Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1880, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and La*; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." VOL. 6. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1880. NO. 8. elTenfV ? laMealer. Published Every Wednesday by JT. VA1\ SLYKE EDITOR 4ND PUBLISHES. Office in Old P. O. Block, --OPPOSITE RIVEBSIDE HOUSE.-- TEEMS OP SUBSCRIPTION 50 One Tear , f in Advance,) . . . I f not Pai l ivi t t i in Three .Months 2 00 iu'Mc.riptKtns ruo.-iveitfor three or siX;month the samo proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN, M. I) . PHTSTCIAV AND SlTRtJEONT. -Off ice over fH,„ ">st Off ice , opnosi te Perry & Mart in 's 8fore tip •* ' a i rs , McHenry, 111. / / C. H. FEGERS, M, D- I>HVSIClAN AND STTRGEOH, Johnsburg Ills.--Office hours 8 to 10 A. M. O. .1 . HOWARD, M D. PHYSICIAN AND SURUEON. my resi l ience, opposi te M. McHenry. III . Off ice a t E. Church, B- V. AXfi iERSON. M. I ) . PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Off ice a t Bealev 's Drasr Store , opposi te Parker House, McHehry, I l l inois . W. H. UCCK, M. D. , UOHKOPATHIO physician and Snr«eon-Office eat t so le Publ ic , Square, Wood, s tock, i l l . Ofl lcc Hours 11 to Li A. M., and t to 4 P .M. PRATT HOUSE. TA. PR VTT, Proprietor . Firs t c lass ac-comm'>'1: i t ions. Good Barn in connect ion W&ncon<la, I I I . F .J . BARBIAN. CIGAR Manufact ure . r McHenry, 111 dcs sol ic i te i i . Shop, North * t ier Publ ic Square. Or- East Cor- RICHARD COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peace ind Conveyancer .-- Wil l :vt toui l oro ' i int ly to the col lect ion of debts . Volo, bake County, 111. E. E. RICHARDS. •omplete Abstractor Ti t les to land M Henrv County, I l l 'nois . Off ice with Uounty ( lerk, Woodstock, I I I . Htr ROBT. WRIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Ma>tc Roots and Shoos None hut the best of materal nsed and al l work warranted. Shop North­ west corn r Publ ic Square, MiHenry III . E.M.OWEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery.-- Prices low and Terms favorable . McHenry N.S.COLBY. McfTENUY, McHenry Co. , 111. Breeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkshire and Poland China * wine. A choice lot of young Buck s tock for s vie . Please cal l and examine, before buying elsewhere. GEO. SCHRElNERi SALOON and Restaurant . Nearlv opposi te the Parker House, McHenry, t i l SSfKirat c lass Bil l iard and Pool Tables . JOIJN HENDKIOKS. BLIVIN'S MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared to sel l and repair any kind of a Sewing .Machine as cheap as the cheapest . Wil l a lso insure yonr l i fe and property a t reasonable rates. Please give me a ' . PETER LEICKEM. REP AIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of a l l kinds. Also I tepafrs Viol in s in the best possible manner , <>n short not ice and a t rea­ son Able ra tes . Also Viol ins for Sale . Shop •rs t door North of Rivers ide Block, McHenry t i l . G. L. HUBBARD, Ringwood, III, --DEALER IN -- LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS Also everything t l ia t i s kept and sold in a Harness Sl iop. I can and wil l se l l Harness as cheap as Any man in the County. All work warranted. Cal l and see ine before purchasing. Repairing done at all Times. Scott Sc Co., "Hatters to the Great Northwest." Nos. 135 ani 137 Malison St., NEAR CLARK ST. Have a lar i ter s toek and arreater var ie ty of • tyles for you to ci i » ne from, than can be found in any other es tabl iahment in Chicago or the West . I t wil l nay you to cal l and see them. Prices the lowest in the land for good goods. BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake sts. & S. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison sts., 6 C1IICAOO. M A R C U . S ' CERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS. --dealer IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock world. The host T"n i c in the INnttMid Quart Hot t lo>. III. .PutJ"up" | in BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY Illinois. C. 8. GREEN. SURGEON. Richmond JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Sol ic i tor in Chan­cery. Wil l pract ice in State and in Fed. eral Courts. Office, 3d Floor. New Custom House, Chicago. CSIAS. n . DONNELLT. ATTORNEY AT LAW *nd Notary Publ ic Woodstock, I l l inois . Off ice over Stone 's Drug Store . C, H. TRUAX. CARPENTER and Builder , Kunda, 111.