Published Bvery Wednesday by V PUBLISH*!*. •*"' >•' :*" t')>-*.* _- ' "f r>". Office in Old P. O. Block, --Owosrra BIVB*ST©« HOT:BK.-- I' TISMflOr SUBSOMPTLOIF: . aar, fin Mvanee,)................... VJJ [foot Paid witliinlThreo Month® »ubacrlption»tecelvedforthreeor«i*«ontI» the an no proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN. M. 1>. PHTSIOtAW A.ND SURCiEOS. Offlce over the Post Office, opposite Perry * Martin s Store np stairs, Mc.Henry, 111. C.H. FEGEBW, M, D- . AND SUR iKON. Johnabarf 10 A. M. |*H¥8IClAN AND SURG I 111*.--Office hour* 8 la 1C O. J. HOWARD, « D. OHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 0®«« 1J* I my residence, oppwlw M. K. Church, MeHenry, 111. . M. D. * B. V. AXPKRSON. PHT3IOIAN and Surg< BCIUT' ( Dm? Store, opposlto House, McHehry, Illinois. Parker W. H. BUCK. M. D.. II OMBOP AT H10 physician and Surjreon-Olllre eatt -tade Pablle 9c| ~ " •took. 111. S to 4 P.1I Oflloo noard 11 to aare. Wood. A. M., and PRATT HOUSE. J A. PRATT, Proprietor. First cla»» accommodations. * Wancoada, III. Good Barn in connection P. J. BARBIAN. CIGARManasact ordr, MfHenry. 111. Orders solicited. Shop. North lEaat Cor ner Public Square. RICHARD BISHOP, TTORNEY AVD COUNSELOR ATI-AW. L McHenry, 111. RICHARD COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Pexceand Conveyancer.-- Will attend promptly to the oolleotlon of lebts. Volo, i.ake County, 111. E. E. RICHARDS. HA3 a complete Abstract ot Titles to land In MoHenrv County, Illinois. Office with Connty Clerk, Woodstock. III. BUSINESS CARDS. .P. BHOWN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office tad Residence over O. W. Owen's Store. Me- Henry, III « JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor In Chancery. Will practice In State awl in Fed. eral Courts. Office, 159 LaSalle St., Chicago CHAS. IL DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW *nd Notary Public Woodstock, Illinois. Office over Stone's Drug Store. a H. TRUAX. /CARPENTER and Builder, Nanda, 111.-- V Will pnt up buildings by thejobo* flay, and guarantee satisfaction. ' B. BENNETT, M. IK, SURGEON and Ac?oucher. dt«eal*i4f Women and all private diseases of both seses a Specially. Offlce and Residence on Cla.v Street Woodstock, III. SIDNEY DI9BROW, NOTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer, den. 111. Al JACOB BONSLETT. SALOON AND RESTAURANT. Opposite Bishop's Mill, McHewrv, 111. The choic est Wines, Liquors and Cipars to be found in the countv. Fresh Ovste/s in. their season, served np in any shape ilesired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HOR8ES. F. J. CROSS, ROBT. WHIG IT. Janofacturer of Cnstom Made-Boots and Shies None tho best of mat t M «sed an I all work warranted. Shop >0!'tn. 31 Shies «sed an 1 all worK w.irranii. . vreit corner Public Square, Mcneiiff III* E.M.OWEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery.- f rices low and Terms favorable. McHenry. Agent i lo N.S.COLBY. fcHENRY, McHenry Co., HI. MCHENRY, McHenry Co., in. Breeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkshire and Poland China S vine. A"choice lot of young Buck stock for <;ile. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. f G KO. SC1I REINER, an d Restaurant. Nearl fritter "Hon <e, Me He opposite *r" JOHN HENDRICKS. T>LIVI%T'S MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared 15 to sell and repair any kind of *8® wing Machine as cheap as the cheapest. Will also insure yonr life and property at reasonable rates. Please giveme.a cal'. PETER LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watchea,Clocks and Jewelry ©* all kinds. Also Itepaira V lolins in the best nossibie manner, on short notice and at rea- ton*l)le rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop irst door North of Riverside Block, McHenry 5. L. HUBBARD* . -It iff •4- ItlnRwood, « v , --DEALER I*-- , LIGHT ANO HEAVY HARNESS Also everything that is kept and sold, in a Harness shop. I can and will sell Harness as cheap as any man In the County. All work warranted. Call and see ine before purchasing. Repairiai done at all T ires. McHenry, 111. ^ Full Plates made of -the best material and Hilly warranted, $&oo„ Filling one-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating*ba<l