vor. s. V T , - <v ' ' " i(v* • '" ' '- '*<> '•" *' '•• •" " r ' % * - ' V- f 'a" / " ' 'V** * ' "* " ? v . : • : ' ~ • ' • " « Published Every Wednesday by JT. VAN SLYKE EDITOR ANDJPUBLISHER. OiBce in Old P. O. Block, --OrrosiT* RIVKKSIDB House.-- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 0n« Tear, {in A<tvani>,e,) f i 50 If not P.Udl within Three Months . . 2 00 lu'Jiarlptions receive (forthreeor siximonth the tame proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T.BROWK.M.l). PHYSICIAX AND SURGEOV. Office over the Post Office, opposite Perry & Martin's Store up St virs, McHenry, 111, O. H. FEGEftS, M, D- •SHrsiOlAX AND SURGEON. Johnaburg I Ills.--Office hours 8 to 10 A, H, O. J. HOWARD, M D. 11MT91CIAW AND SURGEON. Office at I mr resilience, opposite M. E. Church, McHenry. III. E- V. ANDERSON. M. D. PHYSICIAN aiii Surgeon. Office Beslcv's Drnir Store, opposite House, McHehry, Illinois. at Parker W. H. BUCK, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC physician and Sursreon. Office eatt se<le Public Square, Woort. •took. III. Office nours 11 to 1-2 A M., and t to 4 P.M. PRATT HOUSE. A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class ae. Good Barn in connection fT eoramoilatioas Waneonda, III. F.J. BARBIAN. CIGAR Mann fact \irer McHenry, III. ders solicited. Shop, North East tar Public Square. Or- Cor RICHARD COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peaceand Conveyancer.-- Will attend promptly to the collection of tebts. Volo, Lake County, 111. E. E. RICHARDS. HAS a wnplete Abstract of Titles to land in M Henrv County, lll 'nois. Office with Sounty I lerk, Woodstock, 111. ROBT. WRIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Made Roots and Shois None but the best of matcral used and all work warranted. Shop North west corn r Public Squire, McHenry.111. E.M.OWEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent In Leading Farm Machinery.-- Prices low and Terms favorable. McHenry N.S.COLB1T. MCHENRY, McHenry Co., 111. B eeder of Spartlsh Merino Sheep, Berkt hire and Poland China ? .vine. V choice lot -f young Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. GEO. SC/UUEINER. 3 ALOON and K»*st;uirant. Nearly opposite J the Parker House, McHenry,. Ill WFirst class Itilliard and Pool Tables. JOHN HENDRICKS. BLIVIN'S MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared to sell and repair any kind of a Sewing Machine as cheap as the cheapest. Will also insure yonr life and property at reasonable Mies. Please giveine )i c»l' . PETER LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Al»o Repairs Violins in the best possible manner, on sh;>rt notice and at rea sonable rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop ;rst door North of Riverside Block, McHenry 111. G. L. HUBBARD, Ringwood, III, -DEALER IN- LIGHT AND HEAYY HARNESS Also everything that is kept and sold in a Harness Shop. I can and will sell Harness as cheap as any man in the County. All work warranted. Call and see me betore purchasing. Repairing done at all Times. Scott & Co., "Hatters to the Great Northwest." Hos. 135 and 137, Madison St., NEAR CLARK ST. Have a larger stock and greater variety of styles for you t > c»rvne from, than can be found in any other eatibliahiuent in Chicago or the Wo*t. It will pay you to call and see them. Prioet the lowest in the land for good goods. BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. 01 ark & Lake sts. & S. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison sts., CHICAGO. M A R C U S ' CERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS, --DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock^ III. Tfhe bast T-»nir. in the world. Put Mid Quart Bottles. .Put£uplln BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY Illinois. C. S. GREEN. SURGEON; Hichmond N SIDNEY DISBROW, OTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer, den. III. Al JACOB BONSLETT. SALOON AND REST VURANT. Opposite Bishop's Mill, McHenrv, III. The choic est Wines, Liquors an<l Cigars to be found in the county. Fresh<>rstersjn their season served up in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOP. HORSES. CROSS, D E N T I S T . McHenry, III. Full Plates made