WEDNESDAY, APRIL *1. 1880- Railroad Time Table. OOIKQ SOUTH. |«B«TI Ukl Passenger }w«n L»k« Freisht A. * ....1:15 r. II ooivsmtTib Sene** T,alce Freight.... -leaera Lake Pasaenscer .6:55 r. M M-VSOVIC. MCHKKRT CHAPTER No 34 B. A. M-Regnlar Convocations held on the second and ̂ fourth FriiU^s in etch month. ' SMITH SXABLBS, B. P. HairaY OOLBT. Secretary. MCHBWRT LODOB, HO 15S \. F. and A. M.-- Secular Communications the Saturday on or before the full of the moon and every two weeks thereatter. SMITH SBARLSS W. M. MKS. SMITH COLBT, of Chicago, who lias been visiting a few days In this Village, returned home on Tuesday. Miss ETTA BEERS. Miss Jennie and Mollte Searles and Miss Effie Curtis, have all been having a tussle with the tneaslel AMONG- the marriage Licences Issued In Chicago on Monday last we notice »ne to Wm. Fox, of DeKalb, 111., and ;JMias Hattie L. Tiltonvof McHeury, 111. WE would call the attention of our leaders to the advertisement of Waite Eldredge, of the East Side Heat Jtlarket, which can be found in another column. AT the Election on Saturday tast.for one School Director, C. B. Curtis was elected as his own successor. The Board now stands C. C. Colby, -Ct B. Curtis, A. H. Hanley. SEE the advertisement, of 15. tfelt, the Singer Sewing Machine man, in another column. He is selling as many or more machines than any other deal er In the county. JOHN I. STORY has purchased the Hankins residence, on the South side of the Park, and is fitting the same up preparatory to moving in. It will make him a handsome place. THE Measles are still raging In and around this village, and old and young are having a share of the sport. Per^ sens who haven't got a "single tneasle1 are out of the fashions Fos the past two weeks the wtud has blown almost constantly, night and day, and more disagreeable weather one cannot imagine. If there is anyone >whohas any influence with Old Proba bilities we hop* they will have this thing changed soon. WHENEVER you are requested to sign a contract by a stranger for new fangled improvements, be sure to open It out full length, read both sides of it carefully, fold It up judiciously, return It to hiin firmly and tell him to go West. , THE building on Main Street, for merly used by Smith Bros, as a Wool House, is to b$ moved on to the street In tlie rear of the PLAINDK ALER office and fitted up dwelling. It will make a comfortable place for a small family. W. B. AUSTIN, of Woodstock, adver tises iu another column an Auction of Buggies and Farm Machinery, to take place at his Warehouse on Saturday, May 1st. Also every two weeks therc- afteruntll further notice. Those in terested should bear this in mind. WE learn that Perry Spooner, of Woodstock, attempted to commit fui- cido on Saturday night last, by cutting his throat. He h aggled it in a horrid manner with a dull pocket knife, but at last accounts he was alive with pros pects of recovery. He has been de ranged at times for several years. THE new Boiler for the Steamboat arrived on Saturday, and is being put In position as fast as possible, while workmen are busy finishing up the cabin and putting}ier in shape gener ally. It is expected that she will be ready to make a trial trip the last of the week. • £F|R *«ULAC*E The election in this village on Tues day last, was the tamest afiair of the kind ever known since the village was incorporated. In the morning there were three tickets put into the field, but with the exceptiou of three or four Interested individuals, uo one seemed to care what the result might be, con sequently but one hundred and nine votes were polled, only about half' the vote of the corporation. The result was the election of the following: For Trustees--Richard Bishop, H. M, McOmber. Geo. Rot hernial. Jos. Fits- 8lmmons John Sutton, Was. Schreiner Clerk--H. H. Nichols. Police Magistrathe, C. H. Morey. DR. B. M. DKWKT. of' Chicago, the Lightning Lecturer, is now giving a series of Lectures at Riverside Hall, iu this village, on Anatomy. Physiol ogy and Geology, aud those who heard 'him en Monday and Tuesday evenings speak in the highest terms of his Lec tures. He has an apparatus embracing a life-size and life-like French Dissect ing Manikin, or Artificial Man, two human skeletons, etc.,. etc. In short, these Lectures are both pleasing and instructive, and no one. old or young, should fail to hear bim. He will re- mi in here the balance of this week. Admission, 10 cents. THE Concert by the Scott