haped teeth. Teeth extracted yv thOUt pain. snd free of charge where ArUttciai XeetU are in serted by hiuu All Work fully warranted. ELE CTfTOPATHY. Dr. Samuel Sherman, And 'Wife will be ai their residence IX miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three days in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for the purpose of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from 9 A. M., to 1 r. M. x REFERENCESJohn Doran, RichardBlsh op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bonslet, James Sutton, John M. Smith. F, K. Granger. Geo. Gape, Ben. Gilbert, Horace Dwelly, B.F.Peck, Wm. Hutson, Geo. Gilbert J, A. SH irr i AFPRAI Algo quin, III. SVLES of Stock, Farming Tools »ftd Goods ' of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Post Officeadaress Algonquin 111. w. H. 8ANFORD, Merchant Tailor. ' IIn the store of 0. H. Dickinson, East side of Public Square, WOOJlitpCK, ILL. A good Stock of Pine Cloths for Suiting* al ways on hand. Suits made to order and a nt warranted- Give me a call. W. H.SANFORD. Woodstock III..Sept. 47th, 1876. BHvins' Millsjur Spring Grave Grist Mill. ftSs, DAYMENT, ProDristiir. Having recently pnrcbased this MtU and I?do! ®ra**clsssJorder, I am now prepared ^ 1 Custom Grinding ' Notice and Warrant Satisfaction, And sold as Low as any other Mill? in County. With an experience of maay years in some of the beat Mills in the country lam eoaMent I can give satisfaction to all who nay favor me with their patronage. «T . ve me a call. THOfc, DAYXXNT. Blivine* Kills, Oct. SSst, 1878. -VIA THE-- CHICAGO & NORTH WESTKRH RAILWAY There is al tei that i* us B Department. ^nality and retherwise «i 4 to 10 cents colo r. This R. s- White * Natural It gives like the Jerse 'less and never imparts any ta Strictly srienttfe chemist, and caa.M' mors should n?>t butter by usinc annatto, for thle it was awarded QM Diploma ^ At the InterstM York, by the Ceam Mannfkctni<e4 l»y Atkinson, Wis. For Sale bv George 111., and T. D. Ford, * > , S \ Q M < s of Road WEST FCm. Cedar Rnpids, Denver, Marshall town, Leadville, Des Moines Salt Lake^ Sioux City, San Francisco Yankton, The Black Hill*, ,, Omaha, Colorado, Couucil Bluffs California Col«mbus, the Teipitoriee Ohlcago Detroit, Mo^roal, Kew England, Bu&ilo, and LAST FOR ' New York, Bbsfon, Pitts^hursfh, Toronto, Canadas, ^ointsluuitl SOUTH wen - Cincinnati Naslivlllc, Louisvillci^ St. Loris^ * Remand for Bat- 'ge«l standard la ••'titer that is union of from • u»e it has poor by the usetpf color; cxactly perft'ctly harm* eddish color or It is made in a by a skillfnl _ lied on. Far. spoiling their lor» made by st and licit.-- OO. Fort CONDUCTED Br DA. S. FI BEiOturT. THE PUBUO LAN Da. Revtaed Statutes of ihe Cnlted States. THF. MANNER OF PROCEEDING 7b obtain title to public lands by pur chase--by location with warrants or agricultural college scrip--by pre- eviptioii, homentead, timber culture, and under the desert land act. ADVANTAGES GIVEN SOLDIERS UNDER THE LAWS, I KO. LJ ICVntD STATUTES Of STATES. *I*T* XAXTI-^THE PUBLIC «. pre-empHmt* ' • THR OKITSD McHenry, GENEBAL il'ACON lam prepared at all ti my line on short notice manner. *S"Hor8c-8hooin •» a • partment I defy rom recommendations as itself. !#Jrags, t am how mannfnctniii the money to be found I am making a 48 and l-.wv.e b;st the best nf t!S9 rant them in every partirul oall work in workmanlike , In which dc- 1 need no ill show for best ftraff for ,ry county.--. Drag, using «'!!! >var- aee Ull- Call them before purchasing, as 1 Will not Aersold. Repairing dona oil Short Notloe ^ K, BLAKE. Rlngwood, March 8th, l^Mk. Money --BT PIT11CHASIKC-- Watctes, Clocks, Jgnirj, silverware, Maneal iMttsnl cles, etc.. ate., ot . Speeta- SKC. 3SP74, When settlements have been nt&de upon agricultural public laiH?9/)f the United States, prior to the soryey thereof, anrl It lias been or .riiail be nxcertained. aft«r the pnbli<; piirveys have Wen extended over aueh lands, that two er more settlers have improvements npon the same legal subdivision, it shall be lawful for Fiich settlers to make joint entry of their lands nt the local land offlce. or for either of said settlers to enter Into contract with his co-settlers to convey to them their portion of said