Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Oct 1880, p. 2

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J1L - . -- to hop® for HucooflH. Gongrewional candidates will be run in every district, and perhaps two of them will be carried. Wk print below the electoral vote of |Hcr t r t i r i ) f t a iml ra tc i I. VAN SLYKK. Editor md Publiaher. MnHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. S E E K l f H E W S R E V I E W . THE BAIT. FRENCH& WARD'S woolen mill, at West 8to«ghton, Mass., has been burned, with its contents. Loss estimated at $200,000, probably covered by insurance. Over 300 employes are thrown out of work.... A collision 1-etweon a passenger and a freight train on the Now York and New England railroad wrec ed l«oth en- vines and several cars. The engineer* nnd fire­ men of both train# were instantly killed, and freight conductor died on the morning fol- , owff?nmtnrc^C'dent' N° patwengor8 were 861j A DICTATORSHIP has been declared in "joSTCAMO* Md hi. «on, together Bi<» m U»t , „ .. . to the salvation of the state, which u threat- with another boy named Benner, atteniptedto j (in(x} by oonspiratora. Alabama ...;.. .10]Mii»ouri . . ArknnMA 6[N"<ihrafka.... 8 California.....;. ....... 6,Ne\-a>!a .....' .... s j <^>lorado 3 New Hanipahlr*. 5 | Connecticut.. .. 6;New Jersey ...... 9 1 I>p:awar»i ........ 3 New York 35 1 Florida -.V.... 4 North Carolina... 10 ; O^orgia.......... 11: Ohio 22 j Iliinoia .mot. 21.Oregon ...... ...... 3 i Indians ..... l."i l'eui;hjlvania .... 39 Iowa ..... Hilih-.tde t^iaud .... 4 { Kansas ..... 5 Sonth Caroltiw... ..... 7 j Kentucky VJ.Tennn-ieeu ia j I^uisiana 8Texa« 8 . ; Mninc 7, Vermont i! j Maryland 8,Virginia ......... .... H 1 MSK-JU-llUwttB ... 131 West Virginia.,.. . . . . s; j Michigan 11 [Wiscousin .... 10 i i Miniu'sota fi| ' Mifisisxippi rt| Total ... 369 ! The number nee.wary to a choice U ... 189 JtrooB DUVAL, of the Texas Supreme I Court, has just died in Omaha of abdomina j abscess. j Adtiobs from the Arctic regions are j to the effect that the ; revenue walk through a tunnel near Huntington, Pa., but were run oror by an express train attd all instantly lulled. A PITTSBURGH dispatch of the 12th «» d<*<hs l,y 4116 ^ful D^n , to the effect tha the PennHylvEnia railroad now num^ twenty- ^ ̂ ̂ f(mnd ^ traw of thu »T8n, and e^ht or ten ofters are notespected . stearaer Jeom-tto and t-- to survive. The whole city is in mourning, for ( ^|1(, c<jrvrjn i,as made several trips to nuny among the killed were well known and j imt has bwa nnablo to ma&o a landing widely connected. j there, on account of the ice. A CHILD 2 years old, son of Mr. Geo. : horrible mine disaster has hap- Selway, of Elmira. N. Y., who was bitten in the • ppne<j ia xOVa Scotia, whereby ten miners lost face by a hound, di^ in great ayony, with all j t^,-r ijvcs The watar from a worked-Out pit the symptoms of hydrophobia. I {)roji0 jjlto ponj p,t, 8ti lerton, drowning A PITTSBURGH dispatch reports that j thoso in the. mine. The bodies recovered were twenty-ftur deaths haw oocurmd. About twenty are dangerously wounded, several of them beyond hope of recover)'. *HE OCTOBER ELECTIONS. Indiana* INDIAN afous, Oct 14. Returns from 690 voting places give a Demo­ crats vote of 105,990 ; Republican, 116,881; National, 6,478. The same places in 1876 gave the Democrats 100,893, Republicans. 100,768; Nationals, 6,089, a net Republican gain of 6,018. The Democratic majority for Governor in 1876 was 5, 129. The above is 48 per ccnt. of the vote of the State. If the balance of tho State to hear from gives the same rate of gains. Porter's majority will be 6,131. This statement does not include Indianapolis city and county, with forty-seven voting precincts, which gives a Republican gr.ln of 705. Twenty-seven counties give Republi­ can gains of 7,088, and twelve counties a l>en»- ix-ratio gain of 748, or a net Republican pain, as reports by counties, of G,:i35. The ISopaltlicans have also elected Oon- gmwmen in tho First, Sixth, Seventh, &ghthr Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh. and Thir­ teenth distneta, as follows: William Heilman, Thomas L. Brown, Stanton J. Peelle, ltol>ert R. STAGE AND ROSTRUM NOTES. band's action, and so was the doctor when he learned that his wife's diamond ear-rings were concealed in a little chamois-.*-kin bag; w hich was sowed to the inside of the corsets. The orna­ ments were valued at $200. The police authorities were informed of tho loss, USEFUL HINTS. Tex women to one man go to matinee* in Albany. JOHN B. Goccte seems to be in good health. He will lecture in several Vir­ ginia towns. JOSH Bilmnus has written a new lec­ ture : " Life's Probabilities -- Perhaps Rain, Perhaps J^ot." Bkt.lew, the elocutionist who taught Miss Neil son, said that she was slow of apprehension, had a bad memory, bnt was patient and industrious. It took her nearly a year to iearu the lines of Juliet. AT one of the Philadelphia theaters ice- water is supplied during the acts. As no cloves or orange peel is supplied, gen­ tlemen tind this arrangement so unsatis­ factory that they will have to go outside when thirsty. < , , Bkethovkn's piano is about to be ! ^em that laud of perpetual ice. offered for sale by its present owner, a j many y^ars, there ̂ wero ^ floating about resident of Clausenberg, Transylvania. It was presented by the maker, "Wagee, GOOD COFFEE.--Good coffee oaa be made in a common coffee-pot by ob­ serving the following rules: Use tho best old Java, and allow one table- spoonful for each person that is to drink, j "«* to a bale, or *J,~ j 030,000 m alL The cost of wj|| w »bo##3,V00,00a fcTV.* « wiu iu», «« ^upi-tauumat is to ormk, but no trace of the ragpicker could be (then pour on boiling water in the pro- asecrhuned.--New York Tribune. ' portion of a pint to each table-spoonful, I ?ud break an egg into the pot, throwing The I rank l in Exped i t ion . * ' 1 It was thirty-five years last July since Franklin's ships were for the last time seen in Baitin's Bay. Three yeiirs after- ward^England sent, the expedition in search of him and his men, and since .r ",Hl reiurn it u> that time more than twenty more have i rf16 ^ i° some place whore by little and piece by ' stand even, but not on the stove. Woman ' s S t reng t lU " The strength of women lies in thair heart. It shows itself in their strong love and instinctive perception of right, in 4iw> i ii Y J --,,-- i and wrong. Intellectual courage is I m the shell also. If vou tlunk it exr 1 rarely one of their virtues. As a riijb. I travag>.nt to use an egg for this purpose, j Uiey are inclined to be restless and e*- a tish-skin as large as an old-fushioned j citable, allowing their jud/rcneuts and :«ctio™lobe S»lved by'nStmltfoT an hour, *and just bufore serving pour out a little of the coffee and return it to sailed. Little by little and piece by piece, they have brought home the relics ! A TIDY ROOM.