Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Aug 1880, p. 8

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\ •V, s- r7*-v -"* »*' » • „ v , "vV-4 •f-'t •< ' •• W3!:; Soldiers' Department. OMSUKCTKD HY I»R. S. F. BBNNKTT. THE PUBLIC LANDS* Wlicu praof i» Hied th%$ nolico lias bern glv«*ti tn tin? maimer nnd for the timo require*! by suitl act »f Congress, the upplicaul wii; b<? outitk'i) to make Until proof as by the laws in f*«w at the «lute of tiro approval ot PAiilact, thofilial proofs being ia forms 30. HI, ami 32. given • Tim proof that requisite not loo has been given will be the wrtitioate" of tlttt register thut the notice of the ap- ftlicntlon, (a copy of which shonM be annexed to the wrtifit-ate) was posted liy him in a oonsph-nonft place in his »ffieo for a period of thirty <l;tys; and th<- affidavit of the publisher or fore- mnn of the newspaper that the notice copy of which must be annexed to f,|t« f affidavit) was published i" said newspaper once enuli woek for five HH»'cessive weeks. . >*. The proof of the publication {nutting of the notice must be filed preserved by the register, to be Warded to this otlice with the final |»j s \ylieu issued. (No. SC.; V , HOMESTEAD PROOtfiJ. •JLMAT. ALFTWAVU REQUIUKD OP IIOMKR STKAU CLAIMANTS. SKCTION 2-01 OT * " XH# KKVISKI> STATU TKSOl-' 1UB UNITED STATES. I.,.. ...having made a home­ stead «ntry of the... .secti. n No,... In township No of range No wibject to entry at....under section 8289 ot the Revised Statutes of t*nr United States; do now apply to per­ fect my claim thereto by virtue of section 2291 of the Revised Statutes ot the United States; and for that purpose «lo solemnly. thulium a citizen of the United States; that I have made actual settlement upon and have cul­ tivated said land, having resided there- vii gince the day of . . . 1 8 . . to the present time; th:it no part of said land has been alienated, except as provided tn section 22S8 of the Revised Statute.*, but that I ain the sole bona fide owner M an actual settler; that I will bear true allegiance to the Government of the United States;and further that I have not heretofore perfected or aban- doned an entry made under the home­ stead laws of the United States. >, * X... of the Land Office at 'i? .do hereby certify that the y above affidavit was subscribed and 't -»rom to before me this... .day of.... wtos, nnd state to him that It is the purpose of ttic <iovern«n*nt, If it b« ascertained that lie testilio* falsely, to prosecutc him to the full EXTENT of tin- JJHV : TJTI,R Lxx.-CttIMES.-nu. 4. SKC. .VS»i. Kvery jKjrson who, havinic taken oat It Union; ;i com potent tribunal, ofllccr or iteriton, in any rase iit which a law of the United State* aiijjojilli to be admin­ istered, that he will testify, declare, dejHiwe or certify tnily.'or that any written tenli- inonv, declaration, deposition. or certilioate l»y liirn subseribed is true, wilfully ami eon-j trarv to .such oath state* or Hubscribes any material matter, ivhieh he dne:> not Ixdieve to" IK: true, is jruilty of perjury, ami ohall BE^ punisht'd by a "line of not more than twof thousand dollars, and by impiisonment at;; hard labor, mil more than live yearn, a I'd' shall, moreover, thereafter, IK; IIN'apiilde of git'hiK testimony in any court of the. I'nited States until such time as the judgment a^Hinrtt him is reversed. (See see. 1750.) New Hardware Store. I.N. MEAD, NfeAB -THE* DEPOT* -DRAPER IN- STOVES, Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron fare, TnMe and l'oc.ket Outlerr, jJScissors and Shears, Horse Hasps, Horse Shoes, Horseshoe Nails, ami C iles of every description. Also everything thatis generally kept in a Hard­ ware Store. A Practical Workman, I shall spare no • faction to ali age. . in tryitiR to RJVC satis- 'avor me with their patron All Kinds of Jobbing •» In my line will receive prompt attention. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere when in need of anything in my ll« I N* MEAD-MC.Henry, Oct. 10th. 1879. JOHNSBURCH (No. 31.) |fhit forta will be nsed bcth in final home- : stead proof andjin commntation proot) . , , HOMESTEAD PROOF. v i illSTlMONT OP CLAIMANT. ivi4 being called as a witness In....own behalf in support of.... homestead entry tor,...testifies as £ follows: Qties. 