of-the best material and fully warranted, $3.00. Filling one-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without pain and free of charge where Artiiicial Teet hare in serted bv him. All Work fully warranted. Pure Nitrous Oxide Cas alwava on and for the piiale^s ox traction of teeth. MdtSEL: SCOTT, PORTRAIT PAINTER. Oil. PORTRAITS Taken from life or photographs. Correct and finished likenesses warranted. Prices moderate. McHenrv, III. J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTIONE ER AND APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. SALES of Stock, FarmiuK Tools and Goods of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Post Office address Algonquin III. W. H. SANFORD, Slerclran t Tailor. 1 Jin the store of C. II. Dickinson, East side of Public S'juare, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A irood Stock of Fine Cloths for SuttwfT" al ways on hand. Suits made to order and a fit warranted- Give me a call. W. II. SANFORD. Woodstock 111..Sept. 27th, 1875. #1# t>r/\eLr H. K. WKillTMAX, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds iloneon short notice. M. ENCELN- OJ-TJ IV- > s i j > X I T H ! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol ishing Razors and Shears and Table Cutlery a speelali- ty. Repairing of c.jW.'ii kinds done in "~-^l®Steel or " Brass.-- All work warrant ed. Also dealer in Guns. Revolvers, Table and Pocket Cutlery,Gun and Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco, Violin Strings, Jtc. Shop and store near the Post Office, Mc- Ilenrv, III. Geo. H. Stewart, A u c t i o n e e r . Richmond, III. Has an experience or 15 vears, and wil guarantee satisfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to my care, arc properly ad vertised, or no^harg'e will be made. Terms, from $5 to #10, according to amount of sale. All orders addressed to Richmond, 111., will receive prompt attention. F. MARCUS, Patentee. Sinn MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted © lUU County rights given gratis f«r the sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputation world wide ; established many years; made by a celebrated physician ;"pr"oofs of evidence given. Anin i ustrious, energetic person can make «mi*permanent income and very li beral ertns by ad Iressing with -eference, 233 * hestniitStreet,!1 hliadelphia. C -- -- GRACK'S CELEBRATED SALVE Is A VEGETABLE PREPARATION invented in the lTth eenturv by Dr. Wilfiam Grace, Surgeon in King James' army. Through its agency he cured thousands' of the most serious sores and wounds that<bafll- ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was reenrded by all Who knew him'as a p iblic benefactor. PRICE S5 CENTS A BOX. ' 0 0 0 B O Y S & G I R L S , " t » V . V . » ! jr the bes t B->\' 's an I Girl ' s paper published n the iVest. Beautiful presents to snbscrib. srs and agents. Every l>ov and girl can earn ots of money canvassing during leisure hours. D ̂ n't fail to send for it at once. To Introduce it we will send to. anv address on Srlal three mouthy, for ia Cents in cash oj I ostace stamns. Simple of paper "an,! I particulars FRFE V'ldress liouaebold Gem. c lc v e la u.l, O • • r v . . . . . c | F R E E Pled god but to Truth; to klbgfty awe! I=3wj NoF avors Win us and no Font* Shall A we.' M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. SEPfEMBER 29, 1880. JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in Chan, eery. Will practice in State and in Fed. eral Courts. Office, 3d Floor. Ney Custom House, Chicago. CHAS. II. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public Woodstock, Illinois. Office over Stone's Drugstore. C. H. TRUAX. CARPENTER and Builder, Nnnda, III.