Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jan 1880, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY .TAN. am. i88o. Railroad Tims Table; ">oi»o *ouM. §§*••» Lake I* i*sens?er 7*1 A. *, sehcTa LsW v..1:is p, x. iteae?* Lake Freight . MM A. K. laasva Lake Paweneer 7:OT p. x MASONIC. HCHKHRTCHAPTER \OMHA. M--Resrnlar nwTor.itloni held on the second and fourth Fglilays in each month. ^HITHSEASTM, H.-P. ItaicaT GotBT. Secretary. l«3Irifln*nT Lontu, Ho 1.1* V. F. at»<1 A. M.-- ttexuMr Oo-nnuntrUlons the Saturday on before the full of the moon and every two imki thereafter. SMITH SRABLKS. W. M. THE wife of Geo. Smith, lute of El­ gin, but wbo now lives near Ringwood, has beeft dangerously siek the past week, but- her many friends in this place and Elgin will be glad to learn that she Is now improving and ont of danger. Dr. Brown ha* been"'lii •% tendance. • ^ ' i Cm at Mw. E, W. Howe's for fancy goods. *THK Ivy Social Club/* is the name anew organization in this village. MRS. SMITH COLBY, of Chicago.SPENT. Sunday with her parents, in this vil­ lage. Jos. WIEDKMAXX, has been Ornament ing the front of *hU new lot Gb>nM4 with a new and tasty sign. IT is a gir!. and in due time Will call Laner. (of the firm of Lauer & Becker) Fa. Who says our population Is. not Increasing. » a 8 . • . . . . ' A fine plump boy arrived at the rest* donee of A. L. Howe, a few days sMTce. HBert"knew the Census Was to tjs ta­ ken next Spring. - / !. a roll ol FOUND. East of this village, 4 roll of money and a few other small articles. The laser can learn of its whereabouts by calling at this office. » -- i- ' , THE family of Dr, J. P| Cravens" are preparing to move* to Dekota, the Doctor having goo* there some weeks since. Br order of the Board, a aew side- Walk is to be laid from the Pepot to Hanley's Mill. This is an improve* ment that has long been need J. FrrrSIMMONS, who is wi Bros.. Osborne City, Kansas, I With friends in this village. as if that part of the country' agieed with htm. AJ did, I Smith visltiiig looks >">T • . £ . Si •it "••HA . a*.-' .06 i, '•fr.r CALL at Beasley's Drag Store and egftmine the splendid assortment of Eastern Trolling Hooks. The finest article of the kind , ever brought to tjjifs town. INVITATIONS are out to those who love to tri p the "light taut Mile" to at­ tend aSocial gathering at the River- Aide House, ou Thursday (to-inorrow) eVeuing. A good time may be ex­ pected. WE learu that the rehearsals for Pinafore are progressing favorable un­ der the able management of Prof. Scott, and that they intend bringing it out some time iurlng the next three .Jy.eak*.. ;• '"v."; < OUR Street Commissioner is Improv­ ing this pleasant weathej* in repairing .. the walks in different parts of the town building new ones, Ac. This has been > vpry favorable winter for this kind of :wotk. . • 7 .* 1 'V-> 1 1 11 J "« '* THE OrUtOi Pinafore, Board- of ' Trade, O'Leary and other choice brands of Cigars, at Besley's Drug Store.-- The finest Nickle Cigar to be found in the comity. Also the Naturalist, two for five cents. WE learn that two of our citiaens are practicing for a Pedestrian mafch, but being afraid some one will tlietii «tre doing it iu the night. *»By shiminy, who stole dat team." On the first trial"Joe" came out' far iu |he rear. ^ , Ws acknowledge the receipt of t a bottle of Bluing, from Wm. England, manufacturer. Waucouda, 111., and o|ir better half who has tried it, says It cannot b£ beat. Mr. England should meet with a ready sale, as it is good article. Oxfk Richmond correspondence, for a good and sufficient reason, has miss­ ed this week. While we, and we know our readers will also, regret this, we cannot complain, as this department has always been regular, and under the able pen of Dr. Benuett justly popular among oiir readers. If there is anything in a community that breeds contempt it is a gossip.-- People can overlook gossip iu children and even women, for they will talk auyway. but when it comes to our men. who go from store to store, with seemingly no other business only to talk about their neighbors, it is con- teniptable, yet 6uch we have among us. A LAI^T who has had experience in cultivating plants and flowers, says an exchange says that when plv«ts are frost-bitten if they are placed in the dark during the day following, if frosen in the night, or Immediately if frozen in the daytime, they will survive and be all right in the majority ,of instances. ALMANACS for 1880 are plenty, but they don't bring much encouragement to the afflicted. They give one more day than last year's almanacs without extra charge, but the price of anti- bilious pills, porous plasters, and rheumatic linameut, is as high as when there was two hundred per cent, pre­ mium on gold. And they exhibit no new designs in human iungt.