Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1880, p. 5

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f r . ' • i/.'-rf , - • r J^e|Jeary ^laisieaii WEDNESDAY OCT. 6, 1880. » DURING the past week the Chicago mi and North Western Railroad have is­ sued a naw Passenger Tariff, which reduces the fare from this place to Chicago from #1.75 to $1.51, and have made proportionate deduction to all Railroad Time Table. | other points. This places it about on basis of three cents a mile. EVERT voter should attend tbe meeting at Kiverside Hal! this Wed­ nesday evening. The speaker, Hon. J. M. Hamilton, is one of the best in the State, and no one, no matter what hit political opinions may be, can fail to be interested. Torn out and give him a fair hearing, ONE who has been subject to dizzi­ ness and headaches, and consequent low spirits resulting from a sedentary Occupation and poor ,digestion, says that by discontinuing the use of meat he experienced the greatest relief.-- He recommends a vegetable and farinaceous diet for all similarly af­ flicted. fjoivo SOUTH. lenevaLake Passenger........... Geneva Lake Express .......8:39 A. V. ftentra Lake Freisht p. M •Steamboat Express :1« P. M. aoixc trosTa. Mttamboat Express 10:00 A. M. Geneva Lake Kreieht 10-02 A. M. Geneva Lake Express 5:4» p. M fiensva Lake Passenaer 6:53 P.M [ BaPtTBLICAl RALLY, ION. JAMES M. HAMILTON, Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor, will address the voters of McHenry and vicinity,on the Political Questions of the day, at RIVERSIDE HALL, ON WEDNESDAY EVE., OCT. 6th, At 7 o'clock. Mr. Hamilton Is one of the finest speakers in the State. Let every voter,irrespective of Party, turn out and hear the questions of the day honestly and fairly discussed. The McHenry Cornet Band and the Garfield and Arthur Glee Club will be present and furnish music for the oc­ casion. The Ladies are cordially Invited. SEVEN HUNDRED bushels of Onions for sale by George Raedel, Nun da, 111. ^REV. W. A. ADRON will preach his jtarwell. sermon on Sunday morning lnext, as he leaves for the Conference on ^Tuesday. ABOUT this time look to your bar­ rels and boxes. The" small boy who loves the glory of an election fire is abroad. "THE sere and yellow leaf" has come and those who delight to make selec­ tions for sundry designs can now be accommodated. SOME Crab Apple trees, in the yard / of Smith Searles have been In blossom i for the second time the past week. \ Fruit trees in blossom in October Is an Vtynusual sight. FOR A number of very fine Squashes, left at our residence, the donor, who­ ever he may be, will please accept thanks. If we ever find out who it was he will "suffer-accordingly." THE new Fence, at the Cemetery, is completed, and presents a neat and tasty appearance. With a little fixing upMcHeury now has one of the hand- eomest Cemeteries in the Cdunty. WE learn that Miss Mabel Scott, of this village has received an order for four family Portraits, from Mrs. Dr. Gould, of Wabash Avenue, Chicago.-^- Miss Scott is becoming justly popular la Portrait Painter. WE learn that T. II. Bickler, a work­ man in Bishop's Wagon Shop, was as­ saulted while on his w*y home, a few nights since, by one Swadish, who for­ merly worked in the same shop. We ^did not lt>arn the cause. THE census returns show that 15,000,- ©00 of people in this country stay away from church every Sunday. Won't tome member of "Sinners' Club," of Nunda, seta better example to the other 14,999,999? Riverside House Is undergoing /socnc needed repairs, being Painted, I Grained, Calcomined. Ac. Wightman 1 leaves nothing undone for the com. \ fort of his guests, and is "the right lyinan in the light place." OF those reported sick last week al] are better or recovered with the excep- ' tlon of Miss Addle McOmber. who is •till quite low with Typhoid Fever.-- Her many friends are anxiously hoping for her speedy recovery. Dr. Ander­ son is the Physician in charge. QUITE a number of our citizens at­ tended the Fair at Waukegan last week, and all report it one of the best ever held by that society. Those who got caught in the storm coming home on Saturday evening, are not so en­ thusiastic. But then, boys, you must take the bitter with the sweet. HE Contractors tor the new Bridge have arrived, and are making prepara­ tions to commence the work, Thev will get everything all ready before tearing up the old bridge, and conse­ quently the hhide ranee to travel will be of short duration if at all. At all events ample preparations will be made for crossing at any time. ^""IT must be that