Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Aug 1880, p. 5

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,v •n. WEDNESDAY. ^UGU^T 4.1880. Railroad Time Table. , I LOINO SOUTH. fe. l«n«y» Uke Pnsiiciner.......i.«....T:W A. * , Oenova tjikn Ext>rc»» 8:» A *. *;"< l.itkn Freilht 1:W P. M Steamboat Expreaa 3:1# F, *. ooiiro woa*B. 'Steamboat Exfirc-s* ..........10:00 a. *. (IFTNOV* T,a1ce FREIGHT 10:02 A.. }M , Geneva r<akp Kxpress 5:4Bp. m ;|«enavn I,*kn Passenier 6:5.1 p.*. Garfield and Arthur Club. THE REPUBLICANS in McHenry find surrounding country are requested to meet nt the office of F. K. Granger, in the Village of MclTenry, on SAT­ URDAY EVENING next, August 7th, 'at 8 o'clock sharp, for the purpose of ^forming a Garfield and Arthur Club. . Let every!Republican attend. . Do not fail to go and pee Uncle Tom, at Riverside Hall, on Monday evening next. , • . . . ETTGEWE PERKINS will accept OUR thanks for a fine lot of eating apple ft left on our table. "Tip.** is a Philanthropist; If you don't believe It,ask the old folks where he bound the oats. This is not a joak! CHOICE Leaf Lard. Hams, Dried Beef, and Salt Pork at Howard's Mar­ ket, near the Depot. Topsy, "a girl that never was born, will be at Riverside Hall, on Monday evening next, Aug. 9th. Do not fail to see her_ WE would direct the attention of our readers to the card of C. S. Green. Veternarv Surgeon, to be found in another place in this paper. VENNOR. the weather sharp, is fran­ tically making about twenty guesses a minute, in the wild hope of striking it right sometime between now and October. REV. PETER ARVEDSON will officiate on Sunday August 7th, at St John's Algonquin. 10:30 A. M.; Dole.S Chapel. Crystal Lake.--Swedish services 2:45 P. M., English services 4:15 p. x. WE learn that the Village Board had a stormy session on Monday evening. It appears there "is a chile amatig 'em takin' notes." Those "great Moral Reform" chickens are evidently cqming home to roost. WE learn that T. Bacon, who lives near Volo, and whom we reported a few weeks since as being terribly in­ jured by a vicious Bull, is slowly recov­ ering. He had a narrow escape with his life. THE weather caught a severe cold in this Section on Sunday night and Mon­ day, and overcoats were found to be comfortablp in place of dusters. It came as neiir a frost as one likes to see at'this time of year. GEO. OWEX deserves the thsntcs of the public for cutting down the weeds that lined the walk near the red bridge, There are other places in the village equally as bad. which some one in authority wonld do well to look after. A call for a Special 'Election, to vote on the proposition to h&rrow money to bnild a bridge across Fox River, can be found in another column. The Election is to be held on Saturday. Aug. 14th, at the Council Room, in this village. THERE is nothing a printer boys that he gets more than thirty days time upon, and his employees are paid every week. We would like to ask some of our subscribers how they can expect to be trusted two or three years for their papers. THE Woodstock New Era announced to its readers last week that it would be issued no more, having sold their subscription list to the Sentintl. What Mr. Riuglatid proposes to do in the fu­ ture is not stated. We wish liiin suc­ cess in his new field, 'wherever it may be. TIP. SMITH is onr authority for say­ ing that on Saturday next, at 2 o'clock r, St., in the Warehouse, near the De­ pot, there will oe a Prize Fight, ac­ cording to the rules of the English Ring, between an ex-Alderman and a Miller. Pools are now selling in favor of the Alderman, but the "knowing ones" say that "blood will tell." Out River Reporter will l>e on the spot. WE last week stated that George Owen had purchased a colt from C. H. Beers, from the fine Pacing Mare, so well known_ in this section, formerly driven by Dr. Beers. Since that time lie has also bought the Mare, which lie proposes to keep for breeding pur­ poses. She is without question as fine a bred mare as there is in this section. We shall publish a full pedigree ol both mare and colt soon. TH£ Wool Market remains ahout the «ame as last week,35 to 37 cents being the ruling prices paid. Our buyers are taking in but little this week, as many of the farmers arc holding for better j»riceB^which many of our best in- f formed^Vool men claim they will not get, as the market is more likely to go (iown than up. We understand there fs yet a good deal of Wool unsold in this county. IXVEVTOR9 employing attorneys fa­ miliar with practice iu the Patent Office, rarely fail of securing patents. Experience ensures success in prosecut fug contested entries and