Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Aug 1880, p. 4

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WKI»NEHlJAY.AlfC,TTSf 18, »f. V A IN SLYKK. Alitor CANDIDATES. JtsACA Congressional Convention. Tlio liciniblicnti votors of the several conn- ' tie* «'nm*tri8inp the Fourth Congressional ilis- tfirt of Iltiiiois are reijacslc'l to scnfl ilele- "jtmtes to a lielean Oislrirt Convcr tion, to "lie hcM In Elgin on the Jinl ilay ofScji'.mnbpr, H80, at 1 o'clock i». m., for the purpose of Dominating * rawiulftte for mcmber^pf the 'tmrer Ifonse of Congress, and a <~amii<ir\ti: for mtmber of State Itoanl of Equalization, to bo rapported at the general election in Novcni- her next, and for transacting" suoli other hflsiness as shall properly conic before said wmretftloti. The l»as'is of representation will b* the vote cast for Hepubli^an Presidential elector# ofWR, and the ratio will be one dclc- fcate for every four hundred votes, and one •'elejfate additional for each fraction of two Inindred or over, BO cast. Tnder the appor­ tionment, the representation in said conven­ tion will be as follows: Knne 5.JCN votes IS delegates Winnolwgo..4,5(Vi votes 11 delegates PeKalb 3,679 votes 9 delegates Mc.Henry....3,41*5 votes 0 deU'jrates .Boone..." 1,W» votes 5 delegates The committee recommends that the county conventions for the election of delejrates be held on a uniform day, and suggests the 28th day of Augtif t, 1830, for such conventions. D. K Bartav. A. C. SPAFFonn, Ctias, KRUI M, J, R. Hancock, J Gheem.KK, Elgin, Jaly 13, Irtflf. Committee. Republican County Convention The Republican voters of ilcHenry county are requested to send delegates to the Tle- • Oonnty Convention, to be helfl at the Court House in Woodstock, Wednesday September 1, 1880. at one o'clock r. M., for the •purpose of selecting nine delegates to repre­ sent McHenry County at the District (Jon- jrressional Convention to be held at Elgin, •September 2<l, to nominate a candidate for Congress for this District and a Member of the State Board of Equalization-, and select, in* delegates to represent McTIenry county In the Senatorial and Representative Con­ tention to nominate candidates for the Leg­ islature; also for putting in nomination can­ didates for the offices of Clerk of the Circuit Ornrt. States Attorney, Sheriff and Coroner of McHenry county, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come licfore the Convention. The several towns will he represented as follows: Hilev R Dorr 1* Mnronso flreenwood 7 Pnnham 7 Chemung 21 Alden t 8 Hartlaml 1 Seneca R Cor.-tl n Grafton 9 Hebron. (ticlnnond ... Ttnrt.on McHenry Nnn<t* Algonquin... .... 10 12 o .'. '. ' .11 12 1« Total PnrfnMit tn Instmctions passed .....17* _ .. . hv the Rppn mirnn Countv Convention. the commit­ tee recommends that the Repii'dicjin voters *>ie sereril towns hold their primary meetings tor the election of delegates on Sat­ urday, Attffuat 28th, at 2 ovior k r. M. FJ. «. Swthw«BTH, J. R Baboooh, . A. W. Vot'N':, County Committee 1ST An exchange makes this pprti- imtit remark: *'Had General Hancock, while in command at New Orleans, en­ deavored to protect Union men against mnrderonR rebels, lie never would have lieen thonpht of as a Democratic can­ didate for President." •General satisfaction is expressed throughout the District with Mr. Sher- win's course in Congress, and reliable reports from all parts of the District Indicate that there will be little or no opposition to his re-nomination.--Z)e- Katb Co. News. "The Benders have not been cap­ tured after all. The two old people arrested played a shrewl trick on the officers and tiie Sheriff in turn played n ehrewd trick on the people. When this old couple were taken into Kan­ sas the people said they wcie not Benders and they were at once dis­ charged. --•mimiit i r-rim-- Minium i m w--• n » A rol.lfl€*r, RKVIRW. As flie nverajjo Kepnblican read Gen. Hancock's letter of acceptance he wns only surprised at itR liiek of thought and originality. Polished art^l crenteel as it. was, there was nothing itr it which might not have been written by k well bred school girl or clipped from hii ordinary Fourth of July ora­ tion. Not Jisentenee displays the least familiarity