Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1879, p. 5

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HlliMHdtH ii at till* ofln « few eOrds?of drvwond. HXK&T (W amlfamlly started oa Ttfettlayform visit Among friends In WirhOtlwd the familiar face of John of Clifton, III., on our streets .©aiiwaltjr, •.. • - ;, i THK Steamer "John S. Field," was iaafMiSikeid ©ii Thtirillaf"last', and will fee N«djr to make trips In a few days. Mws CLARA. 8, OWES, who MOW ban s* Studio..In Chicago, St spending a .few days with her parents lu this village, SsHiuiK H. COVILL Is* the happiest maiv in towi). The new boarder arrived on f|May night last, is a girl, and full ten pounds. " AT the Annual Election for a Town- •hip School Trustee, held In thin village on Saturday last. Henry Colby WAS re­ elected for the enduing three years, TIIK Stato Fish Commissioner has planted 15.000 young California Salmon fn Fox Ri ver at this pi»ce,' They wire put In just above the bridge; v v; little Steamer "ExceWp^1 Is being put in order and will be ready for btmluett some time next week. With three Steamboats the 'traveling tmbfic ougli t to b» sworn mod sited. H. L„ BOIES, of the Sycamore True " ' Republican. spent a few days at Fo* ' i| I<ak« last week. 0»l*his return he made ki ¥i the PtTAllf DKAL.ER & call, 'but ttllfOPttt* nately wa werfc not In. '$yS e jDo you want Bill Heads,' Statements. • Envelopes. Atu'tlou Bills, Business Cards, Circulars, Wedding or Party It»- '%> vitatfonst If so It will he for your .'-u-< «wra interest to obtain our prices be- £•$* #«mt«klng yo«* ^ & ' ^ ' •g"""45 DID you ever notice the pw»r isfiajp PsS'l fliat stands In the first f»iotn*v * in tfw Aimansc with fishes and sheep aHJV • V * '* ' fa , * -J *1 «*g r 5 .n< ?'-• _ 1 n^p^lnns atnl twins, etc.. SNMMHI him? Did you ever notice that lie wa«iia- ked aad had nothing in his stomach ?-- Well; that poor fellow used to edit a newspSper and tried to please all hi'* otibscribert.---J$v ; AOMB one who has tnkenfhppalti* to fftthsrup the statistics says that the comities of Cook, DuPage, K.ane, Kan­ kakee anil Mefleury produced, last year over 13,G00,0M gulion8 of«36 gallons of which were shipped to Chi­ cago, tha balance JEflng to the country cheese factories and home consnmp- t ion. The figures show an increase of *£00.000 gallon* over 1877-78. -Sin-- •• ' , • - ' 1 *i -- -- r*~- i \ Aw exchange put* It In this wise: •Waare now open to proposal* to any ••fjrtw^lshes to work oiir .garde# We wjj.ll fiirtiish lh« ©Id boots.straw hats, spade, hoe. earth and fceaven will thnAr in the dew audstin* eblne; ail that is required of the party of thfe third part is the innnnsl, the muscular, the bone and #iuew, tlie early rising, the back hone aiid~*lhe m A bran new w upon our street^ on1 reads Heiiry." , IN an Xiuporia. April lith, we find lattoii^® Waite, Me- nt. -v";' • paper, of lowing in re- Walk at Wi *cH®KSV much country TUB workmen have arrived and work 4* the new Steaniet Is prttgresslng fipldly, and it wtff be conifrteted and teady to launch early in May. It wiU Iwgratlfylng to knew that we w!W then Ikftve * KtsHiglboat tlmt will meet the wants of tWe 4acreasing ttavnl between ^ere«wi the Lakes. It willIsave the mpaalty to earry o p« hundred ot more peaseiifert, will rem to the I*ekes inside •t en honr, have a neat and comfortable €ah|n, %nd otherwise arranged to ao- .•OM«K>d6le all In afiret class style.' '; ' W#J«ftrn that farmers in »<ljolning iKNintiea have lately been victimized by pHeat right swindlers, by inducing them to write their names and address •a the pretense that circulars would be eent them. They found, when to late, they had ordered a large quantity of patent wagon tongue supporters The safe way to treat all atrangf **geuts It to say Hno" firmly respectfully; If tk*t don't suffioe say no wlt^i your lists 4o«bled up; that falling, g^ »for a shot r»! 