„«*' -r*; *•*' *• -y" l • gf Tr ' " !' %S.£* V * £tv-; ?'%,'* *+x*:pm ' - ^ v* i%% -- - V- **t 4 » y ;-V 4 ' * % : r ; L' ••* , jr v " -• ?v * *"'--v„\ ;-.*; :•/* * ^ k5£ . * * V M-a. Jw ^ «.•« r ^^ak^L*,-- ^ ^ * 4 JL *-a» rf»jv A JSw ^ •* M "f • ^jT.' " T " ? 1 s' •'"./ r1<"r-&W"rit, * '•\;/ " **«t v **-.•*.. - .-$ r »- -r .• > f t ..ti.iKL'x ".%,$?. W^'^V^»^*Sr *1,^ v>* J*•$.$V A*#:* » 1 V" *-• Am> Momm The fti w. _^Oofl bleos tbe form, the dsSr old SaHk* Ood bless It erery rood, . .. WkwewUM**! Can «arnsa] - AMI from « '"•'*•» teak s fcompmrn tmm MOps^ Jf«Wwffc A URXNO of tarred paper in poultry %>tues is recommended as a preventive i^pr Moe. :/ Ykby weak lime water vill kill worms ' |i flower pots. ^.Thb Iowa State Agricultural Fair •**811 be held at Des Moines the first Week of September, 1879. , A fkw drops of ammonia added to a gbllon of water and applied onoe a week to all pots of flowers will do much good and keep the pots and earth from sour- XBg- Hxbjb is the inqp some anonymous Irriter in an exchange puts a quietus on the moths of the cut worm : "Set open half barrels or tubs in the field; put into them about a foot of water upon which pour a thin film of kerosene. Put a brick or stone into the water &nd on it place a common lantern, lighted, during the nights of July and August. The moths will fly to the light and drop into the oil and water, when they perish at onoe. This method is worthy a trial. v Tick, in' his Illustrated Monthly, in reply to a correspondent: Kerosene or ooal oil mixed with water, in the proportion of a table-spoonful, or a little more, to a gallon of wat&r, and applied to the foliage of plants in fested with insects, has proved to be a valuable insecticide. For washing the bark or bodies of trees the proportion of oil to water could be considerably increased--probably doubled. We ad vise this method to be carefully tested, aaa slmll bo picked to la^ii lLora»utts. Probably the liquid ean be best applied with a syringe. Many orchards become unproductive. TBo restore them to productiveness sow them in clover, and when the clover is well established turn in the hogs and sheep. Their droppings will fertilize the ground. They will pick up all the worm-falls, and this will wonderfully lessen the destruction of fruit by worms. Top dressing or rotten manure, leaf mold, ashes, lime, etc., are very bene ficial to orchards that have been in bearing a few years. Orchards can only be kept good by care, good manuring and good pruning. Labor is indispens able to success in fruit culture, as in 4p| other things. Boot Cbopb.--At a recent farmers' gathering at Palmer, Mass., Farmer Hawden, of Worcester, read an*interest- ing paper on "Boots and Their Cultiva tion." He said that three tons of roots were about equal to a ton of first-class hay. Mangolds stand at the head of all roots in the yield per acre and product of milk, fie had grown over forty-eight tons per acre, and in England they had reached fifty to sixty pounds a root, and aeventy-five tons per acre. The land should be a sandy loam, thoroughly plowed, enriched and rolled; the seed should be soaked thirty-six hours in warm water, sown about the 10th of May, in straight rows, twenty-two inches apart, and should be often hoed and cultivated, and thinned to ten inches apart. By the 10th of July the leaves should cover the ground, and by Octo ber the mangolds will have done grow ing, when the leaves may be stripped off for the cows. About* nine tons of leavea can be gathered per acre without detriment te the roots. They can be stored in large quantities, and will keep till the