Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Feb 1879, p. 8

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»f - W < Yoa deserve to suffer, and if youj ^H|Rf>rable, unsatisfactory life inf $M$1ful world, it Is entirely your *m1 there ia only one excuse: f;--your imreasooal^ftjpijeiudice ikepticism, which has ktllad thons- Personal knowtoftK *&<! com-; w *•< won sense reasoning' will' iooti show, yon that Green's August Flower will; ; ? oure you of Liver Complaint,, or f>y&f. i«-i*«ia, with all Its miserable effects. . * ' snen as sick headache-, palpitation of! the heart, sour Ptomaehp, habitual cos-" 't&P tiveneas, dizziness of. the head, nervw - o«i» prostration, low spirits, etc. Its sales no.w reach every town on the (\" " Western Continent and not a Druggist, but Will fell you of its wonderful cures. §Toa can buy a Sample Bottle fur 1Q •ents. Three doses will relieve ytMfc •*&r*r sale by Colby Bro's, f JTOTICK TO WOOL GROWERS. |i The subscribers would say that If ! c-you wish to clothe your family you can do so by bringing or sending your wool 'a id exchange t he same for good desir- v .ftble goods. Will give yon for un- 's washed from 25 to 28 cts., * for washed on the sheep35 to 37* cts., and for tub |washed 45 Cts., and sell you goods 20 1 * ? :P«r less than last year. U , F. A. WftEBLKR"* 00. ,'av" North Ms in St., Janesville, wis ft' i ®S» ysMow fever epidemic created -igr intense excitement throughout the ^ { \ wintry, yet every community has a v greater foe to human !ife, which stalks abroad unheeded. Yellow fever has slain Its thousands, but neglected colds ,«t. its tens of thousands. The practice of ".'^-letting a cold cure Itself is fraught . ^ * with suffering, sorrow and with death, c f , There is no remedy more valuable than J ^ Ellert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cher- ^ iff ry, those that use it know Its worth, / x and will not be without it, for it surely f and quickly cures Colds. Coughs, Croup, A. ,Ai Catarrh. Bronchial and Pulmonary t?Oomplaints. Sold by all Druggists. Mother when 'your dear baby suffers , in teething, nse Dr. Winch^ll's Teeth- ~X7' Ing Syrup. I? regulates the bowels. - 1 soothes the pain aud brings natural ^ Mleep. Sold by Druggists at 95 cents a bottle. ' f,\ For information concerning the treat ' *V tnent of chronic diseases with Electric- '. V ity< send for a pamphlet on Electric Treatment, which will be 6ent free, on j application to the Mcintosh Electric Belt arid Battery Co., 192 and 194 . . ̂ Autaoa St, Chicago. Ill, , , v • ; - FOR SALE. $ s;, ;_*/ 40 Acres of land in Section 12, all fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a " good house and barn thereon, with tirn- ' • , ber and water la abundance, In Section 1 , • . S3. ' ©pSIIC Also ffif homestead on the Crystal • Lake and Ifnnda roicd. Good new house, barn aud other outbuildings.-- Apply to . Jans Fluskt.. ••a-';* Peevish children have worms. Dr. „lV Jaque's German Worm Cakes will de- v r , stroy the worm and make the children |( happy. Largest stock of Millinery, Cloaks, !f Cloakings and trimmings In the conn­ s' t& at Mrs. S. Searles* and C$«h will | Imy them at bottom prices for the ; next twenty days. For every ache, pain and bruise on >; man or beast Uncle Sam's Nerve and «•.4 Bone Liniment is the Baltn. Sold by Ui all Druggists. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN .wfiSS*; m r . . ••• T CONSTRUCTED, MOST PROGRESSIVE, BEST EQUIPPED,, ; . ABLEST MA5TA&; --HENCE THE-- \ ' i'* "'i "1" V* ' i t, MOST REMABLE Battw*y Corporation of the exuir^ . ' West and North-West JUifl by its accelerated growth has extended Its various lines and "branches to such propor­ tion* and Ur it# extreme liberality has a«- 4|Siire«l tiint (Joveted Popularity that makes it realty what it claims to be, the LEADINC RAILWAY " OTthe West and North-West HENRY MILLER, --DEALER IN-- American M Foreip Harbli Monuments, Headstones, «TO.r ETC., Xta . " ' American & Scotch Granite, Constantiy on Hand JohasbnrgK, Ang. Wt.h> l8rT 1878. 