Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Feb 1880, p. 8

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M«« will C#ll- 7. 1««0,) at «ftd fcroftthble iterfor most of our W among children TiiUiyyears, before. . by the papere that Woodstock depiirtneut in eonwec- pnbHt; A* the * not taken from school mfijgr be a good thing, thougfi k something more p^-ofi table ;f" Dttlght be adopted-' " J' A tow ffects coneep^ng i Of doctors In our coaiitry may be of In- ! tareat to teachers. so we give them. I .. 'lia the United ikatf^ there is on« D |^FSlC!»n to600pl!0ple ; in Canada, 1 to 1,300; in Great Britain 1 to 1,672; in ffvaMfeVto 1,814; in Belgium, i lo ),0I8; In ^ustr*» 1 to,2,500; in Norway. '?• IS to 3,480; and in Italy, 1/ «*o' 3,600. ' Thisnnmber iiichuJes'oiiJy those who have received diploma* from somc reg* tilar medical colll'ege. it would b« In­ teresting if we CQjyld present similar Inures tn relation to the number of licensed teachers in the United State®' wid the other countries of the world. We know the number of schools ac­ tually taught each yea* for at least three months, but we cannot' tell how many qualified tuaeher* fttnud ready to f "tjftiiter the school-^oitt of o«r own and • other coontries.--JfJttrrfca* JSducatiottal . Monthly, • pet and plaything, should alt upon a high bench, with her ieet dangling b®i coi^^^T^r \ will render iier life a burden. pray, liow will you hel p yourself? "Ail ounce of preventive It better than a pound of cure." and "a word! to the wise is sufficient."-- WU*omi* Jownat of' Education COLBY 2? --dealers! I V". ?/Vf •* >-». J(Cf- v f: *1*«. t' I. ** ' i> *: - r 5. /r. * S',<. -• ' -ii'WjS* ^ , .* . i-,t ll .vj<« -i ' • J ' - ,-Vlt H ^ -*» v<-V~'» J',- Mi-W? J>> New Hardware ": V f'- '• * ' ^EAE"THi DEPOT, -DKAXKft IK-- , RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY. ILL. "*Ve have one of the most complete stock of Goods ever brought tothi?market,cou3i8tiug in part of . , 'ar'Jfr -tr!; t<5 •M ^ _ X' VI* > «•? '4 4'.1! '.IV, • ' . k.<i "* 4 fi»ve now in stock a fiill Aisbrtment df *fe :*y» •«*'« -^'Vj •S.'-T.J* V({ 4 Mol NEAR tHE EEPOlf i '• f »,; •„ ILLINOIS, Goods, Shawls, -iwfV • >'• a " Drugs! Medicines, Tin. Capper aid Sid Irra tare^J^W.' ®assware, Woodea aad Wflio^-wafe, groceries, etc., etc.. " ^*W« have one of the finest Storks of Teas to be found in the Cotton, Underweai, Ready-Made Clothing, ai0 aps* and ^hoes, Choice Groceries, &c. ^ v . for a Li Tcltl# sn<i F^ket Cutlery, Scifaori H>»rse Rasps, Kore'e ShoM. Hw.' att<& %... -seshoe Nails, A««t filos of avc'-y rtescfij^Moo. Atsif' •. every ttrinic ih»tis Raneraily kept in a Hard^ w»rf3»tor«. t • '„ii< '•0\ --AND--- Baing A PractSeai Workman, % ' : In the Chicago puWic whools .there ire 2,057 pupils studying German Igainfit tboat 5^00^4 few years ago" #hfiii the total enrollraent,^,was very anuch smaller than at present. As w«a jlnid ol the Celtic toasue^ao It mafl^ #Hid of the study of German *| i»«bpc •xpense, that ' f i t i a 4 y i n g . i t i * d y i n g l i k e a w a n d u p o n t h s bree*e; jit i« dying, it is dying, like the loaves upon the trees." J He will indeed be. th? pnblic benv^^r factor who shall hterten on its dissohl' tlon, as did the kind-hearted wife who •elated the la«t sa\] intftdent. in til# life of her spouse as follows:"He found ft very hard to die, "poor dear, and struggled awfully.'fiill I put a pillow •O11 his iiead and sat on, it. and then li# went oft like an angel." Whoever will P put a pillow «n the head of the Oflr-J u ttian of tKis city, althougb its w<m»V1 $ S large enough to require a feather-bed !. and sit bn that pillow, will merit ^ liiouumeut at the hands of hl|t ^fatcfal ' '.v,-^ouniljn^«Q.:"<' *'L"i "?