following June. The ruta-baga needs less manure than the mangold, and stands frost better. Sown from June 10 to 16, it will mature in four months, and yield twenty to thirty tons per acre. The common turnip can be sown, as a second crop, the last of July or first of August, and is usually the first root crop to be fed out in winter It does remarkably well on sward land, turned over after haying, if dressed with fine manure. The purple-top and the white and yellow globe are the best va rieties. The carrot loves a deep loam, and may be sown from the 10th of May to the 10th of June, in rows twelve to twenty-two inches apart, and thinned to three or four inches in the row. No other root colors butter so readily. It is worth $10 per ton to feed on the farm. The intermediate is probably the best variety, and the easiest to harvest. In harvesting, cut the tops With a sharp spade, and plow close to the rows. Five men and a pair of horses work to economical advantage in digging. Car rots and mangolds, mixed, make excel lent feed. When the rows are twenty- two inches apart, turnips may be sown between the rows. JWIMrtfa Jwiiwilf. * A White Knitted Shawx..--A white knitted shawl can be cleaned, without making it yellow, by rubbing it thor oughly with dry flour. o, Queen o* Ij'uDDJNas.--One pint of bread crumbs, one quart of sweet milk, a layer of eggs over then thrown with oold cream. yelks of four eg of an egg. Bea «np of pulv piece of butter size ; to a froth with one Spread over pour the Serve : Boor Cakes.--Take some oold beef-- the nor© done is hmt--mfA ttifoee it very .•fine; grate enough uncooked ham mt© it to flavor it; soaaqa with salt and pep per; mix tiie whoIeto§ether and make into small cakes, floor them, and try to a nioe brown on both sides. Dried Apple Pudding, Boh.sd.-- Boil dried apples nearly done; save a teacup of the juioe of the apples for a sauce; chop them, and mix with soaked bread, and boil in a bag. Make a sauce of melted butter, sugar and flour, with enough of the apple juioe to give it the flavor of wine, and spice with nutmeg. It is excellent. Vegetable Stock.--Clean and cut up some carrots, oeiery, turnips, onions, lettuce, parsnips and herbs; put them in a stewpan, with butter and a little water, and stew until the water is evaporated and the batter begins to hiss; then All up with fresh water, add nutmeg, pep per, salt, and a few green peas; simmer for three hours; strain and ttae for maigre soups of any kind. Molasses Cake.--Two cups of New Orleans molasses, one of butter, four eggs, half-cup cold water, one-half tea- spoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of ginger, four oups of prepared floor; heat the molasses before mixing, and stir the butter in while hot; let it oool before you put the eggs in; this will make the cakes, as they should not be very thiek ; bake one-half hour in qniok oven. Bbown oe White Stock.--Put a good piece of lean beef in plenty of water (oold); place on the fire and very slow ly bring it to the simmering point; skim it of all grease With care, and when clear put in the vegetables you like, let ting all stew gently ioge&er for six hours without interruption, then strain for use. If you desire a brown stock, burned sugar or a burned onion should be used. rmc "LADIES* MAX.» By his air and gait, the ultra-fash ionable style of his clothing, the killing curl of his mustache, the "look-and-die" expression of his simpering face, his stream of small talk, and sundry other signs and tokens of a plethora of vanity, and a lack of soul and brain, you may distinguish at a glance the individual who