MfiiealeF. Wednesday, august 25, isso. Railroad Time Table. : 101SG HOUTn. - T,ak« Prvsseturor 7:fM 'A. *1 Geneva I,ake Express A M. tonir* Lake Freight.. ........1:15 p. M Steamboat Express ........0:16 P, M. GOING VOHTO. Mcamboat Rxnrca* ... ., .TO:00A. W. 6*no»«» Lake Freirht. 10:02 A. M. ftencva Lake Kxpress.... ti«navji Lnk<» Passeneer ....5:40 F. fi:M P.K J REPUBLICAN KALLY. 4A Grand Rally, under the auspices #|r the Garfield and Arthur Club of McHenry, will be held at GRAND HALL, Parker House, McHenry 111., THURSDAY EVE., AUG. 26,1880. ESQ., " ! f --AHD-- . ' IRU9 COY, Of Chicago, will be present and address me people on the Political Issues of ti»e day. Every voter, no matter what his political opinions may be. Is ear nestly requested to come out and hear these questions quietly and fairly dis missed. The Ladies are cordially in vited The McHenry Cornet Band, and the 6*rfield Glee Club will be present •nd furnish music'for thn occasion. Br ORDER OP COMMITTEE. Republican Caucus. The Republican voters of the town of McHenry, are requested to meet In Town Caucus, at the Council Room, in the village of McIIenry. on Saturday Aug. 28th, 1880, at three o'clock p. M. for the purpose of chosiiig eleven del egates to attend the comity Conven tion, to be held at Woodstock on Wednesday, September 1st, and to transact such other business as may come before the meeting. PER. ORDER TOWN COMMITTEE. Garfield Pole at Solon. The Republicans of Solon will vaise a Garfield p.nd Arthur Pole on Saturday liext August 28th, at 9 o'clock A. M* sharp. Hon. F. K. Granger, of McHenry, and other speakers will b<> present. All are invited to come out and lend a helping hand in the good work. Br ORDKK or THE COMMITTKE. .3* M.OWEN had the misfortune to lope a valuable brood mare one day last Week. I COUNTERFEITING hap finally got down to where it really concerns-us. Bogus ten cent pieces are afloat. SAMUEL MCDONALD will again ac cept' thank? for a liberal supply of fruit and vegetables. ONE mora week of Ice Cream and Caramels at Mrs. Scotts Ice Cream Parlors, two doors North of the River- side House. WE arc under obligations toF. O. Mayes for a basket of very line Toma- tos. left at our Sanctum. They were the finest we have seen this year, THK "New Process" Flour, manufac tured by Hanly &' Sons, McHenry, is giving unusual satisfaction wherever lined. Ask your Grocer for i t. /AND still our population is increas ing. This time it is a girl, weighed eight pounds, arrived on Thursday I night, and will call Chas. P. Waite V^'PU" THE Steamer took up a good crowd to the Lotus Beds on Sunday, return ing about 8 o'clock in the evening. They report the Lotus flowers as all gone. THE Greenbuckers will hold a Mass Convention at Nunda on Saturday next, for the purpose of nominating county officers aud sending delegates to the Congressional Convention. OWINGt6 the extreme warm weath er, or some other cause, hunters report duck hunting as rather poor. We pre sume that iu a couple of weeks the web-fop ted fowl will be more pie u ty in this section, v RKMKMBER the Harvest Party at Grand Hall on Friday evening of this week, the 27th. The Qerffiauia full Band, J., Casteller, Leader, will be present and all can rest assured of a good time. REV. PETKK AKVKDSON will officiate on Sunday, August ^pth. at St. Johns, Algonquin, 10;30 A. ; at Dole's Chanel, Crystal Lake--Stvedish ser vice at 2:45, P. M.; English service at 4 p. M. TIIE Desplaines Camp Meeting com menced on Tuesday (yesterday,) Aug. 24tll, and will close September 2d. The Camp meeting grounds are said to be delightful this year, the whole grove being as neat as a lawn. /THE Depot, in this village, is re ceiving a new coat of paint, inside and I out, and when finished will be much Unfbrovfcd in Its new dress. It is a fact that we have one of the handsom est little Depots ou tho line of the road. WE learn that the carcass of cow has been partially hurried near a barn in tWe west part of this village, and is emitting foul odors dangerous to the health of residents in that part of the Village. We trust our authorities will look to this matter at once. THE Sabbath School scholars of this place will hold their annual basket * 0 • picnic at Setigers Grove, iu Greeuwood, on Thursday Aug. 2Gth. It is expected that conveyances will be provided for all of the scholars. Teams will-tart from the Methodist church ^9 o'clock A. if. All arc invited. IP you wish to please your wife, (and who does not) be sure and get a Sack of that