Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1880, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11,1880. Railroad Time Table. OOIKO SOOTH. TENEVA T.aVe Pissenijer 7:86'A. M Geneva Lake Kxpresa 8:29A V. )«n«v* Lake Freight ....1:18 p. M Steamboat Express 5:16 F, >| OOIHO WOHTII. Steamboat Ex pre.** ... 10:00 A. x. GENEVA Lake FREIGHT .....>....10:02 A. ,M. Geneva Lake Express. fi:4» p. M lieneva T.ake Passenger.. . 6:53 p.M r* ADJOURNED meeting of the Garfield •ml Arthur Club, at F. K. Granger's office on Friday evening next. WB learn that a young child of Levi Lawrence died on Tuesday night. We did not learn the cause. T.J.ELLIS will please accept our thanks for a basket of very flue apples. Also for a specimen hen's egg. a little the smallest one we ever saw. J. J. GILLES lias advertised a Harvest arty, to take nlace on Thursday (tomorrow) evenTngTTliei^tWr»E' his 11. Good music will be in at tendance WHO says oar population is not in­ creasing? A new boarder at G. W. Besley's, a daughter, and one at the aidence ot C. A. Cobb, a son. THE Steamboat "Myy Griswold'* will not run oh Sunday/ next unless by special arrangement. WALTER HIT.L, Captiin. WE would direct the attention of our readers in Wauconda and vicinity to the new advertisement of F. B. Harri­ son, Druggist, to be fouud in another column. REV.PETER ARTEDSON will officiate on Sunday Aug. 15th, at St Johns Al­ gonquin 10 30 A. Doles Chapel Crystal Lake Sweedisli Service-at 2 4o p^M.. English Service at 7 30 p. M. F SMITH & SNYDEU are building iin I addition to their office 12x20, This I has been an improvement long needed. \AS thelrquarters have been too crowded ljgr their extensive business. EVERY Republican voter in town should attend the adjourned meeting of the Garfield and Arthur Club, which will be held at the office of F. K. ranger, on Friday evening. WE understand that arrangements are being made to raise a Weaver and Chambers Pole in tliis village* Full particulars as to time and place, name of Speaker. &c., will be given iu these columns nest week. TICKETS have been ordered for a Harvest Party, to take place at Gran d Hall in this village, on Friday evsning August 27th. The Germania Band, of Chicago, J. Castello, Leader, will fur. nlsh the music, which will be good news to the danciitg public, as<thh Baud has become immensely popular in this sec­ tion. Messrs. Parker & Son will spare no pains to make this the party of the season. The tickets will be issued in a few days. INVENTORS employing attornlea fa­ miliar with practice in the Patent Office, rarely fail of cecnring patents Experience ensures success in prosecut­ ing contested entries and Mineral Laud claims before the General Land Office. Long practice gives success in securing pensions. Presbrey & Green. Attor­ neys, 509^ Seventh street, Washington D. C. have had long experience in all branches of practice before the Depart­ ments. Parties having buisness should address them (enclosing stamp) for in­ formation. IN aether column can be found a new advertisement of A. H. Ilanly & Son's Mills, to which we call the espe­ cial attention of our readers. This is one of the finest arranged Mills to be the County, and with the as­ sistance of that well known and expe" rienced Miller, John Hogan, they are making Flour that, the ladies say, can't be beat in the Northwest, The best evidence of the popularity of this Mill is the large run of custom work which they are doing, their sheds at the Milj being constantly packed with teams waiting to gee grists.. Be sure to read their advertisement in another column. PKITSON ILG. B. F. Constant! ne, of the Aurora Even. Ing Post with a party of friends, has been camping at Pistaqua Lake. He made our sanctum a plealant call on Monday. Nick Pauls, of Chicago, is spending H. NICHOLS has kindly left us eev. eral copies of California papers, but in our hurry we have been unable to look them over as yet. We shall do so and speak of some important matters which they contain, in our next. THE place to find excellent Ice Cream, choice Candies, freshly baked Peanuts, and the best Nickle Cigars, Is at the Ice Cream Restaurant two doors north or the Riverside House. Open every «day iiLthe week from 8 A. M. till 9 30 p. M. H.'H. NtcnoLS has been building an addition in the rear of his block, to be used as a kitchen' It is 14x14, very high between joints, and makes a very pleasant room. "Tip'1 has made many good improvements in aftd around this blQcksince he purchased it. A very pleas\nt party was given at Iliverstde Hall,on Saturday evening, in honor of Miss ,Ecta Wightman, of Chenoa. who was ^uniting !»