Mineral Land claims before^the General Laud Office. Lonsr practice gives success in securing pensions. Presbrey & Green, Attor­ neys, 509 Seventh Street, Washington D. C., have had long experience in all branches of practice before the De­ partments. Parties having business should address tbem (enclosing stamp) Car information. THE Marshalltown,*Iowa, Statesman pointedly says: "Why don't you buy a power press?" inquired several en­ thusiastic Democrats a* wo were tiking onr locked-up pasre<« of type through the streets, on a wheelbarrow, to a steam-printing pn»s« owned by a rich printing firm. Whv don't we buy the Board man House, Woodbury block and the public square? Why don't we raise h--11 on four dollars and a half? It is easy .to do all of these things, pro­ viding yon have the collateral, but at the present writing we confess we have not money enough to buy a cheese- press. Printing Democratic papers in. Iowa *s like peddling peanuts in a graveyard." -• WHILE at Blivins Mills on Monday we made a short call at the store of Robt. Tweed. As usual we fonnd his store well filled with seasonable Goods, and we must congratulate our readers in that section on their good fortune iii having so well conducted general, store in their midst. Mr. Tweed is a genial, whole souled gentleman, and it does one good to take his frendly hand. He keeps a general stocks of Goods adapted to the wants of bis customers, all of the best quality, and adheres strictly to the motto "Live aad let Live," which is sure not only to draw custom but when a person comes once will be sure to come again. Mr. Tweed is also Post Master at that place. OUR readers IN Nunda, Crystal Lake and vicinity, should not forget the Operetta of "Laila" and the Old Folks' Concert, under the direction of the Scott Family, which is to be given at Marlow's Hall, Crystal Lake, on Thurs­ day and Friday evenings of this week. August 5th and 6th. This is one of the most beautiful operettas ever given on the staare, and together with the Old Folks' Concert, presents an entertain­ ment seldom equalled and never sur­ passed outside of the larger cities. Prof. Scott brought out this operetta in this village, and all pronounced it the best entertainment given here for a long time. Those who miss it at Crystal Lake will miss a rare musical treat. We hope to hear that Prof. Scott was well rewarded for his labor at Crystal Lake. To the Lotus Beds. On Sunday next. August 8tli, the. Steamboat "Marv Griswold" will leave McHenry at 2 o'clock p. M. for the Lakes and Lotus beds (now in full bloom) Returning, will arrive at Mc­ Henry at 7J p. M. WAITER Ifux, Captain. BNCLK TOM'S CABIN. This old but most popular Drama will he produced at Riverside Hall, in this village, on Monday evening next^ August 9th. by Mason & Morgan's Coin- blnatfon, said to be one of the best Dramatic Troupes traveling. The present revival of Uncle Tom's Cabin is said to he unparalleled in the history of the Drama, and this company bring It out in a manner not to be surpassed. Sentiment and Comedv are alike evenly balanced, and the wildest en­ thusiasm of overwhelming audiences stamp t!»is entertainment as unap­ proachable and iineom parable. Re­ member the day and date. Monday. August 9th, at Riverside Hall.. COSCKKT AT RICHMONt). As will he seen by a notice in onr Richmond Department the beautiful Cantata, entitled '•The Beatitudes" will he given at Richmond on Saturday evening next. August 7th. under the directorship of Miss Mary II. Webster. This Cantata is the production of the late .J. P. Webster, who is so we 1 and favorably known to the music loving public, and the Libretto, by Dr. S. F. Bennett, of Richmond. This Cantata has been brought all the princi­ ple cities of Wisconsin, and al! who have seen it. pronounce it most charming. We trust ^be citizens of Richmond and vicinity will ffive Miss Webster the patronage she so rlHilv deserves, not only lor tier labor in bringing this Cantata cut, hut in honor of her great musical talent. TO WAGON MAKERS. To a good Wagon Maker and the right man I will give the use of my Wagon Shop, FREE OF CHARGE It is one of the best stands in McHenry County, and for the right man there is a good opening. For farther partic ulars call on or address, V TP. J. CLIFTON, MCIIEXKT, IU.,»July 20th, 1S80. PEftOSNALS. Miss Mamie Owen aud EffieCurtls hive been visiting with friends in Elgin. .... Miss Maggie Clark anttftftttle Stocker are rusticating at the Lakes, MIss Alice Murphy, daughter of Hon. ' T. D. Murphy, was visiting with Mrt, Thos. Walsh one day last week. Lyman Page, Conductor on the Woodstock Accommodation, accompa- by his family, spent a day at