AY, FEB. 4tli, 1880. Editor. mainr. Mi* U^STThe gallows dispatcher one lion* <ftr«<! Huil aih> victims by lawfnl pl-nce** Mid seventy-four were lynched in 1879. 8lx?.v-fntir of th»» regulnr Slid thirty- of tlflOmgnlft" hanging* were In tbenoutlieni SliCec. Ill the youngest finite of *11. C<»16riulo, Jwlge I-yr.ch *1id flie larjfeKtbusiiie**, nine lynch! ngs- fwitijf charireil against It. Friday maintained it* poRltWn as hangman^ #»jr. wrenty-two of the legal execd- being on that day. guard P9T Diirfng the !a*t quarter. ainl |tOci*lly during tlie last, month, there Iimk Wen a rery remnrkabie Increase In tlm amount of money transmitted from tfcla country to Great Brltal-n' Ireland, ami Germany through the In ternational money order system. This lift thongrht to be another reflex of the existine prosperity of the United State# in wntrast wt».h the suffering in *"•' <«eems also to foreshadow **111 further augmentation at an early date of tins rapidly increasing volume of Rwropean ImmiffrAtlon. ^ ^ •S^Last- week an enthusiastic meet- *«g wiw held in Columbus. Ohio, favor ing the claims of the Maine Senator.-- General Beatty made a speech declar ing his preference for Mr. Blasne **be- raita* he believed that under him we should enjoy that peace which conies nf obedience to law, and accords to every man liberty of speech and of po litical action." A dub was formed with over sixty roembt-rs, attd similar organizations are to be perfected In different parts of the State. The col ored and German elements are aald to Jbequite prominent In the awwwciit. aSTTlio United State* Senate, In waoeiitive sewion Tuesday. rcceWcd •f^e-^nort of the Census Committee. havI'Mg"iinder consideration the nomin ations-made by the President of Super- visors «of the Census, and confirmed about fforty of the total number of ISO.. ,*Two Wmiffisnomination* and one from flndinn* arfe<withhe!d. The entire list tfor ?i>w F/wgland. the Middle States, anil fhe Northwestern States is report ed favorably- .-Senator David Davis, [ wltn had cli«rge of the Illinois nomin- I atlons. objeetell to those named from F Sixth anf! Eighth Districts, and ttMy.wereilftlrt-over for future action. Slitpe th«f organization of government in accordance wSth the de cision of the supreme court, tlio fusion legislature has been effectually pre vented from Holding sessions in the State House. At this they have been so much enraged as to threaten vl«i- lencs. and these threats, together with similar threats from other sources, have Constrained Governor Dnrls to protect the Capitol by a strong of Militia and a Gat ling gun. Prof. L. A. Lee. of Boxvdoin <5ollege, in a private letter to his friends saya that our papers give us no adequate idea of the anxiety which prevails In Maine. During ranch of the time they have been in actual and constant fear of bloodshed. Up.to the present time, however, peaceful coun cils have prevailed, and the prominent members of both parties deny any in tention of violence. At tills date the fusionists have submitted a serl?« of statements to the supreme court, and promise to abide its decision. A* the court has already virtually decided Mgainst. them, tliis action amounts to a surrender. Un.ler the ciministances, there Is no other reasonable course.