Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jan 1879, p. 1

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} TV: v-ieTT--" •fi- ' lK *5 • * Pledged but to Truths to Liberty and Law? Wo fivoii Win ut and no Fei WMSMY JISÎ GIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY fnbliiliM Svcty Wednesday by W^AJV SLYKE • • JMitor aid Publisher, j Office ill Oldi.O. Block, ml HOCSB.- ;TERM» OJP SUBSOBIPTIfflS: ' : |ne Year, (inAdvance,) £, $180 if not Paid within Three Months....- $ 00 inscriptions received for three of «tx month* It the same proportion. » BUSINESS CARDS.' am AM " H. T. BROWN, M. I>. fUJYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office over the Post Office, opposite Per ry MsrMn» 4 to re. np stairs McHenry 111. B. A. BEERS M. D. > iS>Hr8IOEAK and Surgeon. Office atresidence, , jT^two doors west of Post Office, McHenry J.HOWARD, M 0. > Surgeon. Office at the store 4 Son, McHenry, 111. W> H. BUCK, M. D., fOUI(Of|9HtO Pbytielan and Surgeon.-- L Office mat Side Public Square, Wood Itock, lit. Office .heure U to 13 A», lyo^J F.J. BABBIAN. ders solicited. St bile Square. Shop North ify in. Or- Cast oorner ». PEttKIN§. jTTAGON Maker. fcHonry, 111. General [T Jobbing promptly attended te. Shop, rest of the Public Square. RICIIAK1) BISHOP, TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW L McHenry, 111. i:j^| JMCHAIW OOMPTOM. •••'*:$ jfUSTlCE of the Peace and Conveyancer.-- jlP Will attend promptly to the collection of ^ffebts. Veto, Lake Ctnnty, 111. GEO. A. ttlJCKLlN ro*Air PUBLIC, '0>»veyHne«r and In- I snrance Agent. Office at Bncklin £ >mr» Store, neat the Depot, McHenry, III. | JC. E. ItlCHAKDS. ITA8 a complete Abstract ot Titles to land |1 in McHenrv County, Illinois. Office with County Clerk, Woodstock, III. f--- --! : • r ' EOBT. WRIGHT. hfMnlietarer of Custom Made Boots and |VJL Shoes. None but the best of material ised and all Mrovk warranted. Shop Northwest iorner Public Square, McHenry, ill. E. M. OWEN. _E9TRRAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery* .. 'rices low and Terms favorable. •* « °-h MOHKNRT. ..... ILLINOIS. 8' i: UOTTLEIB BOLEY. [AtOOV andClTen Pin Alley, Lansings Block, near the Depot, McHenry, III,-- Qhoice Br;in<ls of Liquors and Cigars always igjHI . || GKO. SCHRE1NBK. iX and Nearly opposite 5S Vhc^Parker House, McHenry iH." "«>< iBrPirst-Class Billiard and Pool TaMCSt* ress, .1. HONS LETT, A.LOOX ami Ue«taunmt. Nearly oppoeite Owen's Mill, McHenry, III. FreshOysters ve<l up in any shape desired, or tor sale by he Can. «GTGOOD STABLING FOB HORSES..#* W. W. ELLSWORTH. reederof the Celebrated Poland China Hog Also Light and Dark Brahma Fowls; Pljja hipped to all points by express, Woo<lstock, lit., l'KTEtt I.EICKEM. s . EP AIRS Watche r Clocks and Jewelry of \> all kitul*. Also He pa Irs Violins IntheDest liossible manner, on short notice and at res­ oluble rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop rst doer North of Riverside Block, McHenry II. . oland China Swine J OOD Pigs for sale that was sired by Boars that took First Premium and Sweep. takes at State and County Fairs, from $10 to 15 anlecc. W»5 are shipping to some of the •best breeders in the country. For particulars tpply to C. STREET A SON. Hebron, 111. WT A XTHP17 To make a permanent VT xVrN JL IlilJ engagement with a clergyman having leisure, or a Bible Reader, to introduce in McHenry County, the CELE­ BRATED NEW Centennial Edition ot the JIOLY BIBLE. For description, notice edi­ torial in last week's issue of this paper. Ad­ dress at once F. L. HO It TO V ft CO., Publish- Xrs and Bookbinders, 00 B. Market 8t.. Indian- ^polis, Ind. * "S; ' W II ltfW, brown rtere the old woman lived with her lit- grand-daughter JUL Jill's blue es were lull of wonder when she saw k, though she mad ̂ him very wel- me9 giving to him her own little jpbol by the one wihdow in the hut. Jack grew well fast, but he could not ember his name or the place where came from. He thought that Jill was own dear little sister Effie, and so was his poor head that he really ieved thin mean, low hat was the e of the angels. He would ait and in Jill's bine eyes and call her Effie, tell her how much he had missed and how glad he was to be with her . Both the old woman and Jill to be very fond of him as the days Greeks went ofa, until the mountain WMte with saow and the cold win ds made dirtfaal taturfc round the ; I III' ^ 1000 BOYS & GIRLS -ij-i BUSINESS CARDS. C. H. TRUAX. GABPBNTBB and Builder, Nttnds, 111.