WEDNESDAY. JAN. 280, 1879. Railroad Time Table. Geneva Uk« Passeus-cr «. &R x. S&# •V*# 9«mw Lake Freight.. Av»V-^» '• ¥* " - ooisr.\o|t«. c . 8ene«« Lake Freight -....'.iw*. 10:1)0 A. *, enava Lake Passerurer*. „ 7:02 p. x s- - *'WHO staffed dat Turkey ?" WHO caught that Pedro? Byshlmi- ny. dot v»s a^gnchre deck, eli? 3MN*I HON. T. B. NEEDLKS. Auditor* «F Public j Account?^ 'will please accept thanks for a copy of his port to the Govefhor. Biennial Re- TIIE pnst coldweatlier has been n fine time to test a'ntMreezing ink. We have tried about a dozen bottles near a stove and now we havi to write with a pencil. -/ * pali^ can havf FOUND, in this .village a Spectacles which the owner by calling oil Jos. Wiedemann. pav ing property apd . paying for this notice. • ' - • w .-••-» ? WE would direct tlie attention of the traveling..puhj^c to the new adver- vetisement of th#CT,Qhieago ANorth western Railway to-be ^bjind in anoth er column. ' ^ ' THE City Bakery, is tfjeonly Bakery In Woodstock wlie^e you can get Fresh Bread, Pies and ^akes.' Warm Meals at all hours. Oysters by thj&yCan Dish and Bulk. /, '( -r 'THB man who^-fca^'t leave thifttjr two feet of air"holes in piling one cord of wood uporb'hjs sleigli, h as some thing yet to learti in this world-- something whioli ts of great impor tance to his heir&ti /^PROF. GILi.KTT iOw his dancing / Class at tile Rivjeriide House in running J order and has opened up with quite \a good class.. lie -.will hold hi? schools OF Friday cvejij'rig*. Those wlio wish to join shojild do so at once. /X.T .ELDRRIK^. jTfis been shipping the past few days? A$1ot of the finest hogs ever shipp&cKFroiii this Mat ion.-- A large number o^them would average over lour' hundred pounds^ *eacli. He shipped a carou.M&ifcday and another to-day. __ , Y _ WE would agaii^ remind our Tax •payiiig citizens fjiat the Collector is now ready to reli«*v.|> thein 61 their surplus Greeitha^s^and can be found during the week jit* ;<tfsigivated.places, whichv can be> found <rtfcewht*re in 'thlrpa^r. * THK uext reg%|i'rl Exercises at " "Ftftrttc School ^Hl^ake" pmce tfh Fri day eveniug »»f 'iiii^week. sit which time there will l^lfieadiiigs, Recita tions. a debate. sfu>ft Essays, Sieging. Act. The patroi)<«o£ tlie School and all others-lire cordistftv' invited. " ' S-J",•;£?' - TIIEKE arc sevejj|iV'parties-wljo have .matched t heniselj&s to walkT$«f^r and further than otfiyr^, Now we will give the man-who fics|s>..j»'»f8_to th« PLAIV- 1>f.aLER o.fllce on ,/M.onday J-wif. 27. and pays his suhscri{ji|ioti a present of ten cents Now trj*.y$ur walking abilities. ' , '*:<**- --' - - ' Th^question wl.ij&!i now pothers us is did Charley.w^f's at Pistaqua Lake try to steal the bag of llsn or the dog? It is iiv^#!donee that he had hold of the bag- styrarhe hog had bold of the fish and tU^ do^ liatihold ofhini. i- Oh, if our special. ̂ r(ist ha on the spot. ^ BEWARE of ] with pedlars atfa^jgp^; all kinds. Lookr4h d only & ( • been rg oiv trading ing htircnbqgs of our v colulnns for those who advert^#, and purchase what you heed of theij^aiid j'/ou will never be cheated or hijt^flgged. All travel ling stores or ped%rinating establish ments are but snares for the unsus- peeting. R SAMI'KI. SI/FIMAXand. wife have made arrange^wher^by^iiey will visit MoHenry l^htee days in each week, and cau%tj^ found at the resi dence of Mrs. r^A. t5jark «vu Mondays. Wednesdays aii^«>f ridaya,; ready to treat all patients'^wllp^ilay give thein a calK/ Mrs. Clark^will furnish those who desire with -Hoard, either by,the day, week oV singlS meal, on reason, able terms. BY a Postal Card" received from C. Street & Son, Hel^oiu x\;e, learn that they have none.