Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jun 1880, p. 1

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- " "•4,^'s^we ",'T^iTOPTrwir**^ .v«r=^ t^w* J *s*««-» s- ' f ' *• i < \ - ' f,w (, , •{'*' - *«•*- *•*««« •v;ir".*;tt-: •ib'.r*••/**«<•- •• :~ •*?r'-' ~*ss*'*' "-!*» - "f«i'r(•,.••'ji'iw^.,»••«• -I"- V". • 4. ...'<.' r« 1 ,'T ",!«*' ' {;, & ^ /a« u * ' tT^ ^ ,i ±1 Xu V 4 r* ^ Q*, # ' 'J J» * AJ *| ̂ ,l* f § fife •*" A ,̂ bx£kf ̂ %> ||| f w-1 »aw;„: ?••*:•, :•«•? >»•: -'••;7w• -"" f":T' v. **' <• " t ^ r ^ *T t * S\ * 'J ^ * " * VOL. 5. *v- •&*• ... >; / ft******* «nv,- Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Miw; No Favors Win us and no Fear &hail Awe." a* M'lIENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1880. NO. 46. T. Published Every Wednesdayby ¥AN SLYKE & SOJC, PUBLISHERS. Oiflce in Old P. O. Block, --OPPOSITE aiVKHBIDE HOUSE.-- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION; One Year, (In Advance,) ...$1 SO I not Paid within Three Months 2 00 lubsorlptions recelveilfor three or six month the same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. H. *. BROWN,M.D. PHYSICIAN AXD SITKOEON. Ofll«*e over the Post Office, opposite Perry & Martin's gtore np S urv, .M ellonry, 111. C. H. FEGEltS, M, t>- l">HY8ICiAN AND SURGEON. Johnsburg I Ills.--Office honrs 8 to 10 A, M, O. J. HOWARD, M D. I>MY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. OfHce at I my residence, opposite M. B. Church, McHenry. 111. E- V. ANDERSON. M. D. T>HYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office fBeslev's Draff Store, opposite Bouse, McHehry, Illinois. at Parker W1 II. BUCK, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC physician and SnrKeon-Officee»tt sed« Public Square, Wood, stock. 111. OSlce 11 ours 11 to 12 A. M., and BIO 4 P.M. ___ PRATT HOUSE. J A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class ac-commoilations. Good Barn in connection Wauconda, 111. F.J. BARBIAN. CIGAR Manufact uror McIIenry, 111. Or-de^s solicited. Shop, North East Cor­ ner Public Square. RICHARD BISHOP, Attorney and counselor at law. McHenry, III. RICHARD COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peace and Conveyancer.-- Willattcn I promwtly to the collection of Aebts. Volo, Lake County, 111. E. E. RICHARDS. HAS a '.omplete Abstract ot Titles to land in M Henrv County, Tll'nois. Office with County ( tcrk, Woodstock, 111. BUSINESS CA&DS. F. P. BROWN, M. D. • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and Residence overO. W. Owen's Store, Mc­ Henry, III -) IIWW.I. JESSE A. BALDWIN, ,' ATTORNEY at LawUnd Solicitor jip Chan­cery. Will practice in State ana In Fed. eral Courts. Office, 159LaSalle St., Chicago CIIAS. II. .DONNELLY, u ATTORNEY AT-LAW *nd Notary. Public Woodstock, Illinois. Office over Stone's Drug Store. , « ;• • , C. H. TRTJAX. , . CARPENTER arid Builder, Nunda.^m.-- Will put lip-buildings by theJobor day. and guarantee satisfaction. '• - E. BENNETT, M. D., 'URGEON and Accoucher. Diseases of * Women and all private diseases of botb Office and Residence on senes a Specially. Clay Street Woodstock 111. SIDNEY DISBROW, NOTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer, den, 111, A1 JACOB BONSLETT. OALOON AND RESTAURANT. Opposite O Bishop's Mill, Mcllenrv, III. The choic­ est Wines, Liquors and Cijrars to be found in the county. Fresh Ovstersin their season served up in any tihape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. F. J. CROSS, BESTTIST. McHenry, III. Full Plates ninde of the best material and fully warranted, $3.00. FlllinK one-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regnlisting bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without pain #nd free of charge where Artiiicial Teeth are in- serte<l bv him. ^ All Work fully warranted. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas alwavs on hand for the painless extraction of teeth. HOI'T. WRIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shoos None but the best of inateral used and all work warranted. Shop North­ west corner Public Square, McHenry.III. E.M.OWEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery.-- Price* Tow and Terms favorable. McHenry^ N.S.COLBY. MCHENRY, McHenry Co., HI. Breeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkshire and - --• ~ A c'l iice lot of young Please call and examine Poland China £ wine. Buck stock for sale. tteiafe buying else* "s" ALOONand Rest; iur ;uit. Ncavlv opposite the Parker House, McHenry, III. KVFirst class Billiard and Pool Tables. JOHN HENDKICK3. BLIVIN'S MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared to sell and repair any kind of a Sewing Machine as cheap as the cheapest. Will also insure your life and property at reasonable rates. Ploaso giveine a cal'. PETER LEICKEM. , REPAIRS WatBli03, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best possible maimer, on short notice and at rea- •onAble rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop •rst door North of Riverside Block, McHenry 111. G. L. HUBBARD, Ringwood, III, -DEALER I J) -- LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS Also everything that is kept and sold in a Harness Shop. I can and will sell Harness as cheap as ftny mnn in the County. All work warranted* Call and sec me betore purchasing. Rejairim done at all Tines. Scott Sc Co., "Batters to the Great Northwest." M. 135 aai 137 Madison St., NEAR CLARK ST. nave a larger stoek and greater, variety of atyles for you to c 'iimss from, than can be found in any other establishment iu Chicago or the West. It will pav you to call and see them. Prioei the lowest in the land for good goods. BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake sts. & 8. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison sts., CHICAGO. M A R C U S ' CERMAN Manufactured by . F. MARCUS, -DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock, III. The best Tonic in the world. Put upfcin Pint and Quart Ilottle*. F. MARCUS, Patentee. ELECTROPATHY. Dr. Samuel Sherman, And Wife will be at their residence IX miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three days in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for the purpose of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from 9 A. M., to 1 p. M. REFERENCES:--John Doran, Richard Bish op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bonslet, James Sutton, John M. Smith. F, h. Granger, Geo. Gajre, Ben. Gilbert, Horace Dwejly, B.F.Peck, Win. Hutson, Geo. Gilbert M. KKLTKB J. A. Keckeisen, . Eeckeisen & Kelter, General Commission Msrchaats, --DEALERS IN-- Flour, Grain, Fort Lard, Hams, Green and Dried Fruits. Butter.REggs, Ponl try. Hides, Pelts, etc. 170 South Water Street, CHICAGO, REFERENCE--Jas. M. Ad sit, Banker. Advances made on Consignments. -VIA THE- CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY 2,380 Miles of Road WEST FOR Cedar Rapids, Denver, Marshall town, iLcadville, Des Moines Salt Lake, Sioux City,, Saii Francisco Yankton, The Black Hills, Omaha, Colorado* Council Bluffs California Columbus, the Territories EAST.FOR Ohicago New York* Boston, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Monreal, Toronto, New England, Canadas, Buffalo, and all Points East! AUCT% AND APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. SALES of Stock, Farming Tv>ols and Goo»ls of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm sales a specialty. Term's reasonable Office address Algonquin III. Post W. H. SANFORD, Merchant Tailor. 5{In the store of C. H. Dickinson, Eaat «de of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A zood Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al­ ways on hand. Suits made to order and ft fit warranted- Give me a call. W. H? SANFORD. Woodstock III.,Sept. 87th, 1875. H. E. WIGIITMAN", Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished st reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. M. ENCELN- « U N . S M I T U ! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol­ ishing Razors and Shears and Table Cnilerv a speciali­ ty. Repairing of S^Wall kinds done in . «Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant­ ed. Also dealer in Guns. Revolvers, . Table and Pocket Cutlery, Gun and Fishinsr Material, Pipes, Cigars," Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Shop and store near the Post Office, Me- IIenry, 111. Geo. H. Stewart, Auct ioneer . Richmond, III. Has an experience ot is years, and wll guarantee satisfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to my care, are properly ad­ vertised, or no charge will be made- Terms, from $5 to i?10, according to amount Df sale. * . All orders addressed to Richmond, 111., will receive prompt attention. AIAAMOVTHLY MADE. Agents wanted 3plUU Oountv rights given gratis f«r the gale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in everv family; reputation world, wi'te;established many years; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. Anin mstrio'is, energetic person can make sn ugpermanent income and very li beral terms by »4dres*ing with reference, 2J8 Chestnut Street,Phliadelphia. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Is a Vegetable Preparation invented vn the i7th centurv by Dr. William Grace, Surgeon in King Ja>nes' army. Through its agency he cured thousands"of the most serious sores and wounds that baffl­ ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was resrarfled by all Who knew him as a public benefactor. PRICE 35 CENTS A BOX; ' 0 0 0 B O Y S & G I R L S . e V a V a W t jt the best Bov's and Gin's paper published n the West. Beautiful presents to subscrib- srs and agents. Every boy and girl can earn ots of money canvassing during leisure hours. Don't fall to send for it at once. To Introduce it we will send to any address on irlal three months, for 10 Cents in cash or ostage stamns. Sample of paper and particulars FR£E- Address C D T T Ilpaaehold Gem,Cleveland,O* • " 11 GILT EDGED BUTTER There Is always an active demand for But- lei thatisupto Edged standard iu quality and in color. Much butter that is otherwise good, sells at a redm%ion ,if from 8 to 10 cents per pound, because it has poor rlo r. This i« beat remedied by the use of S* White JtCo's. Natural Butter Color! Tt given a bright yellow color; oxactly like the Jersey butter. It is perfectlv harm- less and never gives a dull reddish color or imparts any taste or. smell. It is made in a strictly scientific manner, bv a skillful chemist, and can always be relied on. Far- mers should not run the risk of spoiling thoir butter by using tho inferior cclon made by annatto, for this la both cheapest and beat.-- It was awarded the Diploma Qf liighest Merit At the International Dairy Fair in Hew fork, by the CtiuiiuiStee of Judges. Manufactured by White & 0o„ Fort Atkinson, Wii. For Sale by Georg*«r. Boiler, ?McHenry, IU., and T. D. Ford.lfilmot, Wis. Soldiers' Department. COKDUCTKD BT DB. S. F. BEKNEIT. THE PUBLIC LANDS. N. Ringwood, III, GENERA!. BLACKSMITH ND- WACdN MAKER. I am prepared at Ml times-to do all work in my line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. if#*IIorsc-Shoeing a speciality, in whiclfdc- partment I defy competition. I need no recommendations as uiy work will show for itself. Drag*, Dragrs, I am now mamTjfttctnrlng the best Drag for the money to be Ctamd In Mcllenrv county.-- 1 am making a 48 and 72 tooth Drag, us'ing none but the best of timber, and will war­ rant them in every particular. Call and see them before purchasing, as 1 will not be un­ dersold. Repairing done on Short Notice N. BLAKE. Ringwood, March 8th, l&to. Money Made SPUTH FOR Cincinnati, Nashville, Louisville, , New Orleans, S4t4 Lovis, , ^JuKksonvillc,. -the-- "North-Western," Is the most DIRECT ROUTE, offering the traveling public Greater Facilltiesand More Advantages than any road in the West. It is the only line rnnnlrg Pullman Hotel anil Sleeping Cars, Between Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars are run on all night trains. This is the great Pullman Line of the Northwest. Palace Par or Cars ran between Chicago and Milwaukee. First.Class >Iealsonly 50cents at th© Eat ing Stations on-the North-Western. Sure and clo?e connections at. Chicago with all Railroad?, and at all Junction Poiuts with all roads that cross its Lines. All Ticket Asrcnts can sell you Through Tickets and check your Baggage FREE by this Road. For information, folders, maps, cV... not ob. tainable at Home Ticket Office, address any agent of the Company, or MABVIN HUGHITT W. H. STIKFETT, GeneralSupt. Gen'l PasseugerAgen --Blf PURCHASING-- Watches,«Clu^s, Jewelry, Silverware, llnslcal instruments, Specta­ cles, etc.. etc., of The Singer Ahead- Tlie following is a list of pur­ chasers of the Genuine Singer Sewing Machine within the past eighteen months: Mrs Davis Mrs Walkup Mrs Tolei R B Stevenson.l Qninlan C H Trybn J S Kelley Miss Frame Miss Wain Irak D Zigler E Griswold F K Granger Mrs Torrance Chet Stevens Mrs Gocliy Mrs A B Coon Rev Hutch Mrs Huffman Mrs Valalsiincll Gillis Mrs McDonald M Sullivan Ellen HurtbutE McKinney J Keepsell J McQuillan C A Graves Mrs Morse H Connors Mrs M Vyco John Ileiden R Church J Mellor J Groskinsey G Bryant Mrs Robinson Mrs Harmond Mrs ft Brown D W Boutell H M l'routy E D Thomas B F Gibbs I L Hibbard Eil StClair