Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1880, p. 4

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1TKDNESDAY, AtJGUST 25, 18S0. jr. VAN SLYTC10, K«litor OUR CANDIDATES. AXIAfit tit*, Astcxmdin* Development The AlfyfeliY MANN, THE KANE COUNTY TllICKSTKK, THEY AltlS ATTEMPTING TO put mchenby '-eoifirrr ,:..M THEIR POCKET. Voters of McH&nry County Shall they Succeed (Congressional Convention. .; The Republican voters of the several conn- comprising the Fourth Congressional dis- %lict ot Illinois are t-eqiiestc-l to send dele­ gates to a Republican ̂ strict Corn er tion, to * be held in Elgin on the 2nd day ofScp'pnibsr, I860, at 1 o'clock p. iii., for the purpose of nominating a cnmiidittc for member of the V fewer Horn* of Congress, and a .candidate for member of state Board of Equalization, to be • •Snpported at the general election in Novem­ ber «e.\t, and for .'transacting such other • >trasiness as shall properly come lie fore said Convention. The basis of representation will be the vote cast for Republic.™ Presidential doctors of 187fi, and the ratio will be one dele- , gate for every four hmjrtred votes, nnd one «l*legate additional for each fraction of two htondred or over, so cast. Under the appor­ tionment, the representation In said conven­ tion will bean follows: Kmc 5,SfH votes.; WMeleimtes Winnebago..4,.V>5 votes 11 delegates I**K»tb.,....3,G7!> votes 9 delegates lleHenry....8,465 votes 9 < ..^l,y<'S votes 5 delegates The committee recommend? that the county . inventions for the election of delegates be on a uniform day, and suggests the 28th ~ day of Augut t, 1880, far such conventions. II. F. T1AT?ct.AV, A. O. Ki'vrropn, CltA.«. KKLI.T'V, J. R. Bais'TICK, J, UREKK1.KE, Elgin, July 19, l^Sf. Committee. Republican County Convention ' The Republican voters of Mcllenry county _ ®re requested to send delegates to the Re- -poblican County Con vent in , to be he to at til* Court House in Woodstock, Wednesday .September 1, 1880. at one o'clock p. M.. for the . purpose of selecting nine delegates to repre- ^ Sent McHenry County at the District i!on- .^1 ,i-ess:onal Convention to "be held at Elgin, •fs feptembor 2d, to nominate a candidate for »«S» ingress for this District and a Member of <M». • State Board of Equalization; and eelect- delegates to represent McTTenrv county r in 1 hp Senatorial and Representative Con- - fnp-tlon to nominate candidates for the I,eg- fc'slat ure: also for pntting in nomination can- " <|^s,tes for the offices of Clerk of the Circuit .ISB1""'-Skates Attorney, Sheriff and Coroner nry county, an<l for the transaction , «nf mk-Ti "ther business n= may properly come - hefnte the Convention. The" several towns - *rilWie represented as follow®: After going to press,to-day we learn tnrtt the Rinjr and machine politicians of th^s District have been at work for some days, and are now about to spring upon lite voters of this county a trick that for political rascality is only' equaled by the noted Lord Convention in Kane county tour years ago. The tacts as we understand them are these. Mannyof Elgin, having been Ignoinilii- ously defeated iu Kane, having carried but one towrt as against Hon. John C. Sherwin, oh Tuesday appeared in Woodstock and after being closeted \viih the machine politicians of that city all da v. it all at once comes to the surface that Judge B. N". Smith is a candidate for Congress, and the Ring- sters are shouting themselves hoarse in his behalf. Sow the question naturally arises, will the Republican voters of McHenry Countj' allow themselves to be thus gobbled up by a few unprincipled pol­ iticians, whose only aim is to get themselves into power by nominating a man they can use for their owu pri­ vate ends. Thej'have all along outwardly fa­ vored the re-nomination of Mr. Sher­ win. and now, just on the eve of the pri maries, when they tliiuk there is no time to counteract their devilish acts, attempt