W $£' ^ $ \~*'-r* **1 /f-\- t*< -* " Srfr* ; WEDNESDAY OCT. 27, 1880. Railroad Time Table. 101 NO SOUTH. fnnmvft t,*V« Passcnjfer . . . . . . 7:2^A."M <i«uoi» Lake Express ,. , . . .8: '29a M. ~^*ti«Ta Lake ^rei/ht . i: l.i p. M §t0aiul>»*t Express....................3:11) P, II. ooiwo HOITK ' Steamboat KXPRCNN , 10:00 A. M. SUCH LAKE Freight 10:02 A. M. IJoneva Lake Express 5:4» p. * freneva LakA Passenger 6:53 p.* Bargains in Underwear, at Fitz&im- mons A Evanson. Br request we pjblish In another column the Greenback National, State and County Ticket. A FBAXK BEST, son of Frances Best, f who formerly kept a Bakery in this 1 village, was one ot the lost on the ill* \ jfated steamer Alpena. LOOK out for the new advertlsment of C. F. Iltili , of the Dundee and Rich mond stores, which will appear in this paper next week. THERE is to be a grand Republican Rally atRingwood to-night. Several good speakers will be present. Let all turn out. ' ' ' THE two Liberty Pol**a. in tliis vil lage, which were broken by the wind a week ago, have been' repaired and again float their respective streamers. TAKE away from the out door youth the bonflre privilege on election nights and yon pull all the host tail feathers out of the American Eagle. THE "New Process" Flour, mamifac tured by Hanly A Sons, McHenry, is giving unusual satisfaction wherever used Ask your Grocer for it . SEE the new advertisement of F. Weils, dealer ia Hardware, 'etc., Waa- conda, III., to be found in another col umn, His stock Is new and .complete in every particular, and his prices are as low as the lowest. Read the adver tisement in another column. For Circuit Clerk. * Tit* almost unnecessary to WiiitiicT our readers that the Republican candi date is the present able and efficient incuinbent, E. E. Richards, a# he vir-. tnally has no opposition, and will poll three-fourths of all the votes in the county on Tuesday next. And he ought to, as no abler man ever held the office since the organization of the county. WE shall be obliged to ask our lead ers to excuse our lack, of local news this week, as our time and space has all been taken up with political mat ters, but when the great battle is over and the doad buried, we shall then par mqre particular attention to our local department, stir up our lagging correspondents and do our level best to make ttie Pi.AISDEALER a live local THE Rival Concert Troupe gave an entertainment at the Univcrsallst Church, in this village, on Friday even ing last, and although they were obliged to play to almost empty seats. It was really one of the finest musical entertainments that ever visited this village. Our limited space this week will not allow us to particularize, but it was good from beginning to end, and should they ever come this way" again we predict for them a big house. VV by our citizens did not turn out on Friday evening is a mysWry. but we can assure them they missed a rich musical treat. THE M. E. Conference,lately in ses sion at Rockford, assigned Rev. J. W. P. Jordon to the McHenry and Ring- food charge, while Rev. W. A. Adrou joee to Big Foot.III. 'REV. PETEK ARVEDSOX WITT officiate on Sunday, October 31st, at St. .Tohus Algonquin, 1030 A . Jr.; at Dole's Chapel Crystal Lake--Swedish service at 2:45, r . M.; English service at 4:00. r . it. THE Ladies Church Aid Society, of Riugwood, will meet at the residence of E. Hall, on Thursday afternoon- October 28. All are invited. MRS. WM. LANOIIAM, Sec'y. Gtcouou SOLTHWOBTII. of Wood, stock, died in Chicago, on Monday last, and Is to be buried in Woodstock to day. llis disease was consumption, of which he has been a stifle rer for a long thuc. ( ^ , Do not fail to attend the Grand Opening of Millinery Goods, to-mor- vow. Thursday. at the new store of Mrs. Searles, opposite Perry A Martin's. Her stock is complete, and the la lies should not fail to call to-morrow. THE Ste* nb>»at Express, whi6h passed tills Station going North at ]0:00o'clock A.M . ,and going South at 6:16 p. M.. was taken off on Saturday last. The balance'of the trains it is expected will be left on during the WJurer. WE learn that a Parly is being talk ed of. to take place at Grand Hall on Friday evening of next week. Nov. 5th. The Germania Baud, of Chicago, J. Castello Leader, will furnish the mus ic. ° As soon as it is definitely settled . tickets will be issued. j ON account of the election the j PLAIXDEALEH will not be Issued next 1 week until Thursday at which time i 3 'e hope to be able to positively an- ' no it i rce to our readers the election of! .Tames A. Garfield as President of the j I tnlted States- j WE learn tluit a daughter of Wm. j Paige* who lives about two miles j southwest of this villnge.