Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Mar 1880, p. 4

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AT, If ARCH 84,1880. Xklltor. ANDGARCKLON. UimgBBt H»d confiding Garceioti ^ »uit»«notied before1 tlie fnveo- «Onmailtt«e of the M»in« hire, and. in imitation of the 'Democratic Reformer In whose interests the Maine fraud is not the only one that has boen .concoct­ ed, asserted under oath, hi* profound Igftomooe of niiy fraudulent tampering with the election returns of that State. The Committee on Elections opened ••id tabulated the returns, and he knew nothing in regard to the result. Cer­ tificates were brought him to *ig"« which he supposed were made out in Accordance with the returns. He first learned of the counting out through the papers and was pleasantly surprised fct tlce result. Garcelon's claim to a place on the Democratic Presidential ticket. along with Tilden. can no longer tte ienored. Niieh an Innocent" and simple pair with their unbounded trust and confidence in the honesty of the world In general, and their immediate nosnclMtes fn particular, would com­ mand universal admiration and support Kmi the Ghost of Cronin would smile as <t contemplated the immaculate pair. WC*ARD aa^r. Z, DIXON, Managing Partner Formerly Traveling salesmn W. B\ Quail ' |0* In Logan's Great speech last week, he drew sharp contrast be­ tween the dilatory action of Fitz John Porter when ordered Into battle by Pope, and that of another corps commander Gen. Hurlbut when or­ dered Into astion by Grant. Hurlbut with 6.000 men lay abont fortr miles from Corlntli, while Rosen- crans occupied another angle of a tri­ angle of which Corinth was the apex. Grant telegraphed to Hurlbut to march immediately to a certain point near l/orinth. Hurlbut replied repeating Ms orders and adding **If I under­ stand these orders they involve the lost of my entire command.1* Grant replied simply, **Yon understand my orders." Hnrlbut moved forward; ytitapched thirty-two miles without liiiiiipiiig; and lost about one-third of Apis men; but his prompt action result- Si in compelling tbf evacuation of Corinth--a glorious victory for the Union army. . When Grant next met Hnrlbut, he told him- that when he sent that or- dsr !;? Jieverexpected to see him again Hurlbut replied, that is what I expec­ ted when I started to obey. If Gen. Pope had had Hurlbut in place of Fits John Porter, a glorious Union victory would in all probability have resulted, and the war might have been ?hort- ehied by years.--Sycamore Republican. V*The thing to do Is to enlarge the Illinois and Michigan Canal into a ship ' iinal, and improve the connecting 1111- Dfip river to the same «nd. This tKoi^dtolve the Chicago drainage and (Br problem, and at the same time Kjgive the commerce ©f a vast region of ||onntry the benefit of cheap freights im the Mississippi and Missouri riv pjirs to the seaboar j. via rivers, lakes ^and cauals that would be navigable by Steamer*. The people of the great ; Valley ol the Mississippi could not do wiser thing than to unite in [Strong pull, a long pnll. and a pull tn- [ Hether" to push this prnpvsitioa into | practical effect.--Journal. •©"Every week developes. new [proofs of the, unlimited wickedness of [those who attempted to steal the (government of Maine. An examination [of papers left by Governor Garcelon Ishowed that in one return which lud Ibeen thrown out because the middle letter of one name was H instead of A. Ithe H appeared to have been changed nroin A by scratching and rewriting.