^a* and 1260 large dcubhMsotamn pagoe, and im toe moat eompleta Histonr of the Worid mm published. It salkl at sisbt Sead for specimen psge* ard sstra term* to Agents, Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Chinngo. TEL MILITARY land Band I'niforms--Oflicpis* Kqulpmonts, I Caiw, «>tc., made by .W. f*. Mile*/ A' Cl»., | ColumbUH, Ohio. Senilfur i'nee huts. Firemen'* Caps, Belts, and Shirts. •'-'AND SIGHS OjSWSiHMTlllEa •*.n religious weekly. COLUMNS u\«iy \», « k a ju.i 'i lit, jin i bioiraiihy of some eminent person. A Pinion i-.ov. C. H. 8PXTHGEON, of l.omlon, hMtrmon >.v Hev. T. Da Witt TALMAGE, of Brooklyn, and occn- •ioim ly H sei iiiou liy SOHIO other well known preacher. It likewise Rive* HK'ixi aiul ivlijiioua Bkotclics, iiarrmivcs, uiiMiioto:-. Hi iicios on proiihtvy liv clergymen andotliorn, a KPIIhI nf thrilltnR inlnrent. ic Sent poht |rald, 11 .SO per annum. SAMPLE Copy Km.'. ACENT8 WANTED, i.ibri'ul commission allowpii Ailiii ws «JO3. Spur^eon, 63 Bible Mouse, N. Y. City. w \^TK» AOF.XT9 FOR TBX DETECTIVES OF EUROPE and AMERICA, BEINa • SELECTION OF CELEBRATED OASES IN eMtAT BBITAIK, FRANCE, OKBMAMT, ITAUi •TA1M, HTJ88IA. FOI.AND, EOXTTi AKD AMEH1CA. ITIastratcd with M Fall-Pace Ungriittiifs. 8SO Puses Octavo. It Is a Revelation of Struggles and Triumphs of the moet renowned Detectives on the Globe for the past Twenty-tive years. It traces out the most noted Bank Robbers, Scientific Thieves, Lottery Hen, Counterfeit- Money Dealers, Pickpockets, Sharks and Swindlers of all kinds upon the public. The book is meeting with astonishing success. Agents are averaging frotn «0 to M orders par week. Ws offer sitra inducements, and pa,* Freight charges on Books. For teins, address The J. B. BtRK PVBLISHIKft CO., HARTFORD. CONS. TBE sum nut co. First Eatabliahed t Moat Sncceaefall THEIR TXaTUUilKNTS have a standard value In ull the LEAPING MARKETS OP THE WORLD! Everywhere recognised as the FINEST IN TOMB. O V E R 8 O , O O 0 SSads ssd !n sss. TScxr Dcs!g=s ecastasUy. Best work and lowest prices. jBSf- Send lor a Catalogue. Si, opp. TOkti St, Ma, KM, THE OmaiNAL & ONLY 8EIIUIK j ••Vibrator*' lFliresh©raf WITH NMTOTBB MOUNTED HORSE POWBR8* And Stesim Threaber Eaiginaa, Made only by IICHOLS, SHEPARD & CC , BATTLE CREEH, MIC»1- JHE Matcbleas Grain-Hnvliigi Time* bavlng, aint Mouey-Saviiit; Ttiresliers of tiiln it iy and gSDeratiott. lleyond all Rlnliy for Rspld Work, Pen «Mt Cleslrfng, sod'tor Saving Grain from Waalage. aRAIN Raisers will not Bnbmlt to the enormovi WASTAGE of Groin fc tiie liiN*ri<»r \V«M K iton« l»j Umi ether nvht'ia ou tV* t'CtrMcm THIS IWTIBB Tbreabln* lupeaws (and oit.-n n t<> & Tim** timt unioiiiti > can t>« ni*t« k>j the Extra Grain SiYKD bjr (btw liuyroved NO Revolving Shafts Inside tha Sens. ly fn «* lioia aU tuclt i crxfn-wa*>tliu: coni|> Perff«*tly a«!ap<c<l to ail Kindtmnd CoiwHtioiis Qmliiy Dry# Long or Hborl# iieaded or Bound. ROT mly Vastly Superior for Wheat, 0*T«, lUrley, KW, «««! liK«I drains, Uu th** C»\LY bnc-ce--fwi Threaher MI Flan, Timothy, MilU'tr Clover, an4 (fir* 8eed«. It«qiitrci« m> " atta«Um«0U M or "reboikUnf" lo ctumf tornn Uruiu it 8oed«. ARTCIiOlJS/for Simpllclrr sf Pmrta, li the tiauiU HslU aaJ ttsars. Seattertars. - . , MinK leHB_ than/oii<?