^vas thrown from a buggy on Saturday just, break ing h«r left arm between the elbow j and shoulder. l)r. Brown was called. ; and she is doiug as well as could be expected. \ j A PARTY from Dundee* whoso name j we have not learned, ha* leased the ^ Photograph Gallery in this village, is : refitting it in splendid style, and will j in a fe*v days have it open and ready i We believe this is one of j the be^t points in the county for a*i in- | stitution of this kl nd, a id a good iuai^ cannot fail of doing a good biwiiiess. IT is rumored, on what appears to be good Democratic authority, that when English heard of the Republicin vic tory in Indiana, he brought hts fist down upon the table air! declared with emphasis, that he "would rather have £iv«n a dollar!" A Mcllenry Demo crat eaystluit he ' 'does not believe it-- that the old fool would rather have the dollar." Beware of Spnriras Tickets. We are reliably informed that the opposition arc flooding the county with bogus tickets, hoping to smuggle in vhough of them to thwart the will of the people at the coming election.-- Therefore every voter should examine his ticket closely from top to bottom, ard seo that etery name is correct and as lie desires to vole if. This is au old dodge of the Democracy, and every Republican iu Mcllenry County should appoint himself a committee of one to see that they do not succeed in their flevelish aims. Again *vc say examine every vote closely before putting it in the ballot box. WAUCONDA- EDITOR PLAIXDEALEK: -- Politics seem to claim the largest share of everybody's attention now, and out side of that fieid there does not appear te be much to chronicle in the way of news this week. Each party has held a meeting, both of which were well attended. The Republicans had theirs Oil Tuesday evening, in Maimau's Hall; Tli® Glee Club from Elgin was in at tendance, and the ladies occupied fully one-quarter of the benches. Messrs. E. C. Crawford and C. T. Heydecker made the addresses. Take it all to gether, the Republican managers have reason to congratulate themselves on the manner in which it passed off. On Wednesday night the Democrats gath ered iu Pratt 's Hall filling it to its ut most and listened to quite a lengthy speech by Judge Forrester. He was generally well liked. The Band got together and gave them some music, which, considering their crippled state, was well rendered. - Our street is quite well supplied wl^h flitgS: but if some one would talce pity on the Prohibition party and, and hang out something for their man, whoever he may be, every candidate would be "represented. The Garfield banner first fluttered iu the breeze on Tuesday; Hancock who came next, ws^strung up on Thursday, and last of all something was hung across tne lower end of the street, which accord ins: to the best au thority, is intended to represent the Greenback party. Candor compels us to state that the red in the Hancock flag looks a little pale when compared with the others. Whether it was be cause the dyer did not understand his business or because of the name it bears we can't say. On Friday evening James Sherburne received quite a severe gash over his eye by being flung to the ground as he iried to stop a wajron which was being drawn by another person. Our stage driver, Mr. Grey, has been taking a vacation in the city for the past few days. Mr. Harris has kept liis place well filled iu the meantime. WQODSTOCX. EDITOR.PLAINOKAI,KK:--O;IR people are much afflicted with Diphtheria,-- Not less than five children were buried! last week and wo ln*ar of .many other cases. In some instances adults as well a? children are sutlering with the mal ady. Nor is the disease limited with- iu our little city but the rural dis tricts opine iu for a goodly share of af fliction therefrom. The political pot is daily simmering down "to the business of next Tuesday, a week, when we expect the most ef fective "sugar oft'" since 18(10. The ' solid south" have become fully convinced that they cried too soon.