•' A subject that sorely wfee'dfi alft&ii- V||ioii is the profer ventilation of scho#l ^uildlngs. The testimony of experts "Who nave made inquiry shows that " •'k well-ventilated ncliool-room is rarely teg j'~$<be met with, ••'the Binell of a prlmaly »^|)«c1m>oI lias become proverbial," sajte niwi rnpnrr - nnrl a special committee of l" tit* Hew York Board of Education i a®rm# that "the enormous mortality S from 'dlfiase* of the lim^ is In £reat "" "part attributable to the foul »lr loathed every day by the children lu , V «®ur schools." Ia forty of the Boston "c achools It was found, on examination, .that "the average proportion of car­ bonic acid was 1.393 parts in a million or nearly four times the normal amount existing in the Outer air." These statements might be largely multiplied The osual expedient for changinc: the air in a sc)>ool-room is to open the windows; but of this method f>r. A»- gus Smith says, "though foul air is clow poison, a blast -of cold air may Hay like a sword."' Opening the win­ dows during recess may afford a little alleviation, wut up to the moment of recess the scholars ai;e breathiug air that is oonstantly growing more fool and preparing them, on exposure, to take sudden cold. Then in cities, the air warmed by the furnace is often taken from dirty, close cellars or nar­ row alleys, and adds-its volume of im­ purity to the poisonous exhalations of the children's lungs.- The cry is for a reasonably cheap and thoroughly effec­ tive ventilating apparatus for school- houses. Who will respond? ^ vl , "t A farmer once hired a labors* to prnne and trim an orchard of valuable • fruit'trees, and to graft upon some of the branches some more , choice varieties. After two or three days lie went to see the work; when he found, to his great dismay, that the limbs of some of his favorite . trees . had been carelessly lopped; thart Ihe grafting was worSe'than use lees t and in short that many of the trees, by means of the ignorance of the workman, were nearly ruined. The laborer, upon be holding the chagrin and anger of the owner of the orchard,;M, .first laughed at the useless rage, and then asked de­ risively, "well, how wjai you help your­ self?" 3ttre enough, the work was done and how was be,to help himself? Nothing bat time aad careful nursing could restore his orchard, and for the present he must content himself with •ating fjriiit grown by others. Whoever hires a laborer to work ill hfa vineyard, must either interest Itim self in din work, ojC r^w theji^slc of And ing it poorly done, or his ylnpyard ruined. J«ist so, if you hire a teacher for your school, and sendliig your ohll dren thither, fall to look #fter the • >1 w°rk done; If, by and by, yau find thai I your money has been w^rse than nse- I lessly spent, how will fdu 'help your- ! sell? If little Johnny, just forming i Ills reading habits,1 acquires one, of |mechanically calling the names of the I words before liita, giving no thought to § Ideas conveyed, a liabii bf m^ans" of whhhhe will re after :l6»e hoars of sclous time, and which will cost him and ttrenneuss efforTjitooveroome, |w *v"•! y;>5! help jBUfjMiu ». If Jimniy lartis to rattle carelessly over pages wting, calling smajil. wor^r what- he liappena to. ami "all the large Moses.