^of the Celebrated Poland China for sale uow. but that their Pigs%i*om their celebrated Premium Sow, I%rfection, Queen and Jenny, are far'"better than ^ey ever raised before, a'i^ with good luck they hope to be ablp\ ij^xt fall to fill orders with stock far alw$ad(of aiwthiug tliey ever raised. Street A Son have a good reputati<j^$mong stock raise rs. who will be ghiAMo*1elirn th^| they are still alive in th« j.rn|iness. ^ Miss QUIXN, A^^vant G^rl working for-Phil Hoffmanunda,fe 111 nto a well one day l.a<^^Ftlk head foremost, « distance of flfty^vo feet^ and when taken out, after^fi^viugi remained in^ the well fiorty-fjyl*"^uinutes. was unini jnred. It is to t>§S^persumed,although we liave not thtf^articular*,T tliat she did not stand on^er .head in tke watei- forty-five tniiinf^, ̂ Init1 l*a«ome wai- managed to titrV^-^ruewhKt in her de scent, so as to her head out of tl® water. It wngla^iniraciUo»3 escapjp - ; • certainly. / : • ^ "' '3*- '1*11 KKK will be a Donatlou Party at the M.E. Church, in Nunda, for th benefltbf Rev. (XE. Burch, on We uesday evening, Jan. 29th{ OUR poetry machine started up raj er suddenly the ottier day, «ud was what it ground out: s --Mary l» t<l a Utile lamv Fillci full of kerosene She took it once to light a lire And has not since b "naine. IN another colcnui can be foun new advertisement for Fi'tzsimino' A Evanson, which the buying public will do well to read. In order to re duce stock before purchasing their Spring goods they are offering decided bargains in all lines of goods. Their stock is large, and comprises some of tlva best goods in the market. If in want of anything In their Hue do not fail to read their advertisement and give tht. in a call. Two young men of this place went fnto one of our public stables rather late (or early) a few nights since to harness a horse which was to carry them home. The harness was thrown upon the animal, and one attempted to put on the bridle while the other buckled the cfuper, when to their sur prise the horse turned out to be a cow. They explain the matter by telling that the horse had. been removed and the cow put in its place during the evening. We say this fearing th it some superstitious person# might think that spirits had something to do with it. THE entertainment at Riverside Hall, in this village, on Tuesday eve ning of last week, by the Clement Brothers,was well attended and was pronounced by all to be the best en tertainment of the kind that ever vis-- itcd this place. Taking them all in all we cannot speak too highly of them, and then when you stop to consider the "Jolly VVyinans," and "Hone Clement." \\y? cannot express it better than by saynig they were immense.-- We have heard (and do not doubt its correctness) that Wlghtman picked up two quarts of buttons In the Ilall the uext morning, and every man unu wo man who was there has since been complaining o! a lame side. If they should conic here again the Ilall would not hold the crowd that would llock to hear them. THK Woodstock Accommodation train, on the Northwestern Road, barely escaped a serious accident on Saturday morning last. While going down the heavy grade hat.weeu Crys tal Lake and Cary the large steel b»r that.connects the drive wheels broke, and for a few minute« It seemed that a total Wreck of the train was in evitable. The broken piece Hew around frightful rapidity., mashing trp thecuh of the engine, and making the situation of the .engineer and fireman anything pleasant. The steum brake wa* also i^roke l»y the accident, but by the prompt action of the train men the tiaiu was stopped, and the threaten^! catastrophe averted. It is a wonder that £he entire train was not ditched. Engineer MeNaughtou took cfi the broken piece and ran the train i::to Chicago with one side, getting in only a li ttle more than an hour late. Now the small boy, out into the weather, and maketh small globes of congealed aqueous vapor, and some times manufactureth a soaker, and pegeth the .neighbor's small hoy, and his father's new !iat, and the milkman's horse, and likewise a pane of glass in a window. Whereat he scooteth. He coutinueth his amusement around the corner, and throweth furtive soakers at the fiery horse, until he flghteth (for what cause uo man kuoweth) with the neighbor's small boy, and getteth socked in the eye. Therefore he raise th his voice and weepeth aloud (for all philosophers do agive that, the small boy's voice is much larger than the boy), and he goeth home, an I his mother couitortheth him with a slipper, and he eateth buckwheat cakes, and it con tent. A few days since a lank, rusty-looking sad-eyed individual was seen slowly making his. way down