the Lakes last week. Miss Jennie Beers arrived home on Tuesday last. Chas. Irwin, of Crystal I.ake, made our Sanctum a pleasant call on Satur­ day. Mrs. Langeloth. who represents the Chicago J'-ulenspieffcl* a Sunday Uer- man paper, wsw in this jrillage last week. J, M. Kimball, of Elgin, made us a call on Tuesday. He is a stalwart Re­ publican, believes in no half way iq politics, and predicts the success ot the entire Republican ticket in November. Miss C lara B. Owen. McFTenrv's Artist, who has been here the past week painting a Picture of the cljild of Geo. Owen, returned to Chicago " oil Tuesday; * Real Katate. The following is the list of transfers in McHenry County'for the three weeks euding'Jiily 26. 1880: Christopher VValrous to Honry E rPatrick Its S and 6 bile 8, Spencer'<< 1st add to Marengo, #1045. Mrs L M Nicker son to same lots 3Jan<t 6 blk 8 Mtrentfo, J«i00. W II Stewart Comin'r to G S Wick ham a 46 a ne^ sec 12 AMen, tlJSi). Mary A Griinley and lius to Lester Teeple, It in Huntley, #200. C II Tryon and w to School District No 1, la in sec 36 Hebron, #75. W I* StClair and w to C Linderom pt| It 5 blk I, Walkup's add to 0 Lake. #25. A H Oonn, Muster ef.o. to M O'Brien 8# neE and seV niv'i sec, 2S Alden, #iifi!>.45. Jessie E Cutter to ^aimiel Cutter, twjf and seli se'i sees 15 and 16 .Vlden, fAQO. Caleb Itio.1i guard to T Me.D Richards e*« neV see 27 Seneca, #.'120C. .Jno Peter and w to Edward Morton Jr It 6 blk 10 PluinleiKh's add to Algonquin, #00. R Itobinson and w>to U W Robinson, It 11 blk 2 Nunda, $1200. S Terwillitrer and w to Board Trustee* Nunda la in mVi see 7 Nunda. T B Schcinertiorn to Mary A Schemerhorn It 1 blk 3 HuntTey, #300. A Ifernionson and w to H A and A A Ifer- monson. It 2 nwM sec 7 Dunham, #250. Martha Meade et al to L Meade tvX 8\v'i sec. 21 Seneca, #100. E (1 and A E Aver and ws t»» S A Freeman, It 6 blk 5, #100. L J Itaiin and w to M H Fitxslmmons 14 a in nw.V sec 5!) Nunda, #155. Same to same It lOIblk llPrisbics add to Crys. tal Lake, #125. Fred Ehrke and \v to HenryJPaes 1! a in ne qr sec. 4 Algonquin, #1000, Jolm ICinflf'and w to L Hatch 52 a in 'seetion 11 McHenry and ste 26 Richmond, #2000. O L Philips and w to H Wilcox 22a in nejf sec IS Richmond, #S00. U Morton to Margaret A Perrv and 4a in swX sec 32 Algonquin, $1000. THE laws of Illinois forbid the far­ mer to allow weeds to go to seed on the highway adjoining his land; he must keep them mowed. How many farmers keep that law? How many city people keep the street before their premises free from weeds? Not one in a hundred. These weeds cause thousands of dollars damage every year. It is said that the rag weeds with their pugnent odor are the cause of hav fever which drives scores of our people out of the country every year. Let every farmer run his mower over the highway, and every city resident keep his side of the street clean before his premises. , WE would again remind those of our subscribers who are in arrears from one to four years, that the time to call and settle has arrived, and we must In­ sist that they do so once. We ask you only for what Is our own and we need the money to use. If you are not cominsr to town soon send it hy mall. Delays are dnngerous. You might for­ get it,and this we shoivld much dislike to have you do. Let us hear from you at once. Frank and Jesse James. Hon. J. A. Daciis. ofSt. Louis, the well known editor and ex-Member of the Missouri Legislature, has written a carefully prepared "Life and Adven­ tures of Frank and Jesse Jtmcs," which lias been issued by the well known publishing house of N". D. Thompson A Co., of that city. Mr. Dacus, we are informed, spent two years in the preparation of this work mjchot which time was spent with the family and friends of the James boj-?. whose friendship and confidence he gained, and who gave him all the facts concerning their antecedents and ancestry as well as the facts concern­ ing the almost numberless robberies, dashing raid3 and vengeful murders committed by the'm during the twenty years of their career in as many States and Territories. The book is the most startling record ever made In history. The careers have no parallel in the history of highwavmcn. Bold and dashing to a degree that seemed reckless to personal danger, yet they have never been apprehended during this long period, though rewards to the amount of 975.000 have been oflered for their arrest, dead or alive. The book is sold by subscription, and we are informed by the publishers that 21.000 have been sold iu tour months. Agents are reaping a rich haryest with it. We advertise it fcin another col­ umn. BARREVILLE E<IITOR PLAIXUKALER:--Hurrah for Garlleld