PtUlihtd Bwry Wednesday by SL.VKK & SOX, PUBLISHERS. ific© III Old F. O. Blook, --Orrosrra RivniiDi BOCSK.-- ^ ii"' >m'»- 4 TKTtlWS OF RTTRSCRTPTIOM-J See Year, {in Advance,) ......,$| SO *"'v If not Paid within Throe Months 100 ahsnriptions received for three or m x months lathesame proportion. * ;•> ' - *: r i BUSINESS CARDS. T. BROWS, M. I>. and PHYSICIAN and 8«?geo». Offlco over the Post Office, opposite Ferry & X*rtin« Store, up stairs MeHenry 111. O.H. FKOEH8, M. O. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Johnsbarg . Ills.-Office ho are 8 to 10 A. X. daily O. J. HOWARD, M D. PHT8ICIAH am! Surgeon. Office at the ston* of Howard A Son, MeHenry, 111. E- V. ANDERSON, M. D. SIC IAN aim surgeon. Office at IJesley's Dmg^lore, oppositetho House, M -Henry, IllinoU. Parker W. H. BUCK, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC Phyticlau and Snrgeon.-Offlce East Side Public Square, •took. III. to 4 P. M. Wood Office hours U to It A. M., and 2 DR. C.E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST, Algonquin, 111. All vork war: ranted. Teeth extracted in * carefu* and skillful manner. F. J. BAHB1AN. Manufacturer, MeHenry ill. Or- tkfs\ders solicited. Shop North East corner lie Square. RICHARD ATTT>UXEr AND COUNSELOR AT LAW MxHenry, III. ;5..v:M. . RICHARD COMPTOR. ; F ^ ^ JUSTICE of the Peace and ConVcyaiitfer.-- Will attend promptly to thecollection of lebts. Volo, Lake County, 111. • ••di. -i • ' . E. E. RICHARDS.' HAS a complete Abstract ot Titles to land in Hotienrv County, Illinois. Office with County Clerk, Woodstock, III. " ROBT. WRIGHT. / ~~ Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shoe*. None but the bent of material isad mid all work warranted. Shop Northwest ytruer Public Square, MeHenry, I1L " IS. M. OWEN. &ENSEAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery. Prices low and Terma favorable. JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in eery. Will practice in State and in fed. eral Courts. Office, 1S9 LaSalle St., Chicago OHAS. n. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT T.AW *nd Notary PubUc Woodstock, Illinois. Office over Itoue'i Drug Store. C. K. TKUAX. and Builder, Nunda, Itl.-/^AHPENTKR . \J Will put np buildings by theJobor day. and fnarantee satisfaction E. BENNETT, M. D., UBGEON and Accowcber. Diseases of Women and all private diseases of both senes a Specially. Office and Residence on Clay Street Woodstock, 111. Sl 3IDNI6Y DI3BROW, PUBLIOand Conveyance*. «8«, 111. JACOB BONSLETT. SAU.OOW AND RUSTAURANT. Opposite Bishop's Mill, Mclfenrv, III. The choic est Wines, Liquors and Clears to be found in the county. Fresh Oystors,<in their season, served up in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. F. J. CROSS, P * •} 'J; DEITTIS MeHenry, III* Felt Plates made of the best aiaterial Mu| fttlly warranted, $8.00. Pilling one-half usual ratea. Special attention paid to regulating im • shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without paid* ud free of charge where Artificial Teeth are iu- 8erted by htm. All Work fully warranted. BJivins' Mills or Spring Grave Grist Mill: THIS, DHIIOT, PtiprWir, Having recently purchased this Mill and in srst'Clftfts ardor, 1 now proptoFOtt Custom Grinding On Short Notice and Warrant Satisfaction, Revised emit entitied~A»J b+r. Mffht. Approver/ Jii lifting to dat», Under this tw rema inlng PfjMjfctl forms for AWi" the prosecution »N LAWS. nolidated % 'jfg* Ac ft to Revise and Con Mutes of the. United in the fir*t of Decem- *nm. One Thonmnd and Seventy- Three.** 'iS, 1874. and Acti re- '/•'fflWd since that hi# will be siren all the ji 10 date, after which Hon and instructions for Claims will be given. AridSoki taLow *• Vorp otl^r Mill in tint With an experience of many years t» some of the best Mills in the country lam confident I can give satisfaction toail who may favor me with their patronage. , , JWGive me a call. THOS, DAYMEKT. » BUvin^iMllls, Oct. 91st, MW. » . R«gal«tloM KeMne to Army and Kan ' Mtaftlons. * ' J W. CRIVOLBY GENERAL BLACKSMITH,. Ringwood, IH. a UK COM M KNDATION. 