--Do yon ever observe and mementoes which havo gradually that a tidy room is invariably a cheerful told the story of the fate that overtook one ? It Is cheering to come into cue's them iu that laud of oernetutil in* For : breakfast-room and find it spotlessly of Pesfch, to Beethoven, when he was writing "Fidetio." Thuateb managers are in capital ! horribly mutilated. BABON Boisst d'AnoiiAS has been ap- F. IHiwoo, Cknllovo Si. Oi th, Richard E. Demotte, ! A umiiit^era are m capital George W. Steele, atid William 1L Oulkins. ; humor over the business prospeot for the Tha Democrats have elfvAM 111 t Krt Sn* Atl C111 n f till ntlll nAnnnon fTIl-* Fifth, ai ias R. O -- Hoinian, \^. jiamin, ana : •, « . - -- Wal[K^e G. Coleriok. Tlie Legislature, 1 done fairly well, none having been ; upon which will devolve the selection of a Uni- i wrecked or swamped. ; ted States Senafor t*> Pncceed Mr. McDonald, is j alliance between "a nnmhei of TTiVli very close. Both parties claim it, but the ! m !L» i ! ?„ chaiK1^ at this hour 8oem to faror a j cIorg% inea and higu-toneu can majority ©f three oc four oa joint ijallot i aotresees under the name of Howover, it will require fuller returns ta decide \ "The Gluirch and Stige Guild" has the matter. j been fonnetl, and the guild has held its ! Ixi)!"), O^t. 15. : first meeting at tie Dilettante Club in I Returns have been revived from all but j Argyll street, London. Many English seven counties, which give Mr. Porter 29,749' ' ' . _ two more deaths have resnlted from the col- liftioa on the Pennsylvania railroad, making j ^ vvuuu«,' wuu--u Jir. i-um-r j aciors au<i acrrefises were present, and o] thirty-two in »!]. . .William C. Patterson, his ; pointed French Minuter to Mexico. There has ; majority, and Mr. I^andcri leaving a net Americans, Mr, Mid Mrs, W. J. Flor- riding KAan OA «r\li-\r»\t.i)A Milatinno lukltrAAn . tViil itrA ' .. . • < » A ' thrown vague beliefs that he and his men wei'e still alive, aud might oaa day be found again. This tradition was fostered by Ladv Franklin's devotion to her hus- liand s memory, and hor heroic measures for discovering the seeret locked up some­ where in the dreary Arctic wastes. Her • i w-iuiv mm.jj by English pluck, often by American enterprise, have at last brought back the tidings that nothing more can ever be known. In 1854 skeletons of some of the men were discovered. In 1859 a paper found in a cairn where it had lw>e» placed by one of Franklin's officers, briefly saying ayed by quick emotious of all kinds, but, above all, it is iu their hopefuluess and their endurance that | they find their chief power. Who in the last person to give up hope in Ut» case of a ineinbor of the family who has apparently gone altogether to the bad? What mother or sister with deep »n«l -- - av D|wue«aijr ardeiit love for such will ever ceastj t*> tidy; but still more ccrtaiuly will cheer- eherish hope or endure suffering on their s is the result of- account? The ^mtienceof women is nro-3 , VAVni • >1 41. __ 1 i i» _ *•" near South Newcastle, Me., were from their carriage. Mr. Patterson wits fatally injured, and the ladies received serious in­ juries which it is feared may prove fatal ! been no diplomatic relations l>etween the two i countries since the days of Maximillian. United States revenue cutter •xcept Ripley, give Porter 6,834 plurality. Rip­ ley gave a Democratic majority in 1H76 of 225. Full returns from the Fifth Congressional dis­ trict give C. Watson, Democrat, 8S1 majority, leaving the Con n xxional delegation eight Ri-- pnbli^ans and five Democrats. WiaT OOLOXBUB, Oct 14. At tiM Republican headquarters special tele- Thb United States revenue jiuws nun'ii n ib leart^u m«> v• *' taui.... i Corwin, which some time ago went in search of Returns from the New ^ ork Custom House show | mining Arctic whalers, has returned to San ! France ^iaiout any mtelligehce of them. ; fall m •kJ bv^'wI niiiv hV thrust of ! The Captain of the Corwin espressos the opinion : So far •He export* wen- exceeded only by thosa of ^ ̂ Jeaunette has uoUJ.n iUHt. bnt ^ now tiftv-s. • winteriag on the Sit>eria» coasL The Captain I also brings iate.lli-^en«» that 5(»0 of the 700 i'i- ! habitants of the Island of St. Iiawrenee, in the ! Arctic Sea, perished ef starvation. Some j j traders introduced whi->kv into the island ; I in summer, and the iuhabitants went on a j j prolonged spree, neglecting to colleot any pro- | vis ons for the winter, and there was couse- ! i quent hunger and loss of tifo Thirty persons j I have died from the Pittsburgh railroad horror, | and a few more will not recover Wednesday, , J Nov. 3, will be observed L>y the inhabitants of j | Canada as a day of thanks giving. I Presidbxt-etaEot GoNZAiiBs, of Mexi- j . co, has entered into an alliance with the re- j !• tiring President Diaz. The latter btoocnes j First and te^nd'"Coni^W. . . .F.W'mon | i At ** 1{#Pabllca» headquarters special tele- were killed and seven injured in the railway ac- • consist of adherents of Diaz , jp-anu hare been received from the Chairmen eident at Byron, I1L, on the Chicago, Milwaukee ' " 1 , and fit. Paul road. Most of tho victims were xaQway employes. OVE of the murderers of Dr. Parsons, A SEB.OCS row acomred at Shelby, the American oiidMioiisiy TTkej. haa b™, | Sf 1% sentenced to death It is reported thai the ! 