to capture the county by pure cheek. Voters, be on your guard. Hon. John C.Sherwiuhas represented you hon­ estly arid well, and shall lie now be set aside to make room for a set of polit­ ical cut-throats, whose only ambition is to get their hands again into the pub­ lic crib to fill their own pockets. Attend your primaries on Saturday nest and vote and work in the interest of tlie people and not the Ring. OFFicRits to bk Dominated. • We received a communication uiuler the above heading, but the late hour which it eame to hand makes it impos­ sible for us to publish only the follow­ ing paragraphs: * For State Senator, we hear of no one but the Hon. M. L. Joslyn who has tilled that position for the last lour years, with credit to himself and to the honor and pecuniary interest of his constituents. He was largely instru­ mental in defeating maniinoth appro­ priation bills, in ou.t Legislature, which were unnecessary, and would, If passed, have drawn heavily upon the tax pay­ ers of the State. Let Senator Joslyn be re-elected. For Representative, the O. C. Digglns appears to be tlie coming inan. We have known Mr. Digging for many years, and believe he would represent us in the lower house of our State Leg­ islature with much efficiency,ever look­ ing to the best interests of his imme­ diate constituents, and the ^welfare of the whole State. For Circuit Clerk, E. E. Richards seems to have no opposition. He lias made us a No. 1 officer for the past four years, and has covered into tlie County Treasury, during his term of office, hundreds of dollars, ot his fees for official services This is something none of'his predecessors did. For State's Attorney, the Hon. I. R. Curtiss appears to have no competitor. Ira is a good lawyer, is very careful and correct in the drawing of his offi cia'l papers, and we believe he lias made no errors whereby criminals have been permitted to escape justice. We cannot do better than to let Mr.Curtiss have the Office another term. The Fall Campaign AT VOLO, LAKE CO.. ILL, 3000 YARDS PRINTS Fast Colors just received at the Low and Popular Price , if K The Old Ifaliable Store. «'vi •,* A VIGOROUS •H,-.; m-, <*• The Only "3 D? OFFICIII L i f e o f , v 4 & Cents pei* We have also the finest Col­ lection of User ill and Ornamental Articles at tfareLow Price of 5 Cents Gall and see them. H. ROGERS* III,, Aug. 17th, 1880, AND SUMMER CAMPAIGN PERRY & MARTIN'S Large Store is heavily stocked wi*h new and seasonable goods -while it enjoys a most gratifying trade--is com­ petent to supply other thousands of oustomers. xrow xs th: (jffiw. GARFIE1 By Col. Russell H. Con well* Author o/ Life of RfM. Hayes, JAfeof B. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BT Mark Hopkins, D. D.* L, L. D. Ex-I*rex\derU of Williams College.* This book! is'Jelegantly illustrated ;£Two Steel Plate Portraits; nearly 400 pages; prkw ifl.75. This work comprises the biography, public, services, and private pupers of Gpn. Giirfleld, with his letter of acceptance, ttc- stativSticnl facts and ll|r« nres fbr every Ke|>ublican voter, and present* a complete and thorough digest of t Ito reasons why th» Republican party should »till be trusted with the government of tl>is prosper­ ous Nation. I'he author has gathered his material foi this work right from hea<l»tuj»r- ters-- the General's own home, relatives apd family,--and has had froe nccess to all the material neeessary to proituce the only atttfa> e'^jc and lite of Gen. (iarfleld. l,0°k "'ill also contain a sketch ol tike' life of Gen. Chester A. Arthur. , i The introduction is written hv ttiat venertl. r LO olasaio 8Ch°la«", Mark Hopkins, D. D. Agents will find this the beat campaign book in tho Held. Outfits are Now Ready for Agents. AGENTS WANTED Send for full particular1* and be convinced that thie is tho most salebletbook ill tho mar. ket, or, to save time, send $1 for agent's out. tit o£ tho book, and state your choice of terrU *otjr. ' Atldross Stylish and durable hats? for men and boys for sale on reasonable terms at Fitzsioimoiis & Evausons. Don't forget that Walker Fitzsimmons & Evanson . are agents lor Mcllenry. Boot, sole Ready For Fall Trade. - Cfc J- Al-I' Hene lleT. go ....... V>TrtR-,TVJ ....... . rS«efv>i,Tig ' >!'