one of our streets. His high intellectual forehead, notwithstanding his shabby attire, marked him to be above the average tramp. In one hand he carried his worldly eliects, done up in a red ban danna. and in the other attroom stick. Although apparently broken in spirit, hej still retained, in a measure, a haughty bearing and it was this that attracted the attention of all he met. To a sympathizing citizen who accos ted him he sadly said: "Mv life has been a failure. My friends have de serted me; and I am wretched indeed. Sir! I am afi Ohio man without an ap pointing it ;v and with a wipe at the tearful eyes, the sad faced stranger passed on. made a wanderer through the ingratitude of the administration. TIJE following is a correct report of jtiv A Class in spelling for the two jfweeks ending J Jin, lith,1879j^ fienry Smith, 3-180; George Pay ment, 9-120; Albert McDonald. 4-120; Frank Hanley, 3-180; Lillie McDonald, Callie ^Bucklin. 24-180; Effie Gilbert. 9FI-1SO; pT.imfts Walsh. 12-180^ ^"My B Class asTolTowp; Samuel Mc Donald, 23-180; Nellie Dayuient, 8-189; Michael Walsh, 8-180; Georgia, Dra per, 34-180; Matt-ie Smith. 6-1S0; Nellie Bncklin, 7*-140;tMary Weirtworth, 30- 100. F. PAKSOHjTeacher, West McHenry "A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Owen. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pirker Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Mead, Mrs. L. D. Blackmail, O. N. Owen and Miss Mauiie Owen, left Mcllenry on Tues day morning. Jan. 14th, for Wihnot. Wis., to at|«nd the wedding of Mr. Elbert Kennedy, of Nebraska, *nd Miss Anna Udell, of Wilmot. The day was fine, the sleighing splendid and all seemed to be happy, especially Mr. Kennedy, whom the party had In charge. Th£ party arrived at the house of Mr. T. C. Udell about 11 o'clock, wher« they were kindly wel comed by the Bride'* pareuu aud friend*. At It o'clock 111* happy couple were united in the boly bonds of wedlock by the Rev. Mr. Sargent, Mr. O. N. Owen, of Mcllenry aud Miss Mattie Mizelle, of Wiluiot, acting as attendants. A handsome array of presents,consisting of Silver and Glass ware and a splendid large Bible, the latter by the bride's Father, Were pre sented to the newly married couple.-- The company were then invited to a bountiful repast, where they all ap peared to eujoy themselves to their utmost. The company brol.e tip about 4 o'clock, with congratulations and well %vishes for the happy couple, who we^had the honor of bringing to Mcllenry with us, where they are spending a few days with their fri«nds aud relatives. Mr. Kennedy is a young man of marked honesty aud integrity. Hestaitcd for Nebraska last March, has taken a Homestead and timber claim, put up'a house, and has cdme back here for a wife. The best wish es of all with whom he is acquainted will follow him, aud that wedding day will long be remembered. ONE OK THM.' NUNDA * • EHITOU PI.AIVDEAI.KR:--The flue sleighing is being enjoyed hugely by oiir voting people. Last Friday e ven ing eighteen of the "elite"' of Nunda ami Crystal Lake went down to Jauies Phllps, Algonquin, where they passed a very enjoyable evening dancing, gaming and various other amusements, coming home about 4 o'clock iu the morning. S. G. Hatch has a new pair of light bob sleighs, to be used in delivering groceries from his store. They are tines^ and were got up by Frazlcr A Ihmty. By the way Frazier Is a nnm- oue mechanic and lias a shop In Walk- ups old store, where he can be found always ready to do yon any job iu the wood work line from an axe helve to a bureau, Mary Quinlaii, a young lady who has been working tor some time past for Win. lluftm&i), while attempting to draw a bucket of water from the well ou TUnisday liwt lUe-wlyjtfi giim n«^ that the r<»pts run over aud pulledher into the well head first. The well is52 feet deep and the -strangest part of tl|c whole ailair was that uo boues were broken aud no serious injuries inflict ed. She made her whereabouts knowu by violent yells aud it was about, halt an hour before she could be taken out. Dr. Ballou was called, who administer ed a few liniment*, which was all that was necessary. • '« Lei t Groyer and Mr. Lye