>»•«» A goodly number were present, and all seemed to enjoy themselves in the best of manner. HANLY & SONS Team ran away on Saturday last,completely demolishing the wagon, and injuring one of the horsee severely. At the time it was "thought the horse was injured fatally." but we have since learned that it wil| recover. THE performance of Unclf^ Tom's Cabin, at Riverside Hall, on Monday evening, was, considering the un­ favorable weather, well attended, and gave very general satisfaction. The Company is a good one, and with better stage facilities would render this play equal to the best. ON Tuesday there was found be­ tween the Post office building and M. Engeln ' 8 shop, the remains--not of Sir John Franklin,-^but of Tom Phalen's dog, that had been mi«sing for the past few days. A die t of cold poison was undoubtedly the cause. A party of young men from Evan- Pton and Lake Forrest, arrived in this village on Saturday last, mounted on Bicycles, and have given several ex­ hibitions of their skill on our streets since. They are no doubt very One to take exercise upon, but would be a poor thing to take your girl out riding*with. WE ain't going to tell how "Dad" Holmes weut fishing the other day, fell into the river, and lost his teeth. And then after all this misfortune how the "hoop" came oft and the bottle sprung a leak, leaving nothing to pre­ vent a "wet" man from taking cold. We agreed not to say a word about it and we won't. We're mum.,*, young lady at one of the Parks on Lake Geneva, writes to her father in this city to send up her best dresses, as they are putting on agood deal of style And this idea of each one trjTng to outdo the other iu the matter of dress and building, will make it so 'tonv" there after a while, that none but printers and other rich people can rd to visit that resort.-^-Ex. JOHN HUKMANN, Census Enumerator for this town, has favored us with the names of persons eighty years old and over,, who aro residents of this town. The following are their names and age: Adam Miller, S9; Margretta Miller, 84; Ann Nctt, 85; Mathias Schimmcl, 80; Christina Schumaker. 80; Cathariua Huemann,80; Isaac Mead, 87; Nancy Brasee, 84; Joshua Chafe, S3; Mary Chase. 80; John McOmbcr. &"»: John Stui-Mli&sO; Harriett Dalzell, 8G. LiSTrtf advertised letters remaining in the Post Office at Mcllenry, August 1st, 1880: LKTTKKS.--Mr. A. Yullett, (2); Mr. Daniel Hetzel; A. Meierhoefer; Mr. N. L. Pearson ; Mrs. Laura Malcolm; Mr. M. A. Kourle; George Berg: Mrs..James Bacon; Kate A. Sliter; Gustaf H. Sam- uelsson; Mr. Ben Smith. DKAD LETTERS.--John O'Riley, Miss Fannie Troy. POSTAL CARDS.--Henry Shubert. Joseph Savles, Mr. M. J. McGarry, Mr. D. F. McGiirry. Mr. Johnnie MeOarry Wm. Plank. J. B. IV.imY. P. M Notice. - Lawn festival. There will be a Lawn Festival at Wood, one-half mile north from Griswold Lake, for the benefit of the Rev. Mr. Adron, on Thursday evening, August 19th. Al' are cordially^invited to attend. Bv ORDER OF COMMITTEE. Notice. The people of Queen Ann and vicin­ ity VT'ill hold their annual "Harvest Picnic" in Michael Senger'8 Groye on the 20th of August. As the object of the gathering iR social, we extend a hearty invitation to all to join with us at that t'me. It will be a Basket Picnic with appropri. ate exercises for the occasion. The Ellis Martial Band will add to the en­ joyment of the day. Exercises wilj commence at 11 o'clock sharp. PKR OROER COM. W. R. SMITH, the jewelry man, is again in town with a fine assortment of jewelry watchesete*. to which he invites the attention of the public. As he now makes regular visits here the people are getting acquainted with him, ami know that his goods are just as repre­ sented every time. He will remain about two weeks, and while he will en­ deavor te call on all, those who do not. meet him and wish some of his goods, can leave word at the Riverside House) or drop hi in a postal card and lie will call on them at once. His stock of jewelry, watches, etc., never was more complete. If in want of anything in hrs line do not fail to see him. short vacation with friends iu this vil­ lage. ^ Geo. E. Earlie, Mall Agent the Fox River Road, passed through here on Saturday last on his way to Fox Lake. He made the PLAIN DEALER call. Miss Etta Beers returned from a six weeks visit in Chicago on Friday last. Frank Patterson and wife, of Chicago., spent Saturday and Sunday With E. M, Owen and family in this village. Judge Shreeves and wife, of Chicago and Major Holman of Louisville, Ken­ tucky, are the guests of John M. McOm- ber, in this village. Miss Etta Wightman, of Cbenoa, 111., who has been visiting here the past month, returned home on Monday. Leonard Uorer, of Clifton, 111., a for mer resident of this village, is