Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jan 1879, p. 5

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I I sj J»l li, 1878 ai*» -- rmMm. tKiaeva »ft# Q«MTI Lake: 7 «Sft A ! •»».a 10:0t A. V. TUftr.x Referring to an advertisement, ;• ie, /-^thls paper, of Die Weekly Nation ̂ ire h »' . f ®®r tkW Jouraa)/«# for om year, to / >^ all new subscribers to oar'paper, or old ;> '{i)ont§ w1to W ®»« W *» advance,-- |'he Nation It a weekly Literary and ^Educational Journal, oontalni ng eight large pages o* valuable reading matter each week, and will be a valuable ac­ quisition to your reading for the year. 0*11 at this office and see a copy. I I» CHAPELL and wife, of Algonqoln spent Sunday with the family of C. B. .^Curtis, tn this village. " ';..f; yj H, D. HJFF and wife* and Mrs. iter- i«i«n Owen, of Chicago, are visiting jjftiends In this village. How. F \K. GKANOKR. came home from Springfield on Thursday last, re- Jmaittingover Sunday and returning to s^the State Capitol on Monday. WK wish to Inquire who disturbed :the "Bantams" on Booster Avenuef It was a goots qollV yow wanted old .^follow. " I W4NTOD, by a pri liter, who will work Tor reasonable wages, a situation. Ad- T ^dress. U. H, TUSSLE PLAIKDEALKU, MO- ^ Henry, 111. • . v' i i •• FA ^ A PABTT from Kunda numbering •"f^lftwn or twenty paid Mr. .and Mrs. H, Holme) astuprlse visit on Mouday .^4^'ovening of last week.: Miss. KATE THKLAN, oi Minneapolis. , ^ Minn* nleee of Joseph Gillie, is visiting 'here. She says they have no sleighing .f^'-In that part of Minnesota this winter. '/HAT we are to have a new Steam- V-boat Is almost a fixed fact. We are In- ^ formed that work will be commeaeed f§|as soon as the weather will permit, . -A?-* OH the first page of this paper 'can be Mj^fonnd the programme of the North- western Dairymen?* Association, which ^Is-to be held at Chicago on the ilth, ,ul2tb« and 13th, of February, fp A very pleasant surprise Was glten *'^Xto Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Story on We dap s- ',day evening last at their residence, by ti>e ,o|,i8 of this vi.liage. .All wlio attended report a good time* "DON'T tell me tlte times are getting i*.J!better." growled an old lady at the post ?y^;«fHce yesterday., **Here tliey are a*k- J, lug jw»t a* much for stamps tos?uda .^letter to my son in Virginia as they •;jdld durlug the war.** Trnt Ice men were busy at vrnrk tip *;|fo Monday, and had the thaw held oft would have their houses all full during this week. The rlltiof Monday, how- .•v^erer, made a "cessation of hostilities** •i-^tMoessarv for the time being. O. BISHOP has lately put steam $$§!pipes In: tits Warehouse, and Is how ?'cheating the same by steam,having dls- "'^carded his stoves entire. This he l|<it|ms he can do at hajifvthe expense Of S<4ther wood or coal* '#$ THK McHeury County Teachers || Association will hold their next meet- Ing at Woodstock on Saturday i|pxt, ^ February 1st. AH Teachers and others ^ wbo are interested in the cause of edn- f cation, are earnestly requested to be present, . ,v • • -^ OUR young folks, to the number of 3 thirty or more perpetrated a surprise • on Mlis Jennie Beers, on Monday even- 'T;.\ln*' and if we are lo judge from the * .<&! hilarity manifested they had a royal f good time. Jdflss Beers starts to-day - M or to-morrow for Chicago, where she is &V?§ attending Music School. /: JT, J. DC CARTKKBT, more familiarly known around Fox Lake as" Tadpole," has returned from St. Louis, where lie *1 has been spending the winter. It will .»* ' be remembered he made the trip last Fall from Fox Lake to St. Louis by water. He reports that he was six l| weeks on the trip, and whileheenjoyed ^ 1It, caret not to try It over, T .