-- Will put up buildings by theJobor day. and guarantee satisfaction. : ETBBNXETT, M. D., QITRQEON and Accoucher. Diseases of O Women and all private diseases of both sexes a Specially. Office and Residence on Clay Street Woodstock 111. J. A. KEq^EIBKX, V. KELTKB Keckeisen & Eelter, General Commission Merchants, -DEALERS IN-- Floor, Grain, Port, LarJ, Bams, Green and Dried Fruits. Butter, Eggs, Poul try. Hides, Pelts, etc. 170 South Water Street, CHICAGO, REFERENCE--Jas. M. Adsit, Banker. Advances made on Consignments. -VIA- CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY 2,380 Miles of Road WEST FOR Cedar Rapids, Denver, Mars hall town, -Des Moines Sioux City, Yankton, Omaha, Leadville, Salt Lake, San Francisco The Black Hills, Colorado, Council Bluffs California Columbus, the Territories EA8T FOR Ohicago New York, Boston, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Monreal, Toronto, New England, Canadas, Buffalo, and all Points East! SOUTH FOR Cincinnati, Nashville, Louisville, tfew Orleans, St. Loris, Jacksonville, Columbus, and all Points South, --THE-- . "North- Western," Is the most DIRECT ROUTE, offcrinfr the traveling public Greater Facilitiesand More Advantuges than any road in the West. It is the only line running PnllM Hotel and Sleeping Cars, Between Chicago and Council Blnlfs. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars are run on all night trains. This is the great Pullman Line of the Northwest. Palace Par or Cars run between Chicago ami Milwaukee. First-Class Meals only 60 cents at the Eat ing Stations on the North-Western. Sure ami close connections at Chicago with all Kailronds, and at all Junction Points with all roads that cross its Lines. All Ticket Aeonts can sell you Through Tickets and check your Baggage FREE by this Road. For information, folders, maps, etc.. not oh. tainahle at Home Ticket Office, address' any a^ent of the Company, or MABVIN HTJGHITT W. H. STI ITIfETT, GeneralSupt. Gen'l PassengerAgen The Singer Ahead- The following is a list of pur chasers of the Genuine Singer Sewing Machine withiu the past eighteen months: Mrs Davis Mrs Walkn,» Mrs "l^oles K II Stevenson.) Quinlan C II Trvon J S Kclley Miss Frame Miss \Vandrak DZigler" EGriswold FK Granger M rs Torrance C'het Stevens Mrs Gochy Mrs A B Coon Kev Burch' Mrs HufTman Mrs ValalstinvH (iillis Mrs McDonald M Sullivan Ellen Hurlbntfi McKinney J Keepsell J McQuillan O A (iraven Mrs Slorse II Connors Mrs M Vyce .John Ileiden It Church J Mellor' J Groskinsey (i Hrjnnt %rs Robinson Mrs Ilarinond Mrs M Brown I) W Hon tell II M Prouty E l> Thom.ts B F Gibbs I L Ilibbard Kd StClair Olive Stevens Mrs WashhurnJ Mansfield Minnie Page II Freeman Jennie Booth R Thompson C Ingersoll Mrs Barnes W A Skinner "J Haratage ( ' llo.^child Frank Colbura MrsHouderseN Reading E B >mith <ieo Farrow W Seaton II F Jones Miss Furney Mrs A 1/ Warner Monroe Lake Pat Connorty Win Stewart Alice Dates P Kosdick L Lock wood Ira S locum Miss Ilea ton A Bonner OJoslyn l.ibbie Duffy S C Wernliam Jos St John MrsK^wley Mrs ISrigjrs Mrs C AllenJ (i Blakeslee II Mayer Maggie Sides Geo Bryant L Peterson H Schneider Jacob G nth Jas Bayard W li Sun ford A K Bunker G W Conn U Harrison I'eler Fry Geo McCowb Sarah Ward Alice Carr T II WiftRins Kev Beiuty (1 Bnrrows Mrs N Martin Jos Levoy J. Van wlyke Nanc.v Hii 1 K & s PaddockC G Perkins Etta Beers A M (ienetf I. Thompson Mrs Harris 11 Bartlett S;iralt Shank T Good sell K Uennison N Donnelly 1^ An'terson A Daviilson Wm S perry 2 L Hutchinson Geo Manning Mary Bacon Sarah Smales J. A.*C»rr Henry Simpson Dwight Judd E M Thompson Mrs r^ Burton Win ftuffman Nellie Hall Nellie ilogan A McCawley H H Nichols L Diminei O Stewart A Kngland Mima Karley S E llesbett A McPherson S H Leie L Welch K Kosenburger L Siilsbury S Russell H tliblerir.au C H Cornish M Shoop F .1 Karbian Ella Parker S Newman Wm Walsh M Doherty H McOmber E FELT. General Manager for the Singer Manafact- uring Cn. for McHenry bounty. The McHenry Brewery. Gottleib Boley; Proprietor. THE best of Beer shipped to any part of the country and warranted as represented.-- Ordnrs solicited and promptly attended [to Tlie Piilly Suspender or Argosy r.r:»co cai be bought in this town only at Laupr «fc Becker's. They are the q.