Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1880, p. 5

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piaiaieder. WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1880. Railroad Time Table. GUI NO SOUTH. leiKTtUk* Passenger A. i Gcnevt Lkk« Express 8:» A. M. jen«n Lake Freight ^.... .1:15 p. M «<HSO VOBTB. »en«vS Lake Freijrlit A. *. Geneva Lake Eipreu ..:...5:4» r. Jt. Geneva Lake Pmenier * MASONIC. MCHEHRT CHAPTER NO 34 B. A. M--Regular Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. SMITH SEAHLES, H. P. HKHRT COI,BT. Secretary. MCHBHBT LODGE, NO 153 A. F. and A. M.-- Regruiar Communicatioas tne Saturday on or before the full of the moon and every two weeks thereafter. m „ SMITH SEARLE8 W. M. For the Campaign. The political campaign this year will be one of the^most important in the history of the country. The MCHENRY PLAINDEALER will be sent to any ad­ dress, postage paid, from now to De­ cember 1st, 1880, for the sain of Seven* ty-flve Cents. LOST, In McHenry, or between Mc­ Henry and Woodstock, a Rubber Boot. The tinder will confer a favor by leav­ ing it at this office, or at the Storj of W. H. Dwight, Woodstock. THE friends of Elbert Kennedy, of Wilmot, must take oft their hats when they meet him hereafter. Its a girl, weighed eight pounds, and was born on the 6th Inst. FIGS, Lemons, Oranges, Cider, Ice Cream, Lemonade. Cigars, Confection- ery and Pop, at Mr*. Scott's Ice Cream Parlor*, two doors North .Of Riverside Housq. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS wishes to an­ nounce that she will doover all kinds of straw ' work and Leghorn Hats.-- .Bleaching and Pressing done with dispatch, at Reasonable Prices, THE water in Fox River is lower at the present time than it has been known for many years. If we do not get rain soon the fish will be obliged to take to the Lakes to escape dry land. * THE delegates to the National Re­ publican Convention will go for Grant, but the ladies and gentlemen of Mc­ Henry and vicinity are going to Mrs. Scott's Ice Cream Parlors erery eve­ ning for Ice Cream and Iced Lemonade PATRICK MAGILL. who resided neat- Fox Lake, and has been in the employ of Col. Lippincott for the past year, died last week and was buried in the Catholic Cemetery, in this village, on Sunday. A Lung difficulty we believe was the cause, brought on by exposure. WE are requeeted to give notice that Meetings will commence *at the Fort Hill Church, on Friday, June 11th 1880, and continue until Lords day. L. I,. Garpenier, of Wabash, will preside during the time. All are cordia!y in­ vited. Amply provisions will be made tooccemmodate all who come. THE Chicago A North-Western Rail­ way will sell round trip tickets at EX­ CURSION RATES from all of its stations to Chicago and return, for the Nation­ al Republican Convention, to be held in Chicago. June 2. Tickets will be sold May 30 to June 1, Inclusive; good to re­ turn till June 6. PBB80HAL Miss MAT RUSSELL, of Owatohna, Minn*, Niece of the Editor of this paper, arrived here on Saturday last. She Will make this Iter home for the future. < HON. T. D. MCRPHT VM on anr streets on Saturday. JUDGE SHRIVE and wife, of Chicago, spent Sunday in this village with the family of J. M. McOmber. C. A. KNIGHT and wife, ot Chicago, spent Sunday in this village. FRED. 8. DoBGLAS.of the Sandwich Gazette, made our sanctum a call last week. With a party of friends ho is rusticating at Fox Lake. H. D. LUFF, of Chicago, is spending a few days In this village. WM BUGBEE, a former resident of this village, is visiting friends here. J. P. RANSOM, of Wilmington, III., an old time and well known resident of thlB county, made our sanctum a call on Tuesday. He expects to remain here during the week. 0. S. CRESSET, from near Kalamazoo, Mich., brother-in-law of H. H. Nichols, with his wife and daughter, has beeu spending a few days In this village. CAPT. JAS. NISH, County Treasurer, D. A. Stedman, Sheriff, Geo. Sherwood, ot the Waverly tlouse, Geo. Pratt, D. Robinson, South worth of the Sentinel. Duileld Brothers, of the Democrat, and quite a number of others from Wood­ stock, were fishing in the River here on Saturday last. WE would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of J. R. Wells. Wauconda. to be foun'J in . an­ other column. He desires to close out his entire stock as soon as possible, and for this reason offers his large stock at Cost for Cash on and after June 1st. His stock is full 'and com­ plete in all branches, and buyeis Will do well to call and examine it and learn prices before purchasing. Read the advertisement elsewhere. OUR readers should not fall to read the announcement in our Richmond Department of the observance of Decoration Day in that village, which will take place on Saturday next, the 29th. Frank Crosby, of Elgin, will de­ liver the Oration, the Marengo Band will be present, and the Exercises generally will be of the most interest­ ing character. We trust a good dele­ gation from this section will go up on Saturday. CHAS. KUHNERT and daughter, of Johnsbugh narrowly escaped a fatal accident on Saturday evening last.