- fThe town clerk of the town for which tins return was made was summoned nd swore that tjje letter was written and that he never made an II in the aay in whlch that was made. , , Ewiiw^Pi.Ai^iffiis^-^he Lotti«i- ana «o|jM«d Jubilee Singers" hoiked their M|eop, yipped their yaws, and cut their monkey shines to the great delight of a large and enthusiastic audience on Tuesday evening last. The debating society was squelched by these "artist^' who drew away the de­ baters and compelled a poetponment. It i* good to know what kind of an en- tortalnment just suits YTaueonda** cultured amusement seekers. The Wednesday evening Party by the Terps.C!ub, was well attended and everything passed of! pleasantly and satlstactorlly. Fifty-eiglil couples were present. • St. Patricks day passed without an event worthy of note to distinguish it from any other hum drum daj' iu Wauconda. The Auction Sato of Mr. Richard Bonner was largely attended la?t Thursday. After the sale,in the after* noon, a goodly number who had gathered in the village street were amused by an exhibition trot--an im­ promptu aflair. One of the horses went faster than the other one, at- least it was so stated by a bystandet. Either could probably "go in 7 minutes". Many farmers have returned to their first love and are carrying their milk to the factory again. Several more are arranging to follow suit. The factory then, is iu for a small, "boom," en its own hook. Messrs. R. C. Hill and W. H. Ford set for their neighbors and for farmers generally a most excellent example last week. They each took a, team and scraped the roads down in fine shape. The advantages ofsueh a performance to thejarmer are as plain "that a way- fairing man though you all know the rest. The Almanac advertised Spring, to begin at 50 minutes past 11 on Friday evening last. Several young men here who took their girls out to see if they could see any change iu the weather or appearance of things took severe colds, an da half dosen mangy looking robins.- who tried to carry out the programme next morning, nearly froze to death. Mr. M. G. Sheldon, State deputy I. O. G. T.. is announced to speak in Good Templars Hail on next Saturday evening the 27th. The G. T. will hold open lodge. The exercises will be enlivened with appropriate music, songs, recitations Ac. Everybody is invited. The I'eachers held an Institute on Saturday. Slitfi attendance in the fore­ noon, but b^Uer in tlie afternoon. The feature of the day was the lecture on chemistry, illustrated by pleasing experiments and conducted br Mr. J. W. Lamson, our resident teacher, Saturday evening a number of the teachers and others indulged In a "bit of dUcoosliin" ou the Irish question, in Maimants Hall. It for their next de­ bate they want a live question we would like to suggest:--Resolved-- The men who stealthe market reports out of the daily papers exposed for sale in the stores are simply ignorant and have no thievish instincts. Scandal's forked tongue is again bmv with the names of ^ young man, his wife and a third party. Glad are we, that no one as yet have given us any of the "particulars.1* The charitably disposed are having these days, a line chance to exercise that rare and beautiful "grace" the greatest of the three. These «nipe shooting stories and these strictly hon­ orable parties who have arranged the numbers of the puzzle consecutively when the lpst three stood 15,14.13, are getting numerous. Charity says: No man would lie for a ten cent puzzl# and charity in our opinion is a brick. Of course they wouldn't lie-e-e-e. FARM FOR SALE. ADMINISTRATOR'S SAL*.--Tlie under­ signed will sell at Public Auction, on Tuesday, March 80. 