-Will pat np buildings by the Job oj; dftjr, and guarantee satisfaction. B- V. ANDERSON. M. D. ^ " PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at Gil­bert's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House, McHenry, Illinois. _ E.~BBNNBTT, M. D„ " SURGEON and Accoucher. Diseases of Women a Specialty. Office and Reslden«« on Clar Street Woodstock. III. f . , :n,;^ DR. C.H. WILLIAMS. . >*' . DENTIST, Algonquin, III. AU wofli War­ranted. Teeth extracted in a careful and skillful manner,. DR. C. W. COS, Office Over Smith, Aldrich * DENTIST. Hay thorn's Store. Richihond. 111. SIDNEY DiSBROW, J^OTART PUBLIC and Conveyancer^ den. III. Al­ ii. S. COLBY. TUCRBKRY, McHenry Co., UK Breeder of .u Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkshire and Poland China Swine. A choice lot of youMp Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. ELECTROPATHY. •, Or. Samuel Shermaa, And Wife will lite at their residCftoe miles West of the Depot, on tlic Woodstock road, three days in eaeh week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday's, for the purpose of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from 9 A. M., to 1 P. M. They will also be at the Residence of Mrs. h. A. Clark, in the V Ulage of McHenry, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays of eaeh week. REFERENCESJohn Dornn, Richard Bish­ op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bonslet, James Sntton, John M. Smith. F, K. Granger, Geo. Gage, Ben. Gilbert, Horace Direlly, B«F.Peck, Win. Hutson, Geo, Gilbert. j. A. SHERWOOD AUCTIONE ER K AND APPRAISE '̂; Algonquin, III. ^ gALES of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds promptly attended to. sales s specialty. Terms reasonable. 3ftee add ress Algonquin HI. Farm Post W. H. SAN FORD, Merchant ri In the store of C. H. Dickinson, Bast strf* of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. ® A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings ai­ rways on hand. Suits made to order ana a it warranted- Give me a calL ' W. H, 8ANFORD. Woodstock m.,S<|pt. 17th, 187ft. H. E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished at reasonable rates, done on short notice. Teaming of all kinds y Geo. E Stewart^' Auctioneer. ' ' Hlohmoiid9 III. HM an experience of 1ft vears, and #111 guarantee satisfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to my care, are properly ad­ vertised, or no charge will be made. Terms, from $3 to $i0, according to amount of sale. All orders addressed to Richmond, 111. receive prompt attention. witl «-U tv Weighj Cutlery, Gun and lift_j i Cigars," i'olxacco, Violin Strings mi/eui shop and store near the Poi arms I Henry, 111 Sheri rope j seven with kept durii and® E N C E L N . • ' > I TH! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol­ ishing Itar.nrs and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali­ ty- Repairing of all kinds done in Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant. e<t. Also dealer in Guns, Revolver-*, Table and Pocket Fishing Material, Pipes, Ac. Post Office, Me- Scott WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HATTERS! S. V. Cir Ml An ! .Mini BRANCH STORE! A A dog. A|S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake St's., 41. Cor. Halstod " Harrison St8.f CHICAtor wanted w. zi - - actasasf®'^- best Boy s and Girl's paper published West, Beautiful presents to subscrib- iagents. Every lioy and girl can earn >f JWWWT Mn^asilwK during leisure WJ^ftU.Memidfor it at once. To Jf#Will send .to any address on months, for 10 Cents in cash or Sample of paper and :E- • Address- m_- B ff c eveland, O- • IlLt MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted County rights giyen gratis f«r the Mm well-known Standard Medicines neMedin fvery Yamily; repnt^*iw«| world- ^ ^-I^JJMlSilMlshed many years;* Jjt by a iMwll^D>iiatei»n; proofs of evidence l¥l%AnJ*i'^*»^«Aenerge tic person can i%lE4 '™??!.v5:e and very liberal »y 1^4 ^ference, 233 PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the receipt for a simple Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples and blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instrue- tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address. nclosiug3 ct. stamp, Ben Vandelf A Co. 20 Ann St., New York ' GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVB Is A VEGETABLE PREPARATION •wren ted in the 17th centurv by Dr. William Grace, Surgeou in King Jaines' army Through its agency he cured thousands of the most, serious sores and wounds that bafll ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was regarded by all fho knew him as a public benefactor. r KORTtiWjKaTKft* BAlRflfcNff AffiO- CIATION. The following U the programme of the Thirteenth Annual meeting of tho Northwestern Dairymen*' Association, which is to be held at the Grand Pa­ cific Hotel, Cltfeago, F«b. lUk, mh, and 19th, 1S7D: TUESDAY, VBfk, 11 Ul*. ^ The Association will be called to or­ der at 11 A. M., when the necessary COM* mittees will be appointed* fend then adjourn until afternoon. 