7.905, and th« Domocratic gains are British Government contemplates seizing the j 5.657. Net Republican gain over Turkish Custom Houses, and, if that fails to j Foster's plurality of 17.129 last bring the Sultan to terms, dejiosiug him and • year is 2,24H. The net Republican gain installing a Prince, to be seleoted by th# Eu 1 --° -- ropean powers. A FORMIDABLE Mohammedan insnr- raction has broken out among the Chinese in Kashgar Constantinople dispatches state ! that rhe Sultan has yielded to tho logic of j the situation, and surrendered Dulcigno nneon- | ditionallv. Tho result will be the breaking up j of the naval demonstration and the return of j the vessels of war as soon as the j necessary preliminaries are arranged Sheriff in the breast, passing through the upper •^ar^ Express says that, in con- part of the left iung, resulting in hw death. ^q»«uce of the continued wet weather in En- m . , , . __ , gland, tho remnant of the harvest left standing xHB Academy of Music, on Halsted j out has been rendered worthless. Wheat in majority of 6,S89. The missing count-'co gave a ! enco. net Democrat it- majority in 1S70 or 1,55«, which ] Tiv™ TW»th at will reduce Mr. Porter s majoritv to 5.H23, un- I / T. " ti00\n Was, a] »trattord- less the Republicans make gains, which is not 1 on"Ay°» he received marked attention uuhkely. The National vote will aggregate j ou a" hands. Among other compliments aot to cxct^d ll,0()t) or 12.000, a slight j he was invited by the custodians of the f a l l ' n g o f f i o - , . . i n , , . . . . . . . iulness come if tidintss our own exertion j and so we counsel you, friends, if you are ever disheart­ ened, vexed or worried about something that has gone wrong with you in the world, to have resort to the great ref­ uge uf tidiness. Don't sit brooding and bothering. Go to work and make ev- erytliing tidy about you and you cannot fsul to recover your cheerfulness. How TO WASH THE FACK.--Many peo­ ple object, to the use of soap for the face, disliking the shiny, polished appearance it gives, but any who will use Dr. Wil­ son's directions will find that objection removed. They are as follows: "Fill vcur basin about two-thirds full with fresh water; dip your face in the water and then your hands. Soap the hands well and pass the soaped hands with gentle friction over the whole face. „ , -- •>.--e---•; Sir John Franklin died On the 11th of tlC^CS8e8 pr w Vav.M i June- 1847'" "Wed out the .faint figures • Mra" J ilor_ j which the imagination fancied it saw stUl 1I1L.(1Uil over me wilolo fn.„ moving in" that northern twilight, and 11-wiii" npriornwvl tbi« r>lrt # tK -- : X s? water u second tune and rinse it com­ pletely. ,You may add very much to the -- UV1 VUWU V^Ul^Ul, CUMJ nearly destroyed Liulv's Fraukliu's grief- stricken mind. Then half a dozen spoons, inwrought with Sir John Frank A passkkqbb train on the Indianap- obi and St. Lonis railroad struck an oil-car at Nokomis, HL, demolishing the latter and throw­ ing its contents in all directions. The petroleum took fire and tho entire passenger train was re­ duced to ashes. Ali the passengers escaped without injury. JOHX TAYI/OB, the ranking member of the Mormon Apostles, has bean elected to the First Presidency of his peculiar community at Salt Lake City. The position has been vacant since the death of Brigham Young. George Q. Cannon and John F. Smith w ere elected ville, Ind., a day or two before the recent elec­ tion, in which Sheriff McCorkle was killed. Two political meetings were held in the town, Republican and Greenback respectively. Dur­ ing the afternoon a number of altercations oc­ curred between Democrats aud Republicans, tmt without serious result Subsequently a row took place in a saloon between Democrats and Republicans, and Sheriff McCorkle quelled the disturbance. He had ltft the saloon and walked down the street with Ed Kennedv, a Republican who had been in the fracas* in charge. He advised Kennedy to go home, which the latter promised to do. At this time , thft another general tight took place, and a number I of shots were fired, one of which struck the ' • .i a ,, of 1S7,>- ! Shakesjx^are cottage to write his name nown, the Republicans have elected ) »«liifrh nn" nnnn tha fifty-seven Htpro.entutives and sixteen Sena- V. ,1. . ^ ® actors pillor tors. ThtVe, with tho nine Senators holding I ^ *1 is at^ the right of the fireplace over, give fourteen ma jority on joint ballot, se- | 1,1 the room in which Shakespeare was curing a United States Senator in place or Mc- j born. He was also entertiuned at a din- iuu,muiu utmmu r»arrv. wim ueuten- jority in each^house U1° ° ^ ' ^^tChrotou, in an ancient mansion \ ant Schwatka, were, two"years ago, sent " I\'I>i4MAPoi ,m n-»t is ; thafc Shake^jeare used to visit. Mr. | out by the enterprize of New York iner- x, * APOUH'lb- I Booth is one of the governors of the chants, and landed at tho head of liermkfl Return, from aU the counUes in the State. , Shakes^are Memorial Theator at Strat- I Bav. Thence, going and returning, they taken them fi-om a cairn 700 miles dis­ tant, wliero l>ooks and other telics still remained. Captain Barry, with Lieuten- fortL of the committee« in all but eight counties of , Ofao, showing complete returns on Secretary of i ig a journalist," and „ •State and Snnremo Jnrlf« A<wu-/lir>» tn. I m, * , ' • . , , . . , There are only eignt characters in the play. Although a comedy, it is a good dead of a drama and has a serious mo­ tive. MR. ABBEY has evidently roade up his v icuuiit uu otrreiary 01 State and Supreme Judge. According to re­ turns from these eighty counties on vote for Anna DICKINSON'S new play is thought by competent critics to have in it the ele­ ments of sncoess. It is an American comedy of good society of the present time. There are four acts, aud the soenes are laid in New York and the neighlKrluxxL "Kate Vivian" is the leading female part, aud it is a part that will tax the capabilities of a good actress, j »muu wa jZiAqumiuux. ens ana Two of the p<M>ple are business men, one j which in some places aliounded. During i - - doctor, j the winter the thermometer was fre- made a sledge journey of :S,Ql)0 miles, traveling over ice and snow, and, what was still more diliieult, over broken and jagged clay stone, with marshes inter­ vening, and covered with patches of brown and green mass, with purple flow­ ers peeping through the crevices of the stones. On this journey they lived and To PRESERVE HARNESS.