celebrated uXew Process" Flourffrom llanly's Mill. It cert^tily beats anything now In the market. f A child was lost in this village OP Friday night last. A party of men were hunting through the thrifty growth of weeds which line our streets, until a late hour, and atone time it was thought it would be necessary to cut the weeds, but the child was found peacefully sleeping at home and the iveeds were saved ! EVERY Republican Jin the town of McHenry should bear in mind the Caucus to be held in ttyis village on Saturday next, at 3 o'clock, p. M. for the purpose of choosing eleven dele gates to attend the County Conven tion on September 1st. Let the people show their interest in this most im portant political campaign by turning out to the primaries. IT is noV lawful in this State to shoot prairie chickens, wild geese, ducks, brant, or other waterfowl, the game law referring to the above having expired August 15th. Wild buck, doe. fawn, or wild turkey will not be lawfully shootable until the 1st of September, and you can't lawfully "draw a bead" on a quail or, a ruffled grouse until after the 1st of October. WE would call the attention o flour readers to the new advertisement of J. B. Blake. Furniture dealer, to be found in another column. He has one of the largest stocks of Furniture to be found in the county, which a» will be seen by ills price list' elsewhere, he is selling at remarkably low prices. Rear! his advertisement' and if in want of Furniture of aujr kind do not fail to give him a call. EVERY voter should attend the Re publican Rally at Grand Hall.* on Thursday, (to-morrow) evening. O^ II. Gilmore, Esq., of Woodstock, and Hon. lrus Coy, of Chicago, will be present, and address the people on the political issues of the day. Turn out and give these champions of the Republican cause a hearing. The McHenry Cornet Band and the Garfield and Arthur Glee Club will be present aud furnish music for the occa- n, THE Weaver and Chambers Pole >vas raised successfully on Saturday last, as advertised, and everything passed off. we believe in the most sat isfactory manner. They had speeches both afternoon and evening, and a goodly number of all parties turned out to hear their idea of how the finan ces of the country should be run. The pole stands about 92 feet above ground* with a streamer at the top. and a fine (big was floating from the halyards (hiring the afternoon. Its location is heai the depot. THE Annual Re-Union of the 95rh 111. Volunteers, is to be held ntjlarvard 111., Saturday, Sept. 4th, the anniver sary* of the . muster-in at Camp Fuller. Rockford. Dinner will be served at the Walker House and Ayer's Hotel, at a reasonable price. There will be the usual speaking and reuning exercises. We have heard nothing from the com mittee of Arrangements. but presume all necessary arrangements will be made for a pleasant and successful re union. A western publisher ha* the follow ing on his letter headings, and we commend it to all our readers; "Setul us the news. When anybody dies, gets married, runs aw.iy. steals anything, builds a house, makes a big sale, breaks his leg, or gets tho senses kicked out of him by a mule, or does anything that is anyway remarkable, and you have reason to believe that you know as much about the occurrence as anybody else, don't wait for some other person to report it, or trust u« to find it out by instinct, but come" and tell us about it. or send the facts on a postal card. This is the way that news is supplied, and it takes a goodly supply of that necessary article to make a good home paper. See if you cannot improve this year, and lot us know every item of news that transpires in your neighbor hood. Fon some time C. Stegotnann, of this village has been iHissj^ig Melons from his field,and concluded that he would watch and see if lie could not find out who it was that was making so free with his property. The result was that he caught six young men in the act, and on Monday he procured a ! Warrant and placed it iu the hands'of' Constable Wightmau for their arrest, j Seeing that they were about to be brought face to face with the law they came forward and proposed to settle, which was done by paying $10 and the cost. We think Mr. Stegemanu very easy with them, as the amount of damage to him WHS double that amount. In such cases we believe the law should be allowed to take its course, and those who will appropriate and destroy other peoples pioperty should be tnade to sufler the penalty to its fullest