i«*d a own fit •••:•% ..Wv , i V" v ~ A h( V* <•» * *„ s^^'vl f .! fe"S-rs' * '< JT S> tTWDEVIAllLE TBUTH. clefbrve to suffer, nnd if you ruble, unsatisfactory llfo in iful world, ft Is entirely you*i and there is only one excuse' -your unreasonable prejudice ana aatenticism. which has killed thous* InnclSv'" TVrsonnl knowledge and com- »»»on «#i»se reasoning will soon shov* yets tSint Green's August Flower will «Nire you of Liver Complaint, or Dys» «jMBpsia, with all its miserable effects, Juioh as sick headache, palpitation of * the heart, sour stomaehe, habitual cos* ttveness, dizziness of the head, nerv* "* ©us prostration, low spirits, etc. Its Bales now reach every town on th« "Western Continent and not a Druggist but will tell you of its wonderful cures. Ton can buy a Sample Bottle for 10 •ents. Three doses will reliefQ iron For lale by Colby Bro's, JOHNSBURCH ,rf ' * v4' • KOTICE TO WOOL GROWERS. Tfce subscribers would say that If . you wish to cloche your family you can do so by bringing or sending your wool aid exchange the same for good desir able goods. . Will give you for un washed from 25 to 28 cts,, for washed on the sheep 35 to 37J cts., and for tub washed 45 <its„ and sell you goocts 20 ©cr cent less than last year. P. A. W&EELER& OO, »•;, North Main St., Janesville, Wis HI FARMERS LOOK JHoviitg1 pirchaiied the entire stock isft)ify Goods, Groceries Smith. Aldrif'.h Hay thorn, have removed to the Store in Riverside Block, where they are now prepared to meet their customers and In the market. Afnong them are the Molinc, Peru, Grand Detour. Furst & Bradley, J. I. Case and Norwegian, all acknowledged the HENRY MILLER, best made and at -HDKALER IN- ai Foreip MarMe. Mai suu r urcit Monuments* Headstones, 10WEE PRICES -Sj •! • yellow fever epidemic created' intense excitement throughout" the oouhtry, yet every community has a greater foe to human life, winch stalks abroad unheeded. Yellow fever haS' slain its thousands, but neglected colds Its tons of thousands. The practice of Jetting a cold cure lt«elf is fraught with suffering, sorrow and with death. There is no remedy more valuable t,hah EUert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cher ry, those that use it know its worth, and will not be without It, for It surely and quickly cures Colds. Coughs. Croup, Catarrh. Bronchial and Pulmonary Complaint?. Sold by all Druggists. D Mother when your dear baby suffers in teething, u$e Dr. Winch ell's Teeth ing Syrup, it regulates the bowel*, soothes the pain and brings natural tdeep. Sold by Druggists at % cents a bottle. For information concerning the treat ment of chronic diseases with Electric ity, send for a pamphlet on Electric Treatment, which will be sent free, on application to the Mcintosh Electric Belt ami Battery Co., 192 and 194 JikekSOfi St., Chicago, 111, FOR SALE, A : 40 Acresof land in Section 12, all fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and bam thereon, with tim ber and water In abundance, in Section 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Jfunda road. Good' new house, barn and other outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLUSKY. Peevish ehildren have worms. Dr. Jaque's German Worm Cakes will de stroy the worm and wake the children happy. Why he distressed with headache, low spirits and nervousness when Ellert's Daylight Liver Pills are sold by all Druggists. Preparatory to meetirjr winter's ehlllling blasts Call at Pitzsimmons A Evansoifs and buy a suit of their 60 cent underwear. It cau'r be beat. PSK'-i. ' b• 1NG, mm ITINE CLOTH- Coto F. C. Mayes. , ' Vv-y- If you want GOOD CLOTH ING Co to F. G. Mayes. If you want the* BEST OIA>TklNG • _ • - Co to F. C. Mayes. If you want CHEAP CLOTH- Co to F. G. Mayes. If you want CUTTING DONE 4$ to F. €. Mayes. * - u If you want anything MADE TO ORDER §0 to F. G. Mayes. Mcllenry, Nov. 27th, 1878. -ROCK BOTTOM! I -Jt. *, A'iSkZ***', American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand Call and ? convinced. I am also Selling ;V - Shop Two miles North of Mc- Henry, III. Bull's Racine Famim Miff/ At reduced prices. Johnsburgh, Aug. SOth, 1877 1873. j! For a "BOM 1878. & OBA C. COLBY". HENBY COLBY. a U ii'ft the publie generally with a large and well selected stock Of s ^ J. P.ry Goods, Groceries, READY-MADE CLOTHING, and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery, &c. Which they will sell for Cash or Ready-Pay as cheap as any other House in the County. Our Goods are all fresh and have been bought with especial reference to the wants of the people of this community, and we i , WILL NOT BE: UIVDJEItPOLlJ. RINCWOOD