*L ^1 ' ^ ^ i«4» '**vv'pr~!fr_•,;-*;*,?&* »y%wu*,^.4.,,, •'"'.•^»iift,i:."-;4.'Si>-.'&%;•',•% • ij v'f ' »;m5 ' ' i ' ' it* l%v.' ^••»r -iS ffp^k rttQSM • ' Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and yiglaimn* M'HENRY, ILLINOI CARDS. BUSINESS « v .'{ft* .'PfM'-.-T.' '"J?-rt '.-i f "*»'£• * vf. , . T^l* j wN* i \i ,. i.vf< -V^ MA ^ f;iC« » Sks. PublUhed Every Wednesday br '.«Jf. VA?f SLYKE 'r; M' » iStttor and Publisher'. rt/v-.- • II M^fnh»'iWJ P.O. , , ,^ , n.qifvu(itK JiivEBstiis tint an.-- ' ' TfettSlS OP STTBSCRIPTIO!!: ;-%ihI feat, tie Advance,)..., .,wV.;,iS|l«• |r not Paid within Throe Month* ......... too §«'wrt]»t itin<i received for three or six months |t» the same proportion. '*mLJ i. , ; . i'U« BUSINESS 15AKD8. fr. »'. T. BUOWV. M. ». j)ltTSK!IAN ami Sntgwii. Oire I oyer the Post Olivet opposite Perry ft %f trtln* store. no stairs McHenry Ifl. ,~"r~"" a II. K KG KIM, M. IK ' PIIVStorAX W!» stfiMKoV. Johnshnrgh Ills.--Olllce liners £ to 10 A. «» dally. Me.llenry Ills.-Kivprniile linn**, Tuesdays, VkumKif * himI Saturdays. ott<« k»w»lto 4 P. *. •'" 1 • HI. K. A. ItKKItS M. I>. iflVStCfAKnnd Stirgobu. Oillcoatre*idenre. t wo doors w«.it it! Post OtM«i Mftlleiiry l>. J. iloWARD, U IK , 1)itrsTCtan and Surgeon. Olllceattne store of llowafd ft H »ii, Mi-Henry, [II. W. H. MTCiC, M. D., !• §|V> [••: «0 MYOPATHIC PhytictaH and AarMnn.-Oilittt Kn^t Side Pabflc Square, wood. Stock. 1(1. OOlcC hours 11 t6 it A. Mm mill 2 t« • P. H. K. J. IIA It HI AN. CIGAR Mii'ifiPtu-"-, M-IIonry III. Or-der< * (ti -ito I. North Ka»t corner "PuMIc $«iw*r*. • ' " " * • >,{;«'i; Ifi. I'ICHKINS. "ttf\GO?r5t liter. W J'»i»inni{ proiH|itly ntronded bo. 4hem Wtt^l of t)ic CilUiir iiiC"JlAin> IllSliUP ^TTOaVBr AXl> COCNSKI.OII A* LAW JlcH«-«ry. III. ltlCllAU iJ COMPTUN. fUATICE of the Peitte and 0>nroyaB«er.-- I Will Attuu-l Mrt.uiitly tu the collectiua ul iftt*. Volo, Litke 0>mnty, 111. ! 7^-OT.I A,* nar ftwrun' GKO. A. MUCKLIX \KY PUIll.lO, Oonvoyunrer *nd In- sfiriuire As«ni. Uttce at BuekUn A m .Store, near tliv l>u|Mtt, Mclleury, III. &. i;. iacuAUUs. IfA-H aitoini>l«te A^Mtract ot Title* to land 11 in ItcibHrv County, (ii'muii. OSwtflth Shmiitv IMerk, Win utm-li. 111. •M- - I " i " » itoitT. winoirr. Manuftrturer oi Uunfuu Msil«) Uootfl and N*oiu4 lint thn of material jimxI tnd all work w.trraiit.ti>l, Slwo Korilvwl •Mrutir Public ,squ:tr«, Mclluiiry, 111. . WU -fr.fr Ct B. 31. UWKX. Iteiler and .Manufacturer* UT; In I.<mH*( farm Karhlitar)'. prir«* luw »n>l Turmx fjtvor»l»Ui. M^iiBxnr ii.i.ixois. b. x. s. GMi.nv. M#*IIB*ttr, Al -lIeiiryCo., III. Breeder «f .iM«Uh lltirim* sitoew. Btfrkfliire and !*••!ind Ciiu'i Hwiuu. Acliofce lot of yoanif Iliick ayKlEf ir t il*. I*lea«e rail and • tawine lio^orc tMifinat «d<uwliere. "" ' uorxi.Kiii 1JOI.K 1. 8AT.OOV Hii l TiJii Pin Alley, {.anainir* Hltx'k, uttftr tiiu Ui!|i»t, Mi'ltonry, III,-- Oh«de» Ufia U of ;,i.iu<«r* tud ClK;ir<j al^avH on hand, . gku. ^oiiitm.Niiu. " 1 SAl.OOXand lU'blnir int. Vcacly opposite the P.irk«r lloustt, Mnlluury IlL M-Firit-Cl*** Uillmrd and Pool T«••!«». J. HoNSLETT, t SVI.OOX and ttf«tiurHnt. Xearly oppoeite Ovcu'k Mill, M<-,Henry, IlL JTreahOyater# •ei*r«d ii|* in any sh:i|»e desired, or tor sale by (he Can. •fliOOn STABLING FOR IIOIME».^» I'KTKIl l.KlOivKM. RkPAIlM W^tciic-I, Ci<wkH and Jewelry of all kind*. AUk* lt«|»Hiri« Vi»diim in the liext aiMSiUle manner, on short notice ainl at reji- iMilblu r.ttet. .