extent. This is not the first act of this kind that h^s been committed, and it is high time a stop were put to it. Mr. S, says that a repetition of the act will be prosecuted to the fullest ex tent. NOTICE. On Monday evening the IGtb, the Board of Trustees of McHenry Ceme tery met aud voted to commence the building of a new front fence to the Cemetery forthwith. Therefore all persons owing for Lots will please make immediate payment. And those j who have so kindly subscribed for the j new fence will oblige by paying the ] same to F. G. Mayes at his store. As j every dollar of the above is needed for j the completion of the work, it is j hoped that uo one will overlook this ' notice. J Jiv OIIDKB 9F THE BOAIU> Or TBVSTEES. 1 PBK-sftJtAL. WE noticed the familiar face of John C, Smith, of Richmond, ou cur streets on Monday. HARRY STOCKER, of Lake City, Mln. nesota, spent a few days with his father and mother, in this village. D. C. WAITE, of Emporia, Kansas, and Win. Waite of Kansas City, sons of Lewis Waite, of this village, have been visiting their old home the past week. MAC CHUNCH, D. A, Htedmau and H. G. Ehle, all candidates for the office of Sheriff, have been in this village the past week, looking up their chances for that office. DR. J. F. CRAVENS, of T ankton, Da kota, is spending a fbw days iu this section. The Doctor reports every thing in a prosperous condition in that part of the country, MRS. M. KKLTEK, of Chicago, her daughter Ella and son Eddie, are visiting among old friends and neigh bors, In thisg village and vicinity. A SHORT time since a slick appearing^ feliow went to the livery stable of Mr. "Whig" Austin and hired a horse. He represented himself as a piano tuner am] wanted the horse for a short time only, lie came hack when there was no one in the barn and put out the horse, hung up the harness, and then "put out." himself. He forgot to pay for the rig, but "Whig" thinks lie was very fortunate as the fellow answers the description of the party who -stole or kept a horse belonging to Mr. James Besteder, of Genoa, two or three days, aud then turned him loose in the road to come home as he might.--Richmond Gazette. This same individual hired* a horse of H. E. Wightinan a week ago last Monday, and after keeping bijn two days turned hiinj loose iu the road, where he'was found by a farmer aud taken care of,and where Mr. Wightmau found him, having become suspicious that all was not right and went in search of his horse and buggy. He is a slick lookiu? little cuss, sharp, and we believe his pretended business of piano tuning is all a farce, adopted to cover some rascality which he is studying up under this guise. We also learn that there is a reward offered for him for some offense committed near Kenosha< Wisconsin. It is to be hoped he may be brought up with a round turn soon. Real Kstatc. The following is the list of transfers in McHenry Conntyjfor the week end* ing August 2,1880: 1. Sullivan to C L Ciinic'tttcr, 40 a In sw qr soo II Marengo, J Brown and \v to T Roberts U1 in v hf sw qr sec 8 Coral, $41*1. A Dikoanit w to 11 L and H B Bine 40 a in see 31 X nn<la, #1<S*N>. 1> su.iiii to A M'inorc 19 a in Richmond, f7lK». KstluT lleers ol nl to S I! Walker SO aiu boc (i Nllii'la, R G $200. K 'IVmeson and w to A<Mio Cornue o hf^lts 11 ami" H blk l:MIart's *2d add to llurvnr<l $100. K and K 1-: Aver nml Wi to Jaou Willi* It 3 blk 30 Harvard ipSOO. M hii'I H '.lavuns to C Pock and hflt 7 bk 8 Marengo $1<X>. T Luinly and w to E'.W Howe j>t s lif H 2 bk 18 Molftnry (iv of river.) $141. .1 V AM rich ami \v to T Sfcbroilor n hf Its 7 S bk 4 Richmond $425. .1 McAn hit to M McAuliff 43 ain ro qr fee I Sum-en. $100. A J <Jonu and w to Mary A Downs It 'in C hemum; £>00. Miry Downs and hns hiffC Billing It In ClKMiitintf sec Jtt. W" G Hillings to J J Marvin It in Chemung egc 33 $370. ^aine to W K Shouter It in Chemung sec 33 $">o. Karv S Conn nnd lm>to J II Moore It in so ^rsw'jj 0heniunjr$70!). S Si'lniKin and w to M Lonsbury 10 a jn so qr BBC ]!