Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1880, p. 8

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igouquin tiatsrHwo, ( in ihts oMumn list that we will cor- Attend*nc« for the should U*v« TOWi tlm tMr OMIItiimmmmi Star* ^ •.-mm : h™-. «Wy; & JpMHtpnoe; 4, Uidut' »ctivi- ty;8, poltt«;lO,neAC On« (hoottnd places are waiting for these e»eh one can suit his taste tftlcprci to tlie kind of busioeM ho «aay IhiKW^iftUat bmlium »w hon­ orable. There *» ft number boy* *t these Vibm* on trial who will soon be <H*ctiftfg*d for some one or wore of KM* print!, temving a vRamcy for the |wf»»l|pfi,^|s*rlbed. Mind all ptfinUftftdhe ready to step into, piaaes^--igpcAanffg. Below we give tiro •olotton* to «»r probton of March 10. We h»n re- ©elv»d several oihsn, hot give the two for the contrast: If he bought for SO percent lies than «r»t co«, &e p»i<? 80 per «*»t. of inrt «cwt; and «*td it for 10 per cent more than ita*t«btheboid it for 110 per cent, of 80 per cent of first copt, or 88 per cent. K per cent--80 per cent., ' equals 8 per cent, of lint cost, - equals the gain. He gained 8 per cent, on 80 put oent, which equals one-tenth, or 10 per cent., equals what be would have gained--AM. Take a given number, say 84.00, for the cost price of the article. Had he bought it for 90 per cent less it wonld hi** cost him 88.*); and sold for 10 per oent mora he would sell for $4.40. The (Utterance between cost and selling prices would be 81 JO. This divided by the cost price. 13J0, wort* five 47* per cent--Xn«. ^ For . . The trading Republican Newspaper. 13* NEWS-GETTING, «-/•- •"« EDITORIAL ABILfrr^^f' COBRESPONDENO®, ABd «y«rytbinp that make »» » " First Glass Newspapar, " The INTER-OCEAN has no snpertot.v '* 1 The Daily Inter Ocean I# the Cheapest morning f-anerjmbllsbed la Chicago. The LODOKS DkP ARTMENT i* which li pnbtlshed the latest pews of the Se cret Orders, la a valuable feature. Th« Seii-Yeektf Inter Oceai Sfe published each Monday and Thursdays ana contain* a oompendhm of the news of the world. Aft EDUCATIONAL DEPA MKKT has been added to t his edition of ' - f - • '* ' ' " J" •• ' General ^Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHKllRY. ILL. I - ^ ' • ' . . / • / . * ? * . We have one of the most complete stocks of Goods erer brought to thif market, consisting in part at v v V . , ; • < • : i " * ' » * 1 > t • . 1 1 1 ' " * ' * We are Not closing out, hut are better prepared than evet to giv e close bargains on all kinds of '"** Y -ii '**** twlv/ . -•« • »),<: if- - *»i/ g : -«,& ,» '••*•>* ryji fit'? ViSt •M m la published each ipend the world. Art EDUCATIONAL DEPARTf the paper, and is very highly spoken of by the School Superintendents an<! Teachers. It IS intended to till a want loan IttU. M^eeaa inlfceeteA' ta oar aefeoefe. J .* - PLOWS Has the LARGEST elrcnlatSon of any Poltt- ical newspaper in the Uhited Statos. It ia a pa)ier for the people and costa only POSTAGE PAID The following are known a? the nine Great principles of Pestalozzl: 1. Activity is the law of childhood'; accustom the child to do--educate the hand. . ,v X Caltivato the faculties la their aatnral order: first form the mind, and then furnish it. 3. Begin witli the senses, fnd never tell a child what he cAu discover fer himself, 4. Bedace eadi*abje«t to iUeletnenU one diflculty at a time is enongh fori a child. 6. Proceed step by step--be thor- «a«b. 6. Let every lesson hare a point. 7. Develop the Idea, then give the term. 8. Proceed trom the known to the unknown. 9. Synthesis, then analyats; not the order of the sabjeot, but the order of nature. The McHenry County Teachers' As­ sociation will held an adjourned meet­ ing at Nucda. on Saturday. Hay 15, 1880, a* 10 o'clock. A. M. PROGRAMME. 1. Spotting, Miss Mansfield. % Gfttthtaar, D. H. Eichardson. f, Natnral Philosophy, B. M. Mont. * INTERMISSION. Boll call--sentiment. - t. Pronouudnf Sxercise, S. D. Bald* win. 3. Political Geography of flnited States. Mies Ormsby. 