> i%* % „ . -- . , J Wif, Lmm^x,of Bingwood, who I* 'J 'V v constantly traveling around the 7 . country. It authorized to take subscrlp- (1 , ̂ tlon for the PLAIWDBALKB, receive w'.'. '* money therefor and receipt for the I* -4'$% same in our nams. We are. now send- Ah' }• ^ " 1 U • "v. . •• ""•/...i "• ing out quite a nnmber of sample copies of the PLAIKDKAUCB to those who are not subscribers, and we hope those who recelve them will give them * careful perusal, and when Mr. Lang- ham calls give him their names. : '£• '< yi BIOALKI, the young man who glarlzed Cristy's store at Bingwood, was Indicted by the Grand Jury; arranged before the Court, plead guilty and was sentenced to State's Prison for the term of three years. This was quick work. Just two weeks from the day he committed (he crime he was Silenced to Jfrilet. If this prompt ju&ioe was administered to all crim ittal* there would bei i«jret at their last Asniial Meeting declared a on ^Jtltal Stock of *Wpe*cea*. AlsottiltvidMd of one cent pA bathe! to til of Cti- cumbers fcube year WTi,for which they can receive their orders of Gee. A.Bucklfu, Secretary, at the store of KiMkiitl AT, REGULAR meetings are being held every evening * in the M. E. Church. Cottage meetings every afternoon. Place of holding mentioned previous evening, Pa*tor W. A. Adron. Is assisted by W. E. Blaekstoae, an earn­ est christian worker andgoapol singer from the Young Ment Ohrlatlaa Asso­ ciation Booms. Chicago.? THK exercUes before the Richmond High School on Monday evening, were put over one week when Prof. T. V. Eddy, of Keystone, will speak In the art room. Some new students are ex­ pected this week from Evanston 111. Prof, Stanley's old home, and others ere back again who have been home some time past, either sick themselves or taking care of the sick. •-••••••• •• THR dwelling house of Jerry Sher­ man, about two miles West of this vil­ lage, was burned to the ground on Fri­ day last between the hours of 13 and 1 o'clock noon. The fire cajght from a defective chimney, and had got under such headway before it was discovered that a large portion of the furnittire! and clothing of the family was burned Loss about •$1200. Insured for $600 in the American Insurance Company of Chicago. v> GANNON, tlte rantankernu* Texan, who attempted to bulldoze the citizens of Nunda at the muzzle of a revolver, was tried at Woodstock last week and sentenced to pay a fine of 925, which he did without a murmur. This was .a light sentence, but If he will profit by the lesion the euds of justice will be accomplished, and he may consider himself lucky that in his wild cafeer on that day he did not do some one bodily harm. v > Missionary Sociable. The Ladies Foreign Missionary Soci­ ety will meet at Mrs. J. Carter's in Bingwood on Thursday of this week. A large attendance is desired. There will be a Beading, by Mrs.S, II. Walker, and such other exercises as may be prepared to All the programme. The last meeting of this society was held in McHeur?, the literary exercises con­ sisting of a reading by Miss Nina Walker, and an essay by Wm. Xickle, y B|* order Secretary. A pleasant surprise party took place at the residence of C. B. Curt it On Sat­ urday evening last, where f.ur rUizeus to the number of about twenty-five, unexpectedly assembled, bringing along their refreshments, taking Mr. and Mrs. Curtis completely by surprise. But they were equal lo the oucaslou and eutcrtained all who came In the .most pleasant and agreeable manner. It was the second gathering Of tlte kind In this village this vrluter and was highly enjoyed by all. IN another column can bo found' a 1 let ol Price* by Frett & Son, of the MoHenry Meat Market. Wo noticed while pawing their Market that they have fixed up in a style second to none outside of the city, and their varieties of |ucat? include everything to be found lu the country. They