-VIViolin* for Salt'. Shop flriic door Xortli of Itiverslde Block, ilclleurj til. •WANTEiV ̂^faft!lnpnt,, with a •lerffmm h^vinc lcHuro, or a Itihle Riwlw, I* latrnlnro in H«H«nry Coiintv, the CKI.E- StHlTKO VI-lW Centennial KdiUou ot the |(Ol. V Rirtl.K. Por desVriiitlon, noth-e «di- torial in Utt of thin |ia|>ur. A«l. irec# at'once f. h. IIoltTOX .t CO.. Puhlish. p(4 an'! fl mKwn.lpr.Sj «6 K. Market St.. Indian •wM«. * |nd. to selt; tjvet>¥ " hard tinioK vou need wiMiothinK or Ileal Vale* lirllM iwopU'i do yo« not? iiueh is that grand »e«r low priced took, 4)ien*s Itoeftf I Qovnp^Hlfqiiiv . , rt;nW ' w-h I •> . I4rtlf1ber's Assistants Vetnalile receipts liy thoHflonds for anything miiev^yMy. The most nhiversally niefel 1MM dfier pnMUIwd, saving money te all fntfers. OutseUr* everything. Agents want. dS. A<4dre.«» , , ^ 8CAMMELL ft CO-, St Losii Ke. 1000 BOYS & GIRLS actMAilrent f!i»r the ki>4t Bov'a and (iirl's f»a'|ier juihlii-hed tu the Wo*t. Uemitifnl ppe<ei»ti< to snlisertb. srtand aittRti*. Kvery lx»y and jrfrl «*an earn nti of nionev ranv'n«4iiig during leisure h*«M. l>«»n't fail to send for it at ow-c. To lntro<lure it we will send to any address on irlal three months, for l« Cenis In cash or tiostage HtsniiM. S'imnle of paper and » r t l « n l a r s F R C C - A « i H r e i l L D f r ID) Cleveland i O* • "t" CUAH. II. DOXNK1.LV. ; ATTORNEY AT LAW <nd Notary 'Public Woodstock, Illinois. Offlce over stotie'i Urn(j Store. C. H. TUr AX. CAItPEJTTEK ami Builder, N'uHda, III.-- Will pu> up buildiiiKs by th>*tJobor day, and guarantee satisfaction. 1 -»IS K- V. ASDIiUSON. M. li. tonfStdlA?? and ^ur)fenn. Otfrc fct lift mT bert'H ilrug store, opposite the Parker IIoiimc, Mflli'iirv, Illinois. SKTT, M. I~I SORRKOK and Ao-oixrher. Disease* of Women a*t>L>cia!ty. Offlce and Ketidence on Clay Htreet Woodstock, III. * I»li. C. K. WILLIAMS. 7 PKtttWT, Algronqwln, III. All iffa* Weir-ranted. Te«Hit csttnctnl in * rnrefnl and skillful matiner. MV: r Favors Win us and no fear snail Awe." EDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 187ft DEXT 1ST. HaVthnrn's .store. Dlt. C. W. O'OX, Office Over Smith, AldrlchA Richmond. Til. SIDXKY DlsHROW, J^roTARY POBLlOand Oonveynlieer. den, II}. Al> Dlt. r. J. CKOSS. DEXTI«T, Riverside Block. MrlTenry, III. Rnviuir opened an office in this tillage, I nin i»re)iarcd to do till work in the line of my prot'et>?>ion on nliort notico and in n workman- jike mannur. All work warranted. ELE CTROPAT HY. Dr. 8amuel Sherman, And Wife will lie at their residence IX eiltta West of the Depot, on the WwimIstork wwd, three days in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and" Saturday*, for the pur|H»oe of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office honrs from • a. m., to i r. m. ItKKKUKNOKS:--John Do ran, Hlchanl Diilr op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Iton.^lct, Janie> Sutton, John M. Smith. K,"K. <»ranker, Geo. Gage, Tien. Gilliert, Horace Dwelly, ILK.Perk, Win. Unison, Geo. GillM_*rt 4. A. SHERWOOD AUCTION 11: ER AND APPKAISEK, Algonquin, 111. SALES ot Stoek, Karming Tiwds nnd Goods of ull kinds promptly attended Uv Perm sales a enecialtv. Terms reasonable. Post JMrcaddre** Al'jouuuiii III. r W. H. 8ANFORD, : Merchant Tailor. In the store of C. 1L Dickinson, East side of Public »«|uare, -- WOODSTOCK, !f,U^ A good Stock Of Pino Clotli* for 4ut#fr«a aL waysoii hand. Hultsmade u» erder and * lit warraniwl. Give me a call, * v W. TV.