4. United States' History, C. B» Hi chard s. 8. Arithmetic, short methods, L Mentch. 6. Qaestlon, Besolved. That the sci ences shonld be taught in tho public schools. %, A. Skinner, leader. have choice of sides. 7. Query Bex. Ii. A.8KI9XIK, President. *, Secretary, Tl« Gommeietatand Agrleeltnral'Depart, meats are ably and carefully conducted, ana pe as reliable as any published in the, ooan- Iry. "OUR CURIOSITY SHOP," WOMAN'S KINGDOM, and THE BOMB DEPARTMENT ; v "f h ?> -V"« Will oontinae leading and .interesting .fse tnres. As« • • •••>•' Political, Literary and Family Newspaper The liter Oceai*? ISUISBXCEtXED, It is the Intention of th e proprietors of the I XT KB OCEAN to spare neither pains or ex- pense to keep UJfnlly abreast of the limes in all things. Now;is the time to Subscribe. ityis '.v ;, public $$»**» Paints, wi*®, . M e d i c i n e s , CNctery, Slassware, Woodw The #113 Address ELL. the IVTKE OCSAV, QHI0A80 ite» Hardware 8tore. I. N. HEAD, THE DEP0% . --DEALER IK-- J "S •ware Groceries, etc, etc. WW* have one of the finest Stocks of Teas to be fotmd in the county, to which we invite the especial attention of the public, satisfied that we can suit them both iu quality and price. jrnn«) .r • *• ill JjiU )' .3 m COLBY BROS. CLOTHING!. CLOTHING! t, x't i n»-. Bought before the vecent ures for the same class of goods than any oti soi|^|^iit of Hrst-class Plo'vfs. ' PUMPS! PUMPS! h »' i a'A l̂ PLOWS! prepared t< ,her dealer. to give closer fig- Also an as- 'MX* PUMPS! We also have a full assortment of the Celebrated BUCKEYE FORCE UMPS always on hand. Also the Adams Kenosha for a Wood I limp.' <3>v r*v?,k-.:• • % continue thej Agricultural Havingedecfded to business at the _ Warehouse, formerly occupied b; O. Bishop,, would respectful!^ announce to the farmers of Mc Henry and Lake counties that h< will at all times keep on hand t Of every will sell times. description, at prices which to suit th* i£.;-sdt sfs,.' We keep an assortment of Wagons and Buggies ot «I1 kinds. Also, Howe's Planters, and in fact everything that a tarmer wants. If in want of anything in our line do not fail to call a$ I kittOW 1 can suit* At t£e Old Stand, Opposite the Mill, u m E. M. OWE1N Ac -We are in receipt of Latest Spring In Clothing for Man and Boys, also a fine line 'ffi Dress Gddds I*4he lltt&t •• V Wtnkim 't'i fr-l vV s Tii. Copper aii Sheet Iron fare, T»ble end Poeket flOatlerr, Seissors end Shears, Horse Hasps, Horse Shoes, Horseshoe Kails, and files of every descriptlen. Also , ererfthing thatis geaerally kept in a Hard- | waire Store. I Being A^Practical Workmai, I shall spare ne yfttoein trying to *lre satis, fsotion to att who favor m« with their patron age. • ;t. 1 - v- i, : All Kinds of Jobbing pi attentl itore pti inii. Ml Itt Domeatics, consisting of Cottoni, Ginghams, Prints, &c., having bought largely before the recent advance, and will give yon bargains for Cash. »*iii Xt, h A'SitTi STEVENS A SCtfNORfL In mf line wiU metve vrmpt attentlon.| u U?£!£utt' *1R»e following it one of the latest "notes' from the Superintendent's •Ate in tUiscity: 109. The Study of Word*.--Pupils In the Gnnwbar Department take a deep interest lathe origin of word*, anil a large amount of information may be eonTe]W<l in ehort talks upon words. £ach word has its atory and many word* are histories and poems in themlv«i. A few brief iilostrations will cotmj an idea of the lessons that •sav be given; , 1. IRiwiott'.- This word was formerly wind-^6^r, nn«l it was constructed to open IHM a door. We still say, k*open the wlnttew." 1 Neighbor,,--A boor wat> a farmer, and sm who lived near was a nigh-boor nowneighbor. 3 Oom-tmSfe.--Formerly a man oar- ried a knife in a case for any nee. We do not us* the case, but we keep the name. 4. WMfolL--yfh^n the felling of UM was prohibited in Eneland, the tenaats wer* only allowed those pros­ trated by the wind. Hence a tornado was a food fortune. Windfall now nsasi good fortune. ft. Humbug.--This word originates from doubt as to the genuineness of Stories from Hamburg. " is from Hamburg" "That In Hamburg." 