plumes himself off upon being a "ladies' man." His belief in his own ir resistibility is written all over him. And, to say the truth, your ladies' men have some ground for their self-conoeit. It is indubitable that girls do some times fall in love, or what they sup pose to be love, with felllws who look as if they had walked out of the tailor's fashion-plates--creatures that by the aid of various artists who contribute to the "makeup" of human popinjays have been converted into superb sam ples of what art can effect in the way of giving men an wtmanly appearance. The woman who marries one of these flatterers is to be pitied; for, if she has any glimmerings of common sense, and a heart under her bodice, she will discov er that her dainty has no more of a man's spirit in him than an automatio figure on a Savoyard's hand-organ. But a woman worth a true man's love is never caugM by a such a • specimen of orna- ment&l hollow-ware. A sensible woman is, in fact, a terror to "ladled men," for they are aware that her penetrating eye looks through them, and sounds the depths of their emptiness. She knows the man, indeed, from the trumpery counterfeit, and has no touoh of the mackerel propensity to jump at a flashy bait in her wholesome composition. The lady's man should be permitted to live and die a bachelor. His vocation is to dangle after the sex, to talk soft nonsense, to cariy shawls and fans, to astonish boarding-school misses, and to kindle love flames as evanescent and harmless as the fizz of a squib. If, how@¥er, he must needs become a Bene dict, let him be yoked with some vain and silly flirt, his natural counterpart. So shall the law of fitness not be out raged.--Chicago Ledger, rme BISTOBY or a WOK nm PLUMB. I said to Mr. Iioeke, the other day, writeu a oorrespondeni of the Phila delphia Press, " How did you come by such a ridiculous pseudonym as Petro leum Y. Nasby?" "I hadn't any idea when I started those papers," said he, "that they would have such a ran, and in a manner carry me along with them. At that time the oil exeitement was very high, and everybody was taking about petroleum. The word 'Nasby' I got from a story written by Br. Warren, author of ' Ten Thousand a Year.' Among his miscellanies you will find a most delightful composition, included in which is a lady by the name of Miss Nasby. It made about seven columns in my newspaper. When I started the Kentucky papers I was puzzled to find a signature, and all at once my mind dropped to that exquisite character in Warren's story, and without any more thought 1 pot Nasby at the end of Petroleum." A Maine man has eanghtabat iviig^ ing nearly two pounds. t; JLQStS FOR 8TOWb '-j * BY W. J. NILXNOC. •**'• • v Several years ago my father had in his employ a young, unmarried German* Jacob , but lately immigrated. One day Jacob drew the full amount of pay due him, and asked a leave ot absence for a few days, which granted. The week following Jaoob stalked into mjr father's^ office, followed by a German woman about 20 yean of age, rosy and healthy, about one-half larger than Jacob, but rather homely. Jacob's face wore a broader grin upon this occasion than usual, and he opened the conversation with: "Vwe kates, Yudge; how you vos? I vos bin married, since I vos gone. Dot's mine frow; how you likes him?* My father, wishing to please the young bridegroom, and be compliment ary to the bride, even at a slight ex pense of truth, replied: "Why, Jacob, you hams dona well; you have married a pretty woman." To this Jacob answered: "Yell, Yudge, I don't dink she's modi for bretty, ober she's lots for stout.