-- Had they concealed the cloven foot a • OF GRAND OPENING. MILLINERY, CLOAKS, Ac. 1 ON THURSDAY? jfe- MRS. »EARLKS vyilj have a G'anil Opening of Fashionable Millinery Goods, Cloaks,<fcc.. at her new store, opposite Perry A Martin's, on Thurs day of next week, October 28, and in vites the Ladies of Mcllenry and sur rounding souutry to call ami examine her Im.ncnae stodL Iter stock is com plete in every particular, aud com prises the latest styles to be found in the city, all of which she will soli at prices to suit the times. Do not fail to cull on Thursday and little longer aud a little more effectu- j examine goods whether you want to ally they might have deluded tlie ; v>UY t»r not. MRR. S. SEARLES. north into their wishes. But again I __ si QUITE a severe aud painful accident happened at the Bridge on Thursday last. While unloading some large 'stone, one of them slipped aud came down with full weight upon the toes . of <wo of the workmen, Abe Lawrence and Peter Tlialen, mashing theiu iu. a liorrible manner. Under the circuni- staneee the boys may consider them selves lucky that they were not more seriously injured. In handling these Vheavy stoue they cauuot be too care-Cltl" v~- • 'feiXj WE learn from the W.iodstock Senti nel that while Ed. Murphv, of the law liriti of T. D. & K. D. Murphy, of that city, was out limiting in a boat with Henry Childers, on Koshkonong Lake- in Wisconsin, the other day he had the ni is fortune to shoot his companion in the head. Chi I dors was lying in the l>otti>m of the boat and suddenly rais ing Just as Ed. fired, received the full charge, in his head. There have been several different accounts in the i]aily papers,some of them reporting that "the man's recovery would be impossi- ' ble, but we learn to-day that he is jipt fierloiuly injured. THE meeting at Riverside Hall qu Friday evening was well attended, and the speech by the Hon., J. C. Slier- win was listened to vith the closest at tention. and is spoken of by those pre sent as one of the best of the campaign. He hnihiled the democratic party and their (record without gloves, and i;i a \ clear and forcible manner presented the questions of the day, so that no one could fail to understand. As we have.said before, while his election is and has been perfectly safe, he has beert doing yeonians work for the whole ticket, speaking iu every County in the District, and everywhere being received with large audiences. A. BLAXCII \iti>, an old aud highly respected citizen of Huntley, III., was one of the victims of the Alpena disas ter. He left for Whitehall. Mich., re- eently, with horses belonging to him self and A. J. Covell of that p'.ace. He took passage back from Grand Haven on the ill-fated Alpena. llis family, consisting of a mother-in-la% and four daughters are disconsolate at their great loss. The family are left well provided for financially. His life was also insured for $5,000, but a short time .ago. It i< supposed he had considera ble money with him. Parties are watchjug for his body to be washed ashore near Holland, Mich., where oth er bodies have been recovered. The family have the sympathy of the whole community. Krai Estate Tr*n*Trr*. The following is the list of transfers in Mcllenry county for the week ending October 18.1880: Mrs Jf Stevens hd1 bus to O T Steam* *S n.Vj sw'i sec :il Duuham, #MOO. Marv VVSG ami lins to Clari Crime* It* S ami 1 Kllsworlt) ail<l to Kiimla. $75"'. Ellen Hiirlon ct al to S L Burton, 10a in aw 'i sec 20 N inula e of Kiver, f 150. H Lin<l<oy uii 't \v to L S Kilts 2 a in sw.'i ne li see 17, Algonquin r 3, f4")0. S It W'tlker l>v ex to I, A I ' .vrkor 8\v^ ne'i se'i sec H Ntin lfi r .4 ?I50. .1 L Austin ami \r to J ami Vm«y battle 10 a.in sw c>r nw1, sec, I) nT,$HtX. Narin-i \V'iit et al to J. J. Wilson, pt 175 203 Ass plat Dorr, ?1' '2.50. Mrs .1 A Crana ami hus to J L Hoy t pt It .2 Asars plat Durr, $1'*(NI. Catherine Shiel Is to A Cwnaek pes iu s\v,Vf sey s-c 11 Ditnham. *1125. A Lincoln to O It Lincoln w>» nek sec 16 Marengo, fc20:W. T li Small woo I aiut w to C L llalJeriuan Kw', sec 11. Itirhiuonri, C Wasmont to A L Chipin 1ft In sec 28, $1700. j Rock Klver Conterence. j The appointments as published. RCM-KFOKI> DISTRICT. O, E. Mau'leville, IMesi'liii}; Kl'lor. foril. Centennial Chure.h, W. A. Spencer: j Court Street, T. P. Marsh; W inncltago Street i W. s_ Harrington; Bclvi lere, 1st Church, O. | E. Rnrvh; 2d Chnrch, u. C. Clark; Cherry ,; Vallev. A. Xeurton; Cheinunir, R. Health: Harvard, to I f suppl ied; Marengo, J . lL Ueeves; New Milford \V. II. Ilaivfht; Nunda, J. It. ll 'tcon; Poplar lirovo and Capr-rn. A. B, Smart; Kichinord, >V. K. Delap: Hinjfwootl anrt Mclienrv, J. W, P. Jordan; Big Fo»t, W. A. Adron"; Garden Prairie, N, A, Sunder, lin; Rockford Circuit, J. Oljiers; Roekton, J. M. Con lee; Roscoo, J M. Clendenning; Round Pr»tirie, H. U. ltfcynolds; Solon and Spring <JrDve, M. M- Tooke: Woodstock, J. Adams; Kranklinville N. Critchett: Dundee T. D. Lewis; Hlgin, M. M. Parktiur«t; Char ter Oak, S. rates; Byron, K. B. 11 :ir-1 i n ; 'Vln- nebago, D. M. Tompkins; Burritt, J. II. Soule Hon, Geo. Scruggs, publisher of | the Champaign Gazette, one of the mo«t prosperous newspapers iu Illinois, died last Saturday at Denver. Colorado.