mm «?• M WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2d. 1879. J. VAN SLTKE, Editor. M i . * - » A n I l l i n o i s R e f o r m e r a i m s t o luppress by K'gislatioii the social Abuse of "treating." He has intro duced in the lower branch of the Leg islature a bill providing that any per- •On who •'treats'1*another in a saloon Hi all be punished by a flue of not less than $5, but uot wore than #15, for ••'Mjarti aud every offense. |9*Ca1iforiiia, like a stranflFiPeijr at fi coru-sliuekiug, can only stand of! and M>ok on at the preseut extra session of Congress. She does not elect her Con gressmen until next fall, and as the . of her Representatives expired JTheu the Forty-fifth Congress gasped lis last, she is not prepared for an ex tra session. :C /> B8T"The women in Kansas vote at i|She school elections. At a recent eleo- >..* lion at Osage City, one woman went 9p to vote, but before she got through felling the judges what a time her > ; Willie had with the scarlet fever when Ike was only two years old, it was time 'Ho close the polls and she had forgotten deposit her ballot.--Burlington 'Sfawk&eI' J6T*It is thought that obout 6,000 persous were drowned by the recent terrible innundation of Sazegedin, Austria. The water is now subsiding about the city and in a short time will |>robably fall to its ordinary level, ifleliefis pouring from every quarter for those who were made homeless by the disaster. The Emperor alone has subscribed 30,000 florins. large number of banks have recently suspended in New Orleans and none of those belonging to the Clearing House Association have paid Itny one depositor to exceed $200 in any one day for a little more than a week past. The Southern Bank, the _j>ldest In the city, was the first to go Ijtts deficiency was nearlr a million l|j)ollars. Most of the other banks are believed to be solvent and it is hoped that the excitement will be allayed 4nd business resume its wonted ohan- me is after this week. « 80^ The cause of the South met with Siilgnal failure. The "State rights" Which it stood up to defend, were for ears abolished, and will never recov er its old force; and slavery, wtiich f was the corner-stone of the "'new na tion," has utterly disapipeared. Xd ^r^re*t«*f catastrophe ever closed a re- Volt. But tbQ gigantic contest and th^ " , conclusive victory were overshadowed by the unexampled political clemency lof the conquerors. When the war was Hpver no man suffered death on the scaf- '•? tfold save the few convicted of assassin ation, the political prisoners were ,/• ->/iqnickly released, confiscations were r? '* jboon removed, and now the South pos- p sesses again its political rights. But !, .the theory of obliteration ana forgive- ' YJhess pushed to an absurd extreme when v .iwenty-two Democratic Senators pro- >)se that the man through whose in- x litigation the American people lost friatiy hundred thousand men should be y-> presented as a fitting recipient of a ^ litate pension for services rendered t more than thirty years ago. At all |events, its payment might be postpon ed til] the huge national debt due to him and his colleagues Is completely ^cleared off. " LKTTKR FROM DKAHWOOD. DEADWOOD, O. T. March, 96th, 1879. EDITOR FLAIKDXALSR Deadwood is the connty seat of Lawrence county and the commercial centre of the Black Hills, It Is possessed of many natural as well as artificial advantages. Situated at tne junction ofjpeadwood and Whit#wood gulches, the road lead ing to aud from it comuiaud? the trade and travel of the Hills. It has a popu lation of 4,500 inhabitants, and its busi ness ^men to a great extent supply ail of the NortWm and Southern position of the Bliftk Hills with their wants.