--There is nothing looks nicer in its way than a clean, bright-looking set of harness, nor is there anything more quickly dam­ aged by neglect. Harness should be washed and oiled frequently. To do this effectually the straps should be un­ buckled and detached, and then washed with soft water and crown soap, and hung by a slow fire or in' the sun until nearly ilry, theu coated with a mixture of neat.;ioot oil and tallow and allowed to remain in a warm room for several and when hours, and when perfectly dry rub preserved their health by eating the food I thoroughly with a woolen rag. The , whioh the Exquimaux eat and the game 1 ^ lmlKir'arit. as it, in addition ' ' • • • - - - - to removing the surplus oil and grease, tends to close the pores and yive a fining to the leather. In hanging harness care •tmct, Chicago, has been seriously damaged by fire. While the fire was in progress the roof feil in, carrying fifteen firemen with it Twelve of them were severely injured. The loss is about $45,000. ; FIVE Detroit firemen have been in­ jured by an oil explosion i. a burning btulding. ... .The village of Stanton, Montcalm county, Iflgfc. h*^ a fliwtrniiiiv# cuiiiiiifcilitlnit- fife other night, consuming its business center Several gentlemen connected with the Chicago. stacks has also suffered somewhat, and thrash­ ing has been suspended. In consequence there has been a slight advance in all kinds of grain. British and foreign. THB Porte asks farther time to carry oat the remainder of the terms of the Berlin tareaty, having surrendered Dulcigno Says a Chilian dispatch: "Chili and Pern have ac­ cepted tl>o «r<j» at tho I7njt<i<9N(tt(er(a mediate between them." Ttie French bark Formosa founderod lit *ea Aug. 30, and tho Captain aud crew floated about in an open boat until Sept. 4, on Supreme Judge is 4,448. The counties vet to hear from fire Brown, Licking, Lucas, Ottawa, Perry, Pickaway, Ross, and Sandusky. Partial returns from Ross and Lucas show considerable Republican gains. Tho Republican oemmrttee , conclude* from the above ligtires that Town- to the logic of j send s majority for Secretary of State will be close to 20,0U). and Mcllvaiue's pluralt v forSn- Ereme Judge will be nearly 22,000. No figures ave been received showing the majorities given for Congressmen, but enough is known to make tho committee feel sure that the Republican* have ele ted fifteen out of twenty Congressmen. At the Democratic headquarters there are re­ turns from seventy counties, and these, the Democratic committee say, sh»w a net Demo­ cratic gam of 1.573 on Secretary of State over Foster's vote, 'fliev say that the same ratio will show a net gain cm the State of 2,002. Thin committee concedes the election of fifteen Re­ publican Congressmen. The delegation to the next Congress will stand as follows: First district, Ben Butter- worth ; Second. Thomas L. Younn« Third, mind that tlie " Passion Play " Aviil be ' Prow and stern post, with a few clink- ipieutly from 59 to 60 degrees below zero, l , ,,, 'e,r' T lwiiging harness care and, at oittj time, feU to i()3. j the straps to Thoy found no cairn, as was told to Captain Barry, but they discovered sev­ eral skeletons, a ship's boat, or rather the popular in New York, for he has mad arrangements to perform it for eight weeks. The work of selecting the cos­ tumes, of which three hundred will be necessary, has been begun. The time of representation will about three hours and a half. It has been decided that the names of the actors shall not be printed on the programme. There is consider­ able diversity of opinion in theatrical circles with regard to the financial result of the enterprise, some persons thinking that great throngs will be attracted to the spectacle by curiosity, others that the moral sense of the community will be shocked, and that the great mass of to it There is a rumor afloat that active opposition may be looked for from the ered boards still holding together, gilt navy buttons, copper and iron bolts, shot, cartridges, powder-cans, barrels, broken medicine and wine l>ottle,s, axes and a few barrel stives. The. rigiij clim­ ate had preserved, for over thirty years, pieces of navy blue cloth which " were scattered along the shores of the inlets. With the exception of a scrap of paper marked with an index finger pointing hang their full length. All closets should be well ventilated, and when possible be well lighted. To clean plated mountings, use a chamois with a little tripoli or rotten stone, but they should l>e scoured as little as possible. Kkepino WINTER APPLES.--No mat­ ter how much care one may exercise in packing and storing, it will not be suffi­ cient to keep unripe, bruised or badly handled apples or other fruit. The great desideratum in keeping all kinds of frflit is in keeping it lree from damp­ ness. The plan adopted by some expe- anocKeu, auu mai me great mass ot i m-eium corn me remains oi i """ f"* , -- - , theater goers wiU.refusc to countenance ! Franklin and his crew. Beyond the fact j mo8t any room on the cool side of the it. There is a rumor afloat tlmt native ! that tliev abandoned their vessels, the j house will answer, but a dry, cool cellar is preferable, as there is leBs danger worth ; Second. Thomas U Youns, Third, opposiuon may oe ux»Kea lor lroin the ) ^eri. Henry L. M»«rey % Fourth, Emannei «&haitit < Roman T5ath«J^ Olmneh. Tha (Jth of t thair . boata over Firtl., Ben Ivfifenrre ; ni*th, Jowph W. Ritchie ; ©cctrnbfer is the date fixed upon for the 1 hmnching them i Seventh. JohniP.Iieedom; Eighth, J W. Keifer; first representation.--Xew York liven- ' notJiing is yet, Ninth. J. h. Robinson: .Tolm r it;™ . : . .«1 . 4ilw' ; _.-n i n confined in the prison-pens of Hil>ena It is ie!>orted in Dublin that the Government j has determined to prosocuto some of the Land I League orators for indulging in incendiary | harangues. ! ST. PETERSBURG dispatches confirm j the reported marriage of the Czar to the Prin- | cess Dolgoronki. All the members of the royal j family, with tho exception of the Grand Duke j Nicholas, were bitterly op^sed to the marriage j and went abroad that they might, not witness the ceremony....The Colonial troops engaged in toe suppression of the Basuto rebellion 1? i JJ , '^frioa are >n serious peril. C..L Bavle.v in eharge of one b-Klv of the Colonial force, ia besieged at a place ca led Massaree, and CoL Carrington, in command of a second body, w completely iso- iated at Mafelen, aud has l>een obi.g'ed to slaughter his horses to provide food for his men . Dispatches from Constantinople agree that the real cause of the cession of Dulcigno was the threatened occupation of Smyrna by tho ai-tn r« m Ru^il0 13'000'000 of organised radicals THE Albanian League threatens to re­ sist the cession of Dolcigno to Montenegro, but the Porte apprehends no trouble in that quar. t0r*;"7£u Oennan8of RhineLand celebrated, on the 15^h inst., the completion of the mag­ nificent Cologne Cathedral. The Emperor "4 E"!prT.of °ermany. Count Von Moltke, and other distinguished persons were present! Frightfnl Railroad Accident. A terrible railroad ao^ident occurred on the Pennsylvania railroad, at Pittsburgh, on the 9th inst., by which nearly tliirty pwsons lost their lives and a large number received injuries more or less serious. We glean from the local pipers the following particulars of the disaster- The first section of tho Wall's accommodation going east left the Union depot at 11:81 D m. having a large crowd of passer* who'had been to the city to participate in the closing exen uoh of the Exposition aud to witness th. Oftmocratio demonxtr. tion. The back plat­ form was so crowded that the headlight oil the s-cond section following wjuld not be seen. The first section stopped at tu regular station. Twenty-eighth street, wher. it was delayed on account of another tran _ .