Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jul 1879, p. 1

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jfejjeuy |lanlet{< Published Every Wednesday by . Editor and Publisher.| ce in Old P. O. Block, OrrosiTK RIVERSIDE HOL'EE.-- I f i i% ,•£ "j*- ' V * v„* '** ~~ V V" TKItMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS * '* ,JW®S 1fi8i»r, (In Advance,) .i . .fl 50 Iffaot Paid within Throe Months . . . . * , . . . . 2 00 tabsariptiona received for three or six mon ths ,n tho same pvoportiftn. -riiV I'I mi ijT 'N ^ BUSINESS CARDH?:. H. T. BROWN, M, I). PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Ofllnn over the Post Office, opposite l>6txy ft H irtlns Store, up stairs McHenry lit- - 'v ^ I;!!*-'.! : •'tyj.-A- • • «•'* "f'" lit •*V'? •\a§ C. H. FEGEliS, M. D. YSIOIAN AND SURGEON. Johnsbnreh ?• Ills.--»01Bee boars 8 to 10 A. M. daily, H")' E. A. BE EUS M. t>. fjiitslClAlrand Surgeon. 5lfH'.eatrcsid6nce, ft. twodoors woat of Post Olllce, McHenry |H. O. J. HOWARD, M D. " *, PuvaictAN and Surgeon. OlUce at tfte "store of Howard & Son, Mcl-Ienry, 111. V W. 11. BUCK, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC Phytieian and aurgeon.-- Office Ifcist Side Pu'biic 8<inare, Wood- Itock, III. Office hours 11 to 12 A. M., and 2 o 4 P. M. \ F. J. BAKB1AN. Or* CIOAB Manufacture^-, McHenry 111 ders solicited. Shop North East eoruer Public 8<ta&re. KICHARD BISHOP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW McHenry, 111. a,£ RICHARD COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peace and Conveyancer.-- Will attend promptly to the collection of loM*. Volo, Littko County, 1U. ; - .^ifirfpaiiiiitti A GEO. A. BUCKLIN i « HOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer itiiil In­surance Agent. Office at Bucklin & Itevtiii's Store, near the Depot, McHenry, 111. ^r..r;W;, J '-<**%% ;y py&ti % - :^W- St .hi l)j0> hvjl JB. E. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstract or Titles to land in Mcllenrv County, Illinois. Office with Clerk, Woodstock. 111. ROIJT. WRIGHT, / Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Slioefe. Tfonc but the best of material ised and all work warranted. Shop Northwest •orner Public Square, McHenry, III. " ~ E.M. OWEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery, Prices low and Terms favorable. MCHENRY, - - - - - ILLINOIS. v N.S.COLBY. MCHENRY, McHenry Co., III. Breeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkshire and PoltndCliina Swine. A choice lot of young Buck*took for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. GEO. SCHREINER. SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, McHenry III. , •••First-Class Billiard and Pool Tables. PETER LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins In the best possible manner, on short notice and at rea­ sonable rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop (rst door North,of Riverside Block, McHenry til. VtT A TVTHPT? 1HV To make a permanent VV /V.IN L VJ Y J engagement with a slerryntan having leisure, or a Bible Reader, to Introduce in McHenry County, the CELE­ BRATED NEW Centennial Edition ot the HOLY BIBLE. For description, notice edl- torial in last week's issue of this paper. Ad- tress at once F. L. KOllTON & CO., Publish- •rsand Bookbinders, GO E. Market St.. Indian­ apolis, Ind. TO SELL LIVELY "* kant times von need somethiMLjfBeiil value |« (he people, do yon not? Stfch is that grand aew low priced book, Allen's Useful Companion, '*'*r --AND- Artlficer's Assistant. Valuable receipts by thousands for anything and everybody. The most universally useful book e^r published, «aving money to all febyers. Outsells everything. Agents want- ad. Address SCAMMELL ft CO , Bt Louis Mo- DTF ©fall kinds. Tumors, dischar- mT \L X J tliC? Res of Blood or mucous, and all diseases of the Rectum quickly and perfectly cured by a sun pie and soothing remedy. For Information adaresB DR. J. FABER A CO., 2*2 Ann St., N. Y. 1000 BOYS & GIRLS Cor the l.est ISov'sand Girl's paper published (be West. Beautiful presents to subscrib­ ers and agents. Every boy and girl can earn ots «f monev canvassing during leisure iiourK. Don't fail to send for it at once. To (ntreduce it we will send to any address on Srial three months, for 10 Cents in cash or nostage stamps. Sample of paper and particulars FREE- Address L'Drt \Il9Ksehold Qem, Cleveland, O* 1 11 «i AA MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted $11/1/ County rights given gratis fwr th« sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputation world­ wide; established many years; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. Anin lustrious, energetic person can make snugpermanent income and very liberal terms by addressing with reference, 233 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. CHERE .