Family,at Grand Hall, on Thursday evening was attended by a large and appreciative audience, and all \v*jnt home well pleased with their evenings entertain ment. This family possess a musical talent second to none, and are belftg greeted with full houses wherever they go. The Violin Solo, by Robbie, is more than worth the price of admis sion. He bids fair te equal, If net ex- cell Olof Bull. ° THE Central Market has changed hands, R. Walte being succeeded by Smith & Walsh. Waite has formed a partnership with C. T. Eldredge and leased the old Fisher Market, which they are fitting up in fine shape. We now have three Meat Markets in this* village, and we can see no good cat'so why nay should go without this nec essary article of food, especially if he has the necessary shekels. "BOB,"1 the Baker, iri HoWe's Block, has everything In running order, aifd is ready to supply all who desire with fresh Breadi Pies, Cakes, Ac. He In tends to keep a full supply In his line, and will be ready to accommodate all who come. He will have a new adver tisement next week. THE next Part}*, and the last of the series, by the Ivy Social Club, will be held At Grand Hail, on Friday evening. May 7th. The Germania Band, of Chicago, will furnish the music, and the usual good tiine may be expected. !f?sIL Ei>m>apiA' election Tuesday. We had quite an exciting tithe vol" Ing for Director Saturday night, fi nally electing Wm. St Clair. Don't know whether lie will survive boing School Director and father-in-law or not. Arthur Paddock, of Grundy Co.,Iowa visited friends In Nunda last week. TheW.C. T. U., held their mass meeting in the M. E. Church last Fri day evening. It was well attended and a success, even to the prelude which was not on the programme. Still they move. Geo. Woodneck now lives In the Calkins house, Mrs. Ben Butler is now on the sick list. Mrs. Calger went to the city last Thursday and she fs just more than busy, for she suits everybody. C. N. Stone and wife started Monday for the Eastern States, where they will stay a year. Our ladies have fteuse clefculug on the brain I guess, by the way Miller and Caiger fly around with their brushes aud pails. Maudie Powelt to here again, to staT this time. Mrs. Jessie Baldwin and daughter made Mrs. Benton a visit last wsek. Again we see Uncle Ben Robinson's smiling face on our streets^ x Mark Foote was out to attend the wedding last Wednesday. M. F. Smith and family took their departure for Kansas Monday last.. We noticed R, Murfitt with his hand In ailing. Did not learn how it was hurt, however. Ths long looked for event has come at last, at Mr. Mfcrt in's residence too. Elder Bacon was invited there last Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock, to send Mr, Edward St Clair aud Miss Alice Martin from the state of single blessedness into the state of wedded bliss. They had a very quiet wedding only relatives aud expectant relatives were present. May theirs be a long and happy life. The happy pair are keeping house in the Martin mansion. Wv lit probability i» that br passing quietly about your fettafness, conscious of your own strength and peowes*, you would be as highly respected by yourself and others as the ""big I" blufler. But all l itis aside, the course of lectures cannot fail to be profitable and amusing, Mr. George Calkins has returned to Wauconda. and may be found with his big broth5r at the wagon shop. Misses Taggart and Bangs have ad ds fl Millinery goods, and an attractive sign in front of Mr. Duers* store indi cates that their friends and others wtyl be welcomed In their rooinsgj, r:A: Job Work for the PL*nb(iLrit, receive money therefor and ruceipt for the same.-- All orders it-ft with him will receive prompt attention.--Editor. Boquets ef iris and nounce the Spring. buttercups an- THE ambition ef "nobby" young men is to get an undercoat just long enough to cover up the rear suspender buttons of their pantaloons, and an overcoat, just short enough to miss being tan gled up with the protruding nails of their boot heels. In the name of mod esty, we suggest a general average. ONE of the finest aud most promising yoang horses in this section is Oham- plon, Jr., owned by George Hauly, aud farmers and breeders should not fail to see hlns. He Is gpod size, well pro portioned. fine action, and for general purposes would be hard to beat. He can be seen at the farm of A. H. Han. lfti one-fourth of a mile south of the Brick Mills. TAKE NOTICE. I wish