4 WAVKEGAN, Lake Co., Itx., June 1879. Having Known J. W. (irimolbv as a practi cal Horse Shoer during the years of 1875, '70 and *77. we therefore take pleasure in recom mending him to the public as an extra work man on both Faat and Road Horses. J. W. SWAKHROUGH, I<. W. AKNOLIT, IPJT'JF- WK. M. YAOKK, •*>«»!? : ^ , .'-i-U. fi&k M. B. PETER. All kinds of Repairing prompt ly done and in a workmanlike uu&nner, Give me a call. J. W- CRIMOLBV. MOHBME Ti ILLINOIS. sr. S. COLBY. MCHENRY, MeHenry Co., III. Spanish Murine Poland China Swine. Breeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkshire and A choice lot of young Buck stock for sale. Please call undo xamine before buying elsewhere. . • - " • - • «E0. SCHREINE1L SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, MeHenry 111. ••"first.Class Billiard and Pool Tables. " * JOHN HENDRICKS. BLIVIST'S MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared to sell and repair any kind of Machine as dicap as the cheapest. insure your life and property at rates. Please give me a cal'. " FETER LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry o* *11 kinds. Also Repairs Violins in theoest possible manuer, on sh jrt notice and at renr son Able rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop Arsi door North of Riverside Block, MeHenry 111. .Sewing Wiiralso reasonablo ELECTROPATHY. Dr. Samuel Sherman, And Wife, will be al their residence -MS miles West of the Depot, on the Woo<lstock*a road, three days in each Week, Tuesdays, Thursdavs and Saturdays, for the puruose; of treating all curable diseases. Consultation , and Examinations Free. Office hours from*' 9 A. to 1 p. M. REFERENCESJohn Doran, Richard Bish op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard* Bon slot, Jaiues Sutton, John M. Smith. F, K. Granger, Geo. Gage, iten. (iilbert, Horace Dwelly, B.F.Peck, Wm. Hutpon, (ieo. Giltwrt. J. A. 8HERWOOD AUCTION E Ell and appraiser. S' a. L. HUBBARD, F, 'v %i~-)"•-'$•• Ringwood, IN, : > -DEALER IN-- ,5 ° • .% LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS Also everything that is kept and sold in a Harness Shop. I can and will sell Harness as cheap as sir man in the County. All work warranted. Call and see me before purchasing. Repairing done at all Ties. REMOTAL~ Scott & Co*, --THE LEADING-- HATTERS! Have Removed from their old stand, eornei Fiftjh Avenue and Madison S treet, to fke ei Double Store, \ ' <T* M 135 aofl ALESof Stock, Fanning Tools and (Soods of all kinds promptly utteniivd to. Fttl'ui sales a specialty. TcWa reasonable. Post Dffice address Algon<{iipr III. W. H. SANFORD, Merchant, Tailor. "t0' WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Pine Cloths for Snltinni Al ways on hand. Suits made to order and a lit warranted. Give me a call. JT. H. SANFORD. stock Til..Sept. ?7th. 1«7R.,.;. •. , • , In the storeof 0. K. Dickinson, East Public Square, i . t cura •>::*i >:4 • A:m» ^-VI A THE-- CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY Declaration of mcrea . »- STATE OP On this, thousand eigh soimlly ap|)« name being and for the on saiil. ... 