3:00. Address of welcome, by Chas. Randolph, secretary of the Chicago Board oi Trade. Response by W, I>. Hoard, of Ft. Atkinson, Wis. 2:30. Opening address by the Presi­ dent, HOD. Hiram Smith, t»f Sheboy­ gan Falls, Wis. * 3^0. '*Breeding dairy stock," Prof, Geo. ®. Morrow, of the Illinois Indns- trial University, Champaign, 111. 4:00. General discussion, embracing cold storage, etc,led by Clias. Baits, of Chicago. 7 ;30, Address by W. D. Hoard, of Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Address by Fran­ cis D.Moulton, of New York, **New thoughts on old topics." Address by Geo. W. Peck, of Peck?$ Sun "Cheese as a Finale." WRDNR8DAT, *BB., IhOO. "The Advantage of the^^llfeiry er creamery system over the dairy sys­ tem of manufacture, as now carried on" Dr. R. R. Stone, of New York; f. A. Smith, of Sheboygan Falls, Wis. 9:30. *'Markcting dairy products," R. M. Patrick, of Marengo, III. W. W. Ingram, of New York. « 10.00. "Random thoughts concern­ ing the dairy,** Thos. Met), Richards, of Woodstock, Ilk; H. G. Dousman. President of the Wisconsin Dairy mens Association. 10:30. "Butter from the f^ed to the package," C. C. Bnell, Rock Fails. 111.; C. It. Beach, Whitewater, Wis.: John Stewart, of Anamosa, low*. Beport of Secretary and Treasurer. 6:00. Election of Officers. 1^0. ** Veterinary matters of direct Interest to dairymen,** Dr. Prentlee, of the Illinois University, Champaign. - 3KX»: "The present depression in prl-> ces of dairy products: the cause and probable results," W. W. Bingham of Marengo#lll.;A. V, Bishop^, of Mil­ waukee. 4.00. "Are we, as dairymen, doing what we ought for our owu Interest ?" Israel Boles, Davis Junotion, 111.; Ches­ ter Ilasen, Ladoga, Wis. 7:30. Address by l>r. John M. Greg­ ory. President of the Illinois Industrial University, Champaign. Address by John fiaecom. President Wisconsin Uni^ersiiyV "The farmer te a citi- THBRSDAT, FKB., 13th. " 64^ **The literature of the dairy .** R. P. McGlincy, Dairy Editor Advocate Elgin, III.; J,Thomas, Sheboygan Falls Wis. IO.-flO. "'Uniformpackages for butter and cheese," M. Swieacr, St. Charles, 111.; D. Richards, Chicago, Goo, E. Gooch. Chicago. ltiOO. ^Profit and losfr in dalryittg.** Rufus Baker, of Adrian. Mich.; W. H. Stewart, Woodstock, 111.; * Geo. W. Weeden. Sheboygan Falls, Wis. 2;00. -Chemistry in Dairying," Prof. R. C. Kenzie, of Lancing, Mich.; Prof. Rodney Welch, of Chicago. 3:30. "Report on International Dai­ ry Fair," Hon. H. D. Sherman, Moiiti- ceilo, Iowa. * 4:00, "Best mode of feeding oows for profit," W. C. White, Kenosha, ipis.; Colonel R. M. Little, Davenport, Iowa. A committee has been appointed to confer with the railroads and secure reduced rates if possible, , The Association will meet In the La- dies'sOrdianrv of tlie Grand Pacific, and the Dairymen, Manufacturers of batter and chcese, and the manufac. Hirers of dairy implements, are cor­ dially invited to meet with us on this occasion, and aid in making this meet­ ing the mo st interesting and profit­ able yet held. V The Grand Pacific Hotel will reduce rates to members attending the con­ vention. HUIAH SM1TB, President. Sheboygan falls, Wis. R,P. MCGLIVCT, See'y., Elgin, Illinois. V JfiTThe Court of Inquiry convened In Chicago to investigate the conduct of Major Reno at the battle of Little Big Horn, was Investigated through the Introduction of a letter from Frederick Whittaker, who Is gathering materials for the biography of Gen. Custer,and claims tha|* the massacre of the bratffe General and his command was owiug principally to the coward­ ice of Maj. Reno, and his disobedience of orders. The Court of Inquiry was appointed at the request of Major Reno, and all the facts in the terrible aflair of June 25, 1876, will ^doubtless fully develop and attach the blame where it rightfully belongs. rate PENSION BILL, Aa act to provide that all pensions on account of death or wounds received or disease oontracted in the service of the United States during the late war of the