-- The State government is already or ganized, and is recognised by the court. The State Militia is under the control of their opponents. The State Treasurer does not dare to honor their drafts. Congress can not he.lp them if it would. Seats in the legislature are awaiting such of them as have been elected, and that body has authority to declare their places vacant, and order a new election. The only sensible thing they can do, is to follow the ex ample already set by some of their number, accept the seats in tlie Legis lature which await tlieni, and leave those who \Vere never elected to catch cold and go home. Already they be gin to receive the contempt they mer it, and are called "Confusionists." The filter Ocean. CHIEF AMONG STALWARTS m- mm JEW 188D, The Leading Republican Newspaper. liDSk: Semi-Weekly 82.S9 t "up', 7 V --.4- ^EWS-GETTIXG. EDITORIAL ABILITY, %&:ki CORRESPONDENCE,^, And everything that go«M to mako a first Class Nawspapar, *h« IXTER-OCEVX has no *n per lor. Daily Inter Ocean In the Ohean^st morning P*t>er publiahoi in Chicago. The LODGES D«t» ARTtf KS F In which is piihlNheil ihe latest news of the Se cret Orders, is u valmiMo feature. The *<£*•; f^MJSUrOUR COUCH *W\'y *t*\ Iff: :;S i»*.n *'& *. M* v < 'ut ' .. !•' ';,N^Whyvbv feetti,;f! *boUle' DB. lei-Weeltly Inter Ocean 04-' ough NEWTH# Mixture it •?&: f's * t: v *' • > I > . r W: M\ . . . . . . . . . J- '*¥><•' r<* ij,} •' • '• U r ' i *:&/{* • ' -j'UA fa, ; ' Sii.*, .ii ; ; _ *<%",; - Six. \ »,* „f- 'j t /j, i - • H 5 <*.:u _ - •i!. '•t'"-" Is pubiishert cneh nioncay ana Thursday, andoonEHins a compendium of the nenrji of the world. An EDUCATfON* AL DEPART- MKST h-» * been hi! I'vl t<» t»i» edition of th« pa per, and is very highly sooteu of by the Softool Superintendents "and Teachers. It '<•* intended to l!ll « want long felt by persons inttrretei io our School*. Tk fcellj Inter Ocean;- Has the LARGEST circulation of any PfiiUr» ical newspaper in the (Jbite'lStntos. It is a p»|>er for the people and costs only , #1,15 POSTAGE PAI* The Commeiclt»l and Agricultural Depart, ments are a!>ly imd carofullv conducted, and are as reliable as ai»V published in the coun. try. ' OUR CURIOSITY SHOP." " /ff J' WOMAN'S KINGDOM, fiifl i THE HOME DEPARTMENT interesting fea. It it thn hiist Omi)ominnl erar^"IntroItineidn America. It Is eomponndod with Tnre Herbs. It has ao Morphiu© to paralise1 the heart* soften the bruin and take away the treniflh, oo Chloroform to takeaway the pen'£en Try one bnitie and yon will never be-with, -ui it in your home ttfterwurdC. If it is not exactly hs we represeut it, your money . will be 1 fuu<Jeil. It will cure a of twuiity yeftrs stAndio^* / re f ' Pri<3© • SO 'Cents.v' -7« -V '• -**SK Fort IT! AND DON'T KOBGET TO ASK .£' • w w » Catarrb.' Hetnedy. give immediate relief and a^ permanent cure to ose suffering fftnn tiiis dyifcadfttl Price 26 cents a bottle. , * t r . # : ASK FOR IT! ASK FOR VTHAT? ASK FOR TFT« buRE FOR BACK-ACHE Among American Women. $ I per bottle. The ubovo remedies are tor Sale by.-Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Or by Dr,. Xevvth iiit his office and sa.esroom, 115 S. Halsted St., Chicago. •'W K>" Will eontinne leading an«l tares. As a 'Hon. Beiijamln Harrison, of Indl- y #l«.*ays wry little is heard in tiis 'State «bowt the Grant boom. So far as 'he-cftn the sentiment of the Itepifhiienn*-there'ls tint it won'd not 'he poort pulley to nominate Grant. Elaine Is the popular candidate. "He - 'Imi'iHrt *i*lte(l the sRtsts, ami they 1h*Te.se?n very 11 ttle-of him, but' you •would 'fee surprised toittdibov popular ^he is-with the m*S6es of the Republican »p»rt«y.;M As .the Ind-iima Republicans -will hold no State Coni««t1en till after «the National Conrentlsn, their dele gates will be <fttoscn by Congressional Diatrictssnd cannot instructed in a tbodyfer mny candidate. 19*Market reportsffor last an aggregate exportation from Tfew York port to foreign ports of 2.- 200 live cattle^ 2^65 carcasses <f beef and 3,786 eareasses of mutton. This is the largest exportation meat erer made hews; timing * ^rngle weet-- One shipper alette twefl twelve stentn- ships for .his eYfiortatlons. BeOi4le« this market experts estimated -tlmt 8.000 carcasses of beef were cuMiuwfl daring the week in New York cifey.