--Yon can make money by sel­ling our SteriingChemical Wicks--Never needs trimming--No smoke or smell--10 cents each, 3 for 25 cents- kend stamp forcatalogue of Wonderful Inventions, staple and Fancy Goods, parsons, Foster 4|Co., MS Clark St. Otiichgo. BUSINESS CHAS. H. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW «nd Notary PuMlfe Woodstock, Illinois. Office over Stone's Drug Store. C.3H. TRUAX. CARPENTER and Bnilder, Nunda, lit-- Will put up buildings by theJobor d»y. and guarantee satisfaction. E- V. ANDERSON. M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at Gil* bert's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House, McIIenry, Illinois, • . ~ E. BENNETT, M. I)., OURGEON and Acooucher. Diseases of O Women ft Specialty. Office and ffosidence on Clay Street Woodstock, 111. DRTC. E. WILLIAMS. . DENTIST, Algotiqnin, III. All work'war­ranted. Teeth extracted and skillful manner, V ---- DR. C. W in a DENTIST. Haythorn COX, Ofllce Over Smith, Aldrich A Store. Richmond. 111. SIDNEY DISBROW, PI den, III. DR. F. J. CROSS. iKXTIST, Riverside TVIofk, Mctt'cnvv J^OTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer. Al- tll D Having opened an office in this village, I am prepared to do all work in the line of my profession on short notice and in a workman­ like manner. All work warranted." : ELECTROPATHY. Dr. Samuel Sherman, And Wife will be at their resilience IX miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three days in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and" Saturdays, for the purpose of treating ail curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from 9 A. M., to l r. M. REFERENCES:--John Doran, Richard Bish op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bonsln£, James Sutton, John M. Smith. F, K. Granger, Geo. Gage, Tten. Gilbert, Horace Dwelly, B.F.Peck, Win. Ilutson, Geo. Gitbert. J. A. SHERWOOD AUCrioMc I:K APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. SATJt?S of stoek, Farming Tools and GtibdS of all lands promptly attended to. sales a speeialtv. Terms reasonable. ,3%'e address Algonquin 111. W, H. SANFORD, Mercluuit Tailor. In the store of 0. H. Dickinson, East aide of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Snitings al- ways on hand. Suits made to order and a fit warranted- Give ine a call. ^ » «,15;<S;SAN^>E^ Waodstnek.IllviSent. 27lh. 187R. .ftfffiY STAgtr H. K. W1GHTMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished ti t reasonable rates. Teaming 'of all kinds ilone on short notice. Geo. H. Stewart, Auctioneer. will Richmond, III. Has an experience ot 16 years. Mid guarantee satisfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to my care, are properly ad­ vertised, or no charge will be made. Terms, from fO to $10, according to amonnt of sale. All orders addressed to Richmond, IH., wall receive prompt attention. M. ENCELN- £*TT TV- SM I TH! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol­ ishing Razors and Shears and Table Cutlery a spcelali. ty. R'epairing of .all kinds done in 'Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant­ ed. Also dealer In Gnns, Revolvers, Table and Pocket Cutlery, (inn ami Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars,* Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Shop and store near the Post Office, Mc­ Henry, 111. FOX LAKE* ! EDITOR PLAIN DEALER--Fourth of July gone and no bones broken in this parish, a fact which in itself luay be construed with a brilliant success., A powdered nose or two perhaps in the case of patriotic small boys, but asthis seems to be the popular method of in­ oculating patriotism in the youthful citizen, ft is perhaps as well to praise Ood for it, as to the cast iron pistol and the firecracker the nation is in some measure indebted for the spirit which eventually finds vent In orations. Guy Fawkes in England and Washing­ ton In America, will likely continue for ages, to make it lively under crin« careful j oltnes once a year, and that Is the end of human greatness. A national holi­ day however is a good thing to have, and if small hoys could only be gath­ ered in a hen coop on that day it might possibly afford other* so many more charms for rational amusement and in­ stead of cast iron pistols and ding shoes give the boys "little hatchets" to play with so they may learn to tell the truth more, and blow oft their heads less. That of course is but a mild sug­ gestion to those wiio have, are going to have of Intend having children. Fox Lake is livelier now than over, since Col. Lippincott has brought his weight to bear ou the handle of the Fox*f ake organ. There is music in the air now. The sound of minstrel voices float on every breeze and Sat­ urday nights are blazing with fun and merry making uuder the jolly folds of the mammoth tent which hangs over a platform of truly royal proportions.