Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Feb 1880, p. 5

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MM '#:i MB WfW? --1 WEDNESDAY. FEB. 4th. 1.880. Railroad Time Table. aoi wo SOUTH. Jeneva Like Pa went«r . 7® *• *• •iwn L»ke Freight.. «. SOfSO ffOHMI. 8anev« T.ake freight 10:09 A. 51. Geneva Uki PiMenner ...§»?. * MASONIC. MCHRNRV CIUPTRK Ho 3* R. A. M--llernlar nnnmationi held on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. SMITH 8B ARLES, H. P. IfBNKT Secretary. I'ltoHexRT LOI>OE, Xo W A. F. and A. M.-- Becalar Communications the Saturday on or feefare the full of the moon and every two week* thereafter. SMITH SBAKIRS. W. M. HcHearr Wok Association The FWtli Lecture of the Course, be­ fore (he McHenry Lecture Association will be given by WILL CASLETON, • --A* THE- ' UNI VERSA LIST CHURCH, Friday Eve., Feb. 13, 1880. SUBJECT--"The Golden Horse» •\ Mr. Carle ton's success :M "M Lecturer "*••• a' • and platform Orator is no less remark- able than his fame as author and poet. He occupies a field by himself, and #s he steps upon the. Plat form, Author, Lecturer and Reader stands before jrou. Do hot fail to hear him. OCR Soldfers Department is una- Toidable left out this week, but will take its proper place In our next. POVNI>, a smalt Brass Door Key. which the owner can have by calling at this office. Axes Warranted, at 1. N. Mead's new Hardware Store, near the Depot, McIIeury. WE have received a new advertise­ ment from E. W. Blossom, Jeweler, Woo^stock^which will appear in our next. * . • DR. A. AILNXCK, who practiced Den­ tistry in this tillage something over a year i(go. died at Crystal Lake last week. TICKETS have been issued folr a Social Party at Wirf#' Hall, on Mon­ day evening next. Feb, 9th. Good Music in attendance. Tickets 60 cent*. Go to Mr*. S. Seni les ami see her Stylish Hats. Has the largest stock in the county to select from. Mourning at speciality, work done on short notice WK hear a rumor that Hon. Schuyler Colfax is soon to Lecture In this village, but know nothing of the particulars ot truth In relation tliere- to. ' SINCK the freeze up ttravel Ua<* com­ menced. and the roads are now report* ed as passable and Improving every day. This is evidenced by the in* creased number of.tesms now se£n In town dally. V WE would call the attention pf our readers to the Prospectus of the Chi­ cago Inter-Ocean, the stalwart Repub­ lican paper of the West, which can be found In another column. It Iscertaln- ly the best political paper In Chicago. WE are informed by Prof. R. I). Scott that he contemplates bringing out the "Haymakers," in tills village at an early day. That he will take hold of it is a *ure guarantee of success and ourcitilens may look out for a rich treat. Jfff|FLOLA8 MCLADORK, one of the oldest German settlers in this town, died at the residence of his sou three uiilt'S not tli of Johnsburgh on Sunday night last, aged about 73 years. He came to ibis town about tin* year 1841. and has resided here constantly ever since. For the past five years he has been totally blind. He was a man who was honored and respected by all Who knew him. WE learn that a very pleasant sur­ prise was given Mr. and Mrs. Beu Hanley, on Saturday evening lait. At about 8 o'clock the young folks to the number of about eight couples, took possession of their residence, and hav­ ing brought ample refreshments with them, proceeded to enjoy themselves in the best of manner. Altliouj^i sur­ prised Mr. aud Mrs. Hanley were equal to the occasion, and a universal good time was the result. THE following is the programme for the regular meeting of the Red .Rib­ bon Club, to be held in the Universal- let Church, in this village on Friday Evening: Instrumental Music Miss Elolse Waite. . . - " Reel tatlon. O. W. Slafter, I * Song. Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. BattffeJm * Address. Hon.Geo. Gage. " - * Song. Miss Millie Waite, Select reading. Mr. E. W. Wheeler. THE liest business men ineveryjnwn and those having the most trade, know and affirm that advertising pay*. It is on!