to hereby give notlee to owners of cows and ether cattle iu and around the village of McHenrv, that they must take care of the same or I will do it for them. They are contin ually breaking Into my fields, on the East side of the River, breaking fences, destroying crops, Ac., and it must be stopped, or I shall be obliged to invoke the aid of the State Law. We give you fair warning. C. BKCKWITB. SEED CORN. I have a quanity of 5?ced Corn, of a very ehoice variety, for sale, at my res idence, one-fourth mile South of Bish op's Mill. SAMUKL MCDONALD. NOTICE. I will sell Oak Tanned Harness, com plete, for $33, for the next thirty days. O. f/. HCBBARD, Ring wood, 111. WE have received for next week, a new advertisement of the firm of Fits- slmmons A Evanson, who have just re ceived a large and well selected stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which tbey advertise to sell fifty percent less than any other firm iu the county.-- Their Goods were bought for cash, will be sold for cash, and those who come now will be sure of securing bargains. They mean business, and those in want of goods should not fall to read their advertisement next week. CAPT. WILLIAMS loaded the Scow. Capt. Powers, last week with Lime, Nails, Lath and Lumber, for Col. Llp- plnoott's new Hotel at Fox Lake, and on Saturday started to sail up. On Tuesday afternoon we learned that after meeting with untold difficulties, the Scow was finally blown into the mod near Slough Point, where she is stuek fast, with the prospect that both Boat and cargo will be a total wreck. As It proved it would have been 'bet ter to have waited for the Steamboat, or even transported It with teams over land. RING WOOD* EDITOR PLAINHEALER:--'The rain on Friday made the farmers look , smiling and the prospect for a g«»od price for wool has filled them with hopes of a full purae at shearing time. We have only one store running . In the village now. J. E Vasey lias been looking over the writings of the great journalist, Horace Greeley, and has made up his mind to tro West and look him up ahonie in Dakota. His wife goes to iier parents iu Chicago. J. W. Oristy is slowly recoverln£ and it is hoped he will soon be able to atteud to business again. For wagons or blackMitlthing go to Nick Blake If you want a good job done at low\prices. Mrs. F. Gorton Is slowly improving. Nin t] Walker has gone away to school. I Nathan Stevens has decided to learn the shoemai ing trade aud has taken a seat beside Jerry Smith. Our Depot Agent, C. Harrison, was sent for to Chicago a few days ago and now we are looking for a new depot. We are glad to learn that one of our townsmen. John Harrison, was electe^ School Trustee. . The Puzzle boom has struck our vil lage and one man got his head so mud dled that he did not know whether it was 13,14 or 15 cords of wood that he had piled, but a man from McHenry decided it for him and he found It was blocks Instead of cord wood, The measles has about played out and the children are to be seen on. the green again. The school meeting was largely at tended. J. Carter and G. W. Smith were candidates for office, G. W. Smith received 18 votes and J, Carter 6. G. W. Smith was declared elected. NORTHERN NUNOA. KEITOR PLAIKUELER Once more we grasp the pen to luform our many friends tiiat we are still alive and kicking after the measles. The farmers In this section are about through sowing small grain. W. M. Mosgrove, who has been quite sick, we understand is slowly recover- Ing. School election passed oft quietly. Edward Kuox was re-elected. The board now stands, H. Erwin, E. Knox and P. Welch. Mrs. Mary Flemmtng, who has had very poor health for some time, has failed to much a? to excite the solici tude of her many friend*. Our last Lycoum had a bad effect on William. He has not made his appear ance since. (Oh, that jell cuke, yum! yum!) M. Peck, and P. H. Conway are home from the pine woods where they spent the winter. They are looking well, with the exception of Pat's upper t lip. Some more boot black. Pat. D. Flanders is erecting a new dwell ing house west of the McMUIau school house Where,oh, where, is Snooks. We hav'u't heard from hi in in some time Jim'Connely made ills appearance Sunday night as usual. Come earlier^ Jim. and don't get into the ditch next time. Rumors are afloat that Mis* Nellie Knox is going to teach In t*»e Mos grove school house the coming summer. Katie Kief has been visiting friends In this place the past week. Many of the farmers of this place got behind time i i contracting their cucumbers this yerft. So much for lame backs. We understand John Welch, better known at "the soldier," will bid good bye to tliis part of the town and go to Chicago where he will take charge of a street car. Look out for No. 1, Jack. M&. Peter Welch, who has been quite sick, is able to be around again. A Leap Year Party is thought to take place in our burg soon. Pat Flusky is on the war-path. He lost his dog. John, you'd better keep your hogsheads at home. NEW YORK, June 17, W9. 