and Arthur. Think well before next November, that you may cast an intelligent vote. Campaign politics begin onse more to interest the miud of the voter in these parts. Mr. Wm. Wilcox is visiting friends here. The pickle business is coming on and the "boys" are hanging their heads (to pick.) Free Methodist camp-meetirg opens at Silver Lake on the 25th ot August, wc understand, aud all are invited. Crops are and have been putting forth their customary call for care at this their characteristic season, and are promptly answered by the eager hus­ bandman. Said crops^were never rep­ resented much better thau they are this year. The Barreville cheese factory, owned by Mr. Garrison, is on a decided retro­ grade. bv waj' of a falling off in the s'ipply of milk, which was caused by a dissatisfaction among the patrons in regard to the Email dividends paid them; thej* being below that of other factories. Said patrohs have '"changed their base" to the Griswold Lake Fac­ tory, and here let us sa$ that it Was a wise choice for them, as this factory has been prosperous its construc­ tion. It is managed in its manufac­ turing departments by the efficient cheese maker, Mr. Poole, whom as such stands second to none in the North­ west. Waucondalce Cream Parlor. E. A. Golding would respectfully iuforra the public that his Ice Cream Parlor, is now open where the best of Tee Cream will be served every day and eveningly the dish or quantity. A full line of Nut6 and Confectionery of all kinds. My Parlor is always cool and quiet, and I respectfully invite all who wish anything in this line to call and I will try aud please tbem. Ice Cream furnished at Wholesale or Retail, for Festivals, Picnics or Fami­ lies. E. A. GOLDWOt Richmond Department;. CONTRIBUTED BT S. F. BEXSTBTT. S. P. BKXNETT is hereby authorized to take Bttbscrlptions and orders for ndrertistnir and Job Wnrk for the Pi. WNDKAI.KK, receive monev therefor and receipt, for the same. Allerders left with telni will receive prompt aiMiilinii.--Ediior. John Wray brags on tall corn, though ft isearly iu the season. His flgare fe twelve feet and an inch. Next! Street Commissioner Wodell has commenced grading the street running from the Methodist Paisonage to the Methodist Church, and proposes to do a model job thereon. Mre. John Billings died on Saturday evening, of consumption, after a very long and painful illness, and was buried in the Richmond Cemetery on Sunday afternoon. She leaves a lai^e famHy of small children. We intended, two Weeks ago. to note the fact that Jerry duney.had returned trom Chicago and reopened his saloon, which had been closed during the past three years. Let this notice make amends. Canfield is overran with work and is swinging his brush from tworiiing till night. Buggies, carriages, and houses alike oome out. from under his touch, bright as a new dollar. Specimens of his indoor work may be seen at^the re­ sidence of Dick Wray. Wallace Bogart has started-in the flour and feed business in Richmond, and desires, like us all. ua share of public patronage." His flour and feed are shipped direct from Minnesota, and the brand of flour is the same that has taken the highest premiums when­ ever exhibited. It will be found, for the present, at the market of John Billings, and his stock of feed"at the warehouse near the depot. He offers good inducements to farmers wishing to buy by the ton. Frank Smith, Tor several years with Smith & Hagthorn, leaves the counter for a granger's life in IXicotah, where he some time since purchased a farm. Smith is one of those sterling young men we hate to lose. Since he has lived In Richmond he has quietly and stead- ily applied liimsejf to his business, and shown that he possesses those qualities that will insure succcess in liis new field of labor. We repeat, we hate to lose such young men as Frank Smith. But such are the ones who usually go-- young men of energy, principle, aud enterprise, with ambition to do some­ thing in the world--while our street loafers stick by like hlood-suekeas,*l|v- ing on the earnings of others and spending what little they themselves earn at the drain-shop and pool-table. Our best wishes attend Frank on Ills far journey. , CONCKUT. The beautiful Cantata, entitled g TII^BKA'THROES, Will be given by the youug singers of Richmond aud vicinity, under the di­ rectorship of MISS MARY II. WEBSTER, At the RICHMOND IIOUSEJHALL, ox Saturday Evening. A njn»tf7th. 18S0. This Cantata has been brought out in the cities of Wisconsin, during the past season, with great success, and is the production of the late ! J. P. WEBSTER, The composer of The Sweet Bv-and- By, Lorena, Golden .Stair. Little