with the topics which are agitating tlie minds of politicians at the present time. Not a paragraph betrays original thought or investiga­ tion. The whole letter is made up of a string of truisms which, to the American people, are as familiar as household words. Who has questioned the validity and force of the Constitution or the neces­ sity of upholding and observing it in its every section, item and particular? Who denies that the Union will best be upheld by a full vote, a free ballot and a fair count. The question which is agitating the minds of politicians is, How can these things be secured and how can fraud, intimidation, violence and deceit be most eflectually prevent­ ed? Upon these questions General Hancock has no opinion to advance, no suggestion to offer. As the average Republican read the sentences referred to in Geti. Hancock's letter of acceptance he was only sur­ prised at their lack of thought and originality; but when he sees these platitudes repeatedly quoted as the wise sayings of a gfeat and good maiv when he is repeatedly as«nrred that the Republican party is endeavoring to overthrow the Constitution, when he sees it openly charged that Republican leaders, in their desperate anxiety to retnin control of the Government, are ready to stoop to any kind of violence or fraud, when they see the people called upon to go forward witli a will to overt hrow the enemies of the Union and the Consti tution, the destroyers of popular liberty and free elections, they are surprised, astonishad, dis­ gusted and amused. Who are the friends of the Union and who are its enemies? Has the lapse of time brought about a com­ plete revolution in political character? Are the men who are advocating State Rights to-day an entirely different class from those who advocated the same doctrine twenty years ago? Are the men who sympathize with South­ ern "Chivalry" and hate a "black Re­ publican" to-day an entirely different class from those who indulged the same feelings during the war? We fail to appreciate the ehanffe. Nay, we are becoming daily more thorough­ ly convinced tiiat there has been no change. But we are told that the financial in­ terests of the country demand a change in the political character of the admin­ istration. The financial issue is, to say the least, a living issue. No man who cares for the welfare of his coun­ try will willfully ignore its financial interests. But what would be the probable effect upon the finances of the nation of a change in the political character of the administration? Are the finances of the country in a worse condition to-day than..they were dur­ ing the regime .of James Buchanan? Has the financial legislation of the late Democratic Congresses been su3h as to command the admiration and con­ fidence of the people^ But again, are the States In wh'icTi Democratic su­ premacy is overwhelming, better gov­ erned than those which are uniformly Republican? Is. the government of Alabama more peaceful and satfsfacto. ry than that of New Hampshire? Are the finances of Virginia in a more sat­ isfactory condition than those of Mas­ sachusetts? Are the laws of New York more faithfully ior economically administered by Democratic Governors than by Republicans? These questions and questions like these, are the ones that Intelligent voters will ask them­ selves before deciding which political party deserve their suffrages, and those who believe that a majority of them can be deceived into voting against their interests pre stun e too much upon the credulity of the common people and deserve from them ouly contempt and ridicule. 