Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1880, p. 8

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i.- * Oom>iroTRi> iff nit a. p. Bknnrtt. THE PUBLIC LANDS. * . > (No. 88.) of two wli farm, tnkwn y, ru<iitirc<l in c«ich *»««'. This form will Iki ikmm! tmth in lina] Mmost(Hii| pri>ofan<t commutation proof.] ** S - llOMKstTKAD PROOF. f *» * , ' * - TKSTIMONT OF WITNK3S. . being culled as h wit- •f a witness In support of the home- Head entry of for tos- us follows : 1. What is your post-olBc« *d- j-. "Ans iQues. 2. What Is yonr oocu pat tout c~~~>Aiw. Ques. 3. Are yon well acquainted this . . . t be- <«*! the widow proves-up the title passes to her; if she dies before proving up and the heirs make proof, the title will vent ia thetn. >? BASKET MAKING. The uuderHigiiod is prepared to fur­ nish Willow baskets of hibown make, of nil kinds. Fine Baskets a specialty.? Market, Clothes, ami all other Baskets'! made to order. Will also repair all® kimlsof light work. Give me a call.-- First House South of the Claremont House, on the Mcileiiry and Kichmoud road. NICK WINKLES. Mr.IIonrv- Sent Iftth, 1879. 4, . Z1 you „ , filth. the claimant in IS**' and how long have you known. A us g *v- _ Ques. 4. How old dojyoti'kiiow or ,• ^fcve claimant to be? •. Ans/. - iQues. 5. Is claimant the Kead < »mlly or a slngiejperson; ahd if head of a fartiily, of whom does family consist? Ans , i , ' • .Ques. 6. Is claimant a native born Citizen of the United States? If not ^^ 8tePs .taken to become a Citizen ? (State your knowledge in Hiis, regard-) * Ans,. v> . aJ Ques- "• H*8 claimant been an Inltab- "' f§a,,t tlie land above described? ;v; ?Ans... Ques. 8. Do you live in the vicinity Vf the land and are you acquainted :• ifith the same ? p t Ans ®» Are there any indications of ;v i»al, salines or minerals of| any kind on this land? (if so, state what they •re and whether the springs or mineral weposits'are valuable.) WY*4'., Ans Ques. 10. Is the land more valuable s lor agricultural than mineral purposes? Ans Ques. 11. When did claimant first nake settlement on the land ? •'Ans... Ques. 12. When did claimant estab- l8h a residence upon the land? Ans : Ques. 13. Up to what time has claim- Unt resided upon the land? Ans. •. Que«. 1*. Has... .residence been eon- Cinuous*diirlng the period: named ? '• Ans. Ques. 1541 f claimant had a family luring said |period of residence, did ">e family;reslde on the land* Ans Ques. 16. When was the claimant's >use built upon the laud? Ans ... Ques. 17. What other improvemeDts lave been made on the land? Ans. *i 18* What is the total value of ^the improvements? .I A"8 "•» Q"®8- For what purpose has the ; .. land been|used by claimant ? £ " *'• Ans & „ .. . Que8- 2°- How much of the land has wen broken ahd cultivated, and what g!^.:.;-i';*jrops if any have been raised? fe . 1 Ans * Ques *21. Has claimant made atliomc- -®tead entry for other land than that v- ' frboye described ? 'State your knowl r'rlV..,,'^dSe inrthfs regard.) Ans Ques. 22. Has claimant alienated any portion of the land--that is conveyed Ifc j" ailv one el8e ? anJ if so, to whom > . ffrnd for what purpose? (State your knowledge in this regard.) Ans * Ques. 23. Is it your belief that..,, %' i* *the «l*imant, has acted in good K In the settlement and tmprove- ttaent of said land as a homestead? Wf Have you any knowledge to the oon- |j|.> trary ? r,t., | Ans Hp' Q««*n84.Arc jrou Interested to this Ans I hereby certify that witness is a person of respectability; that each question and answer in the foregoing testimony was read to....before ... signed... name thereto; and that the earn© was subscribed and sworn to before me this... .day of III making final proof the homestead party may appear::In person at the district land office, with his witnesses and there'make the affidavit and proof required in support of his claim; or he may proceed under the act of March 3,1877. This presribes that the party desiring to avail himself thereof must appear with his witnesses before the judge of a court of record of the coun­ ty and State, or district and Territory fn which the land is situated, and there ike the final proof required by law, according to the forms prescribed, Nos* 30.31 and 32; which proof, duly authen­ ticated by the court seal Is required to be transmitted by the judge, or^jhie clerk of the court, to the register receiver,'together with the fee an., charges allowed by law. See 3d, 10th and 12U» Sub-divisions of Section 2238 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. The judge being absent ia any case the proof may be taken be to re the clerk of the proper