-- While coming into town and near the residence of Dr. Brown something gave way letting the tongue of the wagon drop d<»wn, and the horses starting suddenly the tongue caught in t^e ground throwing\^Ir. Kuhnert, his daughter Minnie ana M^r. Kleifgen( who was riding with them, violently to ground, Mr. Kuhnert striking on his head and Minnie un her face, brusing them both quite badly, but fortunate­ ly breaking no bones. Kleifgen es­ caped with a lame shoulder. It was fortunate no one was kriled. Asentimental poetess asks: "Is there nothing for me to do?" Oh, you bet there is. Return the flour you bor­ rowed from the woman next door, patch up your husband's old clothes, let poetry severely alone, and turn up that old last years bonnet. There's plenty of work for you to do In this world. When you want for advice, inclose a stamp. As **111 be seen by the Time Table at the head of the Local Page, a new train has been put on the road between Geneva Lake and Chicago, railed the Geneva Lake Express, (formerly the Ciscoette) which passes this station as follows: Going South. 8:29 A |rC; North, 6:49 p. M. The other trains run on the same time as before. By cvnsulting the Time Table you can get the exact time of the departuie of each train. TRAVELERS and others visiting Wau­ conda will And the comfortRof a home at the Pratt House, in that thriving little village. This Hots] is kept in first class style, and the proprietor spares no pains that will tend towards the comfort of Ids guests, and if you stop for a single meal or stay a week you are sure to go away satisfied.-- Wauconda Is fortunate in having so good a Hotel. MATHIAS FREUND. 1st, who resided near Johnshurgh. died quite suddenly on Thursday last. It appears he re­ ceived a severe fall some time last winter, but his friends supposed he was entlrsly ever the effects, but it appears that the warm weather and over work brought on infiainatlon of the brains and carried hint off. He was sick only a few days. He was one of the leading Germans, and was highly respected by all who knew him. WE have received a liberal sample of Butter made at the new Butter Factory of James Overton, near Solon, and And it fully equal if not superior to any Butter we ever tasted, which proves that as a butter maker Mr. Overton is certainly a success. Wo informed that last week he was mak­ ing about forty pounds a day, and in­ tended this week to also commence making Cheese. This Factory has but just been started, but we predict Mr Overton will prove the right man in the right place, and that this Factory will be a great benefit to the farmers in that vicinity. We ir.teud to make a visit to that institution in a few days and wilt then report more iu fall as to IU workings. WHILE In Chicago a few days since we called at the Commission House of Keckeisen A Kelter, 170 South Water Street, ami found them doing a good business in their line. We were shown through their Butter Cellar, and must say they have a splendid place for keeping this greasy commodity when it arrives at that end of the route. The cellar was pool and airy, and butter there was as hard and sweet as though in an Ice House. They are receiving a good many shipments from this county, and with the large acquaintance enjoy­ ed by Mr. Kelter, we predict it will be greatly iucreased iu the future. OKITIJAUY. GKANGKR- Dif'i, at McHenrv, III.. M»v 9th, 1880, MRS. SALLY GRANOEK, aged 82 years The deceased was bom in West field. Mass., January 1798. Moved with her parents to Central Xew York in 1800.