-st thing out, Board of Supervisors. SEPTEMBER MEETING. The annual meeting of the Hon. Board of Supervisors of McHenry County was held in tiie Court House in Woodstock, Sept. 14, 1880. Called to order by Chairman. At roll call the following members were present: IT. Underwood. Z. E, Good rich, I. R. Curtis*, O. C,Diggin8. J. Thompson, B. A. Wade, S. Cutter, W. G. Conklin, G.J1V. Goodrich^ Barber, Wm. G. Sawyer,. E. M. Lamb, G. H. Garrison, A. Wilcox. W. A. McConnel, L. Hatch, J. W. Cristy, B. F. Peck, G. S. Frary. Sundry bills were read by the clerk and referred to tlie Committee on Claims. Tlie following report of receipts and disbursmeritS of A. W. Young. Co. Sup't. of schools, tor the year ending June 30, 1880, was read to the Board, and 011 motion . referred to the Com mittee on Education, 10-wit: To THE HONORABLE BOA no OF SUPER VISORS OF MCHEKKT COUNTY: Rej»ort of the receipts and expendi tures in the office of tlie County Superintendent of Schools of said county for the year commencing July 1, 1879 and ending June 30, 1880: RECEIPTS. Balance on hand date last report f Fines received of J . ti. Cullender 1* 87 14 00 15 ()<> :« 00 21 50 175 (*> 23 70 8 00 8 00 2 90 3 IK) 33 00 20 00 do do K. Baldwin do Uo A A Pettibone. . . . do do B F Ellis do do Ira It ("nrtiss do ' ' rto li V Wells do do C O Mcl.ane.... do do ,1 11 Johnson do do J F Itelilin do dv» James Philip do do J 1$ Perrv. do do lloiner Wattles School tax fund received from State Auditor 8793 35 Interest ree'd from Stale Auditor 500 H6 Total 88 EXPENDITURES. <} S Southworth, note heads and en. 6 80 Adams, Blnckmer & Lyon, blk cert,.. . 95 Postage on report to state supt and postage to date 1 fio Kx on school laws from state supt 2 20 Ex on school laws sent town treas 75 Blanks sent towtiship treasurers 3 75 Express on slate supt reports so Postage on same to township treas 87 Postal cards f iO ti s Southworth, note heads 3 0b Cash paid lor treasurer'sacc't Itook.... 1 20 Postage on blanksdistributed to town ship treasurers and correspondence to date .. . . . g 14 Advice cards to teachers and directori) and express on same 7 90 Adams, Blackmer & Lyon, district blanks and cxprcs* 33 90 Stationary, exchange and postage on correspondence to date 4 77 Adams, Blackmer ft Lyon, district blanks hml exchange 8 42 Postage on same to township treat 40 Postage stumps.. 2 00 « S Southworth, notice and onv 4 25 Postage stamps 100 Adams, Illacknier & Lyon, blk .certf., 2 00 Express on re (tort from state stfpt. 25 Record hook and express 3 75 Postage stamps 1 00 Express 011 btks from state supt for treasurers ami directors W Postage on saute to trfuts<|j 'ors.. J B Bibcock, printing tlUUUoiUK t 97 A W Young, county supt, commission on money distributed 189 DISTRIBUTION OF STATU lfUXD. Riley . . 328 Marengo 75C Dunham 3S5 To the Board of Supervisors of the ' in consideration of the County of McHenry 'in the State of Illinois. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the town of McHenry, in said County, *voul'l represent that a bridge is necessary to be built over Fox River where the name is intersected by the highway leading from McII«»nry to Wankegan." In said town that the «*ost of building such bridge will be eigTlt thousand two hundred (8200) dollars, which would be an unreasonable bur den to said town, and more than can be raised in one ye*r by ordinary road taxes therein, the amount rasled by said taxes being only two thousand nine hundred fifty two and 96 (29*)2.96) dollars, wherefore tlie said Commission ers of Highways hereby petition you for nn appropriation of tour thousand one hundred (4100) dollars from the County Treasury to aid in building said bridge. Dated at McHenry, Illi nois,tl,lis 7th day of Sept. 1880. * SlMR"N II. OOVKt.L, ^ cial condition of our countv. we feel that it would be unwi«e to open the avenues for a series of similar peti tions, which would very natnrallv fol low. we therefore respectfully re commend that the praver of the peti tion be not granted. All of which is ted. respectfully submit- CASTKR ADAMS }Com, of Highways, MAKTIN W U.SH. > which on motion was referred to- the Committee on Roads and Bridge®. Supervisor Garrison irom Committee on Claims made some remarks as to the bill for clothing and transportation furnished our dear and dumb patients at Jacksonville, and on his motion tlie Clerk was instructed to charge the amount* furnished to patients to the several towns from which said patients were sent anil to send the hills to the Town Board as incase of insane bills. Board adjourned to meet to-morrow at 10 o'clock a. 111. Wednesday. Sept.15, 1880. Board met pursuant to adjournment. At roll call all present except Sup. Board of Suneri'ixor*. September ternt. Wood- Wade. +»lTtoc%?8elx,\stk, A.D. mo. The minutes of yesterdays meeting were rea:l and approved. The committee on town accounts made the following report which on motion was adopted to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,) >88 t 'heniung ; Coral Se11ec.it Mart laud Ablcn . (irafion Dorr Greenwood Ilebron Algonquin N unda McHenry . tfichniond Town 43, range 9 Town 44. range # Town 45, range 9 Burton 4AJ 357 :«!