«AKPOSfK Woo.lsloeV mn. law. "" H. K. WIGIITM^X, 1'wprietor. Wfit class ri"s. with or without drivers, furnished «i reasonable rates. Teaming of ail klu<U ilone on «hort notice. Oeo. E Stewart, Auctioneer; ; f Richmond, III. Has an ex|terienc<; oi IS years, and will guarantee satisfaction in all cases, where sale* entrusted to my rare, are properly •«(- rerti^ol, or no cliurge will Ihi made Terms, from to $10, according to amount of sale. All or«leri| addrflsseil to Richmond, III., wtU receive j»roni|tt attention. M. CNCKLN. «-U N. I T H! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol ishing Razors and Shears aiut, Talile Cutlery a spedal!- tv. lie pairing of nil kinds done In Steel or Bras*-- All work warrant- ed. Also dealer In Guns. Revolvers, T*'deand l*'»ck«t Cntlery, Gun and Kishing Material, Pipes, <^i«irs,' Tobac^-o, Vi<|liu (*tr£tu:v&<> < • Shop m>l store near the Post OMee, lie. Jleiiry. III. #fi'. V i • • ( U•'*>. Ira voA-i'iSi ,y.w1 GERM .'«nl i leasehold Oem relandjO* dkf/tf} MOXTIILY M ADE. Agents wanted ^|VV» Oinnty rights iiivcn jjratif f»r the silc of woven well-known Stand'aril Medicines needed in every f.-v-nlly; reputation world wide; established many years; made by a calibrated physician; proofs of evidenne given. Aniii ti-Urio.t-t, energetic person can nvtkc snngpfli" n \!ie>itin<'oiue and vervliberal terras bv a Mresslnqr with re fere nee, MS ChfStnut Street, Philadelphia, A I1 If II J'* not easily earned in three (III I ml I / hut it can he made in three Y' •! "J. 'I moiiil\* by (Uiy .'Mic of either sell, jft f f f in anv jiart of the country who t* 1(1 I I I willing to work steadily at the § I I uiitployment that-, we furnish.-- OA psr week in vou'r own town. You hee«l not be awayfrom home over night- Yon ean give y«Vnr whole time to the work, or only vonr spire moments. We have • agents who ore makini; over t.K) per day. All who eugage «* once can make mon^y fast. .\t the present timn money <vinno* Iwindc so easily and rnp- idlj' at any other luiain *ss. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and Ontlit tree vtdress at once, IL iULLKTT ft OO,, Portland riXAXCIAL JICHlKTKMKMtl tMR OOVKKMMKKT. The reoetit tran«iu*t.lott» of S^Pre Sliermau rank aiuoug tliv mo»t • fill HiiuiicUI ncliievi'inetits In tlse hist ol Ikis or any other conutry, Hla fuiaHng policy ha* proved » lirilliil Auccpsft, and If the tltinm-ial qiientt was to be the chief one in 1880 Jolg^ Sherman wmiM be » formttlable Miiiifc rtnte for the Presideiwjf jIikI l-e «»«• f§ ns it .to. let iu *fe what tiaa been JWP. <onip)t«th<Mi within the |>ast three moiiths. On tiie lint H»y ef JnimnnT» 1679. there «st ontKtatilling $348,081 S30 iu f)r*>rftentjr I5«verum*»«t BoinU,--- The^e Imiids bore six per rent lntrrf#t. To-<!»y rwy ibllar of theae 1h>u^c have been r i t leeiuctl and r t 'f tnulerl info fonr |»ei rent liontla. time .oectirlng fot the govertiiuent it redtiction of two per cent interest niul an amiinil s:tvlri|f in lutt"eat of 00.801,685, ami this an* iiwil saving will cover the whole tiitfe the tlebt mn»% Tlie only nix per cent bond* iw«r »tnu<!i' g are tfioeo which by the term* of the loan cannot lie willed in before 1S81. The ten forties are the only bonds which the Treasury now lint the optien of redeeming, ittitl they bare hut live per t-eni inierviit. Secretary Sherman lino i>*ued an order to call In ten miIIlone of thetw IKHIII« NIK] it in eonjectwred that he eX|M*cla to we tell ni Uliotis of the ten-dollar cert Ideates sold within the next three ntontlHi. and btiieve* that in making the call no|r he will save In the amount of double interwnt to lie paid. Aud so tiie work goes o»i. The credit of the United States Government .Iff iimpieat ioned in nny land, roanniptlon U an aasured aild tested fact mid gov ernment bondf are engerly nought at four per cent ititerests payable semi annually. which 1* equivalent to mrt over 4} per cent nnntia! Interest. The Goverutiitttit is in a |K>t<!tioii, and avail* Itself of It. to take the great advanta ges of doing business on a cash basis tflth unshaken credit. With tlie disap pearance of the last of these llve«twen» ty bonds, many will recall the gloom and doubt trhMi attrroouded their Its* ceplion, Tiie memory will rtin ttavk to 1861 and *09. when Use (Irst Issue* wei piac«'d Jit tlie market. Ait aj* palrlwtlsm -ttiit ttamd nereesifl-y the people to take them. A fornilda- fble rebellion was raging, all serions •thoughts of putting it down In a three month*' vatupaigu had ceuscd. It was b)* no means an olwoliiis. certuinty. btet tlie patience and patriotism of tit* North,might faltdr before mi honorable pcace could lie won. and llie enemies ef the t'liion eero declaring that these same ftve^twenty, hotidti would not l>e worth tliA paj»er on whirh tliej* were printed. It it a wonder that sulMK*ri|v lions to these lionds were urged as a patriotic duty? Men who could not eulist were asked to Iteip tlie cuuse by putting their nioney Into these bonds. The loynl |»eople mail# a noble re* spouse. These ImmhIs were, iakeu.-- The controlling motive with capital ists. men of moderate means, farmer, and mechanics, in taking these bonds, was not superiority to Uivesttneut. but because they were glad to aid their country. In some of the darkest hours of that struggle it required nerve inil loyalty among tlie masse* to carry these bonds. The "copperhead*" were solemnly declaring that the bonds would not tie worth n rent and now#«nd iheji ndverslty woilid enahrond the Un ion catise in sucli doubt as to make the most patriotic heart fear lest the evil prophecy might prove true. " But the heroism of o^tr soldiers and tlie loyalty of the people in taking these loans came to the thuel.r rescue and tlie govern- mnnt soon resumed it* supremacy. And now this vast issue of boinls. issued from 1861 to 1865, Jtaveitll been re deemed. The count ry was worth sav ing. Tlte boads we re worUt a hand- some premium, instead of "beiug wortli the paper on which they were printed.**,. Tlie government and itsloy al subje.ctft are all to be oongratulated. Msnufiaotured F. HARCXXS -DBALE* I*-^ ' I# i ' ' • ' KW PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND , CifiASSu ' i ' >L * *•'** ivTOO,.. Hi J -> -*ia Woodstock, III, ' t ed. Prft nplg V': t ' ,, FMftltCU8>P«tinfa. The be «t. Tonic in the world. Pint and Quart Ilottles- 1ft Aftn"fA»LK" i<f residents trnnted -- IU^'nn.1 For W names an<1 CScents we wi" send von aline silk han«lkrrchlef.every thread •ilk rifuhr prlco. i.nn W. roster ft Oew, Uft,Clsrk Street, Chicago, 111. / MTA cUrlons specimen of tlie tramp family tiiriier] up at Danbury, Conn., last week. When nrrested and searched nine pairs of trowsere. • doxen waist coats, and an eqaal number of coats were removed before the searchers came upou tiie framework of the man himself. Tliose articles of clothing with the coutents of the pockets, weighed some 200 pounds, and the officers turned out of them rubbish of all sorts iu quantity sufficient to f i l l an ordinary flour barrel. Amid the various bits of old Iron, rusty scissors, kuivet, Jkc., were found #147 In greenbacks. 