have had another falling out aud Levi is now at home. We presume lie will soon be at work for hiiu again as this is not the first time, and we presume If lie goes back it will not be the last. Sunday we went down to see Chris. Buck aud found him very comfortably euscouced iu an easy chair, purchased by the fraternity for his benefit. A Mr. Sherman Is stopping in town canv assiug for Hall's Medical Work aud Guide to Uutlth. Considering the hard times lie is having good success. • The people who were anxious to have the Collins--Aylswortli Scandal case come to an end, will have to wait until another Term of Csurt, and in the meantime Collins will preach and Aylsworth will talk as usual, for you ,know "people will talk." and we mast have Miuistcrs to preach the good wxyd. De Forest Green is again able to be out, although somewhat lame. And in the mean time J. I. Millers youngest child is quite siJk also Miss Mary Darby, with inflamation on the Lungs, Dr. Ballou is attending aud we hope she will soon get better. M rs. llartmau, mother of Win. llart- mau, was buried on Friday last after being sick but a few day*. That is she had been failing for some time but not considered dangerous until the day before she died. The family have the sympathy of the community iu the loss of so uear and dear a friend as a Mother. Irving Miller ha* come out with a bran new Cutter aud now says to Dwight, like the n^heel barrow man, that he will neither lend uor borrow, so don't bother him. There will be a childrens Temper ance Meeting Friday evening at the Diciple Church, under the auspices of the Ladies Temperance Union. All are cordially invited to attend. There will l»e an interesting programme. BREWERY FOR SALE OR RENT. The undersigned ofers for Sale or Rent one half interest in the Mcllenry Brewery. It is now doing a good busi ness and is in good running order.-- Plenty of Malt and Beer on hand.-- Will be disposed of reasonable if ap plied for soon, JOHN HEBBES. McHenry, 111. Jan. 22nd, 1879. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR:--And now another of our old and esteemed citi zens has left us, and was buried from his late residence in Oakland Ceme tery on Sunday at one o'clock P. M. On Friday morning our people were start led with the report that Walter P. Jewett, 1st, was dead. That he had gone to Ida barn a* was his custom to do his morning chores, that apparent ly he had uearly or quite completed the taskMhe last of which was to uiilk the cow, Mid this too he had seemingly fin ished; as the pail of milk sat near the uiilkitig stool, apparently as It received the uiilk from the udder, the cow had left the barn without disturbing the pail aud deceased had fallen or lain down off the stool, aud expired with out a struggle; and from the easy posture lie was found it Is supposed that lie had some premoiiitiou and af ter he 4ra8 unable to rise had secured the easy position in which he was JOIHHI. Deceased was oue of our ear liest settlers, for many:;, years a suc cessful farmer, until broken down by hard pioneer labor lie was obliged to give up farmiug and for the last twen ty-lour years has resided in town, al ways ready to give of his means and itiflueuce to the various, enterprises thai lias built and ornamented our beautiful little city. He leaves a wife, a sou and daughter, to moui:u his death The daughter,- Mrs. Edua Alleu, is comfortably situated, with her home at Xeilisville, Wis. The sou, E. C. Jewett, Is our enterprising youug Shoe dealer, late Assistant Cashier for sev eral years in the First National Bauk. The deceased, by dint of hard labor* prudence aud economy, had of this world's goods so that pecuniarily his family are well situated, to whom the universal sympathy of our citizens i* tendered. Governor Wright has been reported as failing, aud tii.king away gradually day by day, and there sceuis but little to encourage hope of his recovery. Court has been in session, with Judge Upton pursiding, who has made him self very popular by the^courtesY lie extends to all, and by his impartial and. plausible rulings. He evidently does not intend to allow the "Big Fish" of the bar to "eat up the little ones.'