1 in •MM.JSa " WAUCONDA Kiutor Pj.aini>ka i.F.R:--Tlio Watt- eon da eye seems to be turning Chiea- gow*rd these days. Many of our visitors will return to-morrow and next day and take with them their friends. The grand demonstration has had its advance efTectherc and aroused a new interest in Masonry. We are told this Lodge has grown some lately and that several special meetings have, been held during last few weeks. Mr. Coggln is doing wonders with his Mill. He is adding a "cupola" a new smokestack, new sione t and a lot of big •'fixins"' and the wonder is where in time lie finds room in the mill for all this new and improved machinery. It does seem as though he would find a limit to the capacity of the mill, but he doesn't seem to yet. Nearly all the school teachejs here­ abouts arc absent. Most of them having gone to the Institute at Lake Forest. A team attached to a light wagon ran away last Wednesday from near the mill. Just east of town they over­ took and eollitiaik. witn a buggy in which was Mr. Gould. Both vehicles were pretty thoroughly demoralized an Mr. Gould was suddenly and unceremo­ niously "duniped," but fortunately, aside from the damage mentioned, no other was done. Mr. Pollard a very pleasant mannered gentleman has set up his apparatus in Mr. Thomas shop, arid is. about among our people asking of tliem the' priveledgc of transforming their old worn plated ware «&c., into bright re- plated .ware. The samples shown us were very neat. Rev. Mr. Green, who has supplied the Baptist pulpit for a few Sundays past, has been spending the past week among friends here. lie has been ac­ companied by his wife. The society unanimously voted to extend to Mr. Green a call to> fill the pulpit for tiie ensuing year and that gentleman has taken a week to consider and will re­ port next Sunday the 22d inst. .Mr. F. W. Morrison, a perpetual player on a brass horn and a good jeweler and a first rate fellow, has moved into the cottage house last oc­ cupied by Mr. Reed Burritt. Mr. Alonzo Harris surprised himself and his friends by "turning up" in Waticonda again on Thursday, having "swung around the circle." "Lou" may now be found at the old stand with razors in order, ready to shave or "cut" you in the inoat affable manner known to the "profesh." Several loads spent Friday on the banks of Lake Zurich, where mutual friends from Evanston, Irving Park, &e., were encamped. Croquet and lunch, as usual were the standards The chinks were filled in as only picknick- ers know how to fill them, with boat riding.swinging, lazyness, headaches, yawns &c. This week the Lake Zurich campers are coming to return the visit and will probably be shown a picnic ground worthy the name. Our jovial friend, J. A. Avery, of the Jtepuclicun, paid Waticonda a flying visit the past week. A sort of a "tip and a catch" call. But didn't see half his friends here. Report says that Mr. E. A. Golding has purchased a sail boat, well fitted out and will have it launched here the coming week. If it is his intention to keep the boat to let, his enterprise should receive prompt encouragement from Waucondaites. A meeting of the members of the Mite Society, was called for Sunday afternoon at 3 o.clock to decide whether or not the funds of the society could be used to paint the Baptist church. It was decided to use them for that purpose. The Fall Cajnuaicm v-f Now Opened, AT VOLO, LAKE CO.. ILL. 3000.-TARDS PKINTS Fast Colors just received at the Low and Popular Price of 3 Cents per Yard. We have also the finest Col­ lection of Useful and Ornamental Articles at the Low Ppce of 5 Cents Each. Call and see them. H. ROGERS, Volo, 111., Aug. 17th, 1880. The Old Reliable Store. " . '#» ;> »»yV •" Yitefcri'tii. * i f '" A VIGOROUS •The editor of the Atlanta Con­ stitution wits one of the delegates at large from Georgia to the Cincinnati Convention, and he had a revelation xvhiie there. He saw the representa­ tives of the New York/"PbnaocrAcy-- the pet lambs of John Kelly and the Tilden boomers, and then wrote home to his paper as follows: "If I lived in the North, I should be a Republican. This ie all the comment 1 care to make on the representatives of the New York city Democracy." 86?"Colonel T. c. Campbell, of Cin­ cinnati, made a speech in repl5 r to Judge Hoadley ou Tuesday evening. In the course of his remarks he said of llancock: The administration appointed seven commanders in chief for the Army of the Pototnae, yet never thought of Hancock for so important a position. It cannot be fairly said that his pol­ itics was a bar to his promotion, for lie was promoted to the rank of Major General, and General McClellan was •idvauced to the position of Comman­ der-in-Chief. In the line of military achievements, many stood far ahead of Hancock. Neither Lincoln, nor Stanton, nor Grant, nor Sherman ever thought of llancock when the services