Hiidwip *r OR. 9,1 R: TM« PUBLIC LANDS. 9 11. Parties who h*r« Already matle •nirWt sinter the timber cnlttire acts of Ms** td, 1873, and March 13th, 1874, ftf which the act of Jane Wto, 1878. i« mucixlntoiy, insy coflipJctc the same iviuiiiiniKc wliti iho rfjqii! 16 uic u is of the latter act; that U they may rlo •objr showing, at the time of) mrikfng their teal proof, that they liare had ander cultivation, as required by the Ml of June 14,1878, an amount of tim ber sufficient to make the] nuirtber of •ore* required thereby, being one- fourth the number required by the former Acta. It will be sufficient for this if the parties show that of the entire area embraced in their respec tive entries they hare cultivated in timber for the period required by the act of 1878 an area not less than one sixteenth part; and that they have then growing upon such cultivated area the prescribed number of M living •ad thrifty trees,** viz., 0,750, where |J»« entry is for 160 acres; 8,375, where It Is for 80 acres; and 1,688 Where it la for 40 acres or less. III. The following regulations are prescribed pursuant to the fifth sec tion of the act of June 14,1878, viz.: 1. The register and receiver will sot restrict entries under this act to •ae quarter section only la each sec tion as was formerly done under the acts to which this Is amendatory, but >|ay allow entries to be made of sub- 4ifriftioiie|of different quartet* of the tame sect low; provided that each entry , vital! form|a compart body not exceed ing one huftd'edf itmf sixty^ acres and that not more than that quantity •hall be entered In any one section* Before allowing any entry applied for, they will by a careful examination of the plat and tract books with refor- •ace to any previous entry or entries within^the limits of the same section. •Stisfy themselves that the desired ••lr3Cj8*«dmi8sable under this rule. 1. When they shall hare satisfied themselves that tho lland ^applied £for It properly subject to such entry, they Will require the jfparty to make the Inscribed affidavit and to pay the fee afid that part of the commissions payable at the date of entry, and the receiver wiJU issue hit receipt .therefor t» duplicate/giving the party; a du plicate receipt. They will number the entry in its order, in a separate series •<|fnumbers^uuless they have already .a aeries under the to which tiris aot is amendatory, in which case they will number the entry as one ofj;tliat series;they will'note the entry on their records and reporj it In their :»onthly returns, sending up all the papers therein, with an abstract of the entries allowed during the month under this act. If the affidavit is tfQade before a justice of the peace, Which the act admits of, his official "Character and the genuineness of his signature must be certified under seal* 8. When a contest is instituted, as, "Contemplated in the third section of the actfof June 14,{1878, the contestant wlli.be allowed to make application to enter the land. The register will thereupon*indorse upon the applica tion the date of its ̂ presentation, (jand will make the »pplicationjand the con testant's affidavit setting forth the grounds of contest, the basis of further proceedings, these papers to accom pany the report'submitting the case to the General 'Land {Office. Should the contest result in the cancellation of the contested entry, the contestant pay then perfect his own, but no prefa ^orence right will be allowed unless ap- fSficatfon is made by'hlin at .the' date of instituting contest. B*. In all cases under tbis£act it wUl be required that trees shall be culti Tated which shall be of the class.Includ- Od'ln the term "Timber* the cultiva tion of shrubbery and fruit Jtrees not $|lng sufficient. S. The applications, affidavits and receipts in entries allowed under the act of June 14,1878. will be made out ...according to the forms hereto attached t--Kos. 48.48, and 50. [No. 48.] § TIMBER CULTURE--ACTFOF JUNE 14,1878. APPLICATION NO!... I..