Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Feb 1879, p. 5

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" ' . : V t - - • - . " - - ' " * c*7*- '"V^ T-y f if^n; * v'fT^k.i- > • fjs3?' w*y;,$"*• ,f *- 4 im^t ..Y-^'ar' ^;,v^v-n „vV" '« -•iPSa'l HM *•'*# w: ** WEDNESDAY. FEB, lSrh, 187t. ' Railroad Time Table. ONTNO SOUTH. ganm T«K« Paaaenger 7:* A. V. |Mm Laic* Frelrht 1:15 r. a. OOIWO WORTH. fintn Lake Freight--AI........18:004. m. Oeneva Lake FMunser.. .*,............7:03 r. x im gfaati d LwtMBff the Course by ;i Hen. Jidsoa Kilpatrick, --AT THE-- ' <* * * 4**i**r«aKst Chareh, Ev©., Feb. 19th. p There to an tir about @ti», Kllpat- rtck that teaches out from him and Mrroumli hit audience, and enlists libera under Ms b&iuier as if by magic. Whether it is the enchantment that Appears almost naturally to hang ground the name of a gallant soldier. K#r his wonderful elocutionary powers »r both combined. It i« not easy to say %ut certain tt Is, the General has a fHost captivating way, as ail who have beard him will admit. Secure your $lckets and be on hand early, as hp Is jMire to have a fall house. , ; Do not fail to hear Geo. Kilpatrlek f Z ^lM Wednesday evening of next week, -V ' ,- - I.:;; SKIS the notice elsewhere of Mill freed for Sale at flO per tont4it tl^c Hill of R. Bishop. IK another column can be found the jteport of the First National Bank, of Woodstock, at close of business «fuu- M*ry 1st, 1879. . . 7 ' " ' v ••SHKRMAN'S Mardh'to the Sea,'* by ten. Kilpatrlek. at the Universalis hurch. on Wednesday e veiling next. Do not fail to hear him. , MRS. OR A C . COLBY has been dan­ gerously sick for the past few days, huta( the time of wrltiny, Tuesday igoon. is reported much better, I THR next Sociable by tl»e Ladies Aid Society, of Ringwood, will he held" Ht the residence of Thoe. Lumley. on Thursday afternoon, of this weak, Feb. ';:'i8th. t " MR. ADKON. father of the Pa6tor of M. E. Church, of this village, met i jjrttli a severe fall one day last we»*k| this village, on Friday evening of this Tbrulslng lilm«elf quite badly. Fortii-| w«»ek. This troupe is composed entire- nately no bones were Sbrok<*tu vsry. pleasant surprint took place mt the resilient* of O. W. Owen on Thursday evening last. Although got­ ten up on sh«rt notice It was one of the most pleasant of the season, and was highly enjoyed by all. THERE f« a fortune awaiting the mae who Invents a boomerang bootjack which von can throw at a cat and have it sail back to the window if it misses Its mark. If It should hit te cat. a fellow would be satisfied;, and never ask for its return. W b are requested by the Committee Of the Red Ribbon Club to give no­ tice that the meetings will be contin­ ued at the ITnlversallst Church! eirery evening the balance of this week, and close on Sunday evening next.-**" Rev. Wm. Rice will be present and ad­ dress the meetings. Subject this Wednesday evening: "Influence.* I All are invited. IT Is said that burnt corn i* a sure and speedy cure for hog cholera, and that wherever tried has never been known to fall. The corn need only be slightly scorched and then fed to the hogs. Whether or not there is ady efficacy in this treatment there seems-no room for belief that It can hurt anything. It at least is one of the straws at which the drowning man way catch. IN another column can be found a new advertisement of Wm, Dow, Boot and Shoe Maker, who is now located In Howe's Block, opposite Frett * Sons Meat Market, where lie Is prepared to do all work In his line in a workman­ like mauner and at prices as low as the lowest. Nln custom work lie uses none but the best of stock, and guarantees a fit or no sale. Read his