1880. the Darrell Farm, consisting of 80 Acres, situated near Slocuui's Lake, in Lake County. Terms, one half cash on the day of sale, and the balance in one year at, 7 percent, interest. J. BANGS, Administrator. Dated, MarchJHh, 1880. JHO. A. H RICH El. General Salesman Sols, jichwab A C«v SPECTACLES. EYE CLASSES, Ac. , #;&- New ommissioh Merchants, And wholesale dialers in Flour, Fritits and Province of all kinds. South Water Street, CHICAGO. REFERENCED BY PERMISSION.-- Preston, Kean A Co,, Bankers, Chicago. 8el«, A Co., Boot and Shoe Manufiictueers, Chicago. W. J. Quan A Co., Wholesale Grocer, Chica Mejer, Strauss & Goodman. Wholesale Clothiers, Chicago. MoOsnn, Fitch & Converse, Who salefP*per, Chicago. Sherman A Knox, Wholesale Fancy Grooers, Chicago. John W. Bunn £ Co., Wholesale Grooers. Springfield, III. H. J5. Hunt, Banker and Merchant, Dundee, Jacob Mueller A Co., Louisville, Ky. Geo. W. l)avicon A Co., New Orleans, La. STENCIX.% AND TAGS, SENT ON APPLICATION. CONSIGNMENTS AND CORRES­ PONDENCE SOLICITED. - ' " ' V " ' » • * i, 'V ru • ' " ll; ' , %. " J,">- pliances fitting es to the eye and a series of object les­ s o n s b y o n e of Chicago's leading Op­ ticians Ena­ bles me to guarantee^ a perfect fi#. F. B. HARRISON, W aucouda Drug Store and Book Haunt WJCbJD H A V E |V t? WW COUCH - * Schwab^ Bought for Spring and Summer Trade bf HOW? w-Why, by getting a bottle of-- Ml. TfEWTH'l? : K^So pleasing was young Mason's iddress that, though a stranger in the sity, he passed six bunglingly forged pshecks on as many. Rochester merchants |n a single day, gaining *350 by his op­ erations, besides the goods that he *ouglit as a pretext for offering the hecks. "He had a face like a minister" laid one of the victims, "and didn1 :^ok as if be eould lie if he tried." | M^The live s*an are buried • Annual Town Meeting. NOTICE is Hereby Given t" the citiEens, legal voters of the Town of Mcllenrjr, in the Countv of McHenrv, and State of Illinois, that the Annual Town Meeling for said Town will foe held at the Council Rooms, in said Town, on Tuesday, the fith day of April next, being th i first Tuesday in said Month, tor the purposes viz: First--To choose a Moderator to preside at said Meeting. Second--To elect One Supervisor, One Town Clerk, One Assessor, One Collector, One Com­ missioner of Highways, and as many Ponnd Masters as the Electors may determine. Third--To vote for, or against the payment of Road Tax in labor. f * Fourth--To vote for or against the moving of the bridge across Fox River, at McHenry, from its present site to the foot of the Street South of the Riverside House. And to act upon any additional subjects which may, in pursuance of law, come before said meeting when convened. Which meeting will be called to order be­ tween the hours of nine and ten o'clock in the forenoon, and kept open until six o'oloca in the afternoon. Given under mv hand at McHenry, this »th day of March, JL D., 1880 J. VAN S1.YK8, Town Clerk. Corporation Election. ^HE Annual Village Election for the vil- It is the^foest Oough compound ever intolueol lu America. It in compounded with Pnre •Herbs. It has ( • m ,> paralize the heart, soft-n the brain and take away the strength, no Chloroftnn to take away the senses Try one bo:tle and you will never be with­ out it in your home afterwards. If it is not exactly as we represent it, vourj'lwoiieri will be refunded. It will.'cnre a cough of twenty years standing. Price 50 Cents p-41®; FOR IT! AND DON'T FORGET TO.ASK'FOE-- ewth's Catarrh, fleaaedy. It will *lve immediate relief and a perm men care to one suffering trom) tkii dreadful disease. Price SS cents a bottle. ASK FOR IT1 A3K FOR WHAT?'"A8K FOR THJ! > ICURE FOR BACK-ACHE t •. - . . ' Among American Women. $1 per bottle. The above remedies are for Sate by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Or by Dr. Newth at his office and salesroom, 