* * SMITH 4 SNYDKR, notwithstanding the bad roads, have been doiug their usual amount of business the past week paying to the farmers for Produce, Hogs, icc., from four to eight hundred dollars per day. Their stock of timber was never more complete than at pres­ ent, arid they are selling at prices that make it an object for purchasers to come a long distance. Those wlio con­ template building should not fail to get their prices before purchasing. - , - \ &.* . •, - '. < * J'Cm* IwCii I paiidt happens to tread on your toes a little iu performing its mission, don't get your back up and abuse Its editor, but stop and take a good breath and think baok for a sea- sob and see if you can't remembersome of the favors and kindness he has 'shown you in the past. Then reflect that it may uot be long before you want favors again. THE Lecture by Hon. II. W. McLean will be delivered at urand Hall, in­ stead of the Brick Church, asanueunced last week, as the Church will uot be ready f#r occupancy by that time.-- Remember the date, Tuesday evening next, the 27th. Subject. "The Human Soul; Its Birth, Growth and Immor­ tality." Turn out and give him a hear- ing. IN the HarvardIndependikA we find* the following: Messrs. C. 8. Dunning A Son. cattle dealers, Elgin, 111., own a remarkable cow. She is three years old, and has only three legs, but can walk or rnn as well as any other cow.-- She has one calf, is a good milker, and will soon have another calf, Hundreds of people have been to see this curios­ ity. and many have suggested that she should be* placed in one of the Chicago parks. WE are informed that some rascals waylaid Peter Sobble, while on his way home on Saturday night, knocked him down and attempted to rifle his pockets but his cries for help, brought lights to the doors of dwellings near where he was. and frightened the rascals away. As Peter never keeps any money either about his person or at his house, the villains could have gained nothing by their abuse of the old man. WE learn that Steamer "Mary Grls- wold has been leased for the cdmiitg season by Walter Hill, last year the popular Captain of the M John S. Field," and that the owners will im uediately pnt her Ui shape so that she will be to make trip* a* the hunt- ing and Ashing commences in the Spring. She will liny* a new upright boiler, and a Cabin finished off and fnrnished in good style, and In short will be put In shape to accommodate ihe travel to our beautiful Lakes in the best of manner, and all who know Captain Hill.know that nothing will be lacking on his part for the accWfoinoda- tion of his passengers. This Boat was put on last year before she was really finished, but the owners intend to have her by the opening of navigation, equal to the best, and will assure pas­ sengers quick and pleasant passage to and from the Lakes. She will run this season on a regular Time Table, and on such time as to accommodate travel­ ers. W E have to notice quite a uumbenas on the sick list iu our village this week, as follows: Mrs, Aaron Boomer. Mrs. B- Gilbert, Mrs. Jos Buss, uncle Samuel Stocker anJ John Sturtevant. Also the twin boys of E. J. Hanley. The cases of Mr. Stocker, Mr. Sturtevent and Mrs. Boomer, are reported as very serious. We hop* to be able to re­ port all well or improving before next week. Drs. Anderson, Brown and Howard are atleudiug the different ones. THE weather for the past week has been remarkable,--warm and pleas­ ant--more like April than January;-- Our citizens neglected to improve "the golden opportunity" to fill their Ice Houses in December, when the Ice was good, and now fear they will have none of the congealed article for the com­ ing season. This would indeed bl a very bad situation, especially with our Butchers, and then again what would we do for Iced-Tea. We tremble when we think of it. With this weath­ er, however, the roads - are getting in passable condition, and business is again looking up. f| THE Elgin Leader says: "If H. W. McLean is the Honorable Hank, then Hank is to deliver a lecture at Mcllen- ry on the 27th inst., on the subject of H'l'he human soul, its birth, growth and immortality." He ough: to come and give the lecture In Elgin." We would inform the Leader that it is the same "Honorable Hank," and that the Lecture named above will be delivered- in Graud Hall, in this village, on Tues­ day evening, the 27th inst. ,#4 : "pOtt 18 KING. At least that was the case in this village or. Monday. The firm of Smith & Snyder bought and took iu that day one hundred and Stzty-«even hogs, that weighed 48 560 pounds, for which they paid the handsome sum of 9205G.