lands af ter a patent Is issued ta him, and, after making such contract, to tile a declar atory statement In his own name, and prove up and pay for said land, and proof of joint occupation by himself and others, and of such contract with them made, shall be equivalent to sole occupation and pre-emption by the applicant : .Provided, That In no case shall the amount patented under this section exceed bim hundred and sixty Rcres, nor shall this section apply to laadf* not subject to liomesteau or pre-emption entry. SEC. 2275. When settlements, with a view to pre-emption,have been uiade before the survey of the lands in the Held, which are found to have been made on sections sixteeu or thirty-six those sections shall be subject to the pre-emption claim of such settler; and if they, or either of them, have been or shall be reserved or pledged tor the use of schools or colleges in the State or Territory in which the lands He, other lands of like quantity are appro- priated in lien of such as may be pat ented by pre-emptors; and other lauds •re also appropriated to compensate deticicuces fot school purposes, where sections sixteen and thirty-six are fractional in quantity, or where one or both are wanting by reason of the township being fractional, or from any natural cause whatever.' SEC. 2276, The lands appropriated by the preceding section shall be selected, within the same land-district, in no* cordunce with the following principles of adjustment, to wit; For each town- provision of the preceding section, upon another tract settled upon sub sequent to such sale or transfer; but satisfactory proof of good faith mint be furnished upoa such subsequent settlement. SKC. 2288. The restrictions of tin pre-emption laws, contained in see* tions twenty-two hundred and sixty, and twenty-two hundred and sixty-one shall not apply to any settler on the Osage Indian trust and diminished re serve lands in the State of Kansas, who was actually residing on his claim on the ninth day of May, eighteen hun dred and seventy-two. SEC. 2286. There shall he granted to the several counties or parishes of each State and Territory, where there are public lands, at the minimum price for which public lands of the United Staten aie sold, the right of pre-emp tion to one quarter-section of land, In each of the counties or parishes, in trust for such counties or perishes, re spectivtly, for the establishment of seats of justice therein; but the pro ceeds of the sale of each such quarter- section shall be appropriated for the purpose of erecting public buildings in the county or parish for which it ia located, after deducting therefrom the amount originally palu for the same. And the seat of justice for such coun ties or parishes, respectively, shall toe fixed previously to a sale of the ad joining lands within the county or pitr» Ish for which the same Is located. SEC. 2287. Any bona-Hde settler un der the homestead or pre-emption laws of the United States who has filed the proper application to enter not to ex ceed one quarter-section of the public lands ia any district land-oiHce, and who has subsequently been appointed a register or receiver, may perfect the title to t.lie land under the pre-emp tion laws by furnishing the proofs and make the payments required by law. to the satisfaction of the CoftomUttioner of the General Laud-Ottice. • SEC. 2288. Any person who has al ready settled or may hereafter settle on the public lands, either by pre-emp tion or by virtue of the homestead law or any amendments thereto, shall have the right to transfer, by warranty against his own acts , any portion of his pre-emption or homestead for church, cemetery or school purposes,or for the right of way of railroads across such pre-emption or homestead, and the transfer for such public purposes shall in no way vitiate (lie right to complete and perfect the title to tlielr pre-emptions or homesteads. The time for spring cleaning Is come, and while thirfty housekeepers are upturning their houses and drench ing their windows and doors in their vigilant warfare on dirt and dust, let them not forget the viler dirt the more dangerous pollution that exists about their houses unseen. Let energetic bmweWTies mm to it that their cellar? ^ First class rigs.withor without*drivers, fnrnished st reasonable fates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. JJ. E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. Scott M Co., "Hatters to the Great ' Northwest." Hot 135 and 137 Malta St., NEAR CLARK ST. ' Have i larger stoek and greater variety of •tyles for you to clique from, than can be found in any other establishment in Chicago or the West It will pay you to call and see them. the lowest in the land for good goods. BRANCH STORES 3. E, Cor. Clark & Lake sit. & 3. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison sis., • CHICAGO. ^ M A R C U S " W > S* G E R M A N Manufactured by IYHARCUS .M..1 "DEALJilt IN<-r PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock, III. The best Tonic in the world. Pat up la and Quart Bottles. r. MARCUS* Patentee. M. Et GBL V • eu N- I TII! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol ishing Razors and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali ty. Repairing of all kinds done in Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant ed. Also dealer In Gnns, Revolvers, Table and Pocket Cutlery,Gun and Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Shop and store near the Post Ottce, H-enry, 111. • Prom the Marengo Bejmbtkm. HOW %f» MTIL WOS fit* CARIKWr. The ttevf! has only two rivals whom he tears, ant! they are the Gm*ip «m| Scandal-monger. Though ft fs agafaat his Satanic Majesty's principle* to own allegiance or deferenee to any one; jet he draws fn his horns, fofds his Made wings behind him. mi(f bows oTnrqul ' onsly whenever he meets MarTanwa Gossip JUHI Scandal-monger. It wdolil not do for the sninfone of Satan to know he feared or was jealous of any one belonging to tlie Kingdom oif 8fn. And so to gfoss over the fact, b* baa , appointed as prime ministers Gossip and Scandal-monger. Bnt a rfntlrjr almost amounting to a fencl exists be- fvreen his Majesty and his cabinet*-- The time was when they worked liar* roonioiiHy together. But Gossip Scandal-monger were so «uece£.«ftrt (a their offices they became vain gioriotf and were exceedingly pufled Bp. fh« Devil became nlarme^ and took thorn to task for their presumption. Bnt aios for the Devil! It WM tocr FETET Prosperity had made them rebeUlone and Impudent as well as vanntlnc.-- "Look at our work." they exclaimed; "Could ever your Majesty have do»e better?" "1" said Mrs. Gossip, *'hav« prepared the seed of woe and misery, and the hearts of the people to rec^ivo it;" "And I," said Mrs. Scandal-moa- 'd- i M ger, "have sown It broadcast over tbo land." "Yes, yes, my children," ire- spouded the Devil, ~al! that you ba«fr said is no doubt true; but yon have laid claim to a greater meed of praise thmi rightfully belongs to yon. You hare done well but .your work sinks iiilfe at. ter Inslgnitfcaiiee wben compared wltfe mine." Here the Devil paused for bre^Ui and rubbed his hands complac«ntly lr> His two allies lauerhed long and loudly, and begged the Devil to go with them and see for himself the magnitude of their work. They went first to the crowded cities, And Lo! men who had stood as towers of atrength lor years, whoee names had become m household words, loft their inAnewdi and good name »t th« approach ot the trio. Friends whose love for.each ofch» er in times p«st had eqtmlled the loft Jonathan felt for David, became («• placable foes through the me^m Of Gossip and Scandal-monger. Fsiiiiliea were divided, fair names blaste«|n >ootfc- ing was found too sacred to «||§g|§p| them. No matter how high yv-s*- % •M |\ew Orleans iri. WOOD I*tho u>o*t DUJEC.'T ROUTE, offering^tlie traveling public Greater Facilities and, More Advaiitupes than any road in the West. It is th%,only lino running PollianHcteUnd Sleepin Cars, Between Ch oandConncil BluA. Pnllman Palace Sleeping Cars are ran oa all night trains. This Is the great Pullman Line of the Northwest. Palace Par or Car* run between Chicago and Milwaukee. First.Class Meals only SO cents a' the Bat ing Stations on the North-Western. Sure and close connections at Chicago with all Kailroade, and at all Junction Points with all roads that cross its Lines. All Ticket Agents can sell you Through Tickets and check your Baggage FKEB by this Road. For in formation, folders, maps, e"!c.. not ob tainable at Home Ticket Office, address any agent of the Con»i>any, or MABVIN HITOHITT W. H. 8T1HXETT, tteneralSupt. Oen'l PassengerAren X«- Geo. Er Stewart, Auct ioneer . Richmond, IM. * Has an experience of 15 years, and Wit guarantee satisfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to my care, are properly ad- vertlsed. or no charge will be made. Terms, from $5 to 4l0, according to amount °^AH orders addressed to Richmond, III., will receive prompt attention. . 