* The notorious case of Ashley against Kelly aud Parks, brought by change of veuue from Kane County is now on hearing The testimony has closed and argn-, nients of counsel commented ou Mou. day at 2 o'clock p. M. This is a case of malicious prosecutiou, wherein it is alleged that defendants Kelly and Parks procured the kidiclment of Plaintiff Ashley, with malice and without just cause. This is the fourth trial or this case, the Jury having fttthrtl to agree three times, and no one can deviue what will be the verdlut of the present jury. The case has beeu ably prosecuted with Deviue, Joues and Smith attorney for Plaiutitt aud as ably defended with' Botsford, Barry and Coon for defeuce. Whatever the verdict may be the Plaintiff has suc ceeded iu convincing many that he was justly Indicted and should have been convicted, aud therefore should fail iu this present suit. The polar wave has eddied about us again and pressed the mercury down, but not as low as wheu it settled upon us before. Logan seem* to have had an easy victory in Caucus for Senator and as he appears to be the choice among Re- Means It is to be hoped that his elec tion will be secured. Conkltn seems to have fo|i|id a pre text to attack, President Hayes with a good deal of backing:, but we hope not sufficient to create a breech iu our ranks so as to let the enemy succeed iu the great coming contest. Suicide, murder, Burglary and arson arc rife in the laud, aud their does not appear to be any way successfully to guard against these crimes. NQW and then one is successfully prosecuted and punished, but notenough to intimidate the professionals. I think a gold med al should be voted and 'attached to the collar of Mr. Cristy'a dog for his fidelity and shrewdness as watch and detective. Real Transfers The following is a list of Real E* tatre Transfers for tlie three weeks ending Jan. 11 th 1876. John A. Sweeney to Morris Clary. N# nh nw^ see. 2, Marenifo, (ISM. Jesse E. Gates to W. L. Dyer. 2 acres neX se 14, Allien, *175. Jas. lieebe to T. IT, Brown. Pe In swfc sec8. Coral, $4<X>. Martha McCteltan to E twlft Wilkinson. Lts 3 A 12 Hart's add to Harvard, *1000. Oias. U. Brown to U. W. Cornue. Lj 8 blk 13 Harvard, *2000. A. B. Pratt to Zelotes Pratt, 8e*i>neX sec 80 Greenwood, *600. Guy U'iison to John B. Stevens. Lt 7 blk H Harvard, $300. TAXES' TAXES! The undersigned Is now ready for the Collection of Taxes for the Town of McHenry, and will be at the follow ing places at the time named. Monday at Johnsburgh. Tuesday, at the Store of Perry A Martin. McUeury. Wednesday, at the Store of J. W. Cristy, Ringwood. Saturday, at the Store of B. Gilbert, near the Depot, McHenry. FBAKK SMITH, Colectoi A word to tlie wise. If yon are suff ering with a seveie Cough or Cold, call on your druggist and get a bottle of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup, and save large doctor bills. It relieves almost Instantly. Price 25 cent*. Soiu by Colby Bros, Mcllenry, III. Richmond Department. Tlie lecturer who was to speak be fore the High School on Monday eve- ning last did not appear, so the »tu- deuts with a little assistance gave a programme that would do credit to a much longer preparation. 1st. Instrumental &ti»ie. Mlas Nel lie Skinkle. Id. Poein. F. Stanley, Recita tion. 3d. The Last Hymn, Declamation. Miss Nellie Cox. 4th. Instrumental Music. Xddle Bennett. 6th. Loss of tlM Artie, Declamation. Eddie Smith. 6th. Two Chicken*, Declamation.-- Miss Caddie Cox. 7th. Select Reading* Miss Sarah Peterson. » 8tli. Instrumental Muelc. Mis* M. Johonnott, •" ^ 9th. Independence, Pecl&matlou, Harry Stewart. 