-- Some two or three hundred people, mostly composed of young ladles and gentlemen, gathered there last Satur­ day night where they enjoyed a per­ fect festival of music, singing and dancing. So great a success indeed was the evening that the Colonel forth­ with announced a similar programme for twice a week. The MeHenry con­ tingent arrived as usual by boat in the course of the evening aud as usual was composed of a regiment of stags.-- Whether it 16 that every McIIenry man is divorced, or his interest flags in the. old woman, or whether every young man lias the mitten, or the ladies of McHenry are too weak to stand the journey, or are afraid their charms won't be appreciated, afraid the boat may lose its reckoning aud get lost, ; afraid of beer, or afraid of being stolen or something, certain It is that uo city sends so many stags to Fox Lake lu one consignment as McHenry. Less "antlers" and more "does" is what the Lake seems to call for. The enter­ tainment closed at midnight with a thrilling spng from the darkeys, all re­ tiring well satisfied with the raptur. ous entertainment and the courtesy of the genial managers, Messrs. Ned and George Williams, whose motto is to treat everybody v^ell aud be well treat­ ed in return, Everything went on as meriily as a church bell, without jar or disturbance of any kind. So marked a success will no doubt be an incentive to the Colonel to add still*inora to tfi« llvliness of his entertaiuineut. LONOBBAMOK. , Farm Post a; GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Is A VEGETABLE PKEPABATIOW tmrented in the 17th centurv by I>r. William Grace, Surgeon in King James' army. Through its agency he cured thousands' of the most, serious sores and wounds that baffl­ ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of bis day, and was roiranled by "all who hlni as a public benefactor. PRICE 35 CENTS A BOX. 'I' y PIMPLES. r'll will mail (Free) the receipt fora simple ^ Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, rknples and blotches, leaving the akin soft, clear and beautiful; also instruc­ tions for producing a , luxuriant grovth of hairon a bal 1 head or smooth face,. Address, HCTFTFTFNG 3 ct. -UVM », Baa & : St., STew REMOVAL. Scott & Co., --THE LEADING-- HATTERS! H.avo Removed from 4, their old stand, cornel Fifth Avenue and Madison Street, to the elegant Double Store, Dos. 135 anil 137 Madison St., West of Clurk jStreet. The Largest Stock of Spring Style Hats to choose from in the West. Prices the Lowest. It will pay you to call , and see them. • -BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake Sts., & S. E. Cor. Hatsted and Harrison St8.f CHICAGO, OlMKl NAMES of residents wanton.-- * Kov Namesand '25 rents we will send vou :t tine silk liaiidfc<M-<-liief every thread ••#»k.rW«lar prfcw «. Pester Sr 'Hi Jtiurk street Chicago, Illf IOTPI-obably tho most stupendous job of work ever uudertHken for a sin­ gle day, outside of military opera­ tions, was begun and finished Sunday on the St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad. It was nothing less thau changing the guage of the entire, road, over 700 miles, from five feejt to four feet eight and one-half Inches, or standard guage. For this work, a force of over three thousand men had been organized aud distributed along the entire line; and at daylight Sunday morning work commenced. Before night the entire track was overhauled, aud next morning the road commenced business as a standard gauge road.-- Sufficient cars aud engines bad been overhauled in the meantime, and new ones provided, so that there was not a jar in the busiuess of the road, nor the failure or a single mail. •©-A countryman, seated himself at a fashionable restaurant with the In- teution of takings hearty dinner, sum- moned.a waiter ana made known his purpose. The latter skipped briskly away, and finally returned with a handsomely bound bill of fire, which he opened and placed before the guest, who, pushing it away, scornfully observed: Oh, come now. you can't cram no literature dawn me; vittalsi* what I want--vlttal*--and party deni­ ed quick, too." A. * \ '"'x • :-i • /V '#t> v.r^. . t 45 V 4V i®*"*You don't seem to hive made much money by bringing j/otu hogs down here,*' was the casual remark of a by-stander to a speculative agricultur­ ist. who had driven his hogs seven miles to the market town and sold the in for precisely what was offered him before lie left home. "Well, no." said the agriculturist, pensively, "i 11ain't made no money but thjsn'1-- brighteni^!