^or worse yet, learns to shall spare no pains ia trying to give aatis fitcttoa |o »U #l|o ferftjae willitlMlar isitiPOK. < •ounty, to which we iuvits the especial attention of the piibUc, atisfied that we can suit them both iu quality and price. COLBY AQ Kinds of Jobbing In my line will receive prompt attention. Pleaae i?ive me a call before purchasing elsewhere when in need of anything in mi ^ «• "AO. MRHenrjr, Oct. 10th. 18TS. ; . 'k. i , . i l l . ' , .• Farm lip BROS. Is oiir Motion \ :, - 4 : inspection of Goods anti Prices is soI»cited. ^ • STEVENS & SCHNORR t;^»:. JACOB STORY IlLlJs ^4- v-V^ ,4 45 1 " A-31|3: * v 4 '"';v ¥M X - " ' ' v - i, • A's!*B.TaoMe EEDUCED PRICE. Twenty-Ave cents Wlll t»w buy aftfly ; cent bottle of Piso's Cme for OoD- : sumption. Thus the best COUGH mwl- icine is the CHEAPEST. Sold every- i Farmers I am better prepared this season thai? ever to supply with a good Plow* and At LO W ER PKIKS than ever before! ^ h«ve f j All the First Class Plows In the markets Are warranted in any soil*'T.'1|Wgot four different kinds of Siklky ptan^ aiid a^s ^arwnt^ «§it.^J Cklt and give tjtamatrial. . ?• - PUMPS ! PUMPS! ' PUMPS! f-jtlso have a fullas«d4itiiffentoftheceIebrat<J#^lJCKEYE FORCl^ PUMPS always on hand. Also the Adams Kenosha for a Wood *sfcr DEALER IK ' : i5:;| a • . ' > ^ t y "T^ri X* . , "X. \ fu- . 4 " rsr 0ifT^.A f 9' tit'* ivWJ- mn > £ . n iau vJ-.; f . JPHNSBUI^M Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery* ̂ 'fifjjpSiiss, Shovels, Forks, Corn Kniveg, A^es. Grindstones* Window Glass. GRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE# J. STCRY. Remember my place is headquarters for the'celebrated Emmerson & Fiaher » rriages. Have sold over fifty-five in the past two years and every one has given splendid sat|stsctioii*; Always warrant then for one year. IMatforari spring If in want of anything in my line do not fail to call as^I know I ean suit. At the Ola Stand, Opposite theJ Mill. • -JE.. OWEN. ;* Near the Depot MoHonry - - - - - Are on hand with of the largest r Ah 'rg®s« _ L avi> wi«*aii CLOTHING to te ia the KotjThwc^l- Their stock o| Cloths art of theliiiest style* a*! most approved pattanu was never excelled la SHIS section and tlfetr £MNH^:Vs*ts or entire Mrs, an short aotfse and #B tie most Beasnstile Tern SW"Good Fits Guaran­ teed and all Work war* ... nH|ited». ' . Line of BMdy-Xads CUthlaw v- Wr "W-^ »n*.* • GENTi • PURNISHINC •: GOODS HATS, CAPS, &c. I SKvsssas*'4*- *•' Call and examine on r stock and learn nrt T R. BISHOP, McHenry . • • îninetst .ii. , m* *>»'«. . ; J *f » • fc* * "fit m m The Old Reliable Stora> HENRY! MILLER, -OKALKB IK-- Amencai and Foreip Mart Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., v̂ ;> ETC. 3 \ ~ -J-l ./v . O < •- - 'f- a .-J •'**-'*». .. „ American It Scotch GraaSte, Constantly on Hand.' Two miles North ol Ho* Henry,'111. ; Johnsburgh. Aat, *tb, U»," SititiMel Over a Quarter ol a fianrf.^^ - */< ""t' K ' !