1878; LAUER & BECKER, CLOTHIEKS, Near the Depot McHEMRY, - ILLINOIS Have jnst received their Tall an.1 Winter Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Gents'V urn iaiung Good* We Will N<* B® Undersold GlveasaCnll. , n r 4 L AUER & BECKEE. Aug. 28th, 18i8. Embracing under one management 2,158 Mites of Road Aad forming the following Trunk Lines: OMeago, Council Bluffs A California J>ir»e, Chicago, «io»vx City and Yankton Line, Chi- •eago, Clinton, Dubuque A LaCrosse Line, Chicago, Free port & Dubuque Line, Chicago, T^aCrosse, Winona & Minnesota Line, Chica- go, «t, Paul ft Minneapolis Line, Chicago. Milwaukee A Lake Superior Line, Chicago, Green Bay & Lake Superior Line. The ad­ vantages of these Lines are: L If the passengoi ia going to or from any point Ira the en tire West or North-Wcst, he «aa buy his ticket via some one of this Oom naafs line* and be sure of reaching his des­ tination by it or its Connections. & The greater part of its lines are laid with Steel Bails, the road bed is perfect. So road feas a belter or smoother track. S. It is the short line between all import­ ant points. •. Its trains are all equipped with the Westinghouse Air Brake, Miller's Platform and Couplers and, the latest improvements for comfort, safety and convenience. f. It is the road in the West running the celebrated Pullman Hotel Cars between Okteago and Council Bluffs. 8. It is the only Itoad rnnning the Pullman Mace Sleeping Cars either way between Chicago aud St. Paul, .^/Cjhicago and Green Bay, ^ChicajfO and Freeport, f ** , . ^.jpiiMJago and LaCrosp^: 1 *• 'f,;# Chicago and Winona, ll/: F Chicago and Dubuque, « * Chicasro and McGregor^ ** Chicago and Milwaukee. f^It Is the only road passing along the •boTCi? of Lake Michigan between Chicago and Milwaukee. \ % The only R<wwl running Four Express Trtinsa day via lis lines between Chieago- and points in Minnesota. 1 #. No road offers eqnal faeHHfcs in tinmher of through trains, equipped with Pullman Pajaee Sleeping Cars. N. It runs Two Express Trains Daily e«(4|> way oaall Us lines an i four trains each wav between Chicago and MilWnukefe.' "« iL It makes connections with all lines crossing at intermediate points. The popularity of these tines is steadily in- creasing and pnssengers should consult their Interest by purchasing tickets via tins line. > . Bor information, FoWcrs, Maps, Ac., not obtainable at Homo Ticket Ofllce, address auy agent of the Company or ^ VABVIN HTJ6HITT UuneralSupt. W. H. «TI HTKETT, Gen 1 Passenger Agei.t Stop at E.M.Owen'a aud see new the ' • ' * RING'S AMBROSIA BESTOBE3 GRAY HAIR TO IT3 ORIGINAL COLOR. AMBROSIA ERADICATES DANDRUFF, Cures Eumcra, AND Itching of tba Scalp. S AMBROSIA Frevdnta Baldness, And freqaoniiy causes New Hair to m Bald places SOLO BY DR1JGG53TS And MERCHANTS Everywhere E.M.TuRBs&Ca Proprietors In the market. Among them ate the Moline, Pern, Gfand Detotir. Furst & Bradley, J. I. Case and Norwegian, all best made and at Cafi and £jve b? convinced. to I am alao Selling At reduced pricet* ,1 i -r^-r. , For a4<BoM »» GERMAN Mlanufactured by i|'Sfe5 Woodstock, HI,; The best Tonic in the world* Pint and Quart Bottles. PLATFORM SPRING TOON, the cnttire stockiif' Smith, Aldrieh & Hay thorn, have removed to the Store in Mverskte Block, whfre they are now prepared to meet their ciistoMwii*^,!