$.up-?-"you know I hati the company of the hogs tfii rtie way dl)wn.** ' ' '• f MORTHERN NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINDKALRK;--HOW IS .It, does any one tell you It is warn these days? J(ph» Doran has the finest piece of winter wheat that has been seen around here for many years. It Is estimated by many to go 35 bushels per acre. John Knox Sr's. ;team broke loose from a post In front of Colby Bros, store, at McHenry, the 12th, and came fiying for home, but were stopped by James Doherty. Score one for James. Potato bugs are ripe and If any one don't believe i£ Billy. Some of the Boy's from-around, hems went to the circus. Come Adam set up the cigars. Mary Frisby and her brother John had a narrow escape from drowning one day last week. They were cross­ ing the river and the boat capsized and left them to struggle for thq^i* lives, but tiiey were fortunate, as they reached the shore after a heroic strug­ gle. If any one should meet A. P. Peck and he did not notice them, don't mind it for lie is the daddy ofabonnce- ing baby boy. Coijne Deak, and set up cigars on this happy occasion. Mary Reed's farm is nourishing under the skillful care of Mr. Patrick Feehan. Mrs. Peter Walsh is quite sick. We have not heard from her for a few days but we sincerely hope she is recovering. Steve Ward, from over west, is work­ ing for Johu Gracy. Wm, Welch was aronsd lately. He don't come as often as he used to. The attraction «eems to be gone that used to bring him. That mustache Is bleaching out again, what is the matter Frauk. * We don't hear any tiling more about building a new school house iu district No, 4. Last Thursday the beys had some fun. ^ive of them started In the morning binding but at three o'clock there were ouly two of them left lu the field. Jim It don't pay to brag in tiie morning. Just wait until night comes and see how you feel. Tlioiuas Powers aud J. Frisby were the victors of the race. Jim we don't blame you for giving out for you have not recov­ ered frtmi the effect of that clothes line yet. OhJJja* cherry pie^" ScBiBmyc*. J ^f|K HKW POSTAL LAW. The following will help make plain the uew postal regulatlou which went into eflect July I. "Third class matter" Is miscellaneous printed mattpr (not periodical publi­ cation}') aud embraces books, transient newspapers and periodicals (that Is not sent from the publishing house but from one person to another) and other matters wholly In print, proof sheets, corrected proof sheets with manuscript copy accompanying same, and postage shall be paid at the rate of one cent for every two ounoes or fraotloa there of. Upon matter of the third class, or upon the wrapping inclosing same the sender may write his own name or ad­ dress, and make simple marks to call attention to a word or passage of the text. A simple manuscript dedication or inscription which does not partake of a nature of a "personal communica­ tion" may be written upon the corner" or blank leaf of any matter of the third class. The law then goes on to provide: The character of "personal correspond­ ence" can not be ascribed to the fol­ lowing: 1. Signature, name, profession, rank place of origin, date, 2. Dedication or mark of respect by the sender. 8. Figures or signs to mark or call attention to a passage y t the text. 4. Prices, quotations or price cur* rent of exchauge or markets, or in a book. 5. All commercial papers partly printed, such as papers of legal proce­ dure, deeds of all kinds, way bills, bills of lading, invoices, (receipted bills) and the various documents of insuranoe companies, circulars, handbills, etc. 6. Instructions to postmasters to notify sender in case of non-delivery that he may send postage for return, and annotations or corrections of print or music relating to the text or man­ ner of execution. The cue to be borne IL> mind is that the added pnatter must not be what is meant under the law by a "personal communication," as for ex­ ample, y<fu cannot send a hill or in­ voice and add "Please remit," or **Pay, or I'll sue you." The new regulation will save to some of our business firms many dollars in postage each'year on invoices and the like, which go for one cent for every two ounces or fractional part thereof,, if unsealed. All matter put i«i< envel­ opes ttud incendfed' to be sent ait these- rates must be lfcf» wisealed* . j - g. If you pay THE CA.SLI tor