7 J tit another ooluinn cwn ^ found; the new ad%'ertisement of W.5H. Dwlght, Boot and Shoe dealer, "W oodsto^k. This Is one of the oldest $ nd moat re­ liable houses in MsHenryl county, and ke keeps a stock of Boot| and shoes •eeond to none in the West oatslde of the city. Good Gfcols and low prices is his motto, aad those of owr teailers'who are .in w4ut of anything In this line will do *^1 to give him a call, AS goods •4 t"&7 " fSi„ , B. BISHOP, returned off Friday 1 from a weeks trip to the t$Q«|^ern p of ti»}iState. He report* ||mes much" harder smong the f|ii^rs th«il in this section, ttid that many ere upon the verge of bankruptcy. After seeing their c< (editing Slse re be Miys he tblnln we HI com plaint. -- »•,<!" • . WE would again call the attention of the Farming community to the ad- vprtlsement of Owen, tlie old am! reliable Agricultural dealer, who is tt>i»'iN»rl% fetter prepared fo furnish yon with all kinds of farm m achlne> irr. and at |Wi«es m low tt* any other hottse In Mefteary cbtinty, qualivy of machinery considered, lie keeps none but the best, and will warrant every tool or machine sold just as represent­ ed. Cat] at his Warehouse and see tlie machines there on exhibition. Also read his advertisement elsewhere. THE Lowery family are advertised to-give one of their "Moral and lnstmc tive entertainments,** at Riverside Hail, in this village, on Saturdav even- in* of this week. April 19th. John R. Lowry, the manager, eomes highly reccomnittiided by botli the public and the press, and his entertainment Is pronounced by all who have witnessed it to be one of the liest now traveling. Those Of our citizens who wish to pass an evening of real pleasure should not fall t© goto Riverside Hall on Satur­ day evening. WE wish to again remind our readers that we have a resident Dentist in this village. Dr. F..I. Crofts, whole work is giving the highest satisfaction. In the past few weeks he Hals been called upon by parties who have hid teeth made by other Dentist that they could not wear, and In every Instane* he lies given tlie utmost satigfaetkm the first time. He makes the celebrated Celodoid Plate, which is acknowledged to be far ahead of ail others. When in want of anything in the Dentistry ||«e don*t fail to give Dr. <Jr^ss a trial* hSS uo superior in this cmjnty* C. F, Hauu opened his Immense stock of General Merchandise at Nnnd*, on Monday lust, and we can say the stock more than meets tlie expectations of his friends and the public generally.-- The store is well and comfortably ar­ ranged, (the fixtures being put In un- <lor Mr. Hall's orders.) and It I* tm- diHihtedly the best lighted, both by day ami night, of any store lu McHenry conntj'. The stores at Richmond and Dundee aliMi replenished this week with a new st«*rk sll around, and In fact "fir­ ing lias own inenefcd all along the Hue. nind the high priced credit stores must take II. G's. advice and go West, tor the intelligent fanners ami laborer* of McMfary cosmty who b«y for cash, ap- preci<|te (J, F. Hairs c(|ort« in reducing tl.e pcl^ ^ ̂ e^ntlisc ̂ JwW J|»y W»«*.. ?• a i j.frk, . SOitK petsrt^ Or persons tmkntiwn. bnrgl«rlo«»ly entered the residence of Father CSHeM on fiflinr nlgHt ^ast stole therefrom a valuable Gold Watoh chain. It WAnid seem from the dreumstanee* tlmt the thief must have had some knowledge of tim house. ,ite gained an entrance by prying open j|rear window, went through one room upstairs to tlie sleeping room of "Father O'NeiU where he obtained tlie watch and chain and also tlie pants of Kr. O^Netl. The latter he If ft In a rOi»m below, after rifiing the pockets, bttt getting nothing ejlse except a btfhch of keys. This he accomplished zM escaped without awakeiitng any one in the house. The watch was a very valuable one,and was more highly prised on account of its lieing a present from fri«*i<ls. Up to this time no trace ofthe thief has been discovered. 