> 3*13 »>•«» V217 2IJ5 3I!» W!f> 83<> 473 184 77 179 78 Total dishursments .|».W0 5S Amount on hand to balance 76 33 Total fgo65 88 A communication was received from tlie State Board of Agriculture, asking that this Board appoint dele gates to meet with the convention of delegates to be held at Springfield Sept. *29, 1880. for the purpose of elect ing a Slate Board of Agriculture. On motion L. VV. Sheldon, T. McD. Richards and James Crow were ap pointed delegates and J. S. Rogers, W, A. Mc'.'oiinel and Richard Wray, as alternates, to said convention. Mr. Clemens of Xunda. came before the Board and made complaint as to excessive assessment in assessing Greenbacks on hand, which was refer red to committee on Personal Proper ty. The report of E, M. Lamb, over seer of the Poor In the town of Dorr was read to the Board. The following resolution prssented hy Sup. Barber was lead to the Board to:wit: J{'-.solved. By the Hon. Board of Supervisors of .McHenry county, that we view with i>larm the steady increase of insanity in the northern portion of our state, and especially in our own county. That we learn from authentic sources that the provisions made by our ^tate for this future class of people", are, at present, insufficient for their accom modation. And we earnestly call the attention of our Hon. Senator and Representatives from this district to I his fact, requesting them to do all in their power to secure such necessary legislation as will provido ample ac commodations for the care and support of these unfortunates. Jiesolced, That the clerk of this board be instructed to furnish our Senator and each of our Representa tive (after otir November election) with a copy of these resolutions. Woodstock, III., Sept. 14. 1880. Pending the adoption of the resolu tion a communicative was read by the Clerk from.the County Board of Rock Island County,asking that acommittee ot three to be appointed from this Board to draft a petition to the Gen eral Assembly of our State, praying for the passage of a law providing for ample icconimodations for the care of tlie insane of our State. On motion of Supervisor Wilcox, the resolution was adopted and a com mittee of three appointed to draft said petition. , The chairman appointed Sup'ts Wilcox, Barber and Garrison, said Committee with instructions to report at this session of tlie Board. Sup. Crist}' presented and read to the Board the following petition from the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Mcllenry--to-wit: 00 000 00 100 00 1300 00 600 00 250 00 Mcllenry County, September Meetineof the Boahl*ffSnpervl- sors, September H 1S8Q. Gentlemen;--Your com ml ttee on town accounts would report that they have examined the estimated amounts certified to be raised in the several towns of this county for town, corpor ation and for road and bridge expenses finding the sums hereto annexed to be the same and correct, would recom mend that, tlie several amounts be ex tended in the proper colonies of the tax books for the current year: Riley, town tax ; ( 350 00 roads and bridges <550 00 Marengo, town tax 1000 00 road and bridges 50C 00 corporation «I0 00 Dunham, town tax 800 00 roade and bridges 1800 00 Chemung, town tax 1700 00 roads and bridge* 1500 Alden, town tax 400 no roads and bridges 300 00 Hartland, town tax..: 750 00 Seneca, town tax 600 00 roads anil bridges 120 00 Coral, town tax 400 00 roads and lirMges.... 150 00 Dorr, town tax 1400 00 corporation «.# . 1037 til (ireenwood, (own tax 200 00 Hebron, town tax.... . 800 00 roads and bridges 100 00 Richmond, town tux'. 