•'" . . . ... . wen Hhoral.^......... IJmftou. 6 Porr.... .is W Oreenwwd 7 7 Hebron 10 ...;S1 Richmond ...........12 8 'Rnrton 1 MdHentjr... 8 ?«unda V...11 Algonquin .... 9 nrv....*.i.. ....11 inm..;,.......lf> 1 .tw •^•wiwiwnt to instructions passeM by th« ncprulin Convention, the commit- • tee r/tei«rimciidff t!u»t the Rcpnblican voters -of the fcevei-al towns hol<l their primary * torthc election of delegates on J*at- ~WBrdUlj^3ik.agnat 28tb, at 2 o'clock p. v. fi. «. SnrTltWOBTH, J. P. P*W'<)TK, • A. W. Voi NO, County Committee have jost learned that Capt. iOluifi. n.frton han announced liim^elf . « candichite for the Legislature. Capt. rTryuMi S4sone of the stauoeheat Re­ publicans in Mcllenry county, and siiould he . receive the nomination would be-^ieeted tiy a large majority over any-Candidate who could"b# nom­ inated against him, (6?-Alabama gave.7.5.000 majority to •he ItewKU'racy at her recent State election, Vfe have not compared the immberot votes cast with the census retwrns,-'t«>•ascertain how much it is in excess -of the munber of men and women unfl-children residing in that IVmoerat'ic stronghold, for ff>ar of flanntWtgrthe "bloodv sliirt." We are satisfied that slie will do her whole duty ip> * sovereign state of the "Solid SoiltlC |@r6eneral Garfield's trip to Xew York was a -series of gram! ovations. AU>ng his whole route he was receivedi hv the hard liandeij men of toil, of which he fs »o fitting an embodiment with demonstrations of admiration and respect. Tie has learned to honor and inspect labor by the hardening i>f his own hands., *and lifted by education from tlie low level of obscure poverty he would deny to none the opportu­ nities which lie enjoyed. TIiq lever which raised him lie would have others nse.nntil all the people shall be raised MfcA high standard of thought and vir- tue. HON. JOHN I!. SHERWIN. Tlie latest advices from Kane Coun- ! ty, wiiose primaries have nearlj* all ! been held, indicate that Mr. Siierwin will be the unanimous choice of that county for member of Congress from tliis District. The trickster, Mann, of Elgin,it U said, threw his money yito every town in the county in the hope ] of turning the tide in his favor, but the people knew hiin* and his record too well, ami the result wras an easy triumph for Hon. John C. Siierwin. In this County Mr. Sherwin seems to have a clear field, and wg do not be­ lieve the people can "9o better. He lias made a good record, botli as a sol­ dier and in Congress, and his efficiency most grow more potent with time and experience. He is a man whom we can trust in every emergency, and he has no taint of the Ring upon his gar­ ments. He is eminently a man of the people, and by them will be re-elected to Congress by one of the largest ma­ jorities ever given in this District. As the primaries are to be held in this county on Saturday next, it may not be out. of place to caution the Re­ publicans in the diflerent towns to be on their guard. We have in our possession reliable information that letters have been written Jo every town in the co,unty. to some one who they think they can use. by parties who are secretly opposing Mr. Siierwin. advising them to oppose insttucting their delegates to the County Conven­ tion. This is another trick of an old political bummer, who hopes by soma trick to get control of tlie delegation to the Congressional Convention, and use it for his own advnncernent. And what is more strange this old worn out politician does not make this cheeky request from those who were his former political friends, but has sought out those who were his most bittur oppo­ nents, and asks them to do the same | dirty work that he so loudly con-1 detuned in times gone by. Ami that ' in many instances they will attempt to ! do it we have no doubt, and we warn j the people in the diflerent towns to be i on their guard. An honest square ex- ! pression of the people at the Primaries j is what we hope to see. and we have I no fear of tlie r?sult. ! A. H. HANLY & SONS, -- PROPRIETORS OF THE- McHENRY BRICK MILLS. NEAR THE DEPOT. 