1. What Is your name? (.Be " ^gdreful to give it in full, correctly 'gelled. In order that it tuay be her Written exactly as you wish it written - In the patent which you desire to ob fefK i"j Ques. 2. What Is your age ? Ans y Qnes. 3. Are you the head of a fam- iff liy. or a single person; and if the head ®fa family, of whom does your family ^ •, «onsist ? Ques. 4. Are you a native born citi- *en of the United States? If not have declared your intention to become . . * citizen, and have you obtaiued a cer- ¥M ||ficate of naturalization? * s Ans...,.., y-': Ques. 5. Are there any indications of ooal, salines or minerals of any kind on (he land embraced in your homestead •ntry above described? (If so stato What they are and whether the springs . , Or mineral deposits are valuable.) Ans . Ques. 6. Is the land more valuable ^ for agricultural than mineral purposes? Ans !0s . Ques. 7. What is your post offloe ad- ;r • 4ress? Ans e' Qnes, 8. Ilave you ever made a home- end entry except for this land No ? f you have, give, as nearly as you can, le date thereof and description of the land, and state whether the entry still (Subsists, or if It lias been cancelled, #tato the cause of its cancellation.) Aus Ques. 9. liavo you sold the land or fnnveyed to any one your right and ntercst in the same; and if so to whom «nd for what purpose? Ans Ques. 10. Does any one except your­ self claim the land under the bome- itead or pre-emption laws? Aus Que?. 11. When did you first make ' •ettleuient on the said land? v., Ans............ Ques. 12. When did you flrst estab- ' Ush a residence upon the laud? , Ans " 1 Ques. 13. At the date you have given is being the date that you first estab- $; lished your residence upon tiie land did you move thereon in person? .• Aus p7 ' - Ques. 14. Up to what time have you > • resided on the land? If:' aus ' Ques. 15. Was your residence upon |he laud continuous during the period jaamed? A j Aiis Ques. 16. If you had a family during aid period of residence on the home- toad did your family raside thireon Ans Ques. 17. What improvements have tou made or do you possess on the md? (Describe them.) . AIIS.. I,, Ques. 18. When was your house built? Atis • -•#4 Ques. 19. What is the total value of t.-i"ri|ald Improvements? -i Aus ." Ques. 20. For what purpose have you • •fcsed t'be land* Ans: Ques. 21. IIow much of the land have '«you broken «nd cultivated, and what i,0ro|M. if any, have you raised ? , Ans. fjfc; I hereby certify that eacli question ^|t«d answer iu the foregoing tesiimoii3r Jlvas read to the claimant before.... •igned name thereto, and that the same was subscribed and sworn to be­ fore me of....18.. vsprigiual homestead duplicate receipt, or lite •' ?#n affidavit accounting for the same. I# • Iu civse the party has been naturalize I, a ••rtliiod copy ot his certilicate of naturaliga- I^MI Oilflt t'T* fTirni-h--I In cases of cunimit- ^i^Uoittesteadd it is sufllcient if the paity Ua* J|e<rtar««i his intention to become a citizen, ia eaae & l(-'i'ti()ed copy of his declaration 'iipt Intention must be furnished. 'The oflie-er before whom tho testimony is taken »ii"iiId '!h11 the attention of the |y tiie fallowing scctioa of the li-.-vi;--! -MI- Ml! WOlh. HENRY MILLER, -r-DKAL»ER IN-- American aid Foreip Hartile. Monuments, Headstones, etc., etc;, etc. ] American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. JNO A. REICHKT/R klOIIAUD WAMTF, fc, DIXON, W. O. CURTIS. General salesmai# J Traveling SaJ«su»*i>, llate«Ki«g l'artner. t. , . . ̂ .'