- 89. The largest lot bought this season from one man was bought by this firm on Monday from Michael Clary. There were sixty hogs, weighing 19,660 pounds, for which they paid 9865. On the same day P. Murray took in about one hundred hogs, one car of which wonld average four hundred each. Where is the town that can beat&thls for hog receipts in one day. THE following is the programme for the regular meeting of the Red Rib- the Universal- Friday evening: Roll call, each member to respond by sentiment. 4$ Music. Recitation, Eugene Perkins. Reading. A. H. Hanley. Song. Select Reading, Prof. Baldwin. Recitation, Miss Kittie Scott. Song. THE Lecture at the Universa]!st Church on Saturday evening last, by Col. J. P. Sanford. was oue of the best if not the be6t Lectures we have ever had the pleasure of listening to in this county. His subject,"Old Times and New," was handled in a manner both novel and pleasing, while his Lecture throughout was iuterspered with amus­ ing Incidents that never failed to bring down the bouse. Col. Sanford has been, undoubtedly, the most extensive traveler now living in the United States, and lias a faculty of teHIng wllat he saw and heard in a manner not to be excelled. The attendance was very small, and it does seem strange to us , that our citizens will not turn out to an entertainment of tills kild. With such a Lecturer as Col. Sanford every seat ill the Church should hive been filled, and we gnaran- ee thai had they come no one would have went away dissatisfied. bon Club, to|beJicld in ist Church, in this village <011 Bay the Louisiana at Fitzsimmons Clarified Sugar IN another column can be found a communication in regard to the Ceme- Vry. in this village, which, we trilst will receive a careful perusal from our citizens, it is a question of vital im­ portance to all. The prese n t grounds are siinost filled up, which makes it absolutely necessary that they be en­ larged, and the question will be which direction will be best, and when that is decided, can the land be. purchased for that purpose. These are no Idle questions, and ones that must, and very snon too,claim the attention of our citizens. And it will also be seen by the report of the Secretary and Treas­ urer, that there Is really no actiug Board, he being obliged to attend to everything, and after repeated calls has been unable to get a meeting of the Board of Trustees. Thus matters staud at the present time, with, as we said before, the grounds almost filled upland the fences much in need of re­ pairs. We hope therefore that our citizens will at ouce take this waiter In hand, see that additional grounds are purchased, a new and tasty fence built, and the Cemetery put In shape that will be an honor to our vil­ lage, Mr. Mayes, the Secretary and Treasurer, deserves great praise for Stat he has done, unaided and alone. t it has couie to that point now 'where other aid i* necessary, and we hope it will not be long witheld. WE are now prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing on sh<u*t notice and in the best of manner. Wo are, putting up Letter Heads. Bill Heads, State­ ments, &c.% in both the Wilson and Uodder Blutter Tablets,and will fur­ nish good work cheaper than any other establishment in this »r Lake counties In Envelopes, Programmes, Circular Ac., wo defy competition either in quality or price. All work taken from this office warranted perfect or no charge will be made. We ask 110 man to take a job like the one now before us, that was printed in Woodstock, wlii^h contains no less than seven gross errors, 11 you want poor work go away from home. You can't get it here. Steal Kitate Transfer* TtarYollowing is the list of trans­ fers in McHeury county from Dec. 15. 