Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1880, p. 2

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*• * i* "=»?» I »• TJ.3F \ ^ ^# ' >^^',f^ T 1 ; ̂ ^QTt ^1 $ 1 . V:.f ^ ^ . y* "'* >' » » '"^ ,;t^' ; .:-;l»v' "V'-t y ;'^T ^'Vji.'-"-y j-'i J. VAN SLYKE, Mttor in4 Publish*. fccHENRY, V E t R L T I E W S R E V I E W , THE EAST. Db. Tartoh began the thirty-fifth day «f hie fast in & worse condition than he has ex- * ttbitcd at any time since the start. Nausea %iid vomiting were frequent, and the faster was 10 enfeebled that he was unable to dress him- telf. Pulse 78; temperature, 98>£; respira­ tion, 15. • s> THERE was a bull-figlit in New York, ,< : Jbe other day, under the management of Henry i Bergh. There were several active steers and a . flood deal of red cloak and agility, but no gore. When Mr. Bergh grew tired of the thing ha Stopped it The toredors were unarmed. %.% THE beginning of the thirty-seventh i Iby of Dr. Tanner's fast found his condition Wt little changed from the preceding half dozen davs. He was still troubled with i tusea and occasional spells of vomiting. He j feeble, and during offices; For Governor. David H. Jerome: Lieu- tenanant Governor, Moreau 8. Crosby ; Secre­ tary of State, William Jenney (renominated) ; Treasurer. Benjamin D. Pritchard; Auditor General, \V. J. Latimer; Commissioner of the Land Office, J. M. Neasmith : member of the ILLINOIS. (P<»rd of Education, Edgar Rexford; Super­ intendent of Public Instruction, J. Glower; Attorney General. ,T. J. Van Hipper ; Electors at Luge, C. B. Peck and 8. Stephenson. : •ENE1UL. a EDISON is still experimenting wf0iJml rions materials for perfecting his electric light, ta|i is confident of ultimate triumph. He keeps adding to the improvement of his electric railroad motor, by which he expects to attain * speed of 300 miles per hour Mrs. Zelda Seguin, the well-known contralto, after ten months' widowhood, has married Mr. David Wallace, of Indianapolis.... The Chicago Club continues to lead in the race for the base-ball ohampionshipb OVER $300,000 worth of timber Iim been destroyed, by forest fires in New Bruns­ wick During the year ending June 30, 1880, ABCTIC BALLOONIffti. AM EngtiNlimiut'ti Idea -- A H«stc4 ©»r, Supported by Three Balloon*. [From tlio London Teleirrnph.] When, some time ago, the Alert and Discovery left England, the crowds which bade the crews good-by gave them a hearty cheer and wished them godspeed. There were those who hoped they would achieve success, and possibly plant the Union Jack on the North pole. But less excitable and more thoughtful j mfen, who knew what Arctic navigation I meant, and what dangers and difficulties j had to be overcome, were less sanguine. The doubters were right, .for, from some reason or other, the splendid sailors who went north never came within 600 miles of the magic point; but, overcome by like a private gentleman's house. Why, sir, in mv country that hotel would have been a great white, staring, modern palace, with smoking and flirting and cocktail-making and howling going on that would drive you mad! Peace, quiet, finish, the end of things, a dream of old worlds, a present of repose where you may cultivate art and live on a mod­ erate income ; that is why we Ameiicans love England."'--English letter <q Mew York Time*. ri ; "No Fooling." A Detroit lawyer had a call to go into the country a few miles to attend a case on trial before a country Squire, and, while jogging leisurely along in his buggy, he saw a man come running scurvy, cold and fatigue, returned to say fields at the top of his speed that the project of reaching the apex of , J. behind him, and armed with a the earth was a visionary and impossi- 8 -ou %I(? ' ^ ° ble one. Englishmen are proverbially ! •*? *he fence* ,Tbe more than 70,000 Canadians, who declared then- ! difficult to beat and slow to despair, and i . an leached it first, however, and, as intention of becoming permanent residents of ! it js not to be wondered at that, at this I ,, dr°PPe<* °n ,the highway-side, ho juncture, one of them, Commander | ca^\out *> the lawyer A /irvTr ruiw u , , , Cheyne, devised a way of meeting the i , 1ran^e5j»'or^5®^® ̂ ve me A GENTLEMAN entered a Montreal i,;„ ^a lift down the road for half a What's the trouble here ?" asked the BOOSEE'S HORSES. day was not strange, bnt, as there was no . indication of activity Monday noon, two Tfc. rartert ^itectlon »« America.- nei<?hbors went to the house, whose en- ra™ vrni t T * , trance was fastened. Thev raised a win- Opn wJr ^ ff1"01 . T ^ of Uer bedroom, and found the Gentlemen of refinement, taste and | venerable lady on the bed, with her wealth are triven to indulging some par- • clothe8 ^d life denartel On War naturally quite , „ ffce day walked about occasionally, and affected j taining $1,600 in cash in front of the receiving not to feel his weakness. The pulse was re- ! teller and stepped to one side to another corded 74: temperature. 98.8 ; respiration, 14 ; , official to get the checks marked. On his re weight, 125' ^ pounds. The doctor was exam- (turn the bank-book and cash were gone. ftfcod by auscultation, and the heart and lungs J jironouneed to lie in excellent condition. j >w.' THE condition of Dr. Tanner at th« j - Heginning of the thirty-eighth day of his fast j public debt, as reported on the 1st mat.: 'nVas about the same as on the preceding two or three days. His features were no more hag- . gard or pinched, and be affected to be in good spirit# and confident of success. His pulse *as 78 ; temperature, 99 1-5 ; respiration, 15 ; ^vnamometric tests, 84 kilometers in the right §hnd and 80 in the lef L •; REESE OWENS, a prominent pork- pfceker at Pittsburgh, has failed.' His liabilities Are placed at §100,000. The available assets are said to be quite small. ITHS WEST# the United States, crossed over from the Do­ minion at Sarnia. - . - m GENTLEMAN entered a Montreal ° fcT his opmk)nmnavi|ation » ^ the road for half a mile ! bank for the purpose of depositing checks ; by ̂ and land having failed, there re- , amounting to $5,000. He laid his book con- mained but one other thing to try, to- aT?w' t * --- | wit; the air; and, under the patronage 1 1 r ; of Lord Derl>y, the idea grew till, yes­ terday, at th* Alexandra Palace, it found its first illustration in an expen- W1SHIKGTOIV. . ' ment wliicli, in point of interest, could THE following is the condition of the j not be easily surpassed. We all know are given ticular fancy, mania or hr^bbv'to the full­ est extent. Some spend fortunes on fine pictures and bric-a-brac, some collect antique books, both old and new; while others invest largely in diamonds and* bther precious gems., And these sire liung, Cilsed and cherished, and exhibited to friends and admirers as treasures of the highest order. But the world is made of many men of many minds. While works of art are loved by some, they give back no affection in return to the owner. Mr. Robert Bonner, the widely-known "connoisseur, has an ex­ pensive but humane fancy for horses. They are not tflily lovable, but loving, and give afl'e tion in return for the tender care and admiration bestowed upon them. No gentleman in America possesses this extravagant taste and gratifies it so roy­ ally as Mr. Bonner. Notwithstanding he already owns over twenty of the most valuable :uul best-known horses iu tiie out »%•?1 hT hadrotiier fai;^ assiasi Z™ • th1 Fe|fr if t ie man roUed upon one that strikes hi* fancy. Not down a steep bank to the buggy. 0£e is ever, under any ch-eumstances, The woman at tins moment reached 1 • • • - •' J clothes on, and life departed. On the stove were a pot of tea and dishes of gruel and ginger tea. -^Lawrerwc ( Mass.) American. BITS OF KNOWLEDGE. • nearest star in the whole heavens-- is the Alpha Centaori, a bright star near" - the South pole. Its distance is twice as- near as any other star, yet it is computed to l>e more than 200,000 times as farfc away as the sun from the earth, or alxrnt . 20,000,000,000,000 miles. UTOPIA is the term invented by Sir- ... . . T _ _ , Thomas Moore, and applied by him to- Stanton and Jeff Davis. j an imaginary island which he represents^ An interesting and important scrap of ! to have been discovered by a companion! ™ i -• - 0f Amerigo Vespucci, and as enjoying history is published by the Toledo Jour­ nal, of what is alleged to have been Sec­ retary Stanton's views about hanging Jeff Davis, on the authority of Gen. James B. Steedman as to a conversation with the Secretary on the subject. "The matter came up," says the Journal, " in a conversation about Horace Greeley being on Davis' bail bond. "We give Gen. Steedman's words; " ' I have been very careful,' said he, ' not to make any public statement about it in all these years before, because I ^ knew it would be denied, and I have no I all who opposeihem by ass^winntious or witness. It was the next day after > by open lighting, ~ ' of Russia has created the utmost perfection in laws, politics, etc., in contradistinction to the defects.. 2* ^h°se which then existed elsewhere. The name has now passed into all mod­ ern language to signify a state of ideal perfection. " NIHIL " is a Latin word, which means-. nothing," and the Nihilists of Russia*, profess to believe in nothing political ex- f, isting in their country, and believe it- their duty to destroy with ruthless hand the present political system, and remove Greeley had signed Davis' bond. I was standing outside of Willard's Hotel, and Secretary Stanton rode up in his car­ riage. Exchanging the compliments of the day, he caked me to take a ride. Six per ccnt. bonds 939,331.050 , Five per cents: ............ 4S4,12P,W) i Fi>ur urn! one-half per cents........... 350,lK)0,00i> I Four uer ccnts 1,S®0,I80,45U ! KetundinR certificates..t....-. 1,107,;S50 ' Navy pieusiou fund 14,000,000 ' Total coin bonds Matured debt $ Legal tenders ,.... Certificates of deposit... Fractional curreucy Gold and silver certifi­ cates 6.841,115 846,741,931 15,535,000 7,205,710 20,573,390 .$1,722,698,500 that the regions near the pole are cold, whatever the center may be ; it is pat­ ent to all, also, that to be left by any ac­ cident in a balloon-car helpless on the tion, or, indeed, to be landed at the pole ! "vorIn the *0?d> a.nd ro'se "P with a bl: without means of return, would be, to ,, . . is rnomeni reacneii | psrmitted to run upon a public track, " Where are you going?" I asked. He ^ ® ,wa®. ^lr»bmg : tmt are only drivfcn for the pletisure and! answered, " To Georgetown." I got in „ , ( ^ . nil„Iie..„ , le lawyer inquired ot the hus- ^ nmusemt.nt of the owner, who derives antl we rode along, and the topic, then i hus continued to be' coined e | no benefit other than enjoyment. Dex- so exciting, was mentioned and I said, , ^Ke silver dollar was authori animals, was 1 Stanton, when will Davis be tried ? ,f Steedman," he answered after a pause, " what do we want to try him for'( All The wretched tyranny > ?ated " Nilxilism," as ~ the tyranny of the robber-knights of Germany created the "Vehme Ghericht of the middle ages. THE gold dollar was first authorized to- be coined by an act of March 3, 1849-- weight, 77.4 grains ; fineness, 900. It- ever since, authorized to be the hus­ band l^^y,°^w? 0r^r MneSt.? jter, the oldest of the „ V ̂ g,3USt ft ! twenty-two yeai-s! old last Mav,' and, «U . gasped. tne woman, as sha | alt.hough he still retains h:s great j we warn; TO try mm iorr | Weight changed bv an act of'Wis ice, midway between shi]> and deatina- | w?, i ^axity, ^lias lost his good disposition, ^^.