19"A French surgRon has performed a remarkable feat in the art of the transplanting of teeth. He extract- ed au incUor (projecting under the tongue) in tlie ipwer iaw of a young women twenty-six. and planted it in the upper jaw in the place of a decayed tooth just removed. In a few weeks the tooth was firmly fixed. This suc cessful experiment opens up a uew t>e\d for dentists. PrepWWSIe Iti r nf• *mag>u in Some years ago. "A Posltlvlst Pre dictor." Mr. D*vl<l O. Croly, of this city, published a chapter of predic tions, eonte of which were subsequently realized in a very remarkable way. He has again tried his hand at tlie business, and in the Qraj.hic tlicis summarises the new prediction*: 1. Tile year ol 1*79 will , on tlie whole, be a prosperous one for tlie United Stales, There will b« a general re vival of iuduslry, labor will be em ployed, and confidence move universally felt. Before the close of tlie year tlietv will be a widespread interest In precious metal mining. A dangerous simulative feeling in other IndiMtVfjts Will soon show itself. 1 There will be a partial failure of erope this year. Our hay crop on the Atlantic slope Will be short. 5. At least two important failures of Wall street magnates will take place |hlfi year. They will be of persons with whose names every one la familiar. 4. An unsuspected weakness In our national banking system may be de- veleped during the year. 6. The disproportion between our exports ami Import a. such as we h*Ve witnessed for the past two years, will come to an e>.d before 1881. Home prices will go hlglier, and foreign goods be sold ehcaper. We shall ex port less and import more, Unless the ^unexpected occurs, there will lie a drain of gold abroad, and then resump tion. as at present established, must be legislated upon anew, or it will fail. 6. >hould the country be prosperous, and resumptionstand until the Nation al Convention meets in 1880. John Sherman will be the candidate of the Republican party for the Presidency. 7. Resumption has not oettled all our financial difficulties. Questions affect' lug the business Interest ot tlie conntry will be the subject of many warm po litical contests, lint the final result will be the establishment of a national haul If tu liar to that of Great Brltian or France, lutt probably called by a different name. When that occurs the •Secretary of th> Treasury will be •tripped ot much of the power lie now v« A A. -Jt'» jk e,.;i t»,rM \ v * ' } * - > - ' L . f.Si'A • ^ A foreign war before many years over is not InHirobible, doe to tlie wndctiwe of our rich seaport cities. f. A new pestilence or tlie revival of snold one, wliMt willetlbet the people itihsbiting tlie teni|ierate 'aone, ta among the probablltties ofth# near future. 10. A new motor will sooti ho discov ered which will make air navigation possible.---JVisw Ybrk Sun. ,rOR BKTTKU OK WOIMR. Tito old ui iii Beii ligo keeps a pretty sharp eye on his daughter Mary, and many a would-be lover has taken a walk after a few mitiutes conversation with the hard-hearted parent. The old chap is stuck this time, however, aud cards are out for a wedding, After the lueky young man had been spark ing Mary for six months, the old geutleitiaii ateppeil In as usual, request ed a private >confab, and led off with: "You uera like a nioe young man, and peruana jou are. la love with Maryf" '•Yes I am,** waa the honest reply. "Haven't said anything to be* yet, have yon?** "Well,no: but t think aha recipro cates my affection,** ,, -Does, eh? Well, let me fsH you some thing'. Her mother died a lunatic, and there's no doubt that Mary has in* herlted Iter Insanity.'