811 East 7lh St. Messrs. MOROAIC * AJLLBN, as John Street, New York City: Gentlemen.--1 thank yon from all my heart for the benefit I have received from your medicine, the '"Constitution Water." It ha* entirely cured ni® of my disease «f long-standing inflamma tion and catarrlrof t0e bladder. Very truly yonre. Rev. LP.FBOU Ask your druggist for it. WAUCONDA EDITOR PLAIXDEALEK:--A team, at tached to a spring wagou belonging to Mr. McMahon, ran from the sheds of the old iiotel to the corner at J. R. Welle, where It"fetched up standing' between the brick walls of the bulld- iug and the hitching rail. The wagou and harness were badly wrecked. Mr. Dewey delivered an advertise inent of himself on Saturday evening. It was announced that this was to be the first of a course of five lectures and was to be free. That magic word, "Free," acted with its proverbial draw ing power, and a good audience had assembled before eight o'clock, and here is where our "kick*' comes in. The lecturer came into the hall soon after eight. If he had proper regard for his audience he would have come in a few minutes before, or as soon as eight at leagt, but he caine In soon after 8 o'clock and -monkeyed" around t||o stage for about fifteen minutes before he could condescend to begin his so called lecture. Wauconda people would do well to teach these fellows a lesson by promptly adjourning the next time one of them attempts this little dodge. Your time Is as good as anotheis and you have got them **foul." They are after your ten cent pieces, and will have to "cave in" if you take a firm stand. Regarding the address It was glib and amusing. The speaker took occasion to announce several times that he wasn't afraid of the doctors, (combativeness evidently large). .Sup pose he isn't. What of It? Lets of peoirie here are not afrfid of him. You couid meet a man or the street, of WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER Unless the spirit rtiOVesjnore toward the close of this letter tian at the beginning. It Will be short, aud uninteresting. Mr. Jones, the temperance lecturer mentioned last week, closed his series of meetings Tuesday evening We learn they weie well attended, and gave muf.'h satisfaction. As announced. Dr. Lorlmer lectured in Murphy's Hall Thursday evening. Tills Is the first time he has spoken here, but he had a* good audience, and his enthusiastic hearts!-* pronounced the lecture the Wovrnliig one of the season. Dr. LoHmer Is about the finest oiat^r w/over heard. He spoke ^ttirely witTlfmt notes.; for over two hours, and we heard some saying on the way home that they could have listened to hi TO with pleasure three or four hours longer. We cannot descrlbe the lecture. We have not the ability. It must be heard to be fully apprecia ted. When he comes agsin, as we are informed he will, the largest reom In the city will be needed to accommo date the audience. Two rival auction sales In town last Saturday, of agricultural implement*, buggies, Ac., by our dealers in such, W. B. Austin ami T. J. Dacv, attracted some attention and comment. Of the lierits of the case we know nothing, and therefore say nothing. We are pleased to record another act of simple justice long delayed. Walter P. Jewett has been notified that his claim for Invalid pension has been allowed, to date from October 1863. The amount due is a little less than 91300. We are sincerely glad to sec him get It, for he not only deserves It, but Is worthy of it. May he live long to enjoy it. and always feel a just pride in the fact of his active loyalty In his country's cause. Saturday a collisslon occurred near the south-east corner of our public square. The carriage of E. D. Murphy ran Into, and overset, the buggy of some man whose name we did not learn. He was thrown out. badly bruised, ami lay insensible for some time. We did not see the accident, and cannot tell where the blame lay*, but such reckless driving in the town ought not to be tolerated* School election last Saturday. J. Murphy and J. C.JChoate. were the Ant- going members of the Board. A.L. Salisbury wfts selected without opposl tlon to fill Mr. Murphy's plaGe, While for Mr. Choate's. friends both run him and G.