-- It has sixty-two stores of all kinds, twenty-five hotels and restaurants, for banks, five bakeries, thirty-eight sa loons, three theatres, seven assayers, nine physicians, dentists etc. It has three great passengers and freight lines, the Cheyenne, Sidney and Bis- mark. It has a freight line to Fort Pierce on the Missouri. In Deadwood gulch are the best placer mines in the Hills but they are now all worked out. The Chinese are working over the trailings. Central City situated two and a half miles upf Deadwood gulch is the second town in the Hill wittfa population of two thousand five hun dred, Lead city situated four miles up Whitewood gulch is the third town with a population of two thousand inhabitants. Central and Lead are sit uated on what is known as the gold belt of tha Black Hills. Here are the great quartz mills, they are the best mining towns in the Hills. -This coun try ne^ds capital to develop its min eral resources, it has no use for any more men. U. S. S. No Farmer who tills Ten acres of land can afford to be without a Randall Harrow. You can see one Every Day at E. M. Owen's. WHEN in Woodstock do nat fall to call at thfe City Bakery for Warm or Cold Meal?. They have one of the ueatest Restaurants in town. HEADQUARTERS-* t ^ a. v - •< yr • FOE GOOD BARGAINS We have just receivea a new and complete Stock ot all kinds of New and Seasonable Goods such as E>i*egs Goods, Boots <fc Shoes Hats, Caps, Clothing, &c., &c. Which we offer at very popular prices at Kicnmona New Stock of Cloths. Ready-Made Clothing, &c., for the Fall trade just received at Lauer & Becker's, near the Depot. Corporation Election. THE Annual Village Election for the village of McHenry, will be held at the Council ftoom. in the Village of McHenry, on Tuesday, the 15th Day of April, at which time the following offieeia will be elected: Six Trustees, and one Clerk. The Polls of said Election will be open at 1 o'clock and kept open* until six o'clock in the afternoon of said day. J . VAN SLTKK, Clerk. HcHenrj, March 96th, 1879. Twenty-six Coward a. * Buford, who recently assassina ted Judge Elliot, iii the streets of iFrankfort. Is one of the most reckless and daring men in Keutucky. He does not care for auybody or anything, nor 4s he afraid of anything. One of his late desperate acts was lo draw a double-barreled shot gun on the Sherifl and a posse who came to levy on some of his property. When the men ar rived at the gate, he walked to the door and pointed the gun at the first man. and told them that he would kill the first man that entered the gate. Ha then Invited several of them into dinner, saying that as friends he was glad to see them, but as officers they could not come on his place. When dinner was finished he told them they must leave BOW ; he had extended the hospitalities of his farm, and he was done with them. Not one of those twenty-six men had the pluck to disc s'bey or <!Weg:ird what Tom Buford said, thus who wing tfiat he was regard ed as a dangprons man by his neigh bors. They did not levy on the land or offer to do so after his threat, but retired gracefully aud in order. Reduced Price. Twenty-live cents will now buy a fifty-cent bottle of Piso's Core for Coiraptiofl. Thus the best cough medicine is the chepest. Sold by all Drug gists, ' FRED. SCHNORR, MANUFACTURER OF New Store, near the Depot, McHENBY, ILLINOIS. Having removed to my new Store, I am now prepared to arcnmifioiate my oustouiers in anything in the line ot Custom-Made Boots and Shoes On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Being a workman of many years expe* rience I am confident I can please all who give me a call, and as I use none but the est of stock can guarantee as represented. one Give me a call and I will try and please. 40-Remember the placo, new Block, i door West of Story's Hardware store. FRED- SCHNORR. Mellenry, 111., Oct. 30th. 1878. N. BLAKE~ WAGON AND A Literary Ke Volution. - The era of cheap and good books hag eertalnly come. The Acme edition of Chamber's Cyclopedia of English lit erature, eight handy and beautiful volumes, nearly 3.500 pages, elegantly bouud in cloth, for 93,50. Is what the ^American Book Exchange. 