115 S. Halsted St., hica s-o. K \ ' ' O lBsre of McHenry, will )>e held at the - • Village of McHenry, on T , Council Hoom, in the Tuesday, the 20th Day of April, at which time the feUowliRji Offers will be elected: - Six Trusteet. One Clerk. . One Police Magistrate. The Polls of said election will be open at 1 o'clock anrt kept open until Bix o clock in the afternoon of said day^ Si YRE clerk< McHenry, March 24th, 1800. wives of an Indiana • idehyside. He long |esired to place a tombstone at the «ad of each,v but the coat deterred iim. until he hit upon an economical tethod of lettering. On every head- one is the Christian name of a wile Jily, with an index Anger, accompanied f these words, "For epitaph ||s l^rge i^Sarah Bernherdt is so tliin and rawny that w lie re it becomes neces- ry for her to appear in|a part in what cnllfd "lull diess" ig required she » to make up for it with a false neck, sis ia made up of many layers* of Mie, the outer one being given a thin atiug of wax. Above the lacea and «rer* of tlie dress the desigo is said be perfect. WBub iiigersoll it, about to take |hls residence in Chicago, and it is Ihnated that bis belief in the non- istence of hell is liable to undergo a Hge, on tlie theory. w«presume, that iug is beUevinR.,, a. --jp-ssagi •Senator Logau's Fi(s John »r speech fills iorty-elght pages Qmgrettiotfd Record, and is [»o be the longest speech e\er ,Wi"> i" " ' • RR UN SHAW VI LLC. ^ EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--Again we will try to write up the news and gos­ sip of our Burg. The farmers are sowing their wheat and everything about us has the ap­ pearance of Spring. Our school has closed for a two weeks vacation, and our Teaqter will visit friends and relatives at Whcaton during the time. Olt John bring back those key*s and you may come to school. I hear they had a big tiiye at the School House last night. Howard you ought to be ashafned to treat your Brother the | way you have, and get his girl away • from liim. But Charley say's all he is sorry for he did not stick to the one from Elgin. * So again Poor Richard of the Demo­ crat your egg is bad and is not going to hatch. Will Lincoln, of Xunda, Is visiting at F. Grimes this week. F. E. Brown is bade from Iowa and is looking well and says he is awful lonesome* Says he is going to Dakota to work on the Bail Road this sum­ mer. Carrie Munshaw is visiting her rela­ tives near Huntley. Come home Car­ rie, Ed. is lonesome and also some others. 6 The measles have nearly left us, the only case being H. Kindrews little girl* There is to be an exhibition at the Hoffman School House and as they are poor and needy are going to charge ten cents admittance. We hope they will get a full house but doubt it. W hy don't they u*iake it free as all others do and have a good time as we tried to make for them one year ago when W. A. Goodwin closed his School. Come down thts way and get some new subscribers for the Plaindkalkr. for you can do so I think,easily, and if you come within Ave miles of your Humble servant call and get some din­ ner. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINft TR40E MARK. Th* orwtKagMi TRADE MARK. Bemeily; >• , bo filling cure f ' Beralaal Vat- MM, 8p*rm»Ur» Ttm, lapoHMT, and alt diseaaei that follow a* a • ^ quenee of Self-" Re lore Taking- Abute; aaLonor After Tak I nar. Maroon-, Unfrersal Laoitude, Pain In the Back. Dtmntaaof Virion, rremature Old Age, and many otber Diseaica I hat Itad to Tmianlt j or Consumption, and a Prematnre Crura. £7" Full partisulara la our pamphlet, which we deMn la and free bj mail to every one. jyTle Specific Medloiua la •aid by all drugglau at }1 per package, or alx packagea for IK *r