ILLINOIS The subscriber would inform the public thftt hc is now prcpftretl to furnish them with nnythinf tn his line from a common Farm Wa£ou u> the nieeat Top Carriage, on short notice and at reasonable rates, using n«n« but the best of timber and employing none but SKILLED WORKMEN! We also keep out usual stock of 1 \ And as heretofore, will spare no pains to this line. j please our customers in LAUER & BECKER, CLOTHIERS, Near the Depot MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Have just rceelvcd their Fall an.1 Winter Stock of Heady-Maile Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Goo<l5 We Will Not Be Undersold Glre ns a Call. LA McHenyy, III., AUER & BECKER. Aug. SWtli, 18/«. GRAY HAIR from the SCALP PRiVCHT GRAY, LIGHT, FADED, •̂ iSD- RED HAIR Are changed by a few applications of the AMBROSIA to a beautiful auburn or to the darlc, lustrous colors of youthful tresses. Humors, Dandruff, ItcMng of the Sc&lp, and Falling of the Hair are at once cured by it. Where the hair follicles are not destroyed, It will cause the hair to grow on bald heads. It is perfumod with extracts fcom fragrant Bowers. All who use it praiaa it. Co!<k (/ongfa, Rheumatism, Stiff Neck, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Bsarrt(M» Colic, &rc Threat and Toothache Aro alleviated, and in most cases cured, by the use of this PAIN ERADICATOR. It is an in valuable Family Medicine, affording relief bo- tore a physician can be reached. Procure our circular describing above diseases and their proper treatment, and you will bless the remedy that brings such healing. PLATFORM SPRING MS, I have tfc 7*7 "Courtland Improved Gear," t which can't be beat, either in Price or Quality, and is tne only A No l wagon in the market. CARRIAGES. CARRIAGES. I can sell you a. First-class Top Carriage for $80, and Warrant it for One Year. W ho can afford to ride in an open buggy when a CARRIAGE can be bought for those figures. Be sure and call, as we KNOW we can make it to your interest to do so. I^^Everything. sold Merits. =jgs Remember the Old Stand, posite the Mill Physicians Prescriptions Compounded in a careful manner and l>y none but experienced hands. Thankful for past favors, wp solicit, and hope to .merit a continu ance of the same. COLBY BROS. McHenry, III., May 7th, 1878. 1878 PERRY & MARTIN on its NEW GOODS AIM) For Sale by All Druggists. Prepared by E. M. TUBB8 A CO. frtnrletors of "Sing's Ambrosia," MANCHESTER, N. H Sold by COLBY BROTHERS McHonry, 111. L" ilk. W. OWEN, " Would reupc.tfnllv inform the iii:l)1ir*. that he hns in sitix-k all t!»t» leadiiDr sKWfN<« MA- OHIXK and ATT.VrHMKNTS, wfcicn lie is selling fit I.OWKK I'UTCKS than any other Houiwtn McUenry county*. first ClassNeedlesfor2c. - IaikI all jjpfher Attachments in Pro- IHirtion. This i* a legitimate part of tuy hiioinHSH, I keep none lM«t Firnt- Goods, auiil\V,l,UL KOT BE UNDEaSOLp, V^'*' •' O. W. OWES. % Xo^aNli, te78. MARCUS' GERMAN W HfflC Manufactured by MARCUS HBJSALKK3IN-- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CLTIARS Woodstock, III, The l»e,«it Tnni»*. in tl»o world. Pint and Quart Bottles. cl'utJiipTin F MARCUS, Patentee - m' E. M. Owen. MCHENRY, 111., July 22. not eas'ly «nrne<I in thonq times, but it Van hernadoin three nionths l»y any ;>nc of oither sax, in iiny part of thcrnuntry who U williiiKto work steadily at the employment, that >ve fdruish.-- <><»' per week in your own town. Yon need not be n way from home over night. You can ifivr your whole time to the work, ov onlv your spare moments. We have aironts who :ire making over :jf*20 per day. All who enfrasri* at once <-sin make monev f;ist. At the present time money cannot l.e made so easily and -!• i>. dly at any other business. It HKtj nothing to try the business. Tonus and J<5 Ontllt iree address at once, li. HAM.IITT & Co,, I'nrtlanil Maine* Grace's' Celebrated Salve.. A SURE RELIEF FOll THE SUFKEUEU. Ltte-- - PREI'ARBI) BV SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, 86 HARRISON AVENUE, BOSTON, MASS. ' t % You will favo money by examining onr Stock of Goods before ^ purchuBin*; elsewhere. Prints, Bleached <Sc Brown Cottons, Cottonades, Tick ings Denims, Shirtings and Ginghams. Silks, Cashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and White Goods of all kinds. In Ready- Made Clothing,/Boots and Shoes, we will not be un- He Warrants hi* work io arive satisfect and ilir ^ood pay will be as low as can bly be afforded. poSS' 4. \ 'J - •A:> 5HE.MAKKS HOPoe 1 xig A SPECIALTY Of all kinds promptly attended to. see for yourself. fl|. Hinsrwoorl. 