-- Lived there until 1849, during which time she married, became the mother of a large family, and after becoming widowed moved with her children to Lake Co., Ills. From there she moved to McHeury in 1877. She departed this life full of hope for a peaceful fu­ ture. Old Settlers Meeting® The arrangements for the Annual Meeting of the Old Settlers Associa­ tion ot McHenry and Lake Counties, which is to be held at Wauconda on the 15th day of June, are progressing fa­ vorably and everything promises one of the largest gathering ever held by this Society. The citizens of Wau­ conda are leaving nothing undone on their part, and the Old Settlers and their friends can rest assured that am­ ple accommodation will be provided on that occasion both for their pleas­ ure and comfort. The Com mi tee of Arrangements are now at work securing speakers and making other necessary ar: angements, tiud during the week Posters will be issued and a general programme made out. Therefore we here say let all Old Settlers and their friends make their arrangements to be at Wauconda on June 15, aud talk over the days of MAuld Lang Sine." PUBLIC NOTICE.^ I would hereby request all who have in their possession Kegs belonging to the Mcllenry Brewery to return the same at once. I would also give notioe to all those knowing themselves indebted to me in any torin to call and settle the same without delay as I must have my money. I mean business, aud those in­ terested will do well to take notice. GOTTLEIB BOLET, MCHKNBT, 111., May 26th, 1830 . WOOL TWINE. • fine lot of W ool Twine at Colby Bros. McHenry and Nutida stores, at less lhau Chicago prices. HUN DA EDITOB PLAINDEALER :--Politics, of course, must have the pre-eminence among the locals, as. of course. If I did not tell the people they would not know that it is the most important news item. Our Blaine man who rep- represented our sentiments iu Spring­ field came back feeling pretty blue, but he need not feel bad for we can assure him we feel as badly about It as he does, and doubt not but he did his level best as far as one small vote could 0P, still we shall abide by the Chicago decision rather than let the country be turned over to Southern rule by bolting f be Republican ranks. If we cannot have our choice we will do the next best thing aud stick to the old sound principles of Republicanism which saved the country in its hour of peril, and feel confident in a wise ad­ ministration of the same. We as cit­ izens of this great Republic, can't af­ ford to split and let the Democrats (Southerners) triumph In November uext. Irving Miller has been in Richmond for the past^ two weeks doing some work iu his line. He is the acknowl­ edged "Boss" painter, aud if any one wants a first class job done give him a call. Geo. Piatt, our Blacksmith, says he has more work than he and Hod cau do, and adds that he would not go back to the Lake for anj money, as all say who have come here to make tliclr home among us. In fact all Classes ot mechanics here have plenty of work aud good wages, which is a great change over two or three past years. Johnny has a new hammock, fur­ nished by Geo. Best, who is with Foster A Sou of Chicago. Jud. Nichols paid us a flying visit returnlu? to Chicago on Monday where he is learning the Dentistry. Chase Astuon was seen in his ac­ customed place in the Sabbath School last Sunday. He also liails. from the city. Elder Collins preaches in the Huff­ man School House at two o'clock each alternate Sabbath, where there is re­ ported a crowded house. Hub. Brown says he think? he has acted the part of cow boy long enough, and things lie will give his man a chance to milk 34 cows alone for a while, as lie did last week aud see how good is seems. Rob Rowley has taken more com­ fortable quarters, having moved over the furniture Store. O. E. Churchill is building an addi­ tion on the barn of John Goodwin, east of town. FROM ANOTHER CORRESPONDENT. EDITOR PLAINDEALER.--While we are aware of the fact that you have already one correspondent here, we think that it will require more than one obserying knight of the pen to keep au account of all that transpires iu tha business and social circles of our prosperous little town. We shall^ therefore, take the liberty to send you 'a f<*W Items from time to timer and while we shall always endeavor to chrouicle items of interest and im­ portance. we shall make a specialty of railroad accidents, prospective mat­ rimonial alliances, leap year picnics aud fishing parties. The Ciscoette Passenger will now make two trips daily between this pl^ce and Geneva Lake, thus affording the pleasure-seeking public an oppor­ tunity ot' reaching the Lakes without being delayed here. Geo. Best, formerly of this place but now traveling for Foster A Son, of Chicago, was in town last week. George weafo a lull . beard now, cut a la mode. Last Tuesday eveuing several ot our young people attended a party at our surface towu of Crystal Lake. They all report a good time except the young gent who was so sorely