5fow that it is known Uiat these night gcowleis are lu our midst, it woiHld be ,w^l! for our citizens to glve •keto & mmm A Mm ••«!>- Jecte for the Coffer might ko a wholesome lesson. : ? jMMSOOLVBl'OMT. Belfl^ are given the n&me# 4>fthese who ware present at ti»e close of last term,and panda satisfactory exam­ ination in the stndiet ptireoed, in the highest department of ti»e McHenry Public School: Ada Granger, Call Ralston. Clias. Slafter, HBloise Watte, Belle Stoddard, Citas. Owen. Eug6«e Perkins, Almon Granger. Sfiie Tllton, Nettie Paige. Stella Bedkwltk; Hatrtle Smith, Cynthia Whiting, Jessie Wight- man, Clara Wightman, FranklMcOniber Nettie Parks, Chas. Granger* UUte Kel- tor, Fred. Colby. Willie BdrnfttM* Ber­ nard Buss, Clitt* Going. Ch*s. Paige, Mollte Searles, Henry Hogan, August Nordquest. . - . S. IX BALOWIV, PrinolpaL ^fw.|in^ stylish Dress Goods, rang- lng jn price from 6 cents and upwards at^rrtiwliiimons & Evanson's. das repreAeafe- e»d Ikoie wii* W»fe there w Woodstock as a lively town on that day» There were twelve contestants HWttfed for tlie race, but by one o*clock hfd dwindled down to less than «number ana we believe at dose Uierc were but fonron the t^ick. Ofthe twelve contestants Mo- Henry furnished three, namely. Lew. Lawrence, Thos. Piiaien and Frank Oennett. Lawrence, since his walk at Richmond, had i»eu suffering wit|» chills, and never should havf went Into the race, and after walking about 30 miles felt another ;comlngon and was obliged to leave the trarii, while Gen-J nett bad the misfortune early in the reee to spraia his ankle, litis left Phaien alone to take c»re of tin reputa­ tion of Mcflenry, and right well he done it, making 43| miles'In elgltt hours, wiuniug third money, an<f leav­ ing the track the freshest man ofthe lot. Had they had another liour to walk we predict he would have showed at the front. Tlie first money was won by Standish, of Kishwaukee, making 47j miles, and the second by Pete. Kane,of Richmond, making 46 miles. Phattiii was on the streets Tuesday. looking none the worse for k|t Iftttg tramp, only a litte foot sore. # 4 v CAREIK8 PRIZE. X THR fvvtmt 'mm. fteat Walking Match it Wood- «NM Monday hmt drew ontfi M^of spwtMort as well ^ " Mrs. %. W* Howe hjp just re«elved a full line of Millinery, and will dispose of it at the very lowest figttres for Cash. Corporation Election. The Annual Corporation JEleotton was held in this ylllag; on TuMday, and while there was considerable lutnr- est manifested and tome sharp work done on both sides, the vote polled was unusually light there being bnt 168 ballots cast. There were two tickets in the field, one headed "Peoples' Ticket," and one --SfTo License Ticket" and the result was the election of the Peoples* Ticket by majorities ranging from thirty to thirty-five. The following Is the ticket elected: JFbr Trustee*.--Smith Searles. Rolllu Wai'te. John B, Blake, E. JL Hantey, Win. Walsh, (Jliarles T, Eldredge. - fkm dark--J, Van Slyke. . i.iv'v grLttlfKKS ^ -Uto • i^nt ls paised.,......Marble time Is at hand. .... . .. And Circuses will soon be in onler........That f* to say if Spring don't get cafislsed again... ..... Work our the tiew Steamboat hat Com­ menced. .......The Elgin Newt tays: "Hank Mct,ean, of Marengo, was In town yesterday." MoHeury is tatitfltd hut what will Marengo say?........ Spring house cleaning is in order, or rather disorder We have learned, to our entire satisfaction, tlmt "Wood promises,"a* 1 rule, are worthless.... ... .The Steamer, "Jol^i 8. Field," was launched on Friday... .....Hen fruit Is plenty in tills market.,, That fellow with,tlie white hat lias made his appearance, and there Is trouble on Turtle Dove Avenue,....... As Jonah was t!ie;fh*t boy to go fish In, it fol­ lows that lie was also the first to got a whale In./..... .A delightful combina­ tion of sweet an|| sour is seen in lemonade. Likewl«e lit a pretty girl eating a pickle. A large delega­ tion from this town attended the walk at Woodstock pn Monday..