-- Wil l put up bui ldings by theJobor day. and guarantee sat isfact ion, E. BENNETT, M. D. , URGEON and Accoucher . Diseases of Women and a l l pr ivate diseases of both sexes a Special ty , . Off ice and Residence on Clay Street Wo'odstock 111. - ST SIDNEY D1SBROW, NOTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer* den, 111. A1 S-' JACOB BONSLETT. ALOON AND RESTAURANT. Opposi te Bishop 's Mil l , Mollenrv, I I I . The choic­ est Wines, Liquors an l Ci j rars to be found in the county. Fresh Ovstors in their season served up" in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. F. J. CROSS, D E H T I S T . , McHenry, 111. Full Plates made of- the best mater ia l and ful ly warranted, $3.00. Fi l l ing one -ha l f usual ra tes . Special a t tent ion paid to regulat ing bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted w i thou t PQin free of charge where Art i i ic ia l TeeC aar e in­ ser ted bv him. All Work ful ly warranted. I'ure Nitrous Oxide Gas always on an«l f«>r t!IE I>UUIIMS <*\ traction of teeth. PORTRAIT PAINTER. OIL PORTRAITS. Taken from life or photographs. ~~t}orrect and finished likenesses warranted. Prices moderate. Meflenry, 111. J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTIONE ER AND APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. and Goods Farm sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Post Jf l iceaddress Algonquin 111. SALES of Stock, Fannin# Tools of all kinds promptly attended to. W. H. SANFORD, 31ercliant Tailor. ?In the s tore of C. I I . Dickinson, East side of Publ ic Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Sui t ings al- waysonhand. Sui ts made to order and a f i t warranted- Give me a cal l . W. H. SANFORP. Woodstock 111. ,Sept . 27th, 1875. r -pXl^ | j f t . £0; '«! , ; l H. E. WKiHTMAN, Proprietor . Firs t c lass r ins ,withor without dr ivers , furnished a t reasonable ra tes . Teaming of a l l kinds done on short not ice . M. ENCELN- U U N - S M I T H ! Scale Repair ing, Grind inland I 'ol- ishinjr Razors and Shears and Table Cut lery a special i ­ ty . Repair ing of a l l k inds done in Steel or Brass .-- All work warrant­ ed. Also dealer in • -- Guns, Revolvers , Tt t i f*-" Talde and Pocket Cut lery,Gun and Fishing Mater ia l , Pipes , Cigars , Tobacco, Viol in Str ings, Ac. Shop ind s tore near the Post Off ice , Mc­ Henry, 111. Geo. H. Stewart, Auctioneer. Richmond, III. Has an experience or 15 years , and wll guarantee sat isfact ion in a l l cases , where sales entrusted to iny care , are properly ad­ vert ised. or no char :e will be made. Terms, f rom *5 to *10, according to amount ° fAH orders addressed to Richmond, I I I . , Wil l receive prompt a t tent ion. F. MARCUS, Patentee. A I A/V MONTHLY M ADE. Agents wanted ©IIMJ County r ights given grat is f . , r the sale of seven wel l -known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputat ion world­ wide ; es tabl ished many years ; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. Anit i .us t r ious, energet ic person can make «n: t gpermanen l income ind very l iberal er ins by i I I ress ing with Reference, 233 t hestnu t Street ," ' i l iadclphia . P GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Is A VEGETABLE PREPARATION invented in the i7t l i centurv by Dr. Wil l iam Grace, Surgeon in King Jaines ' army. Through i ts agency he cured thousands 'of the most ser ious sores and wounds t l ia t 'baf l l - e<1 the ski l l of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was regarded by a l l Who knew him a« a n ibl ic benefactor . PRICE 35CENTS A BOX. ' 0 0 0 B O Y S & G I R L S wanted t act as agent >r 'he best l iov 's an 1 Gir l ' s paper publ ished n the "Vest . B. 