}' the one-horse cornyrn, which does no busines^to speak of and never advertises, which goes on the principal that advertising does not pay. Such business men are constsuitly losing their trade to the more enterprising ones who have goods that they are not ashamed to recommend. Our rates for advertising are lower In proportion to' the circulation than any other publica­ tion In the count v. THERE will be general Exercises at the Public School, this Wednesday evening, commencing at 7J o'clock. A Debate, Recitations, Ac., will be the order, and a very interesting time may be expected. It is hoped that the pa­ trons of the School will make it a point to be present. PROF. R. D. SCOTT, will meet all who wish at the UnlverSalist Church on Monday evening next,for the purpose of organizing a Class In Vocal Music.-- The first evening will be free. Prof. Scott Iran old and experienced Teach­ er, and we trust he may get a large class. This is an opportunity that should not be missed by the younger portion of our community. THERE IS now a prospect tliat they may be able to fill the Ice Houses In this village yet.* AT'this wrltlug. Tuesday afternoon, about five inehes is reported on the Pond, aud still it is freezing. If the weather does not change our citizens will commence tilling their Ice Houses by to-morrow or next day. And undoubtedly Shedd A Co. will commence operations next week. A MAN will^jend an hour hunting up a board and painting an advertise­ ment on it to be nailed up where, per­ haps, fifty diflerent persons m?y see it In the course of seven days, when at a trifling cost he would put the same an­ nouncement ia a newspaper, wliere it would reach three thousand diflerent readers within three days after the newspaper was printed. That's the difference between olu fogyism aud enterprise. BT the latest postal decision, busi­ ness men can actually make money by getting their bills aud statements of accounts printed. Statements of ac- c-ou»t aud bills of sale that are made out on paper that is printed at the head, can be sent through the wail for one cent, the envelope being felt un­ sealed, whereas If made out ou im­ printed paper they will cost three cents. Thus, by patronizing the print­ er* two cents can be saved ' on every bill or statement that la sent thrtmgb the mails. " . . . j&fc..». - .fcJLr&Ut - THE "Ivy Social Club* announce their Second Party to take place at Grand Hall, on Fiiday evening of this week, Feb. 6th, and that the Gerinauia Band, of Chicago, will again furnish the music. The first Party by tills Club was one of the most pleasant aud enjoyable aflulrs of the season, the manager* sparing no paius to make it pleasant for all. Hall was In the finest condition and the music su­ perb, and when they broke up In the "Wee sma' hours." every one there voted the "Ivy Club" a grand success. If you ever bo sure aud give them a call on Friday evening. WE learn there w'll be LiterarvExer-' cises in the Brick Church, on Thursday evening Of this'week. There is to he a Debate ami the subject Is. founded upon the picture in the old Elementary Spelling Book, which represents a boj- Iii an Apple TreeTand a man attempt­ ing to.rget him down by pelting him with gr»*s, which failii.g heus*>s stones to accomplish what grass failed to '"llo"' The resolution will be |^ttt "!«» ihis sense: . . , 'Retailed. That the man was justified in using stones when grass failed. Atllrniative-- Albert McLean. Negative--James B. Perry. , An Interesting time may be expect­ ed, - - ; i THE Lecture by N. W. McLean, on Tuesday evening of last week, came off per announcement, but owing to the bad weather and horrid condition of the roads, was very poorly attended, but those who were there speak well of "Hanks" first eflorls iu thi*, to him. new Lecture field. "Hank" has been One of the most successful political speakers ou the stump, but having abandoned politics entirely, he says he proposes now to enter a broader and more honest field of labor. His Lectures are interspersed with stories such as only "Hank'v can tell, and we predict Bob Ingersoll will have to look to his laurel* on this question of'souls" which he Is talking about. He proposes to deliver this Lecture In other towns in this and Kane comities, and are pre­ dict he will have a good hearing. THE Western Fanners Almanac, of which we spoke last week, has a circu­ lation of over 100.000 copies, and no farmer who has ever seen one would , for five times its cost. This valuable book for 1880 contains, initdditiou to what we noticed last week, the following valuable articles and hints, all more or less useful to the practical farmer. "The Catalpa Tree." by E. E. Barney, Dayton Ohio. "Out new Sugar Plants." by F. L. Stewart, Pennsylvania. "Improvements of the Navigation of the Mississippi River and