o|° clear, cool-headed, discreet, courageous otfi- c<}ra were required. When mu- Ii were wanted the Shoridane. MelMierso'iiH. foicklcscs. and Logans were called upon but not llancock. I do not say this in disparagement of Hancock. As I have *aid I honor him for what lie did. As Major General he <iid his full duty. Jlut wliea we are told that hit> great military achievements entitle him to (he Presidency, then in order of nat- firal promotion | l e bhould wait until jh»nei«tuan. aiul Logan, and Sickles, and •It score of volunteer officers have re- |-ipeiv«id the promotion which their ca- - . jtacity and courage entitle them to in* " |>rcf c lciiuc to him. 8SS"*The strength that Congressman J. C. Sherwiu has developed throughout the district Is the t-trongestevidence of the good impression which he has made upon his constituents, and of the con­ fidence which they have regarding his ability. It is conceded in every county in the fourth district that he has made a creditable congressman and that h<* has evinced qualifications and ability of no mean order. There seems to be a union upon him, and it is doubtful if there are two counties that will enter the convention pledged for any other candidate.--llockjord Daily News A. H. HANLY & SONS, -L'UOPRIKTOIW OF THE-- MCHENRY NICK MILLS. NEAR THE DEPOT. McHenry, - Illinois The public arc respectfully in­ formed that the above named tirni have constantly on hand 4 larire stock of the very Finest Flour, Bolted M$a!, Feed, &c. We have unusual facilities for- Manufacturing and are well pre pared to do Custom Wort With all possible dispatch, an wc arc confident that 110 Mill n the Northwest can surpass us, either in the promptness of work done for customers, or IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY. JBSTlf the old saying be wise that the truth should not at all times he spoken, it is equally true that a lie should never be spoken at all. The best time to speak the truth, .if one must speak, is always, but if there were any preference, we should give it to the time of a political campaign such as the country is now entering upon. In a season when all the tendencies are to reckless statements and insinuation and warm words, let it bo deeply im­ pressed upon the minds of the people that the simple sober truth could never be more acceptable or beneficial- Anybody can spread a campaign slan­ der, but only the strong man is able to keep his temper and truthtullness. • HOUSE FOR SALE. Tiie splendid new, residence in this village, known as the llintou Wheeler place, i*oflered for sale. The houso is one of the best bul 11 in the village, is almost new, has a good barn and out- houses, and is very desirable located.-- W ill be sold cheap aud on reasonable terms. For furtlw r particulars Inquire u-l ihi* wllicti. NUNDA Editor Yin. cent, former jeweler of this place, now of liatavia. paid his friends a short vis­ it last week. Millard ltowley has returned from his Western trip, looking healthy, fat aud "sassy" as ever. lie reports Mac- in good spirits and doing well iu his profession. L. W. Walkup has returned from a business trip to Kansas. The fanners report Oats a good crop but very light to the bushel, not more than 25 pounds. Young Andrews, the agent's brother* has taken Ed. StClair's place in the Depot. It looks like .Vepotisin. Not a few of our people are suffering with the hay fever, Mrs. R. l 'hilips being among the worst. Mrs. Ii. Robinson was in town nil last week aud part of this, working at Dressmaking. S. G. Hatch has sold his Grocery store to Smith Bros., young meu for­ merly of Algonquin. We wish the in success iu their new enterprise. They are strangers to us but have the ap­ pearance of gentlemen. What busi­ ness Hatch will go into, if any, we know not. C. H. Truax, who is in the employ of J. J. Wilson ('o., is again at the home factory to work after three weeks work in the Woodstock, factory. I 'rof. Scott's entertainment, consist­ ing of Laila and the old folks concert, proved a success and was the topic of conversation last. week. There were some t ilings that caused a great deal of dissatisfaction which your correspon­ dent tried to ferrit out but without success. We hope this article, if not true, will cause some one who knows to arise and explain. The company was made up ol children exclusively from this place and a|i of the drilling aud practicing was done in the M. E Church, but the atlair came off at the Did town and it is currently reported that they could not have the Church because iwo little girls dauced before the <^ueeti aud the costumes looked quite theatrical. Still they prepared an^ drilled over and over the same thing there, aud more, the money made out of it was gladly pocketed for the benefit of the Sunday School.