advertisement aud give htm. a call In Ills new quarters. IT Is a noticeable faet In natural his­ tory. that when * man slips on ati icy payment, he throws his arms and legs towards all points of the compass, fran­ tically struggles to maintain his dig­ nity, and aims at twenty different pla­ ces before he finally cornea down, exteruo, as It were; whereas a woman gives one convulMve little start, and sinks down in a condensed heap on the, very spot on which her foot flipped. WE have just time - before going press to say that the Lecture by Mrs, Ann Elian Young, at the Uuiversalist. Church last- evening was. notwithstand ing the storm, well attended, and more! than met the expectations of those present. It was a master appeal for the wronged and enslaved women of Utah, and more than ever brought the the truth home to us sll. that our Gov­ ernment Is tolerating an evil In their midst that Is a disgrace to the civilized world. We shall speak more at length on this subject next week. " /T'IIE Mcilenry Minstrels, is the name of a new organisation who advertise an entertainment at Howe's Hall, in PKRSOXS lit want of Auction Bills viiill consult their l»«»st Interests by get­ ting Tiî m printed at the PLAIKOKAL- Vljcu Office. Our work is as good a* the |Mf*t and oar prfcjes •• law as». th* low- ' ~ • 'r;v ' • Tits ice Houses of She<hl & Co.* are rnow all filled, the fnishing touches be­ ing put on all around. These Houses •old about 30.000 Tons of Ice. and the quality Is said to be as good aa any ever before put up. . • . Bra notice, in auother column It will be aeon that the Photograph Gallery |n this village I* now open and ready lor business. Those who wish to get a correct Picture of the "human face di­ vine," should call and see specimens. IT IS not altogether wine to advertise only "semi-occasionally." A persis-| tent met hod is always sure to give the! •best results. Ifeuce, we recommend a i continuous course of advertising. Ad­ vertisers of large experience have fre­ quently testified to the t ruth fulness of (his view. " EACH evening of the Lectures In tbfc village, tlie stores will be closed at 8 o'clock. In order that all may have a Jehanee to attend. This Is right, as It is P^feeldom that our citizens have the chauce t ' toliearsueh a course of Lectures, and "*•{ , ^all should avail themselves of M^rlV' fa , ilege. : • 0 M E E T I N G S were held at the Metho- 41st Church every evening last week, 'and we understand are to be continued WK "-'this. Several christian workers from Py ;the Young Men's Christian Association, •^of Chicago, have been present and as-«*>•• * sisted tii&Bev. Mr. 4drou tUe go^ work. FBASK SMITH, our town Collector, paid into the County Treasury on Fri­ day last 91,650. This is about double the amount paid lit by any other Col­ lector. He Informs us, that notwfth /standing the hard ttmes, he thinks he will be able to collect the Taxes for IK*1 the town of MoHenrjf eveu oloser tbas ! last year. ______ I; i THE Chicago Journal says: *A >• Waukegan cat has brought forth a kit- ten with three heads and three tails.-- ^"4 The people of that suburb are looking K ' anxiously forward to the time when .r that feline attains Its majority, when •*V It Will ohase a chromatic scale up add • down the back fence, putting to shame 'every eat In the neighborhood." * , * v • • * T>' «if ii«)uie t aleiit. and we are creditably informed by ;ho*e who have seen them practice, that they will jflve an enter­ tainment wdl worthy the patronage of ourcitiaens. Rtad their programmes that are now In circulation atisl tura out *n«l give the boy« a lift. MR. CHARI.RA BORDWELI. dlsap- deared from Ills brother's house. L. J. Bordweli. in