'Vi t i ful oresents t«> subscr ih- srs and igents . Everv bov and gir l can earn ots of m'mev " invmine during le isure hours . TVm't fa i l to send for i t a t once. To l i l t rod ucei t w e wil l send in anv address on Ir i r i l three months, for 10 Cents in cash or ostn ' re s tamps. • 'ample of paper and par t icular* F R £ £ . Address Household Gem.Cleveland,O- F R E E J. A. KECKEISEN, M. KBLTBB Kcckeisen & Eelter, General Commission Merchants, --DEALERS IN-- Flour, Grain, Port, Lard, Hams, Green and Dried Fruits. Butter, Eggs, Poul try. Hides, Pelts, etc. WO South Water Street, CHICAGO, REFERENCE--Jas . M. Adsit, Banker. Advances made on Consignments. m -VIA CHI AGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY 2,380 Miies of 9oad WEST FOR Cedar Rapids, Denver, Mars lni 111 o w n, Leadv i 11 c, Des Moines !Salt Lake, Sioux City, 8;tn Francisco Yankton, The Black Hilts, Omaha, Colorado, Council Blufts California Columbus, the Territories EAST FOR Ohlcago New York, Boston, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Monreal, Toronto, Mew England, Canadas, Buffalo, and all Points East! SOUTH FOR Cincinnati, Xashville, Louisville, • • 8t. Locis, Jacksonville, Columbus, and all Points South, -THE- "North-Western," Is the most DIRECT ROUTE, offer ing the t ravel ing publ ic 'Greater Faci l i t iesapd More Advantages than any road l i f t he West . I t is the only line running Pullman Hotel aid Sleeping Cars, Between Chicago and Counci l Bluffs . Pul lman Palace Sleeping Cars are run on al l n ight t ra ins . This is the great Pul lman Lincot the Northwest . Palace Par or Cars run between Chicago and Milwaukee. Firs t -Clas< Meals only Sflconts a t the Eat Ing Stat ions on (he North-Western. -Sure and close connect ions at , Chicago with All Uai l roi ids , and a£ a l l J unct ion Points with al l roads that croes ' i ls Lines . All Ticket Agents can sel l you Through Tickets and check your Baggage FUEE by this Road. For information, folders , maps, e*.c . . not ob­ ta inable a t Home Ticket Off ice , address -any agent of the Company, or MARVIN HUGHITT W. H. STINNETT, GeneralSupt . Gen ' l Passenger Agon The Singer Ahead- The following is a list of pur­ chasers of the Genuine Singer Sewing Machine within the past eighteen months: Mrs Davis Mrs Walkn,» K B Stevenson.! Quintan ,1 S Kel lcy Miss Frame DZigler" Et i r iswold Mrs Torrance Chet Stevens J l rs A H Coon Kev Buich Mrs Valals t invl l l . i l l i s M Sul l ivan El len HurlbutK McKinney J Keepsel l J McQuil lan C A ( i raves Mrs Morse II Connors Mrs M Vycc John Heii ten I t Church J Mellor J t i roskinsey <; l ( r \ant Mrs Robinson Mrs l larmond Mrs l ' l ISrown I) W l ioutel l 11 >1 I ' routv E 1) 15 F <; ibbs 1 L Hibbard K<l MClair Mrs W'ashbnrnJ Munsi iebl I I Freeman Jennie Booth C Ingersol l Mrs Barnes 2 11. ' i ra t . - l i re C l lo . - ,chi ld Mrs HouderselS Reading Geo Karrow W Seaton (* Blakeslee Miss Furney Monroe Lake Wm Stewart P fosdick Ira Slocuin A Bonner Libbie Duffy Jos StJohn Mrs Briggs K A S PaddockC <; I 'erklns Et ta Beers A M (Jenet t I . Thompson E Kemiison Mrs Harr is N Donnel ly H Bart le t t L Anderson Sarah Shank A Davidson T Good sel l Wm Sperry 2 I . Hutchinson Geo Manning Mary Bacon Sarah Smales J . A. Ctrr Henry Simpson Dwight Judd E M Thompson 11 Mayer Maggie Sides Geo Bryant L Peterson II Schneider Jacob Guti l Jas Bavard W II San ford A K Bunker G W Conn R Harr ison I 'e ter Fry Geo McCnwl) Sarah Ward Alice Parr T II Wiggins Kev Beat tv n Bar rows Mrs N Mart in Jos l .evoy J . Van Slvke Nancv Hil l Mrs ToIe« C H Trvon Miss \Vandrak F K Granger Mrs ( iochy Mrs I luff i i ian Mrs McDonald Olive s tevens Minnie Page U Thompson W A Skinner Frank Col burn E B ^mith II F Jones Mrs A L Warner Pat Connorj , .y ._ .^~ Alice Dates L Lock wood Miss Heaton OJoslvn S C W em ham Mrs K ̂ wley Mrs C Allen 4 Mrs K Burton Win Huffman Nel l ie Ilall Nell ie l logan A Mc(5awley 11 II Nichols L Diinmel O Stewart * A Kngland Mima Earley S K l lesbet t A McPherson S l> ' .e ie I . Welch K Rosenburger L salsbury SHussel l H Hal ' ler i ran CH Cornish M shoop F J Barbian ElTa Parker S Newman Wm Walsh M Dohertv H McOinber E FELT. General .Manager for the Singer Manufact­ ur ing Co. for McHenry Dounty. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Agent Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, McHenry, III. Beer In Large or*9ra ill Kegs or Battles al. ways on hand cheaper than anv other, oual i - tv considered. "This Beer has a worl l vrnle reputat ion, and good judge* acknowledge i t cannot oe sur . passed in the world. Orders by mail proinptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry. III. May !5th, 1SS0. C. Henry, Nunda, - - - Illinois, --DKAI.EK IN-- Agricultural Machinery, Of All Kiml«. Agent for the towns of Algonquin, Nunda and McHenry for the celebrated McCormick Machines, All kinds of machinerv sold as cheap as anv other dealer in the County. Give me a cal l . Nunda, Jnne IStfa, 1SS0. C HENRY THE MclIENRY BAKERY, --AND-- RESTAURANT. R0BT. PATTERSON, Prop. Having opened a Rikerv and Restaurant in the Vil lage of McHenry, the subscr iber would inform the publ ic that he is now pre­ pared to furnish t l ieni with Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, Ac Of the best qual i ty mid a t the lowest ra tes . We also keep a t ine s tock of Ooiifectionory | Fancy t;roeeries, Canned Gomis, Sc. , to which we invite the attention^ the public. •WBakery in Howe's Block, opposi te the McHenry House. *3"ICE CREAM alwivs on hand. « « « PATTERSON. McHenry, May lOtli, ISHO . NUNDA, ILLINOIS. Fi ne Watch Repair­ ing H Specialty. All \\ ork VVarranted. liif^Clocks und Watches of the best make as low as the lowest. Money Made EASY! --BY FUKCIIA8ING-- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Music c les , e tc . . e tc . , of il Instruments, Specta- I I BLOSSOM Jeweler* W OOllHt ocli 111. Repair ing of FIX E WATCHES, AND JEW. ELHY a special i ty . I f you have any DIFFI­ CULT JOBS that other 's te l l you cannot In- repaired short of Chicago, take them to BLOSSOM and he wil l repair them, Engraving1 neatly done. AH Goods sold engraved Free of charge. Remember the name, E W. BLOSSOM, Woods*ock» EstablisM Over a Quarter ol a Century. MAYES The McHenry Brewery. Gottleib Boley; Proprietor. THE best of Beer shipped to anv par t of the conn t ry and warranted as represented.-- sol ic i ted and promptly a t tended to The Ptillv Siisponder or Argo?j* Bracp can he houffht In thl? town only ;it, Lauer & Becker's, They are the qest thing oat, * --AND DEALER IN-- Ready-Made Clothing. Cloths . Caesimere and Worsteds to sel l by the vard. The la tes t s tvles of Uoods on hand a t a l l t imes. My s tock of READY-MADE CLOTHING is now coinplet^and I Will not be Undersold Old McIIenrv, near Store in the Bridge. McHenry, 111. F. G. MAYES. Nov. 1- t h , 1879.. THAT (iKKAT FKACn. Home of the Democratic organ grin- dtrs are ftlll recklessly talking about "the great fraud of 1876." though their Convention at Cincinnati In effect con­ fessed that Hie cry was false and liypo- '.;rita1 by throwing overboard the al­ leged victims, Tilden and Hendricks. The sum and substance of the real ' 'rami of 1876, after the election, was just this: When tha Democratic leaders crme to review the situation after the re­ turns were in, they found that Mr. ITaves was elected unless they could accomplish one of the following things 1. Induce the 'returning boards of Louisiana and Florida (one or both) to disregard fragrant, pets of fraud and violence, disregard their oaths and the requirements of the State law, and count the tainted returns just as tlicy stood. 2. Induce the Returning Board of South Carolina to pursue the opposite policy, and make a pretext for count­ ing out precincts enough to elect Til­ den. 3. Induce one of the 'Republican electors in Oregon to recognize Cro- nin instead of Watts, and tints organ­ ize with Cronin an electoral college which would cast one vote for Tilden. They attempted all three tasks at the same time. The mean« they re­ sorted to in all three enterprises was the same, namely, bribery. The trans­ lation of the famous cipher dispatches by the Xew York Tribune exposed the whole iniquitous proceeding. aarr he Milwaukee Sentinel hits the peg square]v when it says that, if Gen­ eral Grant keeps on saying sueli good things and writing such good letters, he will "find himself stronger in the a fleet ions and confidence of the Repub­ lican party than he ever was before; and that is saying a great deal. He is throwing the full weight of his charac­ ter and prestige in the balance . and the general effect it will have in the campaign cannot fail to be very con­ siderable. He lias won friends from among those who would not have been his friends if he had been nominated. He is showing himself in a new light, and adding a new phase to a character which will stand among the most il­ lustrious In history. Instead of inclin­ ing on past