11 r^sl •••"In the Stn wlio. being <lit! law. makes I lii order to ohfj ed hy acts of Co pensions of wii widdw of....,H* the war nf. dentil she has of.... dollar p*»y anoe with a eer hearing dale with returned; married «in<w above named; t the names ami ii legitimate ehlf were uu<!»r K! the fathers deut' '4 twinned widow for ' petwiop. :tfCNTTOiV....8Ss , «f.....A. 6, our indref aiid...., per- ine tlie ur t of record within Sy ,a»tl State afore- »*#>!' county of . • ..njced.... year*, orn acrnrdinjf to lowing declaration •the pension provld- ress inri^HSing the hvs: That she is tlie «> V a* in I11 r oa account of Ills granted it penelq^ iti it nth. in accord- te numbered d which l» here* t she has not re- atli of her husband he following are nf birtln of all his yet surviving, and 11 years of ago at wit: BT A 2,380 Mile* of Road %. •5 C.edar Rapid Jkiaitilialltown, i)es Moines Sioux City, Yankton, Omaha, Couucil BlufFa California , Columbus, the Territories Denver, JUeadvillc, Salt Lake, San Francisco The Black Hills, Colorado, ?r/i. West of Clark Street. The .Largest Stock of Winter Style Hats to choose from in the West. JSgf"Prices the Lowest, It will pay you to call and see tkem. ' BRANCH STORES • S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake Sts~ !• CHICAGO. ami PTT 1?C Of all1 kinds, Tumors, disehar- X L -IJ ri O ires of Blood or in ucous, and all iiseases of the Rectum quickly and oerfectly mured by a simple and soothinar remedy. For formation address DR. J. FABER ft CO.. 2* Ann St., X. Y. flltftV STA,9lp I H. E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor, -rigs, with or without drivet • t reasonable rates, done on short notice. Teaming 0$ all kinds M. ENCELN. SMITH! Scale Repairing, Grinding ami Pol- i8hin^ Kaiors and Shears and Talde Cutlery a speciali ty. Repairing of all kind* done in Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant ed. Also dealer in Guns. Revolvers, _ . Table and Pocket Cutlery, Gun and Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Shop and store near the Post OAce, Me. Hwnry, ill. Geo. H. Stewart, Auctioneer. Richmonclt III. Iftis an experience ot 15 vetirti. «nd Wll guarantee satisfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to my care, are properly ad vertised. or no charge will be made. Terms, from f5 to $10, according to amount of «ate. All orders addressed to Bichmond, III., will receive prompt attention. MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted County rights given gratis f«r the even well-known Standard Medicines n every family; refutation worlds established many years; made by a $100 needed in every family w i d e . . . celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. Anin tustrious, energetic person can make tnugper nineut inromeand very liberal terms bv ai trusting wfth reference, 8J3 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ; WANTED 5ler*yman having leisure, or a Bible Reader v. to intro-lwce in MeHenry Conntv, the CF.LE- ® BliVTED NEW Centennial Edition ot the • ;i HOL Y BIBLE. For descriotion, notice edi •a Sorial in last- week's issue of this paper. Ad. . x dress at once F. L. flORTON ft CO., Pnbllsh- , \ #rs and Bookbinders,#© E. Market St..Indian. > y »polls, Ind. ^ • 1 1 11 1 1 A Afin of residents w an tea.-- it'4? 1""^"<-"1/ For 25ifames^ind 25 cents werwil? ; send yon a fine silk handkerchief evervthi^ea^ - ' > Ilk regular price LOO. G. W. Koster M C<a M 3lark street Chicajto. Ill %?•„ On to Mrs. S. Searies tor the greatest I" ^ Bargains of the season in Cloaks Bats trlrained and uutrimmed. tt JOYFUL News for Boys and Glite«l .Young and Old!! A NEW IN VENTION just patented for them, for Home use! Fret and Scroll Sawing, Turning, Bon 1:1;, Drilling,Grinding, Polishing, Screw Cutting. Price S5 to #00. 8end 6 cents for 100 pages. EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Is A VKGKTABLE PREPARATION lvented in tlie ifth century by Dr. William gjrace, Surgeon in King James' army rough its agency he ctircd thousands of th^ most serious sores and wounds that baffl- od the skillof the most eminent physicians of his day, and was regarded by ail who knew him'as a public benefactor. PRICE 45CENTS A BOX. BAST FOR Ohicago NewYor , Boston, Detroit, . J^ittsbur^h, M on real, Toronto, New England, Canadas, Buffalo, and all Points East! SOUTH FOR Cincinnati, Nashville, Louisville, New Orleans, St. Loris, Jacksonville, Columbus, and all Points Sputh, --THE-- > "North-Western," Is the most DIRECT ROUTE, offering tfefl. traveling public Greater Kai iliUesand More Advantages than My - - road in the West. It is the oriiy Sill© runnitig I Fulliao Hotel aid Sleepiu Cars Between Chicago ami Council Bluffs. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars are rnto on all night trains. This is the great PuUmSn Line of the Northwest, Palace Parlor Cars* run between Chicago and Milwaukee. First-Class Meals only 5® cents at thte Eat ing Stations on the North-Western. Sure and cloee connections at Chicago with all Railroads, and at all Junction Poiuts with all roads that cross its Lines. All Ticket Agents can sell yon Through Tickets and check your Baggage FREE by this Road. For information, folders, maps, e'c.. not ob tainable at Home Ticket Office, address any agent of the Company, or MARVIN HUGHITT W. H. 8T1NNETT, UoneralSupt. Gen'l Passe:tger Agettg JOS. WIEDEMANN Agent Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, MeHenry, IU. - * . •f'&a,<>•?;•!%' - f t : * . Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles de livered at any place, in McRenry or Lake Conntiea cheaper than any other, quality considered. This Beer has a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it «aipnot oe sur passed in th« world. t My wagon will run regular, and ail castomT ers supplied promptly. ' ^ Orders by mi^il promptly attendad tQw ' • ••r. H'tr.i WIEDEMANN. 1000 BOYS & GIRLS, t (Tent for tlie best Bov's and Girl's paper published .0 the IVest. BqaMtiful presents to subscrib- 3rs and agents. "Tlvery boy and girl can earn ots of monev canvassing during leisure hours. Don't fail to send for it at once. To Introduce it we will send to anv address on irtal three months, for 10 Cents In cash or postage stamps. Sample of paper and particulars FRI?®-. Address Household Gem. Cleveland,0- McHenry.Ill., Oet. •*!», MP. •m0 The McHearjr Brewery. #118 Ug pIKKSSl#, flliorn. |fc«ri».... ./ilfr.vSKi.'.. MAKUAOTT. .".A....-* 4 ...T8t ? That she has not abntKloned the snp- jK>rl of any one of her children, hut that they are *tH1 tmiler her care or malnteiiHii^*.. she hereby *)»> Kiiita....her atijptinipv to proseonte r eiaim; tnar hppiesideiice is at No. ....' in.., .stre«||| In Uii!....or,.\.< county of Hlitte oiiw. V *n*l tliat her po»Nfl« !».<**:.. , ua.tur«.) Als<» personally^ itH4Bt» •Ml.«..Vi l^asitl- rw- speetalile ami entltJetl to eredlt. ami who, hieing bj* Hie tliilj' sworn, say that they were present ami saw the claimant sign her name (make her mark) to the loregoltnf declaration; that they have every reason to believe, froiiikthfcappearance of said claimant iiiul tWpr iuqiuii 11 lance with-iter, that ?he IITW Identical person the repre sents herself to be ; and that they have no tnt«ress la the tmitecution Of this cjalm. 0 (Signature ot witnesses) Sworn to and stiltscribed before me this ... day of... ..A. D. 18..; and 1 here by certify that the contents of the above declaration, &c.. we|p fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swear ing, including the words... .erased. and the words added; aud that I have 110 interest, direct or Indirect, lit the prosecution vf litis claim. (Signature.) (Official character.) ^ - •Stale company and reeimeut, if in Army; or vessel and rank, if in Navy. •For such children as are not under her care claimant should account. • Declaration for pension of children . under (rixteen f/eart of age. STATE OF COUNTY or ss; Oil this.... »lay of A. D; one thousand eight hundred and..,.,, per sonally appeard before nie.., the same "being a court of record Within and for tJhe county and State afore said, a resident of..,., county Of ..... in the State of aged.... years, who. being duly sworn accord ing to law. makes the following decla- ation. in order to obtain the pension provided by acts of Congress