-- Yet there .are uo fears of a meat'f«un"me In the republic. Our Western a«d South-western States and $ei*Hori«&. and especially Texas Mid -Wi$teai*»g; *re coutinuaHy i«ere*#ing tltelr «apac- "<Uy for supf&jritag e*ttle to the East, WSF"The Washington National Re publican. la an article, on the average American Voter, submtts the follow ing: After all that is said or that inay be «aid in thu premises, thl<t average vo ter cannot fail to look upon General Grant's present attitude with favor, finally to admit that if ever a possible candidate existed whose utter disre gard of awl refusal to use the accus tomed appliances to force or obtain a nomination amounted to absolute in- diflereoce as to the result, that man is U. S. Grant. While other aspirants are putMraitllng about the country, making combinations here and there, and ahlinir their friends in the ques tionable intrigues incident to au ante- eonveiitk»i» campaign. Wen. Grant is emphatically out of politics, as far re moved from the turmoil of the schem ers. and as free from being comprom ised by entangling allhmces with tills or that clique, as though he were the subject of some foreign power. And it must be flirtl*er adniitted'that General Grant's attTlfi&e in this respect is the immediate occasion of the combined assault*of the friends of other candi dates upon him. If lie were re^nlarly and formally it* the fiHd. and were not so* cl«an- liauded as he is. it wonld not be as sumed and acknowledged that he is the people's ouirtidute. nnd there would be no neveesSty in the interests of any oneto at^niil him. These con siderations. we concede, may not re move the prejudices of hide-bound anti-ihird-termers;4Hit we insist they will go far to enthuse the inassest with the idea of accepting him as candidate on the ground that he is a patriot who does not seek oflfije^but at the same time one who would not shrink its re sponsibilities If the oifice should seek him. Political, Literary and Family Newspaper Inter Oeeaif "Candee" BA'CK STf\AP e UNEXCELLED,^,; i tt is the intontinn of the oroorietora of the INTKP OCK A.N t>» snaro neither pun« or ex. penso to keep It fully abreast of the times in all thmga. Now is the time to Subscriba. Address the IfTES OCE&If CHICAGO. ILL BE8T IR THE W0RLD1 (r.-'.f W&" Wlien a man flail his mission ntld it happens to be a good one. it is pleas ant to record his success. Kspeciallj' is this true of so Christian a work as Father Drumgoole, a devoted priest undertook in Xew York. He set about providing a home for the street gam ins of that city, and has raised $100,000, mostly in tweuty-fcew oeat subscrlp tions, and a model lodging house is now building for the newsboys, boot blacks. and other members ot **the 3««e|itle democracy of the sidewalk." •VKfeetrteity is being harnessed to Che (rt«««gh In Ftrance. A csivm- l--feot «f a New York paper writes: : SsflM!$iat»re»t1ng experiments «rft>low- l«^4|r ̂ Aectricity took »iaee tfee «ther 14#(jr «t Noisiel, in Tmce, in tlie park M «Ue vwetl known Deputy and «!hoco- tarue suaksr. M, Monier. Ttie motive pernor was supplied to the plow by a <S*aw*Mi maehlne. Itself set in motion fcf water power, wbleh is abundant ou M. Meale^s estate. The plow did •fcMtcke same wptlc as If it were 4rawu by eight oxen. It was a Fow ler plow, with six shares. The motive power wasMtpplied fcy a wire at a dis- itutee of nearly half a mile, 'fo a pro fane looker on it was amazing to see a Ipiow propelled by an unseen agency ^without teams or steam. The Gram- «#• o»«elifae employed was the same that suppled M. Healed laanufuctory with electric light, , MBTMaify wild proposition* lurre been made to amend the Constitution pf the United States, but the latest is the wildest yet. It is proposed that *ewery citizen shall be prohibited from bequeathing to any one legatee prop erty or money exceeding in value ilfty tliou«>and dollars,or an annuity exceed ing sixty per centiuu thereof.