it* Tributaries." by Hon. Eugene Underwood, of Kentucky. And uuder the heading of . Selections" the fol­ lowing: "Natures Feathered Police Force," the "Enormous Consumption of Timber," "Pork," "the Care of the Eyes." "Agricultural Value of Char­ coal," "Where to locate au Apiary," "Results of Selections in Breeding," "Disease in Sewers," "Health of Horses "Pruning Orchards," "Whitewashing Trees," "Sheep iu Winter,"-Training a Colt to Harness," "Breeding • for Milk," "Keeping Poultry ii; Orchards." and many other valuable articles aud hints that eaunot fail of being of litw portaucejto all. The low price, lOcents at which this valuable book is sold makes It within the reach of all. This Almanac has now been published filly- two years, and enters upon its fifty- third feeling that U Is the farmers friend, and having imparted its valua­ ble information in over 100.000 house­ hold in the iand. has just cause to feel proud of ;Its success. Any person can obtain a copy by enclosing 10 cents to "Western Farmers Almanac," 156 a»*d 158 Main Street, Louisville, Ky, •• :r--- r*- • Do not fail to call anil examine the Giflord Bed tipring. Decidedly the best aud Cheapest thing of the kind in the market. Strop in Howe's Block. PINAFOHK. The Opera of H. M. 3. Pinafore was brought out at Riverside Hall, In this village,, ou Thursday aud Friday even­ ings last, under the direction of Prof, R. D. Scott mid family, and wasagiaud succesa lu every particular. This is said to be one of the most difficult Operas, ar.d many, at the outset, enter- taiued doubts..its to its being success lully brought out here, but we are hap py to announce its perfect success which Is a great credit to the manage incut of Prof. Scott, as well as to th< home talent of McIIeury. Time and space will not permit us to speak of all as we would wish, but we cannol re­ frain from noticing a few of the lead­ ing characters. Miss Mabel Scott, in the character of "Jose phi lie " could no't be surpassed. She is a splendid singer, while her acting of the character was perfection itself Those who have seen this play In Chicago and other large cities, say that they never saw Miss Scott's character of "Josephine" surpassed and seldom equaled. She is indeed a Star. Mrs. Scott, as "Butter­ cup," was also at home in her charac­ ter, her splendid voice and acting mak­ ing i t seem almost real. Miss Mary L. Owen, as "Hebe, cousin to the Ad­ miral. and leader among his sisters his cousins and his aunts." done herself great credit in her character, her sing­ ing being splendid and her acting easy and graceful. Prof. Scott, as **Slr Joseph Porter, K. C. B.," C. P. Waite. as "Captain Corcoran," C. B. Jordan, as "Ralph Raekstraw," and Win. Slers, as "Dick Deadeye." all took their char­ acters In a manner not to be surpassed. In short, all done themselves honor, and brought out Pinafore in a manner of which they may well feel proud, and proves what We have often said before that McIIeury has home talonf. sur­ passed by no town in tire Norlhwe-t. Great credit Is din» Prof. Scott aud Family for their great labor in the re­ hearsing and bringing out «»f this beau­ tiful Opera. As a Di reel or and Teach­ er Prof. Scott has few equals aud no superiors. There is some talk of re­ peating It at no distant day. otm DKV GOOLIA MKKCHAMT& We take pleasure in noting the suc­ cess of any aud all businessmen In Our ' midst, and when we see In our stores parties from adjoining towns doing their trading, we can but come to the conclusion tjiat our merchants, bv square dealing and low prices, are ofleringthe buying puhliciuducemeuts that they do not find elsewhere. l©ur merchants have put in this Winter un­ usual large stocks, and now can be found at Colbv Bros., Perry A Martin's, Stevens A Schnorr's, or Fitzsiinmons & Evnuson's. large and well selected stocks of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Hats ai.d Ca|is. Groceries. Crockery. Ac., and if you want <o buy they will please you both lu totality aud price. The four firms above mentioned ,have well established re.putallons for keeping none but the best of Goods, and the fact that they draw customers from a radius of ten and twelve miles around.,is sufficient evidence they are satisfied they can do better In trade here than el>ewbere. In thl« line ol trad*e McIIeury is to-day ber hind no town In McHenry cocnity.