-- Colonel Scroggs was quite a prominent j politician, a member of the last Illinois I Legislature, and was appointed by j President Hayes consul to Hamburg, | which position ill-health forced him to l resign. He was an able, entertaining ' writer, aud the life of his excellent newspaper, whose columns will miss the productions of hi* pen. BREEDING SOWS FOR SALE. The undersigned has a few choice Breeding Sows, with pig, which lie odors for sale at a reasonable price. Also a lot of fine Slioats. Call at my residence near Methodise Church, In 'Mcllenry vil 'age. STEPIIKN RAVMOND. Hats aud Laps for men and boys fur or cloth, high crown or low crown, late styles and good goods always cheap In price ajt FI RZIIMMONS & EVAN- SON'S. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe for Cloaks and Dolmans. For the celebrated Belolt Shoe, the best iu the market, go to Colby Ufos. The manufacturers and mechan ics do not think the tariff question a] •'local issue." Throughout the State | tliev are taking an active part in the! support of th<» Republican ticket. The Troy (New York) Time*, commenting : on the late election in Newark, says; ' I'he manufacturing city of Newark j held its municipal election yesterday.! Last October it gave a Democratic ma jority of 2,000; now it gives a Repub lican innjoi it j* of 2,500. The business men, the manufacturers and th<«lr em ployees are stumping out the Demo cratic platform and candidates, who are pledged to the free trade policy of •a tarift for Revenue only' aud are against the continued protection of i American indu<rrie«, un ler which the i country is prospering. Newark has ; set a splendid example for Troy to j follow. Its interests are the same as ours. I>t usgo to work to bring out a similar result. WONUKRFL KLY INTMJK.SRXXG.--Brick Pomeroy has made a great, hit with his new paper Tiik Uka r WKKT , which he started in Deliver last June, ami which he sent to more limit 25,000 Mibsci lbers to h is o ld paper , POMKUWY 'S Di:MO< RAT , after it was suspended, following the forgeries of his partner. Tilt; GRLAT WKST is a handsome eight- page paper, illustrated each week with views of Colorado mine.-, mountains, scenery, etc, and is all iu all a wonder fully interesting paper with its Satur day Night chapters, its valuable editor ial letters describing that rich country, its letters from tlie pccple, its red-hot i editorials, crisp items, wit, ugliness, i Home Corner chats, news, etc. It is now | a red-hot. slap-dab. independent paper, j above all party lines, but i6 death j against United States bonds and all robberies of the poor. It is sent, one year for 8*2. or six copies one year for #10. Since "Brick" made his big strike in the mines, he U|iualviug a paper more lively than ever. Address, M. M. Pomeroy, Denver, Colorado, and send fur the paper if you wisji something you will read from end to end. Autograph Albums, from tlve cent upward?, at O. W, Owen's. FOU SALE OR RENT. The Store lately occupied by J. E. Vasey iu the village of Ring wood. Possession given March 25th. For further particulars inquire of Mits. AXK VA S E Y . Ringwood, March 17, lSSO. t You are paying 15 to 25 per cent for your credit. Pay the cash; trade at a cash store, aiid| make this savin**. STKVENS & 5CMNORR. IF you wish to please your wife (and who does not) be sure aud get a Sack of that celebrated "New Process" Flour from Hanly's Mill. It certainly beats anything now in the market. Ladies of McHenry and vicinity don't bijy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S Searles." Am now ottering greater bargains than ever. All work iu repairing done on short notice. I AM GOING To make my fall purchases of STKVEXS & SCHXORR . They have thej largest stock of Goods iu town, aud, sell the! cheapest. j CLOTHING. j Latest Style, well made,good Cloth, i warranted to fit and wear. Fdr men. j youths and boys our prices are ahvaj's i r ight. f ITZSIMMOXS;^ EVAXSOV. 