* lie reby apply to enter, Under the provisions of the act of Juno 14,1878,entitled '•An Act to amend an act entitled 'An Act to encourage the growth of timber on the Western Prairlen,* *» the of section in township. ...of range... .containing... acre*, * f i L<Ori> OFFICE AT. ... ' DATE. .. .18.. register of the land Office, do hereby certify that the a bo ye application is of the class of lands Whicli the applicant is legally entitled to enter, under the provisions of the timber culture act of June 14. 1878* tiiai iiiere it no prior valid adverse' right to the same, and that the land therein described, together with the lands heretofore entered under the ace, and the acts of which this ig amendatory in the said section, does «ot exceed one quarter thereof. • • • RegUter. BASKKT MAKING. The undersigned la prepared to fur nish Wllfcw Baskets of his own make, of all kinds. Fine Baskets a specialty. Market, Clothes, and .ill other Baskets made to order. Will also repair all kindaof light work. Give me a call.-- First House South of the Claremont House, on the McHenry mid Richmond road. „ „ YIQK WINKLES. MnRenrr. 18 th. 1879. WSHBHHBSSS Slew Hardware store. I. N. MEAD! ' 'I - i-"':" ^ • A;- • ttx: ->•> ' * V ' ' NKAB jTHK XlKPOJ^'^ !( STOVES, | Tii. Copper aid Sheet Iron Van, Table an<1 Pocket Cntlerv, Scissors and Shears, Horse Rasps, Horse Shoes, Horseshoe Nails, and * iles of EVERY description. Also everything that is generally kept in a Hard- ware Store. Being a Practical t Workman, I shall spare no pains In tryina to give Mrttw* faction to all who favor me Withf their pathrew age. All kinds of Jibing In my line wiltrecelve prompt attetQlftm. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere when In need of anything in my I. II- MEAD- It is Ow Ail to IT* THE- Boot and Shoe Business, And to do this we have brought to McHenry Co. this Fall, more foot wear than ever befora Our store is headquarters for the cele brated SELZ Boots and Shoes. We buy and sell more goods in our line than all other dealers in Woodstock, and buy and sell for Cash. Also are the only exclusive dealers in Boots and Shoes in the County. • ' > 3£X. 9D^f$^BTX493EC<3CV - WOODSTOOK,ILL, • - • i ry * 3** ; V* ' Sfr1 :/V r^ 2# V1 t -« 2"» ii * 1 a line * McHenry, Oct. IQt^. 1879. JOHN8BURCH MarllBjoris. HENRY MILLER, -OTAL*B IN-- American M lereip MarWe. Hoaumenta, Headstones, ETC.^KTC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc Henry, III. / Johnaburgh, Aug. 30th,?lt7T C. Henry, Nunda, - - - Illinois COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALERS IX-- General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENY, ILL. We have one of the most complete stocks of Goods ever brought to this* market, consisting in part ot Dry J BOOTS AND SHOES, Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, • «R Crockery, Glassware, W ooden and Willoware, Groceries, Etc., Etc t^~We have one of the finest Stocks of Teas to be found in the county, to which we invite the especial attention of the public, sat isfied that we can suit them both in quality and price. --DEALER lu ll % _ ; • • • &' ;.V V IMwi Omn- Advaticiiig year*, care, olcknes*, rltg. apfolntment. and hereditary predit. pocltlon--all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to •lied, prematurely. AYEK'S HAIR VIGOR will restore faded or gray, light r« rl Itair to* rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It soften* •nd cleanses the scalp, giving it a lMMt§|iy action. It remorei and cures "" 1«nd humors. By its use fall- * diecked. and a new growth : produced in all oa*es where tlie are not destroyed or the »ycd. Its effects are bean ti ll «n brashy, weak, or sickly pltidtt a few applications will the IJIOSR and fieshness of irluless and sure lu its oper- >mpHrable as a dressing, i"y valued for the ?oft of tone It impart*, ^eftb^r oil nor dye. and ll-tififfcor folbr white cambric; L