^ons j to 412i grains; fineness. *900.' Coinage discontinued by an act of Feb. 12, 1873. Total amount in circulation ! coined by an act of April 2, 1792 weight, 416 grains; fineness, 892.4. AOOOKODTO to the dispatches from Dremont, Neb., there is scarcely any doubt that ttie old and woman recently arrested there . ,mce members of the Bender family, on whose farm in Kansas the remains of Senator York •nd ten other bodies were discovered in 1873. The woman of the party says that she will SinfeBR all about the murders, and insists that, though she is not a Bender, the old man is, •nd that she knows everything concern- the murders. A resident of Fremont, who lived near the Benders, recognizes the old man. It appears from the .woman s statement that ttieBe nders fled from their place in 1873, when it became apparent that the relatives and I llricndH of Senator York began to suspect them ' Off having been instrumental in his taking-off. i They have since lived among the Indians, and ' have encountered such great hardships that " tbey determined on returning East, one of the ! objects being to obtain some money hid away ! on the Bender farm. " ! A RAILROAD war in Peoria, between !3he Chicago, Burlington and Quincy and Peoria ttid Jacksonville roads, over some elevator ap- yroaches. culminated in the arrest of over 200 , ifcen, who were tearing up the latter's track, j i>tfter they had torn up about 600 feet of track, ' ttnashed up six box-cars and injured four men. A FIBE at Red Bluff, Tehama county, OaL, destroyed 8100,000 worth of property An ordinance has been introduced into the Chicago City Council providing that all tele­ graph wires laid for the future within the city Omits shall be placed underground. COL. GRIERSON telegraphs that he '• #ruck Victoria's band of bad Indians on the Cist ult, and fought them four hours. He lolled several Indians and lost one man. At last accounts this formidable band of savages 'Iras hemmed in between the Mexican and f- United States troops, and CoL Grierson was nfident that they would soon have to sur- nder. DISPATCHES from Los Pinos, Col., the Utes now appear to he satisfied flith the Ouray treaty, and that the prospect is y>l|ia4 all the Indiana will be off the reservation ^ next spring. A TRAIN on the Wabash toad ran through an open switch at Clark Station, near Itoberly, Mo., ditching the locomotive and "iBail and baggage cars. The fireman wag ' killed and the engineer was dangerously scalded... .Two female acquaintances of Mrs. Kelly, of Ppplar Bluffs, Mo., entered her house during her husband's •fcBcnce and revenged themselves of an old .grudge by killing her. The murderesses, who ' were dressed in men's cloth'.-s, have been ar- ftsted Careful estimates of the Minnesota Wheat yield place the total crop at 50,000,000 • totwliels. The quality of wheat is good. St. AUBREY ANGELO, a correspondent of the Liverpool (Eng.) Courier, was run over by the cars on the Union Pacific road, near •Cheyenne, a few nights ago, one arm and one teg being crushed. He was found dead the Jiext morning with a bullet-hole in his head •lid a revolver lying by his side. It is supposed that after the accident, despairing of recovery, •e shot himself. Total without Interest. Total debt Total Interest Cash in treasury. 390,056,Ml $2,119,506,046 1S,8!>0,«00 198,890,405 say the least of it, somewhat inconven- I ient, if not positively unpleasant. Com- I mauder Cheyne foresaw this, and in his : scheme included the idea of three linked , balloons, which, fastened together to a f strong triangle of wood, would bear four cars, one at each point and one in the : center, so arranged that should any one ! balloon break down the car dependent i on it could be slipped along the triangle ! and rest upon the remaining globes, still I passing along through the air without inconvenience. Still, a trial appeared 18,642,884 Debt lew caoh In treasury $1,936,59G,241 Decrease duriug July....... (,576,053 Current liabilities-- Interest due and unpaid. $ 8,489,470 Debt on which interest has ceased 6,841,115 interest thereon... 7»i, 135 i necessary, though the principle was ap- Gold anil silver certificates 290,573,890 ' _ i j ii. ' . . V United states notes held for redemption proved, and the experiment was made of certificates of deposit. 16,535,000 last night. It must be premised, of Cash balance available •£ 151,659,793 j course, that the trial was accomplished Total Available assets-- Cash la treasury $ Bonds issued to Pacific railway compan­ ies, interest payable in lawful money, principal outstanding Interest accrued and not yet paid Interest paid by United States......... Interest repaid Dy transportation of mails By cash payments of 5 per cent, of net earnings. ' Balance of interest paid by the United States THE various mints of the country coined $4,276,500 during the month of July. First Comptroller of the Treasmy Lawrence decides that Government employes are entitled to pay for public holidays. A MAN-OF-WAR has been ordered to procced to Cuban wafers and patrol the coast. Members of the Cabinet believe that the pres­ ence of an armed American vessel will have a restraining influence on the Spanish ironclads. lOBEien. FRENCH journals of all parties warn the Government not to allow itself to be drawn into an armed interference in the Turkish auestion. France will probably take no part in tie approaching naval demonstration An English missionary and 198,890,405 ! under very different circumstances than : the pole will ever witness. In the first ' ' 5 ^ place, the three linked balloons ascend- ; ed without any other incubus- than a I beavy sandbag, and, therefore, caused 46,589^861 j no risk of life. But the interest of the undertaking lay in the fact that a larger balloon, to which was attached a car 655,198 containing Mr. Coxwell alid some other 33,291,777 ' gentlemen, quitted the earth immediate- I ly afterward, and showed what differ- ; ence was to lie expected in a car held up by one balloon and a car supported by I three. The voyageurs Were not labor­ ing, it must be remembered, under pre­ cisely the same conditions which would ! hamper Arctic travelers. They were not boxed up in a close and heated carriage, | as they must be in the north. Neither ; were they provisioned