> Dorr $125. A COKKKCTIOX. EIUTOH PLAINDKALBK:--Your Wood stock correspondent is mistaken about the McIIenry County Agricultural So ciety running the victualing depart ment of our County Fair. Any church or individual in the County, or else where, if responsible, can bid for the privilege of feeding the people. The proposals will be examined ou Satur day. , THOS. MCI). lticiiAui>A, Ties. Take Notice. Proposals will be received until Saturday. August 28, for tho privilege of furnishing meals at the Fair Grounds of the McIIenry County* Ag ricultural Hoard during the coming Fair, commencing September 7. con tinuing four days. They arc fitting up the east extension of tlie Agricultural Hal! for a dining hall, which will be G0x30 feet, and will be for the use of the party hitving the rrght to furnish meals. Proposals may be addressed to the undersigned. W. U . STEWART, Sec. A. L. SALISHKRV, Treas. TO THE SICK. Owing to the removal of Dr. F. P. Brown from this place. Dr. S. P. Brown, of Elgin, will hereafter have an office at the Parker House. All those wishing to consult him will please call ou Thursdays of each week,, from 10 A. M. to 1 p. M. Prompt atten tion given to all that may wish to see him. As the Doctor's tim^ is neces sarily limited it will be necessary for those desiring to sec him to be prompt. CAMP MKKTIMG. The Free Methodist Church will hold a camp meeting on what is known as ^he Silver Lake Camp Ground, begin ning August 25th, 1S80. and holding one week. No huckstering allowed witllia one mile of the grounds, the limit prescribed by law. No boarding tent. Tenters can buy provisions on the ground. The ground is about three miles east of Crystal Lake Cross ing, Nunda, on the town line road. We cordially invite all Christian peo ple to enjoy with us this Feast of Tab ernacles. B, EHEY. COUNtT FA1K& It is anticipated that the connty fairs will be more successful this year than for several years past. The large and bounteous harvests, the prospects for abundant crops this fall, with granaries filled and crcakiiW beneath their golden treasures, the return of prosperity everywhere, with the whirl and click of machinery, the ring of the anvil, with furnaces glowing-and spark ling with eager fire, and the sound of the hammer sounding in every direc tion, should encourage all interested in the progres? and advancement of our country to add their power to the turn ing wheels and look proudly upon the results of their labor. In one week from next Tuesday will begin the McHenry County Fair, and encourage ments should not be necessary to in duce our farmers and everyone Inter ested to attend. By reading the Premium List now In circulation Our readers will see that .every inducement is offered and the premiums are large. The-Lake county Fair will be held Sept. 22d, i?3d, and 24th. The'mana gers of this fair are enterprising gentlemen, and if we may judge from their past efforts, those who attend will find every convenience at their disposal and liberal premiums offered. * - THE * Secretary oi MR ivaue'County Agricultural Society, R. T\ McGlinCy, Esq., has favored us with a Compli mentary to theTwenty-eighth, Annual Fair of that Society, which is to be held ot Elgin, September l lth.loth, 16th and 17th. Iu Jtheir Premium List they offer unusual inducements to ex hibitors, and ou the second day. the loth, the distinguished Orator and Statesman, Gen. John A. Logan will speak, which of itself is sufficient to draw a good crowd on that day. Tltey also advertise good Races each day. In short the officers will spare no pains to make the Fair a success iu every par ticular. The Railroads will carry passengers at Excursions rates. Pole liaisins* iitJoluisbur^h. The Democrats of Johnshiirgh will raisd a llancook and English Pole, on Monday, September 6*.h, at 1 o'clock, P. M. Hon. Richard Bishop, of McIIenry. Hon. Nell Donnelly, of Woodstock, Col. O. Lippiucott, a Ger man speaker from Chicago, and others will be present and address the people. The public generally are cordially invited to turn out. The Johnshurgh Brass Band will be present and furnish music for the occasion. BY ORIU-lt <»K Till? POMMITTKH. 9ST A Deimcatio mine operator at Coal Creek, Fountain couatj. Ind.,imported a largo number of ne groes from Virginia to work in the pits, Candidate English, whose special hobby just now is negro coloni sation, sent for" the operator and de manded an explanation. The cm pIoyor ^am^tliat he ^iad Jieeu unable^ to secure othcrhelp; that the transporta tion of the blacks had uost him $2,003; that the thought of their voting had never entered his head, and that he did not propose to be cate- chiscd about an affair purely his oivn. The'mines in question aro situated in Dan Voorhees' old concessional dis- trick, where the " fall Syart-nore" start ed a few months ago that thousands of men were out of employment, Owing to the ri|iiiou>t financial policy of the Republican party. Notice, The people of Queen Ann and vicin ity will hold their