Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jan 1879, p. 8

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ra prove i . s.AA ' $*' ' v WERS. •ay that If you can ^ jWir wool for Jfttodi desis> tve you for an?- ets., for washed «ts., and foi tub •a goods SO mlS&Ett * oo. * JanesTtUe, wit "eptifitate oreatfd .Igfement fchraiighoat the iiWMlitjy. y«t - ivtrv comtimalty has® to human title, which stalks Tollow fever lias * ;' «Mti» tfethoosand^ bat neglected colds , 4^ Ns tMCOf The praallo® of > letting a©old ours itself is fmngiit " with sate ring, sorrow and with death. Tbere is no remedy more *altULbJe than Ellertfs Attract of Tar and mid Cher- ryytlioae tltatvseU know its worth, *"$1 »'• and IVlmonary . 4^ Comjrfalnts. Sold** all Druggist, Hothsr when ,a«a l« teothing, use babysoffers tug #n«f it i^wB' bowltfc soothes the Mln and brings natural * sleep. Sold by Druggists at 85 cents a bottle. i*?-"' Forlnfofmatlsui concerning the treat >, meat «f ehronio diseases with Eiectrlo- r, ity»*Mkd for * wunphkfC On Sleetric t, vhim will be tint ftw, on u to m llelnteeh Sleetric and Batterr €«„ lttaudm Ivi Jacksao St., Chicago, 111, FOB 8. $ 40 Acres of laud In Section 1% all feneed. Also 00 acres of land, with a »V, IffWl MM and barn thereon, with tim- t Bpi^',l>,*fcer ln abundance, in Section $ Ali»*^lto«Mstaa4l on the Crystal Lake and Hands road. Good new house, bam and other outbuildings.-- >!«t Apply to JOHN FLUSKT. ;f: Pes vlsh chtldrsnhava worms. Dr. Jake's German Worm Cakes will de- stray the worm and make the children hepfr|«, ; stock of Milllnetjr. Clonks, and trimmings In the coun- _ Ia at Mrs. 8. Searles1 and Cash will buy them at bottom prices feu-the M3^HMMy daft." '• Porerery ache, pain and brnlse on § nan or beast Uncle Sara's Nerve and v Bone Liniment is the Balm. Sold by ;,;F' »«ggl«*.::; ma M i ( * £$> if yoo^mmt FIJtB »o, _ ' • , . , G o t o F . C . M a y e s . f£t' 1}f̂ >Vl "tf yon «ut GOOD CLOTH- • IM sr15 ' QotoP.c. Mayes. c i ":& m ffi I V"'- rli . r* .-4 x a Co to F. G. Mayes. If you want CHEAP CLOTH- Co to F. G. Mayea. :#Wtf Ott want CUTTING DONE Go to F. 6, Wayet. 1 4|SPSf«W«,1»H«W . . . . . . . . . Go to F. 6. Mayeo. wmmmm nry, Kov. STth, 1878. "W? G E R M A N t»W * #5- .if WJ r il* Iflform the «>:tolin that * e*din*HKWtK« If A. FWIOMS thaw; chments In Pr# [gitipate part bf •toil#' but Fir# lit JT0T *TfiV HENRY MILLEB, -DEALER IN- kwfim aid Fimp Karlle. Monai&onts( Headstomos, ETC., ETC.. ETC. Constantly on Hand Sl(op Two milea North of Mc- Henry, 111., j9hnabargh.Ans.90th. 1878. LAUER & BECKER, 1878. Near the Depot Mchenry, - Illinois. Have just received their Fall and "Winter Stock of Kearly-Made Olothinu, Hats. Caps, and Gents' FurnUhtng Goo<l» W« Will Mot B* Undofaold 7 ":;;LAOBBrf|Erai^r-: Mellenry. i}L, Aug. Kth. is^s. bray, mm 11Z>- BED HAIR Ate changed by •few applications Of the AMBROSIA to a beautiful aobom or Wftltek, lnstraoaetders of yoathteltreNtoa. Humow, Dandrttfl, IteMng of the Bcaij wad Falling of the Hair are at onoe eared by It, Where the hair follleles are not destroy^, It will eaase the hatrtogrov on bedheads. It Is poonCamed irlth eztraets from *»»grini* flowers. All vho oselt praiae it. Are allerlated, and to most eases eond, hj the' use of this PAIS XBATOOATOB. Jt Is smi* •ataabl« Family Mtdhte, a8ordlng nltof 1m. l<m a phjsielMB «a he r»aehe6. Graeme oar eirciito* deMmbiat above diseases and their proper treatment, and yon wlUMess ttmseaMdy that brings such Prepared byE.M.TUBM A iMfriaten of AaM^N . MANCHESTER, N. H* told toy COLBY BROTHim McHonry, 111, ' Manufactured by MAHCUS Vb "*€*•* ' -K PURE WIN&UOOORS AND S Woodstock, in. The best Tonic in the world* Pat «p in Va«l Quavt liottlea. oenmg , -M J., ' a ain 1 •mm: In the market. hemare the Holing, Peru, Grand Detour. Furet & Bmdley, J. I. (^ee and Norwegian, ail acknowledged the beet made and at , «V.;v «j Oil and ^ire them a trial %o becGnvmeod, '!