10th. Old Oaken Bucket. Stanley, Old Oaken Ruler. Smith. I need not say the audience was well pleased for I never have known a mors attentive house in this town. Those who took part may be sure such enter* tatninentsare the right thing In the right place. SPRING GROVE. HIHTOR PLAIN-DEALER:--As the snow is too deep fer much news to reach us you will excuse us and llsteu to what little we have to say. We are Informed that Mr. James Robblns Is the Grandpa of a nice little lady about a week old. Her name Is Miss Young. - | • Notwithstanding the hard times and the size of our place we won't be second to none. We have two mer chants here who are doing well. One of them is W. Wilson, who will sell you Peanuts by the glass, quart or peck, Dry Goods off from the shelf or rack, Medicine for the sick, Candies by the pound or stick, and hi* Groceries he sells cheap enough for all. We have also a number of farmers around here who are doing well and are fatting a large nitinl>er of cattle. One of them is Mr. John Carey, who can show you fifty good fat steers and two hundred big fat sheep. John is the man that knows how to do It and he has the stuft to do It with. Bill, please take our advice the next time that you go to Mcllenry and not load RO top heavy, as the old horse will tip you over every time and leave you there. ' I L ' . . 1 1 . AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will suU at Publtc Auction, ou his farm, 1 mile Southwest of Johnsburgh, and 1 inile Southeast of tlie Clarcntnui House, on Tuesday, Feb 11 th, 1879, commencing at 10 o'clock •. if., the following property: 1 grey mare. 7 years old, 1 black mare, 3 years old,5 cows, 1 heifer, 1 yearling calf, 9 shoats, 1 lumber wagon, 1 light wagon, 1 plow, 1 drag, 1 roller, about 100 bush els of corn, about 30 bushels of Pota toes, 1} tons slough Hay, 4 ton* clover, and also all my Household Furniture. TERMS OF SALK:--All sums of 910 and, under Cash. Over that sum a credit of Ten Months will be giveu 011 approved Notes at 10 per cent interest. Two per ceut off for Cash, JOSKPH r KB WD, L*T GBO. H. 8TSWABT. Auctioneer. 9SFA Kentucky divine writes to the New York Obaerver; "Your mention of the minister who prayed, 'If thou rememberest,' etc., is more than equaled. It was a Monday morning prayer meeting, and the preacher prayed--'Thou has seeu by the morn ing pa(>er8 how the Sabbath was dese crated yesterday. IMPROVE THE TIME. Having decided to go West in the Spring I would say to all my old friends in McHenry county, who have negatives iu my posession or who wish to get Pictures taken that "now is the accepted time." I atn now prepared to take Pictures in any style, in the best of manner and- warrant satisfac tion. Come as early in the day a* possiblevand do not wait for a clear day, as a cloudy day is preferable for a good Picture, I have also a line stock of Albums, Picture Frames &c.. for the Holiday Trade, to which I invlt.e your especial attention, confident that I can please you both In quality and price. J, S. MEDLAR* Woodstock, Dae, 17th, 1878. * Prevention is better than cure. Check a Cough or Cold at once which may lead to Consumption, by using Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup, an old reliable remedv which never fails. Price only 25 cents. Sold by Colby Bros. McHenry 111. FARM TO RENT. Situated about 3 miles Southwest of McHenry, known as tlie Dunn farm con sisting of 80 Acros, with good build ings and Orchard. Will be Rented on reasonable terms for cash. For furth er particulars inquire of C. H. PAMKS. Mcllenry, Jan. 14th, 1879. WAIT FOR THE WAGON. We are now offering one of our cele brated Lumber Wagons, with top Box. Steel Spring seat, Whiffl«»trees. Neck Yoke and stay chains, all complete, for $50. Warranted for oue year. a. BISHOP. The best Overcoat for the money, at Lanrer A Becker's. least Business NotM. For the largest line* of Boots Shoes go to BuckUn A 3te*ea». g ,M 1,1 ... '*• For a nobby suit, go to-l*iMHr 11 Beckers, near the Depot. ' S 7" 1 . . . 1... . ' Ottir one Carriage left, out of Font'S teen two mostSseago, at •!». M. Owc»ffV:^| A full- j'lns sa »i§d s other FlanoeIs at Bueklln A Steven*. 4 | If yoe want a nobby business rait, I cheap, go to Lauer A Becker's. Clothing cheaper than Lauer t Becker's. fter, Mrs. Salisbury has a ehotce selection /^ of Holiday Presents. Do nov fall to | give her a call and learn prices. Bargains can be had at Bueklln 41 Stevens In a great variety of goods. 