with pem- ; mican and lime juice, but had | the choicest wines and food which j the vast cellars and kitchens of J the Alexandra Palace could af- ! ford. Still, there are many things of j great interest to be noted, and they were „ his two servants have jthe following : First, that the three been murdered at Innidt, Asia Minor, near j balloons fastened to the triangle bumped Constantinople. j violently together with great energy LATER advices from Afghanistan indi- j very often, and had they supported care cate that Burrows' defeat by Ayoob Knhn, near i the air must have gi^en the occupants Cwdtbar, was somewhat less disastrous than • a very fair idea of what sea-sickness at first reported. Thenatve reports are now I Secondly, that they took a to the effect that Burrows' force was lured into ! course somewhat different from that an ambuscade and suffered heavy loss, but ef- which was marked out by the single , • _ , , , - - i for he is awfully cross and curls his , , + f " 1 i ? i * i i i i i . h a u g h t y l i p a n d s h a k e s h i s a r i s t o c r a t i c Sq a . yelled the husband, as he i ju>a(j moat significantly at strangers, circled around the horse but the lawyer | He is driven twice O1/tbroe times each wasn t quick eftough. One ot the stones j wee]j auj js ^ fa,st as when he was pur- lnt him iithebackand the other grazed j chased for $33000. R:ims is as ^ell his ear and hit the horse and five or six known as Dex^r and with Musi a more were cowng^ he struck a trot beautiful chestnut, make a team olten and moved off, the husband hanging to 1 the vehicle and running behind. When a safe distance away the lawyer halted and looked back. The woman stood in. the middle of the road shaking both fists at him, and the husband . Aviped the used by Mr. Bonner, before a plain black top-wagon, with red running-gear. Edwin Forrest cost well-nigh on to $40,000, and makes remarkable time. Lately he trotted a mile in 2:17 J before a heavy wagon of 270 pounds weight, beads of perspiration off his cheeks and I when ^iven by his owner. Maj. Mori chin, and said : "Stranger, Hanner and me never have any fooling. When she's good- natured I git one slnrt a week and two meals a day. When she's inad one of us has got to light out, and I wish next ton is a superb bright bay, handsome, rapid and valuable. May Bird is a shapely creature as black as a crow, but as graceful as the bird is awkward, and travels as well under saddle as in har ness. settled by the arbitrament of the sword, and in our favor. Besides," after an­ other pause, " we don't know how' Chase would decide the question of State righto." Again^ after another pause, sts if thinking of the Southern leaders, the great man said, " Well, it was a bad place to put a man in. If he didn't se­ cede with his State, his State would hang him ; and, if he did, the Government would do the hanging." Then he added, reflectively, " No, we don't want to hang him." ' "Gen. Steedman then repeated," says the Journal, " that he had not Bpoken of this before, because he would be ac­ cused of slandering Stanton's memory." time you come this way you'd tell me if | with' l)lack m tail iUld feet aud 8otV tJlorft la finvnrvlv in nMrmt. wlm nn.n I .i _ i_ • i there is anybody in Detroit who can make me a pair of wiogs." "Tasted Dretl'nl Queer." We have heard of people curing others of using strong drink by putting an emetic into their whisky bottles. The following story, told in Harper's Draw­ er, illustrates the wedding manners of Mormons in School. Probably about one-third of the chil- Molsey is another beauty; bay, dren are of Protestant parents and the " others nearly equally divided between Mormons and Catholics. ^Tlie poor lit-gentle eyes, which are very attractive. Grafton is a 2:15 trotter, and, like Joe Elliott, is as high-priced as fast. Poca­ hontas is known far and wide. Elsie Vnener and Lucy Colyer are wonderful travelers, with fine records, and arc valued away up in the thousands. Maude Macy is a recent addition to the | stables, and is a gem in every sense. seventy years ago, and the simplicity of | Emma B., named for Mr. Bonner's only a green young Benedict. 1 Jiving daughter, is too " darling for any- A minister of JNewburyport was once j thin«." She is a light chestnut, with a fected a retreat, and later advices nnounce his arrival, with a large portion of his command, at Candahar. THE Turks greatly rejoice over the J British defeat in Afghanistan The last of ; the Cuban insurgent chiefs have signified to 1 the Government of the island their intention to j leave it, if permitted. They will be allowed j to go. GBN. ROBKRTS is marching to the re- | lief of Candahar, at the head of 10,000 men THE SOUTH* BT the foiling of a tree near Stone- balloon, and so showed that some allow­ ance must be made for this novel mode 1 of aerial navigation. Thirdly, they ; proved that the idea of a triple team in the air was a possible and a " workable" one, and that the balloons will not burst; | that they will go along merrily enough ; without lighting against each other, and j that the Arctic aerial navigator with j three of them will be very much safer „ i than the man who would attempt to go The election for members of Councils General ! ^th one AltncrplW thn i,lo<, T.f rw. in France has resulted in a great Republican Altogether the triumph The Chilian transport Loa was mander Cheyne was found to be feasible, blown up by a torpedo iu Callao bay on the | it is to be hoped, will now be car- 20th of July. The torpedo contained about ried into practice. As the rival balloons went afloat it was clear that had three , instead of one balloon guided the desti- j nies of Jtfr. Coxwell's party the ascent would have been as safe, and the result as satisfactory, as with the single aerial ; globe. And, difficult though it may be to forecast the adventures of any expe- ! dition in such uuknown regions as those which immediately envelop the north, The 