cheated by one of earth's fair daughters. When last heard from he was admiringly 'survey­ ing" the "hills" which environ our quiet little city. Quite a serious accident occurred at the ice houses at Cary one day last week A workman, while engaged iu removing the Ice from the house, was accidentally caught by one of the hooks in the fleshy part of the leg below the knee, cutting a fearful wound and al­ most severing an artery. Before med­ ical aid could be summoned, the in­ jured man lost a large amount of blood. At the time of wrltiug, serious doubts are entertained in regard to his re­ covery. For a few days past s suspicious looking character ha* been in our midst endeavoring to swindle lunoceut par­ ties by selling them snide jewelry. He seems to make a specialty of rings which are a splendid imitation of gen­ uine goods, each one having initials engraved on the iuside to indicate that the ring is valuable, It being generally understood that nothing but solid gold jewelry is worth engraving. We ad­ vise all persons to beware of this rogue who rightfully deserves a berth be­ hind the grates. On last Sunday evening we had the pleaMire oi listening to an able dis­ course by the Rev. Mr. Collins. This gentleman is a fluent speaker, a sound reasouer. aud expounds the gospel in plain language, and seems not inclined to cater to the whims of a few of his listeners. He will preach again in the Disciples Church two weeks from last Suuday. Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BT 8, F. BENNETT. 8. F. BENNETT is hereby authorized to take subscriptions and orders for advertising and Job Work for the PLAINDEALER, receive monev therefor and receipt for the same.-- AU orders left with him will receive prompt attention.-- Jay W. Bennett md Oscar Soules, of Wan con da, visited friends in Richmond on Saturday an:l Sunday. Mr. Wray is improving his new property. When the Besteder barn is removed from the^ north lot, and the new fence extended to the north side of the premises, there will be few prettier places in town. Saturday night last, the village was full to overflowing with people. It begins to look like old times again.-- The new hitching posts put out by the Village Board were all in use. Busi­ ness is looking up. The staguation of the past three years Is happily over, it is to be hoped. M. M. Clothier has just won another important pension case for Mrs. Main, of New York, mother of Esquire Main, of Genoa Junction, Wis. The pension is on account of the services and death of a son in the army. The amount to be drawn at first payment is about #1700. . We are glad to see that A. S. Wright new livery stable is doing a good busi­ ness. It would pay hltn big to run a telephone line from, say Alexander A Hyde's store to his house, that orders for rigs could be sent over without the trouble of tramping to the depot. It would be almost as good as keeping a branch stable this side the river. Mr. Can field has dissolved his con­ nection with F. W. Mead in the paint­ ing line, and will at once open a paint shop of his own. He has rented the very convenient building ou Main street, south of the hotel, owned by Mrs. Glbbs, where he will do all kinds of carriage and wagon painting and finishing as well as general painting, graining, Ac., out of the shop. He is a first-class workman in all depart­ ments of bis trade aud will, no doubt, do well- / We are informed that the Rev. Mr. Douglass, of Genoa Junction, lately preached a sermon on "short-sighted" and "short-range* men, in which he applied reproof to the Village Board for granting license. and leaving the inference plain that he considered the members cf that Board worthy of be­ ing classed only with the "short-sight ed" and "short-range" sinners. With all due respect to the position Mr. Douglass occupies, we must declare our firm belief that the Board, individually and collectively, are quite independent of his criticisms or his opinion. The time has passed by when intelligent people attach any more weight to the opinion or dictum of a minister than to that of any other man equally bad. By education and habit narrow mind­ ed and bigoted, tjie^lergy, as a class, are no more fit judges of public policy than children. Their assuming to In­ terfere with matters outside the pitia­ ble limits of their strict clerical rou­ tine, reminds ono of the corner poli­ tician found in every village, who swell and vociferate about the "princi­ ples of the party" or the fltuess of a certain candidate for President, when they couldn't tell you the difference between a Monarchy and a Republic, or whether the President of the Uni­ ted States iselcctettby the direct vote of the people or not! That ministers are what they are is the misfortune of a false education. Many of them have brains enough to be somebody, were they not bound, soul and spirit, to creeds and doctrines revolting alike to justice, reason and Religion. By the term "Religion" here, we do not mean that abortion which the churches rep­ resent,--most of thdfn. Mr. Douglass should shoot at something within his "range" aud let the Village Board of Richmond alone. 