** Gsuka, Ohio. WMMULKD TO IfJSATH. 8. S. Hersperger, a wealthy Pittsburgh ice-dealer, was killed almost instantly on Tuesday by being thrown around an ice-making machine at Wolbert & Co.'s ice and coal depot, 408 North Twenty- first street. For some time the machine had been working on trial, and Mr. Hersperger, who owned it, had come from Pittsburgh to inspect it. He en tered the room where the machine was, accompanied by a workman, about 9 o'clock in the morning, and several times expressed his satisfaction with the machine. The workman left Mr. Hers perger for a few moments, and, return ing, found him being hurled around the shaft at a fearful rate. His long over coat had caught on the shaft, which was about eighteen inches from the floor, and revolving 160 times in a minute. The coat had been wrapped around until the shaft touched the upper part of Mr. Hersperger's body, and at every revolution Ms feet struck the floor. It was calculated that he had been on the shaft more than three minutes, and had been thrown around at least 500 times. His buvoi were, torn into pieces and thrown to the other end of the room. The machine was stopped and Mr. Hers perger taken to the Pennsylvania Hos pital, where he died in a few moments. --Philadelphia Times. MAinrnro TBBBS. • JU the Cape of Good Hope, near Table mountain, the clouds oome down very low now and then without drop ping in rain. At such a time, if a trav eler Bhould go under a tree for shelter from the threatening storm, he would find himself in a drenching shower, while out in the open, away from any tree or shrub, everything would be as dry as a bone. The cloud or mist is rather warmer than the leaves, you see, and so, when it touches them, it changes into dinging drops, whioh look like dew. Fresh drops keep forming; they run together; and, at length, the water drips off the leaves like rain. And this process goes on until the clouds lift and the sun comes oat again.--" Jack-in-the-Pul- pit," in St. Nicholas for May. A Silver Anniversary. Yesterday afternoon, the 16th inst., the Mason & Hamlin Organ Company cele brated by a dinner at Young's Hotel the twenty-fifth anniversary of the com mencement of their business, whioh by its own merits has grown to large pro portions. At the start the capacity of their works was two or three melodeons per week, the best of which sold for about one hundred dollars each; their present capacity is over two hundred cabinet organs per week, and they are most of the time benind orders, while their best productions now command five hundred dollars eaoh, and, in excep tional cases, several times this amount. In numbering their instruments they have reached 104,000, having actually made and sold nearly that number. Organs of their make have obtained an extraordinary reputation all over the world, and are sold in' every civilized country where the tariff is not so high as to be prohibitory. Musicians recognize in them a distinguishing excellence in quality of tone, the result, in large meas ure perhaps, of peculiar skill in voicing ree'18, an art which originated with this company. But in every respect it has iriways been a principle with them to make in each detail the best instruments possible and to sell them as low as pos sible. The skillful carrying out of this policy has resulted in this great success. --Boston Journal. Stimulate th« Siugg&sb KMo^t. In addition to it* tonic and cathartic proper tiee, Hos'ettf-r'a Stomach Bitters exercises a beneficial influence upon the kidneys sod bl&d- { der, when they are inactive, by stimulating i them to renewed exertion, thns