rebellion, which have been granted, or which shall hereaf­ ter be granted, shall commence from the date of death or discharge front the service of the United States, and for tiie payment of arrears, pensions, and other purposes. Be it enacted, ctc«, That all persons which have been granted under the general law regulating pensions, or may hereafter be granted in conse­ quence of death from cause which orig­ inated in the United States service during the continuance of the late war of the rebellion, or in consequence of wound*, injuries, or disease received or contracted In said service during said war of the rebellion, shall com­ mence from the date of discharge from said service of the person on whose ac­ count the claim hss been or may here­ after be granted, or from the termina­ tion of the right of the party having a prior title to such pens ion: provided, the rate of pension for the Intervening time for which arrears of pension are hereby granted shall be the same per month, for which the pension waaorig­ inally granted. SEC. 2. That the Commissioner of Pensions Is hereby authorised and di­ rected to adopt such rules and regula­ tions for the payment of arrears of pensions hereby granted as will be necessary to cau*e to be paid to such pensioners, or if pensioners shall have died, to the person or persons entitled to the same, all such arrears of pensions as the pensioner may be, or would have been, entitled to under this act. Sec. 3, That Section 4,717 of the Re­ vised Statutes, which provides that no claim for pension not prosecuted to a successful issue within five years from the date of the filing of the same shall be admitted without the recording of evidence from the War or Navy De­ partment Of the Injury or disease which resulted in disability or death of the person on whose account the claim Is made;provided, that In any case on which limitation prescribed by this section bars further prosecution of a claim, the claimant may present through the Pension Office to tho Ad­ jutant General of the Army or the Surgeon General of the Navy evidence that the diseaso or injury which re­ sulted in disability or death of the person on whose account the claim Is made originated in the eervlce and in the line of dnty, and If such evl- denco Is deemed satisfactory by the officers, to whom it may be submitted, he shall cause the record of the fact so proved to be made and a copy of the same transmitted to the Commission­ er of Pensions, ami the bar to the pros­ ecution of the claim shall thereby be removed, aud the sauie is hereby re­ pealed. SEC. 4. No claim agent or other per­ son shaU be entitled to receive any compensation for services in making application for arrears of peusiou. SEC, S. That all acts or parts of acts so far as they may conflict with the provisions of this act, be and the «ime jire here by re pealed. jgjp.t»It jg )iever too late to mend."-- This maxiom, which has found a ready answer in the minds of all classes. In all the conditions of life, and which has successfully been put in practice by many, has found a parallel In the fol- ftfrwinfe: "It is never too late to learn." We all, every day, around us. see men pursuing their avocation in their re­ spective spheres. The mechanic, working at his bench; the artisan, de­ vising some ingenious contrivance or bringing in shape some ideal concep­ tion. Physicians, lawyers, men en­ gaged in merchantile pursuits, a]] have labored more or less assiduously to per­ fect themselves in their trade or In their profession. Not one of them, that is of the rational, right thinking class, is imbued with the idea that he is the complete master of his profes­ sion. Every day will biing to light new ideas, new modes of accomplish­ ing the same objects; results unthought of before are achieved by some novel piece of mechanism; erroneous ideas are corrected, and antiquated customs are dropped altogether, to give place to other usuages more in accordance with the progressive spirit of the age. 9SrSenst thou much snow left o» the lagging; verily It is in front of the house of the slothful man. He sitteth by the fire to keep himself warm, neither will he depart for a scuttle of coal. When the housewife crieth aloud for pall of water, he hath not his boots on. In the day when the storm falleth he secludeth himself; be saith to the snow shovel, "Ha, ha; let us rest in peace " So his sidewalk is an abomina­ tion in the eyes of the people and his name is in every man's mouth.