an (^lasting honors, he has the|courage and manhood to run the ri*k ol makiuftenemies by utterances upon ttibjects upon ivhicti the people differ. Murder will out. It was thir­ teen years ago, a brother of Mr. Geo. Clark.of our neighboring town ot May- Held, while traveling in Missouri, was murdered py a man who was riding with him. The murderer was arrested but broke jail and escaped. From that time all trace of him has been lost until last mouth, when the Sheriff of the count}' in Missouri in ivhich he had been arrested, got tracks of him in Livingston County in this State. lie wen: there and had him again arrested, and he is now iu jail in Missouri for trial. For twelve ysars he has lived on his farm there under the name of J. II. Watkins. His real name is Henry Patterson. He at once admitted his guilt; said lie had never enjoyed a moment's peace since the murder was committed, and that it was a relief to him to be arrested and to feel that he was to expiate his crime.--Sycamore hepublican. GOOD FOB ORAM r. The following characteristic letter was written by General Grant to Gen eral Logan, iu response to an Inrita tion extended to the ex-PresiUent to preside at a Gar lie Id and Arthur meet­ ing to be held In New York: MANITOU SRUTNQS. Col. Aug. nth. Mr DKAR UKN. LOGAN-- I left this place two weeks ago for an extended tour through the San Luis Park and Gunnison country, and hence have only just received your letter of the 28th of •Tnly. I 'wi.ll be going east the latter part of September, ami will glidly attend any meeting intended to further the suc­ cess of the ticket headed by Garfield and Arthur. I agree with you that it will not ilo to be beaten now. We should never be beaten umil every man who counts or represents those "who count in the enu meratlon to give representation In the electoral college, can cast his vote just as lie pleases, andean have it counted just as he cast it. Yours trulj', u. a. GRANT. tt£r*The passenger earnings of the Chicago A Northwestern'Itailway for the past year, aggregate nearly four million dollars. A railroad company must have to employ nearly as many book-keepers'and accountants as the average country newspaper publisher. The only consolation for us newspaper publishers is, that if the railroad com­ panies do gather in nearly at much cash, their busiuess is a good deal more dangerous. Coin* to think of it, though, we are not so sure of this. If a man is to be mutilated we are uot so sure whether it makes much differ­ ence whether it is done by iron wheels or by the strong fists and big feet ot the man who comes in to see the editor about some little flippant item--and finds him. Talk'as youlwill, this Is a hard-hearted, lonesome old world-- sometimes.--Ex. VALUABLKJFAGTa FltOM A SAFK SOCROR The affairs of this country have be­ come so extended that it is only by a carefully prepared synopsis in the form of figures that one can really hope to understand what is really going on. Hon. A. R. Spoflord, the Librarian of Congress, is the only man who has fa­ cilities at his command fur collecting complete national statistics, and he does it with the greatest care and ac­ curacy. His latest issue, "The Amer­ ican Treasury of Facts," has been sent us by Messrs. H.H. Warner & Co., pro­ prietor* of the valuable Warner Safe KcrtieUles. This book Is a miniature cyclopaedia in itself, containing in ad­ dition to a vast amount of national matter, about all of value that ha* transpired in this country during the past year, and reflects credit upon the compiler, as well as upon the enterprise of Messrs. Warner A Co. in^selectiug it. m i $3 If you are thinking of running a railroad, reader, don't do it; It is mighty expensive business and will keep a man as busy as an extravagant wife would. Here is one item that shows, of itself. The superintendent of the oil and fuel department of the C. B. & Q. Roa'l. at Aurora, during the mouth of August, gave out 5.230 tons of coal, 250 cords of wood, 23,251 gallons engine oil. 2,820 gallons lard oil, 4,087 gallons kerosene. 