-- -- / ; -•"•t, c.iuuHT.Miou. it at>- I * waa t'ly block. Tb<» second sec P®®r*V° niejr4"a' the rejxtrt of 8 *cial A-/ent. f,°n CKme at gorsl speed, but, owing t. Garrett satisfactoiily settles the question m to th«croWl1,4 0,1 th« platform of the fir.,i the fairness of the tenth census in South C»ro- r 0 1 1 ' l!lu H1^'nai lights were hidden fron lin*. (rt-n Walter it. .. I view, and oonseqnentlv tho engineer of tli. second section did not see the tram ah«a< ot him until he was so near it that his tr.ii? «>uld not bo checked in time to arre-i the collision and the engine went crushing inw, ru!lr (:oa°h of the tir«t section, packed an i, was wil h human Ix.-ings. Amoin; these unfort­ unates tlie engine buried its. It to the very c-i windows in among HCreammg. suffering men women and children, mangling all wli. were i„ lltj course. , he I,oiler-head of tb. colliding engine burst off by the sfiock. on/1 tlie Bcat<iini?' walcT and fteam pourn* ovir the occupants of the car as if bem on wmipleting tne horrible work that had ton- belore It im imiK)ss;bl.- to dcs<-ril>e the fearfu HtH'rie thsit to lowed. Tho moanB of the dvin fliid wounded and shrieks of those who bad'los llieir fnetvls were fiightful. Word was ininu-- diately telephoned to the Mayor's office for as sistimce, ml twenty-five poLeeuieu with a fui corps of physicians and wagons w«-re i^patclie. at once to the scene of the disaster, where < h-« were Koijn t'Usilv employed m allevintinx tli suffeniigs of the victims and clearing tho « rei;i, Ttie wounded who were uua'ble to care f<o themselves vw re ourned to the Solduirs' Hos pitai. located but h short distanoo from tie accident Up to the present time (Oot 11.) IN consequence of the recent bad har­ vest in Russia great apprehension exists as to the prospects of the populace during the win­ ter. Several municipalities have j)etitioned the Government to prevent tho exportation of grain from the Azof and Black Sea ports.... Oen. Melikoff is considering the advisability • . . - - -- of discontinuing tl>)g„ing of wcmen ln> and 8how a Republican majority of about 18,000. Twenty-three have organized the Central Illinois and Wis­ consin Railway Company, with a capital of •1,000,000. It will construct a road from Rockton, on the Itncino and Souih western division of the St Paul road, to Kankakee, crossing the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, tt»e Chicago and Alton, the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, and other hues. An inch of 6now fell at Sioux City, Iowa, on the 15th inst The epizootic has appeared in Chicago in a mild form By the bursting of an affair called a "cooker," »h ch is used m distilleries to steam corn before it is mashed, seven persons employed in Haaa & Powell's distiller-, in Chicago,'were killed and four persons were seriously wounded. THB MOTH. Burnt* R. HUNT, of New Orleans, a prominent turf man, is dead. THE people of Baltimore devoted the whole of last week t« the celebration of the lMtb anniversary of the settlement of that city. The old residence of John O. Calhoun, inPiekena county, 8. C., has been destroyed by FRIGHTFUL, examples seem to have aid no effect on the Hinds family, of Somerset, Ky. The last of three brothers has just been drowned in the Cumberland. All met death wnue intoxicated, in the same place, and in the same manner--falling off a horse. THE cotton crop of the South will not bo so good as it was thought it would be a month ago. In consequence of tho moist weather the yield has suffered 8 per cent., but in any case the crop will lie better than that of last year. WASMKIVCWOIC. A WASHINGTON dispatch says ; Secre- tanry Bchurz made public the report of Superin­ tendent WalKer, of the Census Burban, on the alleged census frauds in South Carolina. The OenerU gives his reasons for be- i the census of 1870 incorrect, at- ' j™nting it mainly to detects of the torn ^er^JWhichm il was tak' ». that of k The investigation instituted oMK7(i l j a ,do?Lt» that the census V™ was grossly defective; and. second ttiatthe census of 1880 was substantially well Uutauc« did anything ap Pf^. * lH)re the semblance of fraud In the returns made t<> this offl.e hv S£riTe^^°f 188} Ia districts neariv every family was l lentified as » resident Of the town bin. notwithstanding the great ex tent of Sout h C. rolina townships, some of which • l-i'pUlU. W, *» a I\it 1 I CI « Ninth, J. H. Robinson; Tenth, John B. Itice • Eleventh, Henry 8. Neal; Twelfth. George L. Converse ; "thirteenth, Gibson Atherton ; Fourteenth, George W. Gedde* ; Fifteenth, Rn- fus It. Dawes; Sixteenth, J. P. Updograff • Seypiitoenth, W. McKinlev, Jr.; Eighteenth, A. 8. McClure; Nineteenth, Ezra B. Tavlor; Twentieth, Amos Townsend. The districts in which the Democrats eleot are the Fifth, Sev­ enth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth. COLUMBUS, Got. 15. Returns, official and reported, are nearly all easea idemiication was carried t I th" WIM'» or 1370 lay with the preceding ennnwr.-Mion. It fin* /x, xv ii tu noum u»ro- lina. Gen. Walker m w.nclusiou savs of the mvestigat-ou : '• I know of no roaaob wliv any further charge should 1x3 made against ihe enumention rec ntly brought to a conclusion ^Tcomniissipned and omcers of u" Government m Soulo The tion which existed against their wor has U*-u comp eteiy overthrow a, and a strong .iounter- presnmption has l«*eu created bv verification npon the ground of schedules of inhaniulms!tf the casj> of einhK-en enumeration districts suc- «>s«ytay taken for Hjxx-ial inves jgation on hc- wruitjjf theur exceptionably questionable char- 8POTTEI> TAIL, chief of the Bnile «onx, h « se..t $332.80 to Secretary Schurz. th«t «x ^nng men of t&e tri»x\ who ai o to be tried lor the massacre of the whiles near-the W. i,e Ihver Agi iiev Uiay seciu-e the »<-rv,oes of able ^ "» « POLITICM. A TiOOEors campaign with plenty of money and numerous speak, rs Wtil be under­ taken by the JtqinKhcans in Vireinia. Tlie di- jrtsion of the Democrats leads tluar opponents Democratic counties ! show a Democratic gain, and seventeen Re- • Eublican gain, but Republican greater than •emocratic. Following are unofficial ma­ jorities of Congressmen, so far as ob­ tained : First district, Butterworth, Rep. ! 