make It a point to please their customers both tn quality and price, and that they do it Is evidenced by their large and increas­ ing trade. Rea^ their prices else­ where and call and take a look at • their shop. * BY a notice in another column It will be seen that a grand Concert and Ball, for the benefit of the German School aud Sabbath School of Woodstock. Is to be given by Fred Marcus, at National Hall, in that city, on the evening of Feb. 30th, at which time Prof. A. Kossenbecker, the celebrated Violinist, from Chicago Musical College, who said t.o be one of the best innsiciaus in Northwest, will be present, aud assist. This Coucert will be one of the best musical treats ever ottered in this couuty, aud should, as It no doubt will, draw a full house. Bead the uotice elt|where. , , OSTBSO SCHOOL, . JSOTTOR PTATIFOEAIBI'IMTHL:I!IL« lowing Is a correct re port of my A class in spelling for the two weeks, ending Jan. 17th, examination written, whole number of words pronounced 475: Frank Burroughs, 10-250; Elmer Ingalls 475, Edson Morse, 4-375; William Baird 1-475; Clinton Clat%, 1-475; Ammio Francisco, 475; Dora Whiting, 6-425; Dora Thomas, 7 450; Mary Jecks, 325; Number of scholars enrolled, 25; Aver­ age daily attendance, 22. Number of vi*ltora,18. A. I*. FRAVCtBOOk Teacher. Baggage and Freight hauled from Mcilenry to Johnsburgh at.reasonable rates. Trip twice a week, by H. Dnginger, Johnsburgh, 111. " Our citizens, to till1 forty, w#***bt forf Ohas.lI. Trjron, in tfhfc on Itaivaday nlgtit last, and #t»tli>ror not wo twoeeded In very mmh anr- prising him (Captain Try on won't al­ low himself to be surprised) we cer- taiuly had ®»e os the swsi times «f tiie i season. In the first place the sleigh­ ing was A 2fo,l, and ail wtio went oat enjoyed It in the highest degMe. Tim party aimpt at Qipt. be- tvfeen sewrand eight o'clock, and by his pcrrriuiton took possession of his handsome and spacious residence, where everything that oonld be was done by htm and his estimable lady for the comfort and pleasure of the visit­ ing party. About half past nine the tables were spread and an Oyster'Sup­ per was served, of which all partook with a relish after which, with music, singing, games, and social Intercourse the time was whiled away until about 11 o'clock, when the party returned to McHenry, having enjoyed a very p leaa ant evening and a fine sleigh ride. CAFT. TKYOX'S NEW UpVMK Is without question one of the finest in the county, and is an honor to his taste and judgment. No description we can give of It in this short notice will half €o it justice. We shall speak of It again at some future time. A bouncing boy has put to an ap­ pearance Leonard Howe's. Next! Temperana* Society* Ri'ngwood, Jan, 37th. 187% EDITOR PLAINI>EALEUJ--A number of the young folks of this place, being desirous of organizing a new temper­ ance society, uiet at the school house on la%t Thursday evening for that puiv pose. Miss Nellie Lada having called the meeting to order, J. J. Vfbey was clioseu President for the eveulug. It was first decided that the society should be called the "Friends of Temperance,** after which the following oUlcers was cieeted. For President, J. W. Griin- old by. Sectary, J. J. Vasey, Treasurer Miss N. Walker Chaplain. Miss H. Smith. Tim pledge, after having been read by the President, WM passed aud stgued by twenty five names, after which a committee was appointed to make out a programme fui^lie next evening. The audience then listened very attentively to the reading of a piece by Mist Hattle Smith, after which Mr. Wm.Nicklo was called upon for a few remarks ot^the subject oi "Temperance," which ho gave in a most, commendable manner. The uext meeting will be heid at the same place on Thursday evening. Jan. 30th. and a plehsaut time may be expected, as