60 Trimmed Hats froin fifty cents to two dollars apiece at Mrs. S. searles. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you have seen aud priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. The largest stock of Millinery Goods iu the Ceuuty. at Mrs. S. Searles. The very finest Lines of Ladies Miss and Cliilds Walking Shoes ever shown in this place and made to our own order, now offered at reasonable prices. We warrant every pair. FITZSIMMON8 ft EV ANSON. Everybody Is hard at work for a grand demonstration uext Saturday,-- Decoration Day is to have its proper observance whether the 4th of July is celebrated or not. ^ On Friday afternoon the ladies held a meeting at the Congregational Church and made arrangements for holding a strawberry Festival on that day. The tables will be spread at the Methodist Church and strawberries and cream with other refreshments will be served to all who desire. The proceeds will be devoted to beautify­ ing the Cemetery. On Saturday evening the Committee on Floral Decorations held a meeting and agreed that the ceremonial decor­ ation of the graves should be done by 14 little girls appropriately dressed for the occasion. The following young Misses were selected by the Commit­ tee: Venia Alts, Myrtie Mead, May Bennett, Kittle Gsllespie, Minnie Pot­ ter. Nettie Fisher, Minnie Martin, Bertha McConuell. Hattie Cutting, Bertha Drake, Nellie Howden, Hattie Austin, Mat tie Myers. Arrangements are making for agrand procession of all the public schools in this vicinity. The pupils of the schools will have their headquarters at the public school house in this village, where they will bo entertained by our teachers and pupils until the proces­ sion marches to the cemetery, when they will take their place iu the line of march at the school house. It will be a rare treat to see so ma by school cdlldren together. Flag Marshal James Bacon has foraged for flags for 40 miles around, and the display of national colors will be patriotic and inspiring. Tbe Committee ou Vocal Music had a meeting at the li. E. Church on Fri­ day evening, and they didn't waste any time either, but went to work with a will, made some selections of rausio I and practiced au hour or so, We can promise that the music class. The whole country is delighted? to know that the Oration Is to be deliv­ ered by the gifted Frank Crosby, ot Elgin. The hundreds of persons who heard his 4tli of July oration here some years ago, remember IT AN one of the finest efforts of the kind In the his­ tory of our celebrations, and are more than pleased at the prospect of listen­ ing to the same eloquent voice again. We hope to see a very large delega­ tion from McHeury as well as ail our sister towns. Richmond Is on the "boom" In this cele bration and it will be no second class affair . Come with your friends and your families. Yon will be welcome and more than wel­ come. To join In all the observances, peo­ ple should arrive in tbe village as soon as one o'clock P. M., as the procession will be formed at 1:30 and the Oration begl ven at 2 o'clock. The Committee On Floral Decora­ tions will have a representative at Mrs. Wodell's to receive the flowers, and one on the grounds, to receive what are left thereon the tables pre­ pared for their reception. The old soldiers, of whom not less than 50 are expected to be In line are to report to M. M. Clothier, at the Ga­ zette office, at 1 p, M. Once more receive the Invitation to come to Richmond on SATURDAY, MAY 29,1880, and join with us in observing the greatest of all our National Holidays. THE MARENGO BAND, Have been engaged and will furnish Musin for the occasion. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALEK Circuit court this week. Wo understand Judge Up­ ton will preside. Our occupation will not allow us to be present. E. R. Bird's harness shop and the Express office now occupy the uew brick bnildiog across the street South of Davy's. Mr. Bird Is to be com­ mended for his untiring energy, which deserves and is bringing hint success. M r . O.S. Murron, LIVING three utiles south of town, sold last week, to a par­ ty from Chicago, four horses for $800 cash In hand, and uew he wants to buy. 