court. The fact of the absence of the judge must be certified in the papers by the clerk act­ ing in his place. ' If the land In any case Is situated In an unorganized county, the statute provides that the party may proceed to make the proof iu the manner in­ dicated in any adjaoent county In the State or Territory. The fact that the county in which the land lies is unor­ ganized, and that the county in which the proof is made is adjacent thereto, must be certified by the officer. In any case where the final proof is transmitted to the register and receiv­ er. as contemplated In this act, and the. full amount of money;due shall be paid they will carefully examine the proof, and, if no objection appears, proceed to ssue the receipt and certificate in the case and make the proper returns to this office as the basis of a patent or complete title to the homestead, pur­ suant to existing laws. If any objec­ tion appears, they will promptly notify the party and advise him of his righto | in the matter. Where a homestead settler dies be­ fore the consummation of his claim, the widow, or in case of her death tho heirs, may continue settlement or cul- New Hardware Store. I. N. MEAD I NEAR THE DEPOT, -DEALEBIN- STOVES, Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron Vare, Table and Pocket Gatlerv, fSnlssors and Shears, Horse Rasps, Horse Shoes, Horseshoe Nails, and Files of every description. Also everything thatis generally kept in a Hard­ ware Store. Being a Practical Workman, I shall spare no pains In tryinR to give satis­ faction to all who favor me with their patron age. JNO. A. KKtCHKTi Oeneral Salcsmai Sets. 3ehw*b AfcO iritCH AH I> W A LSI!, yravuliiiit Saleitittitn, •W« V. Quaii Jk Oo. j, OIXOH, 1 Hr.-C. OURTI8 >, JUnaging/rartoer. • -Saieiuuau. Formerly Cartia A CO. Reichelt, "Walsh & Bixon And « tolesalc dealers in Flour, Fruits and Produce of all kinds. 138 South Water Street, CHICACO. References By Permission Preston, Kean Jt Co,, Bankers, Chicago. 8elz, Schwab A Co., Boot and 81n>o Manufac- tuccrs, Chicago. W. J. Quan A Co., Wholesale Grocer, Chicago Meyer, Strauss & Uoodman.jWholesale Cloth- era, Chicago. MoGann, Fitch & Converge, Wholesale Paper, Chicago. John W. Bntin & Oo., Wholesale Grocers. Springfield, 111. H. E. Hunt, Banker and Merchant,Dundee Illinois. Jacob Mueller A Co., Louisville, Ky. Geo. W. Diivir.on & Co, New Orleans, La. Sherman & Knox, Wholesale Fancy Grocers, Chicago. Woodstock References: W. H, Dwight, Boots and Shops. Thos, Whitson & Son, Hardware Dealers STENCILS AND TAGS, SENT ON APPL1CATIOM. CONSIGNMENTS AND CORRES­ PONDENCE SOLICITED. All Kinds of Jobbing In uy line will receive prompt attention. Please give me a eall before purchasing elsewhere when in need of anything in my Una |. N- MEAD- McHenry, Oct. 10th. 1879. JOHNSBURCH HENRY MILLER, --DKALKB IN-- American and Foreip MarWe. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc flenry, 111. Johnsbnrgh, Aug. 90th,'1877 rj.AT r\ Great chance to make money. vJV/LiL/ We need a person in every town to take subscriptions for the largest cheapest and best Illustrated family publica­ tion in the world. Anyone can become a sue. ccssful agent. Six elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody subs ;ribes. One agent re­ ports taking 1-20 subscribers in a day. A lady agent reports making over |200 clear profit in ten days. All who engage make money fast. 1 on can devote all your time to tho business or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do It as well as others. Full directions and terms Tree. Elegant and expensive outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your ad­ dress at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages foils to make great pay. Address GEOBOB STIMSOM ft Co. Portland, Maine. You will find all depart- & ments full. The latest Novelties. The lowest - >; _ Prices. BESLEY A* DiM ailljotimry, McHeii^, III. --DEALER IN-- Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Toilet and Articles. Pure "Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Use. Also Bottled Ale and ter for Family Use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give me a Call. n W RCQl pv McHenry, 111., Aug. 20th, 1879. J. DACYt -Has recently Purchased-- Has the Finest Stock of FUMIHE! tlA Of all Kinds, to be found in the county, which he is selling at tuivtom PRICES, ff^-call and jbe con- JACOB STORY, McHENRY. ILL. DEALER IN STEVENS &SCHNORR. COLBY BROTHERS! -DEALEKS IN-- General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENY, ILL. "We have one of the most complete stocks of Goods ever brought to this market, consisting in part