•- . 4 ̂ , '< : e also keep our usual stock of I aro alao Selling At reduced prices. > » i . S - ' 4 - i , . . . - 1 : ' .r" And as heretofore, will spare no pains to please our customers in this line* :V, • " *' t, 'V ',v I have the " Courtland Improved fiesr," which can't be beat, either in Price or Quality, and is tne onl^ A No 1 wagon in the luarket. - mrnmmmm , , /if Warms' ' • -\ . ; CARRIAGES.^. ' • • i: CARRIAGES. Sp^fffev • ' lean sell you a First-class Top Carriage for $80, and Warrant it for One Year. Who can afford to ride in an open buggy when a •' . CA|MIIAGE • can be bought for those fignttis. Be sure and call, as we Kncw we can make it to your interest to do so. . SryEverything sold on its Merits. @Sri Rememlier the Old Stand, -op­ posite the Mill ^ A E. H, Ow©ii»!'; MCHENRY, 111., July 22* .8 not ea>yiy earned , in these times, but It nan be made in three months by any one of either sex, In any part of therountrv who in willing to work stradily at the employment that we furnish.-- ®® l*®r week In your own town. You need not be a way from homeover night. Yon can give your whole tta»« to the work, or oftlr your snsre momenta, We have agents who are muRiug over #26 per day. All who mtMge at once ean make mnoey fast. At the present time money caniiot be tnada so easily and fap. dlj ivt nhy other bnslttflas. It costs no thing to try the business. Terms and #5 Outflr free Mdreesat once, 8. UAtLETt A Co, .Portland A SffftE RSL1EF FOB TH* SUFFEItEB. *;a n»u.(D»> ; SSTH w. rOWLK a soils, vsl' 88HAEMSQK AV*NU%^ - iv i "JU< t' ' BOSTON, KAS8. •-4- usii. mm&m trawvus wi. a! •• T0»e» Is a euilsyi stoirsatHMit some aath« »tee« whichani ea5^»Wbr advertised nowa- ws. «od hai^oi# r«ces% bega pat npoa the ma^et. forUaAiM tbewclMtnowti tWr $ Ci*tiM R>tat, dkd lit tUx. a Ittft niiil ialoialiyifl tsmmwaawa «k«i ^*oce ssat to to decay npon tka other hdra nattve mm. wine of Anwriean afeaad meOowness ara aadwlaa* H as the SSkSlX Having purchased the entire stock of Dry Ooods, Gro<;erie8, ^ce., of Aldi'Ich 4'llaytli.oiiiit.!iave',r^ii]M6V€d to ih%"Store la Mversid#, ttrliiirim fl\*\%r UT*JO r> f\W f'A mikiJ-. fh&ii* V.SVJ «**ir -- ~ - -- - i-4 '• A - '-.V-mmi. i }4 Hi} J 9^\'- * ft -a--! • i ,1/ - f ,y OLOTHlNC» • ILLtlfONI and Sioes, tats and Caps, &:o» Which they will sell for Cash or Ready-Pay as cheap as any other * h ~ ^ ~ " House in the County. Our Ooods are all fresh and have been bought with especial reference to the wants of the people of thin community, and we WILIi NOT BE UNDBnEISOLn. < •* • *i ' f.*« 'f J! )• t * ? Compounded in a careful manner and by none but ex^ Thankful for past foVofls, We solicit, aM hope to merit a continu­ ance of the same. '* COLBY BROS. MeHenr^,Hi.,SbyTtll, 1878. '•'/fc'-" , ^ k »i'kt-*W h mWtm I@7S sife ; ̂ 5t; .9 ) '•Wk; «fe'r . JV^. t i iTiifWi* ifWiriiiiif •s '̂* V«y *<• > **\ >«:/ i«J ir-% tr'- . , ; f,4 ^ y ^ v •v fit, !;ij , %* >.vT hjin-K,. ;tniii ,i f it"/ 'ir' iiuipwirf • >K »v; •*"•«?? *i; ' St 1 V,' %'j. •? ' ^ 4 i' YouwUI eave money by examining our 3tock of Goods before ^ purchasing ..elsewhere, ^. .y; ,4 PrmtSj Bleached Brown Cottons, Cottonades, Tick­ ings Denims, Shirtings and Ginghams. Silks, Cashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and White I Goods or lall kinds.: In Ready- Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, we will not be un­ dersold, considere pyGloves and Hosiery a Specialty. Fine Venetiai*, lngrain iiudOil Cloth Garpetings. • ' v * w .