'The sale has attracted considerable at­ tention, and people notice the fact that good horses will bring good pri­ ces. We hear of several horse buyers iu towu tlie past week, J>ut we are uot informed as to transactions. Mr. Mar- rou seems to be in luck generally.-- Not only is he making mouey but offi­ cial honors crown his brow. He is road commissioner. overseer of roads iu his district, and school director, all of which lie fills with general satisfaction. Of his success IN the last named we cau speak frotn personal knowledge. Rev. D. S. McEweu returned Thurs­ day from his trip to Kansas. He re­ ports a pleasant time, aud his many frieuds and admirers are'* glad to see him in his pulpit again. WE hear a good deal of dissatisfac­ tion expressed by readers of the Dem­ ocrat at the Kind of "slush" dished up in its columns by Its Harvard corres­ p o n d e n t . T h e r e a r e m a n y p e o p l e I n the world who talk much and say little and he , (she or it ,) seems to be of that class. "Let us pray"--for a reforma­ tion or a change. The Marengo letters have not appeared lately, at which some mourn and some rejoice. "Fair Play"and "Rambler" have ability, and the "gift o'gab," enough to be a ben­ efit to them and others, if only direct­ ed into the right channel. Our Park now presents a most at­ tractive appearance. The lawn mow­ er ha* clipped the grass as close as the hair of some of the "fast" boys, and with much more appropriate eflect.-- The seats in the park are liberally pat­ ronized in fine weather. Our authori­ ties could do a good thing in remov­ ing from the Spring House everything on which the loafers can find a roost­ ing place, aud thus relieve that attrac­ tive place of the crowds that often re­ pel by their appearauce, remarks and tobacco, ladies aud others who wish to driuk. WO hope to see something done about it. The first Strawberry Festival of the season was held Friday evening at the Richmond House for the finauoial ben­ efit of the Congregatloual Church.-- The attendance was good, everything passed off delightfully, aud the receipts were from $30 to $35. It seemed to us that on Saturday there was more than a usual amount of drunkenuess on our streets. Old aud middle-aged men in a state of intoxi­ cation are uot pleasant subjects for contemplation. We saw five young men in a body, most of whom we know to be minors, enter oue saloon, and immediately come out aud go into another. Their errand wo could only guess, but the saloon first mentioned bears a good reputation so far as sell­ ing to minors is coucerued, while the latter does not. Our CITY had a cheap wedding the past week. It was a regular leap year performance. The groom was aged 27, the bride 32 They came together for the license, for which the lady paid the usual dollar. They then sought the minister aiSU were married , for which grateful service the bride paid another dollar. Having the prestige of age. leap year and money, we im­ agine that bride will rule the roost, aud the rooster too. We are pleased at the criticisms by the PLAINDEALER, and • other papers, on the course of J. M. Soutbtfqrth, in coming out from Chicago to control the county in the interest of a partic­ ular candidate. But such things will oe done so long as people will allow themselves to be led by polit icians in whom they have no confidence. Now while we blame "Honest John" for his course, let those who followed such leadership come in for their share of the bljiine. A UeinooratiQ caucus WM advertised for Saturday at 7 p. M. Wo watched for the crowd, but seeing none otarted to bunt the caucus. In the office' of Esq. Johnson we found that worthy aud Wm. Dixon. Esq. Jndd soon came in. Next came D. Ring, N. Den nelly, A, L. Salisbury and A. W. Cumins.-- Waiting till nearly half past eight those present adjourned to the follow­ ing Wednesday at three p. M. One or two ludulged in remarks not particu­ larly complimentary to Democracy.-- But the "burden of their song" was Grant, and most expressed the opinion that he would be nominated on the first ballot. We are in accord with them there. But It seemed strange to hear the most intelligent man among them remark that if Graut were elect­ ed President lie would hold the office for life, despite the patriotism «f the people. Our friend Mac. Church is apparent­ ly far ahead in the race for the Sherifi's office, and we wish htin success. There Is a good deal of man about "Mac." and we like to honor r»al manhood.