1,302; Second district Young, R«p., i I i 007; Third district. Morev, Rep.. 9 4; I Fourth district, Schultz, lU-p.. 350; Sixth district Ritchie, liep., tilM; Eighth district, Keifer, Rep., 5,900; Ninth district, Robinson, Rep., 1,100; Tenth district, Ri.-e, Rep., 1.389- I Eleventh district, Neal. Rep.. 2,300; Thirteenth district. Atherton, Dem., 2.700; Fifteenth dis­ trict, Dawes. Rep., 542; Twentieth district Townsend, Rep., 5,344. COLUMBUS, Oct 16. ! Unofficial returns have now be. n received I from aU the counties of Ohio, which show tint ! TownHend's majority for Secretary of State is ' 18.928. The average majority for all other ! ein 'i fates on the Republican ticket will be ful- i ly 20,000. I Wert Tlrglnla, Whmlim, Oct 11 Reports from West Virginia are coming in steady. The indications are that the Republicans have reduced the Democratic majorities in a number of counties, but their majority will not be much below 8,0>0, If any. Tbe Iiepublirans depended upon • much larger Greenback vo*e l>eing cast than was thrown. It seems that the party, which eUimed npward of 25,000 votes in tho State, did sot poll over half that number on election 4ay. They largely wont back te the two parties. *T' g. i i A merle*a Mjmw Maklnf. The firet glass factory in America was erected in 1G03 near Jamestown, Va., and the Hw^ood followed in the same colony twelve years later. In 1<«!) some acres of ground were granted to glasamen in Salem, Mass., probably the first year of the industry whieh was prosecuted there for many years. Tho first glass factory in Pennsylvania was built near Philadelphia in 1683, under the direction of Wtt>. Pt-nn, but did not prove success­ ful. The first glass factory west of the Alloghenies was set up by Albert Gallatin and his associate ia 1785, at New Geneva, on tlie Monongahela River. A small factory wns established on tlie Ohio River, near Pittsburg, in 1790, and another in 1795. The earlier attempt failed, the later was quite snoces-sful. In 1810 there were twenty-two glass factories in the ountry, with an annual product valued at SI,017,000. There are now about five times as many factories, producing eight times as much glass. According to the returns received under the recent census, our flint glass factories turn out 210,551 tons of table and other glass-ware; and the window-glass \york.s produce 2,(544,440 boxes. The b >tal value of the product is nearly $15,750,000.-- ScicndjUi American. PRESIDENT GIEEVY'S salary and allow­ ances amount to aliout $180,000 yearly the salary proper being $120,0(>0. At tlie end of his seven years' twin he will consequently, have received $1,200,000 out of the public treasury. He ia'noi jienniious, and munages to spend this large turn in receptions and Kubsrrip- tions. He gave $1,000 to the America v el low fever fund. 'presentation, ia<) Pout. CLARA MORRIS says that different cities have widely different estimates of plays. " St. Louis people," she particu­ larizes, "will go to see 4 Article 47 ' just as long as a woman can drag herself on the stage to play it, aud just as long as they have legs to get into tho theater with. Night after night they will pack the house, and as if there never was such another play in the world. Change the bill, and perhaps you may have a house, but the chances are that they will resent the alteration of the programme by letting you severely alone. Put on 'Article 47 ' again and they will come, I might say, like hungry rats after a piece of cheese. Then there is • Camille n« matter how many times it has been acted, and no matter how badly, it is a sure card in Brooklyn and Chicago. In Sau Fran­ cisco the people cau not be liiied to go and sit through it." Meant film. When a railroad passenger hears the whistle sounding an alarm, it is his first impulse to look out of the window, but this impnlse is often restrained by second thought, except in the ease of green trav­ elers. A few days ago an old maa and his wife were passengers on a Lake Shore train, and as the section men were mak- ing re]>nirs ou the line in various places, the whistle was sounded pretty often. The old eon pie were fully alive to every "toot," and each time the old man would stiek bis head out of tlie window. '* T}pes it mean any tiling, Samuel ?" asked the wife every time his head back, but he could give her no satisfac- an UlUfA liu»lii I " . u ujf DUIUW southerly, no writing of any sort was j ri^ced fruit-growers is to havii a regu- found. j lar fruit-room, built to exclude light And so, after enduring great hardships j to maintain an even temperature, but no great suffering, tho expedition : Where large crops are to be stored, it returned, btill leaving to the Exquimuax J Ptty9 to build such a room or house for and the eternal cold the remains of I the purpose, but for a lew barrels, al- ^ 1 1* _ TV "1 ,1 « , i MAa^ 1 _ *1 .» tl that they , --, -- Erebus aud Terror, aud attempted to drag ! preferable, as the thair .boata overland ia the hopea of ] freezing, and it is easier to pre- ai ju the, 0pftll water again, i ficrve aQ even temperature. Iu storing notliiug probably ever ; th© apples, if they have t>een properly ' picked at the proper time, properly handled, and packed in barrels ou the most improved plan, the barrels are piled in regular tiers, the lower tier rest­ ing on "skids," or pieces of timber to keep from the ground and dampness. We have seen, fine apples in March and April, which have been kept on board hanging-shelves in the cellar, the fruit having lain close as possible together without touching on a bed of dry straw. will lie, definitely known of their strug­ gle and their end. verbid, and their ^ whole lives are bound • 111 their affection. Few peoplo will deny that love in one form or anotlter makes up tho beauty of life to womau. It enters into all she does. Any wotk outside her immediate circle is undrfcaken most often from pure desire to help sot^e one else to know something of the mysterious happiness of love. Unlike men, women chiefly look for pecsauiQ intercourse with those for whom they , working. If their interest lies aniang j the poor, they are desirous of sympathetic personal acquaintance with them; and ; very little good work of a lasting kind j has been done by women without their ; own influence of love being brought to : bear on the individual case.