Olive stevens Mrs Washburn J Ma nslield Minnie Page H Freeman Jennie Hooth R Thompson V Ingersoll Mrs Barnes W A Skmner 0 flaratage C Hoacliild Frank Colburn Mrs HouderselS Rending E B Smith Geo Farrow W seaton H F Jones Miss Furney Mrs A L Warner G Blakeslee II Mayer Maggie Sidea Geo Bryant I, Peterson 11 Schneider Jacob Gnth Jas Bayard W li San ford A K Bunker G W Conn It Harrison Peter Fry Geo McOowb Sarah Ward Alice Carr T II Wiggins' Rev Beatty G Barroivs Mrs N Martin Jos Levoy J. Van Slvke Nancy HiXI Monroe Luke Pat Connorty Wm Stewart Alice Pates P Fosdick L Lock wood Ira S locum Miss Ilea ton A Bonner OJo6lyn Libbie Duffy S O Wernham Jos StJohn MrsKiwley Mrs Briggs Mi-s C Allen E & S PaddockC G Perkins Etta Beers A M Genett L Thom]>son E Rennison Mrs Harris N Donnelly H Bartlett L Andej-sou Sarah Shank A Davidson T Good sell Wm S perry S L Hutchinson Geo Manning Mary Bacou Sarah Sniales J. A.'Cirr Henry Simpson Dwight Judd E M Thompson MrsfiBnrton Wm llullman Nellie Hall E FELT. General Manager for the sinner Manufact­ uring Co. for McHenry 3ounty. The McHenry Brewery. Gottleib Boley; Proprietor. THE best of Beer shipped to any part of the country and warranted as represented.-- Orders solicited and promptly attended to r HOUSE FOR SALE. Tlie pplemlid new rcsttience in this village, known as the Ilintou Wheeler place, Is oftered for sale. The house ft one of the best built in the village, Is almost new, has a good barn and out­ houses, and is very desirable located.-- Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. For further particulars inquire at this office. Jeweler, Woodstock. 111. Repairing of FINE WATrHES, AND JEW ELRY a speciality. If yon have any DIFFI­ CULT JOBS that others tell you cannot be repaired short of Chicago, take them to BLOSSOM and he will re|iairthem, Engraving neatly done. All Goods sold engraved Free of charge. Kemember the name, E. W. BLOSSOM, Woodstock* The Royal St. John Sewing Machine takes the lead. See it and you will buy no other. War­ ranted for three years. Below you will find the names of a few to whom 1 have sold this machine: L . J. Gates, H. G. Schryver, R, Forrest, Mrs. Quigley, 3 M- D. Kelley, J, Zimmer, Mrs, llalbert, Mrs, Sanfunl, l>r. Cook, Miss Frinka, Ladd Austin, F. G. Durfey, J. C. Gifford, Edna Durkee, I)r. Walcott, Mr. llnghes, W&L . Burtor, Mrs.O' Hrien, H. Taylor, lttv. Oakey, N. Helm, F. Abbott, 8. Om^tead, •F. Church, Mrs. Baker, J. Galese. F. Page, Rev Fegers, Mr. Kniuush, Geo. Kry, R, Green, O. Watson, E Iturbluk, Dell Sherman, B. A. Park, E. Glass, W. B. Austin, H. C. Jefferson, Ed Stevens, J.Shank, F. Slator, C. Smuh, 1). W, ltobinson, J. McManus, 1>, D. Kelly, J. Mullen, E. Straton, J. 11. Parish, E. D. Frink, J.J. Murphy, 1>. Whiting, C. <>. Parsons, M. Sella IT, Rodic Green, Geo. Stickney, A. Rlukslce, M. Halaran, J. Scanlan, G. Gillson% C. Willson, H. Stone, D. Quinlnn. Geo. Clark, M. Eckert, W. lteed, M. Sherman, Jeweler, Wood­ stock, Agent for McHenry county EstaMisIeil Orer a Quarter ola Centnry. F. C. MAYES r, --AND DEALER|IN-- Ready-Made Qothing. Cloths, Cassimere and Worsteile to sell by the vard. The latest stvles of Goods on hand at ail times. My stork of READY-MADE CLOTHING is now complete and I Will not be Undersold Store in. Old McHenry, near the Bridge. F. C. MAYES. McIIenry,"111., Nov. 12th, 1^74. Thereupon the register, if the tract is vacant, will so certify to the receiv­ er, stating the price, and the applicant must then pay the amount of the pur­ chase money. The form af the regis­ ters certificate should be as follows; 1 .......register of the Land Office at, hereby certify that the lot above described contains....... acres, as mentioned above, and that the price agreed upon is. .. .per acre. Register. The receiver will then issue his re­ ceipt for the money paid, in duplicate, giving t® the purchaser a duplicate re­ ceipt in the following form: f ... Receiver's Office at... (Date)' 18.. Received from.... >... .of... .coifnty the sum of... .dollars and.... cents, being in full for the... .quarter of section Xo iu township No of range No... .containing .. .acresand tuiudredths, at $.. ..per acre. Rewiver. •The register will then Issue his cer­ tificate of purchase In the following form: • rah* Office at (Date)....18.... It Is hereby certified that, in pursu­ ance of law, «f county State of., on this day purchased of the register of this office the lot or .. . .of section No iu township