Maud, and scores of other beautiful songs, dear to the American people. Doors open at 7:30. Concert to com­ mence at 8 o'clock. In another place will be found the card of C. Sf. Green. V. S., who has con­ cluded to loeate In Richmond perma­ nently. It was a source of regret to everybody when Mr. Green concluded, last spring, to locate iu the far West, and it is now as much a source of con­ gratulation that lie lias returned and pitched his tent among us for keeps. A regularly educated veternury sur­ geon has long been a desideratum in McHenry County--at least in this part of it--and every horse-owner will be glad to know we have one. Mr. Green has spent much time, ijiouey and study on his chosen profess ioii^iui\whiJt.he knows h^betTFencaMy^lieTt^^ judgment and experieikio^to j^id in the proper treatment of the dreea^es to which animals are subject, and has been remarkably successful iu this vicinity; Consult with him. ESTRAY. Strayed from the premises of the un­ dersigned a Fat Ewe Sheep, marked 011 the side "P. T." Has a strap arouud heck and a leather halter strap at­ tached. Was last seen near Richard Thompson's. South of this town. Whoever will return said sheep or give information where she may be found will be suitably rewarded. U. A. HOW AUD. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:--General row at one of our saloons Saturday night. Everything seems to be all O. K. po­ litically. We who live In the country some­ times fee I awkward i 11 the present* ot our city cousins. But, why need we? We expose our ignorance of city experi­ ence scarcely more than do th,{ey of country affairs. Take,for example, the circumstance of a vouug lady, from the city, as she stands admiring a litter of pigs. She lias never seen a live hog In her life, but has seen their dressed car Masses in a meat market. IIow are we taken aback to hear her express her astonishment to see pigs with hair on. She has never seen apples growing on the trees. Our surprise is no less when we witness her bewilderment, the first time she sees the pendant fruit. We have been much amused, during the past week, at. just such lack of know­ ledge of couutry life! John S. Wheat has resigned the offlee of Street Commissioner and is super­ intending the building of a. railroad near Madison. Wis. H. D.Judd is now acting Street Com­ missioner. in which capacity he has done some good work, on Clay street, -ndar Daisy's warehouse./ A suit by change of vehtte from J. H. Jonnson is now in progress before 'Squiie Baldwin, growing out of Sat­ urday night's row. C. H. Donnelly f<N»4~' the people aud E. D. Murphy for th«, defence. The new track, on our fair-ground, ts now complete, and is being packed by daily driving. Good judges pronounce it "A" No. I. Not believing that we or any otlief newspaper correspondent knows the choice of the people In regard to coun­ ty offices, we deem it fairer to leave It an open question till the people have spoken tlirough their caucusscs. • .iMf-.. fiu8iiie*s Notices* Rwtd'sGiil Edge Tonic restores the appetite. 50 Primmed Hats from fifty cents to two dollars apiece at Mrs. S. dearies. We have the Boss Glove Depot. * rr&siMuoxd* KVAXSU.V The best Threshing Knuckles M. Owen's. at E. The Moline Owen's. Sulky Plow ill li M Various Causes-- Advancing years, care, sickness, dis­ appointment. and hereditary predis­ position--all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to shed, prematurely. AYER'B HAIR VIGOR will restore failed or gray, light red bair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes and cures dandruff and humors. By its use fall­ ing hair cheeked, aud a new growth will be produced in all cases where the follicles are not destroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects are beauti­ fully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair, on which a few applications will produce the gloss and fteshness of youth. Harmless and sure iu its oper­ ation, it is incomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the sort lustre and richness of tone it impacts. It contains neither oil nor dye. and will not soil nor color white, cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. FOR SALE BT ALL DEALERS. NUNDA EMTOR PI.AIXDEAI.ER :--Cucumbers are coming in at Plie Factory in large quantities. Major Thorns has returned and is fixing things preparatory to mauufucturiiig sugar from cane and corn. . Chris. Buck has been spending a few days with old frieuds here. He Is look­ ing Vrcll. John Beardsley has retuiwd from Kausas, and reports crops nearly a fail­ ure in the part where he was. He and Nnjab have stnrted their Threshing machine. Henry Lye Is having