'McHenry, - Illinois To make selections of Latest Fashions, and Best Fabrics in all kinds of SILK, WOOL and OTTON DRESS SrOODS. Ir SHAWLS , LOAKS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, and in PRINTS, ot extraordinary goodness and che&priess, we are unexcelled. Gen­ tlemen, also, will find here a full §tock of Clothing and Underwear, Bought with especial reference to their needs in this line. It is p choice invoice and will bear closest inspection. The public should not fail to examine our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. Hurrdh For H. Maiman --XEW STOCK OF-- just put in hia Store a Larger Stock than ever, and is sellinjr at the very Lowest Prices possible. HAVE GIVEN PRICES BELOW. Extension Tables, $1. per foot. Breakfast Tables, all wulfiut, $3.75. Centre Tables, from and upwards. Common Bed­ steads, $2.75, $3.00 French black walnut bedsteads, $5.75 and upwards. Common Kitchen Chairs, $3. Cane Seat Chairs, $5 up to $14, Bureaus $J1 and upwards. Commodes and Wash- stands, $4.50 and upwaids. Lounges, Brussels -Carpet, $8. Mattresses, all sizes, $2.75. Bu­ reau, with 14x2-4 Glass, $15. Lookinsr Glasses and Brackets, Wall Pockets, etc. I also keep on band a fine as­ sortment of COFFINS AND CASKETS. The public are respectfully in formed that the above named firm have constantly on hand large stock of the very Finest Flour, Bolted Meal, Feed, &c. "We have unusual facilities for- Manufiicturing and are well pre pared to do Mm Wort With all possible dispatch, and we are confident that no Mill in the Northwest can surpass us, either in the promptness ot work done for customers, or jJ^lPHearse furnished at sonabie rates. rea- JOHN B. BLAKE. McHenry, August 23, 1880. Hie visitors 'at the numerous w :iterlng places nloug the shores of ^ otk Bay, have reeeiwrty been gr^a^y disturbed and excited at the appearance of large schools of sharks. 8o troublesome have become these roofister- of the deep that it lias great­ ly Interfered with bathing ami fishing. 1'he appenrauce of «o many of these fi«h so near the city is regarded ns al­ most a phenomenon. The Lord knows that there pit abundance of human sharks in that j:r at Democratic centre, which is always prepared to furnish a? Thrge a majority as the emergency de­ mands. It may be that these repre­ sentatives of the inhabitants of the sea have b«*«»M invoked by their hmyan prototypes, and surrounding the Ul'und home of the party candidate * furnish him a sort of body guard to assist in tlie boottf. Tlie sailors say hmv- ewt that sharks will follow a ship for days and weeks, sometimes, whet, there 1* si.cKJiesiLiiii iMutrtlt watting for a man to Imp thrown overboard, is it not j»os- JsjMo that they are in search of such food at t his i i in Xew York Haruor? Ti«»y jfcneniily make sure of t!iT»ir game aid there is no doubt that great man *« ill soon be thrown over- hoard in that vicinity, and'tlie sharks may have iiiin for all wo cave. From the Etgin A'lvocate. Tlie Congressional question, (we will not digrfify it by calling it a con­ test) is substantially settled, so far as this county is concerned. The follow­ ing towns have chosen delegates; Au­ rora. 25; St. Charles. 7; Big Rock, 3; Kaneville, 3; Virgil. 