the town of Alden, on or & ow. tnriniCK. The Second Lectnre of the Course in thin village, will be delivered by that daring Cavalry Cora/nander, and brilliant Orator, Gen. Judson Kilpat­ rlek, on Wednesday evening off next week, Feb. 19th, and ids subject will be "SheFtnatt's March to the 3ea.n Gen. Kilpatrlek ranks as one of the most popular Lecturers of the times. He has the power of animating himself and audience from the start, and investing with the attribute of tlie orator his statements with all (lie interest they will bear. Those who miss the lecture will miss one of the treats of tlie season. All. exchange In speaking of his Lecture says: "When he becomes excited by his story,aud is borne along ou the fiery t.orreut of his own speech, the air about liitu seems fairly to reek with gunpowder, and to resound with the diu of battle; the dashing cavalry officer stands'before us plainly as if equl ped from top to toe, and all com­ plete with waving plume, and sabre aud jingling spurs. We hear^him the otheMilght, and when he had done, it seemed as though we had actually passed through a real battle--so vivid and thrilling was his description. Then too he passed so quickly, yet so easily, from the sublime battle scencs to all the glorious fuii and frolic of camp life; tells stories and incidents so rich anU peculiar to the soldier, while he himself is bubling all over with fun, that carries his audience by storm, and makes them laugh- simply because they cannojt help themselves.'* It will be a Lecture that uo one can afford to miss,. aud one which should, as it no doubt will, fill tlie largest audience room in our village to its utmost capacity. All the Stores lu our village will be closed at 8 o'clock on that eveulng. in order that alt may have a chance to attend. Go eailyaud be sura of a good «eat«i»-3? about the first of December and has not been Seen or heard of since. Any in­ formation in regard to his whereabouts i« very earnestly desired. Wits last eeeu near Brookdale. Is about thirty- five years of age, and walks very fast, and sloop shouldered. > Address any information to L. J. & D, Bordweli. Harvard, Illinois. , W E understand that a part? Was I N this village on Monday soliciting Job Printing from «4ir business men, giv­ ing as a reason that ha could do It much cheaper than it could be done here at home. We therefore wish to say that we will do all kiuds of Job Printing ten per cent lower than any other jestabHsh'uent in Mcllenry Couu^ iy, and as to the quality of our work we will compare it with any in the State. Bring on yoiir work and we will show you that we mean what we te , V ; ' --WE find the following horrible tale in the Japi Ouye. a paper published by the Dakota Mission. Wo do uot vouch for the truth of it, but give it just as we find it; Akicita sungakan opawlnge sanpa wlckcemna sabpe wlcakuwapfqa Saiye la wlca«ta wikcemna uoupa qa wlnyan Rah dogan qa siceca noiip.i hena wica- ktepi qa tancan pi coiikaske en alulipi, Akicita nonpa tapi. Unma wlcayuza pf snl. Hem an i wanna ake kinl seece- ca Northern Pacific Railroad--hemani wan Mdelianska iwaziyapatnuhan wail- ke cih he ake wetu helian wlyutapi opa winge nonpa sanpa hanska kagapi ktece, Miulsoso w*kpa iwiyohpev akiva. . . THAT we are to have a new Steam­ boat is now a fixed fact, and work will be commenced upon her as soon as the weather will admit. She will be large enough to comfortably carry one hun­ dred passengers, will be fitted up with a neat and roomy cabin, will run not less than ten miles an hour, and in ev­ ery 'way made so as to accommodate pleasure seekers to and from the pop­ ular places of resort. Fox and Plstaqua Lakes. From