-- McHenry lias just cau>e to feel proud of her enterprising and go-ahead mer­ chants. HlH Real Kalaii The following Is thii 'flit 'sf trans­ fers iu McHenry county week ending January 34, 1880: > 1 J A Parish to Miiw Kmilf F. Pwrer*. U M A*»c3itor8 1. Uiiey( SWISS. Lester ll:tll nwl wife lo J. n of «ni of »oe H, SttW. ««' ;; J If Fnin'hil I and Wife to JO Hegert; if# in It I awjtf »ec ."50, Dorr, S4W). A XV Vmtrewa itnJ xrifo to J A tUchfcrrtmn, M;K SI-C 13 tp *fi r« and I<r)l nwAf •jec in t \> 4»'» r 5' #4800- Tiaae Soper t<» Jeremiah Stfijet. 850 a in »ec Sanil 10, Alden, Steuo. Isadore K Lmhty and husband to Mary ["timer. wX sec 12, Ric.Hinon.l, t'iuOO. Anton Ploner and wife to John Plonor. 100 t ih 8e<". 40 and 29, Algonquin, r 9, #240(1 Win Overton and wife to W:i* M Haldermaa ne.W swi* soc 15, H-ichmoml, lllJH C K Irwin and wife tolOlfWia. ItiawX seos Grafton and «w\' »W,X aee 35, Dorr, *2400. Judson Banisto-to W n Saliivaa. 4 a in sec 8, Seneca, #30. Ellen McV.»y to Jno Uecking. It OS a«sei- •ora pl^^orr, ttMO. , . . • ...... ' ' ' ItAXESt' TAX fiSt* " Ttife uiillersigued, «7ollec^tt o^ lie town of McHenry, will commence the collection of Taxes on Mondny. Jan.13. and can be found at the following placrs ready to receive Taxes: Mondays,--At the store* of Chas. Kuhnert, in Johnsburgh. Wedn°sday8,--At the store of J. W Crlsty, In Ring wood. * Fridays,--At the Pt.AtSDKALKft Of­ fice. In the village of McHenry, Saturdays.--At filestore of Stevens & Rehnorr. near the Depot, • McHenry. 'The balance of the week at my res­ idence. JofiN JtTSTE2t, Collector, troi. K. D. Seott Would Inform the citlxens of Mc­ Henry and vicinity that he will be lo­ cated in this village for the next six months, and Is prepared to take a lim­ ited number of scholars in Vocal Mu­ sic. Terms reasonab!e. Wti.i. OARLETO*. the famous Letrttfr- er and Author, will deliver the Fifth Lecture of the Course before the McHenry Lecture Association, on Fri­ day evening of next week, on his pop­ ular subject, "The'Wolden Horse." Carleton is one of the most popular Lecturers In the field, aud never falls to draw a full house . wherever kuown. Below is what a Rutdiville, 111., ex­ change says ofhim: The people of Rushvllle never en­ joyed a l it her treat than was furnished them on Friday uight last, by that dis­ tinguished poet aud author. Will Carltou. His theme. "The Golden Horse." though a mystery to the uu- iuu iated. soon becomes apparent, as under ihe figure of a golden horse, in Imitation of the historic Trojan horse, he Introduces the idol, opens the secret door, aud one by one lets out upou so­ ciety, and depicts in vivid colors, the leading vices of the day. This lie does in poetic metre throughout, during which he introduces many of his best poems, the whole a poem of rare merit. No one can listen to his lecture without being improved. He had a large and intelligent audience, ami a handsome profit was netted for the benefit of the M. K. Sabbath School library. No one should fail tb hear hi in on Friday evening of next week, the 13th. Wehopetosee the Uuiversiilist Church filled to Us utmost capacity. Ail will be wet] pleased. v Notice. All election for a new Board ol Officers for the McHenry Cemetery, together with other business of import­ ance in the Interests of the Cemetery will be held in the Universalis! Church on Tuesday evening.February 10th, at 7J o'clock. The lot-holders aud other citizens are respectfully invited. Ily Order of the Board, Old Settlers' Orgauizatioii, ANNUAL MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the, An­ imal Meeting of Ihe Old Settlers* Or­ gauizatioii ties, for the election of officers for the eusuiiig year, and the transaction of general business, will be liehL at the Uiversule House, in Mclleurv.on Thurs­ day. February iJ6tlr, 1880, at 1 o'clock P.M. All Old Settlers, and others in­ terested In the orgauizatioii are ear­ nestly requested to be present. J. 11. JOHNSON, President. 4. Vax'Slvke, secretary. IF your W atcli. Clock or Jewelry Is out of repair, call on Robt, MprfUt* Nunda. He will repair them in shape, ou short notice aud iu a workmanlike lianaer. NUNDA EDITOR Pi.AtXDEALKR:---The remains of the late Alvah A. Rice, formerly a Dentist here were conveyed to Chicago last Friday morning for interment, Dan MeClure arrived home last Thurs­ day to spend the rcm iiuder of the winter witli his family. He is looking much better than he waft when he was home last summer. A goodly i^iimherof our citizens took in the Pinafore at McHenry on Friday of last week. If all stories are .irtie there was something else taken in be­ sides the Pinafore by a few frpin here.. Mr. Claysou Is now ready to Contract with the farmers to raise cucumbers and give them fifty ce^it^ per bushel.