annual "Harvest Picnic1" in Michael Sengor's Grove on the 26th of August. As the object of the gathering in social, we extend a hearty invitation to all to join with us at that t'me. It. will be a Basket Picnic with approprls ate exercises for the occasion. The Ellis Martial Baud will add to the en joyment of the day. Exercises will commence %t U o'clock sharp. I'KK.OUUEK COM. ffarjlli tiois sees I)r. Tanner and goes hint fifty-nine days better. If people do not believe, just go down to the fair in Mouticello, 111., and you can see the hog. The facts are reported to be as follows: On the 2"»th of last A[ ;ril l?. F. Shaw, a resident ofjthe east part of Monricello Township, bail a hog buried under a falling straw-stack. On Thursday, Aug, 12th the hog was discovered. It was yet alive and able to eat more watermelon than Tanner. The hog weighed loQ pounds when buried, and less than 100 when resur rected. l'or conlhnation of the above facts reference maybe made to Messrs, B. F. Adkins, Win. Smock. Hiram Smock, C. E. Harris, and John Cramer, Sr.. all of Mmitioeljo. 8£&"That the prince of faster*. Dr. Tanner, possesses a secret which has enabled lil*> frame to withstand the torment usually attendant UJMJII long abstinence, many people believe. And this class will not be supprised to hear that lie promises to lecture on the sub ject. when he will disclose bis secret-- l«if secret there he. flie public has almost had a surfeit of the doctor. If. however, bis case can be made use of in the interest of science by adding one fact of Importance, lie has not 'starved" in vain. What a boon such a •secret wouldbe to tlioso people who can scarcely make leoth ends meet! " The fall styles of Prints. Gingham®, etc.. are now open at Fitzsiuimous & Evausou's. SST-An eloquent Democratic orator, who is supposed to have been reading the Bible, a few evenings since com pared the Republican party to the money changers who were driven out of the temple many years. If he had fid lowed out his illustration and hand ed the "whip of small cords" to that savior of the Democratic party, the Hon. W. II. English; a broad grin would have passed over the counte nance of the nation. The picture of Win. II. English, with tax titles stick ing out of every pocket, sweating un- j der a great trunk full of foreclosed 'j mortgage5, with a whip in both hands j thrashing the "money changers out -of ' the temple1 ' that the Democratic par- ; ty tried for four years to destroy,, j would be a picture worth lookiug at --Inter Ocean. WAUQONDA- EmTOIt I*LAIN1»l!ALRtt:--The fh*t part of the past week was so excessive ly hot that people generally kept quiet, Wlien the people refuse to stir about ami :lo things, your average news Hun ter has hard work to gather up even the most common place items. Some genius undertook to help us out by starting a rumor cn Wednesday last that Mr. T. Bacon, who was injured some little time since by a Bull, had again undertaken to lead the animal to water aud had been gored to death. This yarn Was generally accepted as truth until Friday when the appear ance of Mr. Bacon on our streets most efteotually gave it the 1-- On Tuesday last Mrs. Richard Bonner had occasion to look her house and go away from her home for a short time, Returning some hours later what was her surprise aud consternation to find that the house had been broken open during her absence. Following the first impulse of an alarmed woman she at once started out to find her husband and when after an. extended search through the village she failed to find, him'she returned to her home in com pany with some friends onjy to find that Mr. B, himself was the "burglar** and that hev was snugly ensconced in bed. The reRdrt of a burglary how ever had got a good start and flew through town like wind. All sorts Of reports grew out of the rumor and many of our nervous one passed a restless night in consequence, A new branch of industry has recent ly appeared. It has been a good many years since Wanconda has had a cooper shop. Now that want is fully supplied Mr. Hugh DM villi can be found in the shop adjoining that of Mr. Wm. Marble. We hear a good deal of talk about the scarcity of good help here. It Is reported that our Threshers have hard work tojjet the right, kind of help. Mr. Win. Tidmarsh and his son Arthur helped furnish tho music for a Greenback demonstration at McIIenry on Saturday. Hon, Hiram Barber, Jr., paid otir village a visit on Friday. He spent the afternoon in calling on his numer ous