-hnU tii« Mikes no Litui^ngs < rUR fSlrcnpf Bepanitore Male* fan* from frixyto Twelve Horve lU«. as4 IWft Mjrkf r Mouu * " x " * * STEA 0 • eSe,,«w "ViaaiTo P ! Powers to match. owei Tlii'eebera u Specialty. B«par«toi made eaprsssly for 6team Power. Varlvaled 8t«ui Tfcresfaer Ks> slaes, with Valuabia lapsvisMnu au<l UietlnctiTs raataras, imr bsyeod say ethsr make or tied. WsHmanahlp, KSegant of Pirti, Oompleten«Ki of Equipment, VlMUTOt" Thrwber OUIGM ARO ISCOMPARASI^ ^rtlealars* eaJl en an? Dealer* Wiite to as hrlUltratSd Cte»l«r, which we mail free. Music fiools for Presents Gems of English Song. New enlarged edition. SiinsMiie of Song. Cluster of Gems. Clarke^ Reed Organ Melodies. Tbeee are samples bf SO or Cloth. $3.00. Fine Gilt, $4.00, Boards, $2.60. 3 bound music, e icli containing Sw to 25II larfce pa«es ol the best songs or pieces. The "Cluster" is filled wittt ratber difficult Piano Mosic, and "Clarke's"* with the best arranged Reed Organ Music extant. Elegant Books of Xosical Literature. Gllt^djred. interestina, are the Lives of Mendelssohn, Schumann iuni Mozart ((1.75 each), and other groat Mristere. KITTEK'S HI8TOKY OF MUSKI '2 vols., each $!.&>}, and Urbino's Musical KiographieS ($1.7S). Also, m my attractive collections of Cliristinas Carols, the splendid Sunlight of Hon* (illustrated). Tbe Mother 6eo«e (illustrated), that will throw tbe little ones iato ecstasies--aud many otUers. StaiBer'g Dictionary of Musical Terms (£5.00) is a magnificent DlastratadMasiinlTlSrsl'^Sifts of great and permanent value. *-y i»ook mailed, post *lree, fbr retail frits, OLIVER DIT90N k CO., Boston. C. H. Ditaea St Co^' ' |.K.Dltioa*C8« .. MS Broadway. K. 7. »»SI Obssmat 8U. PhU» to l««H< PIANOS m Aasaitea--otar ttjMta aaa-n Co.--Pianos sent on trial--I MWROKMON PTAVO Co..1 AGENTS, RKA We will par A«eeta a Safaurr oT * expeassa, aa allow a teg* MM and wonderful lmsatloM. R tosMMdiMM UOLO ed hlghast hoaota rtaw DO 1 ntenta. IxxcarmaTSD Oar. a^ania! agiisg^w ML. VKITTK» atmanm sir 'IU •*» <mSm watifcMl » --i«w i ilswi i «* l«-- to miiBfeliitiSr if • SB f The very bestgoods I ••• X direct from tbe Ira- , ™ porters at Half the usual cost Best plan ever offered to Club Agents and largo buyers. ALL KXPREtiii CHAKGKti PAID. New terms FREK. The Great American Tea Company, _ si and SSI Testy Street. Kew York. P.O. BoxMSS. NEWSPAPEK8 & MAGAZINES at club rat<w. Time, trouble and expense saved by sub­ scribing tit rough t he Rocky Mountain Subseriptioa Agency, which furnishes any paper (except local) tiub- lisbert in t!t« ITnitcd States. Musical lnstrumentr,Sew injr Ma- 'lines of all kinds Chromos. Frsmes, Sewlna Ma­ chine NustdtlpR nml Attachments nt reduced prices. 