-- We think this looks forward to better times. The Revival at the M, E, Church is still iu progress Preaching tills Thurs­ day evening and Friday evening by the Presiding Elder. * D. P. Wood burn delivered a Temper­ ance Lecture Iu our sjreets last Satur­ day evening, a'practical one, and any one could see the evil in all its. forms by example recitation. lie however got so Interested In bis sub­ ject that It became necessary to put hi in In the "^Cooler*' for tfievfin?ahee of the night. On Monday he was brought before Justice PetMbouc aud fined $b and costs. We hope the one 'hat sold him the liquor will have to pay to the full extent of the law. Geo. Bryant glories In the fact tliMt he is "papa" to a boy of 9 pounds. J. II. Paliher spent Saturday and Sunday with his family, and returned to the city again ou Monday morning. Whin in*want of au easy folding rocking Chair call ou Richardson the Furniture man and lie can suit you. The Union Sunday school bids fair to he a success. A goodly number were in attendance last Sabbath and from the interest manifested lu trying to arrive at the truth of the Gospel we bespeak for them a good attendance each Sabbath. We hope many more will cornedn and helt> to make it a suc­ cess. Tlisy invite Wl to coute, no mat­ ter, of what Deu&tfi I nation, and help to read aud iutei'pret the Scriptures rightly. Mr. Richardson, the Superin­ tendent, is highly complimented by all as being tiie man for the place. The measles are raging in town to considerable extent, aud 40 far they are comparatively light, as no deaths have cccured among the little ones and none reported dangerously ill. Elder Bacon has been troubled of iate witli Hemorrhage of the Lungs.-- It Is earnestly hoped that nothing seri­ ous will come from it, and that hie health may be permanently restored. Last Sunday, while Elder Bacpu was watering his horse at the well of Mrs. Bunion Aunt Mary Robinson came out to inquire after Ids health aud while returning to the house slipped and felj breaking her right leg below the kuee. DISSOLUTION. Tlie Co-I'artnersMp heretofore ex­ isting under the firm name of Warner A Hamilton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said-ftrtti, eith­ er by Note or book account, are re­ quested to call aud settle the same without delay, as our book# inwst bo closed up at once. The biitduess of the late firm will be carried 011 by W. T. Hamilton, who will be glad to see all Ids old custom­ ers, aud such uew oues as may see lit to call. D. B. Warkk*, w. T. HAUILTOV. Ktrada, III., Jan. Sist, lseo. b __ TRUNKS! TRUNKS! of Luke and McHenry Conif^ Sale Cheap. By John B. Blake, TO SHOE BUYERS. 1 'Having the exclusive sale for^ Ijhis to\v> of the well known aud ccleUnited Beloit Shoes, every pair of which is warranted, we would say too all Inter­ ested in the purchase ol Shoes that we have placed in stock a lull line of these goods in Ladies and Misses line Goat and Kid side laced autf h(Uttou. Also Ladies French Kid in eide lace and button. These Shoes ;tre perfect fil­ ling and tor style aud durability are unsurpassed. Call and look at them whether you want to buy or not, (X>LBY BROS. Go to Mrs.Nichols'for Millinery acd PNTTFA Muklftifi WOOOSTOCK » EDITOR PLAINDEAMCR : -- Circuit Court finally adjourned Wednesday of last week. The petit Jurors were dis­ charged the week previous. Johu Cra- gaii. for burglary at Harvard, was sen­ tenced to oue year In the Penitentiary The man who was With hiilk escaped conviction. John Leonard plead guilty to killing the water carrier at Harvard, and goes to the Stat* Prison for ten years. , •• • For threq %veek or more protracted meetings have been in progress at the M. E. Church. As we have not had op­ portunity to be present we know noth­ ing of the attendance or tlie results. Some of our citizens are trying to organize a military <k>mpauy. A meet­ ing for the purposo was l^eld at the Court House Saturday cvenlny, but .we do not know what Was done. We shall not apply for membership. If memory Jbe not at fault we did our share In that line', when to be a soldier was some­ thing more than mere ' pastime. Sin­ cerely we wish the effort success, snd may the new company be