1 they will bi compelled to " succumb to the "mud sills" ot the north. Wade Hampion persists in "wading in." aud making a series of the best campaign documents the Republicans have had--and litis capped the .cliiuax by furnishiiig Shermar. with the con clusive evidence of what his people might expect under the rule of such leaders. Horace Gieely, the Democrat ic candidate for President hi" 1872 made use in 1806 of the following'pru>- phetic language, viz : "The leal danger of the Republic was not that of permanent, 'but of gen eral saturation by aWl subjugation to the despotic Jideas* and ni ins of the slave holding Oligarchy.' ' "Had the confederacy proved able to wrest from the federal authorities au acknowl edgement of its independence. antThad Peace been established and ratified oil that basis, 1 believe the Deuiocatic party in the loyal states would hiuve forthwith taken ground for restoration by the secession of their respective States, whether jointly or severally, from the Union, and their adhesion to the confederacy, under the Montgom ery Constitution--making slavery uni versal and perpetual. An I under the moral inlluence of Southern triumphs and Northern defeat, iu lu'.l view of t he certainty that thus only could re union be achieved, there can be litlle doubt that the law of political grav- iiatio'i, of centripelodj'oree, thus ap pealed to must ultimately prevail." Commercial and manufacturing thrift would have gradually vanquished mor al repugnance." it might. Iiftv* re quired some years to heal the wounds of war and secure'a popular majority in three or four of t lie I order St :ites in favor of Annexation; but the geo graphic aiid economic Incitements to Union are so urgent aud palpable, that State alter Stale would have con cluded to go to the mountain, since it stubbornly refused to come to Mahom et, and, all the Stales that the Confede racy would consent to accept, on con ditions of pcultcnce and abjuration, would, it time have knocked hum My at itsgrim portals for admission and^ei- lowship. Again this Democratic I 'an- didote of 1872 says iu the snne article- •'So long as it seemed probable'that out- Way would result more immediately in a Rebel triumph rt had no wish, no h^art, to lie one of its historians. That such was the expect al Ion of the '"Solid South" and the Democratic purty of the North when iu 1804 at Chicago they resolved that the War was a failure there Van be no doubt. Au.d having failed in tint there can be no doubt but that tliey now hope, or did when they nominated Hancock to ar rive ultimately at as near the same re sult as the change iu circumstances will permit, and that too without "condi tions of pen it ahce and abjuration"' on their part. Th;.:ir wlnde history dur ing the war and since demonstrates beyond a doubt that Horace Greely in 1S0C. before his head was turned by the Siren song ot vanity and weakness, the same as were Mo'Jlellands and Han cocks, was a true prophet. If time and space would permit, this subject might, to advantage Just at this time, be pursued further hut we will occupy uo more of your.v.duable space on that strain, We hope you willVvanj your readers who desire to vote the Republican ticket, against fraudulent and mongrel tickets. Warn them to take no tickets except such as they know of their own know ledge to be genuine. Iruin begin ning to «nd, or such as ire guaranteed to he of the right stamp. We feel sice of victory, but let not one jot or tittl" of our jjeal wano uiit.il the last ballot is oa-t, and counted as cast, and ere the hour of low twelve on the 2d day of November, there «hall confte a voice from the cities and hamlets, from mountain and valley, from the woodlands and from the prairies, crying, "Prepare ye the way ofCarfield ami ip ike his paths straight from Mentor to the White House, for there lie is bound to go--tli*? people have said it." Business Notices.... Itfcfed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. 50 Trimmed Hats from fifty cents |f» two dollars apiece at Mrs. S. Wearies. Wis have the Uo^s Glov*» Depot. KIT/.-: R >T M O V3 A K V A N*<>N. The best Threshing KmtcfclfrB St B. M. Owen's. • - WK have a large stock of the Mason Fruit Jars at reduced nrlces. STKVKNS & SCHXORK. The Mollne Sulky Plow at E. M Oiven's. A'iSuio l . The undersigned having rented his farm, and going onto a farm withuten- ; sils furnished, will sell at Public AIIC- 1 »ion on hi* farm 3V miles north and I » . ' ' j North-east of Woodstock, on Saturday j Oct. 30, at 10 o'clock A. M. • The fol- j lowing property, ,to-wit: 5 cows, 2 | yearlings 4 spring calves. 