--Nineteenth Century. ' A Cnrions Piece or Horse Flesh. ! A correspondent at Marion, Oliiq, *©- 1 lates the following: A curious laeee of horsp flesh was brought to town reeeJitly by a farmer namad Syuder, living iu the ; south part of this county. The animal is destitute of hair, except the tail, whioh is unusuall y black and luxuriant. Iniat ' winter the critter was jifilieted with sm eruptive disease, known among ooauiry farriers as "jailer water," but among , more scientific veterinary surgeons as | humid exanthema. This malady caused i the complete destruction of the luiir- ! bulbs, and the animal began rapidly lt» | shed, leaving the body as stated al>ove. ; The skin is remarkably smooth, glossy, i and of a leaden color. The lnorso was ; originally a roan. He is Bixteen hands : high, in good condition, and works reg­ it) ary on liis owner's farm. Snyder be­ came disgusted with tlie appearance af | the quadruped and brought him here to dispose of liim. E;u-ly in the day he | woidd have taken $50, but lieforo night ' he returned to his home refusing §300. 1 Triplet Maxims. ' Three things to do--think, live nd) ' Act Tliree things to govern--your temper, : tongue and conduct. Three tilings to cherish--virtue, good­ ness and wisdom. Three things to love--courage, gentle- ; ness and affection. Three tilings to contend for--honor, country and friends. Three things to hate--cruelty, ane- gance und ingratitude. Three tilings to teach--truth, indiisby and contentment Three things to admire--intellect^ dig­ nity and griicefuli&ss. Three things to like--cordiality, good­ ness and cheerfulness. Three things to delight in--beauty,, frankness and freedom. Tliree things to avoid--idleness^ lo­ quacity and flippant jesting. Tliree things to wudi for^-hevitt^ friends and a contented spirit. Three things to cultivate--good bethi, Rood friends and good humor. What Ho Had Done. A local Talmage held a series of meet' ings near Amsterdam, Boletourt County, Va., in which he was quite successful. At the closing service of the meetings he rose for his farewell address. He spoke of "the great ingathering of souls'* at a place of so little tendency to religion; of the many sheaves that had been gath- ered| whence he had heard only leaves jula i J \Wliy People Are so Short-Lived. ' The Concord School of Pltilosophv j having requested the assistance of thi 1 Lime Kiln Club in solving the conun- | drum of why the people of this age do j not live as long as those of eiirliy clays, ! the matter was given to the Committee , nHuuui »....••••...»• ou a oeu oi arv Htraw ra m . „ , - , , on Judiciary to invostigato. #TU,>.v now : Tl.ej m're looked over occiwionlly, and fSuf ^°UMiMM'°fnS.'llT „!1l»re»»ar,aUmcs8,lo_rUport. a,.follows: | ,hen any al,owed Kigns of MttfaJthW ; the ^ is ̂ Tufi were at once removed. j jH)nv hauds above the congregation, j he shouted: "I have done a good work I here! I am like the celebrated Na­ poleon who upon an occasion of great success exclaimed, '.Vic semper ti/rarmi* ' --I came, I saw, and I conquered f " Dis committee had no trouble to find plenty of reasons b'arin' on tho inquiry. In de fust place, de taxes am so high dat no man kin afford to lib over a hundred y'ars. In olden duys a man could tell his wife to git 'long away if she didn't please him. In dis age he has to stick by her 'an fight it out. Dis has an indu- ence to make him sigh for a change to de evergreen shores. None ob dose ole chaps had a second shirt to his back, an* none dreamed of puttiu* ou style. Look aliout you in dis aige an' Bee de coat-tails, sleeve buttons, diimond pins, an' odder gewgaws which 1k>W down a man's head in Borrow to de grave ! In de timo of de prophets dar was no means of scootin' aroun' de kenti v an' takiu' in de sights. Iu dis aige, arter a man has bin to New York, Washington, Chicago, au' a few odder places, he am up a stump for a change of scenery, an' he nntterly wants to be piLsiiin' on to'rds de pearly gates. Dis committee am ob de opiuyun dat de modern man who reaches tie aigo of one hundred y'ars ought to be perfectly satis- tied to hand up his ticket to do conduc­ tor. He git* more trottin* horse --more 8 ore clothes-- more alligator butes--- , o- _ ---- i -- uiore auiijator t>ute«--- them ! ^,ure /uore ice cream 5U1' oys-tliem fiiiiilly warned tho old man that he ran a risk by sticking his head out, but at the very next toot he was at it again. Ho wore a plug hat which looked fully twenty years old, and its loss would be nothing great. Preparations were quietly made behind him, and trvtry thing was all ready when next tlie whistle sounded. " I wonder what's on the track now ?" queried tho wife, ua ahe moved around uneasilv. " I Junno," he replied; " I believe we v© nin over as many as a dozen men since we left Toledo." " Do look out and see what it means." she continued. (>ut went his head, his face toward the engine, and a smart rap with a cane from the n>>xt window knocked his hat off, aud sent it living into a swamp. He pulled back with such a rush that he almost went over his wife into tlie aisle. . k V,K' 11 frtars ! but did it mean any tiling . she cried, kJv grouped him. 'I h -oiild think it did !" he \elled, "It m^ant that I ws,« u di r. ed < 1.1 fool, and •. ^"t go burehea<led all tho rest of tins summer !" Tlie hard-hearted conductor refused to atop the train and recover the hat, aud at tho oi)<] of a di^ousttinti the baro- hoaded victim brought his ILstduwu with shivering force, and exclaimed: . nr)w» J want you to understand that if tliero is any law in this land, this ere railroad has ^ot to move its fenee- ocrners back. 