%. Southworth. Tlie latter was successful, 120 te 67. More votes were polled than at the town election. The members holding over are Deisel, Hoy, RMianls and Parish. The neighboring school district, mentioned In a previous letter, had a "lively time" the same day. The two new-comers who have tried so earnest ly to have things run their own way met with a decided rebuke, the vote for director standing 81 to 7. There were eight voters absent, all bat one of whom, at least would have voted with the majority. The two disap pointed obstructionists of a successful school, one of tyhrtiu lias no children to send for years to come, did a vast amount of loud talking which 6erved to amuse the crowd. It is to be hoped they have learned a lesson and will be come quiet. If not we want to suggest a plan to that district. In the early settlement of our country, when news papers, books, and • other meaus for general information were not so (flenty as now, tale-bearers, talkers, busy bodys, Ac., sometimes became very troublesome. When forbearance with with such ceases to be longer a virtue, a meeting of the neighborhood would be called to take action. The course commonly pursued was this:•>--Such per sons were voted to be harmless, fir the future, and furnished with full permis sion to say any and everything they pleased, and all they should say was te be regarded as so much contributed tor the general amusement. The above will suggest the "plan" we have in our mind. The care of our poor fdr the present year has been placed in the hands of J. Donnelly, Sen. Notice was circulated that on a certain 3ay sealed bids would be received, the lowest taking the con tract. A. B. Cowllu and J. Donnelly appeared. Mr. C. handed in his bid which was opened and read, and then Mr. D. asked that the contract be then aud there P«t up at ajction. and fclr. Lamb finally consented. Mr. D. had the contract last year at $1100, aud claimed tliat he lost oil it J20l>i He then bid 81550. Mr. C. bid less.and the contest continued till Mr. Donnelly took the contract at $790. The question is very naturally asked why ho should take the contract at that price if he lost #200 when he had it at 91100. By bidding against him Mr*. Cowlln has 6aved the townshfp a hanifsome sum of money. We give the above facts just as we get them from a trustworthy source, and si tall watch for further de- velopements on the subject. . -J" II.,UH ,1 ' . .. « SEEDS • U<.. Richmond was visited ou Saturday evening by a severe .hailstorm, accom panied by most vivid flashes of light* nlng. The bail stones were as large as cherries. The Baptists have purche^d the "premises formerly owned by John i |Legget, and will fit the same up as a Parsonage. It is a place next North of Jerry Robinson's, and Is a pretty with a 1 of .the ItUeststyles and pat now prepared to open ttte * Sumnier campaign In eariwtt, and make a general war on high Prices, Wherever he may be found. My stock was se lected with tthe greatest care, is large and comprises all the latest style** of Hats to be found In the city, which will be sold as cheap or cheaper than the same quality of goods can be bonght elsewhere. In short 1 will net be un dersold. . We Invite fill to call aud ex amine oar slock whether they want to bug sot. MKS.H. H. Nicaou. and house uud pleasant situation. The recent improvements on the residence of J. R Hyde have chauged the exterior appearauce of the house completely, mid much for the better.-- The carpenters are nearly through and the painters are busy at work. Sam Foster, felling timber last Fri day, was struck by a falling limb on the shoulders, and narrowly escaped death. The limb was four or live Inches through, and had the blow not been a glancing one, or had ho received It on the head we might now be writing his obituary instead of this notice. The Qazeite cries out In distress at a flood of what one corespondent calls obituary "potera." The spelling of that correspondent is oc a par with the poetical merit of most of the stuff of fered editors for publication, "an the Death of" &c. Richmond is In the midst ef the "fix ing up" boom incident to the opening of Spring. Carpenters and painters, paper hangers and whltewashers are "driven to death.1* Go Oa, brethren. In' the good work. A. S. Wright has put iu a good livery stock at his stables nenr the depot, and will hereafter be able to furnish the public with'a good rig when wanted,-- This will supply a long felt want, and will, we hope, yield to the enterpris ing proprietor a wealth of sbeckles. Our village election ou Tuesday was a spirited one and resulted iu the eloc- tion of the entire "Law and Order" ticket over the "No License" ticket.