spending a few days here. John B. Colby, of Clifton, 111., Is rus­ ticating iu this village and vicinity. Miss Emma Whitson. of Woodstock, and Miss Ida Howe of Chicago, were visiting among friends here on Tues­ day and Wednesday. Zach Smith, an old time resident of MoIIenrv, is now in town calling on old acquaintances. C. E. Chapel and wife, of Algonquin, were the guests of C. B. Curtis on Sunday. Miiys Effie Curtis returned from a short visit to Elgin on Friday last. FOX LAKK. A jolly party has been domiciled Conde's Hotel the past week, and what with picnics, sailing, etc., enjoyment was complete. The party comprised tke following from Chicago; Me.sdames Julia lleyworth, C. II. Starkweather: M iss Mary T. Otis; Messrs. Philo A Otis, A. D. Hunt, Clias. Arnd, W. W Alexander, Frank R. Fuller, Palmer Saaitield and Geo. E. Earlie. The champion fishermen were Messrs. Hunt and Saalfield, who captured 59 black bass,croppies and pike,with an aggre­ gate weight of seventy-five pounds, iu one day. The lotus beds, Indian mounds and other points of interest were visited.and Fox Lake pronounced an attractive resort. The gentleman who related so many fish stories will be voted a leather medal. ALGONQUIN. The Republicans o4 Algonquin are wide awake and ready for the campaign, and will nrike their usual good showing in November. On Tuesday last they organized a Garfield and Arthur Club, and elected the following'* oflieers: President, C. E. Chapel. Vice Pres­ idents, James Field, James Phil p. Re­ cording Secretary, Henry Keyes. Cor­ responding Secretary, Dr. W. A. Nason, Treasurer, S. S. Chapel. Executive Committee, John Ilelm, Henry Tubbs* E. II. Benson, E. A. Ford, Chas. Wan- drack, Fred Duensing. Fifty-five uatnes had already been added to the roll, and they express their intention to get the name of ever}' Republican voter in the town. During a short stay in this town on Saturday, we were pleased to note the prosperity of«thg business men of that lively little buig. Furgeson, Nason, Wandrack, Marshal, and in short all whom we met reported business good and the prospect for a rousing Fall trade better than for years. Our old friend, Jim Sherwood, the •'Boss" Auctioneer of the Northwest, is full of business as usual, having from two to three Auctions a week, princi­ pally of live stock. It is a fact that "Jim" will sell more and get better prices than any other man iu or out of the business. Tf you contemplate hav­ ing an Auction do HOC fail to secure liid services. Garfield and Arthur Club. Pursuant to notice a meeting was heltl at the office of Hon. F. K. Granger on Saturday last for the purpose of or­ ganizing a Garfield and Arthur Club. On being called to order, on motion Smith Searles was chosen Chairman and J. Van Slyke, Secretary. The object of the meeting was then briefly stated by Hon. F. K. Granger, when, on motion, it was voted that we form a Garfield and Arthur Club for the town of Mcllenry. The following Constitution was then unanimously adopted: CONSTITUTION OF GARFIELD AND ARTHUR CLUB. Of Mcllenry, Mcllenry County, Illinois. ART. 1. This Association shall be known as the Garfield and Arthur Club of Mcllenry. County of Mcllenry. State o( Illinois, and its object shall he to se­ cure by all honorable means, the elec­ tion of the Republican candidates for President and Vice President of the United States. AKT. 2. Its officers shall consist of a President, three Vice Presidents, a Re­ cording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall perform all the duties usually apper­ taining to such offices respectively. They shall he chosen at the time of the organization of the club, and shall hold their offices for one year from tin; llrst day of July. A. D., 1880. and until their successors are elected and qual­ ified. ART. 3. As soon as practicable after the format ion of the Club, the Presi­ dent shall appoint an Executive Com­ mittee of five members, whose duty it shall be to have charge of all the inter­ ests of the Association generally, and to see that all its orders and resolves are faithfully executed. They shall provide for the meetings of the Club, for the collection of all money, and no liabilities shall be incurred except by them or the President of the Club. It shall also be their duty to encourage the organization of other Garfield and Arthur Clubs, iu the ditterent, towns in this county. ART. 4, The meetings of this club shall be held at such time and place as the Club may direct, from August 7th until the close of the campaign. ART. 5. It shall be the duty of the members of this Club to attend all meetings held iu this vicinity, to pro­ mote the object of the organization of this Club. ART. 6. Any legal voter may become a member of this Club by subscribing his name to the Constitution,or author­ izing the same to be done for him, aud announcing his intention to support the object for which it was organized. ART. 7. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Club, iu addition to his other duties, to report to Daniel Shepard. Secretary of the Republican State Central Committee, at Chicago. Illinois, the names and addresses of the officers of the Club at once, upon the organization being ellected. Those present then came forward -ftp-d signed their names to the Consti­ tution and became members ot the Club. On motion, the election of the officers of the Club was postponed until the next meeting. Oil motion adjourned to meet at the same place on Friday evening next, August 13th. at which time tho officers will be elected. The meeting was well attended, and about fifty names arc already signed to the Constitution, which will be in­ creased to one hundred and fifty by Friday night. The Republicans of Mcllenry are awake, and will give a good account of themselves iu Novem­ ber. PKTIT JUKOKS. The following is the list of Jurors for September term, Mcllenry County Circuit Court: Petit 1880, David Kilwards... Daniel Ourkee Welcome "eMeii u„M (ioodnnl A C Belcher Wm Palmer Monroe Lake Tlinnms Wood Frank Lawson" W W Waterman F W Mead.. Win Hibbard Simon Hill C 11 Teft W P Benson I Blake Geo llanlev... CJrafton Coral Senega Urcenwood Dorr Dunham Chenmntr Dunham Burton Mcllenry Richmond Grafton Chemung Richmond AI?on<|iiin Chemung MeHenrv Geo llerdklotz Greenwooii K C Benaril...-. Algonquin Win Bassett llarlland Michael Schoff Hartland .Joflii.ih E!«ton Grafton Mike Farley . Grafton Gilbert Avery Marengo IVm I'ierce Burton Chits Erckenbrack AMen Jamt3 Cavener. Coral Jackson Bennett Marongo Phllo Roe..J7 Hart<and WAUCONDA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--It Is dry hereawav. Not your correspondent nor his towns folk, but the ground and air. Farmers are hoping for showers soon to help on the corn. Harvesting is pretty generally done up. Thresh ing has fairly begun; competition among the owners of machines is lively and prices are consequently being shaded some. There has been a scarcity of help through the season and good steady men are in demand at fair wages. Now that the bustle anil harry of harvest Is aboitt over why don't our people take a day; assemble in some of the many beautiful groves near oy and with wives, babies and friends; sand­ wiches. pies, beer and lemonade, make merry? Little enongh time for recre­ ation does the average farmer take and siirely there are none but what will give one day in the year to the cele­ bration of harvest season. Let us all meet at tho Post Office on Saturday evening next and arrange for a grand old fashioned F^tbily picnic to come oft right away. Come on. * That notorious "Point" came In for a benefit again on .Thursday - last. Mr. Singer of Diamond I.ake with several loads of friends and refreshments passed the day there. If they did not all have a delightful time 'tis not be­ cause they were not encamped on one of the prettiest little picnic spots out doors. A party of five young gents from Lake Forest and Evanson way. who passed through our village on Saturday last, all mounted on the fiery untamed "Bicycle" created a riffle, and drew a crowd to the Hotel where they al[ stopped for a moment 'Ho water". They were enroute for Fox Lake, via the PLAINDKALDR office. Miss Cora Brooks, who was severely injured by the runaway at the clieese factory last week, is gaining steadily under care of Dr. Wells and will soon be about again if nothiug unexpected occurs. Another one of those famously pleasant Bowery dances came off on Friday evening last. About 50 couple participated. This is the dancing platform "par excellence" of the county and richly deserves the generous pat­ ronage it receives. The next dance occurs on the 21st inst. The clieese factory people are having some little trouble with their well and water supply but expect to remedy the difficulty in a few days. Our friend Haven, the gentlemanly foreman at the factory, has reason to congratulate himself on the high prices obtained for bis products, despite the disadvan­ tages of a poor water supply. Mr. John Pratt has added, during the past week, still another fine young horse to his st:lble. Mr. Pratt has this season supplied a long felt want In Wauconda, viz: the want of a livery.