350 00 20V 00 Burton, town tax w roads a 11 it brtdires McHenry. town tax roads and bridges 40o on 9100 Nunda, town tax Corporation Algonquin, town tax road and bridge corp of Crystal Lako All of which Is respectfullv submitted, A. Wilcox, HKNKV UNLTRRWOOD LRWIS HATCH , G. S. FR A R T . Committee. The following report of the commit tee on Education was made and on motion adopted. STATE OF ILLINOI9, ) >88 McHenrv Countr, ' Board of Supervisors. September term September 15tli, A I). 18S0. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. Your Committee on Education beg leave to report tltat in consideration of the fact that tlie County Snpcrinten- ent of Schools is not at present allowed any compensation for visiting schools, we would therefore recommend that he be allowed one half day for each school actually visited by him through out the county each year, and ' 'the di rectors of such schools so visited be re quested to furnisli such superintend ent a certificate of such visit. We would fnr'her recommend an ap propriation of J50 for the purpose of a Teachers' County Institute this fall. All of which is respectfully submit ted. SVMl'Kt. ClTTTKB, II. A. WADK, s. FRART, W. S A W rBR , B. F. PECK . The Committee on Roads Bridges madetlie following report wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 vss McHenry County ' Hoard of Supervisors, September term, Sep- tcmcinber 15, A. D. 1SH0. Mr. Chairman aud Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. Your committee on roads and bridges would report that they have examined the road warrants of the different towns in the county and would report as follows: Town Correct Not sworn to Riley 13 Mareng > 11 Duitli 'vin 5 Chemung 11 1 Aide 1 3 Hartland 12 sencca C-jral 13 I (irafton 5 7 I»f»rr fi 4 Greenwood.. 17 3 Helmut 12 Itibcmonl S 8 Burton ! 3 Mcllenry 3 4 Nunda..". 2 6 Algonquin... 31 An 1 your committee would recom mend that the Countv Clerk be insrnct- ed to receive all warrants not properly returned, that may be corrected ami re turned 011 or before tlie tenth day of Oct. next. Your committee would also report that they have seriously considered the ' petition referred to them, from tlie town of McHenry, requesting an appropriation by this hoard for the construction of a bridge across Fox River at, or near the village of Mc Henry. And while we are not indif ferent to the great burden which such an improvement would impose upon th" tax payers of the town if compel led to bear it alone, and recogni/.itu; thei right also to petition this board for assistance in sticliiinprovemeats. But and to- LFSTER B ARBER, SAMITEI j Cl'TTER, LEWIS HATCH, «. s. FHARV, 7,. R. GOODRICH, Pending the adoption of said re port Sup. Cristy asked if the Commit tee had investigated the legal right of tlie Commissioners of the town of McHenry to petition tlie County for help to build said bridge and read the statute bearing on the same and stat ed that the town of McHenry had held a special election, voted for raising funds for the same, and had complic with the statute 011 their part ami hoped that tlie action of the Board might not be hasty, or in oppositioh to the statute In such case made and provided. It was discussed by Sup's Curtiss and Barber. On motion of Sup. Wilcox, the re port WHS adopted,excepting that por tion relating to the appropriation of of money for the building of the bridge at McHenry, which was referred back to the committee with instructions to take counsel and report at the Dec. meeting of the Board. The Committee on Claims made the following report which 011 motion was julopted to-wit: STATE OF ILLIXOI3, > . >88 McIIewFy County \ Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. Your committee on claims would beg leave to report that they have ex amined all claims presented before them, and recommended the payment of the following, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders for the several amounts to the several claim ants, to-wit: Bills paid as per previous order of the of Supervisors: A W \ oung, 17 davs snpt of schools... $ 68 00 W 1> Kinglard,|prfnting, as per|bill 166 N 111, llos'l as per hills for Sophia Sonderricker, clothing, etc 8 10 Timothy llallacy do 1TJ! Kli/.a B'Hegiey do 7 17 Thomas Cummins do 6 77 Caroline Thompsoit do ...... 