'Sposen' tliem rails hail given me a wipe on the jaw ?" How She l.ost Her DiamonUN. Dr. Dnrrie, of Jersey City, found an f»ld j>:iir of cors-t< hanging .in his bed- motn elos"t, and tlirew them into an a-li barrel. When his wife returned home in tho ev ning the cors<;ts had been taken away by. an Italian ragpicker. Mrs. Durrie was much annoyed by her hus- t§rs, au what-eber else goes to make huiuiui natur' smile all obi r in a gloomy iliA' in dat little time ihm Methu.saler got in all his nine hundred y'ars ob life. An" we'll eluT prav." The Secretary was instruetetl to i>re- pare a vrrlmtim report and forward the s:une to tJoneord, together with tlie hop. liiafc the school and the club woidd worL together in the greatest liai-uiojiy iluriut; the long evening period. -D<.L-'<mI /-Vul J 'rc4M. Qu<v>n Ttelorla's Belgn. Very remarkable changes have taken place during the ftirty-two years' reign of Queen "Victoria. She has outlived by several years every Bishop and every Judge whom she found seated on those benches in Euglaud, Scotland, ami Ire­ land. She has witnessed tlie fui oral of every Premier who has served under her, except Lord Beacon sfield and Mr. Gladstone. Not a single Cabinet Min­ ister of her uncle aiul predecessor s days now survives; and of those who held in­ ferior otiices under her first aud favorite Premier, Lord Melbourne, there can bo found luuong tlie living only Lord Hali­ fax (then Air. Charles Wood) aud Lord Howiek (now Lord Grey). Of the mem­ bers of tlie Privy Council who sat in June 1837, to administer toiler the oaths, only four survive. She has received the homage of four Are]i bishops of Canter­ bury, of four Archbishops of York, and of five Bishops of Chichester, Lichfield, and Durham successively. She has filled each of the three Chief Justiceships twice at leant; she hiis received the ad­ dressee of four successive Speakers of the House of Commons; she has entrusted the Great Seal of the Kingdom to no fewer than nine different. Lord Chan­ cellors; and she lias commissioned eight successive Premiers to form no fewer tihan thirteen different administrations. | Bit of Colorado Romance. j One of the richest lions of this city at the present date looks as if, were he in j Paris at tlie proper moment, he would : wear a bonnet rouge and carry a mitrail­ leuse. Further up in the mountains the air of this lion would set the fashions not only of a camp but many of its visitors also. The brigand style is exceedingly fascinating to tlie eyes of romantic, impracticable young woman, and also to lads with half-grown mustaches. I saw a young lady at Georgetown whose eyes and heart had become en tangled with'the man who was too familiar with sharp knives, and I do not refer to the town butcher. This lassie secured a flue bron­ cho with a scarlet sjuldle-eloth, and over her handsome dark-green, gold-lmttoned habit she wore a gold-mounted leather l>eJt, to which was attached a sheathed knife with a guarded hilt. In tbte baud of her Derby cap she wore a lighter knife that glistened, both of which might be useful in her hands if she were attacked by a Colonvdo grasshopper. In city terms she openly expressed her ad­ miration for the town desperado. "He could and would protect a woman's honor with his very life," she lisped to the stanch fellow who corralled her tired bronchos. "Yes, aud kill lier, too, when she was in his way or vexed liiui, and that is what he* has done more than once, as we idl know, but we cannot prove it. He'll bo lucky if he don't find himself made into a tusisl-j by Mr. Lynch some bright midnight." The ]>oor fjirl cried a little, then laid off her belt and knives and with a deep sigh awoke from her bright dreams.--Denver Letter to Chicago Times Jack of all Trades. The champion jack-of-all trades t>e- lougs to iluglaiul, and lives near Chiches­ ter. He luw served as seaiuan in tho four quarters of the globe, and acted as steward, siulmaker, cook, mate, and nav­ igator. He now hangs out his sigu as " Prof. Pullinger, contractor, inventor, fiHhermau, builder, carpenter, jeiuer, sawyer, undertaker, turner, cooper, painter, plazier, f-ign painter, wooden pumpmakcr, paper hanger, bell hanger, bout builder, clock cleaner, lock smith, umbrella repairer, chiua and glass men­ der, netkmttfr, wire worker, grocer baker, farmer, taxidermist., copying' clerk, letter writer, accountant, surveyor, engineer, land measurer, house agent, vestry clerk, a»si,tuit overseer, cLrk to the Selsay Sparrow Club, clerk to the Selsay police, assessor aud collector of land tax aud property and income lax, and collector of church and hi"hwav rates." __ _ J the Cotton Crop. About <.>,000 miles of hoop-iron enough f..r a three-fold girdle nr-no-d the earth---will be needed to bind th • nrtheoniiug cotton crop, if it reaches •ho uuuilter of bales predicted bv stitis- ! lieiiuis, or G,000,0.0. The number of I Carriages Without Horses. | A Hartford gentleman lias nearly com' 1 plcted a carriage for use on ordinary | roads, to be propelled solely by com- | pressed nir. The shafts, of course, are | omitted, but otherwise the carriage will resemble in the maiu, those commonly used. The machinery, in very compact form, is under the rear axle, and the air will lie taken into it from a resorvoirin sufficient quantity to furuish motive power for a run of many miles. " POSSESSION given to-day, or sooner if desired," is the way they rent bowse* iu Kansas City. THE MARKETS. NEW YORK. Bkbvks IIOOH COTTON Flo c it--Superfine WHEAT KO. 2 Spring CORN --Ungraded. Oath--Mixt-U Wutttorn Uve--We-tern PoitK--Mvtut „ Lahu CHICAGO. Ilutviv--Choice Oruded A era... GOWK auj H>itvra Medium to Fitir Iloou, i'uivs--Fancy Wti t« Winter . .$7 35 0110 12* .. 6 io «* ft as .. 11*<4 11>» .. 3 50 c«t • 0* .. 1 09 1 15 54 C4 fit 98 (4 40 «5 <4 I «• ..16 00 (^1U 35 6S<S SX. 6 20 & 5 10 2 40 a 54 4 25 <£ 4 60 3 80 <£ 5 40 . ... 5 50 0 IN) Oood to Oil >icc Spi-in# E*.. 4 25 ($ 5 00 <# OT <.<* 9t (4 40 & <!# (si <S 2D WUKAT --No. 2 Spring. I No. 3 Spring Conn--Mo. X • OATH-- No. 2 IUB~No. i. I BAULKY -- NO. 2 • Ut'TTtii--Choio) Creamery • Ku«s--Krenli.. " ' I'okk--ilunn. . . .18 W' j If i M i L v v A i i 4 i : i i W UKAT--No. 1 99 , Ko. 2 97 I COBK--Xfli 39 ! OATH--No. 2. 39 i uvh-^NO. 1 M IJ.vliLi i --No. 2. " 67 sr. Louis. WHEAT -So. 2 Rod Cons--Mixtxl [. *, Oatk---NO. X Rvk PuRK--MuiS. . Laui> WHKAT COBN OATH Uvk 1'onu--Mea«., Laei> CINCINNATI.' 09 .. ;i9 2a .. K2 ..IS 50 8 30 84 TT !W 18 &IS 25 (a» 8* @ 1 04 © 98 <£ 40 (# 30 (4 85 iS <» <* 1 00 tri 41) « :to 83 (^:li >5 90 41 34 88 TOLEDO. WHEAT--No. 1 Wliite No. 2 UeU....ii!".'""" COBS--N«>. 2 Oai I+-- No. 2 DETiiorr." Fi.orn--Ohoicc Whk^T--No. 1 White CO B S --No. 1 o.\ in--iiixixj Baui.i v (**)r oentjU> l'c'Uk-Mrm) INDIANAPOLIS." WHEAT--Na 2 Bed 93 Co us jjjj l IATS "....... . .V. 11" 31 Pubk--Citar 11.11 * . 15 KA3T LI 11 KitTY, PA. CATTLE--Best 5 00 4 00 Common 8 80 HOOK 4 TR 8h«JU> .IIIIH.'.II 8 OU « 99 42 <6 39 Hi .17 00 (J»1T 50 SAog titf. » @ 1 00 1 00 (0 1 01 42 (£ 43 31 * VSt 5 00 1 00 io 34 1 25 ....15 74 (I 00 1 01 («» 46 « 35 1 VO 00 A 04 OA U> ;«<* ai- V-.1C 00 5 25 <S» * 85 (4 3 80 |« 6 40 £4 7*

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