to Fit2*iii»mons 6 Evanson'ls. • "wr-i. Wm jf*. '#SM. " wsi*/,' fft-' Ia'j .V, V> tHR milRTH AT ¥ kIKFIKLD MRU. In the Fairfield. Nebraska, Nettm we learn that W, S. Prickett, Esq. former­ ly of this town, was the Orator of the Day at that plaoe on the Fourth. We give below the conclndiug portions of ills address: "Now fellow citizens In conclusion, allow me to say that 1 have not touched upon any of the great political ques­ tions of the day that have caused so much exltement all over the land, for the reason that al such a time as this all the bitter feelings caused by politi­ cal opinions aud preferanoes should be forgotten, and we should meet here as children of one family, as the lovers of the best government upon earth to celebrate this anniversary of the na­ tion's birthday. Let me repeat Inclos­ ing that we do not as a people appreci­ ate our liberties sufficiently, we do not appreciate the government and the wisdom of its founders. Let us learn from the experiences of the heroes of the past, whose Hps are Bealed In death, our duty In the present. Let as be patriotic, that the men of future *ASKW<mRI OORRnPOMimilCK, WASHIKOTO*, 0. c. July 14th, 1879 ' Secretary Sheman has gone North, and for one week hfe Departawttt will be in the otmrgeof the Second A«sf*» tent, Judge French, Secretary Hawlef also being away not to it tarn until next Monday, Secretary 8hennan% tour will be extended three weeks. Ho will visit many of the chief cities its the Eastern and New England Statcst and after consulting with his subordin­ ates at different points,, he will make ft financial speech in Portland, and theft visit Senators Blaine and Hawlin aft their homes in Augusta ami Bangor. Ho will not, as formerly reported* take any active part in the Maine Campaign further than to make brief remarks at two or three points oa hit route. Louisiana politics are again tronb* ling us here. The Republicans there are quarreling became the Collector of Customs has lately made some 9i»> tasteful charges, and some of them are here to look after the matter. Thejr think the cause of the constitutional generations may look back to us with u convention on the debt question makes blush of pri4e aud emulate our devol it possible for the Republicans to again tlon to our country. Let us remember that our proud conditions among the nations of the earth was not obt&iiierT by our strength as a military power.-- Let u^k{uember that our greatness as a peopredoes not consist entirely in the broad exteut of our liberty. It does not consist in the ^wealth of our mines-nor In the amount of produce (that we turn off from pur fertile soil. It does not consist Inxxir ships of com­ merce that ride triumphant the waters of every sea,, in our army or uavy, these are but the results of one greater cause, the incidences of one greater power, the fidelity and love with which our predecessors clung to the great cause of freedom, aud esteem and ad­ oration which our forefathers held tiie Institutions of liberty. "Thess are ties" say8 Sir Edmund Burke, "which though light as air are as strong as links of iron," Liberty is the choicest gift of uod to man. The sweetest boon of human existence, an oasis In the great desert of life, without it human­ ity Is a fallure'and life but a blight aud waste. Liberty Is indeed a bless­ ing, though the means She takes some­ times to accomplish her purposes are terrible, though skeletons of human be­ ings lay a sacrifice upon her alter, though she has waded through seas of blood, aud laid homes Sand nations In rulus and death, she always brings about the result for the benefit of man. Though man has spurned her, though she has been trampled in the dust for two thousand years, she never has for­ saken her duty or swerved from her fidelity to man, although he has perse­ cuted, racked and burned, although he nearly crushed out her life years ago on the continent of Europe, she has raised her bleeding and blackened limbs on the shores of the new world, as a sacred retreat for persecuted men, holding In one withered hand the gloriousatars and stripes, and in the other the bleeding hearts and whitened bones of the martyrs of the past, ahe calls upon you for your support, your love, your patriotism. • fSr An exchange from the Southern part of the State says: uThe styles of close out hair this season are called the "Modoek" "Pine ," and l"Baby Mine." The first leaves one scalp lock, the second rather a rummy appear­ ance, while the third does not leave any particle of hair to tell the tale. Vj,j| A Gentle Remedy The action of Kidney-W&rt rift fn& torpid liver, unhealthy skin, weak blad­ der and enfeebled stomaoh is gentle and constitutional. It cures acute lum­ bago. and piles, and soothes the dis­ tresses of Indigestion. Cases of twelve years' standing have been perfectly cured. Your Druggists keep it. -A 'A JMSTTHE Czar of Russia only receives a salary of eight and a quarter million dollars, aud finds his own board and washing. It would be more merciful to assassinate the old man at onoe thau subject him to this system of «fc»r starvation. J No White Batter. ^People will not in these days, buy white butter, and dairymen of good judgment use the Perfected Butter Color of Well, Richardson & Co., Bur­ lington Vt. It does not j^eeze iu winter or mould lit summer «nd $•;§!