friends here, or part of them. After talking with a large number of well informed citizens we are forced to conclude that Mr. Barber's genial manner, and evident determination to look after the interest of the people of his district, as shown by the records, have combined to render him infinitely stronger in this vicinity than Mr. Farwell. Mr. Wash bum, or any of the gentlemen who have been named as possible representatives to the next Congress, Dr. S. F. Bennett,*of Richrtiond, paid Wauconda a Hying visit on Saturday last. Rev. Mr. Cooper preached in the Methodist church last Sunday morning to a rathci larger audience than usual. Air. Geo' Pratt returned Saturday With the "Barneyw- horse. Who gained- considerable on his previous record during his absence. There are people here who say he has gone in less than 2:30, bur, we are not authorised to give the record Miss Sadie Barber, and lier friend Miss Brady, of Chicago, are visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. A. C. Bangs hat been quite tick for a few days pasl. Miss Caddie Soymour, who has been visiting friends In Odebalt , Iowa, is expected home soon, Mr. Pollard, the Plater, h*s returned to his home in Wisconsin, With the In tention of returning iu ^about a mouth or six woeks. About sixty couple participated in the Bowory dance on Saturday evening last. The weather was perfect for the occasion, In fact, the location and con struction of tliis dancing platromi renders It comfortably cool en the warmest evenings, while no unpleasant effects are felt from the night dew. These dances are most admirably managed and thus far have al' passed off in a uniformly pleasant manner, which will recommend thorn to all lovers of the Terpsiohorean art. One of the peculiar sights of the evening was the attempt 011 the part of two "wax figures" to dance the Montebel-lo quadrille. No harm was done but a fellow can't dance by looking on any more than he can swim by going out 011 the Barge, By the way, is it true do you think, that the reason why the Barge is not better supported this season is because those who wanted it lengthed out are,, "mad" because it wasn't and so are bound to withold patronage out ot spite ? If It is. tliose who didn't want it lengthened should combine and run the barge regularly and make it win A little unanimity of action will pring this about. Two very small boys and a melan choly youth (who plays a brass horn) were all that responded to the call for a meeting of tho Farmers, to arrange for a Harvest Picnic. It is fair to judge that a picnic is not wauted. Good enough. Rev. Mr. Green accepted tho call ex tended to hi in audi will preach at the Baptist Church the coming year. Business Notices* , „ Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. ' 50 Primmed flats from fifty cents itoi two dollars apiuce at Mrs. S. Seurles. We have the Boss Glove Depot. ... If ITZ-* IM MON'.S A EVAN^IN. The best Threshlug Knuckl«» at & M/Oweu's. 'v'/' The Moilne Sulky Plow IS. H Owen's. - The Furst & Bradley Sulky flow at E. M. Owen's. War-Clocks, from 81.00 upwards. ranted. At O. W. Owen's. When in want of work in my line, give uiea call and I will try aud please Robt. Murtitt, Jeweler. Nunda, ill. Dress Goods Stylish durable and, oheap just received, we invite inspec tion. Fitzsi mtnons & Evanson. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un til you have seen and priced goods at Mi*9. S. Searles. You urc paying la to 25 pet cent for your credit. Pay the cash; trade at 4 cash store, ami make tlub saving. «T IS VESTS * SGffKORR. We are selling our large line of Embroidery at greatly reduced prices. STKVF.NS & OI1NOUR, The largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. S, Searles. For that new dress pattern call on Stevens & Schnorr, They keep the la- est styles, and sell cheap. Buckeyo Force Pumps, at & M Owen's. All the first-class Plows at B. M. Owen's, A fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer & Becker's near the Depot. Ten 1"> light Windows, glass 8x10, all perfect, for sale cheap by O. W. Owen. Ladle# of McHenry and vicinity don't, buy your Hats or Bonnets utitil you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering greater bargains than ever. All work ip repairing done on short notice. Parasols, Fans, Ladies and Mitts now cheap at & Evanso n's Lace Gloves Fitzslmmous Wo ?ivc our special attention to Dress Goods, Trimmings and Buttons. You can always find the latest at ourstorc. STICVEXS A SGUNOItlt. FOR RENT. The celebrated Ford Photograph Gallery, the only Gallery in the village of McHenry. A first-class location!