7,295 pounds tallow, and 3,914 pounds of waste. And as far as using fuel was concerned, August was not a very cold month either. Think of that expense, oh, reckless man, contemplating engaging in the railroad business, and pause! Though you may think to the contiary, It will be impossible for you to swing through on a capita! of one dollar and a half. Brick Pomeroy, who is now pub­ lishing the Great Wevt at Denver, has some opinions as to General Garfleld which hisquaudom Democratic friends might heed with profit. Brick says in his paper: "The less the Democrats have to say about Garliehrs dishonesty the more sense they will exhibit. He took the back. pay. but handed it back into the Treasury ol the United States, We do not believe him dishonest, or that he has ever pocketed pennies of political perquisites where his assail­ ants have stolen dollars, either from the public or their private friends. If the- Democrats, or others, selected leaders ivjth as clean a record as Gar­ fleld, they would <lo well." bin 1 Gartiielil stand the men who fought for national unity and have consistently labored for national prosperity and power and defended the national honor. Behind Hancock stand the men who fought to destroy the un­ ion. who «ri'Mifti a deitt ot 9'2,75(>.4.Tl.- 571.43 upon the country and who sought national dishonor and disgrace. Hon­ est, patriotic citizens can not hesitate iu deciding which to support. lOrJIm Wood, the Irish Hootierand coal-miner, who is making some pun­ gent campaign speeches for the Repub­ licans in Indiana, told the following pointed story lo a speech recently* apropos to the bloody shirt discussion: "Then they say that the fellows talk of the bloody shirt all the time. They remind me of the,i boy and the dog. The boy was going along the road, aud he happened to have a pitchfork with him, am) he met a savage dog, aud he happeuod to be holdiu/'the sharp end of the pitchfork towarijLtbe dog. Uis old grandfather called1 out to him, Whv, what do you have the sharp end of the pitchfork toward the dog for?' and the boy said,'Because the dog had his sharp end toward me.' If they don't like hearing about the bloody shirt, they shouldn't have turned their sharp edge toward us." A gentleman entered a grocery store in Indiana recently, and asked for a gallon of molassea. Having drawn it, the storekeeper asked him what he would take it home in, "In my hat,*' promptly replied the custom­ er, calmly holding out a new silk hat, into which the grocer, not to be out-, done iu coolness, poured the fluid. Then the customer jammed the hat over the grocer's head, and having thus occupied Ills attention, took what uiouey there was iu the till and skipped out. g&Mnquiry of New York merchants discovers general satisfaction and great expectations In all departments ot business. Buyers from the South are present In larger numbers than iu any recent season. The Southern crops --cotton, sugar, wheat, rice and corn- are excellent. Texas has this season had an unusually large acreage of wheat. The reports of the good crops are confirmed by New York bankers, who say that large sums of money have been shipped South to more the products. • B6TA masked burglar entered a room where a man and his wife lay asleep/, They both awok«, when the robber pointed a pistol at their heads, and quietly backed out of the room, and got oft with his plnnder. The startled slnmberers were terribly frightened, "the man's hair tnming white before morning." The woman was as much scared as her husband, but upon examinining her hair, which hung over the back of a chair. It was fcstRsl upi ts have changed a particle. Don't forget that Walker Boot. Fitzsimmons A Evansou are sole agents for McHenry. i 00» WlsniMOTOM CORVMPOSDERIL WASHINGTON , September 13th. tt«>. EDITOR PLAINDKAI.KR.-- Once again our city begins to put on the appear* ance of autumn. The cool weatherat the sea shore has driven the peoplo home, and to-day we see many of the old familiar faces. 