the ladies (God bless them!) are growing intelligent, for the shoe dealers 6ay that the de­ mand for lower heels and broader toes, is increasing. They have at last found out that high heols, narrow toes, corns and aching feet go together, and the way to avoid the two latter is to dis­ pense with the two former, regardless of so-called "style." WE would call particular attention to the notice to be found In* another column, of an Auction to be held on Tuesday next, by Frank Grimes. Hav­ ing sold his farm he must sell his stock, therefore he has seeured the services of J. A. Sherwood, the best Auctioneer jn the land, and those \yho are looking for bargains should not fail to be on hand on the 12th. Read the notice elsewhere. PMtSOMAf.. Hon. 15. M. Dennis, formerly of Wau­ kegan, now of Chicago, has been calling on friends in this village, the past few days. S. I. Bradbury, formerly editor of the Waukegan Patriot, made us a pleasant call on Tuesday. Hon. E. M. Haines, of Waukegan, visited our sanctum on Tuesday. Mrs. Dr. Brown started on Tuesday for a few weeks visit among friends in Chicago aaa Ev&nston. „ Chas. H. Beers went to Grant Park, III, on Monday. For further particu­ lars see marriage uotice in next weeks paper. John Wightman and wife, of Clienoa, 111., are stoppiug at the Riverside House. M. C. Dufield. of the Woodstock, Democrts was over attending the Sena­ torial Convention on Tuesday. Casper McOmber and Mrs. A. D. Lynn, of Chicago, spent Sunday at the bedside of their sister, Miss Addie McOmber. Lou McKinstry went to Grant Park on Monday to attend the wedding of his cousin, Miss Eva Jewett. Smith Searles is in Chicago attend­ ing the meeting of the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. RIKRWOOD, October 4, 1880; The friends of ReV. W. A. Adron will meet at the M. E. Church, in this vil­ lage on Saturday evening, October 8, for the purpose of giving a donation for his benefit. Mr. Adron has been among us for the past three rears, and we hope that many will feel like show­ ing their appreciation of his services by doing something for hitn on that occasion. B.YOKDEU OF COMMITTEE. THE Greatest Show on Earth is to see the large and splendid stock of dry goods which is displayed in the store of Colby Bros. They are before the people of this county again tills fall with a new and carefully selected ptock of dress goods with renewed promises of devotion to their interests and a determination to ofler only thor­ oughly reliable goods at the lowest possible prices. OrR readers in Nunda and vicinity who have Calves, Poultry, sheep, &c, for sale should not fail to see Isaac Powell, who is ready at all times to pay for thoin the highest market price in cash. He is an honest, square deal­ er, and those who deal with liinv can rest assured that they will be fairly dealt with and that a verbal contract will always be lived up to. When you have these articles to sell be sure and see him. J.STORY, the OID. AND^^^AJ* .{JARDR ware Merchant, whose store can' "be found opposite Bishop's Mill, has just received a large stock of Stoves, both Co:>k and Heating, to which he invites the attention of the public. His Stoves are all of the latest patterns, and he says he will not be undersold, and will sell you MS good a stove for the money as any other dealer in the county. His stock Is full and complete in every particular, and persons who contem­ plate buying should not fail to exam­ ine his stock. IN another column can be found a new advertisement for I he lirin of Latter & Becker, Merchant Tailors, who can be found in Lansing's Block, near the Depot, in this village. They have just put in their Fall and Winters stock of Cloths of the latest 8tyles, and are now prepared to make anything from a single garment to a full suit,on short notice and in the best of manner, 'l'heir stock of ilats4 caps, and Gents Furnish­ ing Goods is complete in every parti­ cular, and persons wishing anything in their line should not fail to give them a call. They have both the Garfield and Hancock Hat, and consequently can please all who come. Bead their advertisement in another column. F WE are Informed that Rev. W. Church, SOME very fine specimens ot Apples have been left on our desk the past week John Hueman of this town. J. M. Mansfield, of Greenwood, and others.