-......Hui)- mr» pass to nod from tha Lakes every day........A youpig lady wishes us to inquire about Uiosc sliirts, trimmed oft so fantastically. It's the (tatteru they want. Come hoys, show «iu up........ He stood 011 the isomer and whistled and danced to keep himself warm. Oh. dear, what keeps her so long!" That was In the first WardIf yon dont go home young man we'll tell Ma!....... There's mischief brewing on t>bverit fiane. If Pa catches you young man your weight will be less.! Ton had better'iook a i$etle ond.".... UX Stary night for * Vamble!" 4*Confo«ind tliat bonflre^i.Go to Laurer A Seeker's and see their fine ttouk of eloths for salting*; Good morning. Mr. Bntsm, you're first at last; you used to be behind before but 1 notice, yqn iiave boai^ getting, early of late",,,.....Thex» is a great inquiry to know where that Packing House ii located. W® are requested to ask Charley.. ...^Vi'he old Maid was fxpitcting him tare. Ok what luclous tumMi pits. K you'll atkat over we won't say another word Be sure and go to Riverside Hall on Saturday «ure,piug»uextv and see John R, Lowry'» Moti^and Instrptiye entertainment- ...Who stole that ham? No dodging now, / I • ' ••i m <%- h «Kamain. koniMM. " u & fc, C: Hal- WAtiy i»i -Woti seeing h piper from i hand to let theSab m* of Bavtbi wagons a lively buttoees in the way of ptckliig iq^rags and leaving his wares J. L this w» Hardwi tbeinmove many wurm I move h«ii to go iutoth^ )Ve hate tq ha# ^tfeoy hsvo formed _ d^rhlie here.. ' W. Butter A Co. l*ave completely ren­ ovated their aAfure and Painted aud Cttlfoui ined the wood work and wails and tho apiwurance In much bettftt/^ They are preparing to sell goed goods as low ns the lowest. C. F. Hal! is now in full kbit and the way the goods go frunt that new store to a caution, fie haa things arranged very neat MM! tasty which gives an in*, viting appears«ip«', Ol« A meson has gmtt to Carpentcrs- vilie to work r'or Carpaater aud will move his family tktve in a few weeks as He is to have steady work there. Rev. Geo, Bacon delivered a Temper- ance l ecture Mond»y evening Ik the Desclple Church ? Election Tuesday last and qntte a warm time, we vrtlt apeak more definite next week. . Slierm Burton has moved hit beet over here. He has some fifty swarms and the bees are pretty thick there- aboutf. We tiotice he kaa several swarmt Of the IfatTianbeea. We hope lie wlB eweetcn the.-^ Iwaytts of our many vl)i^|e feMtt hf • sweetening their atotnechs. The iMjr way to reach some peoples feievtutces It t i r o u g k t l i e i r s t o m a * * , v - , , Fred Howe, luis so fm •< recovered from his sprained aekk m *o-;ke- able to walk without crutohes. . Elmer jBeardsley's little Nettie * was buried Mouday. She died of scarlet fever, after only a few days Illness.-- The bereaved parents have the Empa­ thy of alt. ' ; ' The Easter Concert was poet pone d 6n'account of the church not being ia readiness. fconrity Sabbath School CoiiveatSon, #lil kfe held in theM. k Church the 1*8th,and 17th. f A. A. McGregor kM rttanied for the **girl he left behind him". School began oi» Monday laat, with Mr. Ridiardson as prhiaft|de and lilts Lincoln as andstajit. ' ^ Fred Claim in juiptplaf on a wagon, caught his fool In Ike wheel which carried him mound twloe, but very lortuuatejly no bones were broken, though he was pretty badly bruised. Water- E&rro* ' your my pea - we AlCe v wMiIIJi WM -IwelrtifitipiiltiWhy old and young, ail -llptt»t»li#i«ie. ' > ' iMli>*nn^Ba» 3Ulnihafpe, has gone of Mrs. ( tfke ladles sociablelf0,M% was not at mlgh^ have been on weatht^ biit all report We i^3|tTCtan'd |hat has bofigkt lhe Cliarles for 930 per acre, j We would call the special attention of the reader, of thll Wiper; t«> I. W. 