Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1880, p. 8

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»rs HI .VW.;T« RCLWO^ u .tUgfe FCVERY NPPR«R the triiportaf f^rnooneiatlon. 4 UM , \V 0 P< JS , 0# IS TEACHER* FOTL „„_J'wrs q^ite ><J£» ^LUF#LHW*4LIL r»graph?V: PTQ0D$RTF URATE TRTH ^PROFITABLE TO 1 JESSOTJS. I l l* 03 t.a§d interesting, pJ^tRerMr. Sin?Wc »g tft0 *i»cesl that a g ^^PtiBhool (low «0l t lihoiit stopping S|p:£&«HMill points in wfc A _ lie would spend tin Pjj£_ tl#l points Hi wM^» *&&?. *•« - |>.!I, RJch»rtH0«'«BX0i '•};%•• urd Philosophy was cxce plan of representing the .di'fle i. •.. - visions of the subject is plain. x^'X'aiid complete. His exerclff Vj£ hm been ' • tod short to Jo such Hi* exerct An exercise on the 0onst;|W| r^the United States wndnct^bf; ^ Italdwin, completed the efewtaes '^f - 'Mw|the day. and ali seemed to^feel that 4J fheiliy1h*d been w*« spoilt; Th® Jr*i business of lm|»ortan^^r^sa«Sec|, Jla# '% the sleztlon iX IX, II. Rl«!iaPdso«^as V,--' Secretary iindaeeof Mils Cumins, ire-* jtt* * tfgned.-*nda vote ordering\Mr. Rich-. m- " to have 300 copies of the <%n*titufi#i* if and P.ydawsprinted in^amphlet fori*, P" ;7 fi* the use <?| the Association ; ̂ . - Read'W^aHy the following f^We „ "RJid then say % y®#; fgfc** |c - yon think of It.* v ' Wliat d» you think of mrnh ftwstr m fc-.. ..$m> find In 'ithe oflhsial«tateto(?ate«f the rOMRfliMowrof Educatl.ocf • ft „• 4" Pacts lite the following: • - •,.: t " I; f l|j The selioo^popnlsytioii. of.p States is. -•*• • 'p4J37,784. ;• "W .. v ;;| The »umbetO». alailyattemlaitce I* .,< S«y%it the one ' from the iiiid wtfcnflLthaf we.* havp pj WPBfife. VWft>aE- •' -• • «•' '•" ..©IfiPART *f the .'»• r'„ . of any Polit 'jStltC#. It 18 *" >*-1 CJodterj, CBaow&n, aadt WUlaw-ware, Groceries, fK., ©t^i "V"'" ^ lav© ollof the Stoc&s of Teii8 te»%e found lit the :«m«nea Wiat In q«|l% and price. m&m w ^mrnnii ... A* » % •-• In ani i**»«i tmc? ing Political, Uterary and Is Mtettqtim'Af t't e proprietors of the INTKH «X!8»SPipate neither puna or ex- jifssso to ke«p II fully aiireast of th«i ttmc^ in •all things. How is the lime to Subside. tb« wy. . * " -v» New Hardware Store.", Farmers I am better prepared thie seat. with »i^cjK)d:-^i|!r* imd nt LifcW hwej t->. . tf « ' " * J ' All the First S9BS9BB . ,y • ' v "t;" i. At h>-•:%%«> ^fiiFsg seas oriftel Plows Tn the mi^kot. ^.re warrsteted iu my »oil# Also got four different P'"rs'"?1,11 ;w"rrante^5, ISFMr^A % PUM»»Sl,*T'^'fltTMPS'!' --fdHPSJ! TP"mfT4^i fllso have a Hill assortment of the celebrated IJUCKEYE FQROE mwM, fo*~* Wood Pnmp. " nm* ii In ihUconntix ^liable to beceoMi iii ^I>E1I,ER IX~ anil every erne fins giy«h one year. *' ^ ^ »»sr •• -* V |a:vrters for tWJefelehrated Emitter^# over flfty^itfin the past two years I St: ^fSilh<t me. M»Se taws to' 4lspo»«% ot • tktoatul property. The facts are abundant to prore that f x when the •dtioationof the people is neglected, when the children are left to grow up unruly, uutr.iincd and vi- ".. cio'is; the school yea«i^wast<^^l^^:;f|#.: ; m o r a l i c e d ; t h e p a r e n t * e m h l t - ..*•. taretl. ̂ qnftrretsofte, tiwlwlw.'