-- Some say the Church would not hold the audience but there has been at least 400 iu there according to their own figures. We believe in consisten­ cy but if he is such a fellow as that where is his jewel. If any one who knows will tell tlio facts iu the ease through these columns it woulilstO 'p a ! Sms . 'M- many dam :ging reports against i thti juticty. PERRY & MARTIN'S Lar£o Store is heavily stocked \vUh new and seasonable goods -while it enjoys a most gratifying- trade--is com­ petent to supply other thousands of customers. H'OiW -TSUE-XXIMUE:. TtKmalvC selections of Latest Fashions, and Rest Fabrics in all hVr'Kirf ^ 'V )l°°h an<1 COTT(>N DRESS WOODS. It: SI1AW L.,CLOAkS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, and in PKINTS or extraordinary goodness and cheapness, we are unexcelled. Gen­ tlemen, also, will find here a full stock of Clothing and Underwear, Bouo-ht. with espccial reference to their needs in this line. Jt is f choice invoice and will bear closest inspection. The public tdionld not tail to examine our stock of o BOOTS AND SHOES. This line comprises all stylesand all sizes, and in prices will suit the most rigidly economical. Bear in mind the fact that at this store THE OLD PRICES AUE STILL MAINTAINED. (Jail soon and choose your goods. An examination will prove to you that this is the best place to trade ! Also & Full Line of Family Groceries. McHenry, Nov."25th, 1879. 13>T7 ,C rp l'i!*iiH'«s now l>efore t!in public. l)liO 1. You mm make money faster ;it. work for us than at ;utv;hinp else. Capi'tal not require!. Wo wil fstart voti. ii d:iy an<l upwards m:uI« at home l>v the industri­ ous, Men, women, hoys and jrirls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now i.-i the tunc You devote your whole time to the work, or only your s)iiire moments. No other hum- will pay you nearly <«s well. No one willing to work ran fail to make enormous pay hv engaging at once. "Costly outllt, and terms tree. A great opportunity for making money easily mid honorably. Address Tkij & Co., Augusta, Maine. PERRY & tyARTIN. ^"MERCHANTS and others who handle Flour are especially requested to give us a call, as our different Brands of Flour are second to none in the market. • Thanking the public for past favors we hope for a continuance of the same. A. H. HANLY & SONS. McHenry, III., Aug. 10, 1880. WAUCONDA P E O P L E ! ! We want to tell you a little story: Three years ai^o we INTRODUCED The celebrated American Eagle Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco into this section. For two years no one else kept it. Our sales of it incroased over tvveuty fold.-- Other dealers were COMPELLED To acknowledge its merit and now keep it and recommend it. We worked hard to introduce a REALLY FIRST GLASS Fine Cut Tobacco here and are pretty proud of our success. We guaranteo this Tobacco fully equal to any in the marKet, no matter what the pricc. We have made a special arrangement with the manufacturers Agent and will hereafter sell this Tobacco At a Price that wi Please You. All tho Novelties and Staples for Smokers and Chewcrs can be found at the Wauconda Drug Store aikl Book Haunt. Call and see me. F. B. HARRISON. REDUCED PRICE, Tu ent v.five cents will now bu v a fifty eont bottle ot Piso's Ou;e for Con- Mi nipt ion. Thus the best COtMjII med- W'ine is tho CHEAPEST. Sold every, where. SURE CURE Coughs, Colds, Hore Tliroat, Bron­ chitis, Asthma, Consumption, And All DUeaaea of THROAT aud LXISG9. Pat tip In Quart-Size Bottles for Family Use. Scient'ficnlly prepared of Balsam Toln, Crystallised Rock Candy, Old Rye, and other tonics. The Formula to known to our best physicians, is highly commended by them, and tlio analysis of our