-- The crop this year Is larger and bet­ ter than for years before. The many gentlemen who favored will please ac­ cept our thanks. JAS. MCMILLAN, of Hainesvilie, had the misfortune to get his team into a hole in the crossing, opposite the Riv­ erside House, on Friday night last, breaking up his harness and scratching his team quite badly. For this he ap­ peared before the Board on Monday night and afrked the village to settle the damages. Thejnatter was refer­ red to a committee. THERE will be a Farewell Sociable at the M. E. Parsonage, in this village, on Monday evening next, to which all are cordially invited. Those who can and feel like it are requested to bring some kind of refreshments. As Mr. Adroit starts for the Conference on Tuesday morning, this will be the last Chance to meet him, and It is hoped all may avail themselves of the opportu­ nity to pay the if respects to a faithful and efficient preacher. vAdron. Pastor of the M. K. this village, on Tuesday last raised and paid the last dollar of indebtedness on the Parsonage. Too much praise can­ not be awarded to Mr. Adron for the work he has done In the three years he IIH" presided over this Church. In that time he has raised over $1500 besides his salary, superintended the building of the Parsonage, doing a large amount of labor himself, and leaves the Socie­ ty with as line a resident building as can be found in the country, and what Is better, free from a dollars indebted­ ness. Mr. Adron will leave behind iiwn in McHenry scores of friends, both iif and out of the Church, whose best wishes he will carry with him to his new home. EDITOR PLAISDEALER:--A Festive youth called Simon who lives about two miles west of Mcllenry. was out hunting alost cow the other morning. Please ask iiiin if he found her. also If he thinks the little whip stock was made of very good timber. TEDDY. WE had the pleasure a few days since of looking over the new residence of C. B. Curtis, in this village, and must say, without exageration. it Is decidedly the best lesidence, all things considered, in this village. The rooms are alldarge and high, and finished of! in a manner that reflects great credit on the tast«» *.f Mr. Curtis. In the np- pei* story are five large sleeping rooms, oft from each of which is a large closet. In the lower story are three large rooms which connect by folding doors, a dining room, kitchen, pantries, china closet, bath room, &c., and as one looks them over hu cannot see how thev could have been arranged to make them more handy. The inside Painting and Graining is simply splendid. The Graining was done by L. S. Long, of Elgin, and is one of the finest jobs of this kind we ever saw. In short Mr. Curtis" new residence is an honor to our village and when ho gets his* grounds around fixed up as he intends to there will be few handsomer feSl- ^eiices Lu this part of the CQJ'Uty,.., _ Real Estate Transfers. Tlie-following is the list of transfers in McHenry county for the two weeks ending September 20.1880: Henry Wittaupcr to O Witt-tuper and C A Brandt »c5i sec M Allien. $2300. II Jnsephene Yates to Eatnest Ritt It 7 blk 1 Ford's add Lake, 1450. H II Ford and w to same It 9do, #100. N E Barnes est to D Johnson It 30 see SS Marengo, #645. *ara It A Morse to Penile E Stoddard Its 9 1® 11 12 blk 10 McHenry w of river, $1000. M C sherwin and w to Lucetta C Link n 100 It 86 sec 5 and s'jll 110 and n 100 ft It 120 sec 7 In city of Woodstock, Lncrctla demons to Stephen Nickerson pc in swj< sec 2S Alden, #170. Tlios Keating to Miclt'l Keating 1 I ID E% swjtf sec 28 Alden, #170. Andrew lloo-t and w to Pat McCabe 140a in sec Hand H llartland, #4300. A I' Wells and w to Alice M Graham pt It 6 blk 2 Richmond, <1500. Betsey Ackersoti to A O In gal Is 154 a in sec 8 10 and 15 Seneca, #61fi0. J Giliilan and \v to C E dispell Its S 4 6 6 blk 12 Plunileigh's add to Algonquin, #150. Matilda Cole and hus to Lewis Hatch swj» no V sec 23 Richmond, #2200. Henry DuAcId to Christopher Helm Its I and 2 blk 1 Untchins' add to Woodstock, $500. tirtce Wiltshilc et al to Fred Jonrpitr. Its 3 and 4 blk 1 E H Htuchins add to Woodstock, #800. ADVERTISED List of lettets Postal cards remaining in the Office at McHenry, Oct. 1st, 1880. E. Roddy, Miss B^ty Strand, Marrilla Anderson, Mrs. Mary W. man, Mrs. H. M. Searley, Miss and Post Mrs. Mrs. Her- Lillie Cone, Mr. D. Wilson, Mr. Geo, W. Gil­ liam, Mr. C. L. Golc, Fred Hoyt, M. S. Treeman. Drop Letters Jacob Inger- sol. POSTAL CARDS. Mrs. S. A. Wilcox, Mr. Mathias Frieund, Mr. M. A. Goctschins, E. M. Lamb. I. A. Olivs. The above named letters and postal cards can be had by cal ing at the general delivery for advertised letters. JAMES B. PERKY,P.M. THE "New Process" Flour, manufac­ tured by llanly & Sons, McHenry, is giving unusual satisfaction wherever ys,cd Ask your Grocer for it. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned, having sold his farm, will sell at Public Auction, at his farm, four miles north of Algonquin four miles west of Gary and 2} miles southeast of Nunda, known as the John Brink farm, on Tuesday, October 12, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M„ the following property: 1 span hay geld­ ings, 1 lumber wagon, I three spring buggy. 2 plows, 1 harrow, 1 set double harness, 1 fanning mill, 1 sulky corn plow, 1 rectangular churn, 1 butter woiker. '.set blacksmith tools, 2 cows as good a%any man has got, a quantity of oats. 8 acres of corn and other ar­ ticles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE.-- All sums of 910 and under, cash. Over that sum a cred't of one year on approved notes at 8 per oeot. " FRANK GRIMES. J. A. SHEawoon, Auctioneer. A Dispatch from Denison, Tex., says the Cheyenne Indians In the In­ dian Territory are maitesting great discontent and becoming disorderly.-- A few days ago aband of about 300 with war paint on and well mounted' visited the agency near Fart Reno, were very demonstrative and threat­ ening, and slapped the agent in the face. Another party is reported to have gone through the oommissarv stores at Wichita Agenoy recently.-- The cause of the trouble is said to be the insufficiency of food. HOTEL FURNITURE FOR SALE. E. H. Richmond, of tho Richmond House, Woodstock, will sell his Furni­ ture and Hotel Fixtures at a bargain. This is a rare chance for any one de­ siring to engage in the Hotel business. FRESH Oysters jus( received at the Bakery. •®~We take the following from the Kendall Co. Record'. Rev. Dr. Goodfellow, of Sandwich. Is well known In this part of Illinois as a man of integrity, pity, and gen­ tleness. ne has been Presiding Elder of the Mendota District, and is now pastor of the Methodist church at Sandwich. Dr. Goodfellow has a sis­ ter living in Concord, North Carolina, who is the wife of a Presbyterian clergyman and who is principal of a Seminary there. They have lived there about ten years, good citizens- quiet people, doing ail the good they can; Dr. G. says that duriag all that time his sister has never raceived a call ffoin a Southern white woman;' that when they pass her on the street they gather up their skirts and give her all the walk, that when she goes to church, they will not sit in the same seat with her, but will get up and take another seat If she goes in where they ate. in fact,she is socially ostracized because she and her husband are Re­ publicans and Northern people. Dr, Goodfellow will not te!l a falsehood, and still less would he for political effect. He told the facts as an incident n conversation, aud they are facts. lOTThe "Game of Multiplication" Is what Mrs. Edward Foot, of Boston, calls an ingenious device, designed to make the study of the multiplication table a pastime. The idea caine to Mrs. Foote last fall during the illness of her young daughter, uud it has re­ sulted in a game which is not wholly unlike tiie 13-14-15 puzzle In appear­ ance, but is unlike in the fact that it is intended for young school children, and caii always be worked to a practi­ cal solution, while it aflords amaze­ ment and clears atfay the horrors or multiplication. The apparatus con­ sists of a tin tray about ten incites square, containing twelve smaller trays--one for each table. In each small tray are thirty-six numbered blocks,arranged in twelve lines, three- in a line, the multiplier, occupying the first position In every line, the multi­ plicand the middle, aud the product the right. The game is to disarrange the btocks, taking one out to give an opportunity to move the rest, and then ntove them about until all are in the proper order, it is have been adopted by the Boston School Board. ((^^Preparations are under way for taking the census of the Indians. This has never been thoroughly done, but the whole number in the United States and Territories in 1871, including 60,- 000 iu Alaska, was estimated by the Indian Bureau at 350,000. Whether they have since increased or diminj ished in number is not entirely cer­ tain. It is probable that the wild In­ dians have decreased considerably, bur the more civilized tribes have in­ creased. Ths Cherokees, for instance, increased from 11,000 in 182*2 to 14,000 in 1871. A complete census of them all--or as complete a census as can be made, for there will be many difficul­ ties in the way--will furnish much in­ teresting Informatffm. * Ojpurt MILL. rite purtr Mill of JOHN W. SMITH, Ills farm, one mile south ot Ring- wood, is