51 Call and niako a selection out of \ Fifty Plows, at E. M. Owen**. * Examine tWo different reared Courtland Wagons at E. H. Owen's^ A full tine of Rubber Gdtods at Buck^ lin& Stevens. GREAT REDUCTION! * *; th the prices of the Buffalo Boots and Shoes, Don't fail to see them be- 1 fore inakiug your selections. COLBY BROS. Riverside Block ^'1 : Scbotr] Book* and Writing Paper Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. Stop at E.M.Oweb's and see new the Geared Cortland Wagon. ' s New Stock of Cloths. Beady-Hade Clothing, &c., for the Fall trade just received at Lauer A Becker's, near the Depot. WOOOCHOI'l'KKS WANTED. Eight or ten good Wood choppers wanted . Immediately. Inquire of :i John W. Smith. 1 FOR the "BOM" shave or Hair Out % call at Wilson's Tonsorial Parlor, over \ j O. W. Owen's Store, Mcllenry. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! } For the next thirty days Bueklln A ! Stevens will ofler especial bargains in < i order to reduce stock before taking annual inventory. The celebrated M. Sel« A Co's., ' Boots and Shoes at very low prices at Buoklin A Stevens. r TRADE DOLLARS* Otr and after date Tra<tS tWBlPi will be received for Goods at par at Bueklln A Stevens, near the Depot. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! ; Ladles Cloaks cheap at Bueklln & Stevens. Cloaks at Cost and below to elose^-- i We have a few left that must be sold '1 at once. :M TITZSIXKOVS * KVAVSOW. & f • . * CASH! CASH! CASH! 4 buy Millinery fer the nexl/f twenty days at cost, at Mr*) Searles** J PUMPS. A large Stock of Adams celebrated J Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps and ,^ at lowest prices, at K. M. Owen's. ' • 'v.^j Uncle Sam's Harness Oil put on to ; your harness will make the leather look i 1 uew, and .keep it soft and pliable. Give It a trial. From now until the close of the sea-, son Bucklin A Stevens will sell at smaller profits than ever, giving the most goods for the least money of house Iu the county. Try them. MOft BOARDERS WANTED. The undersigned is now prepared to take a number of Boarders, either by the day or week, on the *most Reason able Terms. Good Rooms and the best of accommodations furnished.-- Residence near the School House. O. BTEOKXAV, • MeHeary. Deo. loth, ism, p •25 REWARD, f ' ' );.V The above reward will any one who will find one of our Buffa lo Boots in which there is a coiat^,. inner sole, slip sole or piece of heeling that i* not cast from a good, thick, piece of sole leather. COLBY BROS. Riverside Bteek BOOTS A SHOES. It Is a conceded fact that the Buffa lo Custom Made Boots and Shoes have no superior on the market. Selected' stoolt. Warranted work. For sale by Colby Bros., Riverside Block* It Is the universal testimony thattha Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for which we are tlie sole agents in this village, are relatively the best and cheapest in tha market. Give them a trial. COLBY BROS. Riverside Block -I m Jnst received a new Stock of Millln ery In all tlie stylish shades in every grades of Straw, Felt, Velvet. Bea vers in Hats and Bonnets. Every • thing in Plush Velvet, Satius, Silks Plumes. Wings, Ornaments Ac., at Mrs. S. Searles, and will be sold at the very Lowest figures for Cash, for the next twenty days. When horses and cattle are spiritless, , scraggy and feeble they need treat- • nient with Uncle Sam** Condition Powder, lt purifies the blood. Im proves the appetite, Cures Colds aud Distempers. Invigorates the System and will keep the Animal in a Healthy, Handsome Condition. 8o)d by all Druggists. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Having moved on my farm I now offer my Store and other property in Johnsburgh for Sale, or will exclude it for good Farm property. If not sold I will Rent it to a responsible party ou reasonable terms. It is a fine location for trade. Call on or address P. GIB8ELKK, McHenry, 111. Much has been sung of the "JKaid with Golden Hair." No song, however, has yet been able to make that color a popular one for any considerable length of time. Light red faded or sandy hair^f" are equally under the ban of publur opinion. We are happy to announce: to our readers who desire to cluuigef :g those colors, that three applications or > Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia will give® them beautiful auburn tresses posses-1 sing all that soft, lustrious appeaiancej so desirable In this chief adornment oj female beauty. » '$•