No. ....of range No....containing acres, at the rate of dollars and.... cents per acre, amounting to... .dollars and cents per acre, amounting to dollars and cents, for which the said'. ha., made payment in full as required by law. Now there­ fore be it knowti that, on the presen­ tation of this certificate to the Com­ missioner of the General Laud Office, the said shall be entitled to receive a patent for the lot aboye described. ...Register. At the close of the mouth the regis­ ter and receiver will make returns of the sale to th* General Land Office» from which when the proceedings are found regular, a patent or complete title will be issued; and on surrender of the duplicate receipt, such patent will he delivered, at the 6pti»:i of the patent^#, rfth-^r the Commissioner at Washington, or by the register at the district land office. # When patents are ready for delivery they will in all cases be transmitted to the local office where the location or eutry Was made, where they can be ob­ tained by the party entitled thereto, upou surrender of the duplicate receipt or certificate as the case may be; un­ less the duplicate fhall have beeu pre­ viously filed in the General Land Office with a request that the patent be de­ livered as requested by the persou sending the same; and in no "ase will the patent be belivered either from the General Land Office or th^ local office except upon receipt ol suctf du­ plicate, or, in case of Us loss from any aause. upon the filing in ^lleu of the same, au affidavit made by th* present bona fide ownt r of the land, account­ ing for the loss wf the same, and also showing ownership of tlie tracts or a portion thereof em braced in the pateut. In case the duplicate has been duly assigned by the locator, by a valid transfer in accordance with the laws governing transfer of realty in the state where the laud is situated, such assignment will be recognized by the General Land Office„and patent issued accordingly, provided the duplicate with the as£ignuieut thereon shall be filed in the General Land Office, prior to the issuing of the, pateut; but in no case will a patent be conceded for the purpose of making a re-issue in the name ot the assignee, where such as­ signment Is not In the possession of the General Land Office prior to the date of the patent. Transfers of this kind must iu all cases comply strictly with the law of the place, and if the assignor be a married man, and the statute requires the wife to join in the deed, it must be complied with, and in case of failure in thi6 or other vital point the patent will follow strictly the recital of the certificate and issue only in the name of the origiual pur­ chaser. LOCATION WITH WARRANTS. In locating lands with warrants, ap­ plications must be made as in cash cases before described, but must be ac­ companied by the warrant, duly as­ signed as tlie consideration for the laud; yet where the tract is $2.60 per acre, tlie party, in addition to the sur­ rendered warrant, must pay. in cash, $1.25 vents per acre, as the warrant is only in satisfaction for so nianjr acres at 81.25 per acre, or furnish a warrant of such denomination that will, at the legal value of $1.25 per acre, cover the rated price of the land. For example: A tralSk of 40 acres of laud, held at 92.50 per acre, can be paid for with a warrant and fifty dollars In cash, or by surrendering an 80-acre land warrant for the same--the forty acres to be in full satisfaction for the said locatiou. On a tract of eighty acres rated at $2 50 per acre can be paid for by the surrender-of two eighty acre warrants, i If there is a small excess in the area of the tract over the quantity called for on the face of the warrant in any case *uch excess must be paid for in money. A duplicate certificate of lo­ cation will then be furnished the par­ ty, to be held until the patent is de­ livered, the same as in cases of sales. , A MKAN THICK. . Played With a New Hat and an Old Cheese. Probably the meanest trick that was ever played on a white man was played last week in New York, and the fact that there is no vigilance committee there Is the only reason the perpetra­ tors of the trick are alive. A business man had just purchased a new stiff hat, and he went Into a saloon with half a doien of his friends to fit tlie hat on Ills head. They all took beer, and passed the hat around so all could see it. One of the meanest men that ever held a country office went