twit* on the liftli' t Icesli •0<T flgoiotti, VJ Agricultual Machinery, Of All Kinds, Agent for the towns of Algonqnin, Knnda and McHenry for the celebrated Macormiek Machines, All KINDS of machinery sold a g cheap as any other dealer in the County. Give me a call. Nunda, June lSth, 1880. C- HENRY JOS. WIEDEMANN, Assent Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, McHenry, III. Beer in 1*arge orjSmall Kegs or nottlesffcl-wavu on hand cheaper than any other, quali ty considered. This lleer has A world WIDE reputation, and good JUDGES acknowledge it cannot UE sur- passed intbe world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. MeHenry. 111. Mav 5th, 1880.* Established Over a Quarter oi a Century. F. C. MAYES, --AND DEALER IN-- Ready-Made Clothing. Cloths, Cassimere and WORSTEDS to sell by theviird. The latest etvles of (TOODS on hand clotV.TM uiv̂ U'. ;:iA.DV"iDE Will not be Undersold Store in Old McHenry, near the Bridge. P. C. MAYKft. McHenry, 111., Nov. HTKT»:T The Largest Stock of S T O V E S , Hardware Iron anfl Steel, In the county Please call and examine. T, WOODSTOCK, IZ-LINO. S. business now before the public JjJliO 1. You can make money faster ftt work for us than at anyiliinK else. Capital not required. We wilTotart you. fl2 » day and upwards made at home l>y the industri- ou». Men, women, hoys and girls wanted everywhere to work for n«. Now ia the tunc You can devote your whole tiine to the work, or only vour spare moment*. Noother^ Wusi- ness will i>a>' you nearly well. No one willing to work can fail to make enormous pav hv engaging atonce. Costly outfit and terms"free. A great op|K»rtunity for making money eas i ly and honorab ly . A ' ld ress TRUE ft Co., Augusta, Maine. SUSE n SUCCESS. T. J. DACY! --Has recently Purchased-- At one time 60 of which he re ceived last week and the balance aie now* on the road, and I have this day sent my order for 60 more to be shipped in June. The increasing demand for the well-made, durable, thorougnl^ tested and low priced arriagfes *0 WITH FOR Business AND Society. BY FA IS tiie best Business and AO£ia! Gnide and Hand-Hook ever oubhshed. Much the latest. It tetlA l>nth sexes completely HOW TO IH> EVKKVTHINO in the best way, How to be Your Own Lawyer, How to do Business Correctly and Successfully How to Act in society an«'l in every part of life, and contains a gold mine of varied Information, indispensable to all classes for constant ref-, crence, AOKNTs W * >TKO for-ell or H]»:ire time. To know why this bnok of REAL value and attractions sells better than any other, apply for terms to made byf n, Fisher & Co., which ar , | d to every part of the Noi i \ ej'ican ontinent The favoi • <* eputation these Carriages nave made in McHenry county, where they have been used for several years by Livery men. physkiftns and larmers, has led to such a demand for them that we are obliged to resort to selling them at Auction in neigh boring towns. Every carriage sold by us is warranted for one year. Oqr stock is complete and mnch larger than can be found with any retail dealer in the Northwest. T. J DACY- I Woodstock, June 9th, '80. cHenry, 111 --DEALER IN-- Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, and Toilet Articles. Pure Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal Use. Also Bottled Ale and Por ter for Family Use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give me a Can. C W BCSLEY McHenry, 111., Aug. 20th, 1879. " " " TTTJ'T T>YOL rRSELVK8 by making mon- 11 IJIJI ey when a Kolden chance is off ered, thereby alwnvH keening poverty from your floor. Those who always take adv»n- tajre of the good chances for 'making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many men, women, boys and girls to work for us ritrht in their own localities. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. We furnish an expensive outfit and all that you need, free. No one who engages fails t make money very rapidly. Yon can devot your whole time to the work, or only you sjjare moments. Full information and al that is needed sent five. Address, STIMlKm ft CO., Portland, Sltfee. JACOB STORY. McHENRY. ILL. DEALER IN Sclssorsi Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Window Glass. CRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J. 8TCRY. Attention! A. H. HAHLY t We are Not closing out, but are better prepared than ever to ghe close bargains on all kinds of Farm Machinery. We make a speciality of ill the leading Machinery, among which are Walter A. Wood Reapers and Mowers, Peerless combined Reap ers, Leader Reapers* the celebrated Manny and Standard Mowers. Furst & Bradley's ultivators, Rakes and Plows. Four leading Cultivators. The celebrated and unrivaled igcr Rake, Hollings- \i orth Rakes and sev^fal others. ' PUMPS! * PUMPS! PUMPS! We also have a full assortment of the celebrated BUCKEYE FORCE PUMP always on hand. Also the Adams Kenosha for a Wood Pnmp. / We keep an assortment ol Wagons and Buggies ot all kinds. Also Howe's Planters, and in fact everything that a farmer wants. fsglf in want of^anything in our line do not fail to call as we know we can suit you, at the Old Stand, opposite the Mill. B. ML. OWE3. Ac SON. " ! " ' / >! -^ROPMKTO* or n>^' * licHENRlr nbab im DEPot. MtHenry, " Illinois The ptiWic arc respcotfully i,i- formed that the above named fiRm have constantly Oil Imiid i' large stock of the vei*Jf V - • Finest Flour, Boiled Meal, Feed, &o. ^ e have unusual facilities fore man ufacturing and are well pie paired to do Mom Wort With all possible dispatch* and we are confident that no ill in the North west can surp°ss us. either in the promptness of work done for^customers, or IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY f5ir*MERCHANTS and others who handle Flour are especially requested to give us a call, as our ditferent Brands of Fldir are second to none in the^narlet Thanking the public for past favors Ave hope for a contkiu|nce of the same A. H. HANLY & SONS McHenry, 111, Aug 10,1880 Ready for Fall Trader „ OLE! Has just put in his Store a Largre StocK than ever, and is selling at the very Lowest Prices possible. HAYE GIVEN PRICES BELOW. Extension Tables, $1. per foot. Breakfast Tables, all walnut, $3.75. Centre Tables, from $3.50 and upwards. Common Bed steads, $2.75, $3.00 French black walnut bedsteads, $5.75 and upwards. Common Kitchen Chairs, $3. Cane Seat Chairs $5 up to $14, Bureaus $9 and upwards. Commodes and Wash- stands, $4.50 and upwaida. Lounges, Brussels Q rpet, $8. Mattresses, all sizes, $2.75. Bu reau, with 14x24 Glass, $15. Looking Glasses and Brackets, Wall Pockets, etc. I also keep on hand a fine sortment of COFFINS AND CASEETS. ISF^Hearse furnished at re& sonable rates. JOHN B. BLAKK McHenry, August 23, 1880. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MCOIOINS TRADE MARK, tbe great En<tMi TRADE MARK. Itemedjr; A0 i anfolllngoere I ' Remtnml Vnk. i Spcnmtor- rt«», tapauaar, »nd all dlieaara tfett follow a*. «e- •> «• m i. q«rnce of w'^aawMPrai Before TaMa*. Abow; ui^uot After Takia*. Memof, s UrtTerwl Lauitude. rain In the Back. DIshmmoT I tmiuu, Pr*ttatn™ Old Age, and amoy other w Ikas taad to Insanity or CoDsumption. and a Premature C rata. CT^uli particulari In our pamphlet, which wedulrat* aend free by mail to etery one. Cj="Tte Specific MadfaHntto •old bj all dragglau at$l per packafe, *r tlx pme 96* or wiU be aant fraa by ""H ^ aaca^i ti iba i THE GBAT KEDICI5K CO., TRADE MARK. Tba great EnclMi TRADE MARK. JRemedjr; AS anft>llln(acre Mr SentlDal Weak. •aaa, Bpennator- F rkca, Tatpoteocr, and all dlieaaea Uiat follow aa a w qnenee af Salf- "ivOHPni 3oId In McHcnry, and Si where by all i>ro*irl*t». A/J/J a week la your own town. fS nntVt. ^l)v) froe. No risk. Reader, if you wants bu>incs at which persons of either sex CM make preut pay n i l the t ime they work , wr iM for iMirtteitiar* ki U. /Ud>*VT A Gtiw, HK> Un«V Uaiue.