the well known charac­ ter of the men who have this matter under oontrol, we can assure the public this Boat will be what we have leug needed, neat, roomy, comfortable and with speed enough to suit any rea­ sonable man. As soon as the plans are fully consumatad we wUi giva iMf «£- actdimanaious. * f Jos. DRAPER of this villain, & moving this week to his farm, about four miles Southwest of this village, and proposes to lay down *the hammer and follow the plow In the future. He has traded his property in this village for a farm containing about one hun­ dred acres which has heretofore been known aa the Durkee farm, which is said by good judges to be a valuable piece of property. Wliile we shall rejoioe if our friend "Joe" has made a move that will prove beneficial to him, nevertheless we regret to lose htm as one of our citizens, and we know Ids old customers In the Blacksmith line will regret his determination to abandon the business, as he was A No. 1 workman. We wish him t».ll manner of good luck In his "n€w departure,*' THE Tickets for the VhJUitoiO Party at tlie Riverside House have beeu Is­ sued, and everything promises one of the best times ever had at tlut popu­ lar resort for dancers, the Rlverside.-r All you will have to do Is to bring along your Sheet aud Pillow Case, and a competent Committee will be there to show you how to wear It in due form.and transform you Into a ghost of the most spooky kln.t. Remember the day and date, Friday of next week February 81st. f p •. : .. ON Thursday, (to-morroW)^ evening will be given the Concert tiv the Jobnsburgh Concordia Baud, assisted by the Scott Family and the McHenry Cornet Band, at Riverside Hall, lu this village. We predict this will be a rare musical treat, and we hope our citizens will turn out and give them a rousing benefit. The cultivation of homa tal­ ent slionld meet the encouragement aud support of all good citizens, and we predict that Riverside Hall will be packed to its utmost capacity, Re­ member the time, to-morrow, Thurs» day evening. WE would again call tlie attention of our readers to tlie advertisement of the grand Concert and Ball, tor the benefit of the German School aud Sab­ bath School of Woodstock, which is to be held at Nat ional Ilall, In tbat city, ou Thursday evening of next week, February 20th. This will be one of the most interesting entertalumeuta of the kind ever held lit this county, aud uo lover of fine music should fail to attend. Prof. Rosenbeckr, the cele brated Violinist of Chicago, will pos­ itively be present, and to hear htm is worth the price of admission alotte. MILL FEED. #10 per Ton, for sale at River Valley Mills. th$ Fox R. BISHOP. ' AtflOWOUm. Splendid 9fr!ng weather. Good skating on the rtvar Real Estate fnutftn. Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County Illinois, for the weak ending Feb. 1st, A. D., 1879. Oh a s Guth and wife to Wm. & Baaaett,-- nveX sec 37, Hartland. |GMI. Alvin Shearer and wife to J. Q. ARTAMS.-- Lot I blk 12 Spencer's addition to Marengo, $325. Brown II. Wilcox and wife to R. C. Jeter son. 128 a In SEE 13 ami 18 range 7 and 9, N an da, T«W0. Marv E. Grlmley to Feeple, Carson A Toe- pie. IV in ne cor nwM s.i, Urattoa, |SUn. Joseph Freuud LUT to .Phillip Shaffer. 86.31 a in sex tec 14, McHenry, ?17W>. John Kugelaml vtfe (o Kxcjr ft. Sbuffeldt. 4 lots in blk 4 Hubbard's add to Algonquin, asaa Martha A. Clay son and husband to James Wilson. SwM nwM #w ̂sec SI Nunda, K. L. Turner te Michael tireely. NeX ne^ sec 15. Richmond, #1100. B. P. Cary and W. H. SOYE* U» Caroline K. Smith. 