most prominent chemist. Prof. G. A. MA1UNKR, in Chicago, is on the label of every bottle. It*is well l tknown to the medical profession that TOLU ROCK, and RYK will affurd the greatest relief for Coughs, Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis, Bore Throat, Weak Lungs, also Consumption, in the in­ cipient and advanced stages. Used as a HKVKKAGK and APPETIZER,it makesa delightful tonic for family use. Is pleasant to take ; if weak or debilitated, it Rives tone, activity and strength to the wholo human fr;»me. D0NT BE DECEIVED^ M I " " • hy unprincipled deal­ er* who t ry to lmlni off upo" you Hock and Kye in plac.) of our TO MI HOCK ANI> ltYK. which la the only nu'dicatfd article made, th* hav­ ing a UOVKKNMKNT STAMP on each bottle. X.AWKEXfE «fc MAKTIX, Proprietors, 111 MIIUIMIII Street, Chlcatfu. ) nr Aik your Uiiiinil»t for It! |ir- Aik your (iroerr for It! ; Auk your Wine Mi-rcliant fnr It! tV Children, n»k your .Mnmmu Tor Itl nrsold by DKKiOISTS, OROOFJU t WINE MERCHANTS everywhere. fjggl jpSsa pTT "|7 C kin-Is. Tumors, ilisctiai -I 1 -res »f Itlooil oriniM-oits, iiii.I all 'ii coast's of the lU'ctum (juifkly ami nurfV-ctly rnrt'd !>ya simple ainl snoUiiiijr remril y. Km form lit lor. address 1>U. J.KAHEll & CO 23 Ann St., N. Y. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINK TRADE MARK. Tbo Great Eogttah TRADE MARK. !^M|. Rpniedy; An T*B}, . . wi unfailing cure for TTcak» dsm, Spermator* rbea, Tmpotency, Dad all diseases thai follow as a se­ quence of Self* Rcfore Tnlilnif. Abuse; as of After Taking. Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pain In the Hrse1.;. Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, find mnoy other IXseasos that lead to Insanity or Ooosunipiloa, nnd a Premature Grave. rr Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire to •end free by mail to every one. CTTte Specific Medicine li •old by all druggints at $1 per package, or six packages for fft, or will b* Mot free by mall od receipt of Uie money by addftfMlos THE Git AY JIKDICISE CO., Kacauiic 'S BLOCS, DBTBMT, Ifiea. 3ol<] in McHenry, and every where by all Dnisrtriets. ao'K ^ E D S j|3 l i l l IS A THOROUGH ""REMEDY In ovnrv ease of Mil iri il Favor or Fever Jiit'l Aiiuo, while for «i!*or<|<trs of tlio Stomach Toi fi <lity of the I.iycr, Indirection tad di*, tiirliaiH-tn of th'i ani'in tl forciM. which deliili- titlc, itlias mi i' -lit, :m I "..tu lilvo 110 >11 Ik -I ilu t l ! . It should not l>(! <M>u foil iv led u il li tnturated cion»]M>uii<lM of olioap spirits and <'-tsenli:ii oil.4, olten »old,uiidu!' tlic nuuic of liiiters. Ti)!tS.VI,K I?Y l)ru^2'3t3, Cirui'cr-i an I Wino Meixhanta cur) vvluio Special Town Meeting. W1IKUKAS tin Supervisor and Cominis. nionera of Highways together with twen- tv-live (2a) freeholders of the .Town of 3lc- llenvv have in writing tiled in my ollice a istiiteiiiOiit tliiit a special Town Meeting is necessary for the interests of said Town, Setting forth lliu object of said meeting--The legal voters and electors of said Town of Mc­ Henry are therefore hereby notilied that a Special Town Meeting will be held in the Oonneil Rooms of the Village of McHenry 011 the 11th day of August. 18S0, to commence be­ tween the hours of 8 and !i o'clock A. M. for the following purpose, viz.: To vote on the proposition "To lure money to build a Bridge across Fox Kiver," that being the object con­ tained in said statement tiled in mv olHce. (iliveii under tuj hand at McHenry, IU., this 24 day of August, A. D., 18311. C. H. MOitul*. Town Clerk. The On'y ! ii j- ~ Life of ««.V. OAliFIELD. By Col. Rasseii H. Con well, Author of Life of R. Ii. ITayen, Life of B. Taylor WITH AIRMFHONRCTIOIR bt Mark Hopkins, D. D„ L. L. O. Ex-PreAdent of William* College.: Tbls bonk is elegantly illnstr&tiv!' Two *i t l7^ ror t, ra i t s; ncar ly IWpHges; price $1.75. This work romprises the biographT public services, and private papers of Gen' <i*rfleld, with his letter of ficceptance Re" publican platform, statistical facts an'l llirl 11 res for every Republican voter, and present* a complete and thorough digestof the reasons why the Republican party should still be trusted with the government of this prosper­ ous Nation. The author has gathered his material for this work right 'from headquar­ ters-) lie General's own home, relatives and family,--ami has had free access to all the mate r i a l neces sa ry t o p roduce t he on ly auth­ entic and official life of Gen. (i;irftcld. ..?'