--- His record as a public officer has been a good one, and tried and known tuen are what wo want now. No danger froin a "third term" for such men. The past week wituessed the depart­ ure Of Mr. C. I.. Curtis, Photographer, for St. Paul, where he goes to follow his chosen vocation, under more favor­ able auspices. As nil Artist he has few equals. As a man he Is a genial, big- hearted, generous follow, tfith nethiug small about him, except his physical proportions which he caii't help. We are glad to see Charlie do well, but sorry to see him leave, for we shall miss the interesting letters he finish­ ed weekly for one of our county papers As a correspondent lie has marked ability. Success to him, and may his good qualities gain hlin as many friends In St. Paul us In Woodstock. We have the Boss Glove Dr. - FLTZ^IMMONS ft EVANSON. GO I*Mrs.Nichols' ftfr Millinery Dress Making. ^ . cheap at Mayet. Civ/" ; The best Threshing Knuckles af? W. Good Overcoats Clothing Store. Sulky Plow at M. Owen's. The Mollne Owen's. The Furst A Bradley Snlky Plow E< M. Owen's.. Clocks, from #1.00 upwards, ranted. At O. W. Owen's. «s When In want of work in my llni, give mea call and 1 will try and pleagj Robf. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. Bish­ op's Warehouse ? If not, do not fail Have yeu seen those Drags at >'s Warehouse? If do so before you buy. THE GOOD The best Nickte Manufactured by McHeury. TASTE." Cigar in^f*#ii: " Barbia# F. J. PLANTERS. Alf the best make at R. Great Change at Sayles' Hotel, Fox Lake. J. J. Conde, an old resident of De- Kalbcounty, and popularly known in the business circles of Sycamore (the County Seat.) for the last 14 years, has rented the favorite place of resort known as Sayles' Hotel. Fox Lake, having had the same refitted atid thor­ oughly furnished in a manner suitable to the requirements and happiness of his guests. This is essentially a Fami­ ly Hotel, the chief aim of the proprie­ tor being to ofler the Summer tourists the comforts of a home. For fishing, 8hootlug, healthful and romantic recre­ ation, Fox Lttke Is uurlvaled. Not only as a wonderful fishing and hunt­ ing place, but as the best, most conve­ nient and readily accessible location from Chicago, Sycamore, Elgin, Rock ford, Aurora &r.d Waukegan, being within 50 miles of the former. Visi­ tors from Chicago, via. the Northwes­ tern Railroad, can reach Fox Lake in a few hours via. Crystal Lake Junction to Mcllenry Station, thence by the commodious Steamer, "Mary GriswoltP* along the lovely banks of the Fox River, the picturesque scenery of Pis- taqua Lake, the Nlpperslnk, and finally the West shore of Fox Lake to Sayles' House, adjaceut to the Elgin Club House, where attendants, boats, min­ nows, and all facilities in the way of sporting enjoytneiiU will be found In constant readiness, as well as guides to the best fishing grounds for those who desire theui. For the further di­ version of visitorsswiugs, croquet sets and dancing halls, are added to the many healthful pastimes on these at­ tractive premises, and nothing is want­ ing to make the sojourn tare both pleasant aud profitable to the pleasure seeker, sportsman and invalid. First class faro Is guaranteed at reasonable rates. J. J. CONDE. PLOWS! PLOWS! If yon want a good Plow do hot li!:, to call at my Warehouse, see stock ait# learn prices. R. BISHOP. * ' and Attention, Farmers Dairymen Sherman Bros., residing two miles West of McHeury, on the Woodstock road, keep on hand the following arti­ cles to meet the wants of farmers and dairymen: Creamery, (Patent applied for) con­ sisting of boxes for water, any size to suit. Barrels may be ured or any wa­ ter vessel, spring or wells. Mi!k cans with covors to exclude all foreign sub­ stances and allowing the heat aud steam to escape. And a skimming do-- vise, the most perfect ever Invented. Riding Plow Attachment, (Pat. ap­ plied for) by whioh you can attach any kind of a Plow to any corn sulky cul­ tivator. Patent Farm Gate Hanging. Patent Post Hole Auger. And a devise for Converting Motion (Pat. applied for) can be applied to wind mills. Ac., to convert a forward and back motion into a *x»tary motion. All the above articles we will sell very low to suit the times. Call aud examine for yourselves. S. ft J SHERMAN. YotJNoman if you wish to win the lady you love take her to Mrs. Scott's Ice Cream Parlors, two doors North of the Riverside House. THE largest assortment ot Ready- Made Clothing to be found in the County, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block, McHenry. Bsckeyc Owen's. All the Owen's* Force Pumps, AT - IK first-class ' Plows' at "S. 11*̂ The J. I. Case Sulky Plow at Owen's. The Grand Detour Sulky- Flow al X; M. Owen's. Autograph Albums, from five upwards, at O. W. Owen's. A fine line of Gents Fumlshirj Goods at Lauer A Becker's near tMf Depot. Ten 15 light Windows, glass 8x10. a 1' perfect, for sale cheap by O. W. Oweuf .