for child ren under sixteen years of age: That ... .is the only legal guardian of.... legitimate children of.,iF., who*... under the name of... on the ... .day of..... A. D. 18. .. .,in the war of.who died* at oil'.the day of... .,A. D..18.., aud who l»ore at the time of his death the rank of ..... in* ; that he loft.... widow surviving*....; that the above named nre the only surviving legitimate children of said who are under six teen years of age at the tune of his death, of whom* that said children were the Issue pf said soldier as follows, the dates of their birth being as here inafter stated: ...., of soldiers by born ,18.., ...., of soldiers by ...., born...., 18.., That the father was man led under the name of... .,to*...., there being no legal barrier to such marriage; that the said children have not aided or abetted the rebellion; and that.... prior application has been filed*....; that declarant hereby appoints.«.. h.. attornes* to prosecute the above claim ; that h. .residence Is at No /street. in the. of....,county, of....,, Stat^ of... : at*d that h.,post-office address is • ' (Claimant's signature). Also personally appear^.,.., residing at No.... ..iu... .street," lp^"and •residing at No in...Ystceet, in persons whom 1 oertify to. be re- /<{ spectable and eatltled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw the claimant, (make--mark) to the foregoing declaration; that they (xOttleil) Boley; Proprietor. P!Vl e very re ason to believe, from the * 'appearance of saia claimant and their THE best of Beer shipped to any part of the conntrv and warranted as represented.-- r 11 tt Ordc*s solicited and promptly attended to ppe acquaintance with.., is the identical per«on. be; aud that 4v (Signature of witnesses.) Sworn to ind subscribed l»efore me .this. A. D. 18..; And I here- Tiy certllh that the contents of the above declaration. As., were fully made known and explained to the ap plicant and witness before swearing, including the words... .erased, and the words added: and that 1 have no in terest, d Ire ft or liidire'ct,ln the prose- ctitl(n» of this claim. , Vt ' *4^ , ' ' (Signature.) ' *v;L,;r •' ^fWBeUl ctiaracter.) #*.Was enlisted," wdrafted,*or~'6tlrar» wi»e, «« the cas« maybe. •State company and regiment. Iff Sn Army; or vessel. Ac., if in Navy. •State stature of wounds 'and all circumstances attending them, or the disease and manner in Which it was in curred, In either case showing soldier's death to have been the sequence •"In the service aforesaid," or otltcr- wise. *lf widow survived, so state, giving hpr name, and the date or her death Or other facts divesting her-title. » •If any have died, state date of death. •State names of children and of their toothers, and dates of birth. *lf more than once married, so state, giving names and dates and parties olHd utiug. •If either soldier, widow *or guardian of childrwi have previously applied, so state; giving'date aud imiuber of an- pIicatio|f. CLAIMS BEHALF OF MINOR CNILDRE». - f lit claims 011 behalf of minor children the guardian must furnish proof upon the following point: ° ' ,1st. A copy of his letters of guard ianship, bearing the-seal of tlie court making the appointment, together with the certificate of the court that Such appointment has not been re voked ; witlok certificate* should also state the amount of tlie guardian's bonds., • 2d. The Cause and date of the father's death, tbe marriage of tli« parental and the dates of birth of the children must be proved. When, however, sat isfactory "proof upon these points lias |jcsii fiiniislisil:!ii Ui« claim of the widow,it will n»t again 1>& required In the claim 011 behalf of the minors. 