55 Beekinan *Stc«4*t, ST. Y„ ofier to subscribers who btftr tJ«U month. Specimen volume, fit itself, post-paid, for 43 cents, Hearly 50,000 volumes sold In tjie past three months. Specintea pages and tortus b> clubs sent free. RINCWOOD - - ILLINOIS The subscriber would inform the public that he isnow prepared to furnish them with anything in his line from a common Farm Wajfon to the nieest Top Carriage, on short notice and at reasonable rates, using none but the best of timber and employing none bat SKILLED WORKMEN! He Warrants hi* work]to give satisfaction, and tbr good par w ill be as tow as can possll bly 1% afforded. •» HE MAKES Horse Slifoeing A 8PECIALTY R E P A I R I N G Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and see for yourself. N- BLAKE. I<1.. Oct. Ktb, 1819. Don't wait for a second invitation, but come at once and see how we deal and learn our prices. Butter, Eggs, etc., tak6n in ex change for Goods, allowing highest inarket price. V FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. West McHenry, III. M«Hen«y, 111., April 1st, 1*79. NEW SPRING GOODS LAUER & EECKEB, Near the Depot M c H e n r y - - - - - I l l i n o i s , Having just received their Snrin^ and Sum mer Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Hats. CUps, and Gents Furnishing Goods, which they offer to the buying public at Prices to suit the times. Their Stock of Cloths Is the finest and largest ever bought to this town, and comprises all the latest Patters and styles to be found in the market, from which they are prepared to make a SINGLE GAR MENT OK A FULL SUM' and Guarantee Satisfaction. «rcall and examine our stock before pur cbasing elsewhere. We will not be under L AUER & BECKER. McHenry. 111., March S6th, I8<9. FURNITURE, McHenry, III. Presents to the buying public a larger stock of all kinds of Furniture this Spring than ever before, which I am offering at greatly REDUCED PRICES. Now Is the Time To Buy. We have taken great pains in selecting our Undertaking Supplies. Coins, Caskets, ai Trimmmns, Of the latest designs. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not faii eto call an<l see ua when in want oi anything in our line. Notions! Motions!! We have a full line of Notion*. Call and sec them. In Picture Frames and Wall Brackets we will not be under sold. JOHNB. BLAKE. McHeifty, 111., March 12th, 1879. o u < o Lli CO Z3 o 3= X CO < o -FOR- BOOTS AND SHOES 211 St 2IS Madison St., BUEL, COOK & SEIXAS, Manuf'rs and Wholesale Dealers. ifi 'Don't fall to examine Goods and I'rices when in Chicago. Stock New and Bought for Cash. Great in ducements to Cash Buvers. U.K. BUEL, Late with M. Selz AC©. ('. F. COOK, I Late ot Whitney, L. SEIXAS, I Cook A Co., N. Y. People Need, TRADE REQUIRES Bed-Rock Bottom Prices. The plaee io obtain these Prices isWt. % J. W. Cristy's RINCWOOD, ILL. Thankful for the favors of my numerous customers, who are doubtless famlllsr with my mode of doing business, we give the rules by which we arc governed, for the in forma- tion of those not acquainted with them, viz: 1. To deal honorably with all. 2. handle, none but the beat of Good*. . 8. To sell at the Lowest Living Prices. 4. To require payment and pay according to agreement. 5. To refrain from misrepresentations- of ali kinds. : 6. To keep pace with the tfltnes In the In troduction of new styles. 7. To prevent mistakes, and to correct them promptly if made. 8. To pay strict attention to onr business. 