111., Oct. 80th, 1878. •^icC II. Thompson, MA.KEH. Shop oppoalte the Parker Hoasfl, McHenry, IlliiiolB. Having' purchased and taken possession of these well know 11 Shops, I am now prepared* with first class workmen and good material, to manufacture Wagons nnd Buggies oil shftrl notice nnd at as Low Prices as a good articla can be purchased elsewhere. n5v jm X AL#O DO A General Blacksm Business, and will do your work in |he best of manner and with the least possible delay HORSE SHOEING i*' 'It A SPECIALITY. BEPAI Of all kinds promptly attMKled to, d«o tor yonrself. Motionry, III., B. Thompftoift II 8^1,187S. fox River Valley R. BISHOP, Proprietor. McHenry - Illinois dersold, considere of Goods TOTil 1KTOEHCE SAf 110 WISE mi IT EITESS. There is a curious story about some native, wines whi^h are extensively advertised nowa» days, and have only recently been puf upon the market. Dr. Underhill, the weH-known frape-grower of Croton Point, died in 1871; ome of his heirs entertained temperance views of such extrcm# kind, that they were unwilling to allow the stock of wines then on hand to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. It is only now that the other heirg have succecdcd in arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale of tha wines on hand. Among these is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a " Sweet Union Port," but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more • - d than any other European wine, and being wholly unlike any other wine of American growtn. Its purity, ag remarkable, and both y v growth. Its age and mellowness are ith physicians and wine- fanciers have a special interest in it as the oldest native wine now accessible in any con siderable quantity. The whole stock is in the hands of die well-known wholesale grocery house of the Thurben.--N* Y. Tri&tmt, Nov. ig, 18/7. The above speaks for itself, but we would add (hat this is the pure juice of the grapes neither drugged, liquored nor watered{ that it has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes it is unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of the leading Druggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from the undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, fr<je of charge, on application. Respcctfclly, etc., . F. B. THURBER t CO. Wl$t Broadway, Read* and Httdttm Strwttti •W': im v tine Venetian Ingrain Gloves and Hosiery a Specialty. and Oil Cloth Carpctings. Also a Full Line of Family Groceries. PERRY & MARTIN McHenry, May 1st, 1878. * J. STORY & SON, McHENRY, IÎ Î ' - • DEALKltS IN m&m1 Scissors, Shears* Table a d Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, A^es, Grindstones, Window Glass. CRANITE-IRCN AND TINWARE* a 7&A &*•< T- '•£ -y ' CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CXJSXOM: GRINDING Done nromptlv, and satisfaction gnaranterd Having jnst mtt iu a new Feed Stone, capable of grinding sixty buthels 0f Feed per bouii. ] am prepared to do jour grim I in f oa short b« tice. ORPThe Highest Market Price paid for gear Milling Wheal. R. ft SHOP* McHenry 111., Dec. 11th, 1877. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVI cuitKs Flesh Wounds, Frozen Limbs, Salt Rheum, Chilblains, Soie Breast, Bore Lips. Krysipelaa, Ringworms, Calluses, Scald Head, Chapped Hands, Burns, Cancers, Felons, Scalds, Wounds, Festers, Piles,' Bunions, Bites, Warts, Pimples, 8ores, Stings, Wons, Alx-ess, Sprains. Cuts. Blisters, Corns, Ulcere Shingle*, Sties, Freckles. Boils, Whitlova, Tan, Scurvy, Itch, Ingrowing Nails, Nettle Rash, Mosquito , * ' and Floa liites, Spider Stings, «: And all cutaneous diseases and eruption* generally. For sale by all druggists, groeers. and at all 'iF$. eoun.trv stores throughout the United fttatea pK ' a n d B r i t i s h P r o v i n c e s . P r i c e b y m a i l 9 0 e t a , " To Consumptives. ; THE advertiser, having be«n permanently cured of that dread disease, Consnmp- tion, by a simplo remedy, is anxious to aiu known to his fellow-sufrerers the nieaas w euro. To all who desire it he will send aeoar of the prescription used, (free ofcharge,) Wltl the directions f<»r preparing and asiag the same, which they will lind a sure Attire Consun: ption, As'thtna, Bronchitis. AK ties wishing the prescription, viailMil •/ dress, E. A. Wilson, UM i'enn, St./Wllllaw, hnrgh, N. Y. Errors of Youth. Ati£NTL£3I AN who suilered ftar . trom Nervous Debility, PreWftlftrt: cuy, and alt the effects of y/ " " iion will, for the sake of sal •end free to all who need It, iirection for making the >hieh he was cured. Sui profit bv the adviser's exf bv addressing in perfect c« • 4#-, ' ," lis