300 pounds of dynamite/ Tho vessel was lifted j quite out of the water. About 150 men per- I ulied. ifivery house in Callao was shaken by > the explosion. I A DOCTOR at Lyons, France, has un- j dertaken, on a wager, to go fifteen days with- j out food Ex-Empress Eugenie intends to *quit ChiselhurKt. She will take with her the remains of the Prince Imperial. Her destination is not mentioned. A minister of Newburyport was once called up, after he had gone to bed, to marry a couple. The hour was late, and the minister's wife did not rise to wit­ ness the ceremony, but gave her hus­ band particular directions for the enter­ tainment of the wedding guests. "Don't forget to pass the cake and wine, doctor," said she. "The cake is in the corner cupboard, and you will find the wine on the third right-hand shelf in the sideboard." The doctor promised obedience, put on his clothes, and went down to perform the ceremony. Returning a half hour later, he fouolJNiis ^rife sitting up in bed,, with a^Tuiixious expression on her face, at that date, $8,045,838. Coinage as be­ fore reauthorized Feb. 28, 1878. f IN alehouses, in ancient times, chalk "scores" were marked upon the wall, or behind the door of the tap-room. It was customary to put the initials " P " and " Q " at the head of every man's account to show the number of pints and quarts for which he was in arrears. When a person was indulging too freely in his potations a friend would exclaim, pointing to the chalk sdore, " Mind your P's and Q's." In this way originated the old saying. How Railroad Time Is Kept. There are in use between this city and New York thirteen electric clocks, two of the number being placed in the wait­ ing-rooms and one in the dispatcher's tie Mormons have tho iniquity of their ; ^ .e ^ Central depot in New fathers visited upon them in the taunts 1 °5 ! •»,. ie »on clock in the de- of tho other children. Sometimes thev I . Albany corresponds exactly reply, " Well, my mother was the first | A time m Is ew Y ork. Each one of these clocks is connected with the General Superintendent's office in New York, in which the railroad time is kept 011 what is called the " big clock." Con­ ductors, train men and others are com­ pelled to keep their watches in strict conformity with the Superintendent's satin coat, the trimmest feet and legs, ! sisters she had ; she answered, "Twenty- i c^oc^ ^ *8 .s^ by stand ,rcl time and the prettiest ears, the mildest, most ?n-1 live." One man here has forty-four ! hme-servicedepart- telligent eyes, and the carriage of a children, most of them living. Those i ^e.nt^L?1f„^!L^.t8,to?l£...^?gra;Ph- wife, anyhow." Sometimes they come to me almost broken-hearted, crying, " Miss Lawson, it isn't my fault that I'm a Mormon." I was talking with one of my oldest schol­ ars about her home in Southern Utah, and asked her how many brothers and handsome woman. She is used in har- i ness or with saddle^ and is one of the ; particular pets. A Cure for Hydrophobia. A lady handed a reporter the other day a slip of paper, asking him if he would not putlish it' for the benefit of the public. It was found to be a simple but effective cure for that dog-day terror, hydrophobia. The cure which expsri- ehce has proVen to be infallible is 110th- "Doctor," she ctie5, "did you give them 1 more than the root of a common any wine ?" I w^ed known as elecampane, steeped in "Certainly, my dear; just as you told j Elecampane grows in great pro- "Not from the decanter on the third shelf of the sideboard?" "That is exactly where you directed me to find it, wife." "Dear' dear! Did they drink much of it ?" "Why, yes! They emptied their glasses." "What shall we do! Doctor, I made a mistake--it was ipecac wine you gave t h e m . O h , h o w s i c k t h e y m u s t b e ! fusion along many country roads in this and Rensselaer counties. It has power­ ful medicinal qualities, and milk is well known to be a specific for many poisons. The manner of administering the anti­ dote will be learned by a perusal of the following history of this simple and wonderful cure : In Chester county, Pa., lived a Ger­ man named Joseph Emery, who used to be sent for far and wide, when any one had been bitten by a rabid animal. He who attend school are among the best scholars. One of his wives says all she wants to live for is to keep her daugh­ ters out of polygamy. She has two lovely little girls..- The children talk and play a great deal about getting mar­ ried. One boy about 10 years old told me he wanted more than anything else to get married and have a good home. When school commenced not one of the children could repeat the Lord's prayer, much less the ten command­ ments. The " Old, old story " is new to them. I asked my Sunday-school class of large boys the meaning of " hallowed," as used in the Lord's prayer. They all thought it meant swearing. When I re­ membered they never heard the name in any other way it did not seem so strange. Last Sabbath the class thought Gethsemane was a city, and not one could tell which disciple be­ trayed his Master.--A teacher's U tter in ! the Advance. The time is distributed over the line I each week day as follows: At 10~ j o'clock 58 minutes and 30 seconds a. m., I the word " time " is sent by the main j office to the telegraph stations between ! New York and Albany. The word is re­ peated for twenty-eight seconds, during, which time operators must see that their instruments are adjusted. At 10 o'clock and 50 minutes, seconds commence beat­ ing and continue for fifty seconds. The word "switch" is •then sent over the-; wire, and operators haying eleetricj clocks connect them immediately with the circuit known as No. 9 wire. Ten seconds are allowed in which to make the connection. At 11 a. m., with one touch of the New York key, the hands of the different clocks are set to 11 o'clock. If they are. fast or slow, they change at once to the hour named.