4; making 42 votes for John C, Siierwin. Nijie more is a majority of the Convention. There remains only one tiling in doubt, and that is, can Matin carry a town in tlie county? He seems to be making a; desperate struggle with that end in j view. At the St, Charles and Virgil caucuses, his money mad* him a few, active workers, but without avail. ! Last week the Blackberry caucus was i '•sprung'* upon Slierwm's friends, and i the result was a tie. but a new trial i will he had in a few days,' and little doiibt exists but that the delegates will be lor Siierwin. \Ve predicted, three or four weeks ago, that Mr. Mann had "no siiow." His best friends ad­ vised hi in to keep out. but he "persisted | i» entering' the race, and taking with ; him what few friends lie could, only to lr.oet what nearly all but himself fore­ saw, defeat. It is not probable that will get a town, except Elgin. It be presumed however that he will PennancQtl7 cares LIVER COSVSPLABNT8, DISEASES, CONSTIPATION and PILES. DR. n. n. CLARK, Booth Hero, Vt., MTS "la wm of KIDNEY TROUm.CS ltho* aclcd Uto« kktrn. It bai>cured mmny very bad ea'-catfi'ILEI, tad It ha* never fulled to act4*£2p|ently.n E. M. f t:TTON, of r.TirMnctoti, «uy% "A» Imrljorator it Is wlihout m equal I bm It to pre- Tent un<1 (.ire an<l all Miltons •ttscks." SELiCS r.U2C!IIL3, cf Bt. A'.iaiin, Vt., uri, prlteliKUvcluc. Af!crslirtccn jrcaraofgreat wmCertnz from IT.e« and ConttveneM It completely •crril m<'," C. s. KOCADOX, «fr.erl«hli*, MIT". »*ek. has <laue voii.lcr* for inc ta completely wrl>4• •evure Ltrer nd Kldicf C#«vUlit.* IT HAS MNV A WONDERFUL J I POWER. This line comprises nil stylesniul all sizes, and in prices will suit the most rigidly economioul. " liear in mind the facttlmt at this store THE OLD PU'l ESAIU; STILL MAINTAINED, (iill soon and choose your "roods. An examination will prove to you that this is the best place to trade Also a, Full Line of Family Groceries. C L O T H I X T G The largest ever j brought to this 'part of the country. sSHHH) worth just received ot tho est styles ami most elegant patterns. I sin now able to suit In prices-, quality aud Jit.-- Also Boots A Shoes, Hats & Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods a»<l Ple«*e Goods, >M»e most fasluonahle suitings ever brought to ihiit section ami tlie prices lowor than the lowe»t. Coats, Pants, Vests or entire suits on short notice ami on the most reasonable terms.-- Goods Fits guaranteed and all work war­ ranted. Mrs. H. IVfaiman, Has just received a large atoek of Late FasMonabte Millinery Goods and Novelties. Hats trimmed in tht latesc styles at prices within the reach of all. PERRY & McHenry, Nov. 25th, 1879. MARTIN. O'T' liusinoMs. now before the public. JL You can make o>oney faster work tor 11s than at nay.hiiifr else. Capital not rei|uired. We will'start you. if 1*2 « day and unwnvds laado at home by tlie industri­ ous, Men, women, boys ami girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the tunc You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. No other" busi­ ness will pay .von nearly as well. No one willing to work can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. A greatopportunity for making money easily and honorably. Address Tki; &Co., Augusta, Maine. IN QUA Z< OR QUALITY. ^"MERCHANTS and others who handle Flour are especially requested to give us a call, as our different Brands of Flour are second to none in the market. Thanking the^public for past favors we hope for a continuance of the same. A. H. HANLY & SONS. McHenry, 111., Aug. 10,1880. WAUCONDA PEOPLE ! ! We want to tell you .a little story: Three years ago we INTRODUCED The celebrated American Eagle Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco into this section. For two years no one else kept it. Our sales of it increased over twenty fold.