the names of some of the be*t speakers Bingwood affords are on the pro­ gramme .Too much praise cannot be given to the young people for their indefatigable energy In working for this great cattse of Temperance. J. J, VASBV, seorvlarjr. i • NUNOAv • EDITOR PLAIN DKAI.KU • Mrs.Leaeh's son, W. W. McU«e. i» here visiting his mother. Last Sunday Collins preached to the largest congregation that it has been our lot to see inside of ^a Church in Nuuda for many a day. What Is everybody's business It no­ body's business and that no doubt is the reason why oueof our town wells It not fixed, which lnCouv««teuces many of our town's f>eople, Joe Brlggs, the fellow who worked for G. II. Clayson something over a year ago, has committed suicide.-- Whisky was the cattse. He was the fellow who became to notorious On a certain Fourth of July, running away with Clayton's horse and ElzettY bug­ gy and daughter. That is he wanted to run away with the daughter but site gave him the slip at Mcilenry. Jo& was one of the fittest landscape paint­ ers that was ever in this section.-- Clayson has several of them. H's tal­ ents as an artist were second to. none and to tliink that Demon Alcohol blighted his, what might have been a bright future In his case, It a strong temperance lesson. We think "Rambler** ought to let Elzea and his family alone. The poor old man moved over there because It was strictly anti-mason lu that vicini­ ty. He left here because he made more Masous than he converted and what's more he got away with almost as large a man as "Rambler" and our advice to him is to keep out of tho old fellows clutches. But then we won't say anything to "Rambler" for we kuow that we conld not hold a candle to him In a newspaper confab, for he will say worse things than we dare thifd|« yr ' ig or tne "Maid No song, however. Much has been sun with Golden Hair." has yet been able to make that color a popular one for any considerable length of time. Light red faded or sandy hair are equally under the ban of public opinion. We are happy to announce to our readers who desire to change those colors, that three applications of Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia will give them beautiful auburn tresses posses­ sing all that soft, lustrious appearance t0 j so desirable In thla chief adornment of 1 female beauty. "MU A/1,, Re v, Ha flmn Cri tch? 11 old Sa itkhiseod - week. greeted hit day last Mlfam HWfcs Is bowid t«> tell kit en­ tire •toeftofStevet before the oold weather It ever. F. W. Mead hat sold hit little tag te Geo. Eldredge. George a great dealer in stock. ̂ ̂ Jack How(e) It "Queen Esther" now? 1 hear you are cultivating her acquaint­ ance. ft Robert Turner has Just told hit term of 340 acres, lying about a ratle eatt of tdlrn, to MestK Greely & Rehans. Shep Ercanbeck is hauling lumber to put up an ice house and butter factory on lilt farm In Hebron. An unusually satisfied look upon th« face of "Harm" Cole in explained by Mie fact of the advent of a new too and heir." Never to late to mend. Messrs Glover ft Backus, our lumber­ men are doing a large trade, for the season, I &m glad to see It, for the en­ terprise deserves encouragement. Bro. Stanley, don't brag over that Italf dollar thut you got of Jim. quite so muoti! You might have had It be­ fore If you had only asked for It. A donation party for Bar.F.J. Douglass at Genoa next Friday night. I'll give him a job of tawing ten cordt of wood at a fair price. On the evening of February ftth Anna Eliza Young will lecture before the Genoa Lectnre Attoclatlon, Glad our neighbors offer at §ucb a treat, Eddie Smith, a gentlemanly young fellow from Geneva, attending the High School, was enticed into Chip. Sherman's jewelry shop amJL somewhat pounded by Ed Sherman, one day last week. Cause: Smith kicked