reopening, asii I were, a eluico for the escape of imparities j whoee regular channel of exit is the organs of j urination. Among these are certain abnormal and inflammatory element*, j>rodaotive of irre parable injnry to th*> »v»t«m if not entirely ex pelled. The kidneys and bladder thenuelres are aleo benefited by this stimulus, as tbeir in activity is usually a preliminary to tbeir disease as>d di*oj ganizafion. They also experience, in common with other portions of the system, the potent invito!ative tffu-t of the Bitters; which furthermore ooriei-ta disordered eoadmonsaf the stomach, bowels and liver. 11m best way for ladles r*m of rases Is bj ralesof bygtee^as Address tfc* aatfaor. B. V. - - UoMj aaMHats thtsrtM ' Qvsnd t. If Mjffsliqg Tomato organism, use Dr. Pierce's scription--a complainta Favorite Pre- Bsver-fsiiing remedy tor these cardinal virtue* hands of Safett. efBcteaey and rohafaility are the three irtnes of a remedy, whether in the a physician or iu thorn of the people at large. For the cure of all malarial or nriat-matia disease*, suah at Chills aod Fever, or Intermit Agne Tonic, the compoftition of which has been published by its propiis*or», ^heelock, Finlay 4u>,of New Orleans, and is approved by the medieal profession, and for sale by allDruggieta. Cabkfuixt avoid the use of rasping cathar tics. They weaken the bowels and leave them worse off than before Use, instead, that salu tary, non-irritating aperient and anti-lulions metneiue I)r Mott's \ kketabi.e Liver Piixs, which will not onlv achieve t ie desired object! relaxation of tho bowels, without causing pain or weakening them, bnt promote digestion and assiniiladon end depurate the blood. The pllla are sold by all Druggists. Mason tt Hamijn C*bir«e$ organs are oar- tain !y the best of tins class of inotrum-jnta in tht» world, and »t the prices at which they are sold, which ars only a little higher than thoss of very poor organs, they are also cheapest Fob coughs, colds and throat disorders OSS * Brown"* Bronchial Troche*,* having proved their efficacy by a test of many years CHEW : •'« The Celebrit&t " Matchless" Wood Tag Ping Tobacco. Tim Fioneeb Tobacco Company. Mew York, Boston and Chisago ' Tbe Mendelssohn Piano 0&, No. SI East 18th Street, N. Y., sell Pianos at Factory Prices. Write for a catalogue. AAFA A MONTH--MENTt WMTE9-M KSf to tha world-Important jNttass |E!AS| Company la Aawloa iUph A «XAlfa artielaU-plaMM •fwrbodj--Trade own. Mnaallr Incwantna--Ajpwte wanted •vsnrwhare--Md tadacwacnte--don't wmtallnw »«nd tor OlrtuUt ROBT WELLS. 48 V--y St.. H.T. P. O. Box J». WARMER BIO'S COflStTS reoivr<ntt*Htirhriit}if*toliilth-' iwnt PARIS EXPOSITION orrt ml tmrrinn mntpctttorn. Tli'lr FLEXIBLE HIP CORSET tlMwuiai la waUuxts* nut *i*ii«v.r|l«Wi». FrifflJI ?V Tti'lr |te aoft ul StKlbl* and contain M ton**. FrMkrMtMl.N. Formic bjraUtMdlat mcrchaata. WARNER BROS.. SSI IroadWST, H. T. HU 1* BAY STATE ORGAN DIRECT FROM FACTORY, And Snvc Airat*' CamailMlM. Two fall Sals Raidi, with Oolaat* t Stops, lor MS. Willy warranted. Otter itolM vwtj low OorrMpondoiieo solicited. OB. HIST A CO;ManaflMtanra lOl llrlatol M.. Sa<l*a, Km COL L INS & .C O S THE NEW YORK SON. Vv' 7P>M,RV.TS;: iT HUN to W: iiromm. PsSHrtit. W. T. QMS. TPPie • -- • , • STCY - J S ' O R G A N - f H E T : B E S T ! JXJSNBLACTCAY I§RFLMEB0R0.YT TIE SIITIIIUI CI. llNtlstaUliMi Has* SveeessAdl THEIR mSTRUMEOTS have a valasin all ths LEADING MARKET8 OF THE WOUiDl O/'toSb^ resogaised aa the VIMOV ovm 8o,ooo • aad ia aaa Dssigns work and lowest prists. SV Band for a Oataleco*. BOOST 8S OPFI VTTTU IS AOOAF<MMTilSjMA m MfM* r--' ' nrwHl ;•«, W» aas »ai m - - (SmS aMMfiil )OOWo«dB.aad -JSSt I droaa DR. tUtMDK&SON. HI I kMRCltKRVOUR i (UUwtnted) which m So. alaipa Ad- Triumph of the Ac*. SISS ner Mtwtii and Ksdmmm. •S Oatflt fra*. AGENTS' BPRKaUT l/MwUksKy. tho 8MtW for tb«Unn<1aM KrffSKY DI8KA8RK. A 8araItetaody:faltwv* !