1879 to Jan. 15th 1880. llachet I. Douglass and hus to Chas. Bodot- tz ueii nwStf see i!4 Grafton,$1800.00 Mark Con ley and w to Julia A. Perry 120 a in sec. 19 Dorr, $2400.00. John Charles and w to O. J. Murphy n 11 a eM see 23 Greenwood, (620.00. Anton Wi-eand w'to Sch Trustee* Rich, mond in nw3i sec 30 Kicli'd, #35.00. J. W. Fripnd and w to J. Law and C. M, Adams Its 31 St 32 Johnsburg, S1500.0U. Job Tole* and \v to G. E. Adams it in swjtf sec 11 Greenwood, 150.00, II. Long est to R. Bishop Its 1 and t blk 7 Mr,Henry w of .river, StO.OO S, H. Walker to II. C. Smith It 7 bk 5 w McUenry, $100.00. It. C. Jefferson and w to T. J. Dacy self sec 22 and aoH swJi sec 27 etc Hnrtlana, $1300.00.. J. McConnell and w to Peter Burger undX 123 a in sec 3 Greenwood, $3700.00. M. C. Hatch to Alvin Hulbeit It 7S Wood. Stock, $3500.00 M. Justin and w to J. Justin M in a sec 18 McHenrv r 9, $2300.00. N. Mul!adore and w to Peter Shoemaker It 1 swA* sec 17 McIIenry r 9, $280.00 Martin Nicscnand w toM. Shaefer Bl'iti in Sec 18 Mcllemy r 9, $800.00. J. D. Wallace to C. F. Morgan Jr Sfa a of depot AUlen, $30.00. Reuben Hurd and w to Marin McOmber 3a in n \v V sec 12 Dorr. $15.00. , Sidney R. Krink ct al to Lula A. Davis 60 a sec 12 and 13 Riley,$1712.00. Same to W.tlter Warner nS7X a sek sec 18 Hebron, IHI25.0Q. E. Buchannan and w toG. L. Philips 2Sa in nejf §ec 18 Hebron, $700.00. Herman Ketirew to Coral Bandfow 3 a In sex sec 14 Aides, $200.00 Pro!. R. D. Scott Would inform the citizens of Mc­ Heury and vicinity th^t he will be lo­ cated in this village for the next six months, and is prepared to take a lim­ ited number of scholars in Vocal Mu­ sic. Terms reasonable. Literary He ma. Readers of standard books will be pleased to notice the great progress of "The Literary Revolution" which is being pushed by the American Book Exchange, New York. Among their books just issued, or nearly ready, are a very neat edition of the Koran of Mohammed, complete, 35 cents; Macauley's England in three volumes, •1.50; Milton's Poetical Works, com­ plete. 50 cents; in the Acme Library of Biography, 12 volumes for­ merly published at 91.25 cents each now brought into one volume for 50 cents; iu Modern Classics, Vicar of Wakefield, Rasselas, Plcciola, Paul and Virginia, and Undine, all in oue vol­ ume for 50 cents; nicely illustrated and green and ebony bound volumes of the Arabian Nigiits, Robinson Crusoe, Pilgrim's Progresss Baron Munchausen and Gulliger's Travels, each fifty cents, and a book of humor and wisdom by the Author of Sparrow-grass 'papers; all in good and some in larg* type, and well and handsomely bound in cloth. Descriptive catalogues will be sent free on request. Axes Warranted, at 1. N. Mead's new Hardware Store, near the Depot, MeOeury. THIS CKMKTRRV. EDITOR PLAIN-DEALER.--Having read the PLAINDEALKR ever since your first copy was produced I Wave realized your public spirit In the willingness you have shown to present to the readers of the PLAISDKALER all items of inleivst It».connection with MuIItury I itave a few that should be of interest to'many. I thought I would ask that yon place the in before your readers, if you deem them of impor­ tance sufficient to take up the columns ot your paper. ( At an early day in tlie history of McHenry a piece of ground was donat­ ed for a Cemetery on ihe hill now owned by C. B. Curtis, north of the village, bnt owing to the death of the donaturand no deed being obtained It was taken in hand by thd Ladies of over thirty years ago, and they organ­ ized a sewing society and with the proceeds purchased the present site and presented the Same to § Board of Trustees, of which the Hon.0 B. Edson' was the first President, but after he left our town for another home, the in­ terests of our beautiful cemetery wore much neglected, and on the 25th day of January 1865 under a call of many citizens a new Board was chosen of .which F. O. Mayes was Treasurer and Sectetary, R. Bishop P&sidenc, H. M. McOmber. John Thurlweli and D, 3. Smith Trustees. At that time the records were lost, and no funds on hand, and a debt of forty dollars and the fences needing repairing. 1 have sold and collected or. lots that were sold previous to that date up to the present date, a term of fifteen years, to the suni of 9959. I have paid out, for building and repairing fences and other items, the sum of $228.42, leaving a balance on hand of $30.58. Among the items of expenses I find 1 have paid J. Van Slyke one dollar for no­ tices of resignation that were circula­ ted In our village, and a call for new officers, besides several calls yo.u pub­ lished gratuitously during the moftth of June, 1876. So indifferent were the lot holders that only two or three thought it worth while to come out. it has again became necessary to call the attention of those interested (and what citizen is uot) to several import­ ant features, one