5 a ih nvii sec 19, Alden, <60. O. J. Dfttton and wife to Gilbert Brain*RD I^TTS ft and S MK 11 Blackuian's additiva to Harvard, TMOFLL : ^ R. C. Jefferson to JataM FLSAILIK LOT 183 NWJ^ sec 8, Dorr, S700L WANTED. Choice Butter and Freeh Eggs for which we Will pay the highest market price. FnrzsiMMOMS « EVAKSON. skating on the river now. , Oharles Baehl is about retiring from business. % ' iSociaiile Th«<ivday evefUng at tha res­ idence of C. M. Huntley. 4 Gum Rubber Boots at J.^uaon's for 93. S. A. French of Chicago, was |n town last wej»k.' *1 Rev. Win. Wray preaahetS laat &ab« bath at Wood*toCk. Charles Frli^gry has a flna tat of Spring seed wheat |or «al#. ? , Charles AyeTs wa fcaar la about leaving town. A splendid pair' of • club alcates for 80 cents at Ferguson's. Joha Kugel and family are pre­ paring to move to Kansas.* D. B. Sherwood aud family of Elgin, spent a few daya visiting his fist her here last week, , - Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall are ex­ pected home from Kansas In a few days. You will find at all times Johnny keeps a full line of those ^celebrated Sella & Co. Boots and Shoes vtftlcti be sells for the lowest cost price. Key. McClaln of Chicago, occupied tlie pulpit in the Congregational Church last Sunday moruing and even ing. Judson Snooks Is still buying Cattle and Hogs for Chicago market. Ha always pays the highoat market price. One nlglit last week some unknown partiss took the liberty of borrowing a a horse and buggy here lu town with­ out lief or license from the owner. They returned the same next morning before daylight. The buggy being a total reck, showed that th$ occupants must have had considerable poor ben* cine. Nevertheless boys you had better settle, or there will be trouble* A very interesting Drama, entitled •'One hundred years ago," is now being rehearsed by some of our town talent, under the Instruction of Lewis A* Skinner, which will be prodnctd ou the stag* some time next month. Try a pound of that 60 cent tat at J. D. Ferguson^. We understand E. A .Ford, *f Car- pentervllle, hns rented the meat market from Charles Bohel, taking possession March 1st, Doc. is a lively, go-a-head fellow and no doubt will furnish the town with a first clas* market, the want of w^ic|)J<«i9 long been felt by our eitlsem^ Wa wish him every success. At the' installation Of olllcera In the Algonquin Lodge. 156 A. F. A A. M. Jannafy 17th, the following officer were dulv installed: Bro. John Peter- W.M.t Bennett; 8. W.; Wm, Stewarr, J. W.;C. C.Chunu, Treasurer; John D. Ferguson Jr.,*Secretary; Win. Wilcox, S. D.; John D. Ferguaoa, 8r. J. D.; Joseph A da mack. Tyler, The Lodge voted to change the time of tlielr communication from the Island 3d Wednesday of each mouth to the 1st Wednesday on or before the Hull of j w.-s • • VOLO. " • ,!• PLAINOEALER The old Hotel at this place Is closed up and Volo ts without a Saloon. Rejoice with us iu onr great joy at having this great nuteaiice out of our sight aud out of this place. Joseph Palmer, of Johnsburgh, has bought the stand owned by A. Black and has already put out hla shingle marked Boots and Shoes., Black goea to Kansas. , The Bee keepers iu this aeetion lost quite heavily during the cold weather In January by allowing loa to form and hermetically seal them up. And still another death to chronicle, one iu tlie prime and vigor of Ionian- hood. Emma daughter of Calvin E. and Judith Clark, now of Salem, Ke­ nosha County, Wisconsin. Mr. Clark and family are well known here and In McHenry, Emma died of fltiat fall de> stroyer consumption, ou the S&tli of January. She leaves a husband and one child. Sweet Offspring ef leva eanrfth was Uf mother, Bnt her lev lines* likeroMtttds possesses a thorn. The child of her womb with peitilenee she