<wu. Bond for circular. Horw Bros. A Oatle.-, St* ; Lord. Ktmrtbwi A On., Chtaann; A. Smith. Urn-W. Maddox. Ripley, Ohk>; K.Caiy. Mrum: F. m. IVfynlt. Thwmoat mnwUrmxHotimnf the AGENTS-. READ THIS We will pay Ag<>»ta a fealarr or flW i-er month and •xpoDH-s. or allow A largo cnmmiMioit, to sell onr new ana woudorfitl invention*. Vttntmvehot \re eott, P«m- pl« fr«*. Adilre** SHERMAN A CO„ l. Mich. MA8QN&HIMUN CABINET (IRGAMFI DrtHtmntrn'fl be*' by HIGHEST WOJU.D'8 KXPOSITIONS FOfl v e.: At l'.vuw. U«7: VutMHA, 1 PHIt.AHKS.PHIi., IMS; PAKIS, IS?8; Gold Medal,, 18T8. Only ANTORIE H1GHEST HONORS AT ALL MORS FOR TWELVE YEARS, At Paris, UWJJ. Vuotha, i$<3; Santiago. J878; is. Iff*; »n«l ( i n axd 8wn>usi --, Amnritan Organ* srer awarded oishwtt bonota at any *ttch. Sotd for tub or Install-ra«m«. Iixcstratkd UATAU>Gt*C« and Clrouloim. with im «- styles and }«row>, aeat liw>. MASON A H AMI.IN ORtJANOO., BOSTON, KEW YORK, or CHICAGO, • - . , imS! ' * ! vooNcnyiEii • smth. Ef*y staduatefi attoa. jUUMssR.TaliaQM.lbi 1'mM Tiikow away that old wood-rim sieve, and boy one of Mann's Tin {Urn. It will last twioe ailoog. fc»doPo(nw>»*8i**fa>gBnllDsilisiToba>e»'> Obv Jukra's Best g see* Hitt Tobaesa. solcBefs--Pensioners I •vXHJSSyF^ papor--' Ta* Natiokal JKtKOXS --d«n4*A to the interest# ot PeoaloMn, SoMiiwa and SaUora-and I'leit Mb; hIwmuIm Ib> torwUnK tamily madlBj Pt ioo, Fift* inducomeota to elate. A proper blank to eotlect amount duo under new ARuaxa or Pension naulmr nbmrihm owf y, Ottoe irilhoMt dlarn. Send far U. .( Wnehiaaton. IX. O. Look raraMieo *m>i><(uKii/y eh claim* Uad In Penal jioiotwr a* roeelnwa E. LKMOICA CO.. MASONIC Bopnllee for JiOdges, Chapters, nd Oomrannderies, tnanafnet- Vippdby JUT. C. lAtfru Co., tUuin- but, O. Send far PHm Kite. "WlWghtt Templar Unlformt a Specialty. Inqniry--Which Is tbe MSI Liniment for Ian and Beast?--this is the answer, at- tested by two generations: the MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. The reason is sim ple. It penetrates erery sore, wound, or lameness, to the •ery bone, and drives ont all Inflammatory and morbid mat ter. IT" goes to the root" of tbe trouble, and never foils to «W to double quick tin* S F C UEED FEEET f aa telalUMs and anetoeliod renrady Fit". EptlrDay ar PailVMlAiefcac warnuntd to etfeoa a medf mod ITQSFfe". • • TaloabH Troatiee sent u I I WRUiETIS'SS. dress. Ma. II. n. ROOT. t«3 FsaHMnel.llewTork. me •Sreee ( Th# • fJospcl :0? ioy Kl'KCK. A bcokof n«at beauty. Im-Iiik in effect "The Gnxpel In Soni(,M full oi k«mmI testa, with the best of »ana meiodt« OAPOWIF1EP Is «M 0M RsNsMs OsmAnM IIS FOR FAMILY SOAP-HAKIM. •FLSWSAAREIAAAG -* ir a ruLL wmimmt AJTD anajrorm. The market Lye. which la Is BATM Mtomtr. AMP MVT TWM new hymn* --arly t tatly. _ . ttiudn fur tlwiu. In S'rasantl Wait for it. vilu eeute.) The (Shining River ot Sunday School Sung (Its cent a.) Examine it! tiems of English Mong la one of the books of the noble Home Mdsicai. Libiurv, which contain* nearly all the good Sheet Moaic ever pahliabed. Full of the beet Son«*. 260 pn«M. S3.SS boarda. S3.00 cloth. fillJlfcl'P continaea In arext demand. Sl.flO for a iiiaivit Vo«a»l copy, complete. 