3d. If the mother of the children Is ^dead, the-date of her death must be proved, remarried, her remar riage must be ftroved in the same man ner tfiat her marriage with the father of t IwehHdrt; 11 tH reqtll re d to be provedL oiyauqputtt or on uccouut ot her iiulituess to have custody of them, the abandonment or unfitness can be shown only by the cer tificate of the <ft>urt having probate jurisdiction. 4th. If the mother of the cHildren died before the futher, it must J»e shown wlietlier he again married. 8th. It most be shown whether the father left any "Other child than those* for tvhose benefit the clalmN is made; aud if so, why such child is not embraced in the application. A guardian is not entitled on account ot a child which died prfor to' the date of the applica tion. Declaration of guardian for inereaM of pension to pennional children. STATE ow COUNTY OF. .. ,m On of....; A. D. one thousand eight hundred and.. ...per sonally appeared before me, ....the same being a court of record within and for the State and county afore said,. ,.a resident of county of In the State of..... aged.... years, being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order te obtain the benefit ot" the Erovislqiis of acts of Congress increas-ig the pension of orphans: That.... is the only legal guardian of!l... legitimate children of who was* ....; that Oil account of Ills de^th thev have been granted pension in accord ance w^tli the certificate numbered... bearing date...., and which is here with returned? and flint the names and date of birth of all his legitimate ch fid re 11 yet surviving, who are under sixteen years at the date of their father's deaths we as follows: .of soldier bv born... .;18.,. of soldier by born... .,18*.,° That... .'hereby appoints...., It.. at torney to prosecute the above .clfittt, that h residence is at,.. . street. iH the.,..of..,v« county of.... State ofi.i.; alid thatli post-office ad dress is..... .'. . IX ¥i"i V Claimants signature.) Also personally appeared. residing at No iu street, 4#...., and .....residing at No street. In.... persons who I certify to-be respect able and entitled to creilit. and Who. being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw th% claim ant, sign h mime (make mark) to the foregoing; that they have every reason to bejieve, from the appear ance of said claimaut and their ac quaintance with...., the identical person.... represents.... self to lie; and th^t they have no in terest in the jirosecutlou of this claim. (Signature of witnesses) Sworn and. subscribed before me this.... clay of."..., A. D. 18.. ; ami I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration,. &c.. were fully made known and explained to the applicant, and witnesses bef<ft-ev swear ing-, luchifling the words erased. Hind the Words added; and that 1 have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. (Signature.) _ .•!, • lii a COflkial charactor.) o rank,company, and regiment. Army ; or rank, vessel, Ac., if in Declaration ft,r an ori^ionetl penmtm j. ijf a mother. U STATE OF. .. ..COUNTY OF... .. ss: On this day of A^ 1>. one thousand eight hundred and..... per sonally appeared before me the same being a court of :ecord within and for the county and State afore- sa'd a resident of...., county of ..... In the State of..... aged.... years, who. being duly swore accord ing to law, makes the following declaration, in order to obtain the pension provided by act# of Congress granting pensions to dejiedent nioth- m: That the is the*....of itnd mother of who* under the mime Of .at on of.„... A„ D. 18.ih*.,.In the war of who* ..,.on of A. IMS..; that siid son left.' thither w!«»»nv nor child under sixteen years t>f age surviving; that she was*....depend ent upon said son for support; that. ji«r husband, the aforesaid. 1.aged.,.. Jf^ais ;that there were surviving, at date of said son's death, his brothers and sisters, who were under eixteen years el age,as follows: ^ b o r n . 