as ready, in case of necessity, to serve their coun­ try as the old Woodstock Light Guards were in 1861. Since our last dentil has been brtsy in our town and vicinity. Saturday night Jan. 24th, Mr. John R. Walnwrlght died of congestion of the ltm<*s, aged 68. He had been a citizen of the ooun- ty 34 years, and was a faithful member of the Baptist Church. Sunday even­ ing Mrs. G. W. Waterman, three miles south of town, passed away with some lung disease, aged 41. She leaves a husband and three children, all in fee­ ble health, to mourn her loss. She was a member of the F. M. Church In Pleas­ ant Valley. Both were interred on Tuesday lu the cemetery at Franklin- ville. Tuesday morning Jacob Geider, of Woodstock died of consumption, aged32. Funeral services were held at the Catholic Clpirch Thursday. His German aud Catholic friends have ren­ dered tiiuely assistance to the be­ reaved family. There has been some Diphtheria in town. We have hear<f of one death. George Mansfield, a pu- Dll in room 4of our Public School.-- The disease caused a panic hi the school, aud for a few days the attend­ ance wa3 reduced more than one-half. But the daugefhas apparently passed away, and the school Is as full as ever, and as prosperous. We hear of a good deal ot sickness In some adjoining neighborhoods, aud lu some places schools have been temporily closed. Tli3 Red Ribbon Club elected officers last Tuesday evening as follows: Peter Whitney. President; Miss Jen­ nie Lemers, Vice President; Charles Northup, Secretary; Fred Kimberly, Financial Secretary; L. S.Page, Treas­ urer. lu future the uieetlugs«re to be held in the diflerent churches. It is respectfully suggested to some of the young men aud ooys who con­ gregate at the Post Office about mall lime that the boisterous behavior sometimes indulged fit there Is offen­ sive to many, especially the ladies.-- It is right and natural for boys to have fur., but some regard is due to time, place, aud the feelings of othen. Blchnioiid Depairtiiieait OOKTBfBITTCD »T 8. *. BKHXKTT. ^ • S. P. BKSJTKTT is hereby authorized totake anbteri.itions and order* for *dv<*rtislnrf MMt Job W( TK for the I'LAISDKALKU, rer.esy* moncv therefor and receipt for the Aiune.-- All or !er< loft with him Will receive prompt a t ten t ion,--Editor. To tho£e gifted 1a profanity the present state of tlje roads gives con­ genial employment, • • Cliauneey Sweet, an old ami respect­ ed resident of the Townitilp of Burton was buried last week: We are luformett of typho-pneuuionlK. At this writing the diphtheria. Ic this vicinity *eeni9 to be confined to the few families ilrst attacked and alt patients are considered out of danger. The performa nce of a negn> minstrel on "de hones" is eclipsed by the Invol­ untary performance of any tlilu man who rides over our country mails this winter. His bones will do a plenty of rattling without musical skill hi the possessor o* the aid of a uegro win- strel. ' ,£ Inn. «f. Vfti, Itntliie, d«i;>rhtei' of Mr. and Mrs. Jaiaea S. OverUw, i •r.... t ,n__ Stolon, on her tsth birthday. i _ 4' * *"*'\ * BrB",0Jr S. M. Owen s*. , v. • Good Ove Clothing iitv sale byL. Mcliewry, _ || bt atork m Becker* The Mead Bonslett. near Call and fee the Winter L'lolhlng at BKFOKE p»m"!s«st and see tl»o»eiH'*' where Mis. BttS will s#U y I t fort to 3ul«y .• the WILL PAT F. W. Mead. JUei n Wagon sad ITWHIJ^T TO try * geod eveMWRiii W# km large assortment. T;-- T M. Owen's^# The Mollne Owen's. Pi lies. tol stock lit town, at L ** It Yen to !>«y a Buffalo jBo^e Martin. In Wagohs.Or Buggict *re defy petition either In litisriitl used, en#rl(|^^ inaii»liip. or prlve„ F. W. Meed, BlePf mood. VOLO. EOITORPI.AINDUALF.II:--There Is but little news this week, the condition of the roads up to the present time mak­ ing it almost Impossible to move, Cole, the Marble man of Waukegan, has been around here lately. He has jiut put up a Monument at the grave of Mr. Morley, that he informs us cost ei25. All quiet In the city limits. As we were coming along tM#' street tli£ other day we heard a lady singing, aud we know that she meant business, A part of the soug that she was sing­ ing was as follows: "I've a letter from thy sire, baby mine, he's a coming home or he\a liar, baby mine, he's chuck full of wine, he's a coming o'er the Rhiue, be had better hide Ids sign, baby mine. I've been waiting since high noon, baby mine. L aui waitiug with a broom. 