is that the lots are being so bought up, that no choice of location is left, and another, an out­ growth of the first, the cemetery will soon need enlarging. It due* seeiu as though so important a necessity will be attended to when it is shown to those whose duty it may be as leading citizens. If you feel as though you would join me In my opinion of the workings of the subject, please publish this and stir them up to the duties of the hour. Yours truly, SRCRKTAKY FT TRKASOBSB. VOLO. EDITOR PLAINBKALKR:--In this let­ ter 1 will give you a brief sketch of •ur tradesmen. ^RMenn boast Of near­ ly every trade that Is going. Henry] Rogers is our only merchant, and lie probably cparries as large a stock of goods as anv store in the coui^y. His trade extends for about 18 miles around. You can buy any­ thing that you want at It's store, and at the lowest living prices. Mr. Rogers aud his obliging clerks are always on hand ready to wait on all who call. In the Blacksmithing line we have Messrs Carpenter A Darrow, who are old residents here, «ud also Mr, Wells, who lately came from Wftueonda.-- Both arc doing a good busiiKss. Our Wagon maker. Mr., is do­ iug a rattling bnsiuess, and a better workman yon cannot find iu the North­ west. . John Waltor, the Carpenter, is a good workman, and has all that he can do. We have two Boot and Shoo makers, Mr- Frost and Mr. Howard, and both are doing a thriving business. Smith, the Tailor, cuts and makes clothes in the latent styles, and war­ rants stisfaction. And If you want House, Sigu or Carriage Painting deme In the best stj-le, call 0n our Faiuter, Daniel Slip- per. Wilson Bros. Feed Btill is in good running order, and ready to grind for customers any day. Miss Hattie Smith does all kinds of Dresses Making, cutting and fitting,.* and the ladies should nut fail to give her a call when In want of anythi ng in this [line. Mr. Sobble also rniis a Restaurant, and feeds^the hungry. At least we judge so, as that is what these institu­ tion are supposed to do. Our Hotel is now run by Smith, late of Rfngwood, and Is having a pretty good run of custom. If you want to sell your Poultry Calves, and such kinds of truck, why Compton stands ready to pay the high­ est market price on all occasions. We have two Churches, the Meth­ odist and German Catholic, in the former of which services are held every Sunday and iu the latter ouce a month. So you see Volo is not dead after all Now just build your railroad through here and see if we cannot compete with our neighbors tn enterprise. Mr. Howard, our Shoemaker, hail his house daubed with something blac^ that will not rub off. It was a-low, dirty trick, And the parties who did It should be Severely dealt with if caught They are too low to live Iu a civilized community. Peter Millard and Peter Smith had a fuss about some stumps and had to go to law to settle It. Better have given all the stumps in town to some one else aud said nothing about it. Ward Gale, the engineer at the Mill, got in;o a fracas with George Richard­ son and drew a revolver on him. He was arrested but„prouiptly discharged by the Justice. Crist Sobble's horse attempted to commit a burglary on Thursday night. He entered Howard's house, but was frightened aaray before he secured «ajr *" booty,'* f NUNDA- EDITOR PLAIXDEALKR:--Mrs. Doctor Graves has returned from Michigan and will again make Nnuda her home- James G racy came from Woodstock on Thursday last--having got beaten In Ills case with the C. & N. W. R. R. Co.-heaping anetliemn# upau their heads. C. T. Miller and wife «f Carpenter- vllle were in town over Sunday visit- Ing. John Palmer spent the Sabbath with •his family but teturned on Monday to bis duties as If. S. Juror, in Chicago. Uncle Sharp is sjtlll quite stck but Is improving slowly under the skill­ ful management of Dr.'Watson. The Hay Press which was mentioned in these columns a few weeks ago has been moved to the old Box Factory where they are pressing from 5 to 8 tons of hay daily. Robert Phllp's oldest gir! is . very si"k at present writing with Typhoid Pneumonia. ; Lafes' trespass case proved to be got ten np only for a scare. The case of Lock wood Barnes which created considerate excite ment here some time ago and was ap­ pealed to the Circuit Court was de cided there as here that Lockwood had a right to restrain upon the crops for rent. Word reaches ns that M. A. Foote has beeii Appointed by Commisioner Hoyne as his Clerk with an Increased salary. Glad to hear it. We wish Mark ail manner of such .