^ the public gcueraily wiih a large and well selected opock of ^ ( Dry Goods, Groceries, \ & READY-MADE CLOTHING, ots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery,; ' v:^:; GHass-Ware, &c.f &c» „ Wlifclii tfiSy will sell for Cash or Ready-Pay as cheap ^ House in the County. Our Goods are all fresh and have been bought with esnecial refere^.. to. ipf peopje community, ana we • • " 1 t; ^ *! WIL V f., i'* ILLINOIS •from a xobubob Top Oarrtag«. on aWarate* (Jsinf .The subscriber would inform the pobil tnat he is now prepared to famish thsm wlf anything m his liue ^fr Wagon to the nfetit ̂ SKILLED WORKMEN! _ hl* wor,c to give ratlsfactioii. *®d^r twd.P*! will be as loir at eaa Wiy b » m m a f m L , ^ r ' I • £ i We also keep our usual stock of , Paints, Ql, lease our customers in " Courtland Improved Sear," which can't be beat, either in Price or Quality, and is tne only A JSro 1 wagon in CARRIAGES. CARRIAGES. I can sell you a First-class Tok Carriage for $80, and Warraiit it for One Year. Whp can afford to ride in an open buggy when a - CARRIAGE can be bought lor those figures. .Be sure and call, as we KnoW we can make it to your interest p O to do sso. Ipf Everythi ng sold its Sold by COLBY BROTHERS McHenry, 111. -ft ••• $ tf,"t :: >• of : • tit*®!!'.,a' 1* if-ir (V» 'd*ji PURE,WINES, LiaUORS ^ v CIGARS < s '}« r.4 , . • & 1 r. MARCUS, Patentee. Merits. =xJfFf Remember the Old Stand, op- pc^||e.the Mill J* K- McHtarttr,«!..Jlil'r 9tJ' ' is not easily earned in these rimes, but it can he made In three mouths by any one of either sex, in any part of theconntrr who ic willing to work stomlilr at the employment that we furnish.-- (>« per week in your own town. You need not be a way from homeover night. Yon car m.e your whole time to the work, or onlv your spare moments. We have agents who ari^ making over $20 per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made ho enwilv and rai). aij at any other business. It costs no thine to try the business. Terms and *5 Chi tilt free address at once " " " Maine* --T Grace's Celefcrated Salve. A SURE KEI.1EF FOE TUB 8UFFKRBH. 1'BEPAItEn Br SCTH w. POWLK A %QUS, M HARRISON AV.KNUB, BOSTON, MASS. IVfll IBRDEIIfR R»nic im lilH ' - EIPE1S. There |s a curious story about some native wines which are extensively advertised nowa­ days, and have only recently been put upon the market. Dr. Underhili, the weli-lmoWn grape-grower of Croton Point, died in 187*. Some of his heirs entertained temperanoa views of such extreme kind, that they wem Bnwilling to allow the stock of wines then on hand to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upofei the vines. It is only now that the other heiis nave succeeded in arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale ©f the wines cm hand. Among these is a wine of the vintagt of *864, described as a " Sweet Union Port," bat suggesting the Imperial Tokay mora than any other European wine, and being wholly unlike any other wine of American growth. Its purity, age and mellowness an remarkable, and both physicians and winai fanciers have a special interest in it as tha oldest native wine now accessible in any con- •iderable quantity. The whole stock is In tha hands of the well-known wholesale grocery house of the Thurbers.--M Y. TribtmL Nov. 19, t8jf. * And as heretofore, will spare no pains to this line. * Ph^iciand Compounded in a careful manner and by none but experieheed hands. Thankful for past favors, we solicit, and hope to merit a continu­ ance of the same. (M&m mum McHenry, III.; May 7tb, 18fii ^ 1879 '••'fir. NEW GOODS. XrOW 't. 'f r' I *u '(.vi f i* 'J ^ ifr' , . » . 