1 will chase him round the room, while his nose f hi lies through the gloom, baby mine.'11 ' ' Our Wagou Maker. Mt. Moore, Is quite sick with the Quinzy. We hope to see hiiii around again soon. Johu Gale lost a valuable cow the other day. E.Carpenter has bought Bud Husoh'ft house ou the Prairie, and Intends to move It into Volo. but what he iutond* lo do with it then we don't know. There is a rumor that Chris. Sobble is about selling his Restaurant. A young daughter of Mf» Wells Has been quite sick but is now better. A Spaukliiig is going to open a Harness Shop here. War! War! War! We suppose war is about to be declared as Mr. Wrought has come hi possession of a deadly piece of Artillery, anil a master gun.-- This looks as if he had declared war in earnest. Somebody "better as he look a leetle oud." It is seldom we have to record a death which has caused snch wide spread sorrow ar, that of Rntliie Over­ ton. Born and brought up among, n*. we have known her from a wee baby through all her short and beautiful life to the hour when. In the blush of her opening womanhood ami on her natal day, she passed from amoug ns to meet us in the earthly form no more. It is usual to speak well Of those we misname the dead, whether their lives deserve an eulogy or not. It 1$ due tn the reverence we feel In the presence of that mvstery we call death. But with Kuthle, whatever flowers of affec­ tionate prai«e we lay upon her bierf cannot be more pure ard loyal than the departed life to which they are a tribute. And if we who stand outsidw of the family circle, with r.o ties of blood or Intimate companionship to warp our judgment or give us _cle5rer Insight Into the excellencies of her character, yet love her, and mourn her with a keen pang at our hearts, h«w pljeotis must l»e the desolation of the hearth that has echoed her home foot­ steps, and the hearts that claimed her us kin by blood! Such sorrow, human sympathy cannot heal, though it flow in tides bread aud deep as the pitying ocean, to take the sorrowing In its al- embracing arms. But we sorrow full offaltb. With Ingersoll we exclaim: "lu the night of death Hope sees a star, and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing." By-and-by only oue little breath of air will be between us and those who have jonrned beyond the borderB of earth. Onu breath, aud the Inystery Is solved for ns forever,.an^ we see our departed face to fao»» COMK HACK NWKRT MAt. ' TO MISS MAY BKNNRT^ Thebotue la etillaad lone withontyen. My loving, fairy May, • The Joy your presence ahods No longer MM the day; Your voice that prattles joy born word*. As wa#bles forth the untamed bird*, Wheusprings first song their bird heart# 1 stirred. . today, • -• <X«»e back, •wSSt|Ia>J^s^J;vi«*.i^ii O tweet, your rythmte, rlppUn| laughter As purling of -.he brooka, That, in the month they named yon forsake their winter nooks! Your footstep lalieth aoft and light; A« fairy's MudaU, when at sight They meet, to dance tilt morning Shatl fright awray! Come back, sweet May! Yonr tender eyes still mirror The world above the stars, '*" ••'> ITrom whence your soul, so puieand satat^y. Flew down to ours J Their golden lashes scarce do serssa The glistoning of the mischief gleam, The nnformed thought, the childish dream Of childhood's day Come back, sweet May: Your lips seem trembling still, with staging The songs of Paradise, ! So late 'tis since thy soul waa rlnginf u " With music of the akles! fe;; N; Sweet lips! there kisses love to groW*; .'* There dimpled smiles e'er come amt|A And trembling too with others we# In sympathy, ,. Owe back, sweet May.. •.,•' O Father, in thy loving kindaess, Her footsteps giiid* and Ireep, ,•>.< Ijest we should lead her in on# b.nfclnesa, t-,tj To danger's rocky steep! i. 0 keep her lips troin speaking gtiilK, And in her heart let gladness a nile, . Uphold, *nd teach, and bless her, white With us she stay, , Sweet, loving May) Costa PA vis. 5"' V AUCTION SALE. ' The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, ou Lewis Hatch's farm, three miles East of Spring Grove, near Wiu. Watts, on Thursday, "Feb. 12th, 1880, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M., the fol­ lowing property: 1 span work horses, 1 span work mares, with foal, 1 year­ ling colt, 5 milch cows, coming ill soon. 2 two year old steers, 1 two year old heifer, 5 spring calves, 60 sheep, 600 »bushels com in the ear, 350 bushels of ^outs, 1 pair bob sleighs, 1 lumber wag- ^n.l sulky cultivator,! single cultiva­ tor, 2 plows. 