a mammoth Corn-house built. Darby & Sheldon have/ramcd the building in the lum­ ber-yard. Our Street Commissioner has dene a good job by mowing the streets, there­ by getting rid of many large weeds, Anrv McCollum has cut and bound nearly all of ;h« grain, iu this section, with one of McCormick's self-binders, aud generally gave good satisfaction. Some twenty or more young lads, from Chicago, came here lor the pur­ pose of picking Friday last. One of thetn was sun-stroke while working near here. He wfts got back to the Depot, where ho staid, until through the efforts of L. D. Lincoln a collection was token up to send him home, which was sticccssful, aud lie was sent on the 5:35 train. What the poor little fellow would have done if it had not been for L. D. aud one or two oth ers. Is not known. Ed. St. Clair Is no more in the Depot as Baggagemaster, but went to Chicago expecting a job there. We expect those ladies who went to Elgin had a big time and no men in the scrape. George Pratt hurt his arm* consider­ ably last Sunday night by walking off from the M. E. Church steps on the North end, where there used to be the entrance, but had been moved, causing considerable tnauv to get fooled. In the Whole History of Medicine No preparation has ever performed such marvellous cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, us Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which is recognized as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throiit and lungs. Its long continued series of wonderful cures iu all climates has made it universally known as a safe and reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which are the forerun­ ners of more serious disorders, it acts speedily and surely, always relieving suffering, ami often saving life. The protection it affords, by its timely use iu the throat and lung disorders of children, makes it an invaluable reme­ dy to l/e kept always on hand iu every home. No person can afford to be with­ out it, and those who have once used it never will. From their knowledge of its composition and effects. Physic­ ians use the Cherry Pectoral extensive­ ly |u thalr practice, and clergymen recommend it. It ic ubsolutely certain iu its remedial effects, and will always cure where cures are possible. For sale bj all dealers. BASKET >1AKixli. The undersigned is prepared to fur­ nish Willow Baskets of his own make, of all kinds. Fine Baskets a specialty. Market, Clothes, and all other Baskets made to order,. Will also repair all kindsof light work. Give me a call.-- First House South of the Claremout House, on the McHenry and Richmond road. NICK WIXKLK9. McHenry. Sept 15th, 1S79. The Furst & Bradley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. Clocks, from $1.00 upwards. War­ ranted. At O. W. Owen's. When in want of work in my line, give mca call and I will try and please Robt. Murtitt. Jeweler. Nunda, 111. Dress Goods Stylish durable and ch^ap just received, we invite inspec­ tion. Fitzsiniuions & Evauson. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you have seeu and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. You are paying 15 to 25 per cent for your credit. Pay the cash; trade at a cash store, and make this saving. STEVENS « SOHNORR. AtteBtion, Farmers aad • | Dairymen Sherman Brr»s.. residing two mile* " West of McHenry. on the WoodsUn-lc : road, keep on hand the following artlf ^ des to meet the wants of farmers an#" dairymen: 4 > I L'reamery. (Patent applied lor) con* - -re­ sisting of boxes for water, any size to -* - ? + suit. Barrels may be uyed or any WM* ter vessel, spring or wells. Milk can* with 'covers to exclude all foreign sub* stances and allowing the heat anil steam to escape. And a skimming de* vise, the most perfect ever invented. / .• :|..; Riding Plow Attachment, .(Pat. ap* w ^ plied tor) by which you can attach an# kind of a Plow to any corn sulky «u* tivator. ' ,$/ Patent Farm Gate Hanging. ' rt'i j Patent Post Hole Auger. , J j And a devise for Converting Motfoif *;/ifj (Pat. applied for) can be applied t<*. < wind mills. &e., to convert a forward- /if-] and back motion into a rotary motion* All the above articles we will sell - . ? very low to suit the times. Call ami v'/ i examiue for yourselves. • jr* S. A J. 8HKR11 Alt. f 1 FARM FOR SALS. V ^ We are selling our large line of Embroidery at greatly reduced prices. STKVBNS A CHNOBH, The largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. For that new dress pattern call on Stevens & Sell no rr. They keep the la- est styles, and sell cheap. Buckeyc Force Owen's. Pumpi, at JC. M All the Owen's. A fine Goouls at Depot. first-class Plows at