wilt b« eeot free by malt oc receipt af tha moner by k TRADE MARK. :jg XBK GBAT MEDICINE COm Maeaana'a Buci, Dhmii Mw. 3old in McHenry, aud every where by all Druirirl«t« R. 1he Farmers, BISHOP, Having decided to continne th© business at the Agricultural Warehouse, formerly occupied by O. Bishop, would respectfully announce to the farmers of Mc­ Henry and Lake counties that he will at all times keep on hand Go to Mrs. 8. Seui leR aud see her tylish Hats. pHas the largest stock in the county to select from. Mourning a speciality, work done on short notice H Hurrah The largest ever brought to this part of the rouu'ry. S3000 worth just receive'! ot the latest styles and mosf elegant patterns. Iam now able to suit In prices, quality and Also Boots & Shoes, Hats A Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods .ami l'ieie Goods, the most fashionable suitings ever brought to this section and the prices lower than the lowest. Coat.R, l'an^s, Vests or entire suits on short notice i»nd on the most reasonable terms.-- Goods Fits guaranteed and all work war­ ranted. Mrs. H. Itfaiman, Has just received a large stock of Ladies FaslioiaMe Miltay Goods and Novelties. Hats trimmed in the lateac styles at prices within the reach of all. SEWING MACHINES of all kinds, in which our specialities are Eldredgo, Domes- tic, Sew Home, American aud Singer Hew Ing Machine Attachments and Needles of all kinds. Will sell as Ipw as any establishment in t "HMuaty. Call and examine our stocked learoptdces. H. MAI MAN, Proprietor. Wauconda, III. REPORT OF THE C O N D I T I O N -OF t,aee Curtains 17 ot*.. jpev Fltziftiittious |b Kvausoflfti* m^£%. r ' ; *• ' A T OfWery description, which he will sell at prices sait the times. DRAGS fc; PRAG8 I am now manufacturing, and will have ready for the Spring trade, a large number of Drags, made of the best of timber and warranted, and invite farmers to call and see them before pur* chasing. ^ ' ' " MV: ,1 \> " Wagons mi, ' Baggies. Of tlie best manufacture always on hand. In t»hort anything in the Agricultural Machiuery line can be had by calling at the Warehouse, opposite Perry & Martin's store. R. BISHOP. ; McHenry, Feb. 17thf THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK! At Woodstock, Illinois, --AT-- Clo8eof Business Feb. 21 '80 RESOURCES Loans and Disconnts Overdrafts, IT. 8. Bonds to secure cirenlation.. U. 8,Bonds on hand Due from approved Ueserve Agts. I>ne from other National Banks, Real estate, furniture and fixtures Current expenf es and taxes paid.. Checks ana other Cash Items ...... Bills of other National Banks, Fract'l currency, (includ'gmokets) Specie, (including gold Treasury Certificates.) Legal Tender Notes Redemption Fund with U.8. TttM- urer (5percent.»t cirenlatloo) Dne from u. S. Treasurer, other than 6percent redemptionfnnd I.IABIL1TXM Capital Stock paid In............ onrnlus Fnnd ............ lJn<nvided profits National Bank notes Ontstandi] Individual Deposits subject check Demand certificates ot deposit Total STATE OF ILLINOIS. * Sas County of McHenry > I, JOHN J. MURPHY, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN J. MURPHY, Cashie*. Subscribed and sworn to before me this M 4ay of Mar. J««0. a H. Donkbut, W. P. COBRKC-T--Attest: JOHN J. MtrnPHT, )' w. H..HT8W***, ;:.v" y ptreetori. v 6 <x> mo r-! 