6- Socjh words as Ink-horn, Powder- s, Htubandy or houge-band or bond, f*% from weave, woof, or web, Bay- first ma<ie at the city of Bavonne JOamaak, from Damascus, Currants, Item Corinth, explain themselves. 7. Lunacy.--Luna is the Latin Word far moon. It was once supposed that gh* moon hail a great deal t» do with insanity. Hence the word Lunacy. 8. JHoffond.-aThis Is simply "hollow land." a large part ®f the country be­ low the level of the sea. 9. Breaktiut.--T he name of the mttl whkfe breaks the fast of the night 10. ForMght% or Fourteen nights Butterfly, first applied to insect# of tatter eolor, and from this species to the whole clas*. Doff, to do off; Don. to do onoftput on--and many similar words need simply to have attention called to them. 11. Such names of persons as Black White, Brown, Qray. Green, ote., and, Taylor, Carpenter. Baker,9mUh, Mer chant, etc., exhibit their origin in some poenllarlty or calling of those who §«ft took tt)em, Henry's son or Hen- itorson, John's spa or Johnson, Davids «W of Davison, and many other similar "srwwtre s --purim hit: re- j ; fartlliriplilt« ns tho ety- of and plg-lfOfl Plttiexire me (elsewhere when' line McHenry, Oct. 10th i a call before, in need of anj 1879. rehasing IAD™' The Qld Reliable 8toro. • • *r?~i t- ' ^ l y r - > v r • r A VIGOROUS JOHNSBURCH it JACOB STORY MeHEwrny. ILL. DEALXB IN Scissors, Shears, Table and Poeket Cutlery, Spades, Shpvels, Forks, Corn Knivei, Axes, Grindstones, Window (^rlass. GRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J. STORY. G. W. BESLEY, McHenry, 111- --DEALER IN, , 1st. Mk ?. <$YAi. •• w? K M & MARTIN'S Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Toiht ArticIes Pure "Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Use. Also Bottled Ale and Por­ ter for Family Use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tob'acco always on hand Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give me a Call. Ca Wo McHenry, 111., Aug. 20th, 1879. sE'i'flfc >wr V.;+ -x. ARG8I r W jfM' -i>»- t n > , . " f / ' {/<.,*• » - *•» 1 J . • . .. .1 fJ •H I am now manufacturing', and will have ready for the Sprin trade, a large number of Dra made of the best of timber an warranted, and invite farmers call and see them before p chasing. . Wagons ini < £Tiggiesk. Of the best manufacture on hand. In^bhort anything IE-, the Agricultural Machinery line can be had by calling at tits Warehouse, opposite Perry 41* Martin's store. it. BISH9P. McHenry, Feb. 17th, 1880. The Largest STOCK OF • Iron-Anil Steel In the coun­ ty please call and e% amine T. Hi & Son WOODSTOCk, m. I*, Lirge Store is heavily ttockcd wi#h new and seasonable goods ' Sf|d--while it enjoys a most gratifying trade--Is com­ petent to supply other thousands of customers. NOW IS triacE time^ HENRY MILLER, --DKALK8 IM-- Mm eifl Foreip MaiWe. Monuments, Headstones, TOn *TC. American & 8cotcb Granite, Constantly on Hand. Po make Section#'of Latest Fashions, Best Fabrics in all kinds of SILK, WOOL and COTTON DRESS WOODS Ir SHAWLS, LOAKS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, and in PRINtS. of extraordinary goodness and cheapness, we lire unexcelled. Gen­ tlemen, also, will find here a full stock of , ^ f- ^ • Clothing1 and Underwear, Bought with especial reference to their need» choice invoice and will bear closest inspection. 1 tail to examine our stock of 'is th» line, ^tjs _ The public should not Johnaburgh. inf. SMh*'SB7f : >1 BOOTS -AND 8 Constitution T • •• A of COirSTlTTJ TI0X WATEE three times a day, cures Bright'sPis. case, Inflamation of the Kidneys, Ston« in the I Bladder, Catarrh of the Bladder, Gleet, Dil- betea, Gravel, Brick-Dust Deposit, Childhood W(!ftkQ6l8. This line comprises all styles and all sizes, and in prices will suit the most rigidly economical. Bear in mind the fact that at this storr THE OLD PRICES ARE STILL MAINTAINED. Call soon and choose your goods. An examination wjl.1 prove to you that this is the | linat. to tr§de