1 will also furnish Books of all kinds at lowest prices. Rocky Mountain Stereoscopic Views a specialty. Don't fail to write at once for our circulars. Agents can make big money. Address _ JAMKS TORRBHS. Evans, Colo. CUBED FREE! An infallible and unexoelled iwxdr fot Fits, Kpilepay or Falling Nlcknea* Warrawtea w effect a speedy and • •BtJa PHRJ1A NKNT care. I | KV "A free bottle" of my • • renowned Specific «nd • • • valuable Treatise sent tt> • • U any sufferer sending me hi • • PoatolHce and Express a& drass. 1>B. H. G. BOOT. 183 Peari Street. New York. ANUFACTOR^ HOLLER'S 1ST COB-tlVEB- Oil la perfectly pure. Pronounced tbe best by the HIGH« est medical author it lee in the world. Given highest award at 14 World's Expositions, and at Paris, 1878, Sold by Druggists. W. FT. Scbleffelladc C'o..KY. LIST0F DISEASES ALWAYS CURABLE BY USING MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. Is the Old Bslistto CaoMBtisfesft l^ys FOR FAMILY SOAP-MINK. _ Directions aecompaBjrtae aaeh can for Soft and Toilet Soap QUZCKJLY . IT IS PULL WZ18BT AND 89 Ike market is flooded with (so-called) fi Lye, which Is adulterated with salt and roeia, am" mah* aoap. SATS jtoirxr, and bxtt tub ; SffSRIRIR MADE BY TUB Pennsylvania Salt Manufg ron.*mt, HI*. I |V IVHAN FLESH. Mheamatlam, Burn* snd Seal4s( Stingi and Bitea, C'uta and Bralaeat SprsUna 4 Mltokei, Contraete«lMss*elea, MClolata, Backache, Oft Ulcers,' GsBgrcnoas Korea, Neuralgia, Gout, Eruptions, Frost Bltea, Hljp Disease and s OF ANIHiUs Scratches, Sores and Galla, Spavin, Cracks* Ringbone, Screw Worm, Graft, Foot Rot, Hoof All, Hollow Horn, Lameness, Swlnnjr, Founders, Farcy, Poll Evil, Sprains, Strains, String Halt, Sore Feet, Ntlflfoess, tind bvery hurtoraeddsnt isei all external Vor (Mural use in (nmiSyp stable and stock jrsxd itii THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS THE LICHT-RUNNINC NEW HOME Is the .ileal, Latest Improved, and most Thor* onshly Constructed SEWING MACHINE Ever Invented. It la If Ol«i: LKH8. and has more POINTS ©f BXCEL- liKNi'l^ than all other Machines combined. nr-A«E!VTSS WANTED la localities what* wa aia cot leprasented. JOHNSON, CLARK A <X>., Union Squtra, New York. Orssge, BIBJM., Pittsburgh. Pa ̂Chicago. 111.. Ht. Losls. Ms <pa »acw 'xmm SUN JTOB ism TOM StJS will be printed erarr daj duiluft Ihs |ail> awe. Its purpose and method will ba %6asasseasln (hatxtst: To present all tha news la a teadsM»dbs»a» and to tell the tratb thongb the baavsaa tell. THE StiH has been, is, and will eonUnoa t» W_ pendent of everybody snd evesy thing sate tt and its own convictions of duty. That Is tub ley which an honest newspaper need ha*e. policy which has won for this newspaper tbe i and friendship of a wider constituency thai enjoyed by any other American joarnaL THE SPH is the newspaper of the psopla. It laaetla tbe rich man against tha poor man, or fee tbe yaw BMn against the rich nan, bat It sssks to dfseQesl^Ms Uos to all Interests in the ooassMwity. Itisss*Sw«^ gan of any person, class, seot. or party. Thele aaadb# ao myawiy 