* A full stock of Vibrator Extras f|>i Nichols, Site pard A Co's. Threshers IS E. M. Oweu's- The Pully Suspender or Ai_ Brace cai be bought iu this town only at Lauer & Becker's. They are tLe qest thing out, THE FAVORITE KEY WEST. The Smokers'delight. Another verf fine Nickle Cigar. Manufactured ; F. J. Barbian, McHenry. RANDALL PULVERISING ROW. The most Popular and Prefkabla* Farm Implement iu nae. For sale by E. M. Owen & Son. PLANTERS. The celebrated Keystone Plantar, E. M. Owen & Son's. BOB 1NGERSOLL. His Lectures complete in form for sale at O. W. Owen's. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES,Ac. We are now exhibiting a fine Una of Top Buggies, Phaetons, open Bug­ gies, Platform Spring Wagons of l>eS§ make, and warraqteu at lowest prioet. B. M.OWKHFTSOK. NOTICE. 1 sell Oak Tanned Harness, coal : X tor 933, for the next thirty d«)ffe« G. L. HUBBARD, Ringwood, III. FOR RENT. The celebrated Ford Photograph Gallery, the only Gallery in the village of McHenry. A first-class location.--- Possession given at Ouce. Apply to E. M. OWEN. Whitewash Brushes, Paint Brushes, Feather Dusters, &c„ at Besley'3 Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. Aa cheap as any other place in town. Ladies of Mclleujry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am uow offering greater bargains than ever. All work iu repairing done on short notl^fg. •• For 'Sale. In the Village of Ringwood. Barn, and seven acres of Land, known as the Lester place. On the place is plenty of Fruit, consisting ot Apples, Pears. Cherries, &c. Good Well ot Water. The house has eight rooms, aud is in good repair. Will sell for cash or on time if desired. For further particularp inquire of Bixowoon, Nov. ink 1879. The Store lately occupied by J. E. Vasey In the village of Ringwood. Possession given March 25th. For further particulars Inquire of MRS. ASK VASBY. Ringwood, Mareh 17,1&»>. DRAGS! DRAGS! The best Drag in the market and aa cheap as can be bought of any other dealer In the county. Call and Ms them before purchasing. R. BISHOP. E, M. OWEN FT SON have just re­ ceived a new lot of Top Buggies, to which they invite the attention those wishing t« purchase. They are as fine as any to be found iu the ket. We do not wish to make loud talk, but we candidly think we have as fine a line of Dress Goods as can be fouud in the county. ,To satisfy yourselves cull and see. COLBY BROS. We givo our special attention to Dress Goads, Trimmings and Buttons. You can always find the latest at our store. STEVENS ft SCHNORR. Wauconda Ice Cream Parlor. E. A. Goldiug would respectfully inform the public that his Ice Cream Parlor, Is now open where the best of Ice Cream will be served every day and evening by the dish or«quantity. A full line of Nuts and Confectionery of all kinds. My Parlor is always cool and quiet, and I respectfully iuvite ail who wish any tiling lu this line to call and I wiU try aud please them, *. A» Gou>ue. Have von examined that genuine Imported Kid Glove at Fltxsiininous <Jb Evanson's. Price 63 cts. W. F. TILTON will repair Clothes Wringers at his shop. Whatever may be out of order made good as new. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. Having secured .the services of m first class dressmaker. I would solicit the patronage of all desiring wrrk done. In the line of MiUiiu r\ and Fancy Goods, my stock is cnmplete i Give ine a call, MRS. E. W. HOWK. ' New Summer Millinery. Having just returned frotn the city • with a large stock of Summer Millinery,) of the latest styles and patterns. 1 aut[ now prepared to open lUe Summer! campaign iu earnest, and make general war on high Prices, wherever] he may be found. MY stock was i leoted with the greatest cure, is lav and comprises *H the latest s'vkf o| Hats to be found la the city, which wtl| be sold as cheap ofr <«j*eiit»er than tl same quality of giteas can be bought elsewhere, la short I will IM»I boot* dersold. We iavite all to rail and »i | amine our stock whether tlwy waul ij i- £.

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