Sconrgcs, Her attributes axe the whirlwind the earth­ quake and storm. Bat I. must say f«rew«lVetl Mt*re reeepeds The wild bird that toned her last aste sang farewell, Kot a leaf or a flower that the north wind has !? blasted. - Bat recalls to any memory that «tyt ward, Farewell. ** EDITOR WOOOtTOCK. . PLATXDKALUR John Nu- g6n|4 rpsldencc about five miles West of thla city wm totally destroyed by fire one moridnf last week. Re forked fully insured. v ;- ttafkus' salftou, at the "Old Rathole" on Sunday morning was partially burned. D^tnagaltgh^ Burglary nit <3ttoate"a again on Fri­ day ntght wkh attofctfllO Tosa*^ Mrs. Darrell^ «' alilW lady, was found dead in he r be4 alNttt ® o'clock p. Wednesday. M rs. Ilirreii was an liidustriotia, apt per-^ooaga, attcljt as are always in demand on public occasions, aud in all cases where special help was needed, and will be greatly missed from ber sphere. She was buried in Oakland Cemetery from the Baptist Church, of whkajh she was a member. There are several evangelists hold-* Ing union meeting* at our several churches. In which meetings there seems to be a lively Interest to the church going people. Is It not about time the Sentinat cor­ respondent was sending around that '*•1,000 gold tooth-pick," he promised us If we did not mention--- well we have not and ahnll not mention what until we see whether he keepa hla word. Ann Ellsa the XIX is to tell us what she knows about Mormonism at the Baptist Church on Wednesday eve­ ning for the benefit of said church. Leg talent Is still in good demand In Xew York city, at least so says the Chicago iVetosIs speaking of the lady walkistf. One step more and ' Morris- say and Ileeuan will have their fame eclipsed by lady prlte fighters, and surely we liva In a age of progression. So Papa attend the baby while Mamma praaiftbulates and pugiiiaea. Ip* w MUN8HAWVIUJE* EDITOR PLAIN DKALEK:--I will once more try to write up the uaws from our Burg. Our sleighing Is ataut goiia but still people can't give up the!rgsleigits. At this time tlie re ares Indicaiiona of rain. ^Well wa have another aeholar In our district, or will be It; time. Mr. Ad- rlance Is happy but wished tt was a boy. John Hun tar Iwsgona to Iowa to visit his sister and Took after their .farm. 1 sea that poor Richard of the Dem­ ocrat Is up on his ear about our cor­ rect ion lu regard to tha wedding, but an old school teacher ought to write up his articles so that they won't sound so absurd to the readers, and not try to blame the Editors of tha Democrat jfor we don't think that they omit arty- thin * unless It Is for tha benefit of its correspondents. But we expected to hear from him as soon at the poet re­ turned home to Help him write us up. There is talk of uu exliibition here soon. Will report. Myrtle B iwur*" Isalck with I'ting Fever but at this writing Is some bel­ ter. Hope to see her at school soon as we miss her very much. There was two of the Carjr Sonool visiting our school on Friday. Coma again boys you are ever welcome. McNinch has built a new barn on the Kerns place and says now wants to buy some cows. Mr. and Mrs. H. Throop are visiting their friends hers. Glad to s*a them as they lived with us here a great many years. MART AUK. •For a nol>by autt, Beckers, near the Depot,, ff Onlv one Carriage out of Font teeu two months ago, at ji, M. Owen'a. Call and make a selection WKt '«•§ Fifty Plows, at E. M. Owen's. * Examine two different geared Courtland Wagons at K. M. tiwan'a If you want a nobby business sikH* cheap, go to Lauer & Becker's, -, • Clothing: cheaper Lauer t Becker's. yz-; .JSl i l l s ::: Blchmond lligh Hchool. i'he aatercises before tlie High School on Monday