^ucccss. There is a possibility that some one may get into trouble about that wagon that Wm. Harbin an bought at Sheriff's sale here last fall. On Saturday last the man that owns the wagon came here from Prophetstown, III., expect­ ing to find the wagon in Mr. Hyatt's possession as lie left it last Spring, but on his arrival here lie found It had been sold to Wm. Hartman in good faith, so not to have Hartman lose anything he offered him eye.u more than the same cost him but failed to get it.-- Now he say it' there is any law whereby a man ^an recover his pro­ perty he shall do so. His name is James H. Meyers. v 1 J. P. Vermilyea U in jeeble health at writing, having had another attack of dizziness, which he is subject to. Meetings have been in progress in the M. E. Church each evening for time past. The "Sinners Club" have turned out quite regularly and we hope some good has been done tlteuv. Report says the Revival in the old Throop school liouse has resulted in much good. May the good work con­ tinue. Our Federal Officer can make * good presentation speech but!\ve do wish if there is ever another Wooden Wed­ ding in this town he may not be per­ mitted to speak for fear of shocking the modesty of some very exact per­ sons. Reafly we do think ft Is too bad. for they can't even yet bear to go out lusociety aud face auy one, Mr.-Powell writes from Missouri that it will be some time before he can return owing to the condition of his affairs there,. It appears he has had a rascal on his farm there who not on­ ly tried to cheat himoutof three years rout but intended to buy the farm at Sheriff's Sale for delinquent taxes, and it was only by chance that he was In­ formed in time to save his plapd with­ out considerable expense. The theme of conversation in this vicinity for tltf past week or so was the failure of A.J. Thompson, Com­ mission Merchant, of Chicago, former­ ly from here, and not only his failure but he absconded with funds belong­ ing to other parties. It is a hard pill for your Correspondent to swallow, having known Ad for a good many yearsaud supposed him strictly bonest in every particular, but our humau will is weak, aud we will close by saying we are sorry for the curse that falls on his own head, for we know by his acts there can hot any slur be cast upon Ills relatives here, they being known as people of integrity and of course will remain so until proved otherwise. Trtlly one for Truax. This time it is a bouncing boy and Clare says be isaw- fnl "sassy." The Uni vers alls Convention com­ mence i) here last Friday 'night contin- ing over Sabbath. The attendance was very large during the whole time Bal- lou's Hall was the place where the meeting was held. The society deter­ mined to organize a Sunday School on next Sabbath to be held in tiie Hall. All who will lend a helping hand in the good work will signify by meeting there next Sunday at 3 o'clock. IF your Watch, Clock or Jewelry Is out of repair, Cfi.ll on Robt. Murfitt, Nunda. He will repair them in shape, on short notice aud in a workmaiifike manner. » TAXES! TAXES! The undersigned. Collector of the town of McHehry, will commence the collection of Taxes oh Mondty, Jan. 12. and can be found at the following places ready to receive Taxes: Mondays,--At the store of Chas. Kuhnert, in Johnsburgh. Wednesdays,--At the store W Cristy, in Ringwood. • •; .-> Fridays,--At the PLAINDKALEK Of­ fice. in the village of 3IcHenry. Saturdays,--At the store of Stevens A S'*hnori\ i»ear the Depot, McHenry. ' The balance of the week at M»y res­ idence. JOHN JCSTKN, Collector. DON'T buy your Cloaks until you bave looked at Mrs. S. Sea rigs' large stock.-- Can show the nicest cloaks for the least money ever sold iu McIIeufy.-- Come and see for yourself* ' * When in want of work in my line give tie a call and I will try and piease. Robt. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunda, IU. 1 1 - Go to Mrs. S. Searles and see her Stylish Hats. Has the largest stock in the county to select from. Mourning a speciality, work-done ou abort n«Ciee. WOODSTOCK EDITOR , PLAIXI>EALER Doubtless the forced irregularity of onr commu­ nications is a greater annoyance to ns than to.jonr readers. We are happy to Say that they have lost bnt little,-- Not much worthy of record has come to our knowledge. But we are too busy to do justice to the correspond­ ent"? position. Clrcoit Court has been In session the past week, and is expected to continue through this week also. We are In­ debted to the courtesy of Mr. E, E. Richards. Circuit Clerk, for some news In regard to its proceedings. The Grand Jury adjourned on Friday, find­ ing fonr indictments. One was for murder against .John Leonard. The murder was committed at Haryard some time last fall in a riot among railroad hands, the facts of which were widely published at the time. James Hall was indicted for burglary and at­ tempt to commit burglary. We know nothing of tbe particulars ot this case. John Regan, same as above. Michael Featherstone. of Woodstock. Is preset.