75 Martha Steele do 24 89 John W Hraley do 18 27 Isadore G Cow vllle do 161 Caroline Buchanan do a 01 Julia Calahan do 1191 Total bills paid fi52 42 Your committee would recommend that the bil'.s for justices' and constab les' fees in the cases of People vs. James Burrows, James Loftns. May Loftus. Ira Burt'and Benjamin Erick- son. be dismissed. We would also recommend that the hills for expenses of insane paupers from the Jforthern Illinois Hospital for Insane be charged to the town where the several patients had a resi dence and the county clerk be instruct ed to send bills to said towns for said amounts. Respectfully submitted, a. II. GARKrsotr, SAMUEL CUTTBR. Z. E. GOODRICH, W. O, SAW1 KB, J. W.;CRt*TT, Committee. On motion of Sup. Garrioon the mat* ter of the residence of Sophia Sond- ricker au insane person was referred to Sup. Lamb, with Instructions to re port at tlie Dec. meeting of this Board. The Committee on finance prosented the following report which was, rqad and on motion adopted to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) >•88 McHenry county,) Board of Supervisor*, September 15, September term A. />, 1830. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. Your Committee 011 finance would beg leave to submit the following re port on the matters before thetn : that from the Treasurers exhibit to your committee the gross receipts from December 17tn.l879 to date, including the balance then on hand were $'2G,304- 02, expenditures and commissions to date. 817,509.33, balance on hand. $8,705- 29. That 011 December 17. 1878, there were outstanding 101. §300 6 per cent, county orders amounting to $57.300.-- I11 February 1880, your Treasurer by order of the board, called in for re demption and pi*i<1 oft orders Nos, 100 to 120 both inclusive, leaving outstand ing 171 county orders drawing 6 per cent Interest and amounting on the l&t day of April 1880. to 851,000. Your Committee would recommend that the sum ot $22,000 be raised for the following purposes, viz: 1st. to pay contingent expenses of the county; 2d, to pay interest 011 coui:ty Indebted ness; 3d, to pay oft principal of county indebtedness, with whatever surplus sum there may remain after paying said contingent expenses and interest. And that the Treasurer is hereby in structed to pay off said principal. All of which is respectfully submit ted. . IRA R. CURTISS, JAMES THOMPSON, A.WILCOX. Z. E. GOODRICH, J. W. CRISTY Sup. Garrison, chairman of the com mittee on fees and salaries stated that an error of $100.00 was made in the recommendation of said committee at *he July meeting of thi6 Board, in the amount due the Co. Clerk, and on his •notion the clerk was instructed to draw an order for the same. In the matters of the Chester Clemens estate, the committee on assessments of Personal Property reported that it be referred to the assessor of tlie town of Nunda. Keport adopted. The committee 011 fees and salaries made the following report to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, i >-ss Mcllenry County, ) jiufird of Supervisors, Septetnber term Sep- tetnber, J5, Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. Your Committee, to whom was re ferred the matter of fixing the salaries of tlie County Sheriff aud ('lerk of the Circuit Court, would beg leave to sub mit the following report on the mat ter before them: We would recommend that the com pensation of the Sheriff be fixed at fourteen hundred ($1400) dollars per annum for a ten:) of two years from the first of December next. Also that the compensation of the Cterk of the NO. 10. Circuit Conrt be fixed at eisrhtee*. hundred (81809) dollar* p*»r annum Cot* a term of four year* from th<* first of December next. Y®nr Commitf»»e un demanding that a recent ••oustrnetion of the law by the Snpreme Court of tint State determines that the ortie«»r hn« % right under the law to eharije th4 County and receive all necessary ex* penses for clerk hire and incidental* > for his otfee. . Respectfully submitted. " - l IL. H. OAKKVMTFT-* JAM KS THOMPSON. 