4 working j horses. 2 two-year-old colts, 2 yearl- , ings. 2 sucking eolts, twelve sheep, 4 j set double harness, 2 lumber wagons, 1 j two seated-buggy, 1 McCorniick Har- j ves-ter. I Mc'.kmnlek Mower, 1 sulky | corn .plow, 1 stirring plow. 1 threshing i machine, 1 clover huller, 1 four-horse corn sheller,2 ten-horse powers, 8 spring pigs, and other articles too numerous to mention. TKRMS.--All sums of $10 aad under Cash. All sums over .that amount a ' credit of ' year will be given on good ! apt-roved Notes, ai 8 per cent interest. 4 per cent of) for cash. : F WEIDKRICK O, AMIES, Auctioneer. The Ftirsfr Bradley Shlky Plow at E. M. Oweu*s. When in want of work In m.v line, give me a call and I will try anil please Robl. Murrttt, Jeweler. Nuuda, 111. Dress Goods Stylish durable aud cheap just received, we Ifivite inspec tion. Fitzsimnions «S5 Bvanson. v Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un til yon have seen and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. We are selling our la^ge line of Embroidery at greatly reduced prices. ST K V K N S & SCIINOKR, CAftPENTERViLLIE FLANNELS.. All those wishing to.-seen re some of) these Goods should call on ii«. We j have about, forty pieces on band, but are fast closing out We have bought nil of these and when gone c.in get no* more. STEVI-;XS & SCIINOKR. In the Whole riht 'Wy at leMriM No preparation has performed auuh marveHoOs eure*. of Ktiitiitaineff so wjde a reputation, as Ayer'a Cherry Pectntal* wfitcl* recognized as thn World's remedy for nil iiis»»asea of lit* throat aud lungs. Its- foftg cnntiniMNf aeries of wonderful"cttn«a-l« all Climate# has made it universally «** a*af« ami reliable age lit to employ. Agal»*t ordinart coltfs. tVhich are the forefirtM nersof mofc serious disorders. It acta speedily and surely, always iclieving suffering, stftd often saving life. TIIM protection it aftonls. by fts timely ttte in the throat ami tuwg (liwflitH children, makes it an Invaluable rem** *ly to be kept always on band in every home. No person can aflyid lo be with out it , and ihose who have once nsed it nevei" will. From their knowledge* of its coniiM»sition and effects, Pliysle- ians use the Cherry Pectoral extensive ly in- their practice, ami clergy>n*A recommend it. It is absolutely ce ft alto iu its remedial effects* aWf Will alWajra cure where cures are possible. For sala by all dealers. .. E. M, OWKN X SU* hdve just rt- Cefted a new lot of Top Buggies, tO which they invite the attention »»f those wishing to purchase. They sire as line as any lobe found in the mar ket. - • ' 'V :• Low Prices and good work; Murtitt, Jeweler. Nu'nda. 111. 17 cents will buy one pair of L*tll#»' Balbr'ggtMi Hose' at i ' itz&immouf & Evansen's.. The largest stock of Millinery Goods In the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. For that new dress pattern call on Stevens & Schuorr, They keep the la- est stj-les, and sell cheap. Iiuckevc Force Pumps, at E. M Owen's. We will save any one a little money on a good Overcoat. FITZSIMMOXS & EVANSOX. Grand Opening. Of Millinery and Fancy Goods, Cl.iaks and Dolmans. Cloak Trim:mt\gs Childreus Hoods, Rouching. Laces, Satin Pitches and Plumes. Ornaments of every description, size and color, will be sold both lite and early even* day from this date to Jan. 1st, 1881, re gardless (»jf price at MRS. II. H. NICHOLS' MILLINERY STORE, One Door North of Perry Jk Martin's Store, Mcllenry, 111. WE,LEAD AND DO NOT FOLLOW In prieen, style", quality and quaiitity of Fall and Winter Goods. Our Cloaki/Wrc thoroughly shrunk before cut. They are sewed strong and trimmed with a view to securing harmonious eflects of design. We know our Goods are superior iu shape, finish, and quality to anything ever iu thisjuarkel before aud our prices are as low as possible consistent with ex cellence of' quality and reliability of work. We invite the public in general to call and examine our stock. We are pleased to show goods at any time. MRS. II. II. NICHOLS. All the first-class Plows at E. M. Owen's. A fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Latter & Becker's neat the Depot. Parasols. Fan*. Ladles Lace Gloves ami Mitts now cheap at Fitzshnmons & Evans«:i 's Dry Goods aud Notions for every body and pr'.ces low at FlTZSIMMONS & EVAXSON'S. BUY THE BEST. When yon go to j 'our Grocers call for l he Ilanly New Pr-occss Flour, aud take uo other. If he don't keep it lie ttt&lit to, and no mistake. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES.Ac. We are now exhibiting a fine line of Top Buggies, Phaetons, open Bug gies, Platform Spring Wagons of liest make, and warranted at lowest prices. K. M. OWEN & SON. National Hack Labor Ticket For President, GEN. J. H. WE.AVER, Of low*. For Vice President. BENJAMIN J. CHAMBERS, Of Texas, f r edict <>iit iHl Klectors. AT LAJtGIC. Alox'iinlor Campbell Jesse llarpcr. BY DISTRICTS. 11tlt--W L Oliver, 1st--O J smith, ill -- It S Mealli, ;{I ^Kii-har.l (ii-iHlths, 4th--K f Itetive*, Sth--J M 1'iatL, titii--siuion Klliott, 7th --Fam-ett I'LTNNB, tilli--riiomas Woll 'c, nth--J It Xegle.v, LUILI-- S T She I ton, ti!tli--\ G M oitz, Wtti--F B lioliarl, Utli--Win I 'itt , 15th--U W DiUbv, l n i l i -- I , F - S t i r « l , 17lh--J A C'lemtfuing, INth-sHenry Winter. U»tli-<Jaiue« U Suiilli, I®*"We want a change," 'cries the forlorn Democratic party. Why, be cause tiie country is prosperous, is that your reason? Is it because the im mense debt contracted by Democratic war is being paid ofl rapidly, do yon want a uhauge on that account? Or is it because you want to Hnd that lost cause over which you shed so many tears?- Jt would seem that the Demo cratic reasons for wanting a change must be tlieso. Shall we grant them the change they ask for ? Must wj) in order to please the men who fought to destroy the union hand-it over to .then to control, tiiiii imperiling the ua safety? Let us prav not. Jgy*We know you are hiuigry, Denis --been out of fodder a long time, but you will have to wait--can't stand a gray coat rule just yet--the '"Boys in Blue'* *\ i ll continue to run the machine. STATE TICKET- For Governor, A. J. STREETER, of Mercer County, Lieutenant Governor, ANDREW B. ADAIR, of Chicago. Secretary, of Sthte, J. M. THOMPSON, of Wjll County, Troasnrcr, <3. W. EVANS, of Jeflcrson. Auditor, W. T. INGRAM, of Jackson. Attorney General, II. G. W111TLOCK, of Jacksonville. For Congress, E- W. BLA1SDELL, of Rockford. Member Boar>l of.Kqunlieatiou, J, II. BIXBY, MOJIIIKT state Senate, 8th District, jTHOS. McD. RICHARDS, Member of Legislature,*8thit)igtricl,] JOHN II. DORAN, S votes. County Ticket For Cir«-nit Clerk. GEORGE B. RICHARDS,- Plates Attorney That Tea sold by Fitzshnmons A Evanson at ">0 cents per pound '.s the li:i«-st new Jap for the monev sold in this county. If you don't think so, just try some. PRICKS REDUCED! One half on our entire line of Em- broidery. Call ami secure Ihese bar gains. STKVKNS A SCHNORK. We have the largest and best select ed stock of Gloves And Mittens of every dlseription. ever kept in this town. We are sure we have just what you want in this line, and, at close prices. STKVKNS A SCHNITKK. liars and caps for men, vouths and boys in endless varieties and at such decided bargains we are bound te cre ate a boom iu this department. Come at once and see lor yourselves. FnzsiMsioxs A EVANSON. . CIDER MILL. The Cider Mill of JOHN W. SMITH, at his farm, one mile south ot Ring- wood* i3 now In first class running or der. where all can have their apples made into cider or. short notice, and In the best of manner. This is One of tlte best Mills in this section, and no pains will be spared lo please all who comc. JOHN W. SMITH. MARRIED. ELLSWORTH--KNIGHT.--At the bote!#* Genoa, Wis., Oct. l. 'Hh ISSO, by He v. F. J. Douglass. Mr. Kusil K. Ellsworth of Seneea, ami Miss Georetta KmgHt ot Woodstock. It E YXOI. D3--F E I.I.OWS.--At the real* di'iico of Mr. T. H. Fellows, in Gonnx, Wl», Oct. 20th 1880, by the He v. I\ J. DouglitM, Mr, Clarence "y. Reynolds, of liaudati, Kenoslia Co. Wis., and Miss Katie I-. Fi|l- . lows. . ft^fsORT OF THS CON X>IrJ?IO -OF- THE FIRST NATIONAL BAKI At Woodstock, II il noisy --AT-- .. Cose of Busiii883 Oct, 1st '8® RBSOCRCKS • Loans and dtaeounts .f : Overdrafts 1,11MB IT. s. IJiimls to secure circulation... M.flnow U. S. Itomts 011 band 1750 M Dee from ap|irove< reserve agents. 1S ,U8667 Due from other National B^nke M,M033 Iteal estate, furniture and fixtures 4,Mtt Current expenses and taxes paid.. 1,714 3ft I'rem iiinis ualtl *10# Clieeks ana other ca«t» lteia»........ SIV I'.ills of other latHks 1.S81 CO Fiv'i paper cur. nickels & pennies.. W 47 Sjieeie 7^M Ot I.i 'sial tender notes 8,000 W Hedempti«n fund with U. S. Treas- uvcr (5 per rent of circulation)..