-- Othei dealers were COMPELLED REDUCED PRICE. Twenty.five cents will now bnv a fifty cent bottle of I'iso's Ouie for Con­ sumption. Thus the best COUGH med. icine is the CHEAPEST. Sold every, where. SURE CURE Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron­ chitis, Asthma, Consumption, Aad All Diseases of THROAT sad I.l:SOSk Put up In Qasrt-Slse Bottles for Family Ub®. Sclent'flc'i Uy prepared of Balaam Tola, Cryntnlllied Rock Candy, Old Hye, and other tonic*. The Formula ts known to our host physicians, t< highly commended br them, and t!ie analysis of our most prominent anemiftt, Prof. G A. MAR1NKR, in Ohicnjfo, is on the label of every b'lttlo. It i» wrII known to the nifdical profession that TOUT HOCK and RY1C will afford tlie grantCHt relief for Couglm, Colds, lntlii"iiia, Bronchitis, Borv Throat, Wpak bunKs, alio Consumption, in the In­cipient and advanced stncf*. Uned a* a liK V K R A< • K and makes » dsllghtful tmii- for family use. I* pleasant to take; IS weak or deiitlitatod, it gives tons, aoUrity and strength to tho wholo huuian tr*mo. '/I A TTrilfOONT BE DECEIVED* U by tinprinciple<1 deal-/C A u crs wl I )»lncn % the oi \ing a who try to palm off upon you Knek nnd Ry© in of our TOIjII ROi:K ANDUVIC, whifhls only meilfcHtetl nrtli-le nia<l«Jh* genuine h»v- - iii ' ) , GOVICUN'MKNT STAMP on each bottl*. LAWBESCE a M.VRT1X, l*r»prlet«r% 111 llutlUon Mti-ect, Cklcaso. P=A Auk your for It! ,%>k your liron-r for I t ! Auk. your W i n e M«-r<'h;int for UI CUlldren, aik your Uaiana for lit M-8ald by nRlT.dlHTS, OROCEBI a WKKJS MCKCtiAM'l'M crorywliers. BKCATTf»E IT IRTIiC OXT.TME»I€INE THAT Acts ON T:::: I.IVI:iu bowtls A?TX> cidnets ATTIIE SASE TISin. Kccauae It elennw* the wMrsyrtnusfllK iiitan •aobumora that oth<Twlnc<V.'Yrlope InIllHlouwnr --, 1 aandlec, Can»tlpu!'on, Elilncy and I'rlnary dls* ci»ra,or nhon::>aflnm and I.umbn.^o, and which la wnrarn, <U»or<lcr every fraction sad brine «J» weak. •CM SlddlWMO. If yon went to be well In aplteof yonraclf, aae ICTD- JiKV-WOKT. It Is a dry Tcsctable coaapmad. aad Om package trill make six qnarta of XedlciM. Bay It mt tin To acknowledge j now keep it and its merit and reeoinmend it. to introduce a retire, before the time comes toelioose delegates from this towu. AGENTS WANTED. I.1FU A XI) AI>Vr.X'jTKES OK FRANK AND JESSE JAMES, THE K0TED WE8T£HN OUTLAWS. \ By Hon..I. A. I>^r" n, Ph. D. A true ami lliri'lliii)f :(.ccni nt, (IH'istiMteil) of t'n'ir lxtI<t , operation* for it-, yeav.- in -JO Oiffereiu states aii<l Tervilor.'e*, oanlinj; 'ieUtMives am! ofli '4*ials of the l:ttv. I test Sellinir Hook of the j cur.. • lo.trtw stil.i in tiuve n:ii:iihs. 50 cent* i i'oroutiit; $1..V1 i'or su;nple e.opv. 1.liberal terms I to AjfentH. N,I>. THOU I'StJX & CO,, Pub. Ushers, &Ui Pipe 6t..St. Louis, BlUsouri. We worked hard REALLY FIRST CLASS Fine Cut Tobacco here and are pretty proud of our success. We guarantee this Tobacco fully equal to any in the inaruet, no matter what the price. We have made a special arrangement with the manufacturers Agent and will hereafter sell this Tobacco At a Price that wi Please You. All the Novelties and Staples for Smokers and Chewers Jean be found at the Wauconda Drug Store and Book Haunt. Call and see me, ; F. B. HARRISON.1 e d g e IS A THOilOUCHSREMEDY I,»evflrtc,me of Miliri-il Kever or Fever aii'i \.^iK while for.lisor.iers of the r>toin.u h T'.rj'i ilitv of the I.tver, Iiniiseation tn.l tnrlMiieea o" " (lis tlie mim »i fore.Fi. which <io!>ili- t:ite, illia.-t no <• | Hivnient, !tn I r:in Irive no sin>«i;tn ve. It should . not conto«n<te«l w il h tvinir.ite l ei!ii]i )iii)'ls of ",l,'nt^ an<l et«entitti oils, oiten sold ttudor the name of Bitters. . „ FOR SALK TtY „ Druggists,! Grocers and Wind MoKcfcWltS • ' BTorywiiwe^ PTI" "P'C Of all kinds. Tumors, disehat JL jcesof Blooil or mucous, and nil '.lisenses of the Heetuin quickly and nerfeetl* cured by a sininle and soothing' remedy. For formatior. address OK. J.FAltfiK &• CO. 2J Ann St., X..Y. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK. T1m oreatKntnsh TRA0E MARK. Remedy; An aofnlling cure fftr ^ Seminal new, Spernttor- rhp», 1ntpotcoey« tod alt dlseaset that follow mam* qnence of 8elf«" Refore Taklntr. Abuse; aalxw* or After Taking. Mcmorr, Uolvernat l.aoitude. Palo in tbe Back. Dimneia ot Vision, Premature Old Age. and many other Diseases that lead tolnaaoitj or Consumption, and a Premature Grave. (E7"Kull particulars In our pamphlet, which we deaire I* •end free by mall to every one. CCTThe Specific Medicine Is oolil by all druggists at |1 per package, or si* packages tor IB, or will be sent free by mall on receipt of Ui* ssooey by •ddnuloc THE GBAY MEDICI5K CO., Mkswic's Bun, Dmaon, Mm. Sold in JleLIcnry, and every where by all Drinrifi^t». Special Town Meeting. VI7UKRKAS the Supervisor and Com in l»- W sioners.of lliffhways together with twen- ty-iive (20) freeholders of the Town ol Al«- llenry have in v. ritiiiK H'ed in inv oilice a stnteinent that ft special Town Meeting is neeessarv for the interests of said town, Setting forth the object of said meeting-- J ',e legal voters and electors of said Town ot M< - lienrv are therefore hereby notiiled that a Special Town Meeting will bo he Id in the Council Rooms of the Village of Mcllenry on the Hth <l»v of August, lHHO. to comment be- tween the oi 8 and 9 o clock A. t> r the follciwing iturjiose, viz.: lo vote <•" uronosition "To hire monev to lnuhi a lii U Across Fox River," that the object con­ tained in said statement tiled in ny ofllce Given under mj hand at McHenry, 111., this 2d day of Augu-t^A. U^WSa ^ clerk SEWIXG MACHINES* of nil In which our specialities are Kldredge, Oome*l tic, New Home, American nud Singer . "iew« ing Machine Attachments and Needlos of *1. kinds. - Will sell as low as any establishment in the county. Call and examine our #to®k and learn prices. H. MAIMAN, Proprietor. Wauconda, III. New Headquarters, LAUER & BECKER, Near the Depot McHenry - - - » • lSlinol#» GOODS AND PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Having moved onr store to tlie Lansing Bl'»ck, directly opposite our old stan«l, onr ar. rangenients for the Spring and Summer cam- ))Hign are tully comple- ted. Onr plans to servo our customers conveni. entlv, and our Stork of Goods, in quality, quan. tity, variety and cheap, ness, surpa's^ anything over before shown in McHenry. Our fctook of SpriEj & SiHsr Suitings. Comprises the latest stvles, and we are pro. pared to make single garments or full suits on short notice and guaran. tee satisfaction. f We alsoj have » full j.ine of FURNISHING GOODS Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders, Hosiery, HATS, CAPS, &C. in wliicli we will not be undersold, quality of goods considered. Wlf in want of anything in our line do not fail to give us a call and we will try to^plMM you both in quality and price. LAUER A BIOKIR. For Sale. ' In the village of Riiigwood. a House, Barn, and seven acres of Land, known as the Lester place. Ou the place is plenty of Fruit, consisting ol Apple?* Pears. Cherries, Ac. Good Well oi Water. The house has eight rooms, and is in good repair. Will sell for cash or on time if desired. For further particulars inqiiire^of Riviwoon, Nov. lith. is;1.). Raven if> joKI-V n- ^ AH I TKN1 K, KvkB'N WJ'KicJ .AX* in two days ;m..M ; cay. Tkv n. rt'ill*** -- ,/tve Sole Agency of Town or County. Send C cts. for joo pa ges. Thousands 8 Farmers, ARE READING, Hundreds of Stockmen ARE ENDORSING, lo the Strongest Ter Wesi.ev I,add. 31 BeslLiveSiukr^par TBI BVERFRESH Interesting, SOL1DJ AND //% TTEAT 'Li^fiieeklkilrtliyiitl ; pujr&s are filled with mallf uir.g to lifestoekaad kMlS prepared with Um •linos* ami >>>MuiaUrally arwiaul, brtrorh of the linstock basl' W :\{Cfciit maufe in two days ..lioilu r. in one day. Tuv n. Jf iW Agency of Town or County. . for '.fio pages. EPHf.Aitfl CiiOWNtUwoil. Mtss.W attenUoo, iacMtif iI.>RAK». Ship, Fonvnr* The W^klv k printed oa pi - acqnaintwl / 8HM> FOR SAMPLE COPIMS. '/Subscription, Sfe.00 pw Yi STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO, ILL. Send 29 cenU for one month's trial qf (At

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