to the bar-tender and had a tliln sllco of Liniburger cheese cut oft, and wljen the party were looking at the frescoed celling through beer glasses this wick­ ed person slipped the cheese under the sweat leather of the hat. and the man put it on and walked out. Th<» man who owned the hat Is one of yonr ner­ vous people, who is always complain­ ing of.being sick, and who feels as though some terrible disease was going to take possession of him and carry him oft. He went bnck to his place of business, took oft his liat and laid it on the table and proceeded to answer 6ome letters. He thought he detected a smell and when his partner asked him if he didn't feel sick he said he Itelieved he did. The man turned pale and said he guessed he would go home. He met a man on the sidewalk who said the air was full of miasma, nnd in the street car a man who sat next to hi ill moved away to the end of the car, and asked him if he had just come from Chicago. The man with the hat said he had not, when the stranger said they were having a great deal of small pox there, and he guessed he would get out and walk, and ho pulled tlie bell and jumped oil. The cold perspiration broke out on the forehead of the tnan with the new hat, and he took it of! to wipe his forehead, when the whole piece of cheese seemed to roll over and breathe, and th* man got the full benefit of it and he Came near fainting away. He got home and his wife met Ulm and asked him what was the matter. He said lie believed mortification had set in, and she took <#fee-whUt as l»e took off his hat, and said sli3 should think tt had. **Where- (11 <1 you get into it?" said she. "Get into it," sftid the man, "I have not got into anything but some deadly disease.has got hold Of ,me and I shall not live.1' She told him that if any disease that smelled like that had got hold of him aud was going to bs chronic, she felt as though he would be'a burden to himself if he lived very long. She got his clothes off. soaked his feet in mustard-water, and he slept. The man slept and dreamed that a small-pox flag was hung iu front of l»is house aud that lie was riding la a butcher wagon to the pest house. The wife sent for a doctor and when the man of pills arrived she told him all about the case. The doctor picked up the patient's new hat, tried it on aud got a suifi. He said the hat was picked before it was ripe. The doctor and the wife held a post-mortem ex­ amination of the hat, and touud the slice of Liniburger. "Few and short were the prayers they said." They woke the patient, aud. to prepare his mind for the revelation that was about to be made, the doctor asked him if his worldly affairs were in a satisfac­ tory condition. He gasped and said they were. The doctor asked him if he had made his will. He said he had not but that he wanted a lawyer sent for at once. The doctor asked him if he felt, as though he were prepared to shuttle off. The man said he had al­ ways tried to lead a different life, aud had tried co be done by the same as he would do it himself, but that he might have made a misdeal someivhere, and he would like to have a minister sent tor to take an account of stock. , Then the doctor brought to the bedside (he hat$>opened up the sweat-leather, and showed the dying man what it was that smelled so, and told him that he was as well as any man in the city. The patient pinched himself to see if lie was alive, and jumped out of bed and called for his revolver, and the doctor couldn't keep up with him on the way down town. The last we saw of the odoriforo'us citizen he was try­ ing to bribe the bar-tender to tell him which one of those pelicans it was that put that slice of cheese in his hat- lining. WASHINGTON XJSTTBB. - ~ Washihgtos, D. C., May Slat, 1 The rather deliberate proceed^ ings of Congress for nearly al week past, have made it plain that* adjournment would not be reached to­ day, the 31st. ^putting it off once may* or may not fnean an old fashioned session into August. I cannot help thinking, however, that a session which lasts beyond the Republican; convention will;«till continue beyond? the Democratic convention. If so, the speeches will be political speeches, and the proceedings of all other kinds po­ litical proceedings. Happily tlie »p-| propriation bills and the few other! important measures are in a good statnj of progress and will be passed beforo June 2ad, when the Democratic con­ vention meets. After that if