•*>' S it O. MAYES m LaaJ Sv ^ •» r A VIGOROUS meat* W# •: ifMi CAMPAIGN <hDEALKR IJJ"--- Oils; TM *• m ,-pm-x v . ' ; V K 4 f ° / , t' _ t t <£' m 2 Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Us©. .-•wKi > 4, *4*h* t.i ^ .-< <>•>' Xh .XIUVJ-A-' v ;: •" •MMrvt, SZW-' 'iff" 'J : Hif) ̂ Bottled Ale ter for Family Use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. fci;; ii & MARTIN'S s.i liarpre Store is heavily stocked with new and seasonable goods ,%Si"s -• i.ftiMld~while it enjoys a most gratifyinpr trade--is com­ petent to supply other thousands of customers. +m • H--+ NOW IS THE To make selections of Latest Fashions, and Fabrirs ln all kinds of SILK, WOOL and COTTON DRESS QOODS. Ir SHAWLS, CLOAKS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, and in PRINTS, of extraordinary goodness and cheapness,' We are unexcelled.. ;€len- ^lemen, also, will find here a full stock of J ; | , ' Clothii^ ? and aly-Made Clothing. Cloths, Qentfineve anil Worsteds to mA by the varrt. The latest Styles of Wood* on band at ail times. My stoea of READT.IIADS CLOTHING la now complete and 1 WiM not be Undersold. :JMF •• ,'v'v •• a MAYKt r Store in A* J Bought with especial reference to their needs in this line. It is «f choice invoice and will bear ^g||y^ip^tion. fail to examine our stock of x , \ 4; BOOTS AND SHOES, A> • •- v--- mj -,T WK* *- ... «.-H - y * . " I*-** '/» "'..T'"'.' tffiisline comprises an styles ancf all sizes, and fn prices witT suit the most rio-idlv economical. Bear in mind the fact that at this store THE OLD PRICES AttE STILL MAINTAINED. Call soon and choose your goods, An examination will prove to you that this id the Xs-J"i .Vs;*fV "'T^T. Also , a Fnu une it Tamily Groceries. PERRY A MARTIN. i. )j tf -i- \h ^-V 1 Mtti- ; <W? -st «»<»)> s§^^ii|Jrfl^ttb,^rafc Itfr, sicians Preaioriptions Carefully Compounded. Give me a Call. McHenry, 111,, Aug. 20th, 18f4 C. W. BESLEY. Abbott's Patenf Portland Cutter The Best, Cheapest and Nob­ biest Cutter made. AM styles at E. M. Owen's. Administrator's Notice. TESTATE ol Kilwin A. Reerscjereflsefi. Tl*e; XJ iimlersigr.ed having been appointed Ad. nunistrators of the Estate of Edwin A. Beers, late of the County of McHenry, and State of of Illinois, (lecoaweri, hereby give notice that they will appear before the Connty.Oonrt of Mcilenry County, at the Court House in 'Voortstock, at the February term on the third Monday in Febrniry next, at which tinfte nil persons having claims against said Estate, art notilled aiirt requested to attend tor the purpose of having tne saine adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are rO. quested to mako iuimediate payment to tba ianderstgned. Dated this 23d day of December A. D. 1S7S. .ICsTiiKa M. Bkebs, i _ Administrators. CnAftt.Es H. BEERS, i §. , ; , - - P' •' fe:'"'""' NSTAJtTLY OK HA*|>. Vg t' • * » < r M * f $ ; V " 4 _ t v - n* ,*'i -'•'•• j'J- "** '•»!'•> % H. * » - j(V; 1;-'j|^S'41' • " ' " " ' >' n CUSTOM Obindinq pone nromptly,and aatisfactlonguarantee# , Having Just put in a new Feed Stone, capab.T, X nf grinding sixty buthels of Feed per hour, f »'KdS ©a i|Ntt Mi S9*The Highest Market Price oairl fnr|ro«|' Milling Wheat. R. BISHOP, i McHenry 111.