^man, Sola, Schwab W.Quaii AOa. ^ • Aolpmerly^tUf^bCo Reichelt, Walsh GENERAL Shop Tw(Tmile8 North of Henry, 111. Johasbnrgh, Aug. 30tb.T1877 Mc n chance to make money. VJ \J Y.J We need a person in every town to take subscriptions for the largest- cheapest ani bust Illustr^tod f^inilv publica- tion in the world. Anyone can hccoine H sue. cessful ai^ent. Six eleirant works of art given iree to subscribers. The price is so low that iilmost everybody subs ;ribos. One agent re­ ports taking 130 subrt(-ribers in a day. A lady aurent reports making over $2(H) clear prolit in ten days. All wiio engage nuike money fast, ion can devote all your time to the business or only your spa re time. you need not be away from home over nifcht. You can do it as well as others. Full directions and terms nee. EJegant and expensive ontllt free. If you want profitable work tend un your ad- •lre»s at once. It costs nothing to try the nusuiess. N'<> m»e M ho enjf>m>s fails to make PT^I l> LIV- .,V'l ll'<;ss (IKOltliE STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine- jfc.'. Has tho Fiu est Stock of FlllNimG And « iolesaie|dcalcre in Flour, Fruits and Produce of all kinds. 138 South Water Street, CHICACO. ' References By Permission Preston, Kean A (!o„ Bunkers, Chicago. tSelx, Sc.liwall A Co., ltoot and Shoe M.iiiufAC- tuccrs, iMiicasfo. . \V. J. Quan A Co., Wholesale (irocer, Chicago Me\IT, Strauss & GiMidmaii.'jWhoiosaloClotli- ers, Cliic-igo. McCaun, FUoli & Uouvvi°<jC, Wholesale Paper, Chicago. John W. Bunn A Co., Wholesale Grocers. • Springfield, 111. II. E. Hunt, Hanker and Merchant,Dundee Illinois. » Jacob Mueller A (?o., TiOuisvllie, Ky. .. tjleo. VV. i>avi..oii A Co , Now Orleans, I.a. Sherman A Knox, Wholesale Fancy Grocers, Chicago. Woodstock References: W. II. l>'Vlylit, II >-»ts and shoes. Thos, Whitson A Son, Hardware Dealers STENCILS AND TAGS, SKNl^ OX APPLICATION. CONSIGNMENTS AND CORRES- PONDENCK SOLICITED. AT OUR STORE You will find all depart­ ments full. The latest Novelties. The lowest Prices. STEVENS & SCHNORR. McHenry, * --DEALER Drugs, Medicines, 'Faints, Oils, Toilet Articles Pure "Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Use. Also Bottled Ale and Por- ter for Family Use. The best brands of Cigars andSmoking and Chewing Tobacco always on liand Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give moaCali. C. W. BESLEY. IMcHenry, 111., Aug. 20th, 18T9. JACOB STORY, McHENllY, ILL m At one time, 60 of which he ceived last weok and the bataii^ are now on the road, and I have this day sent my order for 60 more to be shipped in Juue. * 4 <*% The increasing1 demand for tho well-made, durable,. thorough' tested and low priced ires I ~Jm DEALElt IX COLBY BROTHERS, --DEALEHS IN-- General Merchandise, RIVER8IDE BLOCK, McHENRY. ILL. We have one of the most complete stocks of Goods ever brought to this market, consisting in part ot Dry Goods, Cli, Mi Cms, BOOTS AND SHOES, Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and Willow-ware Groceries, etc,, etc.. |^~We have one of the finest Stocks of Teas to bo found in the county, to which we invite the especial attention of the public, satisfied that we can suit them both iu quality and price. COLBY BROS. Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, c-- Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Wintlow Glass, / CRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J STC RY. • m£3C= fMmWM Farmers Attention! Wo arc Not closing out, but are better prepared than ever to give close bargains on all kinds of Farm Machinery. made by Emerson, Fisher & C<?., which are shipped to every part of the North American Continent liie favorable reputation these Carriages have made in McHenry county, where they have been used for severat years by Livery men, physicians and larmers, has led to such a demand for them that we are obliged to resort to selling them at Auction in neigh­ boring towns. Every Carriage sold by us is warranted for one year. Our stock is complete and much larger than can be found with any retail dealer in the Northwest. T. J. DACY- "Woodstock, June 9th,'80. The Largest STOCK OF STOVES. Hardware, In the coun­ ty. Please call and ex­ amine Of all Kinds, to be found in the county, whi^h he is selling at BOTTOM PRICES. 