REDUCED PRICE. Twenty-flve centa will now buy a fifty oent Dottle of Pieo's Ouie for Con- enmption. Thus the best COUQH med­ icine i» the CHEAPEST. Sold erery. where. c- S-'M ?,' # " .iu o a Full 83* ,ufD m For Female Complaints a 8peoialitT< Tor sale by all DvagfflftB. Rehd lor drew- •f . h# muj PERRY ft MARTIN. SURE CURE Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron­ chitis, Asthma, Consumption, AM All BlMaaei of THROAT and LUNCMk Pet sp In Qssrt-Sise Bottles for Family Ues, 8olentiflc »ily pt«puro(S of Balsam Tolu, OrjstnlllMd Rook Candy, Old Rye, and other tonics. The Formal* » known to our best physicians, is highly commended by them, and the analysia of our most prominent •heini«ts 1 rof0 G A. MARINER, in Chicago^ jb on tbe label ol bottle. It. is well known to the medical profesilon that TOLD ROCIC and RYE will afford the KMtMt relief for Coughe, Colds, Intliie«i^a.5 Bronchitli, ie Xfei'"€?s.t? w Bi'ik £&is<5> (Jousuiiaptios, is the ln« •lpiant and advanced Bt^xes. . ViedM » BBVKHA(iK and APPKTIZER,It makMA tfellshtful tonic for fa-nily use. Is pleasant to take; if or daiiUltated, it give* tone, activity and strength to the whole homan if me. /riATTTIOTVT 00MT SI DECEIVE! . m A @ by anpeiaeipled deal-• wra who try to palm off upon you teak and Rye ia • place of our TOLU ItOt;K AM) BYE, which ia % thaonlymedlonted article made the Pennine hav-\ta* si (»OVHKNMKS'l' NTAMP on each bottle.i LAWREX€K A MARTIX, Proprietor*, 1.11. Chlcafo* BTAik yaup Draimim for It I tW Aak your (Jrocer for lit * pr Aafc your Wine Mcitkant nr Itt ty Children, aak. .your Manama Oar tit «o«w E0V A lB.^ Mmm ™ I'O.ULTKY WANTED. C*8h ftnd the fligheot Mtirket Price pkid for all kinds of Poultry at my Poultry House, near tlie* D»»pot. McHenry. Bring along your Poultry, C. T«EU>REOGE. MCIIEHBY, Jttn. 87th, 188ft ̂ T>Tf IT1 C Of all kinds. Tamers, rtiscbar j IT JL ljr-iO ffesof Bloort ortnticrtns, andall . llseases of the Rectiim quickly and perfectly ; curcd by a simple and soothing'remedy. For information addrexs DR. J.FA11ER A CO..M stw jipife BEST IR THE WORLOt lV OD. JOHN I BLAKE HAS the Finest Stock of iM Of all Kinds, to be found in the county, which he is selling at AND S A L E R A T U Which is tlie same thing. •a&pwre Kal«ratni or Bi-Carb {which ia the aame thing) Is of a al: if dirty while color. It may ap|t«av wkite, examined by iiaelr, bat k COMPARISON WITH CHCRCH * CO'S » ARM AND HAMMER" BKAVD Will ihow the difference^ See that your Saleratas @.nS. Bak« fns Soda is white an«l PUItR, M •boaid be ALL SIMILAR SUBSTAfl» CKS used for food. A simple but eevere test of the comparaUT* niso or dineroiit brands of Soda or Saleratna |a to dissolve a dessert epoontul of kind wltk •bont apiut of water (hot preferred) ia clear riaBses. urring until all is thoroughly diBSolvwt The deleterious insoluble matter in tho inferior Bod* will be shown after Battling some twenty miiiutes or sooner, by tho milky appearance of the solution and the quantity of floating Hook? natter according to quality. Be sure and ask for Church & Oo.'s god»aad Baleratiis and see that their name is on th* package and yen will get the purest and whiteet made. The use ot thla with soar milk, im prefit* ence Raving I'ewder, aaves tweaaty eoat. Seeone pound package ft)r valuable lafMMW CB and read carefully. * WW THIS TO TOUR U0 r E. WELLSr Late of Wnnconda, would infonn hia friends and the public genoraily in Lskv County, that he has now opened a »hop itt VOLO. where Horse-Shoeing, Carriage --AND-- . ma Wagon Repairing, BOTTOM PRICES. «"Call and be w »» Tlnoed. JOHN B. BLAK.&. i M«IloBry, Jan* 7tb 188® rP? Will be done Promptiyand on short nott<*l Having h«<l considerable ex|>erien<'« in this 3 iine I will guaranteo to shoe an interfering if! horse so as to prevent it or no charge will be $§ made. j# REAPER REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Please give me a call. |E. WELLS^ Volo» liu, r«tk loth, ie80, - 'o 1 • "1.- e

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