--JSx- change% . The best Overcoat for tl|4 least money, at Laurer & Becker's 27. IMigilllli > ajoWH. No observiag peree«can have the care of a herd of cows long, without noting a great variance In the charac­ ter and dUpotitlon of the different animals. The famous Mrs, Partington once remarked, tSiat "there Is as much difibretKe In folks as there Is in any­ body,"--and it is j«ts^ so with cows,-- The feminine peculiarities that we are apt to note in our own kind may, many of them, be detected among the domestic animals. Some cows are so phlegmatic and good natnred that a moderate amount of IIS treatment does not seem to disturb their equa­ nimity. Others are naturally vicious, and will kick and hook without provo­ cation, There is another class that, while hot vicious, are so nervons that they may easily be made to appear ugly, and In time really become so, In consequence of rough handling and carelessness. It requires a consider­ ate and good dlepoeitloned man to manage snch cows and get along with them. They must be humored, spoken kindly to, and gently handled In milk­ ing. Swearing at them, or beating them, demoralises them fearfully, and makes them almost useless in a short time. It is often among the very best milkers and butter»makers that these nervous animals occur, and we cannot afford to have their value thus impair­ ed. No violence should be allowed among the cows at any time; but if yo« have Impatient help, or are quick tempered yourself, let some parson who doseu't get mad so easily, milk the nervous eow», A cruel man ought never to have fisrge of any atock whatever. ,;.vl Hoir A Salary Was ItolHi A'ifew days ago, during one of hit rounds through ids palatial hotel, the landlord of the Palmer House entered a room suddenly aud discovered a win­ dow-washer leisurely engaged 1B read­ ing a newspaper. Being very active himself he had no nse for a laay man, or one who slights his work. He dis­ charged the washer on the spot and ordered him to go to the offloe for his pay. The man obeyed, got his money, went to his room on the uppei floor at rayed htjtteelf lu his Sunday salt, packed up his duds and descended to the servant** apartment to take leave of his former associates. About this time Mr. Palmer entered, bnt did not recognize his quondam employee in his store clothes, "Here, my good man. yotr loOfc as though there was good work in you; do you want ajobf" The ex-washer, somewhat surprised, admitted that he stvod lu need of one. MCan you wash windows f" The man allowed that he could. **Well," _ said Mr. Palmer, uPve just discharged a man who has been doing that sort of work. I paid him only 920 a month, httt lf you take the place and go right to work I'll pay you 929." The prop^ osition was quietly accepted, and in half an hour the discharged employee was scrubbing away in iha mmm old room.--Chteago Time*. OUT OF A SHAHK S MOUTH.--In the United Service Museum, Whitehall Yard, London, England, are exhibited the jaws ofa shark, wide open, and en­ closing a tin box. The history of this strange exhibition Is as follows: A ship on her way to the West Indies fell in with and chased a suspicious looking oraft which had all the appearance of Miaver. During the pursuit, the chase threw something overboard. She was subsequently captured, and taken into Port Royal to be tried as a slaver. In the absence of the ship's papers and other proofs, the slaver was not only in a fair way to escape condemnation, but her captain was anticipating the recovery of pecuniary damages against his captor for illegal detention.-- While the subject was under discus­ sion a vessel came into port, which had followed closely in the track of the chase just described. She had caught a shark, and in its stomach was fennel a box, which contained the slaver's pa­ pers. Upon the strength of this evi­ dence the slaver was- condemned. TMi wrltteff account is attached to the box. ome short time ago we pub­ lished A brief notice of a new periodi­ cal. the ""fenn Tan Mystery" which had beenstarted by one Leon Lewis, along with his wife Harriet, well known to reader* of the New York I«^er,ai a prollfle' writer for that paper, of aenaational stories. Mr. Lewis promulgated su4h a generous prospectus, that we willingly gave him the notice he solicited. But alasf how are the mighty fallen! It U asserted by a correspondent from New York that he has gone to Europe before the seoond number of his paper could appear, and token with him Miss Julia Wheeloek, a young girl 16 years of age, the pretty nefve o.f Harriet Lewis. Leon left about #80,000 of debts, and cm-ried off about $80,000, subscription (to the and so the mystery it solved.