8W» ii» »*«ni am wiss. Ss St Sss Ust honest mail against the roguas a»ary ttaas. It tbe honest Democrat as against the dtshsoest RapsMT ean, and for the honest ReoobUoaaaa iptut honest Democrat. Xv dc.pes uot take its en* fTses tha t«tauo«a of any politician or polMsol esisnlSsMhak gives its support nnreservedlr when »sn or SMMSM»« are in agreement will) lit* OosstlttrtlOB MMWhs principles apon which this nspabdo eraa towwee-Ise tbe people. Whenerec the. OoastitaUon aaa cywsttna V.'i • ttonal prtnolpiee are jrtolated it speaks I rigut. Tnat U Th*. Still's Idea of tody lSi rupMl there will tm Ul III mj**- pBHmmmm '"rmt'so* has fairly earned tha foesitp tafnd oals, ftaads, and h tun bags of ail wrta and stasa. It hopes to oeeecve that hatred net Iws la the |aarMS> than in 1878,1877, or any year gone by. TW S« Is printed for the men and womea of to-day. eern is ohlefly wlih tUeaffalrs of t£daf. At - disposition and the ab.llty to attord lis _ taa promptest, fullest, and most aoourata UtaUUsaoe «f whatever In tbe w>de world is w^ita awtenttoo. tslMs end the resoarses hel»ngm« to weU-estatodahSd *•*« perity will be liberally employed. , Trus present disjoined eoodiUoa of parties h IhSr oonniry, andthenuccrtaintyof toe fstsre, load ssiatfr traotdlnary siguiiiea ic» to the events st ttw ssing year. To present with accuracy aad claimsss the aa» - set situation in each of ita vaiytag ptiaaee-aa* t»aa- -. pound, acooidlng to its well-anown n>eUM«la,tlMa|ala' elplee that should gaioe us tniuugh ttte labr faty auM be an import nt part of 'fHEj$CHrB work for I8» __ _ We have tbe means of making THX HOI as agnUtt* eal, a literary and a general newspaper ra<n*eaUitala ing and more u-'elul than ever befwre; and WSSSSSIKta apply them trebly. , _ Oar rates of subscription remain nnchirngad. the DAILY a four-page sheet of twee' ooltsuin*. s,iie prioe by mali. postpaid, is ftA mouth, or M).M a year; or. inoiannc paper, an Mght-paga sheet or e price is Udcents a month, or f t.Ttf sysar^] paid. TQe Sunday edition of TH* StTX is also famished asp» arately at ll.XO a year, postage oakL ThsHODil StrN, In addition to tbe current news, presents a.aMSh entertaining and instructive body of literan aM ads- codaneoas matter. In bulk twioe as greas andbtsatee not Inferior to that of tha best monthly in igailass sd the day. at one-tench of their eat. THEWKKKLY SUM is ee><eelslly adapted Itar thesasA»> do not take a New York daily ptper. I'M news of., that week Is folly presented, ite market reoorts an Isa- nlsbed to tbe latest moment, and its sgriuultMol da> Dartment, edited witb gnotousi The WBBKLV BOH la '0 more farmers than any othsr paper choice story, with other o.iretu'ly-p«*parad iiilsiishaajk ~ " >U Its leal iasilrapds _ . „ __ . . _. tterfarkssa mnqey than «>ui no outlined lr >m any ether s^srsa appears in eaoh issue. The Weeoly pteteots . em by barring its advertising columns against and humbugs, and fumisnes mora good " The price of the WKKKLY SOH, «D^ht^p« an extra copy L