E. V, line of Gents Furnishing Lauer A Becker's near the Tert 15 light Windows, glass 8x10, all perfect, for sale cheap by O. W. Owen. The Pully Suspender or Argosy Brace can be bought iu this towu only at Lauer A Becker's. They are the qest thing out, Ladles of McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until yon have looked at and priccd goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering grester bargains than ever. All work In repairing done on short notice. Parasols. Fans, Ladies and Mitts now cheap at & E vanson's Lace Gloves Fitzslmmons I.N. MEAD, AGENT. For Buckeye Harvester, Binder and Mowing Machine, McHenry, 111. SCREEN DOORS. I am now prepared to manufacture and put iu Screen Doors and Windows on short notice and at living prices. Give me a call before going else­ where. JOHN B. BLAKE We give our special attention to Dress Goods, Trimmings and lJuttous. You can always find the latest at our store. STEVENS A SOQMOK&. FOR REJfT. The celebrated Ford Photograph Gallery, the only Gallery In the vTllAge of McHenry. A first-class location.-- Possession given at once. App.'y to E. M- Owkh. WOOL WANTED. D. S. long and favorably knowu as a Wool buyer in this and ad­ joining oounties, Is on the market again this season, with his headquar­ ters at tho Warehouse of E. M. Owen & Son, where he is prepared to pay the highest market price for Wool. Mr. Smith liss had large experience in this business, and invites all having Wool to sell to call and see him as he is con­ fident be can do as well by them as any other buyer. Remember the place, Owen's Warehouse, opposite Bishop's Mill. The undersisrned offers tor sale hie farm known as the Dunn Farm, con*^ sisting of 80 acres, situated 3$ Southwest of McHenry. Said larm It* in good condition, well fenced, fa5£ buildings, and one of the best orchard^ . . iu the section. Never failing running * water for stock in pasture. In shorts .f "h one of the best and most desiraider / , small farms in the county for either ' <</, stock or grain. For particulars Inquire- 1%^, of Chas. H. Parks, near the premises! ' 4 or address, J.L.DUNN - Lawrence, Kausas. E. M.OWRN A SON have JU»TW^(| ceived a new lot of Top Buggies, to * 3 1 which they invite the attention o# ' V* those wishing to purchase. They aret as fine as any to be fonnd it* &fae kei. •/-; mile# .'-Jjjl - : HOSIERY. ;> The Very finest, best and cheapest line of Ladies' Hosiery shown in thee place is now open at the Fltssimmons & Evanson. . '/ PRICES EEDUCED! . One half on our entire line of Em­ broidery. Call and secure these bar­ gains. STEVKNS & SCHNOMk VKTERIXABT Illinois. C. S. GREEN. SURGEON, BIOIUBMNS, S66 a week In ynnr own town. f5 outfit free. No risk. Reader, if TOU want a busincs at which iter dons of either sex can niHke ^rrcat pay nil the time tliey work, write fur partieulara TO Ji. AU.KII & Oft, Wrfe and, Maine. | (Safe: Executor's Notice. ESTATE of Samuel H. Walker, <!cieeas«<t. The nn«lersiirne<l having been appointed '.»?}>• Kxecutor of the last Will ami Testament of~„ . Samuel H. Walker, tleceasetl, late of th* " County of McHenry and State of Illinois* • ' hereby (rives notice that he will appear be- fore the Conntv Court of McHenry OonntT,, - • •-- » at the Couit ltonsc, in Wmxlstock, at / « September Term, on the third Monday in' / ,v. *] September next, at which time all pewsay^'gi^j h a v i n g c l a i m s a g a i n s t s a i d E s t a t e , a r e n o l i . ' ' * ' fled and requested to attend for the purpose /J of having the same adjusted. All persons in. debted to said Estate tire requested to immediate payment to the. underniitned. Dated this 0th da lay of Jnlv, A. I>., 1880. J. W. PRISTV, Kxeckt • vr&* »• VJif. J v P Notice..' Administrator's TT^TATK of David o, Wilson, deeeased.- [j The Htderaingei:, having been appointed ' -/ 1 Administrator of the Estate of David C. Wil-", - s •on. late of the County of Mcllenry aud State' - 'i,1 ot Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that_ v i~J he will appear before the County Court ofT» ,Jn McHenry County, at the Court Itoiisein Wnttd. T? stock At the September term on the thint1"*'1 j Monday in .September nest, at which tiM * ^ all persons having claims against said Estate * , are notilied and requested to attend for thn -if. *V3 'i pnrposo of having the same adjusted. All Ki / /sM'S person* indebted to said Estate are request. * '«2 v ed to make immediate payment to the under ^ signed. [s • Dated this 19th day of July A. D, 1830. / ' IlKMar C. Mkad, Administrator. Wool! Wool! Cash and tho ijigbest market prlec. lie undersignerrwm handle Wool the present season, aud will pay the High­ est Market Price in Cash, HC their Store iu McHenry. Farmers will do well to see us before selling. COLIIV BROS. ^ Riverside Block pay WOODWOOL! Wo want your >Wool and will the highest market price for it. STKVBKS*& SCIIMOBK. Near the Depot. McHenry, 111. EGOS WANTED. We would consider it a favor If far­ mers having eggs to sell will bring tin* 111 to our store. To those who do not wish to trade with us we will pay the cash. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. DR. S. P. BROWN FROM ELGIN Will be at Dr. F.P. Brown's residence on Thursday of each week from 10:30 A. M. until 12:30 r. M. All who wish uiedlcr] treatment call at that time. Diseases of females and children made a specialty. BY UNIVERSAL ACCORD, Ayer's Cathartic Pills are tlie best of all purgatives for family use. They are the product of long, laborious and successful chemical investigation, ami their extensive use by physicians iu their practice, and by all civilized na­ tions, proves them the best and most successful Purgative Pill that medical science can device. Beinj£ purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use. I11 intrinsic value and cur­ ative powers no other pills can be com­ pared witli them, and every person knowing their virtues, will employ them when heeded. They keep the system in perfect order, aud maintain in healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are specially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derange­ ments of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. Ttu^ are the best and safest physic to employ for chil­ dren and weakened constitutions. 17 cents will buy one pair of Ladies' Balbriggan Hose at Fltzsiuimous & Evansen'*. Go to I. N. Mead near the Depot for the Best Mowing Machine. Administrator's Notice. IpSTATK of Mathias Freuaddeceased. The J uuderfciffued having Iteen appointed Ad. ntinistratrix of the Estate of Mathias Freund ; lata of the County of McHenry, and State ©t; Illinois, deceased, herohv gives notice that she will ap|ienr before the County Court of MeHenrv County, at the Court Home, Iu : Woodstock, at the September term, on the third Monday iu September next, at whioh ' time all persons having claims against said Kstate, are uotiilod and requester! to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are re. quested to make immediate payment to Hw: undersigned. Doted this 12th dav of July A. D. 1880. CATHARINE FHECND, Administratrix ACCNT8 WANTED* LIFB AMD ADVKXTCKKS OF FRANK AND JESSE JAMES, IEI XOTXD nnu tnun By Hon. J. A. Dacus, Ph. D. A true and thrilling account, (Illustrated) of their bold operations for 18years in 20 different states and Territories, Unfiling detectives and oil rials of the law. Best Selling Book of the year. 10,000 sold in three months. 50 cents t» 'orouttit; $1.00 for sample copv. to Agents. N. D. THOMPSON CO., I.iberal terute _ Ushers, ttt Pine St.. St. Louis, Missouri. ELGIN ACADEMY, ELGIN, ILL. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Ac. We are now exhibiting a line line of Top Buggies, Phaetons, open Bug­ gies, Platform .Spring Wagons of best make, aud warranted at lowest prices. K. M. OWKK JFC SON. Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic cures Fever aud Ague. MILCH COWS FOR BALE. Fivo good new milch Cows, with Onlves by their side, for sale, at my farm, one-half mile uorth of Ring wood WESLEY LADD. Dated July 14th, 1880. FOR SALE OR RENT. The Store lately occupied by J. E, Vasey in (be village of Ring wood. Possession given March 35th. For further particulars Inquire of MRS. ASK VASST. King wood, March 17,1890. DEVOTED TO A THOROUGH PKTMUUTXO* FOB COLLEGE. TEACH ISO, BVSmft. LIFE. . V* Full Term Commences Monday September 6, 1893* Winter Torm commences MOEH day, November 29,1800. ^ • 1 * \ Spring Term commences Mon<ky, March 13, 1881. Tuition from $7 to $12 per Term ot twelve weeks. • No Change ofTeaeheca* ji -•* * *i ' j ' ' A Text Book in the Theory aud Practice of Teaching will b© introduced , into " Course. t The very finest Llnea tit Ladles1 Misses1 and Children's Walking Shoes . M i l . « . ; r ' I e v e r s h o w n i n t h i s p l a c e , a n d m a d e to where a.mild but effectual cathartic is ] our own order, now ottered at reason* required. | able prices. We warrant every pair. For sale by all dealers. - A class will be formed in the IP Postgraduate Course, taking the studies of the of Yassar College. Y* Classes in the Business Colin* at the beginuiug of each term. $ For Courses of Study and otta* , Particulars, send for Catalogue. * FITZSIMMONS it EVANSON', J. TEFFT, PreftiJeat* Q. Secretaiy. A. G. gEAK&» l*rt

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