a dog be­ longing to the Sherman family. - • • Dr, Bennett's barn was burned oti the 25th, ot December, and a newnnd better one was finished on the old site JMU This Is considered a quick job*, when we take into aoaoutit that the cold weather suspended the work for one week during the time. John Brown A Sou did the work. ? SPECIAL NOTICE. In order to reduce their stock to the lowest possible point, and to prepare 'for the spring trade, Bucklin & Stevens will offer un- usual inducements in « gfent variety of Goods to close. They have a few overcoats to close at a bargain. Also broken suits, Pants and Vests at eost and less than cost to close. Call and see, and they will snit \ouin wise. ^ January 29th. 1879, \ , FARMTO RENT. ̂ ̂ Situated about 3 miles Southwest of Mcilenry, known as the Dunn farm con-, sitting of 80 Acres, with good build­ ings and Orchard. Will be Rented on reasonable terms for cash. For furth­ er particulars inquire of C, H. PARKS. Mcilenry, Jan. 14th, 1879. Eugene Lawson artived In Rich­ mond Saturday night. He comet to visit old friends, and will receive* hearty welcome. Mr. Lawson It one of our Richmond boys who went West to make his fortune. He Is located at> BtiseeH, Russell Co. Kansas, and eu<> gaged in a prosperous mercantile busi­ ness. I am glad to leaf# ttt" Uls suo- eeiia. _ - A merrier party ehaii «w# wWclf Invaded Charley Tryon's last Wednes­ day night, never woke the echoes with a hip, hurrah! It was a to called "surprise," but who ever caught Charley napping. His elegant mansion was thrown open to his visitors. Grant was granted the freedom of Loudon, but what was that to the freedom of Charley Tryon's spacious house t If Its walls could tell the tale, what histo­ ry of laughter and joke, and hearty greeting would nnfold--all of last Wednesday night! It would take col- ums to tell It all, to I must refrain. We get Heaven by glimpses as we tread the thorny road of life and one glimpso comet threngti Charley Try oil's' windewa. Am annonymoot letter, tlanderlng In an outrageotit manner, one of our best and most prominent cltlient, hat been In clr^ulatioH for a few days, being handed from otie too another with the Injunction not to tell anybody. The man who keeps It In his possession for the purpose of lending It out, under ft promise of secrecy. Is too good a man to^be engaged in such a business and his best friends are astonished that he has been made a catspaw of by sharp-, er, meaner aud more desigulug men. He admlta that he has nothing against the slandered party, aud that that par­ ty had always used him like a gentle­ man. Those interested know that he is not at the bottom of this bad busi­ ness, but know that he It being used by two or three villlans to carry out their own nefareout end*, and at the same time escape the penalty of the law. The boss sneaks In this abomina­ ble business knew that the circulators of such a totter would be liable In heavy damaget and hence they secured she go-between. The writer of tlte an- nonyinont letter It a red-mouthed, blatphemoot tlanderer, who married a wife In thla vicinity and who hat the reputation of living with thlt wife in the same block in Chicago with anoth­ er living wife. You needn't go out­ side of that family and its boss to get at the bottom of tlie whole thing of the letter. The whole plot Is abom­ inable beyond expression, And the slimy, suaky, sanctimonious tneaka, Who have thut made a tool of a better tnan than themtelves to disseminate their venom, are the rarest exhibition in the history ot Rich®**, of low depraved, brutal and Mfifrengefut in stincts. Now, If they have any blow­ ing to do, the public can have the names of all concerned, (R black and white. I*!!lp.