* "I'm willing to tajce tbe chances,** re plied the lover. * Yes. but you see Mary baa a terrible temper. 3IMI has twlrt drawn a knife ou me with tli* Intent to commit mur- der." "Put,used to that--got a sister just like Iter,** was tlie answer. 'VAnd you should know that I have sworn a solemn oath not to give Mary a cent of my property,** oowt inned the father. " Well I'd rather start In poor »antl build np. There's more romance In it ** The old man had one more shot In his carbine,*nd he said; "Perhaps 1 ought to teH yo« that Mary's mother ran away from home %vlth a butcher, aud that all Iter rela tions died In the poor-houee. These things might be thrown up in after years, aud now I warn you." "Mr. Bendlgo,** replied the lover. "I have heard all this before, and also tluit yon were on trial for forgery, had to jump Chicago foir bigamy, and serv ed a year in States Prison for cattle stealing. I'm going to marry Into your family to give you a decent repu tation! There--no tlunks--good-bye T Mr. Bendigo looked after the young man . with his mouth wide open, and wneu lie could get uls jAw^ togeiti^r be -•aid*' f , "Some infernal hyena lias went aud giveu me away ou my dodge!" Tit* Whoto Art of Itlnlng. People will kiss.yet not one la i hundred kuow* bow to extract bliss from lovely Hps, no more than they' k»vW how to make diamonds from char coal. Ami yet it Is easy, at least, for us. This little Item Is not alone for young beginners, but for many who go at It like bunting coons. First know whom you are to kiss. Don*t make a mistake; although mistakes may be good. Don't jump np like a trout for a Hy, stid sniftuk a woman On the neck.or on the ear, or on the corner of the fore head. or Oft the end of her uose, or slop over on her waterfall, or bonnet rib bons. In haste to get through. Tbe gentleman should W a little the taller. He should have a t?!cati fave.n kind eye, ami mouth full of expression instead of tobacco. Don't kiss everything. In cluding nasty little dogs, male or fe male. Dou't sit down to it; stand up. You need not be $oo ntixIons to get In a crowd. Two persons are plenty to make a perfect kiss. The presence of more than two spoils the sport. Stand firm. It won't I tort aftvr yon get used to It. Take tlie left hand Of the lady in your right hand. Let your hat go fo--an.V place out of tlie way. Throw the left hand gently over the left shoulder of the lady, and lei yonr right hand, clasping her left, fall down upon your right aide. Don't be In a hurry. Draw her gently to your lov ing heart. Her head will fall lightly upon your shoulder, aud a handsome shoulder-strap It makes. Don't be in a hurry. Sen d a little life flown the lef/ arm, am* let it know Its business. Her left hand Is In your right. Let there be au expression to that not Ilka the grnp of a vise, but a gentle clasp, full of electrk'ttf, thought, and respect.-- Don't be In a hurry. Iter head lies rarelossly on your shoulder. Ton are uearlv heart to heart, l.ook down IH- to her half-closed eyes. Gently. „ yet manfully, press her to your bosom.-- Stand firm, ami Providence will give you strength for tiie ordeal. Be orave, but do not be iu a hurry. Her lips al most open. Lean lightly forward with your head, not th« body. Take good aim. The lips meet! The eyes close! Tlie heart opens! The soul Is In ec- •ta#y! The trouble and sorrow of life are forgotten! Heaven open* before you! Tho world shoots from under your feet as a meteor Hashes across the evening sky (don't be afTaid).