1 8 . . . Tha", she has not heretofore. ...applied for a pension*....: that she has not aided or abetted the rebellion; tliat she hereby appoints... .her atWtiev to prosecute the above claim: that lieV residence is at No..,, in... .street, in the.«. .of,.. .«ounty of.... .State nf...» aud that bet post office address J#..., (Claima nV« fi*i.a'turi.) Attest: Also personally appnared....'.., .re- siding at No .Iu........street. ii(. and....residing at Ni»... .In street, in., .persons whom I i-ertlfy to be respectable anil entitled to cred it, and wno, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw ..the claimant, sign her name (make her mark) to the foregoing declaration that they have every reason to believe, from the ap|x«arauce of said claimant aud their acquaintance with her, that she is the identical person she , repre sents herself to be;and that they have 'lui i ' ' •; ^ ^ ' t * it' • ' ':. .1.5. . * . . (Signatures of witnesses.) Sworn to and subscribed before me thU...4day nf A. D. 18..; and I Hereby certify .that the contents «»f the above declaration, &u., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, includ ing the words... .erased, aud the words .added; aud that 1 have 110 interest direct or indirwut, In Che <pro«ecutlbh of thla clahn. . '• •^:\'Z', ^ 1 44 • • • « a1'.- '•>? '••'-i'.t " (Slgnatuie;) WWW •State company and regime jit, if Iu tlie Army; aud vessel, «tc., if in tiie Navy. •State nature of wounds and all cir cumstances attending them, or the dis ease aud manner in which it wm in curred, in either case showing the sol dier's death to have been the sequence Also service mid rank at time of death. •Wholly or In part. *If husband is dead so state, giving date of death; also whether applicant has remarried. If still living Ifis in ability to support applicant shortly be accounted for. * *lf either she or the soldier has pre viously applied, so state, giving num ber of claim. * CLAIMS OF DEPEND* NT ttfeLATIVSS. Dependent Mothert. K mother must show her relatiOHShtp tlie date aud cause of tlie son's, death, aud whether lie left a widow or minor children surviving, and hertlepcudei upon hi 111 for support at the time his death. ^ I11 proof of dependence It must be shown that previotui to the said son's decease her husbaud had died, or that he bad permanently abandoned Iter support, or that on account of disabil ity from injury or disease he was till able to support her. If the husband is dead, the date of his deatli must be proved. If he abandoued the support of his family, the date of such aban donment aud all the facts of the case showing whelherlie ever returned or ever afterward contributed to the sup- pqrt of the claimaut must be fully set forfh. If he was disabled, the nature and cause of the disability, and when aind to what extunt it rendered him unable to support the .claimant, must be shown by the testimony of his phy sician. The extent of his disability during the period from the m*it's death to the preseutt time should also be shown, ~ The value of the property of the claimaut aud her husbaud. the income which they derived therefrom, and the other means of support possessed by them while she was receiving the contributions of her said son. aud from that time to the present, should be shown by the testimony of credible and disinterested witnesses, who must state how they know the facts. The value- of property assessed for tax ation may lie shown by the testimony of the* >fTc -r having pos>esaion of tlie records relating thereto. The true as compared will* the assessed value should be stated. It must be shown to what exteut, for what period, and In what manner her said sou contributed to her sup port, by the testimony of persons for whom the son labored, to whom he paid rent, of whom he jwrshased groceries, fuel, clothing, or %l »e r nec- ceesary articles for her use, or of thote who otherwise had a Knowledge of the contributions of the son, end who must state how they obtained sncli know- ,A father of tlie ih was <W l»t death; that his minor child stir ami extent of SHI the period In trhleh tl ed to Ills support, mill to the presenl • th« a l»«rty and ail other m possessed hy Ithn dnrfi arid the extent of hi# do on hta* son for «tip|.ort the ca*e in these resjtect# rtwwn by such testintnuy as is In tit^gjfiitt. of a mo!