49 Vl'U-r 1. McMcary, Jan. 7Ui It&U "Call and be ron JOHN |}. BLAKft UNPRECEDENTED -IN THE- History of Woodstock, --The Immense stock of-- BOOTS & SHOES Bought for Spring and Summer Trad j l>3' D W I G H T , Corner ol Main Street and Public Square Our customers appreciate the celebrated Sela Boots and Shoes which are sold only in Woodstock bv us. Our competitors frown at them and talk in the papers about them and thereby advertise our Goods at their own expense for which we return our sinceire thanks and would ask a continuance of such favors shown us. We buy and sell for Cash exclusively. Undersell otu neighbors. Sell more Boots and Shoes than all ol our competitors in Woodstock. Hence the pleasant feeling they exhibit toward us. • W. H. DWICHT, WOODSTOCK, ILL- ar We make a speciality of *ill the loading Machinery, among which •e Walter A. Woo<l and Mowers, Peerless combined Reap­ ers, Leader Reapers, the celebrated Manny and Standard Mowers. Furst & Bradley's Cultivators, Rakes and Plows. Four leading Cultivators. The celebrated and unrivaled Tiger Rake, Hollings- vs orth Rakes and several others PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS! We also have a full assortment of the elebrated BUCKEYE FORCI! PUMP always on hand. Also tho Adams Kenosha for a Wood Pnmp. Bliss! BMlios! lilies! We keep an assortment of Wagons and Buggies ot all kinds, Also Howe's Planters, and intact everything thal^v farmer wants. If in want of anything in our line do not fail to call as I know can suit. At the Old Stand, pposite tho Mill. E. M. OWEIS&NOrV. WOODSTOCk, ILL. BEST IN THE WORLD* REDUCED PRICE. r Twenty.Ave cents will now buy a fifty cent bottle of I'jso's due for Con- Huni|itinn. Thus t!ie licstCOUtifl me<l- tcinc is tltfl CHEAPEST. Soldllovery- where. i pTl" "C* C Of all kinds. Tumors, disehat A AA-illilO (tcs of lllooil or mucous, nndall lipase* of the Kectum quirkly and perfectly cured by a simple and -<oothin^ retned y. fat forinntioi. »>ldres» OK. J.t'ABKU & CO. 22 Ana St., K. Y. ORAY*S SPECIFIC MEOtCINK TRADE MARK. TH« GreatKsgltoh TRA0E MARIC KemeOjr; An onftilllng euro for ' Seminal Weak- DCM, Spermator­ rhea, Tmpntencr, •nd all diteaaet that follow M a quenco of Self* FotoreTaking. ABU^E; AAI^.Mof Af'for InKini?* Ucnorr, Univci Latitude, Pain Id tha Dumiemcf Vltlon, Premature Old Age, and manr other UuU lead to Tn«a&fty or Cooaumptioa, and a Premntare Orare. Cp* Full particulars la oar pamphlet, which we denlre to •end free by mall to crery one, 07*Tho Specific Medicine la •oM by nil druggists at Si per package, or six packages frr IS, or wiu be sent free bf mall oc receipt of the noacf bf ad4res*U2g TflS CRAY HEDIfllVR CO., BLOCK, Dainiir. Ifvcn. ><>1:1 iii MelTenry, and every wli«fc by all Drills i=ts. & S A L E R A T U 3 Which is tho same thing. Impnre ^nlcrntus orBUCarb Sodl (Whirli id tha same I Htne) U ofu aligtit ly dirty white color, if may ti]>pe( whiii^ rtaminxl l>v iiwlr, but CuMPAUISOSi WITH CHURCH CO'S " AUDI AniBluaiMER" UUAN1 will SllOW tilO (lilft't'CUCC. Sco t Is i»t your Salernlui and Bak«| Ing Soila is white nitd PUKR, at dhoulrl be ALL SIMILAR SUBSTAN- tKS ustd fur fosid. A simple but severe test of the comparatit value ol different brtiuda of .Soda or Kaleratns 1* to dissolve a dessert spoonlul of each kind wit about a pint ot' water (hot preferred) in clea glas-os. stirring uutil nl 1 is thoroughly dissolve Tho deleterious ineolublo matter in the inferio (S-.»tl i will be shown after Fettling eonio twentj tniuutea or sooner, by the milky appearance ol tho solution and tho quantity c- floating flockj matter accordinR to quality. Be sure and ask for Church & Co.'i Sodai Raleratus a-:d see that their mime is on thd packageand you will get tho purest and whites^ made. The use ot this with sour milk, in preler enco to Baking Powder, saves twenty times it cost. fceoonn pound packages for yalnable lnfi oh and read carefully. r^HQW THIS TO YOUR MO Constitution Water. JtO% I>rops of CON'STlTOTlOX WATKI. i iirco times a day, cures liriglit's l>i«| ease, inlinmalion of the Kidneys, Stone in thf Bladder, Catavrh of the Madder, Gleet, Dial betes, Gravel, Urick-Dust Deposit, Childhood Weakness. For Female Complaints a Speciality. For sale by all Dnijrtrists. Send for Cfr<i*

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