** The ^bjeetion to this Constitutional Amend ment is that it would be absurd and a gross violation of the rights and liber- lies of the «UU«n. The control of a estator arer his property while living js absolute, and the constitution might Is well limit the amount of wealth yhich each eUi/.eu shali be allowed to kquire. if the law allows a man to <1 his estate at ail. niiist be consid- id that the power to dispose of such M a |^art of it. ,jf he cannot di- rlta disposition lie iwt re»lly it. Moreitveri tiws proposed IliMi could be, and Certainly j»I ke, ur«ded |u a hundred P jTnnrnvtnpnt ov^r Common Arctics. EnMrr to Puoklo ; exoVide w|t fT>d •now more rcrfect'v; neater in appearance; better fitting; extra 7<e.q.vy sole, giviug doable service, Try a. p:ur and you will Dev«*r w« ar any other, Bold by F1TZSIMMONS& EVANSON, McHenry. S A L E R A T U S Which is the same thing. Impure Salcrntai or Bi-('aih Soda (win*-It id the*aui« i Itinc)ii ofn.slight- Xf dirty white color. Ii. mny appear irltlir, etamim (1 liy isself, bat Sfc C-»MI»AHI«OV WITH CHUBCM & Ctva -<• »RJI A\DII Aill^XER" BHASD Will show <o tliffiiem t. Bee tiint your Saleratm and Ilalt- las Soda 1* wliito and PtlilH. as •konld bo Al.lt SIMILAR SUBSTAN- CKh umd lur loud. A simple but serero teat of the comparative Value ot different brands of Soda or ^aleratun Is to dios'jlva a dessert upoouiul of each kiud with aboutaplut of water (hot preferred) in clear glaa-es, stirring until oil ia tllorougUly dissolved The deleterious insoluble matter in the inferior bod i will be shown oiler nettling some twenty miuutos or Btviner. by the milky appearance ot tho solut on and the quantity of floating flocky matter according to quality. Be sure and auk for Church & fo.'a fioda and flsleratus and Bee that their- name is on the fWckageand you will get the purest and whitest made. The use ot this with sour milk, in preler- cace to Baking Powder, eaves twenty timea its cost. onnd package for valuable lnfocmar i carefully. GILT EDCED BUffEw There is ilwiy* in active demand for But. t«i t hat 13 up tr> the oil! Kd^u l sian tar 1 in (|tialily nnd in color. M»ch leittci- t.lint, is otherwise good, sells nt a -/i-dmpiinii uf from 5 to 10cent's per pound, because it hsi-4. two; color. Thi« ik best reinvtlie<l by the use ol K. S" White ACo's. Natural' Color! It (fives Jt brisfht vollnv color; nxJio.tlv like the Jersey butter, ti ls perfectly li:»rin- le.<sai)'l never jive-i :i dull red lish' oilor or imparts any t i^teor s<nell. It H made in u strictly scientific in.'inner, l>v u skillful chemist, and can alwivs be relfed on. K ir- mers should not run the risk of spoilinsr their butter 1jv usinit th-> inferior c< lor> xn'ide by nn nil tin, for thin !« both cheapest nnd belt.-- It was ti warded the Diploma of Highest Merit At the International P'lirv Fair in New: York, by the Committee of Judgea. Manufactured"by R. «. White ft Co. Fort Atkinson, Wis. , For Sale bv (Jeorge W. Ileslev, Mellonry, III., and T. D. Ford', Wilinot, Wis. 6 o JS; Si r* -- -- 5 O T S 2 *7F b = S| >-- TT 5*^-3 X mm o v.< z •z. fi Q w- si 55 o s- - ^ o n S St Q =:2""C t -- 53 •< 5 ^ P- w Hee one po on andrefd c * 11 THIS TO YOUR 0R0 The Invest romitnee come* from the "land of steady habits.'" A youth «f H*rtford. Oontu became cnilniored with a German«erv*iit' girl and marri ed her greatly to his relatives cha grin. Tlwy gave him a decided cold shoulder, but he doenn't mind that now. for his wife has Just fallen heir to $600,000 in Germany. Young man, don't go right off and inarrjr yonr mother's servant, for that Isn't the moral of the story at all. Itate McMillan 8eh»>l. Kmtok Pl> IX dealeh:--The follow ing Is a brief report of my school for tlietwo weeks ending Jan. 30, 1880: Xoenrolled 23. Average dally atten dance 21. Deportment: Ella Magoon. 100; Nellie P«$ck, 100; Edith Doran. 