4?I tr l'C XAKCS M*, 't*'" j i e § U o e l x i t f / s Ringwood, lit, Oet. 10th, iSWt ^ i > : . fft ! k Wacofl 1 Carriap JMCJLKEBt 9ho|> <^p«eit« the Parkaf Hotiif^ < i/'z . . ' ' " - 1 *L * * McHenry, • Illinois* V !' «' " M '• • tSSt v ( 3\u ihlr - - U m,: • -v ^ Xou will cave money by examining' our Stock of Goods before purchasing elsewhere. Prints, "Bleached & Brown Cottons, Cottonades, Tick­ ings Denims, JShiytings and t >HMh r-i •'\fl i •! -0 >yt» IK ;> r. Silks; Cashmeres, Oambirid, Alpacas and White Goods of all kinds. In Ready- Made Clothing, Boots ai l Shoes, we will iiot be un­ dersold, quality ofv^Ooods considered. ":f/ " :|fc F OOBST^STLT OK HAM 'Ct The above speaks tor itself bat w« wooM add (hat this is the pure juice of tha grape, neither drugged, liquored nor watered/ that It has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes it is unsurpassed. It can be obtained from mort of the leading Drag gists throughout tht United States, and at wholesale from tha undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free of charge, on application. Respectfully, ete., H. K. A F. B. THURBEH & Ca Wtst Bntdmay, Read* and Hucfam Street^ Umw-Ytmu, ^Glove^ and Hosiery a Specialty. Fine Venetian, ingrain liud Oil Cloth Carpetings. » : ̂ ^ Also a Foil Line of Family Groceries. PERRY & MARTIN McHenxy, May 1st, 1878. ' ftf. A "M u. mHfSW-H MoHENRY, ILL. r.»" sT>fu*' n >, H1UUW, WW1V-) Solssors, Shears, Table ad Pockst Cutlery» Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Kntvea, Axes, Grindstones, Window Glass, AFTBAWWTOI' «H> TINWARE. : m»roi«Y* ' Iff W H -A •;= * <£&<*>•*« '*• ' these with torn* notice an«l at as Low Prices as a good article can be purchased elsewhere, 'V 5^*j > ' ' '*» - T i i y*1 ^ j .. '. f': iJP am# doa^'* General Blaokemlthlnft Basin ess, and will do your work la tha best of manner and with the least possible delay HORSE 8HOEINO AiirsoiAiiiTfr- jfi'W v ; B E P A I E I N O rty attended ta. Oills 'S* Thompson* Of all kinds promptly attended !* see for yourself. ,n </r> Ifettenry, It!., Aprtl *M, 18H. >•^1 I Foz River Valley Uilk B.BISH0P, Pr^irietM'. ' i ' '*i • ' $ MeHenry • * # » tlllnoito "": fe'i Done promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed Having Jnst nut in a new Feed 8tone, eapafclc of grinding sixty but he Is of feed per haur. I am prepared to do your grinding an short a* tice. WThe Higbeat Market Milling Wheat. •v. ' • , MeHenry tlU X^e. 11th, WftJ Q RAGE'S CELEB RATIO IALVI CURES Flesh Wounds, Frosen Limbs, Salt Rhenm, Chilblains, So?e Breast, Sore Lips. Erysipelas. Ringworms, Calltisee, 8eald Head, Chapped Hand*, Burns, Cancers, Felons, i i peaW8.;Jn-ri; Sores, IJieers y:I,:^oiiniW,'?"T' SUaft, jhingle^^- • ."FeKteilte:.' '•« ,. •" Wens, Sties, ~:Piles, Abeess, m .'^SBvinloii||\ Sprains. Boils. jJ "suites, Outs. Whitlows* v#Wart«.'! ' Blisters, *an, - •• "Pimple#, Corns, Scurvy, Iteh, Ingrowing Kails, Nettle Rash, Mosquita " and Flea Bites, Spider Stings, And all cutaneous diseases and eruptiOM generally. For sale by all druggists, grocers, aad at all eOuntrv stores tbroughont the United 8tales . and British Provinces. Price by malt 80 To Consumptives. THE advertiser, having been permanen cured of that drtead disease, Consun cured of that drtead" disease, Consuns is anxious to i -*ers the meax cure. To all who doslre it he will send a tlon, by a simple remedy, is anxious to known to his fellow.snfferers the means of lentljr sr& cure, xo aii wno doslre it he will send a copy of the prescription esed, (free of charge,) with the directions tor preparing and using tha same, which tliey will find a sure cure tag Consun rif inn, Asthma, Bronchitis, &«. Par. ties wishing the prescription, will please ad. dress, E. ̂ Wilson, IM Penn, St., WillUaa. Errors of Youth. T A GENTLEMAN who suffered for yia#' from Nerves Debility, Premature Sa cay, and all the effects of yoathfal iadieera tlon will, for the sake of suffering hanaaitr send free to all who need it, the reelna anil direction for making the simple renmly by , whic h he m as cured. Sufferers wishing to * profit by the adviser's experience eandS'ao by addressing in perfect eoaideae «CedirSt.'KawTwili», • , \ t't " j*: " * -s. tr i . . . J t l . * j

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