evening were of unusual interest, aud consisted of a Uttle fa­ miliar talk on "Spiders*' by Prof. Stanley and a splendid Essay on "Ed­ ucation" by Dr. S. F. Bennett. I could give your readers but a poor Idea of the golden thoughts clothed tu beaut I ful sentences If I were not to report the essay In full, so I will ouly say It was grand and the students of the High School and the citizens of Rich­ mond should feel thankful that they have the opportunity of listening to such cfiorts. The entire course of lectures has V«an very entertaining aud instructive, and has been produc­ tive of great good. W. G. Farmer, of Liberty vllle, was announced for next Monday night to speak on "How to Start in Life with a reasonable pros­ pect of happiness and s house should be crowded* GREAT REDUCTION! ^ ' In the prices of the Buffalo Bo»ti ' ami Shoes. Don't fall to see them be* fore making your selections. COLBY BROS, Riverside Block School Books and Writing Paper Cheap, at O. W. ©wen's. The. best Overcoat for the lnijif' money, at Laurer& Becker's. New Stock Of Cloths. Ready-Mid* Clothi n«, &e>, fbr the Fall trade |uet rcc*iv«d at Lauer A BecitWis near lit* Depot. i •; vtoooc worF&itST*tf Jt ?rrro. Ei^flit or ten jrood Wood chopt>ara wanted immediately. Inquire sf John W. Smith. " ^ , i in • i*ne i i ii ^ ^ CASH! CASH! CASH! f Will bny Mtllliwry ft»r the tie*t twenty days at cost, at Mrs Searlei*, Baggage and Fr**igHt hauled from McHenry to John#l»itrgif f»asonat<le rates. "Trip twice a weektfey...JjfijU-. Duglitger, Johnsbui^rh. III. . • BOARDERS WANTElfe- The undersigned Is now prejiand to take a number of Boarder*, eltlusr by the day or week, on the most 'Raa*ou- able 'renus. Good Rooms tflfffc tlie bt'.st of accoinmodatious furnlaksd.--' Residence near the School McHenry. Dec. 10th, 1978, 125 REWARD. ITlS above reward will b« any one who will find one of on lo Boots In which there 1* a I. inner sole, slip sole or (dece of Idling that is not cast from a gcus<L,jliiek, pleoa of sola leather. COLRT «€»a. ' MiversMWttlo itW « Hook •PilNO CROVK. iMvot PLAIKDKALER :--New»scarea again but I wish te tell yon that we are all alive. Long wished for come at last. A nice young lady made her appearance on Tuesday morning at Mr. Wm. Tolntons and as W--. has a number of boys lie Is happy for having a girl also. Bill. yau ought to set 'em up. We have anew shoemakalr In tfwn and we think that Mr. H. is a number one machanlc. > • • We are having meetings In one of our churches every night now. and are getting chuck full of religion and having a good time generally. There are lots of Dances and Parties around here and tha fashion is now that If a certain young man wishes to take that gal along to a D*noe he must take an old woman also. Joe. can lell you all about it. We see that Ann Eliza Young is to oome into this county. Please tell her to come up here, for she jjhight do seme good on the banks of Ae Nip- ")per&ink, as we have fears that Mar- monism has taken root among its. BOOTS & SHOES. It'taa eoucwded fact that the Buffa# lo Custom Blade Boots and Sheet have no superior on the market. Selected Stock. Warranted work. For gale by Colby Bros.. Riverside Block. Physicians highly recotmneiu} tbA Bt* of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syptp. far Coughs or Colds of long stan«!ii£ and Pulmonary plaints generally* It always cures in an incredibly short time* Call on your druggist andjpt a bottle. Only 25 cents. Sold by1 €olby Bros., McHenry, 111, A few doses of Dr. Marshaifs Xnwg Syrup cured my child of ̂ meac •dreawr ful Cough. 