3) inn MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted SLUU County rights given gratis f«r the Sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family ; reputation world- wide;established many veare; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence Kiven. Anin lustrious,energetic person can make inugpermanent income and very liberal terms by addressing with reference, iM 0he«tnu«9treet,Phlladelphla. J18, WIEDEMANN Agent Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, McHenry, III. *• Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles <le livered at any place in McHenry or Lake Counties cheaper than any other, quality considered. Thts Beer has a world Vide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it cannot ee sur. paseed in the world. Mr wagon wilt run regular, and all custom ere snppliedjpromptly. Orders by mall promptly attended to. JC8. WIEDEMANN. McHenry.Ill., Oct. 8th. 1S7P. Jeweler j $<%%;• • oodstock, , III. KenalringXJCINE WATCHES, AND JRW EJ.Kv a speciality. If you have any DIFFI CULT JOBS that others tell yo» cannot lie repaired short of rhirne<\ take them to BLOSSOM and he will repair Unas,^4 i* , • : • Engraving neatly donif: All Goods sold engraved Free of charge. Remember the name, E. W. BLOSSOM, Woodstock. The Royal St. John Sewing Machine takes the load. See it and you will buy no other. War ranted for three years. Below you will find the names of a few to whom 1 have sold this machine: GRACE'S CELEBRATED 8ALVB Is A VEGETABLE PKBPARATIOH invented in the »7th centurv by Or. William Brace, Surgeon in King Jaincs army. Through its agency he cured thonsanos-of £he most serious sores and wounds that nam. ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was recarded by all who •new him as a public benefactor. PRICK S« CENTS A BOX. The McHenry Brewery. Gottleib Boley; Proprietor. THE best of Beer shipped to any part of the country and warranted as represented.-- Onlccs solicited and promptly attended to Dell $herma||£ >» B. A. Park.if w- B. Glass, I**?*' W. B. AusttiL ' It. C. Jeffcrslfea Ed Stevens, -: -' J.Shank, ' ' F. Slator, C., D. W, KobiaSOB, J. McManua, L, D. Kelly, J. Mullen, E. Straton, J. H. Parish, K. I). Frink,;-., , J, J. M ii i D. Whiting, ' C. Ot Parfoii^ • M. SciiHff. Itodlc Greejlf Geo. Htirkiidyi' A. Bliiks»le«k*.-! M. Halaran, J. Scanlan, G. Oillsnn, C. Willson, -H. Stone, I). QuinIan. Geo. Clark, M. Eckert, W.lteed, L. J. Gates, R. G. Scliryver, R. Forrest, Mrs. Quigley, S M- I). Kelley, Zimnier, Mvs.llalbert, Mr*, Sanford, Dr. Cook, Miss Frinka, Ladd Austin, F. G. llurfey, J. C. Gifford, Edna Durkee, Dr. Waicott, Mr. Hughes, W. L . Bur tor, Mrs.O' Itrien, H. Taylor, Rtv. Oakey, N. Helm, F. Abbott. 3. Oinstead, F. Church, Mrs. Baker, J. Galeae. F. Page, Rev • Fegers, Mr. Kninusli, Geo. Fry, K, Green, O. Watson, K Bnrb^nk, M. Sherman, Jeweler, Wood stock, Agent for McHenry county ' 000 BOYS & GlRLS.r,*^en. jr the bOlllpoy's ami Girl's paper published a the ivBeautiful presents to subscrlu- srs and amRs, Every boy and girl can earn ots of. money canvassing during leisure hours. Don't fail to send for it at once. To Introduce it we will send to any address on Srial three months, for 10 Centi in cash or ostace Htamos. Sample of paper an p a r t i c u l a r s F R E E - A d d r e s s C D f T p pousehold Oeat,Cleveland,O* • n Pop Factory AT WOODSTOCK. A. Zochrland, the Pop man from Burlington, is going to start a new Pop Factory in Woodstock about the first week in February. He will sell Pop and Champagne Cider for cash as follows: 1 box Pop, 24 bottles, with patent stop pers, at 60 cts. 1 box Cham pagne Cider, 12 quart bottles, at 75 cts. But with the condition, at those prices, that the saloon keepers must take