- wayb ready for instant use. - Will the boy who thi^ % red pepper on the stove please come up here and get a a present o! a nice book ?" said a Sunday-school superin­ tendent in Iowa: but the boy never movedt His was a far-seeing boy. t6f~An important question in selenee. If it takes a lien a minute and a half to cross a road, how long will it take a cat to eiimb an apple Iree f ," secure control of the State, and thef want peace in the party. Even should this be Impossible^ they have every In­ ducement for keeping up a story or­ ganization until after the next Presi­ dential election. They say Louisiana presents a good field for the expectant republican nominees to work up wltli money and bfllots. Aa Secretary She#* man Is known to have the monoplv of the latter and Is supposed to have ft good share of the former, he is Just now the strongest candidate in tiie field Ex-Governor Warmoth is expect­ ed to champion Sherwan's cause, while Anderson Is charged with having ft leaning for Grant. The Sunday Chronicle of thle eKy% which is the representative of thV Forney family and of General Grafts friends generally, has an important statement relative to that gentleman's movements It is to the effect that General Grant authorises his frhndl to say that he will not probably return this year, and possibly not until after the time of holding the national con­ ventions next year. He has been an­ noyed, according to his authority If the persisteny with whlcfi a certain" class of pretended friends had pressed him for re-election to the Presidency and is disposed to take the advice of his better Mends, and not allow him­ self to be used by the bummers, who expect to promote their own fortunes only by his resumption of political au­ thority. In order to kill time, the General will travel Into America and elsewhere, and positively decline te come home until all receptions in his behalf for political effect shall be ent of the question. The impression haa been growing for some time that the General would not allow himself to bit used la politics <^|alnv and this impres­ sion was confir^l^hy the very signi­ ficant fact thattpmitor Conkllng and other friends of Grant have named Senator Wlndom as their chocle ffer the nomination, a thing It is assumed they would not have don* hid their favorite been in the ield. As evidence of the nnceasing vigi­ lance necessary to the condbpt of so great a Department as the Treasury/ there will soon be issued statements showing the work that has been done in lopping off old abuses lu various directions. The undervaluation in kid gloves by the chief importers at New York was a glaring wrong, and Assist­ ant Secretary French did well to push his inquires and his reforms. It will be shown that hundreds o||jhousami» of dollars will be saved annuaU^r to- tiie revenue by the changes made. The matter of the coloring branch ia sugaji was another sore place. By the re­ forms instituted half a oaimuii dblla«e already stand to the credit of the Treasury that would have been: lost otherwise. The sugar men ft) Balti­ more have felt the heavy iutttd of tiie Treasury officials, havintr lost one Ita- • portantease of fraud against fbeut, and they have about give** itp the fight. The Secretary has employed the ablest experts to expose these frauds. The forthcoming statements will contain many Interesting facta . besides these to which 1 allude. M. M. W. J r^f! Kindf*d|Kvil«. is well known that a rthl exists between piles, constipation,kid­ ney diseases and liver troubles. Ift Kidney-Wort we have a remedy tha| acts on the general system and restor­ es health by srently aiding nature^ ; internal processes. Pmgglsts keep II, Bewitching Work There Is a fascination in all the ribbons, stockings, shawls and dresses in the bouse by the use of Lena^ on's Dyes made by W ell, Rlel & Co., Burlington, Vt. The cok Sttnufb and ot" every shade. Dri havetfce*. m?- Vk. <• fv

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