1 double drag, 2 sets double harness, 1 Buckeye mower, 1 Hollingsworlh hay rake, 15 tons good sloagh hay, a lot of household goods, .consisting of stoves, bedsteads, chairs, Ac. " *" TERMS OF SALIC.--All sums of #5 and under Cash. "Over that Sinn a credit of Seven Mouths will be xlven on up* proved Notes at 7 perceut interest. Two per cent o0 for cash. • HEKBT Wsavvtaux. 9. K. GKASOEK, Anotiuneer. ' : Clocks, from tipwarii. rauted. ATU, W. Owen's, ROOMS~TO RENT. Suitable for « family. For particulars inquire of Joins at the Furniture Store. % *"15 , Buckeye Owen's. Force Pumps, at £. fart ha* « 5# •••• t; % ,: jS; i For A nobby suit, go to Lrnr Beckers, near the Depot. All the /Irat-cW^~ Plow* •! S. A. Oweu's.' The J. f . Cibe Sulky Oweu's. 4 ... • < The Qrand D.T<U>r MULW riov at M. Owen's. Autograph Albums, trom tve upwards, at O. W. Owen's. ̂ A fine line of Gent# F«mlshin|f Gooila at Lauer FT Becker's aeaf It# peptn. • • « ^ The finest stock of Fall and W!*t*|T Cloths In tlie County at Lsttit % Becker's, hear the Depot* Clothing cheaper Lauer & Hacker's. twr; Ten 15 light Windows,glase 8x10, perfect, for side cheap bytk W. Ow#%; ' ITwlLirrAY" • To consider quality as well as pvleo ' when you buy a boot. ' Bumulre *er • ; "HeuderA»n'» Chicago Perty Mantira«^ - ' ""i» « * 5"~*" v To keep the feet dry and wafni. 4 Uubiter Boot will it* So w||| a warm lined boot We hafe Mtie «»ir.-v . .., , BOB SLKIGilSj AXD QVTtWtBkt At F. W, Mead's, RichnuNMl, aMi;; Warranted. Call ami <we tlieiu. - A fine lot of Jewelry, atl klu^k Qeuts Watcli clialtts, Ac., at Lstuvri Becker's. . A full stock «>f Vibrator Extras fst Nichols. ShepArdtt Co'a. Thre^lieKs K. M. Oweu's. . If you want Rubber Goods of mil, kind, a good grain leather Kip «r Htied Boot, tjfotblttg, Ondefwear, ' call at Fitzsiinitkttus A Evanseu. wlw«e JfV<« Will find plenty of tIMi aa4 - «§. ' bed rock prices. < Extra quality Cotton Battlac We. • i. at Fiaastminons & F--tuttrn i is.- - • * Kvaiiaoiu TAKE NOTICK, Ten Dollars In Uatli fl||^ Clothes, 1 Overcoat, 1 Mat or Cap and 1 Neck-tie at Mkous & Evanson. Low Price# and good iroilu Mitrtltt, Jeweler. Nntida. 1)1, - New aud Stylish Dress fioa# received at --rrr & FvaaMaT For Sulfc In the village of^Ringwood. a Haui>t Barn, and seven acres of Land, fcROffl| ; as the Lester place. On the ptaM ' w" plenty of Fruit, constating' ill ftnpiil'" Pears. Cherries, Ac. WM» Water. The house has and Is In good repair. Wfll «U fa# cash or on time if • ^ ̂ ML •' " 'V • II, - further particulars inquire of Riaewoon, SOT, MH. WUK . WeawMrlMhMte forbss:^ J The relebniteii Foi^i, Clnllery. the only Gal^rr ln ti of McHenry. A first- possession given at one#. E. M, OWKM. Felt Sklrtl fiUc. Svanson. Louisiana Clarified Sttgfr.far Ml# Fitssiuiiuotis & Evanson. , 40- McHenry Market. - ('*i \ ' Weltenry, III. Xe*. ISth ^ .? The Prices Mow are such aa are paid If. , dealera. : ' "'1' Rti 11 er ......V.. Cheese... : ...u.,s ...J^v.... Kggs, per PotatotM, per htMriiet .... Wheat, per ...h...... Otis per bushel.... .tiki*. h'lsx S«Msd. Clover - Heed......;!.... Timnthy ss«t LiveUMP* per (Iuadr«4.... .. POULTRY WANTED. Cash and the Highest Market i*rlce paid for all kinds of Poultry at my Poultry House, near the Depot, McHenry. Bring along your Poultry, C. T.KLDBZOOC. MCSEMST, Jan, 27th, L»A CiLL at Mrs. K. W. Howe's for fancy gooito. • ' 4' Waucouda Oyster Booms. 1 would respectfully Inform the cit­ izens of Wauconda aud surrounding country that I am now prepared to furnish tlieiB with Fi*sh Oysters of the best Brands, by the Can or Dish, at all hours of the day or evening. My Re­ freshment Parlors are cosily fitted up, well warmed and lighted, aud uo pains will be spared to please all who call. 1 also make a specialty of all kinds of (Jan Goods, aqd k?Ml> $ .Hue of Confectionery. Give the a call. J K- A. GOLDIHG. \ 0F Eastern Trolling HoOks. The finest MARGU DON'T buy your Cloaks until yowlmve looked at Mrs. S.Searles' large stock.-- Can show the nicest cloaks for the least money ever sold iu McHenry,-- Come sup see for yourself. CALK, at Besley*# Drag Store and 1 examine the splendid assortment -. , 2hZ - t.M.t K . • Buy the Louisiana Clarified Su«ar Urtleto of tlie kind ever brought to .flWhWWB. IF. » f , ' X . ' - . " C , V K - - ̂ "> ' - .. 1 * t is» S. %. « - V - . s X ' . The WDI Tonle IMut aad Quart

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