-|L €btt*ft4i<iit Friday ne of the this at anient uttlNm:.!NMtt -44|fvered wUMnalmqr mm Ms* tfctMe was ' Hard Tl*«* iwdlt mefclylMndled. She gave an review of the financial crisis t&»t£U vvhlisU tbo cotm£cy. l»as parsed SSHCB toe flraHiiios. down to KIM pretent piiiiid. of deprettion and itMHiAiHf' their cantet. Her .. ., , . '0*_' present Ift'fpiit'rMogy, Of thlilpili^MMili the «y hard tlRMei (rfiieepll thie%is) m throughout Hm RRtiiatt, fWlrflc and prl vate, ami to ̂ »ttlttf1fl»l *<*iwhlse Into the handsef the l|ttflst foreigner. AgreelngWlth hetMKMg|j||pM»y Intelli­ gent person aMttedlte ftMHty of herleoture. ••••*&%;*; ̂ ' Preaching every evening last week and this. That makes me think I at­ tended divine worship a week ago Sunday at the Baptist church, expect­ ing to hear a good sermon at of course I did, but little thinking I should be favored with a compliment, as my friend aaid co-laborer the Herald cor­ respondent, but behold! In the midek of his call to repentance he reminded his hearers of the woodwork your hum­ ble servant Is endeavoring to do, tn very.befitting terms. Hit text was from Mark, 10th Chapter aud a part of the 31st verse, "One thing though iackest." Hit comparisons were good. The! wall full of "ciphers" with the little (1) up at the right hand corner, was a power* fol Illustration. At the dote of the sermon the preacher stepped down to whisper with Bro. Robinson* 1 suppote he asked him If he wanted to £|ve the Herald another add. In theefMag I listened with wrapped attention to a termon from Bro. Mtre at the X. X, Church, Text--1'Nothing bit leaves.** Tim hearers were to -eifcetei with the thrlilitig account of the little lobster, and hla pawing and scratching amo^t the leaveaof the ISIM pond?' after the heated debate with"the miller, that there was hardly a face In the house that dl4«ft show deep emotion. Pr. Ward wgMpMeeremofilously called out inthe.^^Mtof1 this elevating discourse to see *||meiit at every one supposes. [Our correspondent, In addition to the above, has tent its an account of a illsgmsefnl proceedings which took place a few nights since, in which several prominent Individuate were connected, but we are obliged te leaVs it out for want, of room. It Sertalnly wat a most disgraceful affair,, and at we Itave the uamet of the paftlet we n^ay feel It our datjr to vtnjllitiUls o u r n e x t , -- : SPIIIHO OKOVft. ^ ItyiTOK PfcAtXDKAt,«R*-*ll«WI It Wy scarce again. Nobody died, no born, none married, no one gone to'the Atylum.nor yet to the poor house, but that is not saying who won't, for we have a fair chance. Snow It going very fstt now and we are glad to rha?S a little milder weather. O Joe, we iire sorry for yen now that she lias gone and left you, but we must say that you stuck te her well when yon had the ehanoe. We had a kissing pavty la our town last Friday night and we were among the favored ones. We had a fipe time, yon bet, bat we wat terry that we were not high toued enough, and therefore wat ont of onr place. Our Millers are doing well and keep good flo&r and feed always on hand which they will tell as cheap as auy one. Our school teacher and tcholart went last Friday to visit Mr.Bmrgsr'a school, at Volo, and they report a good time. ' BOTTOM REACHED. tTntll further notice, we wilt tell Meats, FOR CASH, at the following rates: Beef Steak,to 10cts. Beef Roa8t.'»,<> * 7 to 8 cts Pork ...........,.•..