-- Possession given at once, App!y to E. M. OWK'N. Various Causes-- Advancing years, care, sickness, dis* appointment, and hereditary predis position--all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to shed, prematurely, AvEifs HAIR VIGOR will restore faded or gray, light red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes aud cures dandruff snd humors. By its use fall ing hair .2 checked, and a new growth will be produced in all cases where the follicies are not destroyed or the glands deeayed. Its effects are beanti- fully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair.ou which a few applications will produce the gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless aud sure in its oper ation, it is incomparable as a dressing, and is especially .valued for the soft lustre aud richness of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye. and will not soil nor color white cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair, aud keeps it fresh and vigorous. Foit SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Vm HOSIERY. The very finest, nest and cheapest line of Ladies' Hosiery shown in the place is now 0)1911 at the store of FiUsimmons & Evanson. PRICES EEDUCfED' One half on our entire line of Em broidery,. Call and secure these bar gains. STEVENS & SCUNOUK. 1 v - -- -- attach any sulky iiil. Seek the House where the largest re turns aro given for your money. They sajr that place is over at FiUsimmous & EviiUdOu's, west cud of to\yu. We have a few suits of men's cloth ing which we are anxious to sell at a trifie above cost. Call and see tlicm. FITZSJMMON'S & EVANSON. INVENTORS employing attornies fa miliar with the Patent Office, rarely fail of securing patents Experience onsures success in prosecut ing contested entries and Mineral Land claims beforo the General Land OUioe. Long practice gives success iu securing pensions. Presbrey Green, Attor neys, 509 Seventh street. Washington D. C. have had long experience in all branches of practice before rhe Depart* ments. Parties haviug buisuess should address them (enclosing stamp) for in" formation. Autograph Albums, froni five cent upwards, at O. W. Owen's. Wauconda Ice Cream Parlor. E. A. Golding would respectfully inform the public that his Ice Cream Parlor, is now open where the be»t of IceCrcam will be served every day and evening by the dish or quantity. A full line of Nuts and Confectionery of all kinds. My Parlor is always cool aud quiet, and 1 respectfully invite all who wish any thing it) this line to call and I will try and pluase them. Ice Cream furnished at Wholesale or Retail, for Festivals, Picnics or Fami lies. E. A, GOLD ING, TO WAGON MAKER§. To a good Wagon Maker and the- right man I will give the use of my Wagon Shop, FREE OF CHARGE It is one of the best stauds in McIIenry County, and for the right man there is a good opening. For further partic ukirs call on or address, T. .1 Cliftox, MCIIE^RV, 111., July 20th, WS0. PARTICULAR NOTICE. I wish hreby to give notice that I will prosecute any and all persons who may be known to cross my t'uc.imher or Vegetable fields. I have boon much annoyed of late,-my vines have been destroyed and Cabbage and other things have been taken, an.d 1 now t«r- liid all persows from entering the field without special permission from me. Those who do so will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. C. STgUESlAN N. lii:Ilonry, Aug. l"th, l!*90. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES.<-tc. We are now exhibiting a fine line of Top Buggies, Phaetons, opeu i>ug- gie», I'latt'ofm spring Wagons of best make, aud warranted at lowest prices. K. M. Owns & SOX. Attention, Fanner* ; Dairymen Sherman Bros,, residing mr# mi lea, West of McHenry. on the Woods?