9otne of them » little more plump, and nearly all of them much more brown. Ladies, young and old. will for the next month or two promenade our streets with their fore­ arms exposed, In order that all may see the brown skin, the sure evidence that the owner has "been away" during the summer. When the winter comes those same arms will be brought oot at parties and reception* a* white •• the lilly, Since our last letter to you the Dem­ ocrats of this city have had theirgrand rally and ratification meeting. Thej displayed many torches, flags, bunting Chinese lanterns, Ac., &c„ and made % very lond noise. They ghart great trouble, however, First, they quarreled over the honors of the occasion. TH* greatest unwashed of them all. the man who has all hie lite been a fleree Bourbon, and who was the* bltterett opponent ofjthe war and of its result*, was not dealt the first honors of the oc­ casion. This made trouble, and it to brewing yet. The different clubs an passing resolutions in which they con­ demn the injustice done the scion of the Dem. Jack. Ass, ofJD. C. The com­ plaint is that uow, whan victory U about to perch upon the banners of th« Democratic party, those who have stood idly by and donegnothlng for the caiiM are allowed to step to the front and usurp the honors that belong to thoM who have been dilllgent; ,iu the dark hours of adversity to the party. In the abstract this is true, aud if the par* ty were about to meet with success IT would be manifestly! unjust to allovr the laggards to gather op the spoils. But these are only generalities, for there isno|danger that either^the dili­ gent or lasy will get auy benefits frosa the success of the party in th« present campaign. Tho people of the count«|r are not yet ready to hand the 'control of the Government over to the relttl Democracy. We call them rebel--that is a hard name, and ought not to be ap> plied to any man or set of men unleM merited. We think that it is right!/ applied, Aud when a friend of ours so applied It the other day a man who had been In the Union army and li now a Democrat became offended. Omrn^ ply to him is that all Democrats were not rebels during the war, but it to certain that ail rebels were Democrat*. It is beyond a question true that of all the traitors in arms from 1861 to 1861, and all the Copperheads,' Knights of the Golden Circle, and their allies a$ the North who were aiding «*n<i abet* ting the Rebellion, not one of thea* was a Republican. We therefore mai^t* tain that as between the two parties one Is the loyal Republican, the ottMt the rebel Democratic. We know not how many of yoitr readers will have an opportunity of seeing the illustration of the situation In the Democratic oarap, as shown ta Puck for last week. Chairman W. B. Barnum is showing General Hancock through their museum. In the fore­ ground is seen the Democratic mule with rear paru at both end and ne head, represeuting the north aud the south. The rents made by secession, null!#* cation etc. are poorly stitched up and the seams are ragged. Hancock to struck with terror at the idea of becont* ing a head to such an animal, while all around the room are to be seen the relics of the party, the cast of! imple­ ments of party warfarelsuch as Bootlito pistols with which he shot Lincoln, the hoopskirt and bonnet In which Je® Davis escaped, a skeleton from Andef* sonvtlle. the rag baby, a whipping post an auction block for selling slaves, the slave's chain and shackels. the uniform and masks of the Klu Klux Klan, thft: recori of political murders In the South, the fugitive slave act, a blood> -P hound, a lamp post for bunging negroes in 1863, repudiated bonds. In. flation, etc., etc. The Democratic J principles that have obtained in the j past, could not be more truly portrayed than the artist has shown In this lllne*. tration. words do not express It. Whal a record it is with which this party goes before the country. Dishonesty theft of property in man. inhumanity, slavery, repudiation of honeat debt** treason, rebellion, war rapine, murder. Ji by starvation, assassination of the i;y J chief magistrate, midnight mitrripp* and all things else fncamately wlckod | and inhuman, and last but not least et things specified, fraud at the ball At box, make the real platform npo* | wheh this party asks the support a! people. |^*Mr. Weaver now announce* that free institutions are overthrown : South, and that in reality the He| has no existence there. OM suppose that this overthrew of elections in o*>e great section country Is a matter of Infinitely moment than anything whloh sihle to be done by IVee gi and that Mr. Weaver ami all for the preservation of free! tiohs would see that the way to wire tti* is by Joluittfi 1 the only party that attempt* teet u free ballot. $ •*:!

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