98; Lizzie Knox, IpO; 31 Innle Frederickson 100; Ida Frcderickson, 100; Minnie Knox, 90; Emma McMillan. 99; Nellie Buck, 98; Alice Knox. 100; Alice Lei- suer. 100; Stella Leisuer, 100; Michael Knox, J00; Elmer Magoon. 100; Gtly Peck.99; Beel Peck. 190; Willie Ames, 100:Tommy Ames, 100; Lonis Erickson. 100;Frank Erickson, 99; Martin Erlek- soii, 99. A report of first spelling class. Total nmnber of words vpelled 220. No. of words misspelled by eaoli, Eila Mugoou. 1: Edith Doran. 0; N«-llie Peck, 3; Michael Kitox, 4; Lizzie Knox, 0. Etta Kittle. Teuton I^To be angr3',n said the Stiper- iiitendaut of an East Side Sabbath School to his pupils. "|g to revenge the faults of others upon ourselvc." On his way home an Icicle caved in his silk hat. and he danced around on the sidewalk and said he could whip the socks off any Infernal Idiot who Uidu't have sense enough to keep the icicles off tiis porch.--Milwaukee Senti nel.' •. j " line I. SI,USE Has the Finest Stock of FOlNimE Of all Kinds, to be found iu the county, which he i» selling at BOTTOM PRICES. 49 viitced. McHenry, Jan. 7tb 1M> 'Call tkd be con J'-IHX B. BLAKE. in want of work la mr glv* «ne a call and I will try and please. Jiobt. Muvtttt, Jeweler. Xunda, ill. Pop Factory AT WOODSTOCK. A. Zochrland, the Pop man from Burlington* is goin^ to start a new Pop factory in Woodstock about the first week in February. He will sell Pop and Chatiipague Cider for cash as follows: 1 box* Fop, 24 bottles, with patent stop pers, at 60 cts. 1 box Cham pagne Cider, 12 quart bottles, at 75 cts. Rut With the cbndition, at those prices, that the saloon keepers jmist tafce *U frMIH ,MlOi. All the diileient driuka wikl be i made tirst-elass. CELEBRATED **^iy STOMACH S » c- sr - s? cn ' - H S HS • KB ^2 3- Do you feel tnat anv one of yonr organs-- ynur stomneh, liver. Iiowel* or nen'ous sys tem, falters in its work? It bo, ri'pnlr the d»m»pe with the.ino«t powerful, yet h:irin- leas, of invi^orants. lteinenil.cr that debility is tlie'HoifinninK «'f the Knd"--tlmt.the ell. max of all weakness is a universal paralysis of t!ie system, and that, sneh paralysis Is 'the Immediate precursor nf Dentil. . For sale by all Dru^gUtit #i»kl Dealers gen erally. " f *• C o ? ±?r-L r* P O s •*Qsr s P3 ar* 2.53® s o t T.* 0 'r -i ' 5 y 33'^i ? C 3 ̂ •*» C r/. S 01 Q © h*. 2* p 8 o? f'Sa ® C CD 03 Xfl o o o p' zn O « 3 « X 3 5" rt o 3 K|l P & CD CD 2 * n $ } o o • w ^ o § VI o 3 CfQ O o. A Hew Compound, ,Selantifl<*a!ly prepared of Hal.-am Tolu. C»y/. talizfed Koek candy, Old Kye Wlilsky and other Tonics. The formn 1« is known to our Ixiet physicians, in highly eoiumended by them, ami tsiij an ilysit of i>ne of our i>ruini- nent eliuailsis, I'rof. U. A. M iriner, of Chiea- Ko. i-t on the label of every bottle. It is a well fc now n fact to the Ine lieal profession that TOl.l', ItOOK and ItYK will alTor.! the greaiest relief for U'Hi.vjas, 0<»lds, lndiietiza. ltroiK'liitiM, sore Tiiroat. Weak, 1.lings, also Coii^uiiipiion, in the iuciplviit and advanveil Mtagect of that disease. It is used as a Bovera*e and for an Appe tizer, making a delightful lonie for fa^nily use. Try it, you will tin.1 it pleasant to take, of great service, if wo.ik or debilitated, as it Kivvs strength, toueaud activity to the whole human frame. «t*"lJut .up in Qr.art sile Bottles f«>r ,Family use. Sold by- UrmtvlKts iiimI Dcalert every* where. LAWRENCE 4 l»A»f lN.»«te Agents for invvftli on siutMi'SiW Oanadas.-- Also importers of fine Wines, Liquors and Cigart$, 111 MiailUon St., Ohloafo. Lsuhe» Vests 'l» cent* e&vlt «iimmou9 & Evaueon .Fit*- a> . . n> •3*2: 52 a I 2: d, v!" « =*> o I, S 'V P 9 E •« 0 It iikL BASKET MAKINQ, , . Tllf iHiflersi^neil Is pre pared to fur- nWWill mv B tskefp uf hit* own mnko, of all khi<N. Fine Bsisket* a specialty. M:;rkot, Clothes, hu<I all nth^r m.