- yoong '•..are lost to industry,. Ift^lJgehcsB'"vaad „honorable dtixe«»?Mp. -v.5' Mr. Tax-payer, yotl' '6aEt" iateo' your; eholse between go'»d «^lfi?ens asiil bad x. QU6S--howbad ftiul -eorr!ipt, stKl 1^w8s-"! ehlevous and erl«iti>^| tt bfli ||f told till their race fs riiii 'and ended-- 1' ended in the,hovel, the grog shop, the ly poor-hoifce. Mit jail, tfag p^sog, of? on ®|/ • tiie gallows. - "I - *"• {i !'.t Property pays t|ie fi«|t »f tfl f tSH you get nothing for the taxes yoit ^'-?%iy in this" direction--ott)(jr,; |V not.a real |>retsctio»n ,*; |: --^f. lie* thin •mmMioA ;!»f ' tht«- <rth»' of puMia ps«; plainly. %ef6ro district?'" " '* ..f Dothey ^^tnniHtV,^/: . . ,, " Be t itey hiiow* ' Tine® d of t^eyj^^P# ednc.ite tha en«ibi^te#-«Jk«'^ taxed to support theitr as panniers, #> piuifsli criminals? - Property'paj'g the cost- of, and * tfee •a4>rnofw.but.<Hn of ©i'j^BSe.ol'aifMi# criminal pr© ; t, " *,v; •• > This question cannot be put off. Shall we ^«It^teVand'sayf|ihe.^p|iq^ or be taxed to p«misl|»nd jwovi^i the adult»afet^M»3l«^0a;i wtlof Bdmalbm. lil youfh the haHltofSfstete, iti^th* ©«1, and aaltV-- fjOrrtiie^- others; and'iiw «iraM|8 and cnj©y mtuU %vi»i ch- result from. It. are more ttian tiie wealth and honors tt'hlrfi their always secure.--#, T. TrmefyrHge. ;.,-|; A New'"0r^ii8.i.iililli«i§l»?. had graved en hi* to-nbstoue % • iMes of m' maxims whidi W ; preecrlbed ,'M th^rules for lilt- • tttfttogh life and tft^hicli ft tt.ifiily at- | j . . tr tbutabiefB|yi | j j | i ier ihratya that labor is one of th<ft|^|illoas ef f'xist- ence. 2. Tiiire in gold ; tlirow |io| on« minute away, but plnce each one to account. 3. Do unto all tneii as I# *fo«ld be done bv, 4. Newel any matter eo trifling as not tm&KMt ie notice. S. Never give out which does not flrst eom« in. $/ Let the greatest order "reguUfc the 'Hhtn»^e> tiona of your life. 7, sm% the e^mrse of jour lifp to do the greatent Amount «»f ^00 (1. ft, l>«.jtrive youi*Hei! of noth» g necessary to yowNNMHf<»rt. but Hye 1 *'» honorable simplloit y an«l reguhir. 9. Labop# IIIAM. to ihtt last ino- oryour exlstenoe. * y w , J • 4 J -sfAa^lpection of C^ods and Prices if solicited IN tdflwdw, Table and docket Cutiwy, '•* SpadeB^^vcls, f^jnC«™ Knivet, Axe., OrlndrtOtt®,. CRANife- iROii AND TINWARQ • v - ' - v • . . * ' • • - J . S T C R Y . • i. iK'- Tk Cop&H1 aBtfSireet Irra.Ware; Table and Poekj^rOattcrv, Sfisssr^ iMMt , --|or9e «h«ca. Horseehod ry »lotcriptioii. .UMI • kept in a Ilard- Iiich- »o J'waJl}latfQrnL8brliEg'% a^oii thaKo 4'hul' . .; . » - r . • ' t i . . ' ••» h' ' 'i*'»« < "* r ^ l^if^nt fall aarl7tn^w: 1 a suit. t^P W ^taud, Upposite the Mill. ' > r ^ v if 04" cam SHEARS^ (I01 ;ao4 icrally IS. M. OWE1V, Ill ml r Bmm A PracticaJ Workman, *« • • . - . • • * • I sitatl *pam »e {nitis In trytma |i #re mtW- flkntion to all who faror me with their uatron. ife. • & - ,•• * - «• ' .41^' •* ' - * • * • A^4pl#i /»); •* ;The Old l^eliable Sto -All Kinds of Jobbing Iu my line will reccire pTORipt attention, ci • JC ' . . = • • " ' > i " Please icivft me a call before purchasing .ilsewtiere when in uaed of anvthinc in my. hue % I . M. MEAD. H»near#,0et40th. Mrs. '•'I „'R.i --g%> 1 • .H -- JOHN38URGH |pi's ' m •.fi • : Hi >4ted^4 W %»>•- . . $S*'W*rsf> jS£- J#*. % i ' « ' *4rf. i wX. +->hz '"*> A; VIGOROUS' t f* ' . •?:» P*>" 4.fSfe<i|': fc •--'4^ irtW'A ,-:. , ...... .... ,. • '•••'• ' • • . V --DEAJ.KK IN--, • * ;: Driigs^l^siiws, Paints, Oils, Toilet Articles Pto^e Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Use. h!