-- The newly elected Board arc as fol lows: . Trustees--S. F. Bennett. John C. Smith, A. L. Browr., James V. Aldrlcb, Theodore Seliroeder, F. W. Mead. Clerk--A. R. Alexander. Two mere victims te Diphtheria have been buried from Solon sinoe oar last writing. The first was sirs. Tur ner, widow of Win. Turner. The re mains were taken to Chicago for inter ment. The second was tlie daughter of John Merrill, an Interesting child of some ten years. Henry Christian has also been slightly sick with sore throat thought to be diphtheritic. The measles, which has been march ing up tho railroad this way hat at last readied towiu Master Ray Mead hav- lug the distinction of being the first on tlie skirmish Hue. Under ordinary circumstances measles is a trivial dis ease, and as the season of the year Is a gbod one, we might as well have our seige uow as any time. M. M. Clothier has just won twa vary important and difficult pension cases and Is to be congrayt^lated for his suc cess. The first is tnat of Jaines Bacon, of this village, who will draw up to March 4,1880, tlie handsome of 81682.-- Th« second Is Mrs. Precepta Lawrence, of Marengo, who draws , up te same date, 91758. As we have before stated, Mr. Clothier Is the most successful pen sion attorney iu the West. At the school meeting last Satnrday John C. Smith was re-elected Director without opposition. The following is the Directors Annual Report: To the voters of School District No. 7. town ship 46. range 8, County of McHenry aud State of Illinois, at their annual election, assembled for the election of Director of this said District ou this 17th day of April 1880. aKCEIFTS. April?, Balftttoeon hand . ............ Sept Yi, Co Treas delinquent tax Hti.'JO •Sei>t 12, Co TrwsR It K tax 117.8* Dec 20. Honttv, tuition...,,...58.13 April I 'mi Township cot rlist tax\. #179.56 April 1 *(10 Co Treat state tax April 1 Wl Itowanhip fund tat division., ..98:13 Attention, Farmer* Dairymen Sherman Bros., residing two miles West of McHenry, on the Woodstock road, keep on band the JTollowing ariK cles to aieet the wants of farmers and dairymen: Creamery, (Patent applied ror) con sisting of boxes for water, any slse to suit. Barrels may be used or any Cra ter vessel, spring or wells,, Mi'.k cans with covers to exclude all foreign sub stances and allowing the heat and steam to escape. And a Skimming de vise. tl>e most perfect ever invented. Riding Plow Attachment, (Pat. ap plied tor) by which you can attach any kind of a Plow to any corn salky cul tivator. Patent Farm Gate Hanging, Patent Post Hole Auger. Mf* And a devise for Converting Motion (Pat. applied for) can be applied to wind mills, Ac., to convert a forward and back motion into a rotary motion. All the above articles ire wi 11 sell very low to suit the timet, ipall and examine for yourselves. Hwr- • ,• S. * J. MKHUM1I. ' ."::;^FOR SALE. One good two seated Buggy, at the shop of T. J.' Clifton, opposite the Parker House. Will trade for a good horse, oue that is steady and reliable for women to drive, or will sell cheap for cash. Tlie Buggy is all complete, with Thills. Pole, Whlffietrees Stc. If you want a Bargain call soon. T. J. O.T»T»». |fte§KHry, 111. April Wth. WW. Clotbiug More. \ To tr^ a guvtl BWIW^I. We forge a--ortuiettt. Panm A AUttJi*. Tlie best T-hreshlng Kuiwkies at. K. H. Owen's. The Moliae Owen**. Plow «t E*»,U 4 ••• '.if' wiLVyrf' Yon to buy a BuUnlo Mobe ot Pervy A Martin. The Furst A Bradley 8«lky tkm mt K. M. Owen's. Clocks, from HOP (ipwariftkr ranted. AtO. W . Owen*#. When in want of work in mj line, give me a call.and I will try and please Rdbt. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunda, HI. Have yeu seen those Drags at Bish op's Warehouse? If uui, Uo net fall tn de so before you buy. THE GOOD TAHfKt. j The best Nickle Cigar in town, Manufacture:! by ¥. J. Barbiaa, MtfHeury. PLAXTKR-H. A|l the best make at It. PLOWS! PLOWS! I# yon want a gootl Plow do not to call at my Warehouse,see steck and,,. * BOOTS AND SHOES. Do not fail to give us a call as we have special pric9s to give you In this line. STEVKNS FT SCHNOKR. A very fine assortment of Cottage Colors, at Besley's Drug Store, oppo site the Parker House. Total KXrENUITl'BIS. May 1 *79. W M Clark, «che<ta1e .0t42£ 6S , . May 2, Agnes Kimball, sr.Uedulo.1LM M a y 6 , i l a r v J l > a r l i n £ , s c h e d u l e . . 1 7 . 7 * May M ifu-ks, repairs and indite.. May S4, J ti Brown repairing feneeS.* May 80, W M Clark, schedule May 31, A J Cox, paintinfrence ...... May 31, Order book Lace Curtains 17 cts„ per yard nt Fitsslmmons & Evanson's, oLfden Seeds, all kinds, nt Besley's Drug Store. Whitewash Brushes, Paint Brnthet, Feather Dusters, &c., at Besley's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. As cheap as any other place in town. Mrs. E. W. Howe has Just returned from the city with a full line of Spring MHlinerv. Call »nd examine those Spriug S'elts. learu prices. H. Bisaof. Force JPampe, '% H* Bnckevg Owen's. All the Owen's. The J, |. Case sidky Plow at E. S.ML Owen's. firsf-dass The Grand Detour Sulky Plow at M. Owen's. • Autograph Albums, from flvn upwards, at O. W. Owen's. of cents 4pents FnrnMiIng ?->.< Laner <M»ecktff*t' neat tbeSK A fine line Goods at Depot. , Ten 15 light Windows, glair*8x1 Ot, perfect, for sale cheap by O. W. Owen^ IT WILTPAY iir To consider quality as well aa print when you buy a boot. Enquire for "Henderson's Chicago B«HK,ji^r*!^v€ * ' PAYS * 's' To keep the feet drv and warm. good Kuhlker Boot will do It. So will" x a warm lined boot- We have thes4 bet*, ' PKRKT A HABTIM. A full stock of Vibrator Extras for Nlch'ds. Shcp&rdifc Co'a. Tlireshet* ftf E. M. Owen's- labor -- . >«. May SI, Agnes Kimball, schedule May SI,- D Thompson, May 31, Mary J Uarlin Schedule.. We have a variety of FielfT'and Garden Seeds. Cucumber, Cauliflower, and Onion Seeds, Mangel Wurtzel Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Corn, in r- hulk or packages. STEVENS A SCHKORR grouuds sre in good condition. Jnne7, J Aehtou, labor... . Juno 18. W Linkey, cementing well.... 34.22 June T6, *V M Clark, schedule... 87.57 June 27, F Hugif, janitor 1&.0® June 27, Agnes Kimball, schedule...... 17.27 June -l», Mary J Darling, schedule 2430 July 15, tilover A Backus, lumber...... &.U8 July Id, M Hicks, pump and mdse....... ltt.SS July 17, Downing A Dennison repairs.. 3,10 Aug 7, A J Cox, painting 6.25 Septfl, J C^mith, building chimney.... 5.S0 Sept 6, Mrs. Neal, cleaning house 600 Seitt 18, H G Heading, 15 corda wood.... 37.25 Sept 30, W M Clark, schedule .. StS.fW Oct 2, Emma Kille v, schedule 2ft00 Oct 2, Marv J Darling, schedule. Oct 11, A t Brown, globe *2 50 Oct 11, D Coiits, whitewashing.ftoo Oct 31, Kmina Killey, schedule ' ...... 40.00 Oct 31, W M Cl irk, aohedulo ..t...*w. 8RB7 Sov 3, Glover & Backus, lumber.,.,,... 85 Nov 3, Marv J Darling, schedule....,., 30.00 No* 19, M rticks, stove snd work.i.w'ji1 1100 Dec 1, Emma lvil'ey, schedule 2(100 Dec-2, W M Clarti, schedule SR.67 Dec 2. Marv J Darling, schedule...ii... 30.00 Dec 44, F llug'i, janitor . . 15.00 Dec'24, W M Clark, schedule... 55.07 Dee 24, Kmma Killey, schedule 16.37 Dec 2G, Mary J Darling, schedule 84.54 Jan. 10, '80 A S Wright hauling lumber. 1.00 Jan 20, C M Edmonds, repairing organ... 3.00 Feb 12, W M Clark, schedule 63.49 Feb 12. Mary J Darlieg, schedule,. 2*-57 reb 12, Emma Klilev, schedule. »05 Mar 1 W M Clark, schedule »»»*••, Mar 1, Marv J D:irling, schedule......... 30.00 Marl, Emma Killev. schedule ......... 30.00 Mar 1, M Hicks, repairing stove......... 7.06 Mar 26, W M Clmfc, schedule 57 97 Mar '.V>, Marv Darling, Schedule ... 26.<» Mar 2fi, Emma Kiilev, schedule..'......, 17.W» Mar 27, F Hugg, jftaitor April 1, Balance « hand - 1128.98 Totel....... 4S4B8-6C From the above it wiH appear that the amount paid for teacher's wages is •1075.65. Tlie Principal received $ per mouth, the teacher in Intermediate department ®30 and the Primarv $20. The operation ot Ihe school during the past year has seemed to give general satisfaction. The building. i«nces and j HOUSE FOR SALE. The spleiulld new reslneuce In this village, known as the IIInton Wheeler place, is offered for sale. The house It one of the best built in the village, Is utmost new, has a got»d barn and out* houses, and is very desirable located.