- ted for burglary and larceny. He, from all accounts, stand* a good chance to be of service to the State, or some contractor, la tiie, future, in which event our fellow citizen* * wilt feel safer than in the past. We note some common law cases disposed of by trial. GU-acey vs the N. U . Railway Co„ for trespass iu- mining a spring which was his de petul­ ance t'Of stock water. Trial lasted four d«*» and the Kailway came out ahead. Richardson vs Cullen, from Harvard, replevin, verdict, right of property found in the defendant. This Wa8 » case in wliiali the equity seemed' to be with the fSmiutiff. and the law with the defendant. It came up for trial last term, but came to a ottdden termination at the cost of the defend- ent on some legal grounds not under­ stood by us. The final result this term is just what thinking men predicted.-- The somewhat noted "Kane County Sheep case" was dismissed for want of prosecution. Benjamin vs Gilbert Ray. judgment for plaintiff $117.30.-- Singer S. M. Co. vs Dufield aud others, judgment for the company for 1*138.63. That will make somebody lay awake nights. Lockwood vs Barnes, judg­ ment for frlafhtiff $100.48. ' Dalley vs Stevens, got a verdict for $259.00.-- Several cases were settled by agree­ ment, |tid others dismissed, and we learn that the docket ia likely to ||gL pretty well cleared. The murderer, Stewart, Will soon be sent to Boone county lor trial, where court will set in February. Will he be tried ? We cannot answer the question. But we learn one thln&. If he Is tried there, convicted, and sentenced to be hung, the execution will take place there and not here. The generally expressed feeling here is that he ought to be bung, and that justice in his. case has beeli too long delayed. Guilty or not guility, tiie postponement of his trial no long has been an outrage on justice, »ud we earnestly hope the peo­ ple will find some"way In the future to remedy the evij, and emphatically "sit down" on those who use their great abilities iu defeating, by un­ necessary delays, the ends of justice, Mild at the public cost. The "{Mtlitical po^' is slmmeilng.-- Not long since some acquaintances In our city were discussing the relative merits and abilities of prospective candidates tor Congress, of whom we learu there are several. Oue of the party spoke ol Sherwin and Lathrop. A prominent gentleman of Richmond present, aud listening to the couversa'- tion. promptly compared them re­ spectfully with the "north star aud a lump of cow-dung.". Justice compels us to add that we thhik he w«p rather seve,re ou the "brainy'* ex-M. C. The people seem satisfied with uur present representative. How the politician* feel toward him we can only learn by developments, but when they can Hud nothing worse to say truthfully agaiust him than to deride him, as the "Clerk of Kane Couuty," they must be very short of material. We must judge of Mr. Siienvin^as of any other man, by his actions, and certainly so far his friends have had no cattsai 'to . feel ashamed of their choice. ^ill- Two weeks since we spoke' of the fact that parties, who. If the l^j| was enforced, could not get strong drink, do get it almost dally despite the law. We gave the tacts as existing, but with no intention of casting reflections on those among us In authority. Our worthy Mayor, Mr. J. J. Murphy, labors under difficulties that we cau well ap­ preciate. Things well known are uot always suscepitible of legal proof, and without that nothing cau be legally done. As Mayor, Mr. Murphy enjoys the unlimited corfidence and respect of his fellow citizens. He stands ready to enforce the law, and prompt­ ly revoke the licenses of those who vi­ olate it, wlieu evidence of the fact cau be furnished* ^l'lie saloon keepers, and their victims and friends, know this, and their tracks iu violatlhg the law are carefully covered. These form a fraternity in iniquity too strong for any oue man to contend with, unless supported aud assisted by all