-- Albany Argus. Do. dear, put on your cloak and go right wen^ ^ his patient, carrying something after them ; they can't have got far." understood to be a root, which he him- Tlie doctor found the bridal party at I }li the woods. He milked a pint Remarkable Cage. Probably the most extensive case of skin-grafting ever attempted has been j going on with gratifying success during j the past year at Dauielsonville, Ct. The Elopement Fashions. The fashions for girls who elope just now are very plain. Some white drapery, a convenient window, a long ladder, a dark night, a coach, a minister and the house of a friend, and the elopement is over. If the irate father, armed with a double-barreled coal shovel and a town the corner „I the next Btr.-et. "•« i f f P* j SSteS&K SS ! U* affair i», 1 the year 187«. Both !«. were ! ^ngh picture.qncs.not 0 .«• was something wrong The bridegroom an his qualms, "She whisp not w 4 J jtlle, N. C., two men were fatally injured and i ^ accounts go to show that the Chilians have \ it is not too much to say, after the ex- ^ third person so seriously wounded that | barbaroun L^bmtar'fashToT A^Ti^aThe ^ l,erimeut of v^terday, that a new line' A fourth was slight- j Chilians spared neither ' After i1x8,8 been 8t™ck out a new idea feknrt " """ ""6""" ; unmans spared neither age nor sex. , . w " I having obtained possession of the town, they 1 originated which may very possibly end SEVEN men arrested fer murderously i killed all the inhabitants. After the capture of • in the planting of the British Hag upon Msaulting a colored family at Jonesboro, Ga., j ^^,|!^ri butclicled 1,200 non-combatants in : the North pole. Were removed from that place to Atlanta for i^rr^ „ A ' •tfe-keeping. A large number of negroes i ^ , Cabinet has decided to j gathered in the place, and, as they were excited j 8en^ a 'arKe body of troops to Ireland, in an- j UBe In in® lea-Kettle. and turbulent beyond measure, further vio- | ticipation of serious 'disturbances there A ! Every good housewife knows that an tence was apprehended. The white people I bloodless duel has taken place in France be- iron kettle used for heating water that were greatly alarmed, and at their request the j tween the editor of tho Gaiilois and the mem- I holds lime in solution will in a short n o r o f t h e S t a t e o r d e r e d a c o m p a n y o f b e r o f t h e C h a m b e r o f D e p u t i e s f o r C h e r b o u r g i u 1 , ^ 1 / , a , B , l o r t , to Jonesboro, All is quiet againT I deputies ior mcrbourg. , time become coated with that substance. AT a grand ball at the residence of a i How Long a Bane-Ball Pitcher Lasts. T-nH l'em£ a l\CK'r conductor of heat, it ii«a m I , •, , , Qf course take a longer time to heat wealthy planter, near Dallas, Tex., a young ! Successful pitehers have very short ; the water than when the kettle is new. man danced a revolver out of his trousers j hves HIi their-positions, the most difficult Copper or tin vessels do not become pocket. The weapon was discharged, the ball at nrst to hit becoming easy ganMg tit coated with lime The reasnn tb-it *" v~ Amputation will be necessary in the j -Zi case when he is other metals have not. But this affinity *ame/°r * fT ^ he overcome by coating the inner ftn n,M ff 01ie ^miliar to his ; 8urface of the vessel with a compound of his different motions in deliver- | tannic acid and iron, which is Soluble in Ster a ^'nrfri?^gf e wllU'r and wil1 not precipitate lime. fh^L W l1 81X ¥ttt" T1)i8 is e«*ily done. Take a new tea- wl » haudf„l ot „„k l,„rk it tasted dretful queer, but I told her 'twas because we was gettin' married." Nicknames of States. In answer to a request the Brooklyn Eagle gave the following catalogue of Alabama.: Lizards Arkansas TootUpickH California Ooid Hunters Coloradi >. Kovera pired, and the root was known to be ele­ campane. The story, current in the country, was that an old German made the discovery in the days of Penn, and applied to the Pennsylvania Legislature for a grant of the States and the "by-nimes" of thek I for his secret public. His citizens : olier, was treated with contempt, and he resolved that his secret should die with i . .. ' him, but a drunken sou knew it, wrote out the recipe, making a number of c"i"iieotiVut.*.".'.. .'. .'.y.'.'woodeii 'Nutmeg" j copies, and tried to Bell them at $1 Delaware • M<wk Rats ! apiece. He only succeeded in selling F.oridx : Fiy-u-tho-Orwi;i ! two, one of these to the man who made i i i i n ' o i * . ' . . . . . . s u c k e r " ' s u c h e f f e c t i v e u s e o f i t . S o w e l l d i d h e Indiana...... iioohIpm ' establish the local reputation of his spe Iowa Hawkevvs I i..- ,:,.i.i.„_i .1 months of hopeless and excruciating , , , „ ,, , pain, the older physicians of the place j ?ec ' '^plcasiu'e of the trip giving up the case as hopeless, a young j 1, xiK) i • i the fauier and mother man, Dr. George J. Ross, undertook to j bnde are m the secret of her going save the boy's life by skin-grafting, j awft.T»'in<l.have actually left the ladder Over 2,000 grafts were used, the boy's ! ne^1,, ™ ' .fac'; 18Jol",K mother, the family coachman, and many I °!\ ' 1? elopement is a failure. In the neighbors and friends contributing j , time the eloping bnde packed all The process was begun in i ller lwrtabk: good8 on herself and went L near by. «se of the latter An organization whose object seems to be a filibustering expedition •gamut Mexico has been formed in Texas, and IB said to be quite extensive and formidable, rOIJTICAL. Ah election was held in Alahama on Hie 2d of August for Governor and other State officers, members of the Legislature and coun- tjj" officers. The Republicans ran no candidates for State offices, but generally supported the nominees of the Greenback partv. Dispatches *from Montgomery report that the Democrat* made a clean sweep, the candidates of that par- v on the State ticket being elected by major!