-- W ill be sold otieap and on reasonable terms. Fer further, particular^ iujyu4*P at this office. ;y BASKET MAK1KG. * The undersigned Is prepared to fur nish Willow Baskets of hU own make, of all kinds. Fine Baskets a specialty. Market, Clothes, and all other Baskets made to order. Will also repair all kinds of light work. Give me a call.-- First House South of the Claremont House, on the McHenry and Richmond r°*d* 9IOK WlKKUn. McHenrv. neat lath, 187S. FOR RENT. The celebrated Ford Photograph Gallery, the only Gallery in the village of McHenry. A first-class location.-- Possession given at once. Appty to E. M. OWEN. Italian Rye Holies® Oat?. 1 have a quantity of Italian Rye Hulles8 Oats en hand which I oiler for sale. The Oats resemble rye in ap pearance, having no hull whatever, and will go as high as sixty pounds to the bushel. Forty pounds of these Oats is a sufficient quantity for seeding an acre. Their average yield Is from fifty to one hundred huahels to the acre. They grow the same as common Oats, and are from a week to ten days earlier. Common oats when cleaned of hulls, yield only twelve and one-hatf pounds of meafg. These oats will yield sixty pounds clear meats. These oats can be used in place of rice for making puddings. In some respect- they are even better than rice. These oats sold, last year, for 910.00 per bushel. Price, after April lst.ft.CI0 per bush el. These Oats were raised last year by H. Hornby. Solon Mills. For sale in McHenry by, THOS.KNOX. 50 dozen Hats in Men and Boys pur chased for cash at le*s than manufac turers prices. Fitzsimmons AEvauson ofiftt them at unusual bargains. ToLtr, Rock ami Rye. tlie great Con sumption cure and general appetiser, can be fouid at Besley's Drug Store Try a bottle. Have von examined that gennine Imported Kid Glove at FltsaiwiMOas 4k Evanson's. Price 65 cts. W. F. TILTON will repair Ctathes Wringers at his shop. Whatever may be ont ef order made good as new. laces. Embroidery. &c., new and stylish, just received at gitislmusens & Evanson's. ______ DRESS GOODS v We are OR hand with thf letest styles and lowest prices. STBVWRS A scmrant If yes want Rahber Goods mt any kind, a gnotfrrnln leather Kip or Wool lined Boot. Clothing, Underwear. A»\. call at Fitssfmmoiis A Svansen, where The Pwllr Suspender or Argeey Brace cai lie bonght in this town only at Laner A Becker's, They art tbe qest thing out, ^ TilK FAVOR1TK KEY WK8T. The Smokers' delight. Another verjr fine Nickie Cigar. Manufactured bjr F. J. Barbiaii, 5!"Henrjr. \ REMETmbkh ^ That yo« ran always Nnda ine Skan at Our Plaw that wfil h*r7pf*rfe«'t t» it and quality. STEVWIS « ScHNWiai.: , RANDALL PmTvKHlSlSG HAB> ROW. The most Pupular and Profltabln Farm Implement in ute, For sale to E. M. Oweu A Son. PLANTERS. The celebrated Keystone Planter, ** K. 3d. Owen 4 Son's. BOB 1NGERSOLL. Ells l>ctures complete In pamphlet formiur sale at O. w. Owo»^,;;;' ' LADIES. Slionld nut fall to eall on us F6t atest styles in Ties. Stevena A 8«tmoi CLOililNG! For elething call w Stevens < Sdmorr. AUTOGRAPHS! We have a-large and well stock mf Autography Albums* B«>oks, fane1^ letter |mwr Av. BVKVESS * 8cuon, CUCUMBER SEED. AM thorn growing CncumbefK Curtis A Wiilker will find tHe tlie atore of Elevens & Svhnorv. ! Sll or In the village of Riagwood. a Hon ' LatHl, age Barn, and seven amsw as tlte Lester i^ace. Ot* tite p|»fS pieuty of ¥ruit, consisting eA ' * Peart*. Cherries, ic. Son# ' Water. The house has eight and Is ia good repair. WU eel! cash or on time if deslyedl further particular* inquire of Rinowuoo, MOT. Ml. ISM. Ladies Cloth Foxed Shoes, p quality, K cth, at FHssiininons Evanson's. FORSALK OR REST. The Store lately occupied by Vasey in the village of Riu| Possession giveu March 33th. further particulars luqiiirc of MRS. AVI VJ Hingwood, Blareh C.l^n. FOKSALE. 8000 pair of the famous BeWI 111 French and American Kid, Calf Ac.. Iu Side Lace. Froat and Button, at popular prt»*e». Ifcfl pay to look Hieai »wr. warranted. Fita»imn>oHa A Kvi DRAGS! PRAGS! * The he.»t Drag in fli« market Ihaap a» run he bewght t*t aa»y «|e:der fit the cownty. GuM the in before purchasing. K,, .TA»T»-SHKKWIX»I^Attt«i the bride'* parent*, in br the Hev. n. K. and 51U* Kellle Jt, «af*l t»eo. L. g.herw«wlt fmyitolwrfll Bouae, at Woerfnteek. l.AMPSC»X-WITMr.«-Ia 1 April UU&. *t the residvneeaMle cltntnMm, the Re*. R. K. T" I.ampaM and Mise Leaa K. Punham Low Prices an d Mnrtitt. Jeweler. Xi( will IhKf plenty «t iten and rock prletSu * «#' jf.v 1 - ~v ' '-.'J i . * * 1 ' t - M' '•£ .it. • . v ' ' " . > >i s-j' • ;• ; ' i - - "