•» foU J4»e * Family Groceries.^ PERRY A PARTIN McHenry, May lat, 1878. r m *• ^. f J- - r i.' > * 0BALEB8 XH , j i * s. # i" #Shhu ' ' • s-i4 *• *1"*" '('Vji* •* ' «. .. 1 - s i - n -.-itl.JSW'ii Vtt? - i l T Setssori» Shears, Table «f ^ooliet Cutlery, 3orti Knives dew GlaW| #*&*. nor voaUndt thatk .ha* baen ripeaed at»4 mellowed by ate, aad lor BWHfklnal or sacramental puiposes It is WtWi |ftated. It can be obtained ftrxn aaat ©f the Dmgg||j» United States, and at .' * andenlgncd, *ho w®. ; pantpWet, free of chaffs,*!! fppOsatkm. ' . Re^eqdfeHy, etc., ELIf.B. THUEBER 4 CO. | Rmd* ami Bwtom •1;P; . Knr.VoML ' " . • ' - • a - .'• I j", j W , <4"' o?M- oiiai. F. IMarOIIS» Patentee. - " C R A N I T E - I R O N A N D T I N W A l l E | | */*•, * ? | 8TORY& SON. IM f- but the best oTumSer a«na SKILLED WOUftiMBItl bly be afforded. .'•v| ;v^j| 1 Pi#*** HkiH . ^ 'I " ; © Kknteusir;: JKlngwood, 111., Oct Wth, 1878. V M • * " ^ *! Shop oppotlte tfae Parker fiouMf, | ̂ c lUinoili Havlnir pnrrh*!^^ jgtaja fiMsasstoa of these well known Shops, I am now prepared) with flfst Ma*« workmen abd good tnaterial. can be pul^Mssd elMWbefe<. t ALSO UO A General Bnslness.and will flo jroai' work in the bSst „r of manner and with the least possible delftjr " 5:' HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALITY. ^ Of all kinds promptly attended toy Call a*4 •anXffjtjfjMir*#. ? 1 ,7 MeQpnr^li^ ApHl Md, 197S. y~": F«z Riv« yal% Villi. $ R. BISHOP, Frsprlelsr/ ' " :$4 ,n t,'< \ r*".,! r ! - '• <~i.} *K •:. !»•>- '4 ji&t . * v<i * u ' ' w- ^ ! ? . . . . < : : . *t - T: .> nsnaranteed Hav ia«r inst nnf ia a ne% tied Stone, capable ;M of grinding sixtybnthels of feed per hour. I &n-* S^Tho MllUng Wh ? * •" &*!•' ITIrttuit --- -I- McHenry 111., Bee. 1Kb, 1877. QRAGE'S CEIEBRATKD IALVI CURES § Flesh Wonnds, Frozen Limbs, Salt Bheaai, $ Chilblains, Soi.e Breast, Sore Lips. Erysipelaa. Biagworms, Calluses, Seaid Head, OhapMd % Hands, Bums, Caaeers, Felons, g " Scalds, Sores. Ulcers .1 Wounds, Stings, . Sbinglegt # ^ Festers, wens, 4 „ Sties, i.l ^Piles,. * Abeeas. *;A freci|*k-; : Bunions, ^prains. BoUa Blisters,, Ta Oorns, ScnrVy, ««h, Ingrowing Kails, Settle Bash, XosooM* and Flea Bites, Spider Stiags, , And all cuuneoas diseases and eruptiMM generally. f *';,••• .y,™ For sale by all droggists, grocers.and at ill " eountrv stores thro««hou.t the United SUtes sad British Provfnew, Priea by aaall SO ets. JVUOIVpi Bites, Warts, Pimples, m To Consnmptirw. m 'TpiTf! nilvertiser, having been pemanenfly ^ JL cured ofttet oiraad dlaaasa, Oonsamp- ?:>" ~ raatedy, is aaxions to maao . . . . l i r a m e a n s o f It so will send a copy rith tlon, by a sl_ known to Iris . cure. To all * pre*criptten os«d, (free efebarge,) w_ the direettoaa wr prepaHng and nsing the same, which tlMy wttl^ad t tsn eut^foi al' li«r»li.N. Y ' * Errors of Youth. if* \+%*«*•.,* year ®* lyfei It, the send free direction which ba4. at'by the adviser rf profit by the advie< iri£*i«lrires3ing in pe »OUX B. OGWSN jM '£isiiiW

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