now in Hrst class running or- Ojrrt! W. Fiffjd haa' wrltteS a *^len ^hero all can have their apples letter to Murat Haljtead, in which he reviews the entire issues of the Presi­ dential campaign from the standpoint of a business man. The very candid and convincing letter closes thus: "I pr«fer the certainty of continuing our present prosperity under Garfield's Presidency to gambling on the chances that Hancock may learn a business to which he has giveu neither time nor attepjion--the business of statesman­ ship." So says every clear-headed business man whose judgment is not clouded by a blinding partlzanship. da^The Indianapolis Journal says: •'The best Democratic speech of the campaign was made recently at Mar­ tinsville by Hon. Sol Claypool. of this city. He advocated the absolute inde­ pendence of the states,even going so fur as to justify the principle of seces - sion. He declared that the war on the part of the government was a crime, and that the Southern people were vic­ tims. This, he argued, entitled them to remuneration for their losses, and. their soldiers to equal rights with our own, which he predicted would he secured to them by Hancock's elec­ tion." #©"••• Bad luck to 'em!" exclaimed Patrick, extricating himself from the general assortment of pickaxes, wheel­ barrows, coals and profanity with which tlie explosion of his lamp had associated hiiu; "bad luck to 'em for calling that a safety lamp! When Oi did but pry opo.uthat same for a whifl at the pipe, didn't it fly intil tin thous­ and pieces and knock me down widout as much as saying, 'Look out for your­ self, Pat!' That's the way they chate the poor laboring man. Bad 'cess to 'e in!" WAUCONDA- EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--The sud­ den change in the weather which gave us two or tlirce days when the ther­ mometer stayed some distance below temperate, seems to have found most of the people oft their guard, judging from the number suffering from colds and like diseases. Miss Ella McLean Is quite seriously ill and much sympathy is expressed for her, by her numerous friends. Mrs. Dr. Hubbard is also Buttering severely from a cancer. James Kirwin, whom ^we reported as being very sick, lit our last, has recov­ ered. The Misses Taggart and Bangs have closed out their MiIIliter)' and Dress­ making business, selling the stock on hand to Mrs. Miimau. The funeral of Mr. Walter MorSe was held on the 28th at his home. The school, Iu both its departments, has got into good working order and everything moves on evenly. Every­ one appears pleased with the new prin­ cipal who seems to have the happy faculty of governing by interesting the pupil in his studies. On Saturday we were visited by one of the heaviest storms of the season, accompanied by thunder, lightning "and haih It did no particular damage in this immediate section as there was not much wlud blowing at the time. The Waukegan stage did not arrive until late Sunday morning so that the visitors at the fair, some of tliein at least, had a rather wet time of it. Politics begin to claim some atten­ tion, but as yet there has been no de­ monstration on either side. We pre­ sume that many of the men who are now savins:Indiana willsoo-i turn their attention to Illinois and then we shall probably know what the facts of the case are. We are inclined to think, however, that the voice of the October states will have as much infl-tence. as the voice of the average "stumper." >• • Inforiiiatiou Wanted. Left nis home, near Woodstock, Sept.. 12, 1880, Johnny Marin. He is in a demensliia|coudition, and has prob­ ably wandered away without aim or idea where he is going or what for. He is 20 years old, wore, when lie left, a dark blue flannel shirt, a Gingham wampus and black pants. Was seen the same day lie left, near McHenry Any person knowing of his where­ abouts will confer a favor upon his mother by addressing her at Wood­ stock, MRS. ROSE MARM:* MRS. HOWE. Has her store well filled with season­ able Millinery of the latest styles, to which she Invites the attentioi^of the Ladies of this village and surrounding country, satisfied that she can please them both in style and price. She has also opened a store in Nunda, where she will be happy to meet the ladi"'of that place and vicinity. . made Into cider on short notice, and in the best of manner. This is one of the best Mills in this section, and no pains will be spared to please all who coiue. JOHN W. SMITH. Cook's* Cider Mill. Two miles Northwest of Wmiconda, is IIOV prepared with TWO FIRST-CLASS PRESSES; to make your Apples Into Ci­ der on short notice aud in the best man­ ner. PRICE 50 CENTS PER BARREL. Give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaction in every (particular. M. COOK. FOR SALE. One large Cook Stove and Furniture complete,one Medium Cook Stove, with Furniture, Two Good Heating Stoves, one large extension Table, and aquaiitity of Stove pipe, all near­ ly as good as new. Will be sold cheap, luquire at the Morse place, of L. STODDARD. We will save any one a little money on a good Overcoat. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSOX. Mrs. II. H, Hicliols lias just received a nice stock ot fail aud winter goods the Latest styles that are in the Mar­ ket. The extra quality of our goods are giving general satisfaction. Do not buy until you examine our stock and ascertain prices. Atrial Is all we ask, all goods as represented or money refunded. MRS. H. II. NICHOLS. B6F*It is said that a certain chronic growler once got into Heaven by mis­ take. On being asked how he liked life in the celestial city, he replied: "not worth a cent. The pavement of gold is too hard for my feet, my robe is too long, my wings don't fit me, and this confounded halo hurts my head." How many such men we have in this world, but let us hope their number is few in Heayen! (^'Indiana affords field for politi­ cal prophesy. The democrats claim that their canvass gives them a major­ ity of from 9,000 to 12,000, while the re­ publican canvass shows a republican majority of 1,600. On tlie other hand the republicans insist they will have 10,000 majority. The state Is doubt­ ful, with a good figtlugchance for botli sides. Republicans have a right to be hopeful but not confident of Indiana. Go to I. N. Mead near the Depot for the Best Mowing Machine. NOTICE. I will sell Oak Tanned Harness com­ plete for the next 30 days for 931 per set. ,G. L. HUHKAHD. Harness Maker, lliugwood. 111. Bargains in Underwear, at Fitzslm- mo us 6i Evansou. FOR SALE. 40 Acres of land in Section 12. al! fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and barn thereon, with timber and water in abundance, in Sec­ tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new house, bam and other outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLLSKY, For the celebrated Beloit Shoe, the best iu the market, go to Colby Bros. Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. 50 Trimmed Hats from fifty cents to two dollars apiece at Mrs. S. Wearies. We have the Boss Glove Depot. TFLTZSIMMON'SA KVANSMN. The best Threshing Knuckles at E. M. Owen's. WK have a large stock of the Mason Fruit Jars at reduced prices. STEVENS & SCHNOBK. The Moline Snlky Plow at II. M Owen's. The Fnrst. & Bradley Sulkv Plow at E. M. Owen's. When iu want of work in my line, give mea call and 1 will trv and please Robl'. Murtitt, Jeweler. Nnndn, 111. Dress Goods Stylish .durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec­ tion. Fitzsimmons & Evanson. Don1t buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you have seen and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. * r l We are selling our large line of Embroidery at greatly reduced prices. STKVKXj ft SCHKOItK, CARPENTERVILLE FLANNELS. All those wishing to secure some of these Goods should call oil ns. We have about forry pieces on hand, but Are fast closing out We have bought all of these an»i when gone can get no more. STEVENS & SCHNOKR. The largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. For that new dress pattern call on Stevens & Schuorr. They keep the la- est styles, and sell cheap. Buckevc Force Pumps, E. Owen's. M All the first-class Plows at E. M Owen's. A fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer & Becker's near the Depot. Lace Gloves Fitzsimmons Parasols. Fans, Ladies and Mitts now cheap at & Evansoifs That Tea si>ld by Fitzsimmons A Evanson at-*t0 cents per pound the finest new Jap for the monev sold in this county. If you don't think so, just try some. FOR RFnT. The celebrated Ford Photograph Gallery, the only Gallery in the Village of McHenry. A first-class location.