|ie^; a«k|ii date of Ills ^jjMirringe, the^l diit#WRe death of 4Nh»Jtb<>r, and" the date iff Wrth of the mn mmt 1M proved* *, In case the mother applied for pen-J siou, reference should be made to; her application, aud the number of the : same'.'..Mrjpf Iter cert!ttcane siioold be! gtreu. Kviiieifce tipuu any point; est a Wished in her claim will not again V e R e q u i r e d . l ' " • and Mil of Ms •*«*• cont that tl :4r'"'; LOrrERV etWlNULIM. *..•••$&*lottery- gamblers, wh« f«wnd it a coinpHMfMr |iatt«>r • to stibaidiae o|^||jl| and.^| presses, snil'w'wir their crimes, are coi uvJduijf intention «?; court* to sititpresf their illegal btt*i-; Loiiialaua State Lottery u.® hit I clualng the a i r t i , * 1 . the last I judge, against tlhl|tipWip^^Hhie furl a delay, WM abd^»|»||^the ".decree' nesi^ ^h« Company I hiiveiS of the court, w good reason to law, U!*S pru l^se. in tbc ii l«atrons^Mtho had beei invest money hi wl known if Wl to IH founding of the JN Kentucky. Prises htl|p||p| #260^)0(1 were advertised all over .. . . , . .,, ledge. Any letter from tlie son bear- »«r. " 1, »po» th,qu.,llo» «f s„w.o« •State names of children and should be filed. If tlie son, In any mothers, and dates of birtlu «other manner than by actual contribtt* tiw^i dvlliaed world, and a great e*clt«metel^| was aroused. The ,v tneii of the Stat© were SM(jpM| i] tensible uianagere^ wim 1 aa the "founders of a great benel iustitutiou." and the assurance that the library wouttl m with a fundof at least Over six mlllfoit doliara wt I'litj result Wiut tliat sum. tke lliMi# rewliii; sum of #ttwfriiM|. a lain" pii^N %vas in some wajr ap)mi eulogiaed months its ofllcftrs hadH... its fate, aiid JpAKsuits ipid load or debt* were in fam idt^ _ . |eceived, while the didatereatoil rs pocketed over ir gigantic swludte, uder that the govs ic privileges of l|s 111 the same nefarious bnsl« devised to swindle oreUuloua who haace auow THIS TO HWI CtKVEUiilH Novel JMikn '• VacM .-r am Eru,' G KNTLK.MKN:~ A H «>W me reader of your vaiuett journal, hentisl to send you a few liu**. #rlilch insert in your next issue, 1 will lor their truth, aud know that fegr, publicsitiou a great deal of be accoinplisbed. Having In '"" er of your paper for many yi yon will kindly gr»nt my re^pK|p^ For twelve years 1 hav<| iuuered, from time to time, 1 > iri1 liljlilllflrTi11mn malisni, to such an extetrt lferfik t" wm unable to move about andloet tlM use iny iiiubs. 1 tried everything recMfc» Utcnded to ettect a cure, coibultsd the best physicians, ami ex|>e«de<l large sums wf-.Mioncy, find relief, hilt #phhit success. over tiicCOIMM^P ol the I read about tnp m. Jacob's U4t,swf the many cure* this remedy ita#-" ^jlfcted. Having been disap|M»int«d :^'^Inalijr times, lost all faitii iu any remedy, St. Jacob's Oil included, until I *mW one day that it had cured a w«il4nMMNi ill* izeu witji wliuiti 1 am ae«tn«d^tj Other part ies fully endorsed tlie and wonderful power of the Oil* lug me that it had cured them fcreut ailments iu a very si This brought me to a cone said to myself, "SchweLscr, won't break you;" so 1 yi druggist. Mr. itock, aud i of the Oil. and must IM the result was truly w< it every two hours. immediately njatt; »1„ and the pain. cea»«d';: lew more *P1»" attack l remal«M«i to use the " Alt pain haei« walked Uoem le. SI nee that t| follow my oc^i orl the ilavi Jfcc t»ai: mai p#hs« wlMWgl ouitay * one tlw" human uevertliejl i ahvavs ki [»tt« I st»« thl« MMM4/ lions#. T*' \ " :W;| ' * : . >zJ'i %