9. To treat all with politeness, seeking and trying to merit custom on strictly business principles, and taking pleasure at all times in showing goods, whether purchases are in tended or not. Our stock for the Spring and Summer trade is complete in every particular and consists in part ot DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE DRUGS, MEDICINE?, And In short everything csually kept in a first-class country store which wili be sold at prices as Low as the Lowest Call and examine learn prices. Goods and J. w. CRISTY. Rlngwood, 111., March 12th, 1879. -You can make money by sel- s_^ HERE ling our Sterling Chemical Wicks--Never needs trimming--No smoke or smell--10 cents ea.;h, 3for 25 cents- fcend stamp for catalogue of Wonderful Inventions, staple and fancy Goods. Parsons, Foster & Co., 126 Clark St. Chichgo. c The McHenry HUT MET. Inventory occurs March 1st, kttd at tfwit Hfc T. C. Schroder, who for several years lias had the charge of my Rich mond business, assumes One |Jalf interQst. n _ fa : Reducing Stock, I havi . ^ ^ ~ •" * --»• D In many eases at Cost, and at less than th#> fMf of Production. Am Botid to Redttce Stock if Mes Wili fito It TB CASH BUYERS THIS IS THE GOLDEN OPPORTUHITY STOCK LAROK, TOO LARGE And consists of Everything usually found in a Country Store, with the LARGEST STOCK of Men and Boys' Clothing THAT CAN BE rOIJND m MoRENBT COUNTT At DUNDEE my Stock is COMPLETE, and I am MAKING . SWEEPING REDUCTIONS. CASH--ONE PRICE ONLY. Respectfully Yours, C. F. HALL. ^February 4th, 1879. COLBY BROTHERS, -DEALERS IN- General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL. ^Ve have one of the most complete stock of Goods ever brought to this market, consisting in part of Dry Goods, BOOTH AND SHOES, Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and Willow-ware, Grroceries, etc., etc,. We would nsk an inspection of our WALL PAPER, which is now complete, elegant and desirable. Patronage solicited and satisfac* tion guaranteed, ^ COLBY BROS. FHMEBS DON'T 1011 BUI Until you see and examine my stock of Tools and get prices. I have the best stock of Farming Implements N O T In McHenry County,, and will B E U N D E R S O L D . For Information relative to KANSAS, take the Leavcnuorth {Kansas) Appeal, a largx eiRht page weekly paper, containing each weeks s.ketch, maps ana illustrations of some one of the counticg in Kansas. The better lands in this State are Belling at from <2.00 to f/i.00 per acre, with a credit ol from six to eleven years, The great bulk of the (iovernnient lanrt, which is as rich as the richest in the State, is still open to settler*.-- Full information in regard to soil, climate, preemptions, homesteads, markets, churches, school*, etc., will be found each week in The Appeal* Price, fS.OO pjr annum; or jjjtl 00 for six months. Sample copies sent on recipt of 10 oents. Address The Appeal, LKAV KNWORTH. KAWBAB. In Clothing, Buck'.iii & Stevens have a full line tor the Spring trade. Gall and gee prices before buying. W naving recently fitted up onr Shop, we are now prepared to furnish our customers with Fresh aid Salt Meats OF ALL KINDS. Sausage, Smoked Meats, &c., --AT THE-- Lotreit Living Prices. We buy none tint the best of Meats, and flatter ourselves that we can offer OUT custom, ers Meats in better shape than any other Shop in this section. Thankful for pist favors we solicit a con tinuance of the same, and we will guarantee to satisfy you both in ^unllt v and price. FRETT A SON. M«H«nry, nL, March 12th, 1879. I have all the Leading Plows among them are the Furst & Brad ley, Norwegian, Moline, Peru, Grand Detour, John Deere and J. I. Case, all acknowledged the best made and warranted in every re spect. Also have the Furst & Bradley and Moline Sulky Plows which will talk for themselves. The only Agent for the IMPROVES RANDALL PULVERIZING HARROW The Popular and Profitable Farm Implement used. SEEDERS! SEEDERS! SEEDERS• We have the Buckeye and Prairie City, both first-class in every respect. Also the Force Feeders. PLANTERS! PLANTERS! PLANTERS! I make a speciality o? the Keystone and Keystone Jr., Planters, warranted in everv way. ' --FOR THE BEST-- Platform Spring Wagon On the market I have the Cortland Improved Gear, which has no su perior. The Company make them a speciality and make no other. For Pumps I have the Adams and Kenosha, excelled by none. Be sure and call before going elsewhere as we know we can make it to your interest to do so. Remember everything is sold on its merits. At the old stand opposite the Mill. E. ML. OWEN.