*K' 1'ook " contain a sketch' of the life ot Gen. Chester A. Arthur. rhe introduction is written bv that veners- I I a ' l> c c 8cholar» Mark Hopkins, D. D. ,,A*P"' t s.1wiL1 1f t th i s best campaign lwok in the lleld. Outfits are Now Ready for lAgents. AGENTS WANTED nSo. , ,iL?°^ f".11 Particulars and be convinced tnat fchii- is tho tno^t sAlcble lM><>k in the mar- kct^ ojvto sav<; thno, $1 for agent's out- Jit of the book» aiwi state your choice of terri- tary. Address J- FAIRBANKS St, CO. Chicago, 111 Hurrah For II. Maiman -NEW STOCK OP-- o LOTBisra The largest ever} brought ' to this part of the country. worth just received of the latest st.vle»an<( most elegant patterns. Iftta now able to suit in prices, quality and lit.-- Also Boots & Shoes, Hats! & Caps, (Jehts Furnishing Goods and IMcc Goods, the most, fashionable suitings ever brought to thi» section ami the prices lower than the lowest. Coats, I'ants, Vests-or entire suits on short notice and (HI the most reasonable terms.-- Goods Fits guaranteed and all work war­ ranted. Mrs. H. Maiman, Has just received a largo stock of Laties Faslioiialile Millinery Goods and Novelties. Hats trimmed in th< latcsc styles at prices witiiin the reach odadi. SEWTXG MACHINES of all- Itindn. in which our specialit ies are Kldredge, Ifcmiesl tic, New Home. American and Sanger Sew- ing Machiue Attachments and N-uedles ti al­ ia mis. Will sell as low as any establishment in tfie comity. Cull and exaniino Our stock and learn prices. H. MAIMAN, Proprietor. Wauconda, III. New Headquarters, LAUER & BECKER, the Depot M c H e n r y - - - - - I l l i n o i s * GOODS AND PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Having moved our store to the Lansing lll-'ck, dirertlv opposite onr old stand, our »r- riingemciits for the Spt ing and Hummer cam­ paign are fully comple­ ted. Our plans to serve our custcniers conveni­ ently, and our ?tock of Goods, in quality, quan­ tity, variety anil cheap­ ness, surpass anything over before shown in McHenry. Our ^ toe k sf Spring & Snmer Suitings. Comprises the latest styles, and we are prc- pared to make singlo garments or full suits on short notice and guaran­ tee satisfaction. f Wo a 1 so J have a full , ne of FURNISHING GOODS Collars, Cuff's. Suspenders, Hosiery, HATS, CAPS, &c. in which we will not bo undersold, quality of goods considered. * Jtj'lf in want of any thing in our line do not ail to give us a call and we will try to.pleaso ^ ou both in quality and pricc. LAUER A BECKER. For Sale. In the village of Ringwootl, a IIouso^ liarn, and seven acres of Laud, known as the Lester place. On the place is plenty of Fruit, consisting ot Apples, l 'eara, Cherries, »fcc. Good Well ot Water. The house has eight rooms, and is in good repair. Will sell for cash or on time if desired. For further particulars inquire of Wksi.kv Laud. Itixotvoon, Nov. pith. Thousands s Farmers, AUE BEADING, AND Hundreds of ARE ENDORSING, In the Strongest Terms AS TITS » fctba noil accantf, complete* THE /y CLssJ^/7 and careful­ ly edited pft- per of lU published. Gi THE EVERFRESH Interesting, SOLID^% AND //^ NEAT #6,000 AGENTS# WiiitfTSTn TO ^KLI, 1 <•) KliW IM.. WMi!fl I LU TK.NTS. Kvkuvwhkim.'. ^••yOsii* Agent in two days :*M • 'other. in one d;iy. THY IT. ® Stuf jyrr.c.; df 'i own or County. .-Dd 0 ct.i. for '. '00 Jii-.i-es. Ma-, EPiiKAif.l BfiOWN, Lowell, Mus.W' « r ' / Fie. DAILY, . _ Semi- Weekly and mckbJ - - , ^ ' t s ,! lA- t>s tilled wltU mailer r / tilling to livestock and kindred / inWrc.sU, |Top.ired with th© utmoct - nnd fystyn;aU^ ally arranged# Lvcry )>raooh of the live-stork btul* • s nlt^ntion, im-ludinjf CMT- SwiXR. SlIKEP, F(»l'LTir» Die VV»*eklv W }nHnUfd on tiotad p .• p-r nn lanri', fd.ou tyi«?, and »hows i» every tU' and tkiil of ihoae tboroofhlv ^qua nted with Ifl.-ir w»»rk. .SA\V/> M/: SAMPI.E COPIES. Subscription, $2.00 per YSKT, STOCK YAKDS, CHICAGO, ILL. !-3 c-... •> > r j uunrti'j n:al af the Weekly

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