9121,500.8f| 7 sc. to SO,000.0® 3,!tr>o.oo 29.103.20 11,671.74 4.200.00 1,260.0'] 24.00 i 10,650.00 S,9to.fi0 18,000.00 2,249.28 9297,840.31 •450,000.00. f80,2ttl,(« 3,«5fl fi* 45,000.00 944.50 ,1807,840.31 V-'V ^ t ! < c » . ' . Corner of Main Street and Publi Our customers appreciate th< which are sold only in Woodstocl them and talk in the papers abo Goods at their own expense ior and would ask a continuance of any mun I will kill ;sl warn Gen. ke head, and It i # j* v ^ ^ f % h ' - „ Y*" »* ' , . r, ̂ 1. you a 3»i|, «^XfBoots and Shoes oJj^Jpetitors frown at riHidgt y advertise our ^>ur sincere thanks tiiersell our neighbors. We buy and sell for Cash oxdille them out uur np,„nnftwi Sell more Boots and Shoes than alj^^y^tnpetitors in Wo<Sstock" JSeelij*# tkey ****> 1 •• *y t-f? f. ^-f^i mm •w W. H DWIGHT, WOODSTOCK, ILL. vvxr* • i '1 i. • t, ,; - • \ ' k' t i* 4 -iv .4 C> • IV! 'I Just Received at Sfi; * £ ; • • j g - ' Fitzsimmons & Evanson s*m- Us ' Call and see the New Styles K ml - • C. F. HALL. ONE PRICE ONLY AND READY FOR BUSINESS U THREE ABE ONI-DON'T YOU FORGET it . 1 For the Fall and Winter business cf 1879 and '80 we are aft« r'y*#- That is, the Richmond, Ntinda and Dundee Cash Stores of C. F. Hall. We want your trade, come and see us and we will get it, for our prices take every time, for they are Cash prices and the money taken buys again. It is the old story of the "nimble sixpence ' against the "slow shilling." We sell Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Jewelry, Crockery and Glass­ ware cheaper than any store in the Northwest. One pricc only that always the lowest. Below is a sample of the way we it, * «»* 6 to 7 .... .... »« We to 8t- 25c ... .... 12*C ......^ 25c Good Prints Best Spool Thread Best Cotton Meacfien.... ..... Good Out ton, unbleached...... No 1 Black \lap3ca No l Colored Alupaea ... No 1 Table Linen.. V.. 5 rent Items, Lots . 10 cent Items, Lots 15 cent Items lots 25 cent items lota Good Denims., a.••»•••••'• Good Cotton IHann« Good Corsets »«.4,.*.•«»*• Ladies Wrappers....................... Mens Shirts Mnns Drawers Ladies Furs, All Prices Buflalo Robes to beat them all Trunks and Valises way down ̂ M Black Cashmeres ....e%65,8ft No 1 Shoes LOO lWc 8c 2ffc 40c S5c We No 1 Boots •••«•»$• 1.75 Best Kip, warranted 4.70 Best French Kip, warranted....... .... 825 French Kid Shoes warraWe«l»......S.00to 2.00 Rubber Boots and Shoe* eheaper thaa the cheapest Mens Suits.... 8.00 Mens Extra..... idOtoitO Mens Suits, line 9.(0 to IS.00 Boys Swits -1.75 to 8.00 Youths Suits 3.00 to 7M Prices \ less on Clothing guaranteed. Mens Pants .00, Tttaad LOC Overcoats ot all sizes and kiada. au^ars, arid freight only. Teas .(0, M.9CLM No 1 BakinK Pcwde*i:»i* . W! Pure Spicea only. > -1, ',J ' '*-• Stove Polish .v.. ' 6q Dried Fruits chean. „ 90 Bars of Saaff........u./.............v^ LOI No 1 Fine Cut., 00a 00 Cigars. . ...i LOC . , jBASKRT MAKING. The undersigned In prepared to fur­ nish Willow Baskets of !ils own make, of all kind*. Fine Baskets a specialty. Market. Clothes, and all other Baskets made to order. Will also repair all kinds of light work. Give me a call. First House South of the Claremont- House, on the MuHenry and Richmond road. This Fall and Winter I propose to increase my trade, and to that end shall make prices that customers will see are lower than others are making. Buying so many goods we get special bargains and we divide. Now don't buy any goods until you see. It won't cost a cent. If you get what you don't want take it bark and the money is refunded. We will give you square dealing and "don't yon forget it." Stock always full. C. F. Hall gives the buying his personal attention and bargains can always be haa tor' money. Come and sec us. «... . .. ' r , ^Respectfully Tom;v V )r Chicago Office 122 Franklin Si. * •' Viti «*•" % >- • C. F. HALL. Ot w * £. A. MuxrstTi Kc«cnrT.#««|>tWU. Stores at Klchmond Nunda and u '* > *•' 4^4 * '-V •«' ,k... .vJ 1 mm. 'Us'- ' 1 ' ; < iy\ x ¥ . ZW"' *; * • »V **f \ • HI#-: ¥ t e ; -

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