•.....8 to 0 cts Corn Beef......... ................1 cts Boiling Beef, ...i to 7 eta. I8r%be b?»t Brands of OYSTEB8 as Low ss toe Lowsii, agd always on hand. We keep none but the best of Meats aud are bound not to bo undersold^- *nd MoHeury, Jan. 28th, 1879, fjVV, • TAXES' TAXE»Is;44<^ Tlte nndertlgned Is now ready for the Collection of Taxes fc< to f»«wit of Mcilenry, and will be at ttm ing places at the time named^ Monday at Johnsburgh. . out of Four 6* Only teen two Call and make a Fifty Plow#, # - tw® different geared at K. M. Owen's suit. Examine Courtland if you want a cheap, go to Lane# Clothi Lausr % Mrs. Sallf«hnry has aehoic« seleetion of Holiday Pr#M)M t>o not foil te give her a call and team prfoes. } , GREAT BlPHGTl^t In the priest of |» Malo Boots ami Shoes, Don't fall te tee them be- «»d Wiitiag Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. Paper Stop at E.M.Owen's and see new the- Geared Cortland Wagon. New Steels of «;iotlis. ̂ Ready»M%de Clothing, for the Fa&l trmde j»st received MLauor & Becker's, near the Depot. ' WOOBCSOPS'KKS WAMTIIX . Eight or : tan. good Wood ehoppets wanted Ipssediately. Inquire > of John W. Smratti. CASH! OMS!CASH! wm bny ̂ MHttwry for the nest tweet/days at cost, atMre PUMPS, A large Stock of Adams cftltbristed KeitothaPnmpt. teMPaaspsand at loweat prices, at I. M. 0mm* Uncle Sasn's Harness OH put onto your harness willmake the leather took ne#, and keep It toft Give It a trial. BOARDERS WAXTEt*. The nndsrelgaed Is imjtf p take a nambet ef Staardttrs, best of aceemmodatlont : Bstidenee m»r the Bohbol Hmise. Xciteary. Dee. Kith, 'MS, . mMksi say one W^ ̂ P'liii^ie of < la Boots la mmmm is « eetmter, laaereote, dlft îsr piece ar îmallng tKst ta not cast /roBi n goo<L thick, plees e»f sols leather. : • BOOTS 4t SHOia Ttlsa conoeiled fact that l̂ lia**- te Qnttom Made_ lliwts aad ̂ oes have no s«psc|oi|pt «ia nmrket Selseted .WMwywawotfcTnr »ij bjr WilOJ 0fWn^ JRivVr%IIM SIOw*?> HAMI.KT-OiiSa»« KSttbtaeeeas Beaseaeatt " s aMttths and H«ta] s. of |<! of ,ate>S year* i! Tuesday, at tlte Store of t*erry A Martla, McHeary. Wednesday, at the Stare of J. W. Criity, Bingwood. Saturday, at the store of B, Gilbert, the Depot, McHenry. rsAKx SMtvn. OsStetet A word to the wist;. If you^are erlng with a seveie Cough er your druggist arul get a bo| . MarehalPs Lnng Syrup, and laige doctor biBt, It rellevet ̂ SMMt instantly. Pries 23 cents. 8*|p l|jr Colby Bros.McflTenry, 111. f yertal test d Shoes relatlvflly market. BROS. rsMe Block WAIT FOR Ti We are now offer! brated Limibe* Wi Steel Spring seat, Yoke and stay tdialnt. #50, Warranted for o AGON, of our eel(^> th top Box >reft, ^eck Obmplete, for one yetr. UKIW ' %tm WWNv yOW WMHPQa 'Hi»e jr»« mmtarol with the ilmd, ̂ toer oaljr darliBf eMld. . *• Bttnemter be WM not your ewa. Bat )eat sirMI* »• l«»e, Tistt^aaceieStMmhesvssbaSi • welesase J^ee sbsve. Tore«tiaOlurist> smtrnK And ea tlw n«arteetiwi Mi.:,, Yon'U »a« his darttagflice. . Oh truif la Clod and took atevi^l . BtseilH yearaaxisns ease*!' gesMsslierJesa^^ilnfJeve, ^r,.; And wipe away yeas Utvn. 2kU * A«ietloastto«flMhard to bear. Areoftea flsrear ffMd, Vaweaa as fkma thbi worM el mam. ̂ And Sria« asataf le W*. O. OaS. u»v««h Whomila vo m av&a luiraav. . Butter them toeoNMte am •These HtttooaeS, jMS Fee of aueh aiy. ttagSs-- U, )|iu4s the earfy 4««d. Item fiPOM you in tlM> twiliffbt • Of Itfti'i a JH»K>aeidatr day, Tw teasMeaaseethe Ssyv (Mk- InglMg flhslsl -VMP WTW® VlW*w»«p Wf j n'i'V !Xh0'ssystery hSaesMie, Mm tome fear i(pit«aeepS-?- on«i tehis .ha«M|^ *• '• fwe stars tor r®««*• tldala^4 , *wan»Ss«ofs>patie>twMlwfeg-.^ Tee* Utlte u»sa» an vraarinx ;. 1^'i||ih^s of fti|sliii l^cht. WSee^r you miss jroar ttmaimkt ' AO aadly IMH fivca. •np>@ »tMir U»' mm tew oa c««Ab» ••• •-: mawi as* yeartla Y<wr Imli «|U jtowa !• UM ilsttver ,,;- " «ietaewttNm>MMm tha g'W -'Ci% mitk ttas »IH MI --••• :* Oifci®wlfo £i*i5b . ,|for^stdoali «hr -»e«d^ t 5^ T l i t s m i l l t w r w H w w a l » t s a t l « > . v ; 4 - Tjwiafii^iCIt moaats ay la i AJ>*wlWmwr# "It Kav0aasr wm He dUr*/' h Tu*t>ny in Woodstock at aMhmnrs. Oysters %g the Caa i>i*li, aadBtdk. • Why M M low spirit* an Kilert'x Diiyllght by all Diirag^Ntt ̂ laffwl'lletrirg* teas

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