^ . S^WOO Due from U. S. Treasurer other than 5 pur cent Redemption fund.... ... ToUl .,..."5555,6145 • LIABILITIES. Capital stack paid In «... S#,0800# Surplus fund 30,80**1 tlndivided profits 4,WN NationaI Itank notes outstanding.... 45,00000 Indiridnal deposits snltjtct to check 131,14441 Demand certificates of deposit 1,131 V Total STATE OP ILLINOIS,, Cook*» Citler Mill. Two miles Northwest of Wmiconda. is nov prepared with TWO FIRST-CLASS PKKSsKS. to make your Apples into Ci der on short notice aud iu the best man ner. PRICE 50CENTS PER BARREL. Give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaction in every {particular. M. COOK. IWRXTORS employing attornies fas miliar with practice.in the Patent OiHce. rarely fail of securing patent Experience ensures success in prosecut ing contested entries and Mineral I.and claims before die Genera) Land Office. Long practice gives success in securing pensions. Presbrey it Green. Attor neys. 509 Seventh street. Washington D. C. Iiavo had long experience in all brandies of practice before ilie Depart ments, Parties having buisi |u?s shoiiUl address the ID (enclosing stamp) for in form at ion. New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cents a yard and up wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block FOK SALE. The undersigned hat a line votmg Poland -China Boar for Sale. He is from Hunt's celebrated stock, and is a very desirable animal. I wish to dis pose of him as lie is too closely connect ed with my present stock. Will be sold cheap. JOHN W. SMITH. FOR SALE. 40 Acres of land in Section 12. al! fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house aud bam thereon, with timber and water in abundance, in Scc- t ion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nuuda road. Good new bouse, 'barn itiid other outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLLSKY. NEW Fall Millinery, latest styles, just received at Mrs. S. Searles'. McHenry Cider Mill. The Cider Mill, at Bishop's Wagon Factory, is now in tip top running or der, and Apples will be made into Cider,, on short notice at 2cents per gulloth lirinj? uloiig your Apples AIHI we will try and please you. It. BISHOP. Me Henry, III. Q.'l.litli, l*-0. OVERWEAR AND UNDERWEAR. * You will need bolii before Spring. Come and see us we never sell au un dershirt uule»s it fits. rtT/>l»IMONS & EVANSOX. Just received all the latest Styles and shades of winter Millinery, MRS. E. W.HOWE. fOlS,) tv, [ ' McHenry Count; I, John J. Murphy, Cashier of tl.O above named Hunk, do solemnly swear that Ike above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN J. Meantr. Cashier* Subscribed and sworn to before me this 111 dav of Oct., iaai>, a 11. DogJfBixY, Notary Pablî , ConaBCT--Attest: , FRRKMAX WpiTIlUfc W. H. 4TRWA1IT K. «•:. i Hew Stoc^ Just Heodivod. Compri8itv» Bnrh Wire. Nails ot all Sizes, Bolts, Hinges, Hoes, Carpeuteriug UtcnsiU, TXXT-WAXUS, CROCKERY. Glass Ware, Baskets, Brushes, of all kiuds, which will be Soli AT ROCK BOTTOM Print J^-(^ll and Soe Me.^ F- WELLS. Wauconda, 111., Oct. 2$tfer. . To Tin Psblic, Who are always interested In l>uvin«jf '5^ i V 1 xj\ • KOI! UK N I'. The celebrateti Ford^ Photograph Oilioty, the only Gallery in the village of jtfcileury. A tirst-class location.-- Possession given at once. Apply, to E, M, OWEN. for Sheriff, W. II. MUDGETT For Coroiu-r, O. W. HORN". I. sr. MKAD. V' IL.NT. For Buckeye Harvester, Binder ant Jiowiny Macblue, Mcllenry. HI. Ileal' Yo! Hear Ye! W h e n buying your fall am! winter Clothing dont fail to examine the stock just purchased by F. G. Mayes, its his stuck is now complete and bought for cash at the late decline in gooiis. liis assortment of Cassimeres and Worsted* for suiting is worthy of yonr especial attention and will bo made up to order at the lowest prices for rtuo goodo sunt l b vt^iktuau- siiin. . . K.G.MAYES. McItiBry, 111., Oct. Mth, Keeds Gi|t Ed^e Toaic euros Fever CHEAP, We wout«t HKe to call *h«tl» ¥*?§& " elioice lot o( ^ BBQCASB SB15S S00S$, -AT- 10 c^nu Per Yur^; A OF J CJI V EROOAT8, ' < At»i50 UU<1 II pnartta. .\i\utlW*> thp»« p b i A T* -- 5 Cents Per Y# That sell so fhst. In t)M OraMrjr have a s(»ecial Uor»Mu »a»4k*r, via: Ifttbs Goo^i Prune* f«r II, 7 tbs. Bio tUitlev for Rational Yeast C»kes To per a lb C4U* iitiitue Qe4U4 10c Dtt1 for 23c. ' / , I ' . . .- Come ami see m tint) **• P0' n, Yolu, nr.,Oct, fa r , -J iLarf':