«n-k ro:ift, keep oil hand the following artt« cles to meet tho wants of farmers dairymen: Creamery, (Patent applied lor) eon* sisting of boxes for water, any sfxe (a suit. Barrels may be used or any wa ter vessel, spring or wells. MP.k csn» with covers to exclude all foreign sub stances and allowing the heat and steam to escape. And a skimming de« vise, the inost perfect ever lnv^iiied. Riding Plow Attachment, (Pat. ap plied tor) by which you can attach anj kind of a Plow to any coru tivator. Patent Farm Gate Hanging*-: Patent Post Hole Aug«r. And a devise for Converting Motion (Pat. applied for) can be applied to wind mills, &c., to convert a forward and back motion into a rotary motion. All the above articles we will sell very low to suit the titues. Call aud examine for yourselves. S. * jr. AHEKMJ FARM FOR SALE- The nndersisrned oflers for sale ht9 farm known as the Dtiun Farm, C<i(# sisting of. SO acres, situated mi lea Southwest of McHenry. Said larin i® in <;ood condition, well fenced, fair buildings, and one of the beat orchards 1 the section. Never failing rimttiiijf ater for stock in pasture. In short one of the best and most desirable mall farms in the county for either stock or grain. For particulars tnquir* of Chas. H. Park*, near the premises, or address, J, L. DVXN* Lawrenco, Kansas. E, M. OWKN & SON have }wt * eeived a new lot of Top Buggies, to which they invite the attention •»# those wishing to purchase. They are as fine as any to be found in the mar« ket. - Roeds Gilt Edge Tonic cores Vfevii and Ague: In the Whole Ulatory of Medlata# :. v - No preparation has ever perfor such marvellous oures, or maintained so wide a reputation, as Ayor's Cherry "Pectoral. whiAh is recognized as the world's remedy Tor all diseases of the throat ami lungs. Its long continued series of wonderful cures in all climate* has made it universally known as a safe and reliable agent tnemploy. Agai»s| ordinarj colds, which are the forerun* ners of more serious disorders. It acts speedily and surely, always relieving suffering, and often saving life. Tits . protection it aftords. by Its timely use in the throat and lung disorders of children, makes it an invaluable rente* dj-'to be kept always on hand i* every home. Xo person can aflord fa be with, out it, and those who have once u»ei| it never will. From their knowledge of its composition and effects. Physio* isns use the Cherry Pectoral extensive* ly in their practice, and clergymen recommend it. It is absolutely certain in its remedial effects, ami will always cure where cures are possible, Fofsftto by all dealers. I.X. MEAD, AG EXT, , For Buckeye Harvester, Binder MMt Mowing Machine, McHenry. 111. I.ow Prices aud good work. £u*t Murtitt, Jeweler, Nunda, 111. 17 cents will buy one pair of Ladies' BalbrSggan Hose at Fitzsi turnout & Evansen's. ;1| Go to 1. X. Meitd near ttwOvtnt lir"- the Best Mowing Machine, • . • •«** v-1" FOR SALE GR REJTft | The Store lately occupied by J, 9* *1* y in the village of Ring wood, ^ " session given March 36th, further particulars Inquire of M --- Ringwood, March 17, as. A** The very finest Llues of Lftdioc* Misses' and Children's Walktnf Sheoa ever shown in this plaoe, and made tft our own order, now ode red at Matofc* able prices. We warrant every pair. FITZSIMMONS « KVAE803I. MARRIED. SAMTEIi--MOCAHILL--Al HI® f«#i<tei»r.a of (lie oillctating CLERGYMAN, the Hev. B, K. Todd, in WOODSTOCK, AUK tel 21I»§. MR. JOE Saiuter, of Marmuto, and Mi** MrQuilll ilimgliter of Micbael WcCahill, ESQ* EF \Voi«lstock. Dissolution. THE Copart ners hip heretofore •zlaMaff Tie, (ween Olms, It, Curtis and Safupel II, Walker, is this dtiy tli^olyud by MUTUAL con, ? .scut. All contract* made l>y THE Ita of I Curtis A Walker, also Uy the firm of CURTHK Walker $ Co., and all oiitstaivMng claim* nn<| lininlities, will bo settled by Ori 'ty, Walkep ; & co. a LUTCIL &t McIIenry, III., this UTB DU,.OTJ-: A«GI»-t, 4. XL, W ^ CHARLCS B. cents, 4..W. CRISTV, Executor of s. H. Walker** Estate, <£/•/» N week in your own town. #* outllt FJPOO free. Xo risk. LTU;I lor, if you want a 'busiucs at which peraoii'ii of either •«* «aa make GREAT pay ALL THE time they work, write for particulars to H. ALI,ETT M OO^ F#!** au<l, Maine. ACADEMY, ELGfiN, l|iLe DEVOTED TO A THOROUGH IHF&JMtfM JOS C0LL£0E* pHHfiI (ll| . tifi. • ' • * -• Fall Term commences .September 6, idd0« Winter Term oommenoeaj lim' day, November 2U, 1880. Spring Term com^eaoea Monday t Match 13, mi. Tuitioa from $7 to |lj| ptf Term ol twelve weelts. ' ^ •? < - V..',-: Fitzstmmon* $ Evanson are offering bargains iu Luces, F.mbroidories, Ho- SIITM'S. Sheeting*. Prints, etc. ; THE Catih Uut/vr should INVEST»<••»»O; .VW&U*StU£5 & EVAXiOA , No Chang© of Teachert, A Tost Book * iu the tiul Practice of Teaching will lie introduced into the Mannul * Coarse. " ' ' ,4.' A class will be formed If | |# Post-Gmduate Course, takiftg the studios of the ̂ reshmat) JTPWl of Yassar College. - * Classes in the Bttswf# at the beginning of each term, I For Courses of Study and othef Particulars, $eud fur (Jfet«iog«Nk TfcPirr, PreaidMtt. Q. Davidson, Sectary. A. CJ AUJS l*f