^ Dec. «th, WJftl <• ' f £ -m m»'-J' ̂ La^gestfc: to a*. i ' - "P-X'- :'4IM S T O V E S i Hardware m pty f, • • .'V'-Vti f i « - / } BVi In the coun-i ty. "#s^?leasel call and amine. - : ^ •* j •• * > i «• i -uo< v* . > '• 1 '-ml ff£Si WOODSTOCK, ILL, lilt TWAOB MARK. Tbe ormtirngUA TRADE MARK. J R e m e d y ; A n nnftil!lnj«Br« C»r Seminal TTctk-MM, Sp«r*ator- j rh<«. tmpowncy, sB. JBf , -Ml HI tissue* ^£Vj7 tliat fbllow urn-qnenea of B«ir- ^esWWW^B «**•• SPCOtFIC' MEOIOINB TRAM MARK. Tbe ormtirngUA TRADE MARK. R e m e d y ; A n anfhlllng «nr« I Seminal TTctfc. Sparastor- rh<«, Tmpotcaey, Ml Sll llMMH qnenea of Btlf- I Refore Taking. Abbse; ll Lou of After Taking. llMMtT, Iiinml r.*««ltudt, Pain In th«B»ck. DimD«u ol _ VUloa, PKiaature Old Age, and many ether Siseawi that lead to Incanity or CoatumptioB, and s Premature Uravt, 07 Ful! nsrtfcsiar* In our pamphlet, which we rttalre«., ato4 tree by mall to ew; one. (yito Specific Uedlolne 1* . •old by all dnicsl*** at|l per package, or *lt packages tar ' •&, or will be seat frss ky mail «• reoeift of (be aoswy kjr ildrtialii| XHK GBiT KEDICIXV CO., I" SMUmli (UK,Drmr, 1*1. 3 s |0* 9ol(1 iji McHenry, and every •ijvliere by all bruriH'ts. "v ta^ Administrator's Notice. INSTATE of Francis Harrison* deceased.'* Ii Th«s undersigned having been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Francis Har. rison, late of the Countv of McHenry, and State of Illinois deceased, hereby gives n«v> tire that she will appear before the Coxmtr Court of Mcllenrv County, at the Court Ho use. in Woodstock, at the February Term, on the third Monday in February next, at Which Uino all persons having claims against snid Estate, are notified and requosted to at­ tend for the purpose ot having the same ad­ justed. All persons indebted to said Estato are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. ? Dated 12i.h day of December A. D. 187S. CATRARtNK HAKRISON, Administratrix, Constitution Water. • •• AA Brops of CONST iTCTlOJf WATER •#"%# three times a day, citrus Bright's Pis- ease. Ir.Hmnstion of the Kidncvs, Stone in the BlmlitrT, Oaiarrh of the Bladder, Gleet, Dia­ betes. Gravel, Brick.Dust Deposit, Childhood Weakness. For Female Complalats a Bpsaiallty. & I»pi,a . . J V*.%! - k.,~i'Xl Z " 5 t ' * \ • • rv -• For s»!e by ntl PrugfrUts% Send for Cirrn. lur* AiWr«»8i, MORGAN * ALLPW, SO ? s\_ • »i £" J* JU8T RECEIVE ' AT A, -ifV, • .til /• ' < • fX". ;;i .ii. • MONEY TO LOAN.* In sums of One or Two Thousand i>oiiars,for two year*, on good Real __ _ sr. tut' .j~ ' • * - 1 " *< *• ^ . ' T m . if ' * . i ' ? ' « . . H. Maiman Wauconda, lll^.*« See Price List in our Clothing .; Department: " •:.= '1 ' 1 * ^ n \ ^ f •" • Suits from$3.75npwaxda* ®^-?v C o a t s I r o m $ 1 . 7 5 u p w a r d s , i L v ' * « ' Pants from 75c. upwards. *'» ^ »4lii Vests from 50c. upwards, ' ^ • Suits made to order in the test New York gtyle&,at!sati«» factory prices, I . ^ Our Millinery Department. In charge of Mrs. H. Maiman, Is well stocked with latest Novelties ia Ladies* FashtonaM#4 ¥ Millinery and Furnishing Goods. Hats trial*/ -P mod in tne latest styles, at priees withia th#'.' ??.*. reach ot all. In Our Misceltaneous OepartniMt- Will be found a Complete Stock of Jewehry«: >-- Hats, Caps, Boots-and Shoes, Gent's I-«*»!•*it-ii nishtusr Goods, U nbrellaa, Hewing Machines^ - ' Etc., Etc. ' 8^? l'!- - 'V ^ 1 t » ; ii.: X-i. /'/XVn< t " ; v - us x «jtts «• ' ->r , -)SK- -V. "J Xt,' * X- ; • *•' .. ;.?Wi .• •' .-Af«4L.<ka.f- -*-As i *

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