1.ESTER BARBER, E. M. LAMB, . J. W. CRISTT, Com mitt#*. Sup. GooilrichTTtoved to amend saii| report, making the salary of the Cirmlc^ • : Clerk $1 .. r»00 instead of81.800. nt»d tliafe-^ of Sherifl S120U instead of 81400. On motion of Sup. Goodrich the lie. per diem, and milage was voted ' the members and clerk of the Board. Adjourned to meet at t?a!I of the Clerk. WM. A. MCCONNEL, Chairman Attest, P. WHITNET, Clerk. Soldiers* Department. COXDCCTKO BT DH. S. F. BKNXRTT. THE PUBLIC LANDS. The following proof will be required of parties applying for the benefits of sactions 2304, 2305, and 2307, hi addition to the prescribed affidavit of the appli cant: 1st. Certified copy of certificate of discharge, showing when the party en listed and when he was discharged; or the affidavit of two respectable, disin terested witnesses corroborative of the allegations contained in the prescribed affidavit, form No. 43. on these points, or. if neither can be procured, the par ty's affidavit to that effect. 2d. In case of widows, tlie prescrib ed evidence of miiatary service of tin- husband, as above, with affidavit ot widowhood,giving dale of the liaft* band's death. 3d. In case of minor orphan child-. ren, in addition to the prescribed evl-^J -1 deuce of military service of the " proof of death or marriage of the moth er. Evidence of death may be the tes timony of two witnesses, or certificate of a physician duly attested. Evidence of marriage may be certified copy of v g marriage certificate, or of the record^ jl of same, or testimony of two "vitnesgev to the marriage ceremony, , The register and receiver will be |l»* ' - i lowed to charge one dollar eacii for re ceiving and filing the initiatory declar ation of the parties in cas^s where such declarations are filed. This fee the receiver will account for in the usual • ^ manner, indicating the same in his ac- ^ count as fees for "homestead <feclara-*-f"^ tions," which will be charged against the maximum of $3,000 now allowed by" ' ^ law. In the States and Territories for ;". j which 60 percentutn additional Is «|» lowed by the twelfth subdivision ef section 223S of the Revised Statutes,, the additional allowance will apply to the fee herei 11 named, viz: California. Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Colora do, Idaho, New Mexico. Arizona, Utah Wyoming and Montana. All laudsobtained under the home stead laws are exempt from liability for debts contracted prior to the Issu ing of patent therefor. OHIO, INDIANA, AND ILLINOIS. In reference to disposals of anj rem nant of public lands in these States. It may b«» proper here to introduce the following regulations tor the adtmukm of entries by the Commissioner of (km General i,and Office, under act of March 3. 1877, in States where there arm no district land offices: The act of Congress of March 3, 1877, making appropriations for tl^e legisla tive, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the yearending June 30.1878, provides: 'That public lands situated in States in which there are no land offices may be entered at the General Land office, subject to tlie provisions of law touching the entry of public lands;and that tiie necessary proofs and affidavits required in such t cases may be made before some otlcer ^ competent to administer oaths, whom official character shall be duly certified ^ by the clerk of a conrt of record; and monej*s received by the Commissioner of the General Land Office for lands 1 entered by cash entry shall be covered, a into the Treasury." » Under tljese provisions the Cotnm!*- sioner of tlie General Lantl Office is prepared to perform the duties which by law, were devolved upon the regis ters and receivers of the district land offices at Chilllcothe. Ohio, Springfield, Illinois, and Indianapolis, Indiana, prior to the abolition of those offices by act of Congress of July 31,1876. In so doing, he will receive appllen- tions accompanied by tlie purchase money, or fees and commission*, as the case may be. from parties desiring la enter any isolated tracts which may re main undisposed of In said State*, either from the parties In person or through the mails, and in like manner any proof or payment proper to per* feet entries already made, take the proper action thereo;i. aud duly adviser the parties, in regular cottrfe of bufl* ness, Colby Bros., have just rec«*f»#??^t> line of Youth's and children and can now tit any from Hv« up. Tlieir stock of. clote plete in every ptrticular, to invite the attention of tixt public. buying