-t'lf to order. Will also- repair all kind? of II if lit work. Give me » call, VIOK WINKLES. MrUenry .^ept lftth, 1819. " I sliall^il the above mentioned 1880. , ' * ' *' *% *•?-* wMfiin vrt J- • " "ii?"'. i * ^ ' *f Pt >/ iA*X ' V1" " ' M Mr- {. In order to Inin stock low before my atinual Inventoiy^ •"'2 '<• •••.' ' s'v 1 f Will Discouht Full 10 Per 'On sny advertised ̂ rke listn of lieatfier or Rubber G ood*. Remeim bev w« buy nnd sell more. Boots and Shoes than all other dealer» in - ^ " Woodstock, and because in t»uying and selling for Calli exclusively We can make you lower ptiees at \ i DWIGHT'9; Mir. MainStreet and Public Square. WOODSTOCK, ILL- I ' : : II ONE PRICE ONLY AiTD READY FOR BUSINESS WE THREE ABE ONMON'T YOU FORGET IT. . For the Full and Winter business c t* 1879 and '80 we are dft« r yell That i§, the liichmoiii', Nuuda nnd Dundee Cash Stores of C. F* Hall. We want you» trade, come and see its and we will ^ret it, fot' our prices tase even tiinc, for they are Cash prices and the money, taken buysnguiu. it ie the old story of the "nimble sixpence a«rninst the "slow sh lling." We sell Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Jewelry, Crockery and Glass ware cheaper than : lty store in the North west. One price only and that always the low est. Balow is a sample of the way we do it, liood Itest. Prints ...,. ft|mio1 Thread....... 'Ueet Cotton hlearneft. . <iood Cotton, tin bleached... No 1 Hlnck Alap.KM. No I Colored Alapaca No 1 Table Liuen 5 cent Items, Lots 10 cent Items,!Lots 15eent Items lots 2ft rent iti ms lota Good Denims Good Cotton Flannel Good Corsets J.adies Wrappers.... Mens Shirts Mens l>rawers J.adies Furs, All Prices HiiUhIo Uobi's to bent them ail Trunks and Valises way down Iliack Cashmeres No 1 Shoes.. #«o7 5c ...... |0l', • ;..6to 8e . ... 29c K^c So 25u 40<*. 2.1c . 25c ,...60t 65, 8S ....... 1.00 No 1 Hoots.. 1.75 Host Kin, warranted, 2.TO >•»? *; Mest French Kip, warrant#it.i. A...... French Kid -Slio«s warranted 8.00 to ' Itubber Boots and Shoes cheapest Mens Suits.. Mens Kxtra Mens Suits, tine Hoys Suits • Youths Suits. cheaper than the MM W> .. .5.00 to #.50 .9.1(1 to 12. oe ... 1.75 to 3.00 .3.00 to 7.50 Prices }£ less on Clbthfitg guaranteed. Mens Pants AO, 7ft and L0C Overi^oats ol all sizes ani kind i. * ' aunars, add freight only. Teas •..•. . ,,......90. 25, 90, 80 No I Baking PrwdOR... ...... ..... Me Pure Spicus only. stove I'olish fto Dried Fruits elieap. 20 liars of Soap ../i. L0t No 1 Fine Cut •On 50 Cigars 1.0( ' v This Full and Winter I propose to increase my trade, ahd to that end shall mitke prices that ctislomers will see are lower than others are mukii:g. Buying so maliy goods we get special bargains and we divide. Mow don't buy any goods until you see. It wou't cost a cent. II you get what you don't want take it back and the money is refunded. We will give you square dealing and "don't you forget it." Stock al ways fiittr C. F. Hall gives the buying his personal attention and bargains can alivays? be haa tor money. Come and see us. • * Respectfully Youra, Chicago OflBc^ l2f^1°Firattkliu St. \v C. F. HALL. Stores at Richmond Nunda and Dundee. BEAR IN MIND THAT- -- FOR .SALB. mllflbie ;>inl H 9»fo for a ?tore. Will he ^olil cheap If pHed forouni). Apply to John Frcuud, Jolineburtrli Fitzsimmons & Evanson, • " • • ,i'-; ' •i 4 • Are now selling Winter Goods of every possible de scription at reduced prices in order to close out. We also have for sale 60 dozen genuine Imported rr JCid &loves at 65 and 95 cents per pair, better value than Gloves sold for $1 and $1.50 elsewhere.. Highest mar ket price .paid for farmers produce. !̂ iWe will save money for IheCash buyers and solicit a trial. ,s . ; - •'••• ' •• H$mi •«& hsf», tm$: '.FITZSIMMONS A EVANSONr w ^ McHeniy, UL, January, (jt-h, 1^)0 * ^ /; ' "