- ues ranging from 40,000 to 50,000. The dirt- pitches add that the election passed off quietly. ," STATE elections will occur tlii* year £» follows: Jfrkanras. First Monday in September Vermont... ' ' Maine Colorado. Indiana Ohio West Virginia. Oounecticttt Celaw&re.... Florida. Ulinoie.... Iowa. Kansaa Kentucky Louisiana. «« u Maryland » u Masaachusetta. " u Michigan. •» u Minneaota M u Mia8is8ippl " u Missouri........:... " m llebraska ** u tlevada «* u Hew Hfiitpkhlie " w Bfcw Jcr.-«jr »» « JSlw York " a Xcrth Oitrottua " m .-Ven&Ryivaala " u ' •oulh Carolina " « »; leunexef,. " u 'r« xas. " u Tirginia............. " »» Georgia ............Flnt Wednesday in Hoir«mber. The general election for President and Vice President occurs in all the States on Tuesday, ifov. 2. • THS Bepublicana of Michigan hare Mpmiaated the following candidates for State 1SS? i «" «ith k,,p it boil- ful s this year, does White, only in hw The iron will get a jet-black coat of tan- f.,1 U°T u i8 success- ; ing for three or four hours, lillfng it up t.hJa ro„,' occasionally from time to time as tin; water boils away. .. .First Tueuday in September. ... Second Monday in September. . . .First Tuenday in October. .. .Second Tuesday in October. ... 44 44 . . . " » First Tuesday in November. dpn1vyw ^ very sud- ! nate of iron and will be proof against, ' 'f. ^b7k r« a few 8ea" hme. Care must be taken that the ket- ! ,^ +bf t .u° rmi,Ug8, T Itle does not boil (lry and become heated i «;t^i wBv, T y . I' r,hls ; to redness. A heat a little below that fl * pite]iers history teaches that : point will destroy the coating. If the t the best pitcher will fail in about three lime can lie fully'removed from an old I ^ears played without relief. Two tea-kettle, it i^m Vie coated in the same Hawkeycs Jay Hawkers Corn t'raekcro .CroolfiH Foxes Craw TliinnpprH Wolverines U.ipliers Tad Pole 4 ' Piikes | ling E iters ! Satfc Hens i liri-nitc Uiys 1 ... .Blues, Clum (ditchers , Kiiii:kerb.ickerri I .Tar Boilers and Tuekoex i Buckoyi's ! .Wet Feet and Hani i PeuiiKylvania Pennauites aud Broad Brims ! KUodc Ii'and .« Ciiin F lilts I South Carolina Teniios-oe. Whe^is Texas.. Beef Head* V<;rnii)iit Green Mountain Bivs Virginia Beache« WlseoiiRln Badirer« KaiiMas Kentucky i Louiniana Maine Maryland Michigan Minnesota MiKsinMppL Miwsouri. Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire.. New.Terney New York North Carolina Ohio (iruxon cific that iu his neighborhood folks were not afraid of mad dogs. This man never i failed to cure or prevent hydrophobia, i In one case the spasms had begun be- j fore the first dose was given, and the pati -nt recovered.--Albany Argus. process April, 1879, and, though the woik is not yet complete, the legs are nearly re­ stored to their natural functions. The boy is still weak, but can walk a very short distance without a cratch. The grafts are said to grow faster in the spring months. Amenities of Texan Life. Errors of Letter-Writers. The Dead Letter Office at Washing­ ton exists mainly because men and women are ignorant and careless. About ninety clerks are employed to c rrect the errors and supply the omissious of letter-writers. Tnousands of letters are thrown, daily, into the office--some with­ out stamps, and others with no address. A correspondent of the Boston Transcript suggests that jnce a month, fifteen min­ utes should be given to instructing the 8,009,01)0 scholars in the public schools John Fannin's Extraordinary Escape. John Fannin, Jr., of Elk, is the toughest man in the county. A few nights ago he loaded up with oil-region j whisky, a,nd laid down to sleep on the I railroad track near Elk creek bridge, i While John was sleeping a locomotive [ drawing tliirty-flve freight cars came along. The whole train passed over him. John was found some time after­ ward by a track-walker. He was sitting on a log by the side of the railroad. A few rags that hung here and there about his person was all the clothing that was left on him. His skull was crushed iu over the right eye. His face was badly crashetl. From his throat to his knees his body looked as if a jackplane, set deep, had been passed over it. The four lingers of his left hand were gone. away heavily laden. Now, as she is about to return in a day or two in her lady friend's dress, she goes away quite light. HENBY WARD BEECHER'S hobby is nigs. The floors of his house are adorned with rugs of every nation, hue and texture. THE MARKETS. good pitchers will last a long time if changed every game.--Cincinnati En­ quirer. r -- The Late Census. Nearly complete census returns have been re­ ceived from twenty States and three Territo­ ries, and the approximate results are as fol­ lows : manner as a new one, but will require a longer time, and perhaps it will be nec­ essary to repeat the boiling two or three times.--Exc/ia nge. Alabama ArkannaB.. California "" " Delaware IlHnoix ] Kentucky KanpaH Maine Michigan .* * Minnesota "** Miiwnuri .".Y.\ Nebraska .".Y.7.Y.7 New Jersey New Hampshire New YOrk Ohio Pennsylvania.*.*."."" Ehode I -land Texas Virginia \ Wisconsin... Utah Arizona '.'...'.'.I'.'. Montana Total 1880. .. 1,150,000 .. 750,000 .. 800.000 .. 145,000 .. 3,'J00,000 .. 1,734,:«1 .. U28,Bfil .. 625.000 ... I,fl«0,0fl0 .. 780,032 ... 2,295,000 ... 500,0UO ... 1,100,000 ... 347,211 ... 5,080,000 ... 3,100,000 ... 4,220,00# ... 276,710 ... 1.800,000 ... 1,600,000 ... 1,300,000 ... 144,000 41,380 ... 38,088 1870. wir.,s»2 484,471 500.247 125,015 3,530,891 1,413.321 304.30!) Why Some Americans Like England. | It has often occurred to me that many j of the New Yorkers who do not come to | London have kindred feelings, aud ar<« I in similar positions to thev Londoners j who do not go to New York. * Similarly, | it seems to me that the nice people you j meet in America are like the nice people you meet in England. •' But," said the blackboard a few simple rules should be written, such as : • 1. Date your letter, i. e., write place and State, 'day of month and year. 2. Name and address to whom letter is to lie written. 