Congress! wishes to torment itself with purely' political discussions during a Wash­ ington Summer, the Congressmen will, deserve as much pity as the people. f It has been feared that a qnorum! would not be present after. June 1st, but there seems to be no doubt that enough members will stajr here tu permit legislation. The eliief interest in Washington however, is not in Congress but in the Chicago Convention. AU the tele­ graph wires are at work, and many of the st atesmen have special wires to ; their residences. In the last twenty years I have never seen so much inter- est in a political convention as is shown in this one. The main contest, of course, on the surface, ts between the friends of General Grant and Sen- ator Blaine, but others have hopes. Indeed, in the last forty-eight houret there has been a belief that some oth­ er man besides the tlire6 prominent candidates--Grant, Blaine and Sher- i man--would be selected. In that case j Senator Windom would very likely be the mau. But this though written be­ fore the convention will not be read -j until after it. and prophecy may not ] be the best means to entertain your ! readers,'.- $ The surplus--if that is a good word --of marriages among society people, two and three weeks ago, has not left anything to record in the matrimonial line this week. There is no doubt of the confirma­ tion of both the President'* recent tin-! portant nominations--Mr. Mayuard as j Post-Master General, and General] Longstreot as a Foreign Minister. Certainly there are objections on thol part of both parties but they . will harmonized. M. M. W. THIS Him * K Of A WAI ESTKAY. Came into my enclosure about May 30th, one Black 2 or 3 years old Horse Colt. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away. £• M. OWES McHenry, May. 30th. 1*». WOOL T WIN E. A fine lot of Wool Twine at Colby Bros. McHenry aud Nuiida stores, at less thau Chicago prices. Al> RMNtotpr notuK. S. O. Plant, of Branford. is owner a mare, now 21 years of age, which seen a good deal of army service, was an active member of the F« teeuth JlegiiMont Connecticut Vols teers. "Lib," as the mare is called purchased by Lieutenant Colonel kins, of the Fourteenth, near Frodei City, Mil., in September. 1862, and. ridden by him in the battle of Ant! tam on the 17th of that month, received a wound in tlie near Hank, tl scar of which she carries to this daj She soon recovered however and w* purchased by Colonel Theodore Ellis, of tho same regiment. Th officer, now of Hartford, rode "Lib" the following battles: Chance Ik ville. May 2 and 3;.Gettysburg. July Auburn and Bristol Station. Ocl. 1861; Wilderness, May 5 and 6; La«i Hill, May 10; Spottsylvania. May 18,: 14,18, and 2*2; North Anna River, 24, and 26; Tatapotomy, May 31, Cold Harbor, June 3 aud 6. She Mius under Col. Ellis in seventeen tinct battles, beside the usual of skirmishing and minor affairs, tn« lug all the marches with the regime! She was never wounded but oi After Colonel Ellis came home, mare attain came iuto possession Colonel Perkins, who sold her to Jih| Lymle Harrison, from whom she obtained by his father-in-law, Mr. Pii "Lib" is as sound to-day as any l*o| of her years. She drives nicely Wagon, and is still perfectly at h under saddle. She can get up a gat at any time, and at tlie sound of i exhibits a spirit worthy of a colt, can stand by a belching cannon out trembling, but tho sound exploding fire-crackers evidently! minds her of the musketry she wlieu she was wounded, for it tresses her greatly. She looks as if still had several years before --New Haven (Con».) Palladium* PRICES EEDUCED! One half on our entire line bf broidery. Call and secure these gains. mm- bar-STEVKNS & SCUNOKE. To Cube a Fklos.--L>o not put fingers in hot Water or put on I poultices. Apply cold poultices, third or fourth day after a felon its appearance it should bo o{ with a sharp penknife, making a deep, lengthwise cut. This will it to discharge, and it may cunlui do so for two days or more. Pi cold poultices untU the discharge : and keep them on until tho heals. The linger or hand shot carefully wrapped itp for tw® afterward, as it will bo tender, ed in this manner, a felon will; form the finger or hand. It wi| quire courage to bear having a cut. bat in a short time the reli forded by it will be so great a* i forth feelings of gratitude. Go to Mr*. Nichols* toff Mitlieel Dress Making. X

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