-- Possession given at onec. Apply to E. M. OWEN. We have the largest and best select­ ed stock of Gloves and Mittens of every dUcription. ever kept in tills town. We are sure we have just what you want In this line, and, at close prices. STEVENS & SCHSORR. Hats and caps for men, vouths and bo3*s Iti endless varieties and at such decided bargains we are bound te-eST,? ate a boom in this departmei"" al o„» W..UM JlBfJSSffftEvASSO... I'RICES KEOBOED! One half on our entire line of Em­ broidery. Call and secure these bar­ gains. STEVENS & SCIINORR. Autograph Albums, from five cent upwards, at O. W. Owen's. I AM GOING To make my fall purchases of STEVENS AJSCIINORR. They have the largest stock of Goods iu town, and, sell the cheapest. FOR SALE OR KENT. The Store lately occupied by J. E- Vasey iu the village of Rlngwood. Possession given March 25th. For further particulars luquire of MRS. ANN VASET. Ringwood, March 17, 1SS». You are paying 15 to 25 per cent for your credit. Pay the cash; trade at a cash store, and make this saving1. STEVENS ft 3CHNORIL IF you wish to please your wife (and who'does not) be sure and get a Sack of that celebrated "New Process" Flour from Hauly's Mill. It certainly beats anything now in the market. Ladies of McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering greater bargains than ever. All work in repairing done on short uotice. Vsrloni Causes-- Advancing years, care, sickness, dis­ appointment. and hereditary predis­ position--all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to shed, prematurely, AYER'S HAIR VIGOR will restore faded or gray, light red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses tlie scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes aud cures dandruff snd humors. By its use fall­ ing hair J® checked, and a new growth will he produced in all cases where the follicies are not destroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects are beauti- lully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair.on which a few applications will produce the gloss ami fieshness of youth. Harmless and sure iu its oper­ ation, it is incomparable as a dressing, tiui is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye. and will not soil nor color white cambric; yet it lasts long on tlie hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Attention, fafniew and Dairymen Sherman. Bros., residing two mi let West of McHenry. on the MjPootlstoelt road, keep on baud the following artf« cles to meet the wants of farmer* and dairymen: Croamefy, (Patent applied lor) eoa* sistiitg of boxes for water, any slice 10 suit. Barrels may be used or any wit* ter vessel, fpring or we}|.«. Mi'k can# with covers to exclude all foreign sub­ stances and allowing the heat and steam to escape. And a skimming de* vise, the most perfect ever invented. Riding Plow Attachment, (Pat. ap* plied for) by which you can attach any kind of a Plow to any cofn sulky cut* tivator. Patent Fafin Gate Hanging. Patent Post Hole Auger. Ami a devise for Convertinj| Motion (Pat. applied for) can be applied to ̂ wind mills. &i\, to convert a forward ami hack motion Into a »-otary motion, All the above articles we will sell very low to suit the times. Call and > , .? examine for yourselves. . ' ̂ 9. A J. SHERMAN* "TJ: In Mm YtfMtto HlaUtry et Medietas - j-,. i * ; No preparation has ever performed such marvellous cures, or maintained . " so wide a reputation, as Ayer's Cherry • "3' Pectoral, which is recognized as tlni , " '"f. world's remedy for all diseases of th* throat and lungs. Its loiijf continued series ot" wonderful cures in .ill climates has made it universally known as a safe and reliable, agent to employ. Agrti»st ordinary colds, which are the forerun* iters of more serious disorders. It acts speedily and «urclv, alwavs lelievlng sufferings and often saving life. The protection it aftords. by its timely use in the throat and lung disorders of children, makes it an invaluable rente* dy to be kept always on hand iu every home. X o person oati a fiord to he wit If out it, and those who have once used It never will. From their knowledge of Its composition and effects, Physic­ ians use the Cherry Pectoral extensive* ly in thair practice, and clergymen recommend it. it Is absolutely certain Iu its remedial effects, anil will always cure where cure salt* possible. For sale by all dealers. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Ac. We are now exhibiting a fine 1tn« of Top Buggies, Phaetons, open Bug­ gies, Platform Spring Wagons of best make, and warranted at lowest prices. E. M. OWBK A SOH. a week In yonr own town. $S on lit qpUvJ froe. No risk. Reader, if you want a wisinos Ht whicli persons of eUlier HI CAN make great iwv all the time they work, write for particular!! to H. ALLETT <S CO., L ort* and, Maine. MARRIED. SCO 1'T--WOOD WORTH--At the purmtiaga, atUunoa Junction, Wis*, October 4lli, Isau, oy Rev. F. J. DottjflaM, Mr. Win., and XU ' Eutnta Wood worth, both of DunliM, Bau* County, Illinois, STIOKNEY--COW<?DOX--At Wrtoi!s>tWlet Mcllenry, Co., III. Sept. 30( at the effie# of the officiating elenrvman. The Re* R. £« His* • ' 'X* Geo. Sti.