76 cent* for In-- ,|a- - -- "*-• |i|| |||q »y,c . Till: M4IRLUIE •t tunie The Musical Record •trumental arranaement. '1' complete, i* equally good, at entile (nice. Weekly Mimical Paper. single copy, containing K) coats' wort to a grand circulation, and I* a capital (®2.ot) per year.) 6 cent* for nof uuaic. OLIVER DITSON A 00., C. H.DitsondiC**, ' J.K. DltsonACo^ MS Broadway. It. T. • . ». MS Cheetnat St. Ptdha Tbe very beat goods direct frm tfas !» porters at Half tbe £» 01 TEAS! SS Mew t Tbe Great Aseriean Tea Coipaif, coat. Beet plan ever offered t<> Club Ageate and buyers. ALL EXPRESS OBAKGES PAID. p. a •1 aa4ttToaajr toe«t, Xnr Terk. nnsiTTi Wi W.P • SalrtciHeUn "MCLTFM^ILJWTHEIFHELL* B# mi dU km* Omm ttoi/ "Rise and Fall of the Sy I&e Bwrilnfto* Jnthiy« kmmeHM. Samantha as a P. A. and p. |g! AfiEKTS WANTED FOR THE ' . << r P HISTORY OF THE U.S. ,, The great intereat In tbe thrtUing btetory of wreps»' * ' Mv K. -ATIONAL PtJBUS CHICAGO BUSINESS DIRCCTORY*1V,;K-J ' IJVK MT<IC'Ii (UMIHIIWION. "/'*• McPARLAND A CO., 23 Union Stock Tarda Eaohaaa^. '*• PKOOt7C!K CONMlNStON. * - S. 0.8AROEAMT. Oenl Cowiaile**oa. «T So. Wafr«L W. H. WILLIAMS * OO . Batter * Pratt. MB8e,W«Sa4- • DIPEREKSTMMHHII! MMRTUSTIMMBIA* Is aead Itas Maine t»Saa |i*^jw ataay mottien. WOUUKiOH k eholes frtnovsr I.000|p001 doe west from Cbteaca. at nom )5 to tana lots, sad on easy tenia, jLow mi market* Ko wIMrmosa m ssplurlng tlckrti frm •aaa. Pamphlet^ rim) lOWARAILI cadkrKaplds, Iowa, or ME HUNT'S HUXTS RKMKIIY Dropay. Kidney. Bladder i nar> Ooroplainta, KrigUt1* OlabeteaandWraveL ML JtEMeUY care* Pain In Side, Baok or Lobs, and alt eaeeaof the KtdtMira, Uiadi**! Urinary Organs. H«Mt*S RL OT oaeoaragea alaap. createa _ «nstlte.biaossap_fhe(f*teM; and renewed beMUll t&areMftot lutnc n l>7v<S kKEKSY. Ssj^i/ panalilsito vTm. K. oLaRKC Pnrrtdeao lease, IL| WW TO SIT TnKa »e ibe be** part «r the aute S.SMS.SSS ; MfMfcruli, for t'ttRRenpyel lh« "laaw IMS W*Sie» •trad." iWiw S. 3. ntl«>»r*. I.»n i fVm>. S'»«*». MAVES' NT. feSBKB TAKKT !«. _ a* ** a UFLt AA^MteW || .90* d*B»*»*d, A*e *f as, tfcwagheat Hit 11.8. * efyrtrw fa, **e>»Y «*pm«, *e* (w*paia, far 01.00* •U torfh** *Mi Oaa* alalew A*. f * JOHN WILKINSON, Sob Ifarffr, ??SM»St, €Me«a|' -' . 3 ^ leri ah* (tamp hr my *l*g*at S« C«t*l*ra**f T ~ " DFCHOTS, Battle Oraok, Mich. ^ * **, .s ORIGIIMl: *IW ONLY SGMlMC „ '• "VIBRATOR" * V ' THRESHING MUWREIK' STOVE POLISH __For Branty of Potlfh, SaTl&f tabor, Cleaalinest, Pontaity ami chuapness^UBMSSIcd. itAos^roptistew^Casten. Msw. OVB (TsrlvaM Mk PertaUe aad Tiatlt*. wi ih*r ameer Sk»* aa* aa |M| thsss CUU11 Balasrs wlH set a^MatttStte VTbm* w**tage*r Oralaaad IS*MMsr«Mkdeaeln> ful atange Seta Qrmiat* ZJT Therescli VetksMMMkip. Elwat WsliK FnWaSaa « Pan*, nadhlw oi ryilrixal, «*a^ ear " Tiaaawa" Iki iifcsr SaMiu ate limaaijaihMs. IMTAEVKLOrs for SiaqriMIr of Parts* asfag? filE Ijw I baa oae-hair Uuteaaat Jlettt udOear*. *«Mi Cleaa Wert, eOSao mwrisgeesSeanw.'up. familiar deecription of these two idiaeaeea. sThimgh each - .... _ , aiay and d«»;« attack different parte oi th« *jf»t»autha caaae ix lx>liev«i lit l>e a polaoaoaa acid in the Purify this by the ase of Tumult's S4"Itz«ir Aperient. It .a'H do Its work speedily and thumnghl*. It la (be great t'rirnd of tiie *ufit<rer from lh^uinHt *m and (uut. fvir.n xv »r.T. c. s. u, Wm:\ WIlfTINO |H BAVX Momrr. AJHV BUT rmm M S * 1 I I M l " I SAPONIRER The Richmond Pink MADS BT THS FMnqrhraoia Salt Mazmf̂ f Oa, Are printed on stron« cloth, in absoIut> iy faifl colors. will aof factegljMsnrtug^: CenteijBial Medal lor Piaks ww Klreu to tfeeee goods. UJC&T PINK MADE. If you want HuNKVT liOUDS Alter thirty yeaia" ember tbis aed BUT TH1» .!.•* ««rri.M. TO Al>fs;bt«SE»J< |̂, liirnw jom a«w »•*« ..A ,J&