all fiom him. All the different drinks tfill be made first-class. -.AND DEALKRIIX-- r, EstalMOm Quarter oi a Century,.. . F. C. MAYES .ti -A: Ready-Made Clothing. Cloths, Cassimere and Worsteds to sell bv the vard. The latest styles of Goods on hand st all times. My stock of RE_ADY-M ADS CLOTHING is now complete and I Will not be Undersold Store in Old McHenry, near the Bridge. -'k <fiie quarters. .. _ „ of a section; for a tractlonal tewnsh! eontHiiiing greater quantity of laud tliau one-quarter, ami not tnore than one halt', of a township, one-half sec tion; and for a fractional township, containing a greater quantity of land than one entire section, and not mora than a quarter of a township, one quar ter section of laud. SEC. 2277. All warrants for military bounty IAIKIS, which are Issued under any law of the United States, shall be received In payment of pre-emption, rights at the rate of one dollar and twenty-live cents per acre, for the quantity of land therein specified; but where the land is rated at OIIO dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, and does not exceed the area.- specified in the warrant, it mu^t bejtaken ill full satisfaction thereof. SEC. 2278. Agricultural-college scrip, Issued to any State under the Act ap proved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. or acts amendatory thereol. shall b# received from actual settlers In payment of pre-emption claims in the same manner Hud to the same extent as authorized In caso of military bounty-land warrants, by tlie preceding section. SEC. 2279. No person shall have the right of pre-emption to mors than one bundled and sixty acres along the line of railroads within the limits granted by any net of Congress. SKC. 2280. Any settler on lands here tofore reserved on account of i rench, Spanish or other grants, which have been or may herenlter be declared by the Supreme Court ot the United States to be Invalid, shall be entitled to ail the rights of pre-emption grant ed by the preceding provisions of this chapter, alter the lands liavo been re leased from reservation, in the same manner as if no reservation had existed. SEC. 2281. All settlers on ptiblic lands which have been or may be withdrawn from market on account of proposed railroads, and who had settled thereon prior to such withdrawal, shall be en titled to pre-emption at the ordinary minimum to tiie lauds settled on and cultivated by them; but they shall file the proper notices of tlielr claims and make proof and payment as In other cases. SEC, 2283. Nothing contained In this chapter shall delay the sale of any of the public land^beyor.d tho time ap pointed by tho proclamation of tho President. * SEC. 2283. The Osage Indian trust and diminished-reservH lands in the State of Kansas, excepting the six teenth and thirty-sixth sections in each township, shall bo subject to dis posal, for cash only, to actual settlers, in quantities not exceeding one hun dred and sixty acres, or one quarter- section to each, in compact lorni. in accordance with the general principles of the pre-emption laws, under the di rection of the Commissioner of the General Land-Office; but claimants shall file tlielr declaratory statements as prescribed In other "(bases upon unoflered lands, and shall pay for the tracts, respectively, settled upon with in one year from the filing of the town- ghip-plat In the district office where such plat Is not on file at date of »«t- tlemeut. SEC. 2284. The sale or transfer ot bis claim upon any portion of these lands by any settler prior to the twenty- sixth day of April, eighteen hundred and »eveniy-oue shall not operate to preclude the right of entry, uuder the Death lurks in th< We have shuddered with horror M we have heard tho story of pestilence car rying oft whole families around us, of children dyinff like rotten sheep and none left but the hardy parents whose life is mostly out of the housfe; but In every such Instance the disease Is traceable to some pollution in cellars or drains or some miasmatic swamp In tho vicinity of the home. Drains opening Into the housea aend miasma and death into scores of families.