-- Parties can be quickly and reasonably carried by team from here now at most any time by applying at the hotel. In the spring time when everybody else was fixing roads our village streets were not properly fixed--"because," The reason they still remain in their unsightly condition is "because." "Be­ cause" is a rattling good reason. " We like it. Ofcourt®"nobody car**wheth­ er we like it or not," but somebody does and we reckon we have the same right not to like It that our stirring board of trustees have to like it. Hon­ ors seem to be easy on that score. No more does Alouzo deftly wield the festive razor in our midst. The cry of "next" is not heard iu the laud, (if. according to many correspondents "the busy luitn of the thresher," is.) Our barber shop is closed. Mr. Harris has gone to Michigan. We want a barber. A barber can make a good, fai^* living here. Who's the lucky man to Open up our barber shop? Harry Tidmarsh has gone to New York, where, as we are informed, he purposes to enter a machine shop and learn the trads. llarry will be greatly missed as will he also be warmly wel­ comed when lie returns. Do our people for the sake of a mis. erable, pusiianimous ten cent picce. propose to let the Barge lay at its pier and rot ? It looks like it. Just think of it! For ten cents, ten coppers. you can take an hours ride on the Lake any Wednesday or Saturday evening, only provided 15 of you are willing to en­ joy the refreshing trip. Keep this in miud. Charles Barker ar.d Miss Edna Boom­ er were quietly married last Sunday, 1st inst., at Genoa Junction, Wis.-- These young people are immensely popular and we have been racking our brains for words that will not seem common place and Unfitting the occa­ sion. Words "just right" come not and so we must join with everybody in con- gratuhitions and hearty good wishes and let it go at that. Two or the Genoa roughs pitched into one of our town boys Saturday -eveifing, but officers Skinkle and Martin soon had the culprit collared and stopp­ ed the exhibition. CONTRIBUTED BT 8. F. BENNETT. S. F. RKWWKTT U herobv authorized tntake euliscription* and or.Ier* for advertising? *n«l Job Work for the Pr.uxRKu.Ktt, reccive money therefor and receipt for th» same.-- All orders left with him will receive prompt attention.--Kditor. Messrs Smith Jh Hay thorn have a new slerk in the place of Ft-auk Smith. "Jimmy" MoDavit, whilom a. Rich­ mond lad, but now a flourishing buHr ness man of Chicago, spent Sunday iiu Richmond. It is hard for a man as well as a cor­ poration to do a decent job without abuse froin some body. Therefore George Vinton, who took His scythe and mowed down all the weeds in front of his own premises and several of his neighbors premises a* well, should be held up as an object of public rebuke. What business had he to cut down the weeds his neighbors were too con­ foundedly lazy and sloverrly to attend to? It was flagrant trespass. Won't, somebody please sue Jiiin. forth efforts likely to interfere some, what, whether successfal or not. We hear of attempted Burglars at Bartlett H'ggins a few nights since. Capt, White's congenial countenance is quite frequently seen ou our streets. The Capt. forme rely owued the Kilt- worth place ou the Mcllenry road. We are pleased to note much im­ provement in front fences on our streets Among tliem we mentioo those of Geo. Eckert, W. B. Austin and W. Borden. We have heard some talk of "Marble walks', on Jackson street but have not seen them. M Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores tb# appetite. 50 Trimmed Hats from fifty cents te two dollars apiece at Mrs. S. Hearles. We have the Boss Glove Depot. FITZSIMMONSA EVANSON. The best Threshing Knuckles at B. M. Owen's. The Mollne Owen's. Sulky Plow at E. M A»T. Brown and family moved from Twin Lakes home Saturday!! They li*ve been camping out some five weeks in company with Mac. Church,our next Sheriff, and family, with other Wood­ stock pebple. Mr. Brown is about selling his property at the Lakes to Woodstock parties, and it the trade goes ofl the name is to be changed from Spring Bluft Camp" to "Woodstock Camp." Next season the dining hall will be much enlarged so as to accom­ modate a largo number of constant boarders, who will have their homes in spacious tents to be rented ready furnished. The Furat Bradley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. Clocks, from #1.00 upwards, ranted. At O. W. Owen's. War- When in want of work in mjr line, give inea call and I will try and please Itobl. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec­ tion. Fitzsimuions Evanson. Commissioner Wodell. under direc­ tion of the village Btiard, has been doing an excellent job on tho street running north and south from the Methodist Church to the Parsonage, having graded it nicely. Heretofore the water from the hills west of tho street had flooded the cellars and gardens on she east line of the street* The improvement is of so much value to residents along the line of the work, both sides, that thev could well afford a special asses me nt to pay the entire cost of the labor and lumber. So much money has been fooled away on streets during tho past three years that it seems refreshing to see a little sensibly expended, as 011 this last job. _L Wauconda Ice Cream Parlor. E. A. Golding would respectfully inform the public that his Ice Cream Parlor, is now open where the best of iceCream will be served evferj' day and evening by the dish or quantity. A full line of Nuts and Confectionery of all kinds. My Parlor is always cool and quiet, and I respectfully invite all who wish anything in this line to cull and I will try and please them. Ice Cream furnished at Wholesale or Hetail, for Festivals, Picnics or Fami­ lies. E. A, tiOLDINO. Low Prices and\good work. Murfitt, Jeweler, fcfUnda, 111. Kobt TO WAGON MAKERS. To a good Wagon Maker and the right man I will give the use of my Wagon Shop, FREE OF CHARGE It is one of the best Stands in McHenry County, and tor the right man there is a good opening. For further partic ulars call on or address, T. J. CLIFTON, MCUENKV, III., July 30th, 1880. The Cantata of the Beatitudes was glvfta as advertised, at the Richmond House Hall on Saturday evening, to a large and delighted audience. Every­ body wondered how, in nine days training, the children could liavo be­ come SMWrHp in the!r parts: About fifty children and adults (participated in the singing. The production of the Beatitudes iu this village will intro­ duce to the favorable notice of our citizens a work designed especially for the Sunday School and social entertain merits, and so easy that almost any village of a half thousand people can furnish the i>equlsite number of singers able to master the inusic easily. Should any desire the books they can be pro­ cured by addressing Mrs. J. P. Webster. Elkhorn, Wis; Price 25 cents per copy, with the usual discounts by the hun­ dred. Miss Webster's singing at the concert. In "Don't be Sorrowful, Dar­ ling" and "Sweet By and By," was heartily applauded. Miss Jennie Gill­ espie sang the solo "When dark is the night." Mrs. Jno. W. Haythorn sang, "O Fair Dove, O Fond Dove." Mr. J. E. Nethereut sang "The Old Man's Dreams," and another ballad "Be good to Little May" was also sung. The evenings entertainment ended by the singliiff of the "Golden Stair" by little Beulah Cooley. followed by a tableau Illustrative of the same subject. During the performances the audience evinced their approbation by frequent ap­ plause. Should Miss Webster ever visit us again to give a musical enter­ tainment, her name alone, after this fine success, will fill the house. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you have seeu juid priced goodd at Mrs. S. Searles. You are paying 15 to 25 fper cent for your credit. Pay the cash; trade at a cash store, and make this saving. STKVKN.S A 3CHNORB. We are selling our large line of Embroidery at greatly reduced prices. STKVKNA & CHNOKR, The largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. For that new dress pattern call ou Stevens & Schnorr, They keep the la- est styles, aud sell cheap. Buckeye Force Owen's. Pumps, at E. M All the Owen's. first-class Plows it E. M. A fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer & Becker's near the Depot. Ten 15 light Windows, glass 8x1-0, all perfect, for sale cheap by O. W. Owen. Ladles of McHeury and vfcinlty don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering greater bargains than ever. All work in repairing done on short notice. Parasols, Fans, Ladies Lace Gloves and Mitts now cheap, at Fltssltnmons & Evanson's I. N. MEAD, AGEN IV For Buckeye Harvester, Binder Mowing Machine,McIIcury. III. and WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDKAI.HK:-- If there Is virtue in attending church. Company G" will come in for a monthly iu- stallinctu. The result of lawsuit mentioned last week was one dollar and costs or "great cry and little wool." The drouth begins to pinch and pastuies are becoming parched. We bear that Jack Frost visited the the low lands and left slight evidences of his presence, but we have failed to discover his foot prints. Alden 1 nmanse has given her testi­ mony in case of Disbrow vs Disbrow» in form of Depositions to be used at the September tejm of our eircuit court. We heard constable Udell state that his fees as Constable and Deputy Sheriff for subpoenaing witnesses amounted to $240. Frank Crosby is at work for the complainant. We saw Gib Watrous and wife, of Waukegan, drive through our city one day last week. Both