-- Tbe nerves dance before the just created alter of love, as sephyrs dance •mid the dew-trimmed dowers--the heart forgets Its bitterness, and the art of kis»ing is learned. No noise, oo ftiss, M fluttering and sqnlruiingi like a "hook-Impaled worm. Kissli.g dosen't hurt, and It dose n't require a brass ring to make It legal. Don't flop down upon a beautHn! mouth as if spearing frogs. Do liot muss her hair, rumple hercoilar, or crease her rich ribbons, and leave her mussed, rum pi' ed, and contused, and above alii don't grab and pull tlm lady as if she ware a struggling colt. A G<DKIOL'» uLusom. ; Harfcl nark! Tho trumiwt aoumls, the din ef War'salnrme " O'er aeas and Mlid grQUwl, doSheall ns alLto arms. ** " Who for KingOenree <i soon shall shine. •tnth stand, their honor* Their ruin t* at band, prho , with OongrSs* Join The actsof Partfament, light, mthwtn I muAh d«^ I hate tiieirearsedinlon^, whe for the Con- gressdght. • dav, ff' thev are mjr dailjr Jri A who Indepen-awar The tori«* of the toast, Thev soon will &eoak dencD Mat, WhoNon-ruaisianco hold, they have my hand and heart* -•••" May they *>«• slave* he aaM, Who net ft Whtg- glshyart, ... _ , On- Mansfield, XortV SWl Bfte, may dally SiiKssings prior; • Ooafusion and dlspttte, on Congress ever snore! . • . TeNorth and Qfit^ rmr. honor* *tlll , be*done; I wish a biwk or eerd. se aensvhl' Washing- • to?*• , i• . • ! - This soug appeared U print during the-days of the Revolution, We can easily overlook the Tory feature of the piece, read in the usual way, after learning Its real sentiments by usitig tlie Hues ouly |e the commas In tlsc middle of each line. A third, and the# best reading is had bjr using only that part of the Hues which follows, the commas. •< * wo lierdsmeu quarrelled on a Kebruks prairie, and each threatened to kill tlie other. Neither waaermed. but there was a gun in their hut, a mile away, Botfi started for the weapon, and it was a race for life, for tlie man who got It was certain to shoot his companiou. They had sever al fights on tlie Way, and were bruised and exhausted when they neared their goal; but they ran With desperation and kept abreast until close to the house. Then one triped and fell, giv* ing the other the. lead. Tbe victor dashed Into tlie building, p«dled tbe gun down from the hooks, aild mere! letsty Murdered bis fallen foe. s WANTED, at «lr y wood. Ids office a few cofds of - wssHtsenai ougRKspoKfisscit, WAkHiKoro*, Ik, C. April Wt*( W3. The *Eg*ter holidays r think hJ^ been more than usually observed hero except by the politicians who run Con gress and fiie parties. Among them as a rule there i* no rest, even on Sunday. Tlie churches yesterday were fully at tended ami the decorations exceeded all past experience, Washington, In spite of Us reputation as a wicked city, is acity of churches, and its bad namo cornea from its transient population Pbleffy--tlie lobbyists and strikers who come hereto make money through Congress and to spend It in dlsipatton. I jim gtail to #e able to record that In the character of our visitors Washing ton rejoices in a marked Improvement of late, aud tho average Congressman is much better than a few yew* ago, less ghreu tft his oops aud monk to hie duties and the cultivation of aortal and religious improvement. I am Dot onn of those who mourn for tho past as an age of intelloctnal giants. In the first place, that sentiment Is in good part s myth. We have just as able men in Congress as we ever had, and the aver age are inucn abler, that Is where wo get deceived In our