'Orfi'tj^s^'fiera, m here h« keeps a large 0f ## Oooils end Groceries, and ^<m eaa «a«e 16 oents on the dollar bf tradlug ititli !dm0 ^ Tholr ^ij).be a Tempersnco meeting: a<* the chnrek on Thursday evening, «*g tome of the heat speakers will be Ml«8 Nellie Holmes ̂ and Thomas Grimoiby, are visiting friends here. On the evening of April 9th, at the reeldence of tlie brides parents,occured the marriage of Mr, Hews, of Hebron, afedHls* Jennie Smith, of King wood. *fk«<B4remony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Hews. A large number of friends and relatives %vi (nested- the eeremony. May the journey of Mi*, ho everftUr. ' Fuwt Plows a i LMMr 4h 'it: New arrival Call at E. M. Ol •ee the Rand***- School Cheap, at Keystone Cera E. M. Owe n't. The best Ovareoat, money, at Stopa^fe; Geared Coi ' at 'Ipe 'fke fttw WM .'..j ' Get samples of Hall's Teas at SO, 19. 40 and 60 cts., and tlien bay ft ttw, and get 5 cts., oft per |K>unC , Before going elsewhere, call and ex­ amine a fine assortment of goods and learn prices, at Mr?. IE. W. Howe's. " Best heavy, plain glass Tumbler* $ cts.,Goblets 0 cts.. Glass Pitchers 40 cts^, and Glastfrare generally way be­ low other prices at Hairs. # Mrs. S. Searles. has also just received a large assortment of . . beautiful new Spfijig Cloaks, Circulars, and Outside Wrapt. Also the material for making tip. And I here extend a cordial lnvftfctton to all, to call and price the goodt and tee for themselves* Re- mcmber Cash will buy cheap. ^ ; •„ . <41 Grsnnlated Sugar 9 cts.. and tcue Oil, 18 cts., at C. F. Hall's, Kero- ... . 'iz.L r'* • *-. r- *5"^' ^ t WOOD»TO€K "" fttrtton Puvtxii«4i.kH 0eat walk Is in progrMi at thft writlng fJO p. M. Twelve stared a*d alght are ttlll on the track, Qolte a gathering it here to wltotesa the f<4ly, tlmagh not at many as was «sxpected. f v ; fW Bunkers are fihe Miiter apo|t of attaek i»y HHh.i tlpt* in ftgard to crnr Stitool.Trefsury .because Cer tooth tiae. oid gt^tHw» bat ^9« l»appoltttid who ii^f^Bil the o Ope for mm-ft*** to the tP|lff> Mth^ii except that class which are always complaining If they or their particular pets cannot crowd tlitfBtelves into some place that somebody else Alls witii credit to themselves iiid satisfac­ tion to the people, Tlie llghres in re­ gard to the salary pild at given In the Democrat are jutt about at accurate a* were their figures in regard to Sheriff Stedman last Fall. They eatne little nearer tlie iitith this time, aud as they seem to be Ineiitted to approach, the truth, thohgh they in that direction M!ike iie wotinfled *oake di^ag their tlow length along," they should be en­ couraged. Tlt«»y |4aae hit Salary i}t •259 to $275, when It' it only a fhW oents over 9i^.;r .4.i(... r" The v^aikerfi^rft not the only men on the track. ̂ Ceof and Marpiiy are making a lively little raoe for the Judgeship, with tl|e inside track assigned to Murphy for the send oS. At ltast sUchliihespeedjiof people. ' - SPRING OIROVC.' • • < FOITOR PLAiKi>BAiiaR^-Moon-llght elelgh-rides and M0on4ight knock downs have let up for a spell. John Tweede started for Kebraska about two,weeks ago. He writes home that he has bought a lot in Fairfield, Nebraska, and intends to build a house and store, before he sends for hi* fam- Mr. Dennis Halderman left for Kaa- las. last Tuesday morning. ' Coming events cast their shadows before, or else "Roble" would not be trying to hire a h*«*e. (I!©Si. Rob?) Doctor C.--W. Ito*tm, formerly of GmoiH Wt*„ has ttNi a momtamr the Cheese factory ia ttfi*K*piaoe. All ye that are #iek <* ttate cotae and be hesle<L hb<S Mr. ll^geiA, she* mahW' moved to Sharo* Wisconsin, *ud f^e are again without a Cobbler. Kow all beWlhe watch for an Invi­ tation to the wedding, as our prospec­ tive young Clerk Is about to lump into Jtke mitrlmoaial noose/ ' ^ * s C. F. Hall offers large stockin of Clothing at all 3 stores and hit prices are lower than the lowest. " -'i y v/^-r v ^ > *• Nottee. O^lng to the increating demaad for aid from the town by those who rep­ resent themselves to be It destitute efonMtatanoea, and out Clothi mwm -.