-- Diphtheria and*typhold fever is al ways traceable to such causes. Clean doers and windows are pleasant to the eye, but not essential to the health- dean air M. JGrThe Aurora Beacon trnthfully says: "Some of onr cotemporarles are very strongly recommending their readers toJ»uyvthe' memoirs of uen- eral Hooti. of ilie' Coidederate Army, which arVe^itcd by P. T. Beauregard, and published under the title of "Advance and Retreat; Personal Ex periences in the United States and Confederate Armies." They are doing so tinder pressure of a circular pleading the misfortune of Gen. Hood's children and that the profits from the sale or this book goes to them. It wonld be well for editors of patriotic and honest papers to make a few inquiries before they allow their sympathies worked upon too much. In the first fftace the work Itself Is wrltterf In an insidious, and at the same time strong Southern vein, and calculated to glorify South ern virtue, Southern valor and South ern endurance to the utmost. In the next place, there was a snug sum of money for General Hood's children laid away in Louisiana State securities and the people of Louisiana, by the adoption of their uew Constitution, re pudiated the debt. Hood's children suffer, and with them hundreds of oth er* in northern and other States, whose guardians or natural protectors had placed their mousy in Louisiana State bonds. It would have seemed honora ble perhaps for Lottery Beauregard and his fellow Louisianians to have put their hands in their pockets and replaced the money out ol whicli they, by their votes, swindled the Hood and other ehildren. Bui that would not suit their purpose. They would prefer to work upon the sympathies of nortli- ern editors, and through them draw the money from the pockets of the northern people whom they have al ready robbed by the repudiation of their State debt. Let the men who have profited by the money which belonged to the Hood children, KgpUee it." struck speechless with But there was even a darker yet. Many innocent victims fought against these two emissaries of the Prince of Darkness for year*,--- Fought with a courage and desperate- ness worthy of a better foe. But at last grown weak and weary of so un even a contest they had succumbed and a life of shame wag the result. Many who had demonstrated tiieir humanity by many errors looked back with re gret to a lost good iiame and replica tion. Humbly and pleadingly they have appealed for help to undo the wretched past. But Gossip and Scan dal-monger ever on the alert were ready with dark Insinuations and thee* who shonlJ have exercised Christian charity, forgetting their own ftailty, turned a deaf ear. The good people forget that he uwho turns his baek ap- on the fallen and disfigured of his kind, abandons them as vile, and does not trace and track with pitying eyes ifee. unfeaced precipice by which they fell from God--grasplnftln their fall some tufts and shreds of that lost soil, and clinging to them still when bruised and dying in the gnlf below--doe* wrong to Heaven and Man, to Tina* and Eternity." No pen cen delineate or artist's liand faithfully depict tho awfulneasof these wrecks. And a» Gossip and Scandal stood slotting- over their work, tho Devil recoiled lu horror, and exctafmed. "You an ito* deed worthy of notoriety. I will now make you my prime minfcrteia." So the Devil won bis Cabinet. But It "la* whispered that he lays awake nights and forma plans to still keep ahead of them. For should tliey progress u rapidly in the next century as they have in the pjist they will completely circumvent and rout his icifema! »!gh- ne^s aud the historian ten decades from now will record; Behold el<t things have passed away. Tl«e Devil is dethorned ami Goesip and Scandal monger are joint heirs to the thram. *- A well known Gertaan minister. H*v/ A. Oplts, of Scfaleisingervllle^ wrHes: I was a saBerer with tism for years. Friends i the use of St. Jacobs Oil; I and must confess that tho astonishing. Having hardly^ the Hist bottle, 1 found r*tt«' second one cured me. I itnder obligat ions, and shall i UiU efleetiv# remedy wft aehance. For that new dress Mttern Stevens & Sdmorr. They lawp. thtt test styles, and sell che^p. til. Searles Has the New Spring Millinery jvst received Vat Mrs. S. Searles. ©o to Mrs. fttvlish Hats. ihe com»ty >© select frotn. specially, work dons all