*, * '•• t »•«, .TV • ^ ^ -v*> ' % ^ w; .t §! * < r" •' j, ' • . -s • - • ••« :J< ' ' -'--4- • f»».. •*} -:i*v "®S •;;V, * Il te-A 4 *«!• ' - .tJ v?' 4 . .^-1, • • - •. -r- .-.-w K «»>• •» '««•'* ̂ 'V*f ife " ' ' ' / v. , ^ . 1 w- r *.,r f .. . . . . . . . . , . . e Store Is heavily' stocked with n^w a: t'>. - V.-' and-*while it enjoys a most gratityiti^^Kle--is com- - J»*ei»ttp»«pplyptli«r.thou«an<J» offcitomei^,, 4, ; ^ NOW ISK^TMIS TIMI} : ' laha schools bavo 41 teacher*. Rnd ^ptipils. Ilic salary of the High «1 prux'tjial -is §38(1. ^lalu teachers femalo :RENRy MILEER,f '--rDKAt.RRJN-r- " " American and Foreim MarWe. Monuments, Headstones* # y'j JBittern. Aiiigrican & Constantly Shop Two mtlc , 111. 5j^baskwtf b, Aug.' fbrn-y ;:w- ' T^-make mMnis of 3C#atcat 9lwHlons^^im^'lkisC'^^ic8,.I-|^:,.:yi kind# of 8ILK, WOOI> aiid tXJTIO! 'D ft ESS ^OOIW. Ir SHAWLS, CLOAKSv GLOVES and IIdSIE|V, and in PBINTS of extmordinary goodness and cheapness* we ate imexocllel. Gen- &r> Wm.fiDd here,*m ** *;• •' I Constitui FlfRPitfiHtwc HATS, cm, &e! . Slit VlK county." ma ana examine* ««r stock «nrt lea.. ^Hea^ Oct. 1st A . >1 « R» BISHOP, Proprietor. ̂ >p*fr , ir ' ' ' - - *• •; <*W " -,., . - , f "• • l }_ ' nry •. * k ,'-r ^ ami *» ctioi».C«^ra«i)te^.< IgriM xfe i»u h(>'\e ot reaver lion?. „iit pre . 1 # . ̂ r > » t v ' v fov ^ hS^'VS" ' KCHEARR»LFC|J%KWII, --r?--.'.'"Itun ijn. • -iffii'^r' .Iijftjr<•'; ,.:*v . Mcllenry, 111., Aug. JOth, 18T9 Sr4* count- • Pleas§ Jl *•• *'j~. "' ,• * '" - - - > • ***' ' HEDUOEI) PRICE »:x ssistsrsra; 52V*-.7 8&S- '«l: * 4, CJJSaapeit ajid No'b%: mpde. ., AH styles at Has the l^nest Stock ef See Price List ia our Clot hie* erwear, * ./ » . •"?>? •*?*<• * tt rn. *1... £ |L • JJ&. .-art fht te- !uje. It is r r oloiwt inspection.! TI^pubHcshoullt not E. M. Owen'a. ^ ; v [II . i.111 1 iifi<r^«iii|. "inI" 1 Granite TRABE Department Suits from I Coats irom $ Pants from Vests from 50c, mmwsi 'r£mM wards Ms ,Mm m iiitsniade to t Kei* Yori lp«|cl(#ll «ip> |id- iiifri at this stort II soon and iathe # ' 1 found in the best place to trade la chare# of Mrs. •. Kairoan, wjth latest Kr,T»»ttte*lft Ladt antlZuteltitog rea«i|:' 'Mm mrn^., Sold Its Wellenry, and every *Niere by all - Drtcrf " "" Wttl l>« found a Compl Huts, Caps, Boets aii4'41H|W8 nuhttyr Cioode* U m hrclM'S.^S'fttg Mae Efr.i %te. H* MAIM AN. X of % * #i. leensets of t*io Roc torn <1 W®11 ',y-* 8i™pleMK*s^.t'M^tt*P5t(.r2i- 3 taaT* sR Y c*8 m*4' ®?.'*11, MclIeftry»Kov» 25th, 1870. 5 - * A*, /"' *, " . ur ;; fpr „ >•*"'"•/; sr-'-. - • : :i 11.^;' !v>-' ^«S ?mlL of CONSTi-ra -- . times ft flay," i «Htlllf>lll*< PI' . tnflaia3tk>» «f the Kitir.aM&tmie il#ttie Oia<Mer, of tiie B!ad ie^BMtvt, bete«. Unirel, Brick-Dust " * " Weakness. *. '• '. *•> eakness. . *•* Female CemyhOats a - SfMSi^. g For Uv all Ur«ss«?#ts. Reitd tor *.*. * e * 'tm Uy&rili**' r •s*r' •** ^*** ^ « *'•

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