-kncy, KtM|„ of Xnatiftrtoii, R. T, I; Lev it)» Oongi'on, late ^ , roe Fall Campaign Now Opened, AT VOLO, LAKE CO.. 11#* : 3000 • • • ' ' • ^ % Fast Conors just rocetved at MM- J Low and Popular Price of f J 5 Oenta per We have also the fineet Col* lection of Useful and Ornamental Articles at the Low Price of 5 Cents Back Call and see them. N. ROCCRS, Volo, 111., An;r. 17th, 1880. The Celebrated Stallion "Red Cross," Can be fowxt the balance of the semtoa at the Dtablc of A. K. Roomei, Marengo, where tho<« who wish his services ean H« hint. Kor style and speed, anrt in fact for ererjr jioint that constitutes a line blooded horse, H«d Cross has no superior, farmers and others, who wish to unprovo their breed of horses should not fail to see hint. For Peilixree aud other particulars ipplf at the stable or to Er.rJAti Brcs. Crystal Laka^ Dated sept. 23d, 188(1 NEW Fall Millinery, latest styles, just received at Mrs. S. Searles'. E. M.OWEN & SON have just re­ ceived a new lot of Top Buggies, to which they invite the attention *>f those wishing to purchase. They are as fine as any to be found it» the mar­ ket. Reeds Gilt fidgo Tonic enres Fever and Ague. -- Low Prices and good work. Blurfltt, Jeweler, Nuiula. III. Bobt 17 cents will buy one pair of Ladles* Balhr'ggan tfoas at FilMiuunoip $ Hvauseu'ti. INVESTORS employing attornles fa miliar with practice.hi tho Patent Office, rarely fail of securing patents Experience ensures success In prosecut­ ing contested entries and Mineral Land claims before the General Land Ortico» Long practice gives success in securing pensions. Preshrey & Green. At tor* neys, 500 Seventh street. Washington D. C. have had long experience in all branches of practice before ihe Depart­ ments. Parties having buisness should address thetn (enclosing stamp) for in formation. NEW MILCIL COWS FOR SALK. The undersigned has a number of new mi U-h cows, grade Jerseys, half and three-quarter blocd. for sale.-- Persons looking for a flrst-class family cow should not fall to call aud see thein at my farm 4 miles from Wau- coiula and 6 miles from Mcllenry. on tlie iVaucouda road. 'V. BACON. For Sale or Rent. I offer nty farm consisting of 160 acres weff improved land, situated two utiles west of Monaville, and one and one-fourth in««s- from Lipnincotts Fox Lake Kesort, in town of Grant, Lake Co., ill. for sale or rent onv easy terms. If sold Ion* time will b« given-. if desired. Inquire of, or aifdres*. M.GVrt*.. Fox Lake, Post Olllee. Village Property Forfait. For sale, in this village, the fellow** B*»- perty. xix acres «f land, tnorrrnr less,.on:(llB* U>wa> plot, in the village, of M<-Ilcnry,. H Owriy located and will be sold cheap. Also one Ilmuc and Lot. I» it» pleasant localitv, has a srx>u Well and Olstvtn,. and other conveniences. Also one Block coutabling- two 8torw, l»it> tine lot adjoining* For further particnlwra Inquirwa* flli» flee. Ol'TFIT furnished free with all in. I"' structions for conducting the mo** .•rofitalde business atvy one can engage i«w The business is so easy lo learn and our in­ structions are so simple and ptafn, that any one can make great pn'ftts from ther vny start. No oue can fail who is willing to- work. Women are as siici-esiftif as men- Mors and gir's can earn lHrge sums Maaf have ma le at the business over one hundred dollars in a single week. Nothing like U ever known lie fore. All who engage are sur­ prised at the case and rapidity with vrhwk thev :tre able to make money. You can ei*. gagv tu this business during your spare tiitw at great profit. Yon do not have to invoat capital in it. We take all the rt«lu who ueod ready tnouev shoutl should writ* tons at once. All furnMlved fcee. A'idreae TlfUK A CO., Augusta, Maine. S5, proliial New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cents a yar«l and »p- igardf*, at (Jolby Bstos.y Uivenide Block OCTFIT sent frc* to th«s« who wish to engage in ttre most pteasaat M4 protllable business known. Kvvrvtiiiif I Capital not required. We will fHrniafc , evevy tiling. $10 a d ty and upwards is W.Uy made without stay ing away from how* •Vtflf' night. No risk whatever. X.uiy uew ers wanted at om-e. Many are wlih( tnucsat I Ho business. wttilwi as men, and young bov» at*IgirtenMklt (Ay. Sowsi' wlioi* wilbn* v* mirk uuike n*ore money in* day than can in a week srt any or-Unurv Those « ho engage at oucv « ill road lofwrtwia 1 CO., fovllaud, 3tatk*i * -,

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