W, KNOl-ANt?, columns, is II a year,postagep sending |1U we wdl send O.H.U. extra PlfilhW nt Ts* Su*. New Yortmm, w 7î ..v J In thfa pniipr. Th a terrible £lsense. Its fenriV.l efwts nro (HtVS%. lion ruintiiiK down tlio throat, weak vyt-s, voice, loss of sitii'll, disgusting odors, )uui»! dvlutatfMlJ' and finally consumption. Thousands rufior with thin llll ease without knowing its nature or tl:o gixut tlajiger 4»i: Many thousands are dying with neglecting it. tion who a few tion wno a lew years or monuis Dciore una o CONSUMPTION that yearly carries thousands to an uimmelj snaring the young, the talented, nor 11: A OTtlilA whith liuU i Ao I I1WIM th^itsvietu to accept the advice or Job swtfe, Cu BRONCHITIS approach of consumption. For those > I ears or months before bad only est _ '-Tl»ate«»*r---<T-.\'%. efhnmanlt~ ?y grata^ j •, gMUdentod. nor the bccutiful. whi th n inkes l i f e so mis _ thqtitsviciuasarealmo&ti ceo? Job's wife, "CmyaGii! and # the gtlvaneo gosn^.'^ .. < . _ . _ HCRAJDHISRTHIIAES**' approach of consumption.---For them and r.:li'ulmonaiy r Diseases, Dr. Sf* W. C*a»e'a Treatment by the use cfw. ' TUTT A TT A l^rnpciis PLEASANT.TIlOltOlOH, AND SUCCEPSTOtL A fl JL ISgATiHICACTION always UVABAHTBCa. iSalsuma and cordials of the most healing and soothing properties are so combined wltit ,W-- This is inhaka-~t»tsm. >r bnathing it. Slid JOOi - > luulUtudinous airfcsl- «lesof the lun^s tneir capacity H wonuenuiiy esiiarge" vbeeomo-i r mmied and full. To cases of consumption be, , . t jL'ivc n~eut relit ", and iu many instances cure cases considered hopeless by all *hd know CATAJUtH, so very difikmlt to treat, and so seldom cured by other methods, readily, to this treatment, by breathing the vapor and forcing it Into the diseased cavities of the and out of the nose. It is now fully demonsttated tSiat inhalation is the only method by w! this terrih'.e and almost universal diseiv-y e«n be pennancntly cured. COMMENDS I:I of thelaa's I h a v e " Your methods of treating Caturril waft. Consumption are certain^ very etfecUui. s .evcrlound a remedy tliat equals your O " ' Xuiiaiautii." No-called 'HOPELESS CAMJS' neetlnoldespair."--CITAS. KAMH.TON Tille, Ky. "My lungs werr very #orcmul coifrhdistrestiinij. B«th are now preaBy •m so well pleased with your (*» rbolntr of Tar Inkalaut tiiat I wo.ul d not parttrhh it »ny price."--J. J. BEKSIKGTON. 3.VKJ Elm Street. Fhnsdelphin. "ForthroatorluMfdte«M(H%3 Case sCarboJate of Tar Inhalant is decidedly efficacious, 1 have observed tteaMNKMg' follow its use when all other means lmd failed to give relief."--I. II. MOORE, )i fit,! HpMETREATMENT|^^^fS Trlalsit my OFFLEE tree. OFFICK HOURS: 9A. M. to 8 P. 11. T or terms, coQ or wr I>ai. ME W. CASS, 8. W. Cor. Tenth and Arch Streets. PttUfttfftlpMftk, ^ I'ul« u M ka-p j\>r rtfermx. IVlttM \urUiwj, picas; nam tha jwy*T. • i " -V-.C i- S-ili L : , J n i J'J g I r: III ' 3 J : Wt::' : i * si i V t t ' , 0,:.' v U <k'. ..

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