3. Use Government-size envelope. 4. Address The track-walker said the man looked as ' choice Creamery!!!!!!!! if he had been passed through a thresh- j poukZL^L1'!!! ' ing-machiue. He was taken home and i a doctor called. He is getting better. He says he must have laid ou the track | between the rails. The left hand lay i across the rail. The cowcatcher of the locomotive is only ten inches al»ove the taken refuge in the tree, aud that it bit nn i her and transferred itself to her sleeve . | American artist" to me discussing these 1118 "be r.xle under it. When we last j affinities. "I have just come up from j heard from Mrs. Cannon she was still Cookham on the Upper Thames, and | suffering some pain, buife it was hoped Mrs. Cannon, wife of Mr. Will Can- : tl™ A,® c correspendonce. Upon non, of the Itobinsonville neighborhood, was on her way home from church on horseback last Friday evening, when she felt something stick her in the faco, and, supposing it to be a limb of a tr^e, tlirew up her hand to"ward it off. While undressing fyr bed, after lif r arrival at . ,, , , . , , . home, she was horrified to find a rattle- Address envelope plainly before , tif8 Tlie onjv eight inches snake in the sleeve of her dress. The ; letter is placed 111 envelope, giving town | tt^ove tjiem--Bradford (J'a.) Cor. New reptile dropped out on the floor and was i or clty> » cou - a number ot I ^Iin killed. The lady had not previously j street, if known. : felt much inconvenience from the slight , Espwi^ly if auy valuable is ln- abrasion on her face, but now it com- closed, indicate^ where letter should be menced swelling, and became so painful ; ! ̂ delivered. that a physician was called in to attend I 9* 5,^. a m|) envelope. her. It is supposed'that the snake had I NEW YOUK. BEKVKB . . ! Hons j (.'OTTOS ..... ! !!. I FLO Tit - Superfine '.!';! I Whkat--No. 2. : CORN--Western Mixtxl j OATH--Mixed I!yk--Western i 1'oitK-- Mivs ! La1U> CHICAGO. Dekves--Choice Graded Steers.. Cows ami H> i;"erti Medium to Fair lions i I'/ l"Lor:t--Farcy White Winter Ex".".".! Good to Choicc Spring E*.. Whuat--No. 2 Spring No. 3 Slirlng !" OOHN--No. 2 OATS--No. 2 K* k--no. A ;;;;;;;;; IU10.KT--No. 2V... ... .$7 00 @10 00. 4 85 (a) 5 15. .... 11 Xw llj£ :... 3 80 M, 4 50 . 1 04 la, 1 10 . 43 49 . 34 (<i> 40 82 <4 83 .14 50 ,«;14 75 4 50 •1 50 4 10 a 50 r> 50 4 25 00 82 @ * 85 (a a 75 4 29 <«! 5 00 C 00 («> 5 OO («S 92 <4 @ •»- (4 07 7. When a parcel is to lie mailed, oth- I er than letter, ask at postoffice the i amount of* postage required. ; 1,721,295 oo^o^ you ask me why we Americans get so at- | tached to England when we really get to a!i'£\2w | kuow the country. I will tell you. It a!52i',y5i | is settled. It is quiet; you cau rest 217.353 j here. I walked from Cookham to Med- she would soon recover.-- Waco {Texas) Examiner. 808,379 | 1,225 183 1,054,670 86,786 9,658 20,505 _ 88,562,562 04,797,474 8,7«™"""'^8taU,U,dth~T""W,U' menliam Abbey. A lovely sjiot. I and my companion were the only persons there. A few callers came, ladies and gentlemen boating down the Thames, and that was all. Quiet, fresh, lovely meadows, a shining river, an abbey 1,000 years old and a quiet country hotel Safe. A Dutchman was relating his marvel­ ous escape fr4om drowning when thirteen of his companions were lost by the up­ setting of a l>oat, and he alone was saved, fate ?" asked one of his hearers. "I did not co in te tam pote!" was the Dutch­ man's placid ansttrer. Dr. Tanner Outdone by a Hog. S^ven months ago a straw shed be­ longing to John Patterson fell down on some hogs, turkeys and chickens, which, of course, all would suppose would be killed or die of star­ vation or want of air. A short time since Mr. Patterson was removing some of the straw, when, to his astonishment, one of the hogs was found to be still alive, but, as may lie supposed, very thin in liesh The hog would weigh at the time of its incarceration about 200 A Senator's Mother's Lonely Death. ' The newspapers announce the death at I Bethel, Me., of the )notlier of ^aial I Senator Grover, of Oregon. A Lawrence lady, who is spending a few weeks at ^ ^ ^ Bethel, writes that the old lady had pe- ' pounds, but on coming out of the straw culiar traits of character, and at the age j it was nothing but skin and bones In of 88 years insisted upon living in a fact, it did not resemble a hog'very , house in which there were no other oc-1 much, but looked like some hideous ' I.AKl) | MILWAUKEE. i WKEAT--No. 1 ; No.2. ..!!!! j Cons--No. 2 ! OATH - NO. 2 I itvF--No. i 3 ST. Louis!" I HKAT--No. 4 Bed. | Cv.i:.N--Mixed Oat»--No. 2 "*»• I 1'OIIK-Iioil | 1.A1111 I cixciNNATi!' ! WHKAT ' i Con* !!!!!!!!!! I OATH ! uvk Ill'.UK -- Alow .'.!!".!!!. TULEOO. . R i:uw--No. 1 White No. 2 liod I (V>kn--No. 2..- 1 Oacn--Jiiv. 2 ! DK'l'UOlT. ! Fi.oru--crhoioe WHKAT--No. 1 W'liite Oonx--No. 1 OATH --Mixed KARLKT (i*t cental) I'uiiK--MOM. INDIANAPOLIS. WHEAT--No. 2 Red. ColiN . 35 . 2U . fi5 . 73 . 25 • 14 J16 75 00 (<*£• i* (<r 26 cupants. She frequently said that her ! monster. The above is true.-- Cutter "And how did you escape their \ only concern was to live and die alone, i (///.) Cor. St. IMUIH Republican. - - She had her wish. She wa3 last seen j ! 1_ ajive last Saturday, when she entered I WHEN tea was first introduced into her house. Tliat she was not seen Sun- j England it was sold for $50 a pound. PORK --Clear. .. 1 03 04 .. ;« .. 23 (14 .. 71 SI 34 .. 21 .. 58 ..15 00 7 92 .. 39 .. 29 .. C'J ..14 25 7 .. 1 00 .. 95 40 26 .. 4 75 ,. 1 04 .. *1 .. 32 1 25 15 50 91 35 23 IS 00 EA8T LIBERTY, PA. CATTI.K--Best. 4 75 ! 4 00 Common. 3 00 Hoo* 4 m !'.!!!'. s 50 @ 112 (4 96 3 sc <4 34 % . n <4 35 i<4 22 (5; 59 (»,i5 as » IX <a t* (<«, 40 « » (ftl* »0 « & 1 00 « 1 00 <» 41 iS » a s » ® 110 c«. 43 <£ 33 <4 1 7» @15 75 ® 92 C4 36 <4 25 (&16 00 a 5 00 W 4 SO (A 3 75 5 00 4 00

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