show that "age is creeping ou" when we compare as we were so accustomed to see them while residents of Woodstock many years ago. John S. Wheat is looking for laborers and team work for his Rail Road. We hear favorable comments in re­ gard to the quality and manner of placing the gravel now being delivered on Clay street under the direction of A. W.Smith. We hear so little said politically that We cannot venture much on that score. By what we have seen iu the papers, we come to the ^conclusion that for Sheriff Mac had a "walk away," but Steadiuan arid Elilo sue each putting We give our special attention to Duaas Goods, Trimmings and Buttons. You can always find the latest at our store. STEVENS JFCSCHNOKB." FOR RENT. The celebrated Ford Photograph Gallery, the only Gallery In the village of McHeury. A first-class location.-- Possession given at once. Apply to E. M. OWEN. Attention, Faruion , Dairymen Sherman Bros., residing two miles Went of Mcllenry, on the Woodstock road, keep on hand the following arti­ cles to meet the wants of farmer* MM) dairymen: Creamery, (Patent applied for) eM» sisting of boxes for water, any size to suit. Barrels may be used or any wa­ ter vessel, spring or wells. Mi'.k cans with covers to exclude ail foreign tub- stances aud allowing the heat and steam to esenpe. And a skimming de­ vise. the most perfect ever invented. Riding Plow Attachment, (Pat. ap» plied for) by which you can attach aptjr kind of a Plow to any corn mlky «*§!«' tivator. . . Patent'f»rm Gate Hanging. Patent Post Hole Auger. Aiid a devise for Converting Motion | | (PaJt. applied for) can be applied to S wind mills. Ac., to convert a forward % aud back motion into a rotary motion, , All the above articles we will sell | very low to suit the times. Call ami . examine for yourselves. S. i J. KDERMUI. FARM FOR SALE. ? |i The undersigned ofters for sale *«i "I fariu known as the Dunn Farm, con- i sisting of 80 acres, situated 3} miles i| Southwest of Mcllenry. Said farm is | in good condition, well fenced, fair buildings, and one of the best orchards ^ in the section. Never failing running | water for stock in pasture. In short !| one of the best and most desirable ;| small farms in the county for either Jj stock or graim For particulars inquire "J of Clias. A. Parks, near the premises, I or address, J. L. DUNW, Lawrence, Kansas. | E. M. OWEK & SON have just re- 3 cei yed a new lot of Top ' Buggies, to | which they invite the attention of 1 those wishing to purchase. They are ̂ as fine as any to be found' in the mar* •; "«• -• • • • . -m 'HOSIEKY. The very finest, oest and cheape&t i line of Ladies' Hosiery shown in the | place is now open at the store mt | FitSSiuimons & Evanson. '• PRICES REDUCED! \ i ] One half On our entire line or "'JKBBK" broidery. Call and secure these bar- v- gains. STEVENS & SCHNOMU | VETERINARY Illinois. C. 8. GKEEN. SURGSOX, Rlchaumtf, a week In jrour own town. SB oatSt nPOl) free. No risk. Reader, if you want a busines at which persons of either sex oaa make pnv alt the time they work, write for (Mirtieulari) to H. ALLBTT A Co., Fort- »n«t, Maine. Executor's Notice. ESTA Tt ATE of Samuel H. Walker, (teceaMdL he urn!crsit;tied having been appointed Executor of the last Wilt anil Testament of Samuel II. Walker, deceased, late of the County of Mcllenry and State of Illinois hereby gives notice that he wilt appear to. fore the County Court of McHenry" CouatT, at the Couit House, in WomtsK&ck,, at the September Tcrni, on the third Monday in September next, nt which time all persona having claims a#ninal Mid Estate, are not!* tied and requested to attend for the pnrpoae of having the sftme adjusted. All persons la. debted to said Estate are requested to immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this V*th day of July, A. IX, 1980. J. W. OR1STY, Executor, 17 cents will buy one pair of Ladles* Balbrlggan Hose at Fitzsiinmona A Evansen s. Go to I. N". Mead near the Depot for the Best Mowing Machine. CARRIAGES, BUGGIE3,&c. We are now exhibiting a tine line of Top Buggies. Phaetons, open Bug­ gies, Platform Spring Wagons of best make, and warranted at lowest prices. E. M. OWBN A SON. FOR SALE OR RENT. The Store lately occupied hy J. E. Vasey in the village of Ringwood. Possession given March 25th. further particulars inquire of Mas. ANN VASBT. Ringwood, March 17, 1SH0. For The very finest Lines of Ladles' Misses' and Children's Walking Shoes ever shown in this place, aud made to our own order, now offered at reason­ able prices. We warrant every pair. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. • BY UNIVERSAL ACCOROT Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the best of all purgatives for family use. They are the product of long, laborious and successful chemical investigation, and their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized na­ tions. proves them the best and most successful Purgative Pill that' medical science can device. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value and cur­ ative powers r.o other pills can be com­ pared with them, and every person knowing their virtues, will employ them when heeded. They keep the system In perfect order, and maintain in healthv action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are specially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derange­ ments of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic co employ for chil­ dren and weakened constitutions, where a mild but effectual cathartic Is required. For sale by all dealers. Administrator's Noticft. TESTATE of David C. Wilson, deceased.-- VJ The utdersingeu, having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of David C. Wtl. son. late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, deceased, herchy icivei notice tint he will appear l>efore the County Dourt of McHenry County, at the Court House in Wood, stock»t the .Septemiter term on the thin Monday in September next, at which t^rao nil persons h.-tvintr claims against said Estato are notified and requested to attond for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All person* indebted to said Estate are request­ ed to make immediate payment to the ua<ler signed. Dated this 19th day of July A. D, m HBHBV C. MKAD, Administrate*, •a*" Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of Mathias Preunddeceased. The undersigned having bee') appointed Ad* ininistratrix of the Estate of Maihtns >'r«ttnd lats of the County of McHenry, and State et Illinois, doceasod, hereby gives notice that she will appear before tlie County Court of McHenry County, at the Court'House, ta Woodstock, at the September term, on the third Monday in September nevt, at which tinii! nil persons having ei.iiins against said Estate, are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the name adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are re. quested to make iihmcdiatc payment to the undersigned. Dated this lith dav of July A. D. 1880. CATHARINE KRKUND, Administratrix* ' AGENTS WANTED. * LIFKAND ADVENTURES OF FRANK AND JESSE JAMES, TKI H0T1D WXSIK2* OOtUWI. * : I'X *- By Hon. J. A. DacuS, Ph. D. A true thrilling account, (Illustrated) of their bold operations for 18 years in 10 different States and Territories, battling detectives and ofll rials of the law. Best .Selling Book of the year, 8ol<| in three months. 50 cents for on t lit ;#L50 for sample copv. Liberal term* to Ascents. X. I>. TIIOMl'SO'X * CO.. Pub. lUhert>,4^0 I'ine St.,^1. Louis, Uissouri. -* s KLOIW .;#! ACADEMY ELGIN, ILL. * •; ' ; In the Whole History of Medicine No preparation has ever performed such marvellous cures, or maintalneil so wiile a reputation, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which Is recognized as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its long continued series of wonderful euros iu all climates has made it universally known as a safe and reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which are the forerun­ ners of more serious disorders, It acts speedily and surely, always relieving suffering, and often saving life. The protection it affords, by Its timely use in the throat and lung disorders of children, makes it an invaluable reme­ dy to be kept always on hand in every home. No person can aftord to bo with­ out it, and those who have once used it never will. From their knowledge of Its composition and efleets, Physic­ ians use the Cherry Pectoral extensive­ ly in their practice, ami clergymen recommend it. It is absolutelv certain iu its remedial effects, and will always 'cure where cures are possible. Far sale by all dealers. aM DEVOTED TO A THOROUGH PSXPAILATHW FOB COLLEGE, •• j : ' M Fall Term commencl|i' MondBjr * Saptojiber 1 Winter Terra commences! Mai; ^ • day, November 21), lb80. Spri ng Term commences tfoad», .; J March 13, 1881. jl Tuition from $7 to $13 Term ot twelve week&» ~ No Change of Teachers. A Text Book ift tho Theory ami Prnctico of Teaching will ho introduced into the Normal Course. A class will be formed in Hi* Post-Graduate Course, taking the studies of the Freshman year, of Vassar Col lego. Classes m t he ltn$io4«9 at the beginning* of each term. For Courses of "Study and other Particulars, send for Uataloguo. J» TEFFT, ProfdJenK * O. DAVIDSON, Sen-rotary. "'"A. Priatfril. '

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