good citizens. It is not to our credit that professedly strong temperance men* for fear of losing popularity, trade or votes, fail to discharge their duty in this particular. Policy may be a good an^ useful thing, l^ut we think princi­ ple a better thing. It is the duty of every honorable citizen to dot his part iu maintaining law and order, aud to rendey "Stance to those chargpt vitfc, the execution of the laws. When in McHenry call at Fitzsim- vyom & Evanson's and buy a dollar's worth of the Louisiana Clarified Sugar which is strictly pure aud sold at low­ est market price. Buglneas Notices. cheap at Majret Good Overcoats Clothing Store. Tin* Mead Wag»« Is fw m» by J,. BotssltfV »§«r tlm J** t*»t, ttetVenrf, Oaii aud*** tiie *ptrndltf stork of Winter Clothing at Latter A Becker's. BKFORK purchasing elsewhere rail and see those new cloaks at Mrs. Howe's F. W. Mead. Richmond, will M|| ran a Wagon and warrant it. f^r tiur«%« y«*r#r*u! >r • • ^ ^ IT W1I.L PAY : ^ To try a good overcoat. We have « large assortment. PKRRX A MAKTIX. The best Threshing KnacMet at; V. M. Owen's, The Moline Owen's. Sulky Plow at X. M dders, 4c:, fte tea A at Laaer A Beck»f*» •; WILL PAY _ ' - | RobeofPeny Pipes. CI stock in fciSwn IT Yon to hoy a'Buffalo A] Martin. Iu Wagons or Buggies we «1©fy «on» petition either in material ns««f. work* manship, or price, F« W„ M«ad,2ttcfe* mood. Tiro Fnrst A Bradley Sulky Plow at E.M, Owen's. Clocks, from $1.00 apw ranted. At O. W. Owen's. ROOMS TO, RENT, f ^ Suitable for a family. ||W farther particulars inquire of Johk B, Blake, at the Furniture Store. Btiekeyc Owen's. Foece Purnpe, at X. It l- fi i For. a nobby suit, go to Beckon, near the Depot. Laver All tha Oweu's. first-class Plows at K. ]t»-, M. : The J. I. Case Sulky Plow at 4iL Owen's. The Grand Detuur Sulky Plow at M.Owen's. '<• •••it - - Autograph Albums, rrota fits «iati upwards, at O. W. Oweu's. of Gents Fnmjihinr Laaer A Becker's naar the A fine line Goods at Depot, • _ The fluent stock of Fall and Wlater Cloths iu the County at Lauer % Becker's, near tl>e DepJt. Clothing cheaper Lauer A Becker's. than cre^ Tfft 18 light Windows, glass 8x10, all perfect, for sale cheap by O. W. Ow«s. % IT WILL PAY To consider qiiuiiiy af weil as Mtoe when you buy a^ boot. Enquire for "Henderson's Chicago Boot, at Fury A Martin's. - |£4- IT PAYS W*" To keep the feet drv and wai good Rubber Boot will d,» it. a wanb fined boot Wo have *lh« y PRRRTjt MAR**. BOB SLEIGHS AND CUTTEllft. At F. W. Mead's, Richmond. ? all W iter anted. Call and see s^tn.. A fine lot of Jewelry, Gents. Watch chains, Jfcc,, at Becker's. '¥§ all kinds, Laure** A fiill stoe'rtof Vibrator Sxtrai for Nicltols. Shepard A OoV. ThreshS^t at E.M. Oweu's . If you want Rubber Goods of any kind, a good grain leather Kip or Wool lined Boot, Clothing. Underwear* Ac., call at Fitzsiinmona & Evanson, wh««* you will find plenty of them and sit bed rock prices. Extra quality Cotton Bttttlmr lOk'g lb. at Fisasimnions A Evanson. ' TAKE Noricg. - - V,. Ten Dollars in Cash will bar Clothes, 1 Overcoat. 1 Pair " Hat or Cap and I Neck-tie aft mons A Evanson. ' -!v Low Prices and good woilL Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunda. Ill, New and Stylish Drees Goods Jn» received at Fitzsiinmotis A itvasMNk 'For Sale. -tn tiie village of Ringwood. a IfDiiil, Barii, and seven acres of Land, knttwa as the Lester place. On the nl^ra la plenty of Fruit, consisting ot Anplee. Pears. Cherries, Av. Good Well mi Water. The house lias eight tuo«a, and is in good repair. WOl self far cash or on time if desired. Vot further particulars inquire of Waeaa* toesrooo, Nov, ntb. raft •-Vw.' ^ r * v •> FOR RENT. •'T; The celebrated Ford Piietaffraoh Gallery the only Gallery in tl« riMfago of McIIenry. A first-Class kwatfcMi*-. Possession given at onoc. E. M. OWKX. Felt Skirts 50c. Evanson. at Louisiana Clarified Sugar.for sale* r itzsinuuoiis A Evausou. J§ McHenry Market, l.'v ,.?j| McHenry, HL No*. Wife Mflfc TTte frric-- b€>t»w are mwehm* are pal lealer.H. Butter....;...' ........I...... Cheese... Kitjrji, per dozen .....i.,.., Potatoes, per liushel........ Wheat, per bushel... Oats (M?r bushel Klax Seo«l -. 4"lover See'l Timothy See<l. Lin; Hogs per HMmiretl.... y mm A-MitolA . ,3jU. .... . A. .1. J.. ̂ iM: „™ »w« Toaie la the «wM. r»«* *n«l Qn»rt ItnttleK The Pully Suspender or Argosy Brace ca t be bought iu tills town only at Laner & Becker's. They are the qest thlug out,

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