-~(%«x*/mre Me- Congress Is like a child with a set stint to do In jiwt such a *lth« who al. ways leaves Itand stays playing and dilly-dallying until only illumes are left &f the task and not quite eqpngit for til accomplishment without haet*. Invariably there are important mat-? ters, that need much noneideration and the most ear*fta! Legislation, left till ] perhaps the day before adjournment. and then hastily disposed of because' J Congress has apparently frittered f away its Valuable time In 3dle discus* J slon «r wicked wrangling. Thfc year ^ was exceptional. Every session is sure 1 to havo something in it that some one I calls exceptional. But before the | holidays the present Congress did an unprecedented amount of work withi " little debate. To hold ite tongue and i still attend to the co nntry's afialrs 1st v the most astounding feat an American^ i Congress over performed. - The 4Atfc Congress did it and it Istnbe ardent­ ly hoped It will kee» to lllt eame man­ ner during the rema!niB$ilve® wnoN^I of lis existence. Of the eleven a#pt«.|| prlation bills before it, six were dls- . posed -of In two weeks before the holi-* day recess. Senator Edmunds, frosty and weary and comberaome as he seems, tacked gway m *ome oorner of Mi wise . old headtiiueh of^hnssor Bad poetry.;'̂ On the morning of the Senate's assem> " | bllng after the recess he enlivened hit half frosen brethren with Ate sarcasm. "In the glad momlBg <w : New Year, wheat peace, i*y, hope and uncord prevails in all seertone or country, I Want to add to this geBeill̂ : happiness by submitting % resol<*toa which I hope will be untversiHy ted." He then presented a resolution^ declaring the legality of the 33th, 14th,f 16th, amendmente to*th« Coustltn- „ tlon; whlchMmM%OttM tend ment tfcft wmkf ppoeed* to «s!st * ^tween the eeetioRS, || The feei'tbat Washington Is fceoom- log the bullness as well as political Capital of the Nation is illustrated ̂ the snoeees of the Seal Sttote JReview a paper started only a short time ago'c - hy B.H. Warner & Oo, and whioh has *h«adf become gto organ «f that branch o! bnslaees in all parte oi tha' country. Real estato tiwwmione for . Texas or Colorado art fl* eaaily BNute^v here, where business men gather from ail quarters, as at home. There used to he in Washington > clubs formed by natives of tlst Slates known as State Assoeiatioaa whloh met regularly, planning aada»C ; coating political labor. Bnt two year«;t ago when ihe executive order pudHM* ^ ting ofBee-lioiderS fr^Bi taking part IB' politics was issued these organtaatlo* were disbanded. The President:satd, "1 wish to entirely divoroe the etvU : . servloe from the poiittcal parties of |he country" being constme^ im wmm-, that all these and similar As|odiatlona ̂ must bo abolished. These olfcbe were • made up of department clerics and all v' disbanded save those of Pennsylvania |f| and lllino^t which denied the right of the President "or My other man" to . ' dictate to them what %ey. snoolddo " out of office hours. But either the eree or its power appear to feavo .̂ passed away for now nearly all tho ^ State Associations have been reviv«<l|| and are ia working order. & The events of the Inst week at tbo Capital have been Mrs. Hayes* Ant re­ ception of the season, a weak ago this" ' afternoon? The Presidents lie entertalnmoBt of the atiUMM.OB.;!"- Tuesday «venlng; the Prof. Henry memorial services held at the Capitol I on Thursday evening;and the Council -• at L îiMlt^Hall, On Friday maî when Chief Josepli Yellow Ball and>; other promiueui Chieft met in ftoB In- \ dian rig to consult with the "Whiter;. Brothers" oonleraing the Bad Men's afialrs in connection with the whitoe and tiielr wishes. These Indians aro : | shrewd enough. There is BB danger , » of their being over-reached. v N At last, after a month of cold, snow, rain andmist wi& eoarcely a singla bright day, we are enjoying snnshiaB^ ' and moderate weather. Otits, 9SfA man passing throiq^i a gate- / way in the dark ran against a p»at,«~ f "I wish that post was In the lower re* glonsT was his aagry remark, terwish it was somewhere else,'1 B: bystander* it ff^in, MYo« might run againet gfirSohunou was paragraphers of his have reoelved salary of par< day, or he seven Prevention Check a C remedy which hen 25 cents. Sold by 111. -t.. v>mm: •fj * ' 'v» , W:- . a;- *1 d have air it.

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