estimate of tho "giants." Tbe Webster's, Clay's and. CalhouiiK had an average ot small tim ber to contest With, aud loomed ap grandly above It. The giants of to day have to rise above the average of very able men, and therefore do not stand out as conspicuously as then. A* Waslilugtonlaus, however^ we, rejolco chiefly lu the fact that the average |» improved utorally more tlutn iutellctn- allv, for the Capital is improved mora essentially by this fact than by all tlm brains that could be Ittiported Into lt.r i:-"-- ; ' ' • " Tbe t SetTetaty of tfa ^avy has set at rest the scare about the Yellow ' Fever appearing on board tho Uuitsd States Steamer Plymouth, It seems that that Steamer had not boon prop erly trosen Out And tumigatetf. Tlmt story was concocted in order to defeat the bill before Congress appropriating money to bttlld a refrigerating vessel to disinfect Incoming vessel at ex posed points, and was Invented by cer tain strikers who have been unable to obtain brlbes for kee^l^nMU or help ing It through. Tlie fellow fever bill * lands on its merits^ ond the Secretary says tlie system proposed will be suc cessful if lie can judge from experi ments. Tho necessity for tblt bUI, which has passed tlie Senate, ato succinctly stated to be. ^ 1st Southern Ports, without fSCO|i$^ tlou, are totally unprovided wltji ||| means of didulecting ships. Sud. The proposed Refrigerating Ship Is also i complete Disinfecting ship, carrying apparatus for through purification by all known processes, tat additiou to powerful freezing machin ery, whereby to produce & temperature below xero, Farhreiiheit. 3rd* Merchant ships onoo infected, have to remain infected on leaving Southern Ports, for want ff adequate aypliauces to disinfect thetn. 4th. Most Navy veasels that Itaft been frozen out have been protector from a reocurrence of Yellow Fever, and the exceptional failures are due to the unsystematic manner In which all disiufectiug processes have liit)j@r§g| been carried out, 6th . The National Board ofHealtlt have recommended the construction . of the Refrigerating 8lilp, stating that **Tbe results can baldly fall to be of considerable scientific value," , Of a similar nature to Mils assatdt upou this measure Is the attftek of tlm strikers ou Captain Kads, and ti^e as sertion that lie baa not «ocomp)ksho4 iwhat he promised on the Mississippi jetties. Tliese falsehoods mm set at rest by tlie report of tlie Army ' engin eers aud hj all Impartial investigators who show that the work is eye it mora satisfactory than was anticipated, lu a letter to Um New York Vei&umf. Captain ®*ds thoroughly exposes en# falsehoods of his assailants, but titer* is one thing be cannot do soefieetualt? as those who reside here all the time and that is to expose tile mercenary methods of these strikers who pouui». upon every objegt wltluh does not p«f theoi liberally. M. M. W. i^Tiio Wllinlngton ( Y. CL,) Stiff reproaches the Northern people for encouraging the negro exodus, ami says: "Destroy tbe productiveness of tlie South, an«l what will bocome of the North ? Such a ery of distreaa would go up as wonltl drown all tho other lamentations of oppressed and suffering people." Why? Where- fore? But the North dosen*i wast to destroy fbe productiveness of the Soullu It is sorry that the ^onth is blind jto Us own luteresu, has so eon* ducted iUelf toward the colored peft- ple as to drive them away. If it wantt tlmtia tiutre U a way to keop- Inter" Qpeau. Trunkii. Travelling Bag* Ii| full ply at Butkiiti t Stevcna* ̂ Vs"