^PiniRHRVi.' At 910 pet River Valley it For aCl Fox River ¥ SUGARSt Neve*4j» lo or unable to support tMMve^ lb|i l* atoissary. ln order lp> o*teod r^ijtf to aft cases really de**rvlng a»sistuMRlv andyft prottct the t»x payers, l^lit something be done t to enable me to furnish the greatett amount of aid for the leaat fftouey. ^orac^iigly -I have attatij^l to have now, or May hereafter became ^anpers, during my ten» of office, kept at one g^d :and admit plane, where they iiiy be cared for as their clrcumstancee r*» quire. Thos* who ar* able to labor of UttCK Wilt b« required to do to, wMH H tJtiragcd and infirm will be cared for at: their oondUioa require*, aad aH«IH At bettee eared tat .OT "•WlPWWy the Paapar* are stattered prornhfOi^ tmsiy *H over the Township. I ^ thvrefore n^gnlae noae at. Panpert fat*r«iafter, eyOBf^ those who comply with thea« arrangements, or pay any MR* ipr Pauper* which i do not cor. trwei." Phyttelant and all others to whom It may concern will pleate govern tbemtelvtt accordingly. - J. W OktSTT. 8ap«rTl«»r. Is wliat CLF. MilU sellt his goodt fbr,and tlie,littt niit,..fctMdally In McHenry Cduiijy mwt pay him Cash In order to i«'*i ft if MM l»8t Iftaedy kdewii .far bw; ak- ing upeeveni Cought and Cold* of long standiag. Priol oidySS cent*. Sold by @911$ Bros. MeHinry, m. TRY A ""w-.tke'^miiy **ck.atuhe Fax' No F laadcan New Stqdc of Clothing, dfce., fo# received at Lauer CASH! CA.SH!! CASRtft. itt oh all H Att41 a for Have y Ten to to the acre tkreele%«iaia4^j M usi in " iiftti. dtySeeder. ;41 •I:?' • if Yon can't afiord to with a Credit store for the dfKilmte* it to teeiiie§^ »Wr goodbi " '"sil: A Hdote In thirty redi *ppU4d4e«l*oqk(; m Mm The HoHh«ra HUfcoit lte#lno Sheep BreedemAswHtitloa wltt'kold a shear- iag ftallaal'Oti the' Fair Ground, at Woodtt^Mh* April 18. Let *11 who keep sheep or weaf woolen, p> to the festival, wi|h plenty of ratloot, and a dcterenatjion to„||ave a good time. then yo» will eom* away bs^py as you went, "in some parts, of the country these Annual Sheep Shearing Festivals are looked forward to with a great deal of pleasure, and Indeed, they must also be important to breeders, who can there compare itotet, and possibly learn much that would be highly hfMi- e tidal to them. Wir prwftUt this I'ef- tival will be well attended* 4 . 5 cent Item*: charge 19 td Mfi Slalf,' and otlwn for the same, Look at the men's fine Boots Ball is sellitg for 9».10. fe.86, and 93.50, , Hi Selts A Oo's. Boot* and Shoe*' stock and still lower priest at in & Stevens. • DRESS AtfD CLOAK MAKING. MB*. M. E. THOMAS, Dfess mid Cloak Making Rooms, over Mrs. Searles Mil­ linery Store, McHenry. Having recent­ ly located in Meileury, I am now pre­ pared to do all klrids ot Dress and Cloak-Making in the best of style and at reasonable prices. Cutting and Fitting^promptly attended to. Ladles In waiitof work In tills line will do well to give me a call. ' MM». M.S. THOMAS. IK County (Jonrfc, March S7th, IjRBI, M|lkiaiSSiSiai*r IMf'wiMM- of veeord, l« •aid'OOf^t. by the Hoa. B. ^ In thls villagajat house and two lott * able. ForfurtM? Ot •I.: TAKC Iwill sflllHay lumber, welj m wain or W aieptt, or will prov*4l Notes. I am no w Bill! ing rates: Qpodfoa^r g*ar •* • to*-*- Patent floor •iwait; "" •Wo are «ciKr> SgL" .HO. •: :ipiwsat«todtfir: 40Acr fenced. good house and heraml wjiiev * Also my Lakean# house. Apply to Flot#at 1 It, aHls#" u with #»ction reporMdU ff BT.Oterk. ^ k -< t^ *1 4- • " ^ ' *"t '"hf? ^ 4 Mr*. Wiar, and fact ryerjf#!fnj*' 'lit t!«s JTO- tion line and wil s«|tehe iper than ever ofiercd in t}>is ittitpfw*. . »«la« u "< 4 SPRING AND SU ro in?. ether and ii «»ui»ty or lor W f*u?ih«ar parthni

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