1 can oheeifs" 1 mend it as the best eot / have ever tried. Mrs. CT Knox land, Ohio. Sold by Colby Bros., Me- Henry, ill. A word to the wise. If yen are ssff* erlng with a severe Cojogh or C^>ld, call ou your druggist aud get a bottle of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrnp, end sava large doctor hills, It ralnvel Almost Instantly. Price S5 ceets, Colby Bros. McHenry. HL ^ f -J ,f { ,'1%1 . 1 , ^ d fBrnm • •••;!: 1 , ik - % ^ ; " " f-" 1 d?**' M It Is the universal testimony M»at the Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for which we arc the sole .ugents In this village, ere relatively the best and cheapest in t|N market. Give them a trial* COLBY BROS. '?¥ - ' : Riverside Bleak FOR THE WAGOK. We are now ofiering one of our cele­ brated Lumber Wagons, With top Box, Steel Spring seat, Whiltl*»trees, Neck. Yoke and stay chains, all complete, far' #50. Warranted for one year. & BISHOP. Just received a new Stock of Mllll« ery in all the stylish shades In every grades of Straw. Felt. Velvet. Bea­ vers In Hats and Bonne ts.® very thing in Plush Velvet, Satins, Silks Plumes. Wings. Ornaments Ac., at Mrs. S. Searles, and will be sold at the very Lowest figures for Cash, iqr (ftp next twenty days. , tl, • ' Ml ' FOR SALE OR "EXQHAlfWB. Having moved on my fartaft ao*r offer iny Store and other property tit John«burgh for Sale, or mill eOMBahre it 'for good Farm property. If net sold I will llent it to a responsible $mr%f on reasonable terms. It is a fine location for trade. Cull on or address P. Mchenry, 111. ̂ ; , , BOTTOM RE AC|l|Sfi^ ^ Until further notice, We wHl sell Meats, FOR CASH, at tlie foUowInf rates: . ^ Bee f S teak.,«,.,, Beef Roast.« Pork Corn Bee f....... < <E p < ..... : j CASH BUYERS. .. ^ IS p^nnda Peaches for 91. ,• ̂ 6 pounds No. 1 Ground Coflea fer #1, 3 pounds Ja|>an Tea for 91. 24 bars Kirk's Soap for 91. FITZSIMMOKS * EVAXBOX. . WIOTOGRAPH GALLERY. C. M. Dunbar having opened* tha Photopraph Gallery over Perry A Martin's Store, In the village of Mc­ Henry Is now prepared to do all work in that line on short notice and guar­ antee satisfaction. No Pictures will be allowed to be taken from the Gel- lery unless the parties are perfectly • * * i 8 $ » d . £ a l l a n d s e e s p e d ^ i V ^ V ^ FARM TO RENT.? x AfSbn of about three hundred acres, situated two miles Southwest of Mc Henry. Is in a good state of cultiva­ te*. Terms reasonable.*sia. 10 eta. T to 8 eta to8cts 5 cts #6 to 7 cts. . pf i 4•*- s ,w *•>> \ Boiling Beef,.IU 4 Sfe^The best BrUnds of OYSTERS as Low as the Lowest, and alwaya on hand. We keep none but tlie best of Maata and are bound not to be undersold.-- Give us a call and we will be sure to please you. FRETT * SON. Mcilenry, Jan. 38th, 1879. MARRI] At Ureenwood, on the 9Sth of January, M7M. by the Rev. Byron Atden, Mr. J. A. Baldwin, of Chicago, aad MIm Fannie Benton, ot Nunda, 111. SEYTON--WHITE- At tlie residence of the 'fTr.t „ bride's parents, Kt-b. 6th. by Ref. J. H, . Hp JBkirou, lir. Wiu. Scytou and Miss <io£«phlr* A . ju White, both of Itichmond, 111. ™ Much has been sung with Golden Hair." a of the "Maid osetic, however, make tha^ecder a I'M ban yet been able to popular one for any conslderahti lesgih ̂ of time. Light red faded or aMdy haCr „ are equally under the ban ef pnhUe opinion. We are happy lo aaneaMae : to our readers who dewNi IB aiHHSge those colors, that three appllotilses ei A 4 Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia wMlfliBHy# them beautiful auburn tressea peaatlN £ s>ng all that soft, lustrloua ikppaaraBtB >>-' - ' $ m> desirable , l»dj||i» " £ 'female beauty, ' - • •* ^ .. . \ k4#.' .;1* • , m; , ̂ * s L z , A : k j i . , . ' :K' ' - . , ' . J . ...ii A" J* . < - • -1-

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