ot Drj i; UiULmu&) Willi, BOOTS AND SHO£S, At one time, 60 of which he re­ ceived last week and the balance are now on the road, and I have this day sent my order for 60 more to be shipped in J uue. The increasing demand for the well-made, durable, thorougnly tested and low priced CarriagcH made by Emerson, & Co., which are shipped to'every part of the North American Continent The favorable reputation these Carriages have made in McHeniy county, where they have been used for several years by Livery men, physicians and farmers, led to such a demand for them that we are obliged to resort to selling them at Auction in neigh* boring towns. Every Carriage sold by us is warranted for one year. Our stock is complete and much larger than can be found with any retail denier in the ^Northwest. Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Window Glass. CRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. ) J. STORY. Attention! Paints, Oils, Drugs, and Medicines, Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and Wllloware, Grroceries, Etc,. Etc.. |^W"Wc have one of the finest Stocks of Teas to be found in the county, to which we invite the especial attention of the public, sat­ isfied that we can suit them both in quality and price. ^ „siosc bargains on all kinds of UNPRECEDENTED -IN THE-. History of Woodstock, --The Immense stock of-- BOOTS & SHOES Bought for Spring and Summer Trade, by D W I G H T , orner ol Main Street and Public Square. Our customers appreciate the celebrated Selz Boots and Shoes which are sold only in Woodstock by us. Our competitors frown at them and talk in the papers about them and thereby advertise our Goods at their own expense for which we return our sincere thanks and would ask a continuance of such favors shown us. We buy and sell for Cash exclusively. Undersell out neighbors. Sell more Boots and Shoes than all ot our competitors in vVood- stock Hence the pleasant feeling they exhibit toward us. w.M. r„ -JBroomTOfiK. ILL. "We are Not closing out, but are better prepared than ever to give T. J- DACY. Woodstock, June 9th, '80* The Largest Stock of STOVES, Hardware, Iron aid Steel, In the county Please call and examine. . n i u ^ u i A u u u , WOODSTOCK, ILLINOJS. BEST IN THE WORLOt •p Farm Machinery. We make a speciality of nil the leading Machinery, among which are Walter A. Wood Reapers aijd Mowers, Peerless combined Reap­ ers, Leader Reapers, the celebrated Manny and Standard Mowers Furst & Bradley's Cultivators, Rakes and Plows. Four leading Cultivators. The celebrated and unrivaled iger Rake, Hollings- worth Rakes and several others. PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS! We also have a full assortment of the elebrated BUCKEYE FORCE PUMP always on hand. Also the Adams Kenosha for a Wood Pnmp. We keep an assortment of Wagons and Buggies ot all kinds. Also Howe's Planters, and in fact everything that a farmer wants. % If in want of anything in our line do not fail to call as we know we can suit you, at the Old Stand, opposite the Mill. , JE. 3WU OWE^ & HOr\. 1 AND S A L E R A T U S Which is the same thing. Impure Saloratna orRt-Carb Sod* (which is tho same thing) is alight, ly dirty white color. It May »ppe«« white, examined hy Itself, but • COMPARISON WITH CHURCH M CO'S " ARM AND HAMMER" BRAND "Will show the difference. See that your Saleratns and B»k« lug Soda ia white and PUKK, mm should, he AL.L, SIMILAR 8VBSTAS* CBS used for food. A simple but severe test of fiae coiaparatlv® value ot different brands of Soda or Saleratua !• to dissolve a dessert spoonlul of each kind wltfc About t, pint of water (hot prefeireil) in olw gluuea, stirring until all la thoroughly diaaolva* 5'b® deletwioue insoluble matterw the inferioc Boaa will be shown after settling some twenty minutes or sooner, by the milky appeannee ot the solutfon and the quantity of floating: todf matter according to quality. Be snre and ask for Church & Co."a So&m •»# Baleratus and see that their name ie n tit# package and yon will get the purest and whites! made. The nee ot this with sow milk, in pretax enoe to Bttbiag VowAms mvw twenty timss ltf cost. See toe pound package Car valuable I on and read carefully. " WW THIS TO YOUR U0 Constitution Water. Props of COXSTjTI'TIOJI WATER tv fiirct" times n <lay, oiirfs Bright's I»i8. Iiitlani:ition <»f th« K itinera, Stone in the Blmi'tv C.';uari !i of the liiatitiisr, Ulcct. Uin betei., Grarel, Brick-Dust Deposit, Childhood Weakness. For Female Complaints a Speoi&lity. For sah>bvan DniurKists. Penrt for Cirra. hn St. H.^ORCAN & ALLEN, BO / ':i - ' . . .

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